#include "DisplayListExporter.h" #include "Main.h" #include "../ZAPD/ZFile.h" #include #include #include "Lib/StrHash64.h" #include "spdlog/spdlog.h" #include "PR/ultra64/gbi.h" #include #include #include #include "MtxExporter.h" #include #include "VersionInfo.h" #define GFX_SIZE 8 #define gsDPSetCombineLERP2(a0, b0, c0, d0, Aa0, Ab0, Ac0, Ad0, \ a1, b1, c1, d1, Aa1, Ab1, Ac1, Ad1) \ { \ _SHIFTL(G_SETCOMBINE, 24, 8) | \ _SHIFTL(GCCc0w0(a0, c0, \ Aa0, Ac0) | \ GCCc1w0(a1, c1), 0, 24), \ (unsigned int)(GCCc0w1(b0, d0, \ Ab0, Ad0) | \ GCCc1w1(b1, Aa1, \ Ac1, d1, \ Ab1, Ad1)) \ } typedef int32_t Mtx_t[4][4]; typedef union Mtx { //_Alignas(8) Mtx_t m; int32_t l[16]; struct { int16_t i[16]; uint16_t f[16]; }; } Mtx; #define gsSPBranchLessZraw2(dl, vtx, zval) \ { _SHIFTL(G_BRANCH_Z,24,8)|_SHIFTL((vtx)*5,12,12)|_SHIFTL((vtx)*2,0,12),\ (unsigned int)(zval), } #define gsSPBranchLessZraw3(dl) \ { _SHIFTL(G_RDPHALF_1,24,8), \ (unsigned int)(dl), } #define gsDPWordLo(wordlo) \ gsImmp1(G_RDPHALF_2, (unsigned int)(wordlo)) #define gsSPTextureRectangle2(xl, yl, xh, yh, tile) \ { (_SHIFTL(G_TEXRECT, 24, 8) | _SHIFTL(xh, 12, 12) | _SHIFTL(yh, 0, 12)),\ (_SHIFTL(tile, 24, 3) | _SHIFTL(xl, 12, 12) | _SHIFTL(yl, 0, 12)) } void OTRExporter_DisplayList::Save(ZResource* res, const fs::path& outPath, BinaryWriter* writer) { ZDisplayList* dList = (ZDisplayList*)res; //printf("Exporting DList %s\n", dList->GetName().c_str()); WriteHeader(res, outPath, writer, Ship::ResourceType::DisplayList); while (writer->GetBaseAddress() % 8 != 0) writer->Write((uint8_t)0xFF); // DEBUG: Write in a marker Declaration* dbgDecl = dList->parent->GetDeclaration(dList->GetRawDataIndex()); std::string dbgName = StringHelper::Sprintf("%s\\%s", GetParentFolderName(res).c_str(), dbgDecl->varName.c_str()); uint64_t hash = CRC64(dbgName.c_str()); writer->Write((uint32_t)(G_MARKER << 24)); writer->Write((uint32_t)0xBEEFBEEF); writer->Write((uint32_t)(hash >> 32)); writer->Write((uint32_t)(hash & 0xFFFFFFFF)); auto dlStart = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); //for (auto data : dList->instructions) for (int dataIdx = 0; dataIdx < dList->instructions.size(); dataIdx++) { auto data = dList->instructions[dataIdx]; uint32_t word0 = 0; uint32_t word1 = 0; uint8_t opcode = (uint8_t)(data >> 56); F3DZEXOpcode opF3D = (F3DZEXOpcode)opcode; if ((int)opF3D == G_DL)// || (int)opF3D == G_BRANCH_Z) opcode = (uint8_t)G_DL_OTR; if ((int)opF3D == G_MTX) opcode = (uint8_t)G_MTX_OTR; if ((int)opF3D == G_BRANCH_Z) opcode = (uint8_t)G_BRANCH_Z_OTR; if ((int)opF3D == G_VTX) opcode = (uint8_t)G_VTX_OTR; if ((int)opF3D == G_SETTIMG) opcode = (uint8_t)G_SETTIMG_OTR; word0 += (opcode << 24); switch ((int)opF3D) { case G_NOOP: { Gfx value = gsDPNoOp(); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } break; case G_ENDDL: { Gfx value = gsSPEndDisplayList(); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } break; case G_MODIFYVTX: { int32_t ww = (data & 0x00FF000000000000ULL) >> 48; int32_t nnnn = (data & 0x0000FFFF00000000ULL) >> 32; int32_t vvvvvvvv = (data & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFULL); Gfx value = gsSPModifyVertex(nnnn / 2, ww, vvvvvvvv); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } break; default: { printf("Undefined opcode: %02X\n", opcode); //word0 = _byteswap_ulong((uint32_t)(data >> 32)); //word1 = _byteswap_ulong((uint32_t)(data & 0xFFFFFFFF)); } break; case G_GEOMETRYMODE: { int32_t cccccc = (data & 0x00FFFFFF00000000) >> 32; int32_t ssssssss = (data & 0xFFFFFFFF); Gfx value = gsSPGeometryMode(~cccccc, ssssssss); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } break; case G_RDPPIPESYNC: { Gfx value = gsDPPipeSync(); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } break; case G_RDPLOADSYNC: { Gfx value = gsDPLoadSync(); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } break; case G_RDPTILESYNC: { Gfx value = gsDPTileSync(); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } break; case G_RDPFULLSYNC: { Gfx value = gsDPFullSync(); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } break; case G_RDPSETOTHERMODE: { int32_t hhhhhh = (data & 0x00FFFFFF00000000) >> 32; int32_t llllllll = (data & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF); Gfx value = gsDPSetOtherMode(hhhhhh, llllllll); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } break; case G_POPMTX: { Gfx value = gsSPPopMatrix(data); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } break; case G_SETENVCOLOR: { uint8_t r = (uint8_t)((data & 0xFF000000) >> 24); uint8_t g = (uint8_t)((data & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); uint8_t b = (uint8_t)((data & 0xFF00FF00) >> 8); uint8_t a = (uint8_t)((data & 0x000000FF) >> 0); Gfx value = gsDPSetEnvColor(r, g, b, a); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } break; case G_MTX: { if ((!Globals::Instance->HasSegment(GETSEGNUM(data))) || ((data & 0xFFFFFFFF) == 0x07000000)) // En_Zf and En_Ny place a DL in segment 7 { uint32_t pp = (data & 0x000000FF00000000) >> 32; uint32_t mm = (data & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF); pp ^= G_MTX_PUSH; mm = (mm & 0x0FFFFFFF) + 0xF0000000; Gfx value = gsSPMatrix(mm, pp); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } else { uint32_t pp = (data & 0x000000FF00000000) >> 32; uint32_t mm = (data & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF); pp ^= G_MTX_PUSH; Gfx value = gsSPMatrix(mm, pp); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; word0 = (word0 & 0x00FFFFFF) + (G_MTX_OTR << 24); Declaration* mtxDecl = dList->parent->GetDeclaration(GETSEGOFFSET(mm)); int bp = 0; writer->Write(word0); writer->Write(word1); if (mtxDecl != nullptr) { std::string vName = StringHelper::Sprintf("%s\\%s", (GetParentFolderName(res).c_str()), mtxDecl->varName.c_str()); uint64_t hash = CRC64(vName.c_str()); word0 = hash >> 32; word1 = hash & 0xFFFFFFFF; } else { word0 = 0; word1 = 0; spdlog::error(StringHelper::Sprintf("dListDecl == nullptr! Addr = {:08X}", GETSEGOFFSET(data))); } } } break; case G_LOADBLOCK: { int32_t sss = (data & 0x00FFF00000000000) >> 48; int32_t ttt = (data & 0x00000FFF00000000) >> 36; int32_t i = (data & 0x000000000F000000) >> 24; int32_t xxx = (data & 0x0000000000FFF000) >> 12; int32_t ddd = (data & 0x0000000000000FFF); Gfx value = gsDPLoadBlock(i, sss, ttt, xxx, ddd); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } break; case G_CULLDL: { int32_t vvvv = (data & 0xFFFF00000000) >> 32; int32_t wwww = (data & 