#include "ZBackground.h" #include "Globals.h" #include "Utils/BitConverter.h" #include <Utils/DiskFile.h> #include "Utils/Path.h" #include "Utils/StringHelper.h" #include "WarningHandler.h" #include "ZFile.h" REGISTER_ZFILENODE(Background, ZBackground); #define JPEG_MARKER 0xFFD8FFE0 #define MARKER_DQT 0xFFDB #define MARKER_EOI 0xFFD9 ZBackground::ZBackground(ZFile* nParent) : ZResource(nParent) { } void ZBackground::ParseRawData() { ZResource::ParseRawData(); const auto& rawData = parent->GetRawData(); size_t i = 0; while (true) { uint8_t val = rawData.at(rawDataIndex + i); data.push_back(val); if (BitConverter::ToUInt16BE(rawData, rawDataIndex + i) == MARKER_EOI) { data.push_back(rawData.at(rawDataIndex + i + 1)); break; } i++; } } void ZBackground::ParseBinaryFile(const std::string& inFolder, bool appendOutName) { fs::path filepath(inFolder); if (appendOutName) filepath = filepath / (outName + "." + GetExternalExtension()); data = DiskFile::ReadAllBytes(filepath.string()); // Add padding. data.insert(data.end(), GetRawDataSize() - data.size(), 0x00); CheckValidJpeg(filepath.generic_string()); } void ZBackground::CheckValidJpeg(const std::string& filepath) { std::string filename = outName; if (filepath != "") { filename = filepath; } uint32_t jpegMarker = BitConverter::ToUInt32BE(data, 0); if (jpegMarker != JPEG_MARKER) { HANDLE_WARNING_PROCESS( WarningType::InvalidJPEG, StringHelper::Sprintf("missing jpeg marker at beginning of file: '%s'", filename.c_str()), "The game will skip this jpeg."); } if (data.at(6) != 'J' || data.at(7) != 'F' || data.at(8) != 'I' || data.at(9) != 'F' || data.at(10) != '\0') { std::string jfifIdentifier(data.begin() + 6, data.begin() + 6 + 5); HANDLE_WARNING_PROCESS( WarningType::InvalidJPEG, "missing 'JFIF' identifier", StringHelper::Sprintf( "This image may be corrupted, or not a jpeg. The identifier found was: '%s'", jfifIdentifier.c_str())); } uint8_t majorVersion = data.at(11); uint8_t minorVersion = data.at(12); if (majorVersion != 0x01 || minorVersion != 0x01) { HANDLE_WARNING_PROCESS( WarningType::InvalidJPEG, StringHelper::Sprintf("wrong JFIF version '%i.%02i'", majorVersion, minorVersion), "The expected version is '1.01'. The game may be unable to decode this image " "correctly."); } if (BitConverter::ToUInt16BE(data, 20) != MARKER_DQT) { // This may happen when creating a custom image with Exif, XMP, thumbnail, progressive, etc. // enabled. HANDLE_WARNING_PROCESS(WarningType::InvalidJPEG, "there seems to be extra data before the image data in this file", "The game may not be able to decode this image correctly."); } if (data.size() > GetRawDataSize()) { HANDLE_WARNING_PROCESS( WarningType::InvalidJPEG, "the image is bigger than the screen buffer", StringHelper::Sprintf("Image size: %zu bytes\nScreen buffer size: %zu bytes", data.size(), GetRawDataSize())); } } size_t ZBackground::GetRawDataSize() const { // Jpgs use the whole sceen buffer, which is a u16 matrix. return Globals::Instance->cfg.bgScreenHeight * Globals::Instance->cfg.bgScreenWidth * 2; } Declaration* ZBackground::DeclareVar(const std::string& prefix, [[maybe_unused]] const std::string& bodyStr) { std::string auxName = name; std::string auxOutName = outName; if (auxName == "") auxName = GetDefaultName(prefix); if (auxOutName == "") auxOutName = GetDefaultName(prefix); auto filepath = Globals::Instance->outputPath / fs::path(auxOutName).stem(); std::string incStr = StringHelper::Sprintf("%s.%s.inc.c", filepath.c_str(), GetExternalExtension().c_str()); Declaration* decl = parent->AddDeclarationIncludeArray(rawDataIndex, incStr, GetRawDataSize(), GetSourceTypeName(), auxName, 0); decl->arrayItemCntStr = "SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT / 4"; decl->forceArrayCnt = true; decl->staticConf = staticConf; return decl; } bool ZBackground::IsExternalResource() const { return true; } std::string ZBackground::GetExternalExtension() const { return "jpg"; } void ZBackground::Save(const fs::path& outFolder) { if (!Globals::Instance->otrMode) { fs::path filepath = outFolder / (outName + "." + GetExternalExtension()); DiskFile::WriteAllBytes(filepath.string(), data); } } std::string ZBackground::GetBodySourceCode() const { std::string bodyStr = " "; for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size() / 8; ++i) { bodyStr += StringHelper::Sprintf("0x%016llX, ", BitConverter::ToUInt64BE(data, i * 8)); if (i % 8 == 7) bodyStr += "\n "; } bodyStr += "\n"; return bodyStr; } std::string ZBackground::GetDefaultName(const std::string& prefix) const { return StringHelper::Sprintf("%sBackground_%06X", prefix.c_str(), rawDataIndex); } std::string ZBackground::GetSourceTypeName() const { return "u64"; } ZResourceType ZBackground::GetResourceType() const { return ZResourceType::Background; } DeclarationAlignment ZBackground::GetDeclarationAlignment() const { return DeclarationAlignment::Align8; }