#include "SDLController.h" #include "GameSettings.h" #include "GlobalCtx2.h" #include "spdlog/spdlog.h" #include "stox.h" #include "Window.h" #include "Cvar.h" #include extern "C" uint8_t __osMaxControllers; namespace Ship { SDLController::SDLController(int32_t dwControllerNumber) : Controller(dwControllerNumber), Cont(nullptr), guid(INVALID_SDL_CONTROLLER_GUID) { } SDLController::~SDLController() { Close(); } bool SDLController::IsGuidInUse(const std::string& guid) { // Check if the GUID is loaded in any other controller; for (size_t i = 0; i < __osMaxControllers; i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < Window::Controllers[i].size(); j++) { SDLController* OtherCont = dynamic_cast(Window::Controllers[i][j].get()); if (OtherCont != nullptr && OtherCont->GetGuid().compare(guid) == 0) { return true; } } } return false; } bool SDLController::Open() { std::string ConfSection = GetConfSection(); std::shared_ptr pConf = GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetConfig(); ConfigFile& Conf = *pConf.get(); for (int i = 0; i < SDL_NumJoysticks(); i++) { if (SDL_IsGameController(i)) { // Get the GUID from SDL char GuidBuf[33]; SDL_JoystickGetGUIDString(SDL_JoystickGetDeviceGUID(i), GuidBuf, sizeof(GuidBuf)); auto NewGuid = std::string(GuidBuf); // Invalid GUID read. Go to next. if (NewGuid.compare(INVALID_SDL_CONTROLLER_GUID) == 0) { SPDLOG_ERROR("SDL Controller returned invalid guid"); continue; } // The GUID is in use, we want to use a different physical controller. Go to next. if (IsGuidInUse(NewGuid)) { continue; } // If the GUID is blank from the config, OR if the config GUID matches, load the controller. if (Conf[ConfSection]["GUID"].compare("") == 0 || Conf[ConfSection]["GUID"].compare(INVALID_SDL_CONTROLLER_GUID) == 0 || Conf[ConfSection]["GUID"].compare(NewGuid) == 0) { auto NewCont = SDL_GameControllerOpen(i); // We failed to load the controller. Go to next. if (NewCont == nullptr) { SPDLOG_ERROR("SDL Controller failed to open: ({})", SDL_GetError()); continue; } if (SDL_GameControllerHasSensor(NewCont, SDL_SENSOR_GYRO)) { SDL_GameControllerSetSensorEnabled(NewCont, SDL_SENSOR_GYRO, SDL_TRUE); } guid = NewGuid; Cont = NewCont; std::string BindingConfSection = GetBindingConfSection(); std::string PadConfSection = *GetPadConfSection(); std::shared_ptr config = GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetConfig(); if (!config->has(BindingConfSection)) { CreateDefaultBinding(); } if (!config->has(PadConfSection)) { CreateDefaultPadConf(); } LoadBinding(); LoadAxisThresholds(); // Update per-controller settings in ImGui menu after opening controller. Game::LoadPadSettings(); break; } } } return Cont != nullptr; } bool SDLController::Close() { if (CanRumble()) { SDL_GameControllerRumble(Cont, 0, 0, 0); } if (Cont != nullptr) { SDL_GameControllerClose(Cont); } Cont = nullptr; guid = ""; ButtonMapping.clear(); ThresholdMapping.clear(); dwPressedButtons = 0; wStickX = 0; wStickY = 0; return true; } void SDLController::LoadAxisThresholds() { std::string ConfSection = GetBindingConfSection(); std::shared_ptr pConf = GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetConfig(); ConfigFile& Conf = *pConf.get(); ThresholdMapping[SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTX] = Ship::stoi(Conf[ConfSection][STR(SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTX) + "_threshold"]); ThresholdMapping[SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTY] = Ship::stoi(Conf[ConfSection][STR(SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTY) + "_threshold"]); ThresholdMapping[SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTX] = Ship::stoi(Conf[ConfSection][STR(SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTX) + "_threshold"]); ThresholdMapping[SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTY] = Ship::stoi(Conf[ConfSection][STR(SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTY) + "_threshold"]); ThresholdMapping[SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERLEFT] = Ship::stoi(Conf[ConfSection][STR(SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERLEFT) + "_threshold"]); ThresholdMapping[SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERRIGHT] = Ship::stoi(Conf[ConfSection][STR(SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERRIGHT) + "_threshold"]); } void