0x0000FFFF); Gfx value = gsSPCullDisplayList(vvvv / 2, wwww / 2); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } break; case G_RDPHALF_1: { auto data2 = dList->instructions[dataIdx + 1]; if ((data2 >> 56) != G_BRANCH_Z) { uint32_t a = (data & 0x00FFF00000000000) >> 44; uint32_t b = (data & 0x00000FFF00000000) >> 32; uint32_t z = (data & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF) >> 0; uint32_t h = (data & 0xFFFFFFFF); Gfx value = gsSPBranchLessZraw3(h & 0x00FFFFFF); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } else { word0 = (G_NOOP << 24); word1 = 0; } } break; case G_RDPHALF_2: { Gfx value = gsDPWordLo(data & 0xFFFFFFFF); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } break; case G_TEXRECT: { int32_t xxx = (data & 0x00FFF00000000000) >> 44; int32_t yyy = (data & 0x00000FFF00000000) >> 32; int32_t i = (data & 0x000000000F000000) >> 24; int32_t XXX = (data & 0x0000000000FFF000) >> 12; int32_t YYY = (data & 0x0000000000000FFF); Gfx value = gsSPTextureRectangle2(XXX, YYY, xxx, yyy, i); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } break; case G_BRANCH_Z: { uint32_t a = (data & 0x00FFF00000000000) >> 44; uint32_t b = (data & 0x00000FFF00000000) >> 32; uint32_t z = (data & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF) >> 0; uint32_t h = (data & 0xFFFFFFFF); auto data2 = dList->instructions[dataIdx - 1]; uint32_t dListPtr = GETSEGOFFSET(data2); Declaration* dListDecl = dList->parent->GetDeclaration(dListPtr); int bp = 0; Gfx value = gsSPBranchLessZraw2(0xDEADABCD, (a / 5) | (b / 2), z); word0 = (value.words.w0 & 0x00FFFFFF) + (G_BRANCH_Z_OTR << 24); word1 = value.words.w1; writer->Write(word0); writer->Write(word1); if (dListDecl != nullptr) { std::string vName = StringHelper::Sprintf("%s\\%s", (GetParentFolderName(res).c_str()), dListDecl->varName.c_str()); uint64_t hash = CRC64(vName.c_str()); word0 = hash >> 32; word1 = hash & 0xFFFFFFFF; } else { word0 = 0; word1 = 0; spdlog::error(StringHelper::Sprintf("dListDecl == nullptr! Addr = {:08X}", GETSEGOFFSET(data))); } for (size_t i = 0; i < dList->otherDLists.size(); i++) { Declaration* dListDecl2 = dList->parent->GetDeclaration(GETSEGOFFSET(dList->otherDLists[i]->GetRawDataIndex())); if (dListDecl2 != nullptr) { //std::string fName = StringHelper::Sprintf("%s\\%s", GetParentFolderName(res).c_str(), dListDecl2->varName.c_str()); std::string fName = OTRExporter_DisplayList::GetPathToRes(res, dListDecl2->varName.c_str()); if (!File::Exists("Extract\\" + fName)) { MemoryStream* dlStream = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter dlWriter = BinaryWriter(dlStream); Save(dList->otherDLists[i], outPath, &dlWriter); #ifdef _DEBUG //if (otrArchive->HasFile(fName)) //otrArchive->RemoveFile(fName); #endif File::WriteAllBytes("Extract\\" + fName, dlStream->ToVector()); //otrArchive->AddFile(fName, (uintptr_t)dlStream->ToVector().data(), dlWriter.GetBaseAddress()); } } else { spdlog::error(StringHelper::Sprintf("dListDecl2 == nullptr! Addr = {:08X}", GETSEGOFFSET(data))); } } //Gfx value = gsSPBranchLessZraw2(h & 0x00FFFFFF, (a / 5) | (b / 2), z); //word0 = value.words.w0; //word1 = value.words.w1; } break; //case G_BRANCH_Z: case G_DL: { if ((!Globals::Instance->HasSegment(GETSEGNUM(data)) && (int)opF3D != G_BRANCH_Z) || ((data & 0xFFFFFFFF) == 0x07000000)) // En_Zf and En_Ny place a DL in segment 7 { int32_t pp = (data & 0x00FF000000000000) >> 56; Gfx value; u32 dListVal = (data & 0x0FFFFFFF) + 0xF0000000; if (pp != 0) value = gsSPBranchList(dListVal); else value = gsSPDisplayList(dListVal); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } else { uint32_t dListPtr = GETSEGOFFSET(data); if ((int)opF3D == G_BRANCH_Z) { auto data2 = dList->instructions[dataIdx - 1]; dListPtr = GETSEGOFFSET(data2); } else { int bp = 0; } Declaration* dListDecl = dList->parent->GetDeclaration(dListPtr); int bp = 0; writer->Write(word0); writer->Write(word1); if (dListDecl != nullptr) { std::string vName = StringHelper::Sprintf("%s\\%s", (GetParentFolderName(res).c_str()), dListDecl->varName.c_str()); uint64_t hash = CRC64(vName.c_str()); word0 = hash >> 32; word1 = hash & 0xFFFFFFFF; } else { word0 = 0; word1 = 0; spdlog::error(StringHelper::Sprintf("dListDecl == nullptr! Addr = {:08X}", GETSEGOFFSET(data))); } for (size_t i = 0; i < dList->otherDLists.size(); i++) { Declaration* dListDecl2 = dList->parent->GetDeclaration(GETSEGOFFSET(dList->otherDLists[i]->GetRawDataIndex())); if (dListDecl2 != nullptr) { //std::string fName = StringHelper::Sprintf("%s\\%s", GetParentFolderName(res).c_str(), dListDecl2->varName.c_str()); std::string fName = OTRExporter_DisplayList::GetPathToRes(res, dListDecl2->varName.c_str()); if (!File::Exists("Extract\\" + fName)) { MemoryStream* dlStream = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter dlWriter = BinaryWriter(dlStream); Save(dList->otherDLists[i], outPath, &dlWriter); File::WriteAllBytes("Extract\\" + fName, dlStream->ToVector()); } } else { spdlog::error(StringHelper::Sprintf("dListDecl2 == nullptr! Addr = {:08X}", GETSEGOFFSET(data))); } } } } break; case G_TEXTURE: { int32_t ____ = (data & 0x0000FFFF00000000) >> 32; int32_t ssss = (data & 0x00000000FFFF0000) >> 16; int32_t tttt = (data & 0x000000000000FFFF); int32_t lll = (____ & 0x3800) >> 11; int32_t ddd = (____ & 0x700) >> 8; int32_t nnnnnnn = (____ & 0xFE) >> 1; Gfx value = gsSPTexture(ssss, tttt, lll, ddd, nnnnnnn); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } break; case G_TRI1: { int32_t aa = ((data & 0x00FF000000000000ULL) >> 48) / 2; int32_t bb = ((data & 0x0000FF0000000000ULL) >> 40) / 2; int32_t cc = ((data & 0x000000FF00000000ULL) >> 32) / 2; Gfx test = gsSP1Triangle(aa, bb, cc, 0); word0 = test.words.w0; word1 = test.words.w1; } break; case G_TRI2: { int32_t aa = ((data & 0x00FF000000000000ULL) >> 48) / 2; int32_t bb = ((data & 0x0000FF0000000000ULL) >> 40) / 2; int32_t cc = ((data & 0x000000FF00000000ULL) >> 32) / 2; int32_t dd = ((data & 0x00000000FF0000ULL) >> 16) / 2; int32_t ee = ((data & 0x0000000000FF00ULL) >> 8) / 2; int32_t ff = ((data & 0x000000000000FFULL) >> 0) / 2; Gfx test = gsSP2Triangles(aa, bb, cc, 0, dd, ee, ff, 0); word0 = test.words.w0; word1 = test.words.w1; } break; case G_QUAD: { int32_t aa = ((data & 0x00FF000000000000ULL) >> 48) / 2; int32_t bb = ((data & 0x0000FF0000000000ULL) >> 40) / 2; int32_t cc = ((data & 0x000000FF00000000ULL) >> 32) / 2; int32_t dd = ((data & 0x000000000000FFULL)) / 2; Gfx test = gsSP1Quadrangle(aa, bb, cc, dd, 