#include "global.h" #include "vt.h" vu32 gIrqMgrResetStatus = 0; volatile OSTime sIrqMgrResetTime = 0; volatile OSTime gIrqMgrRetraceTime = 0; u32 sIrqMgrRetraceCount = 0; #define RETRACE_MSG 666 #define PRE_NMI_MSG 669 #define PRENMI450_MSG 671 #define PRENMI480_MSG 672 #define PRENMI500_MSG 673 #define STATUS_IDLE 0 #define STATUS_PRENMI 1 #define STATUS_NMI 2 void IrqMgr_AddClient(IrqMgr* this, IrqMgrClient* c, OSMesgQueue* msgQ) { OSIntMask prevInt; LogUtils_CheckNullPointer("this", this, "../irqmgr.c", 96); LogUtils_CheckNullPointer("c", c, "../irqmgr.c", 97); LogUtils_CheckNullPointer("msgQ", msgQ, "../irqmgr.c", 98); prevInt = osSetIntMask(1); c->queue = msgQ; c->prev = this->clients; this->clients = c; osSetIntMask(prevInt); if (this->resetStatus > STATUS_IDLE) { osSendMesgPtr(c->queue, &this->prenmiMsg, OS_MESG_NOBLOCK); } if (this->resetStatus >= STATUS_NMI) { osSendMesgPtr(c->queue, &this->nmiMsg, OS_MESG_NOBLOCK); } } void IrqMgr_RemoveClient(IrqMgr* this, IrqMgrClient* c) { IrqMgrClient* iter = this->clients; IrqMgrClient* lastIter = NULL; OSIntMask prevInt; LogUtils_CheckNullPointer("this", this, "../irqmgr.c", 129); LogUtils_CheckNullPointer("c", c, "../irqmgr.c", 130); prevInt = osSetIntMask(1); while (iter != NULL) { if (iter == c) { if (lastIter) { lastIter->prev = c->prev; } else { this->clients = c->prev; } break; } lastIter = iter; iter = iter->prev; } osSetIntMask(prevInt); } void IrqMgr_SendMesgForClient(IrqMgr* this, OSMesg msg) { IrqMgrClient* iter = this->clients; while (iter != NULL) { if (iter->queue->validCount >= iter->queue->msgCount) { // "irqmgr_SendMesgForClient: Message queue is overflowing mq=%08x cnt=%d" osSyncPrintf( VT_COL(RED, WHITE) "irqmgr_SendMesgForClient:メッセージキューがあふれています mq=%08x cnt=%d\n" VT_RST, iter->queue, iter->queue->validCount); } else { osSendMesg(iter->queue, msg, OS_MESG_NOBLOCK); } iter = iter->prev; } } void IrqMgr_JamMesgForClient(IrqMgr* this, OSMesg msg) { IrqMgrClient* iter = this->clients; while (iter != NULL) { if (iter->queue->validCount >= iter->queue->msgCount) { // "irqmgr_JamMesgForClient: Message queue is overflowing mq=%08x cnt=%d" osSyncPrintf( VT_COL(RED, WHITE) "irqmgr_JamMesgForClient:メッセージキューがあふれています mq=%08x cnt=%d\n" VT_RST, iter->queue, iter->queue->validCount); } else { // mistake? the function's name suggests it would use osJamMesg osSendMesg(iter->queue, msg, OS_MESG_NOBLOCK); } iter = iter->prev; } } void IrqMgr_HandlePreNMI(IrqMgr* this) { u64 temp = STATUS_PRENMI; // required to match gIrqMgrResetStatus = temp; this->resetStatus = STATUS_PRENMI; sIrqMgrResetTime = this->resetTime = osGetTime(); osSetTimer(&this->timer, OS_USEC_TO_CYCLES(450000), 0ull, &this->queue, OS_MESG_32(PRENMI450_MSG)); IrqMgr_JamMesgForClient(this, OS_MESG_PTR(&this->prenmiMsg)); } void IrqMgr_CheckStack() { osSyncPrintf("irqmgr.c: PRENMIから0.5秒経過\n"); // "0.5 seconds after PRENMI" if (StackCheck_Check(NULL) == 0) { osSyncPrintf("スタックは大丈夫みたいです\n"); // "The stack looks ok" } else { osSyncPrintf("%c", 7); osSyncPrintf(VT_FGCOL(RED)); // "Stack overflow or dangerous" osSyncPrintf("スタックがオーバーフローしたか危険な状態です\n"); // "Increase