#include "z_kaleido_scope.h" #include "textures/parameter_static/parameter_static.h" u8 gAmmoItems[] = { ITEM_STICK, ITEM_NUT, ITEM_BOMB, ITEM_BOW, ITEM_NONE, ITEM_NONE, ITEM_SLINGSHOT, ITEM_NONE, ITEM_BOMBCHU, ITEM_NONE, ITEM_NONE, ITEM_NONE, ITEM_NONE, ITEM_NONE, ITEM_BEAN, ITEM_NONE, }; static s16 sEquipState = 0; static s16 sEquipAnimTimer = 0; static s16 sEquipMoveTimer = 10; bool gSelectingMask; static s16 sAmmoVtxOffset[] = { 0, 2, 4, 6, 99, 99, 8, 99, 10, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 12, }; extern const char* _gAmmoDigit0Tex[]; void KaleidoScope_DrawAmmoCount(PauseContext* pauseCtx, GraphicsContext* gfxCtx, s16 item, int slot) { s16 ammo; s16 i; OPEN_DISPS(gfxCtx); ammo = AMMO(item); gDPPipeSync(POLY_KAL_DISP++); if (!((gSlotAgeReqs[SLOT(item)] == 9) || gSlotAgeReqs[SLOT(item)] == ((void)0, gSaveContext.linkAge))) { gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_KAL_DISP++, 0, 0, 100, 100, 100, pauseCtx->alpha); } else { gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_KAL_DISP++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, pauseCtx->alpha); if (ammo == 0) { gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_KAL_DISP++, 0, 0, 130, 130, 130, pauseCtx->alpha); } else if ((item == ITEM_BOMB && AMMO(item) == CUR_CAPACITY(UPG_BOMB_BAG)) || (item == ITEM_BOW && AMMO(item) == CUR_CAPACITY(UPG_QUIVER)) || (item == ITEM_SLINGSHOT && AMMO(item) == CUR_CAPACITY(UPG_BULLET_BAG)) || (item == ITEM_STICK && AMMO(item) == CUR_CAPACITY(UPG_STICKS)) || (item == ITEM_NUT && AMMO(item) == CUR_CAPACITY(UPG_NUTS)) || (item == ITEM_BOMBCHU && ammo == 50) || (item == ITEM_BEAN && ammo == 15)) { gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_KAL_DISP++, 0, 0, 120, 255, 0, pauseCtx->alpha); } } for (i = 0; ammo >= 10; i++) { ammo -= 10; } gDPPipeSync(POLY_KAL_DISP++); if (i != 0) { gSPVertex(POLY_KAL_DISP++, &pauseCtx->itemVtx[(sAmmoVtxOffset[slot] + 31) * 4], 4, 0); gDPLoadTextureBlock(POLY_KAL_DISP++, ((u8*)_gAmmoDigit0Tex[i]), G_IM_FMT_IA, G_IM_SIZ_8b, 8, 8, 0, G_TX_NOMIRROR | G_TX_WRAP, G_TX_NOMIRROR | G_TX_WRAP, G_TX_NOMASK, G_TX_NOMASK, G_TX_NOLOD, G_TX_NOLOD); gSP1Quadrangle(POLY_KAL_DISP++, 0, 2, 3, 1, 0); } gSPVertex(POLY_KAL_DISP++, &pauseCtx->itemVtx[(sAmmoVtxOffset[slot] + 32) * 4], 4, 0); gDPLoadTextureBlock(POLY_KAL_DISP++, ((u8*)_gAmmoDigit0Tex[ammo]), G_IM_FMT_IA, G_IM_SIZ_8b, 8, 8, 0, G_TX_NOMIRROR | G_TX_WRAP, G_TX_NOMIRROR | G_TX_WRAP, G_TX_NOMASK, G_TX_NOMASK, G_TX_NOLOD, G_TX_NOLOD); gSP1Quadrangle(POLY_KAL_DISP++, 0, 2, 3, 1, 0); CLOSE_DISPS(gfxCtx); } void KaleidoScope_SetCursorVtx(PauseContext* pauseCtx, u16 index, Vtx* vtx) { pauseCtx->cursorVtx[0].v.ob[0] = vtx[index].v.ob[0]; pauseCtx->cursorVtx[0].v.ob[1] = vtx[index].v.ob[1]; KaleidoScope_UpdateCursorSize(pauseCtx); // OTRTODO Why is this needed? } void KaleidoScope_SetItemCursorVtx(PauseContext* pauseCtx) { KaleidoScope_SetCursorVtx(pauseCtx, pauseCtx->cursorSlot[PAUSE_ITEM] * 4, pauseCtx->itemVtx); } void KaleidoScope_DrawItemSelect(GlobalContext* globalCtx) { static s16 magicArrowEffectsR[] = { 255, 100, 255 }; static s16 magicArrowEffectsG[] = { 0, 100, 255 }; static