0); word0 = test.words.w0; word1 = test.words.w1; } break; case G_SETPRIMCOLOR: { int32_t mm = (data & 0x0000FF0000000000) >> 40; int32_t ff = (data & 0x000000FF00000000) >> 32; int32_t rr = (data & 0x00000000FF000000) >> 24; int32_t gg = (data & 0x0000000000FF0000) >> 16; int32_t bb = (data & 0x000000000000FF00) >> 8; int32_t aa = (data & 0x00000000000000FF) >> 0; Gfx value = gsDPSetPrimColor(mm, ff, rr, gg, bb, aa); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } break; case G_SETOTHERMODE_L: { int32_t ss = (data & 0x0000FF0000000000) >> 40; int32_t len = ((data & 0x000000FF00000000) >> 32) + 1; int32_t sft = 32 - (len)-ss; int32_t dd = (data & 0xFFFFFFFF); // TODO: Output the correct render modes in data Gfx value = gsSPSetOtherMode(0xE2, sft, len, dd); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } break; case G_SETOTHERMODE_H: { int32_t ss = (data & 0x0000FF0000000000) >> 40; int32_t nn = (data & 0x000000FF00000000) >> 32; int32_t dd = (data & 0xFFFFFFFF); int32_t sft = 32 - (nn + 1) - ss; Gfx value; if (sft == 14) // G_MDSFT_TEXTLUT { const char* types[] = { "G_TT_NONE", "G_TT_NONE", "G_TT_RGBA16", "G_TT_IA16" }; value = gsDPSetTextureLUT(dd >> 14); } else { value = gsSPSetOtherMode(0xE3, sft, nn + 1, dd); } word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } break; case G_SETTILE: { int32_t fff = (data & 0b0000000011100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) >> 53; int32_t ii = (data & 0b0000000000011000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) >> 51; int32_t nnnnnnnnn = (data & 0b0000000000000011111111100000000000000000000000000000000000000000) >> 41; int32_t mmmmmmmmm = (data & 0b0000000000000000000000011111111100000000000000000000000000000000) >> 32; int32_t ttt = (data & 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000111000000000000000000000000) >> 24; int32_t pppp = (data & 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000111100000000000000000000) >> 20; int32_t cc = (data & 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011000000000000000000) >> 18; int32_t aaaa = (data & 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111100000000000000) >> 14; int32_t ssss = (data & 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011110000000000) >> 10; int32_t dd = (data & 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001100000000) >> 8; int32_t bbbb = (data & 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011110000) >> 4; int32_t uuuu = (data & 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001111); Gfx value = gsDPSetTile(fff, ii, nnnnnnnnn, mmmmmmmmm, ttt, pppp, cc, aaaa, ssss, dd, bbbb, uuuu); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } break; case G_SETCOMBINE: { int32_t a0 = (data & 0b000000011110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) >> 52; int32_t c0 = (data & 0b000000000001111100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) >> 47; int32_t aa0 = (data & 0b00000000000000011100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) >> 44; int32_t ac0 = (data & 0b00000000000000000011100000000000000000000000000000000000000000) >> 41; int32_t a1 = (data & 0b000000000000000000000011110000000000000000000000000000000000000) >> 37; int32_t