SDLController::NormalizeStickAxis(int16_t wAxisValueX, int16_t wAxisValueY, int16_t wAxisThreshold) { //scale {-32768 ... +32767} to {-84 ... +84} auto ax = wAxisValueX * 85.0 / 32767.0; auto ay = wAxisValueY * 85.0 / 32767.0; //create scaled circular dead-zone in range {-15 ... +15} auto len = sqrt(ax * ax + ay * ay); if (len < wAxisThreshold) { len = 0; } else if (len > 85.0) { len = 85.0 / len; } else { len = (len - wAxisThreshold) * 85.0 / (85.0 - wAxisThreshold) / len; } ax *= len; ay *= len; //bound diagonals to an octagonal range {-68 ... +68} if (ax != 0.0 && ay != 0.0) { auto slope = ay / ax; auto edgex = copysign(85.0 / (abs(slope) + 16.0 / 69.0), ax); auto edgey = copysign(std::min(abs(edgex * slope), 85.0 / (1.0 / abs(slope) + 16.0 / 69.0)), ay); edgex = edgey / slope; auto scale = sqrt(edgex * edgex + edgey * edgey) / 85.0; ax *= scale; ay *= scale; } wStickX = +ax; wStickY = -ay; } void SDLController::ReadFromSource() { std::string ConfSection = GetBindingConfSection(); std::shared_ptr pConf = GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetConfig(); ConfigFile& Conf = *pConf.get(); SDL_GameControllerUpdate(); // If the controller is disconnected, close it. if (Cont != nullptr && !SDL_GameControllerGetAttached(Cont)) { Close(); } // Attempt to load the controller if it's not loaded if (Cont == nullptr) { // If we failed to load the controller, don't process it. if (!Open()) { return; } } if (SDL_GameControllerHasSensor(Cont, SDL_SENSOR_GYRO)) { size_t contNumber = GetControllerNumber(); float gyroData[3]; SDL_GameControllerGetSensorData(Cont, SDL_SENSOR_GYRO, gyroData, 3); const char* contName = SDL_GameControllerName(Cont); float gyro_drift_x = CVar_GetFloat(StringHelper::Sprintf("gCont%i_GyroDriftX", contNumber).c_str(), 0.0f); float gyro_drift_y = CVar_GetFloat(StringHelper::Sprintf("gCont%i_GyroDriftY", contNumber).c_str(), 0.0f); const float gyro_sensitivity = CVar_GetFloat(StringHelper::Sprintf("gCont%i_GyroSensitivity", contNumber).c_str(), 1.0f); if (gyro_drift_x == 0) { gyro_drift_x = gyroData[0]; } if (gyro_drift_y == 0) { gyro_drift_y = gyroData[1]; } CVar_SetFloat(StringHelper::Sprintf("gCont%i_GyroDriftX", contNumber).c_str(), gyro_drift_x); CVar_SetFloat(StringHelper::Sprintf("gCont%i_GyroDriftY", contNumber).c_str(), gyro_drift_y); wGyroX = gyroData[0] - gyro_drift_x; wGyroY = gyroData[1] - gyro_drift_y; wGyroX *= gyro_sensitivity; wGyroY *= gyro_sensitivity; } for (int32_t i = SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_A; i < SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_MAX; i++) { if (ButtonMapping.contains(i)) { if (SDL_GameControllerGetButton(Cont, (SDL_GameControllerButton)i)) { dwPressedButtons |= ButtonMapping[i]; } else { dwPressedButtons &= ~ButtonMapping[i]; } } } SDL_GameControllerAxis StickAxisX = SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_INVALID; SDL_GameControllerAxis StickAxisY = SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_INVALID; int32_t StickDeadzone = 0; for (int32_t i = SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTX; i < SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_MAX; i++) { auto Axis = (SDL_GameControllerAxis)i; auto PosScancode = i + AXIS_SCANCODE_BIT; auto NegScancode = -PosScancode; auto AxisThreshold = ThresholdMapping[i]; auto PosButton = ButtonMapping[PosScancode]; auto NegButton = ButtonMapping[NegScancode]; auto AxisValue = SDL_GameControllerGetAxis(Cont, Axis); #ifdef TARGET_WEB // Firefox has a bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1606562 // It sets down y to 32768.0f / 32767.0f, which is greater than the allowed 1.0f, // which SDL then converts to a int16_t by multiplying by 32767.0f, which overflows into -32768. // Maximum up will hence never become -32768 with the current version of SDL2, // so this workaround should be safe in compliant browsers. if (AxisValue == -32768) { AxisValue = 32767; } #endif // If the axis is NOT mapped to the control stick. if (!