s16 magicArrowEffectsB[] = { 0, 255, 100 }; Input* input = &globalCtx->state.input[0]; PauseContext* pauseCtx = &globalCtx->pauseCtx; u16 i; u16 j; u16 cursorItem; u16 cursorSlot = 0; u16 index; s16 cursorPoint; s16 cursorX; s16 cursorY; s16 oldCursorPoint; s16 moveCursorResult; bool dpad = (CVar_GetS32("gDpadPauseName", 0) && !CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->cur.button, BTN_CUP)); OPEN_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); func_800949A8(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); gDPSetCombineMode(POLY_KAL_DISP++, G_CC_MODULATEIA_PRIM, G_CC_MODULATEIA_PRIM); pauseCtx->cursorColorSet = 0; pauseCtx->nameColorSet = 0; if ((pauseCtx->state == 6) && (pauseCtx->unk_1E4 == 0) && (pauseCtx->pageIndex == PAUSE_ITEM)) { moveCursorResult = 0 || gSelectingMask; oldCursorPoint = pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM]; cursorItem = pauseCtx->cursorItem[PAUSE_ITEM]; cursorSlot = pauseCtx->cursorSlot[PAUSE_ITEM]; if (pauseCtx->cursorSpecialPos == 0) { pauseCtx->cursorColorSet = 4; if (cursorItem == PAUSE_ITEM_NONE) { pauseCtx->stickRelX = 40; } if ((ABS(pauseCtx->stickRelX) > 30) || (dpad && CHECK_BTN_ANY(input->press.button, BTN_DLEFT | BTN_DRIGHT))) { cursorPoint = pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM]; cursorX = pauseCtx->cursorX[PAUSE_ITEM]; cursorY = pauseCtx->cursorY[PAUSE_ITEM]; osSyncPrintf("now=%d ccc=%d\n", cursorPoint, cursorItem); // Seem necessary to match if (pauseCtx->cursorX[PAUSE_ITEM]) {} if (gSaveContext.inventory.items[pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM]]) {} while (moveCursorResult == 0) { if ((pauseCtx->stickRelX < -30) || (dpad && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_DLEFT))) { if (pauseCtx->cursorX[PAUSE_ITEM] != 0) { pauseCtx->cursorX[PAUSE_ITEM] -= 1; pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM] -= 1; if ((gSaveContext.inventory.items[pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM]] != ITEM_NONE) || CVar_GetS32("gPauseAnyCursor", 0)) { moveCursorResult = 1; } } else { pauseCtx->cursorX[PAUSE_ITEM] = cursorX; pauseCtx->cursorY[PAUSE_ITEM] += 1; if (pauseCtx->cursorY[PAUSE_ITEM] >= 4) { pauseCtx->cursorY[PAUSE_ITEM] = 0; } pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM] = pauseCtx->cursorX[PAUSE_ITEM] + (pauseCtx->cursorY[PAUSE_ITEM] * 6); if (pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM] >= 24) { pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM] = pauseCtx->cursorX[PAUSE_ITEM]; } if (cursorY == pauseCtx->cursorY[PAUSE_ITEM]) { pauseCtx->cursorX[PAUSE_ITEM] = cursorX; pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM] = cursorPoint; KaleidoScope_MoveCursorToSpecialPos(globalCtx, PAUSE_CURSOR_PAGE_LEFT); moveCursorResult = 2; } } } else if ((pauseCtx->stickRelX > 30) || (dpad && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_DRIGHT))) { if (pauseCtx->cursorX[PAUSE_ITEM] < 5) { pauseCtx->cursorX[PAUSE_ITEM] += 1; pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM] += 1; if ((gSaveContext.inventory.items[pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM]] != ITEM_NONE) || CVar_GetS32("gPauseAnyCursor", 