c1 = (data & 0b000000000000000000000000001111100000000000000000000000000000000) >> 32; int32_t b0 = (data & 0b000000000000000000000000000000011110000000000000000000000000000) >> 28; int32_t b1 = (data & 0b000000000000000000000000000000000001111000000000000000000000000) >> 24; int32_t aa1 = (data & 0b00000000000000000000000000000000000000111000000000000000000000) >> 21; int32_t ac1 = (data & 0b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000111000000000000000000) >> 18; int32_t d0 = (data & 0b000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111000000000000000) >> 15; int32_t ab0 = (data & 0b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111000000000000) >> 12; int32_t ad0 = (data & 0b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111000000000) >> 9; int32_t d1 = (data & 0b000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111000000) >> 6; int32_t ab1 = (data & 0b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111000) >> 3; int32_t ad1 = (data & 0b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111) >> 0; Gfx value = gsDPSetCombineLERP2(a0, b0, c0, d0, aa0, ab0, ac0, ad0, a1, b1, c1, d1, aa1, ab1, ac1, ad1); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } break; case G_SETTILESIZE: { int32_t sss = (data & 0x00FFF00000000000) >> 44; int32_t ttt = (data & 0x00000FFF00000000) >> 32; int32_t uuu = (data & 0x0000000000FFF000) >> 12; int32_t vvv = (data & 0x0000000000000FFF); int32_t i = (data & 0x000000000F000000) >> 24; Gfx value = gsDPSetTileSize(i, sss, ttt, uuu, vvv); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } break; case G_LOADTLUT: { int32_t t = (data & 0x0000000007000000) >> 24; int32_t ccc = (data & 0x00000000003FF000) >> 14; Gfx value = gsDPLoadTLUTCmd(t, ccc); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } break; case G_LOADTILE: { int sss = (data & 0x00FFF00000000000) >> 44; int ttt = (data & 0x00000FFF00000000) >> 32; int i = (data & 0x000000000F000000) >> 16; int uuu = (data & 0x0000000000FFF000) >> 12; int vvv= (data & 0x0000000000000FFF); Gfx value = gsDPLoadTile(i, sss, ttt, uuu, vvv); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; } break; case G_SETTIMG: { uint32_t seg = data & 0xFFFFFFFF; int32_t texAddress = Seg2Filespace(data, dList->parent->baseAddress); if (!Globals::Instance->HasSegment(GETSEGNUM(seg))) { int32_t __ = (data & 0x00FF000000000000) >> 48; int32_t www = (data & 0x00000FFF00000000) >> 32; uint32_t fmt = (__ & 0xE0) >> 5; uint32_t siz = (__ & 0x18) >> 3; Gfx value = gsDPSetTextureImage(fmt, siz, www - 1, (seg & 0x0FFFFFFF) + 0xF0000000); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1; writer->Write(word0); writer->Write(word1); } else { std::string texName = ""; bool foundDecl = Globals::Instance->GetSegmentedPtrName(seg, dList->parent, "", texName); int32_t __ = (data & 0x00FF000000000000) >> 48; int32_t www = (data & 0x00000FFF00000000) >> 32; uint32_t fmt = (__ & 0xE0) >> 5; uint32_t siz = (__ & 0x18) >> 3; Gfx value = gsDPSetTextureImage(fmt, siz, www - 1, __); word0 = value.words.w0 & 0x00FFFFFF; word0 += (G_SETTIMG_OTR << 24); //word1 = value.words.w1; word1 = 0; writer->Write(word0); writer->Write(word1); if (foundDecl) { ZFile* assocFile = Globals::Instance->GetSegment(GETSEGNUM(seg)); std::string assocFileName = assocFile->GetName(); std::string fName = ""; if (GETSEGNUM(seg) == SEGMENT_SCENE || GETSEGNUM(seg) == SEGMENT_ROOM) fName = GetPathToRes(res, texName.c_str()); else fName = GetPathToRes(assocFile->resources[0], texName.c_str()); uint64_t hash = CRC64(fName.c_str()); word0 = hash >> 32; word1 = hash & 0xFFFFFFFF; } else { word0 = 0; word1 = 0; spdlog::error("texDecl == nullptr! PTR = 0x{:08X}", texAddress); } } } break; case G_VTX: { if (GETSEGNUM(data) == 0xC || GETSEGNUM(data) == 0x8) { // hack for dynamic verticies used in en_ganon_mant and en_jsjutan // TODO is there a better way? int32_t aa = (data & 0x000000FF00000000ULL) >> 32; int32_t nn = (data & 0x000FF00000000000ULL) >> 44; Gfx value = gsSPVertex(data & 0xFFFFFFFF, nn, ((aa >> 1) - nn)); word0 = value.words.w0; word1 = value.words.w1 | 0xF0000000; } else //if (dList->vertices.size() > 0) { // Connect neighboring vertex arrays std::vector>> vertsKeys(dList->vertices.begin(), dList->vertices.end()); if (vertsKeys.size() > 0) { auto lastItem = vertsKeys[0]; for (size_t i = 1; i < vertsKeys.size(); i++) { auto curItem = vertsKeys[i]; int32_t sizeDiff = curItem.first - (lastItem.first + (lastItem.second.size() * 16)); // Make sure there isn't an unaccounted inbetween these two if (sizeDiff == 0) { for (auto v : curItem.second) { dList->vertices[lastItem.first].push_back(v); lastItem.second.push_back(v); } dList->vertices.erase(curItem.first); vertsKeys.erase(vertsKeys.begin() + i); i--; continue; } lastItem = curItem; } } // Write CRC64 of vtx file name uint32_t addr = data & 0xFFFFFFFF; if (GETSEGNUM(data) == 0x80) addr -= dList->parent->baseAddress; auto segOffset = GETSEGOFFSET(addr); //uint32_t seg = data & 0xFFFFFFFF; Declaration* vtxDecl = dList->parent->GetDeclarationRanged(segOffset); //std::string vtxName = ""; //bool foundDecl = Globals::Instance->GetSegmentedPtrName(seg, dList->parent, "", vtxName); int32_t aa = (data & 0x000000FF00000000ULL) >> 32; int32_t nn = (data & 0x000FF00000000000ULL) >> 44; if (vtxDecl != nullptr && vtxDecl->varType != "Gfx") { uint32_t diff = segOffset - vtxDecl->address; Gfx value = gsSPVertex(diff, nn, ((aa >> 1) - nn)); word0 = value.words.w0; word0 &= 0x00FFFFFF; word0 += (G_VTX_OTR << 24); word1 = value.words.w1; writer->Write(word0); writer->Write(word1); std::string fName = OTRExporter_DisplayList::GetPathToRes(res, vtxDecl->varName); uint64_t hash = CRC64(fName.c_str()); word0 = hash >> 32; word1 = hash & 0xFFFFFFFF; if (!File::Exists("Extract\\" + fName)) { //printf("Exporting VTX Data %s\n", fName.c_str()); // Write vertices to file MemoryStream* vtxStream = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter vtxWriter = BinaryWriter(vtxStream); int arrCnt = 0; auto split = StringHelper::Split(vtxDecl->text, "\n"); for (int i = 0; i < split.size(); i++) { std::string line = split[i]; if (StringHelper::Contains(line, "VTX(")) arrCnt++; } // OTRTODO: Once we aren't relying on text representations, we should call ArrayExporter... OTRExporter::WriteHeader(nullptr, "", &vtxWriter, Ship::ResourceType::Array); vtxWriter.Write((uint32_t)ZResourceType::Vertex); vtxWriter.Write((uint32_t)arrCnt); size_t sz = dList->vertices[vtxDecl->address].size(); //if (sz > 0) { auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); // God dammit this is so dumb for (size_t i = 0; i < split.size(); i++) { std::string line = split[i]; if (StringHelper::Contains(line, "VTX(")) { auto split2 = StringHelper::Split(StringHelper::Split(StringHelper::Split(line, "VTX(")[1], ")")[0], ","); vtxWriter.Write((int16_t)std::stoi(split2[0], nullptr, 10)); // v.x vtxWriter.Write((int16_t)std::stoi(split2[1], nullptr, 10)); // v.y vtxWriter.Write((int16_t)std::stoi(split2[2], nullptr, 10)); // v.z vtxWriter.Write((int16_t)0); // v.flag vtxWriter.Write((int16_t)std::stoi(split2[3], nullptr, 10)); // v.s vtxWriter.Write((int16_t)std::stoi(split2[4], nullptr, 10)); // v.t vtxWriter.Write((uint8_t)std::stoi(split2[5], nullptr, 10)); // v.r vtxWriter.Write((uint8_t)std::stoi(split2[6], nullptr, 10)); // v.g vtxWriter.Write((uint8_t)std::stoi(split2[7], nullptr, 10)); // v.b vtxWriter.Write((uint8_t)std::stoi(split2[8], nullptr, 10)); // v.a } } File::WriteAllBytes("Extract\\" + fName, vtxStream->ToVector()); auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); size_t diff = std::chrono::duration_cast(end - start).count(); //printf("Exported VTX Array %s in %zums\n", fName.c_str(), diff); } } } else { spdlog::error("vtxDecl == nullptr!"); } } /*else { writer->Write(word0); writer->Write(word1); word0 = 0; word1 = 0; spdlog::error("dList->vertices.size() <= 0!"); }*/ } break; } writer->Write(word0); writer->Write(word1); } auto dlEnd = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); size_t dlDiff = std::chrono::duration_cast(dlEnd - dlStart).count(); //printf("Display List Gen in %zums\n", dlDiff); } std::string OTRExporter_DisplayList::GetPathToRes(ZResource* res, std::string varName) { std::string prefix = GetPrefix(res); std::string fName = StringHelper::Sprintf("%s\\%s", GetParentFolderName(res).c_str(), varName.c_str()); return fName; } std::string OTRExporter_DisplayList::GetParentFolderName(ZResource* res) { std::string prefix = GetPrefix(res); std::string oName = res->parent->GetOutName(); if (StringHelper::Contains(oName, "_scene")) { auto split = StringHelper::Split(oName, "_"); oName = ""; for (int i = 0; i < split.size() - 1; i++) oName += split[i] + "_"; oName += "scene"; } else if (StringHelper::Contains(oName, "_room")) { oName = StringHelper::Split(oName, "_room")[0] + "_scene"; } if (prefix != "") oName = prefix + "\\" + oName; return oName; } std::string OTRExporter_DisplayList::GetPrefix(ZResource* res) { std::string oName = res->parent->GetOutName(); std::string prefix = ""; std::string xmlPath = StringHelper::Replace(res->parent->GetXmlFilePath().string(), "\\", "/"); if (StringHelper::Contains(oName, "_scene") || StringHelper::Contains(oName, "_room")) prefix = "scenes"; else if (StringHelper::Contains(xmlPath, "objects/")) prefix = "objects"; else if (StringHelper::Contains(xmlPath, "textures/")) prefix = "textures"; else if (StringHelper::Contains(xmlPath, "overlays/")) prefix = "overlays"; else if (StringHelper::Contains(xmlPath, "misc/")) prefix = "misc"; else if (StringHelper::Contains(xmlPath, "text/")) prefix = "text"; else if (StringHelper::Contains(xmlPath, "code/")) prefix = "code"; return prefix; }