( PosButton == BTN_STICKLEFT || PosButton == BTN_STICKRIGHT || PosButton == BTN_STICKUP || PosButton == BTN_STICKDOWN || NegButton == BTN_STICKLEFT || NegButton == BTN_STICKRIGHT || NegButton == BTN_STICKUP || NegButton == BTN_STICKDOWN)) { if (AxisValue > AxisThreshold) { dwPressedButtons |= PosButton; dwPressedButtons &= ~NegButton; } else if (AxisValue < -AxisThreshold) { dwPressedButtons &= ~PosButton; dwPressedButtons |= NegButton; } else { dwPressedButtons &= ~PosButton; dwPressedButtons &= ~NegButton; } } else { if (PosButton == BTN_STICKLEFT || PosButton == BTN_STICKRIGHT) { if (StickAxisX != SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_INVALID && StickAxisX != Axis) { SPDLOG_TRACE("Invalid PosStickX configured. Neg was {} and Pos is {}", StickAxisX, Axis); } if (StickDeadzone != 0 && StickDeadzone != AxisThreshold) { SPDLOG_TRACE("Invalid Deadzone configured. Up/Down was {} and Left/Right is {}", StickDeadzone, AxisThreshold); } StickDeadzone = AxisThreshold; StickAxisX = Axis; } if (PosButton == BTN_STICKUP || PosButton == BTN_STICKDOWN) { if (StickAxisY != SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_INVALID && StickAxisY != Axis) { SPDLOG_TRACE("Invalid PosStickY configured. Neg was {} and Pos is {}", StickAxisY, Axis); } if (StickDeadzone != 0 && StickDeadzone != AxisThreshold) { SPDLOG_TRACE("Invalid Deadzone configured. Left/Right was {} and Up/Down is {}", StickDeadzone, AxisThreshold); } StickDeadzone = AxisThreshold; StickAxisY = Axis; } if (NegButton == BTN_STICKLEFT || NegButton == BTN_STICKRIGHT) { if (StickAxisX != SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_INVALID && StickAxisX != Axis) { SPDLOG_TRACE("Invalid NegStickX configured. Pos was {} and Neg is {}", StickAxisX, Axis); } if (StickDeadzone != 0 && StickDeadzone != AxisThreshold) { SPDLOG_TRACE("Invalid Deadzone configured. Left/Right was {} and Up/Down is {}", StickDeadzone, AxisThreshold); } StickDeadzone = AxisThreshold; StickAxisX = Axis; } if (NegButton == BTN_STICKUP || NegButton == BTN_STICKDOWN) { if (StickAxisY != SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_INVALID && StickAxisY != Axis) { SPDLOG_TRACE("Invalid NegStickY configured. Pos was {} and Neg is {}", StickAxisY, Axis); } if (StickDeadzone != 0 && StickDeadzone != AxisThreshold) { SPDLOG_TRACE("Invalid Deadzone misconfigured. Left/Right was {} and Up/Down is {}", StickDeadzone, AxisThreshold); } StickDeadzone = AxisThreshold; StickAxisY = Axis; } } if (StickAxisX != SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_INVALID && StickAxisY != SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_INVALID) { auto AxisValueX = SDL_GameControllerGetAxis(Cont, StickAxisX); auto AxisValueY = SDL_GameControllerGetAxis(Cont, StickAxisY); NormalizeStickAxis(AxisValueX, AxisValueY, StickDeadzone); } } } void SDLController::WriteToSource(ControllerCallback* controller) { if (CanRumble()) { if (controller->rumble > 0) { float rumble_strength = CVar_GetFloat(StringHelper::Sprintf("gCont%i_RumbleStrength", GetControllerNumber()).c_str(), 1.0f); SDL_GameControllerRumble(Cont, 0xFFFF * rumble_strength, 0xFFFF * rumble_strength, 0); } else { SDL_GameControllerRumble(Cont, 0, 0, 0); } } if (SDL_GameControllerHasLED(Cont)) { switch (controller->ledColor) { case 0: SDL_JoystickSetLED(SDL_GameControllerGetJoystick(Cont), 255, 0, 0); break; case 1: SDL_JoystickSetLED(SDL_GameControllerGetJoystick(Cont), 0x1E, 0x69, 0x1B); break; case 2: SDL_JoystickSetLED(SDL_GameControllerGetJoystick(Cont), 0x64, 0x14, 0x00); break; case 3: SDL_JoystickSetLED(SDL_GameControllerGetJoystick(Cont), 0x00, 0x3C, 0x64); break; } } } void SDLController::CreateDefaultBinding() { std::string ConfSection = GetBindingConfSection(); std::shared_ptr pConf = GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetConfig(); ConfigFile& Conf = *pConf.get(); Conf[ConfSection][STR(BTN_CRIGHT)] = std::to_string((SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTX + AXIS_SCANCODE_BIT)); Conf[ConfSection][STR(BTN_CLEFT)] = std::to_string(-(SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTX + AXIS_SCANCODE_BIT)); Conf[ConfSection][STR(BTN_CDOWN)] = std::to_string((SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTY + AXIS_SCANCODE_BIT)); Conf[ConfSection][STR(BTN_CUP)] = std::to_string(-(SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTY + AXIS_SCANCODE_BIT)); //Conf[ConfSection][STR(BTN_CRIGHT + "_2")] = std::to_string(SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_X); //Conf[ConfSection][STR(BTN_CLEFT + "_2")] = std::to_string(SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_Y); //Conf[ConfSection][STR(BTN_CDOWN + "_2")] = std::to_string(SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_RIGHTSHOULDER); //Conf[ConfSection][STR(BTN_CUP + "_2")] = std::to_string(SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_RIGHTSTICK); Conf[ConfSection][STR(BTN_R)] = std::to_string((SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERRIGHT + AXIS_SCANCODE_BIT)); Conf[ConfSection][STR(BTN_L)] = std::to_string(SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_LEFTSHOULDER); Conf[ConfSection][STR(BTN_DRIGHT)] = std::to_string(SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT); Conf[ConfSection][STR(BTN_DLEFT)] = std::to_string(SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT); Conf[ConfSection][STR(BTN_DDOWN)] = std::to_string(SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN); Conf[ConfSection][STR(BTN_DUP)] = std::to_string(SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_UP); Conf[ConfSection][STR(BTN_START)] = std::to_string(SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_START); Conf[ConfSection][STR(BTN_Z)] = std::to_string((SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERLEFT + AXIS_SCANCODE_BIT)); Conf[ConfSection][STR(BTN_B)] = std::to_string(SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_B); Conf[ConfSection][STR(BTN_A)] = std::to_string(SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_A); Conf[ConfSection][STR(BTN_STICKRIGHT)] = std::to_string((SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTX + AXIS_SCANCODE_BIT)); Conf[ConfSection][STR(BTN_STICKLEFT)] = std::to_string(-(SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTX + AXIS_SCANCODE_BIT)); Conf[ConfSection][STR(BTN_STICKDOWN)] = std::to_string((SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTY + AXIS_SCANCODE_BIT)); Conf[ConfSection][STR(BTN_STICKUP)] = std::to_string(-(SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTY + AXIS_SCANCODE_BIT)); Conf[ConfSection][STR(SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTX) + "_threshold"] = std::to_string(16.0); Conf[ConfSection][STR(SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTY) + "_threshold"] = std::to_string(16.0); Conf[ConfSection][STR(SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTX) + "_threshold"] = std::to_string(0x4000); Conf[ConfSection][STR(SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTY) + "_threshold"] = std::to_string(0x4000); Conf[ConfSection][STR(SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERLEFT) + "_threshold"] = std::to_string(0x1E00); Conf[ConfSection][STR(SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERRIGHT) + "_threshold"] = std::to_string(0x1E00); Conf.Save(); } void SDLController::CreateDefaultPadConf() { std::string ConfSection = *GetPadConfSection(); std::shared_ptr pConf = GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetConfig(); ConfigFile& Conf = *pConf.get(); Conf.Save(); } void SDLController::SetButtonMapping(const std::string& szButtonName, int32_t dwScancode) { if (guid.compare(INVALID_SDL_CONTROLLER_GUID)) { return; } Controller::SetButtonMapping(szButtonName, dwScancode); } std::string SDLController::GetControllerType() { return "SDL"; } std::string SDLController::GetConfSection() { return GetControllerType() + " CONTROLLER " + std::to_string(GetControllerNumber() + 1); } std::string SDLController::GetBindingConfSection() { return GetControllerType() + " CONTROLLER BINDING " + guid; } std::optional SDLController::GetPadConfSection() { return GetControllerType() + " CONTROLLER PAD " + guid; } }