0)) { moveCursorResult = 1; } } else { pauseCtx->cursorX[PAUSE_ITEM] = cursorX; pauseCtx->cursorY[PAUSE_ITEM] += 1; if (pauseCtx->cursorY[PAUSE_ITEM] >= 4) { pauseCtx->cursorY[PAUSE_ITEM] = 0; } pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM] = pauseCtx->cursorX[PAUSE_ITEM] + (pauseCtx->cursorY[PAUSE_ITEM] * 6); if (pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM] >= 24) { pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM] = pauseCtx->cursorX[PAUSE_ITEM]; } if (cursorY == pauseCtx->cursorY[PAUSE_ITEM]) { pauseCtx->cursorX[PAUSE_ITEM] = cursorX; pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM] = cursorPoint; KaleidoScope_MoveCursorToSpecialPos(globalCtx, PAUSE_CURSOR_PAGE_RIGHT); moveCursorResult = 2; } } } } if (moveCursorResult == 1) { cursorItem = gSaveContext.inventory.items[pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM]]; } osSyncPrintf("【X cursor=%d(%) (cur_xpt=%d)(ok_fg=%d)(ccc=%d)(key_angle=%d)】 ", pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM], pauseCtx->cursorX[PAUSE_ITEM], moveCursorResult, cursorItem, pauseCtx->cursorSpecialPos); } } else if (pauseCtx->cursorSpecialPos == PAUSE_CURSOR_PAGE_LEFT) { if ((pauseCtx->stickRelX > 30) || (dpad && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_DRIGHT))) { pauseCtx->nameDisplayTimer = 0; pauseCtx->cursorSpecialPos = 0; Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_SY_CURSOR, &D_801333D4, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); cursorPoint = cursorX = cursorY = 0; while (true) { if (gSaveContext.inventory.items[cursorPoint] != ITEM_NONE) { pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM] = cursorPoint; pauseCtx->cursorX[PAUSE_ITEM] = cursorX; pauseCtx->cursorY[PAUSE_ITEM] = cursorY; moveCursorResult = 1; break; } cursorY = cursorY + 1; cursorPoint = cursorPoint + 6; if (cursorY < 4) { continue; } cursorY = 0; cursorPoint = cursorX + 1; cursorX = cursorPoint; if (cursorX < 6) { continue; } KaleidoScope_MoveCursorToSpecialPos(globalCtx, PAUSE_CURSOR_PAGE_RIGHT); break; } } } else { if ((pauseCtx->stickRelX < -30) || (dpad && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_DLEFT))) { pauseCtx->nameDisplayTimer = 0; pauseCtx->cursorSpecialPos = 0; Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_SY_CURSOR, &D_801333D4, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); cursorPoint = cursorX = 5; cursorY = 0; while (true) { if (gSaveContext.inventory.items[cursorPoint] != ITEM_NONE) { pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM] = cursorPoint; pauseCtx->cursorX[PAUSE_ITEM] = cursorX; pauseCtx->cursorY[PAUSE_ITEM] = cursorY; moveCursorResult = 1; break; } cursorY = cursorY + 1; cursorPoint = cursorPoint + 6; if (cursorY < 4) { continue; } cursorY = 0; cursorPoint = cursorX - 1; cursorX = cursorPoint; if (cursorX >= 0) { continue; } KaleidoScope_MoveCursorToSpecialPos(globalCtx, PAUSE_CURSOR_PAGE_LEFT); break; } } } if (pauseCtx->cursorSpecialPos == 0) { if (cursorItem != PAUSE_ITEM_NONE) { if ((ABS(pauseCtx->stickRelY) > 30) || (dpad && CHECK_BTN_ANY(input->press.button, BTN_DDOWN | BTN_DUP))) { moveCursorResult = 