stack size early or don't consume stack" osSyncPrintf("早々にスタックサイズを増やすか、スタックを消費しないようにしてください\n"); osSyncPrintf(VT_RST); } } void IrqMgr_HandlePRENMI450(IrqMgr* this) { u64 temp = STATUS_NMI; // required to match gIrqMgrResetStatus = temp; this->resetStatus = STATUS_NMI; osSetTimer(&this->timer, OS_USEC_TO_CYCLES(30000), 0ull, &this->queue, OS_MESG_32(PRENMI480_MSG)); IrqMgr_SendMesgForClient(this, OS_MESG_PTR(&this->nmiMsg)); } void IrqMgr_HandlePRENMI480(IrqMgr* this) { u32 ret; osSetTimer(&this->timer, OS_USEC_TO_CYCLES(20000), 0ull, &this->queue, OS_MESG_32(PRENMI500_MSG)); ret = osAfterPreNMI(); if (ret) { // "osAfterPreNMI returned %d !?" osSyncPrintf("osAfterPreNMIが %d を返しました!?\n", ret); osSetTimer(&this->timer, OS_USEC_TO_CYCLES(1000), 0ull, &this->queue, OS_MESG_32(PRENMI480_MSG)); } } void IrqMgr_HandlePRENMI500(IrqMgr* this) { IrqMgr_CheckStack(); } void IrqMgr_HandleRetrace(IrqMgr* this) { if (gIrqMgrRetraceTime == 0ull) { if (this->retraceTime == 0) { this->retraceTime = osGetTime(); } else { gIrqMgrRetraceTime = osGetTime() - this->retraceTime; } } sIrqMgrRetraceCount++; IrqMgr_SendMesgForClient(this, OS_MESG_PTR(&this->retraceMsg)); } void IrqMgr_ThreadEntry(void* arg0) { OSMesg msg; IrqMgr* this = (IrqMgr*)arg0; u8 exit; msg.data32 = 0; osSyncPrintf("IRQマネージャスレッド実行開始\n"); // "Start IRQ manager thread execution" exit = false; while (!exit) { osRecvMesg(&this->queue, &msg, OS_MESG_BLOCK); switch (msg.data32) { case RETRACE_MSG: IrqMgr_HandleRetrace(this); break; case PRE_NMI_MSG: osSyncPrintf("PRE_NMI_MSG\n"); // "Scheduler: Receives PRE_NMI message" osSyncPrintf("スケジューラ:PRE_NMIメッセージを受信\n"); IrqMgr_HandlePreNMI(this); break; case PRENMI450_MSG: osSyncPrintf("PRENMI450_MSG\n"); // "Scheduler: Receives PRENMI450 message" osSyncPrintf("スケジューラ:PRENMI450メッセージを受信\n"); IrqMgr_HandlePRENMI450(this); break; case PRENMI480_MSG: osSyncPrintf("PRENMI480_MSG\n"); // "Scheduler: Receives PRENMI480 message" osSyncPrintf("スケジューラ:PRENMI480メッセージを受信\n"); IrqMgr_HandlePRENMI480(this); break; case PRENMI500_MSG: osSyncPrintf("PRENMI500_MSG\n"); // "Scheduler: Receives PRENMI500 message" osSyncPrintf("スケジューラ:PRENMI500メッセージを受信\n"); exit = true; IrqMgr_HandlePRENMI500(this); break; default: // "Unexpected message received" osSyncPrintf("irqmgr.c:予期しないメッセージを受け取りました(%08x)\n", msg); break; } } osSyncPrintf("IRQマネージャスレッド実行終了\n"); // "End of IRQ manager thread execution" } void IrqMgr_Init(IrqMgr* this, void* stack, OSPri pri, u8 retraceCount) { LogUtils_CheckNullPointer("this", this, "../irqmgr.c", 346); LogUtils_CheckNullPointer("stack", stack, "../irqmgr.c", 347); this->clients = NULL; this->retraceMsg.type = OS_SC_RETRACE_MSG; this->prenmiMsg.type = OS_SC_PRE_NMI_MSG; this->nmiMsg.type = OS_SC_NMI_MSG; this->resetStatus = STATUS_IDLE; this->resetTime = 0; osCreateMesgQueue(&this->queue, this->msgBuf, ARRAY_COUNT(this->msgBuf)); osSetEventMesg(OS_EVENT_PRENMI, &this->queue, OS_MESG_32(PRE_NMI_MSG)); osViSetEvent(&this->queue, OS_MESG_32(RETRACE_MSG), retraceCount); osCreateThread(&this->thread, 0x13, IrqMgr_ThreadEntry, this, stack, pri); osStartThread(&this->thread); }