0 || gSelectingMask; cursorPoint = pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM]; cursorY = pauseCtx->cursorY[PAUSE_ITEM]; while (moveCursorResult == 0) { if ((pauseCtx->stickRelY > 30) || (dpad && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_DUP))) { if (pauseCtx->cursorY[PAUSE_ITEM] != 0) { pauseCtx->cursorY[PAUSE_ITEM] -= 1; pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM] -= 6; if ((gSaveContext.inventory.items[pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM]] != ITEM_NONE) || CVar_GetS32("gPauseAnyCursor", 0)) { moveCursorResult = 1; } } else { pauseCtx->cursorY[PAUSE_ITEM] = cursorY; pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM] = cursorPoint; moveCursorResult = 2; } } else if ((pauseCtx->stickRelY < -30) || (dpad && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_DDOWN))) { if (pauseCtx->cursorY[PAUSE_ITEM] < 3) { pauseCtx->cursorY[PAUSE_ITEM] += 1; pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM] += 6; if ((gSaveContext.inventory.items[pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM]] != ITEM_NONE) || CVar_GetS32("gPauseAnyCursor", 0)) { moveCursorResult = 1; } } else { pauseCtx->cursorY[PAUSE_ITEM] = cursorY; pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM] = cursorPoint; moveCursorResult = 2; } } } cursorPoint = PAUSE_ITEM; osSyncPrintf("【Y cursor=%d(%) (cur_ypt=%d)(ok_fg=%d)(ccc=%d)】 ", pauseCtx->cursorPoint[cursorPoint], pauseCtx->cursorY[PAUSE_ITEM], moveCursorResult, cursorItem); } } cursorSlot = pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM]; pauseCtx->cursorColorSet = 4; if (moveCursorResult == 1) { cursorItem = gSaveContext.inventory.items[pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM]]; } else if (moveCursorResult != 2) { cursorItem = gSaveContext.inventory.items[pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM]]; } pauseCtx->cursorItem[PAUSE_ITEM] = cursorItem; pauseCtx->cursorSlot[PAUSE_ITEM] = cursorSlot; gSlotAgeReqs[SLOT_TRADE_CHILD] = gItemAgeReqs[ITEM_MASK_BUNNY] = (CVar_GetS32("gMMBunnyHood", 0) && INV_CONTENT(ITEM_TRADE_CHILD) == ITEM_MASK_BUNNY) ? 9 : 1; if (!((gSlotAgeReqs[cursorSlot] == 9) || (gSlotAgeReqs[cursorSlot] == ((void)0, gSaveContext.linkAge)))) { pauseCtx->nameColorSet = 1; } if (cursorItem != PAUSE_ITEM_NONE) { index = cursorSlot * 4; // required to match? KaleidoScope_SetCursorVtx(pauseCtx, index, pauseCtx->itemVtx); if ((pauseCtx->debugState == 0) && (pauseCtx->state == 6) && (pauseCtx->unk_1E4 == 0)) { if (CVar_GetS32("gMaskSelect", 0) && (gSaveContext.eventChkInf[8] & 0x8000) && cursorSlot == SLOT_TRADE_CHILD && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_A)) { Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_SY_DECIDE, &D_801333D4, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); gSelectingMask = !gSelectingMask; } if (gSelectingMask) { pauseCtx->cursorColorSet = 8; if (((pauseCtx->stickRelX > 30 || pauseCtx->stickRelY > 30) || dpad && CHECK_BTN_ANY(input->press.button, BTN_DRIGHT | BTN_DUP)) && INV_CONTENT(ITEM_TRADE_CHILD) < ITEM_MASK_TRUTH) { Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_SY_CURSOR, &D_801333D4, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); ++INV_CONTENT(ITEM_TRADE_CHILD); } else if (((pauseCtx->stickRelX < -30 || pauseCtx->stickRelY < -30) || dpad && CHECK_BTN_ANY(input->press.button, BTN_DLEFT | BTN_DDOWN)) && INV_CONTENT(ITEM_TRADE_CHILD) > ITEM_MASK_KEATON) { Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_SY_CURSOR, &D_801333D4, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); --INV_CONTENT(ITEM_TRADE_CHILD); } else if ((pauseCtx->stickRelX < -30 || pauseCtx->stickRelX > 30 || pauseCtx->stickRelY < -30 || pauseCtx->stickRelY > 30) || dpad && CHECK_BTN_ANY(input->press.button, BTN_DUP | BTN_DDOWN | BTN_DLEFT | BTN_DRIGHT)) { INV_CONTENT(ITEM_TRADE_CHILD) ^= ITEM_MASK_KEATON ^ ITEM_MASK_TRUTH; Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_SY_CURSOR, &D_801333D4, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); } for (uint16_t cSlotIndex = 0; cSlotIndex < ARRAY_COUNT(gSaveContext.equips.cButtonSlots); cSlotIndex++) { if (gSaveContext.equips.cButtonSlots[cSlotIndex] == SLOT_TRADE_CHILD) { if (!LINK_IS_ADULT || CVar_GetS32("gNoRestrictAge", 0)) { gSaveContext.equips.buttonItems[cSlotIndex+1] = INV_CONTENT(ITEM_TRADE_CHILD); } else if (INV_CONTENT(ITEM_TRADE_CHILD) != gSaveContext.equips.buttonItems[cSlotIndex+1]) { gSaveContext.equips.cButtonSlots[cSlotIndex] = SLOT_NONE; gSaveContext.equips.buttonItems[cSlotIndex+1] = ITEM_NONE; } } } gSelectingMask = cursorSlot == SLOT_TRADE_CHILD; } u16 buttonsToCheck = BTN_CLEFT | BTN_CDOWN | BTN_CRIGHT; if (CVar_GetS32("gDpadEquips", 0) && (!CVar_GetS32("gDpadPauseName", 0) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->cur.button, BTN_CUP))) { buttonsToCheck |= BTN_DUP | BTN_DDOWN | BTN_DLEFT | BTN_DRIGHT; } if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(input->press.button, buttonsToCheck)) { if (((gSlotAgeReqs[cursorSlot] == 9) || (gSlotAgeReqs[cursorSlot] == ((void)0, gSaveContext.linkAge))) && (cursorItem != ITEM_SOLD_OUT) && (cursorItem != ITEM_NONE)) { KaleidoScope_SetupItemEquip(globalCtx, cursorItem, cursorSlot, pauseCtx->itemVtx[index].v.ob[0] * 10, pauseCtx->itemVtx[index].v.ob[1] * 10); } else { Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_SY_ERROR, &D_801333D4, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); } } } } else { pauseCtx->cursorVtx[0].v.ob[0] = pauseCtx->cursorVtx[2].v.ob[0] = pauseCtx->cursorVtx[1].v.ob[0] = pauseCtx->cursorVtx[3].v.ob[0] = 0; pauseCtx->cursorVtx[0].v.ob[1] = pauseCtx->cursorVtx[1].v.ob[1] = pauseCtx->cursorVtx[2].v.ob[1] = pauseCtx->cursorVtx[3].v.ob[1] = -200; } } else { pauseCtx->cursorItem[PAUSE_ITEM] = PAUSE_ITEM_NONE; } if (oldCursorPoint != pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM]) { Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_SY_CURSOR, &D_801333D4, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); } } else if ((pauseCtx->unk_1E4 == 3) && (pauseCtx->pageIndex == PAUSE_ITEM)) { KaleidoScope_SetCursorVtx(pauseCtx, cursorSlot * 4, pauseCtx->itemVtx); pauseCtx->cursorColorSet = 4; } gDPSetCombineLERP(OVERLAY_DISP++, PRIMITIVE, ENVIRONMENT, TEXEL0, ENVIRONMENT, TEXEL0, 0, PRIMITIVE, 0, PRIMITIVE, ENVIRONMENT, TEXEL0, ENVIRONMENT, TEXEL0, 0, PRIMITIVE, 0); gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_KAL_DISP++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, pauseCtx->alpha); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_KAL_DISP++, 0, 0, 0, 0); for (i = 0, j = 24 * 4; i < ARRAY_COUNT(gSaveContext.equips.cButtonSlots); i++, j += 4) { if ((gSaveContext.equips.buttonItems[i + 1] != ITEM_NONE) && !((gSaveContext.equips.buttonItems[i + 1] >= ITEM_SHIELD_DEKU) && (gSaveContext.equips.buttonItems[i + 1] <= ITEM_BOOTS_HOVER))) { gSPVertex(POLY_KAL_DISP++, &pauseCtx->itemVtx[j], 4, 0); POLY_KAL_DISP = KaleidoScope_QuadTextureIA8(POLY_KAL_DISP, gEquippedItemOutlineTex, 32, 32, 0); } } gDPPipeSync(POLY_KAL_DISP++); gDPSetCombineMode(POLY_KAL_DISP++, G_CC_MODULATEIA_PRIM, G_CC_MODULATEIA_PRIM); for (i = j = 0; i < 24; i++, j += 4) { gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_KAL_DISP++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, pauseCtx->alpha); if (gSaveContext.inventory.items[i] != ITEM_NONE) { if ((pauseCtx->unk_1E4 == 0) && (pauseCtx->pageIndex == PAUSE_ITEM) && (pauseCtx->cursorSpecialPos == 0)) { if ((gSlotAgeReqs[i] == 9) || (gSlotAgeReqs[i] == ((void)0, gSaveContext.linkAge))) { if ((sEquipState == 2) && (i == 3)) { gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_KAL_DISP++, 0, 0, magicArrowEffectsR[pauseCtx->equipTargetItem - 0xBF], magicArrowEffectsG[pauseCtx->equipTargetItem - 0xBF], magicArrowEffectsB[pauseCtx->equipTargetItem - 0xBF], pauseCtx->alpha); pauseCtx->itemVtx[j + 0].v.ob[0] = pauseCtx->itemVtx[j + 2].v.ob[0] = pauseCtx->itemVtx[j + 0].v.ob[0] - 2; pauseCtx->itemVtx[j + 1].v.ob[0] = pauseCtx->itemVtx[j + 3].v.ob[0] = pauseCtx->itemVtx[j + 0].v.ob[0] + 32; pauseCtx->itemVtx[j + 0].v.ob[1] = pauseCtx->itemVtx[j + 1].v.ob[1] = pauseCtx->itemVtx[j + 0].v.ob[1] + 2; pauseCtx->itemVtx[j + 2].v.ob[1] = pauseCtx->itemVtx[j + 3].v.ob[1] = pauseCtx->itemVtx[j + 0].v.ob[1] - 32; } else if (i == cursorSlot) { pauseCtx->itemVtx[j + 0].v.ob[0] = pauseCtx->itemVtx[j + 2].v.ob[0] = pauseCtx->itemVtx[j + 0].v.ob[0] - 2; pauseCtx->itemVtx[j + 1].v.ob[0] = pauseCtx->itemVtx[j + 3].v.ob[0] = pauseCtx->itemVtx[j + 0].v.ob[0] + 32; pauseCtx->itemVtx[j + 0].v.ob[1] = pauseCtx->itemVtx[j + 1].v.ob[1] = pauseCtx->itemVtx[j + 0].v.ob[1] + 2; pauseCtx->itemVtx[j + 2].v.ob[1] = pauseCtx->itemVtx[j + 3].v.ob[1] = pauseCtx->itemVtx[j + 0].v.ob[1] - 32; } } } gSPVertex(POLY_KAL_DISP++, &pauseCtx->itemVtx[j + 0], 4, 0); int itemId = gSaveContext.inventory.items[i]; bool not_acquired = (gItemAgeReqs[itemId] != 9) && (gItemAgeReqs[itemId] != gSaveContext.linkAge); if (not_acquired) { gsDPSetGrayscaleColor(POLY_KAL_DISP++, 109, 109, 109, 255); gsSPGrayscale(POLY_KAL_DISP++, true); } KaleidoScope_DrawQuadTextureRGBA32(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx, gItemIcons[itemId], 32, 32, 0); gsSPGrayscale(POLY_KAL_DISP++, false); } } if (pauseCtx->cursorSpecialPos == 0) { KaleidoScope_DrawCursor(globalCtx, PAUSE_ITEM); } gDPPipeSync(POLY_KAL_DISP++); gDPSetCombineLERP(POLY_KAL_DISP++, PRIMITIVE, ENVIRONMENT, TEXEL0, ENVIRONMENT, TEXEL0, 0, PRIMITIVE, 0, PRIMITIVE, ENVIRONMENT, TEXEL0, ENVIRONMENT, TEXEL0, 0, PRIMITIVE, 0); for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) { if ((gAmmoItems[i] != ITEM_NONE) && (gSaveContext.inventory.items[i] != ITEM_NONE)) { KaleidoScope_DrawAmmoCount(pauseCtx, globalCtx->state.gfxCtx, gSaveContext.inventory.items[i], i); } } CLOSE_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); } void KaleidoScope_SetupItemEquip(GlobalContext* globalCtx, u16 item, u16 slot, s16 animX, s16 animY) { Input* input = &globalCtx->state.input[0]; PauseContext* pauseCtx = &globalCtx->pauseCtx; gSelectingMask = false; if (CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_CLEFT)) { pauseCtx->equipTargetCBtn = 0; } else if (CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_CDOWN)) { pauseCtx->equipTargetCBtn = 1; } else if (CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_CRIGHT)) { pauseCtx->equipTargetCBtn = 2; } else if (CVar_GetS32("gDpadEquips", 0)) { if (CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_DUP)) { pauseCtx->equipTargetCBtn = 3; } else if (CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_DDOWN)) { pauseCtx->equipTargetCBtn = 4; } else if (CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_DLEFT)) { pauseCtx->equipTargetCBtn = 5; } else if (CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_DRIGHT)) { pauseCtx->equipTargetCBtn = 6; } } pauseCtx->equipTargetItem = item; pauseCtx->equipTargetSlot = slot; pauseCtx->unk_1E4 = 3; pauseCtx->equipAnimX = animX; pauseCtx->equipAnimY = animY; pauseCtx->equipAnimAlpha = 255; sEquipAnimTimer = 0; sEquipState = 3; sEquipMoveTimer = 10; if ((pauseCtx->equipTargetItem == ITEM_ARROW_FIRE) || (pauseCtx->equipTargetItem == ITEM_ARROW_ICE) || (pauseCtx->equipTargetItem == ITEM_ARROW_LIGHT)) { u16 index = 0; if (pauseCtx->equipTargetItem == ITEM_ARROW_ICE) { index = 1; } if (pauseCtx->equipTargetItem == ITEM_ARROW_LIGHT) { index = 2; } Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_SY_SET_FIRE_ARROW + index, &D_801333D4, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); pauseCtx->equipTargetItem = 0xBF + index; sEquipState = 0; pauseCtx->equipAnimAlpha = 0; sEquipMoveTimer = 6; } else { Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_SY_DECIDE, &D_801333D4, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); } } // TODO update for final positions static s16 sCButtonPosX[] = { 66, 90, 114, 110, 110, 86, 134 }; static s16 sCButtonPosY[] = { 110, 92, 110, 76, 44, 62, 62 }; void KaleidoScope_UpdateItemEquip(GlobalContext* globalCtx) { static s16 D_8082A488 = 0; PauseContext* pauseCtx = &globalCtx->pauseCtx; Vtx* bowItemVtx; u16 offsetX; u16 offsetY; if (sEquipState == 0) { pauseCtx->equipAnimAlpha += 14; if (pauseCtx->equipAnimAlpha > 255) { pauseCtx->equipAnimAlpha = 254; sEquipState++; } sEquipAnimTimer = 5; return; } if (sEquipState == 2) { D_8082A488--; if (D_8082A488 == 0) { pauseCtx->equipTargetItem -= 0xBF - ITEM_BOW_ARROW_FIRE; pauseCtx->equipTargetSlot = SLOT_BOW; sEquipMoveTimer = 6; WREG(90) = 320; WREG(87) = WREG(91); sEquipState++; Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_SY_SYNTH_MAGIC_ARROW, &D_801333D4, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); } return; } if (sEquipState == 1) { bowItemVtx = &pauseCtx->itemVtx[12]; offsetX = ABS(pauseCtx->equipAnimX - bowItemVtx->v.ob[0] * 10) / sEquipMoveTimer; offsetY = ABS(pauseCtx->equipAnimY - bowItemVtx->v.ob[1] * 10) / sEquipMoveTimer; } else { offsetX = ABS(pauseCtx->equipAnimX - OTRGetRectDimensionFromRightEdge(sCButtonPosX[pauseCtx->equipTargetCBtn]) * 10) / sEquipMoveTimer; offsetY = ABS(pauseCtx->equipAnimY - sCButtonPosY[pauseCtx->equipTargetCBtn] * 10) / sEquipMoveTimer; } if ((pauseCtx->equipTargetItem >= 0xBF) && (pauseCtx->equipAnimAlpha < 254)) { pauseCtx->equipAnimAlpha += 14; if (pauseCtx->equipAnimAlpha > 255) { pauseCtx->equipAnimAlpha = 254; } sEquipAnimTimer = 5; return; } if (sEquipAnimTimer == 0) { WREG(90) -= WREG(87) / sEquipMoveTimer; WREG(87) -= WREG(87) / sEquipMoveTimer; if (sEquipState == 1) { if (pauseCtx->equipAnimX >= (pauseCtx->itemVtx[12].v.ob[0] * 10)) { pauseCtx->equipAnimX -= offsetX; } else { pauseCtx->equipAnimX += offsetX; } if (pauseCtx->equipAnimY >= (pauseCtx->itemVtx[12].v.ob[1] * 10)) { pauseCtx->equipAnimY -= offsetY; } else { pauseCtx->equipAnimY += offsetY; } } else { if (pauseCtx->equipAnimX >= OTRGetRectDimensionFromRightEdge(sCButtonPosX[pauseCtx->equipTargetCBtn]) * 10) { pauseCtx->equipAnimX -= offsetX; } else { pauseCtx->equipAnimX += offsetX; } if (pauseCtx->equipAnimY >= sCButtonPosY[pauseCtx->equipTargetCBtn] * 10) { pauseCtx->equipAnimY -= offsetY; } else { pauseCtx->equipAnimY += offsetY; } } sEquipMoveTimer--; if (sEquipMoveTimer == 0) { if (sEquipState == 1) { sEquipState++; D_8082A488 = 4; return; } osSyncPrintf("\n================================\n"); // If the item is on another button already, swap the two uint16_t targetButtonIndex = pauseCtx->equipTargetCBtn + 1; for (uint16_t otherSlotIndex = 0; otherSlotIndex < ARRAY_COUNT(gSaveContext.equips.cButtonSlots); otherSlotIndex++) { uint16_t otherButtonIndex = otherSlotIndex + 1; if (otherSlotIndex == pauseCtx->equipTargetCBtn) { continue; } if (pauseCtx->equipTargetSlot == gSaveContext.equips.cButtonSlots[otherSlotIndex]) { // Assign the other button to the target's current item if (gSaveContext.equips.buttonItems[targetButtonIndex] != ITEM_NONE) { gSaveContext.equips.buttonItems[otherButtonIndex] = gSaveContext.equips.buttonItems[targetButtonIndex]; gSaveContext.equips.cButtonSlots[otherSlotIndex] = gSaveContext.equips.cButtonSlots[pauseCtx->equipTargetCBtn]; Interface_LoadItemIcon2(globalCtx, otherButtonIndex); } else { gSaveContext.equips.buttonItems[otherButtonIndex] = ITEM_NONE; gSaveContext.equips.cButtonSlots[otherSlotIndex] = SLOT_NONE; } break; // Assume there is only one possible pre-existing equip } } gSaveContext.equips.buttonItems[targetButtonIndex] = pauseCtx->equipTargetItem; gSaveContext.equips.cButtonSlots[pauseCtx->equipTargetCBtn] = pauseCtx->equipTargetSlot; Interface_LoadItemIcon1(globalCtx, targetButtonIndex); pauseCtx->unk_1E4 = 0; sEquipMoveTimer = 10; WREG(90) = 320; WREG(87) = WREG(91); } } else { sEquipAnimTimer--; if (sEquipAnimTimer == 0) { pauseCtx->equipAnimAlpha = 255; } } }