#include "global.h" s16 sKaleidoSetupKscpPos0[] = { PAUSE_QUEST, PAUSE_EQUIP, PAUSE_ITEM, PAUSE_MAP }; f32 sKaleidoSetupEyeX0[] = { 0.0f, 64.0f, 0.0f, -64.0f }; f32 sKaleidoSetupEyeZ0[] = { -64.0f, 0.0f, 64.0f, 0.0f }; s16 sKaleidoSetupKscpPos1[] = { PAUSE_MAP, PAUSE_QUEST, PAUSE_EQUIP, PAUSE_ITEM }; f32 sKaleidoSetupEyeX1[] = { -64.0f, 0.0f, 64.0f, 0.0f }; f32 sKaleidoSetupEyeZ1[] = { 0.0f, -64.0f, 0.0f, 64.0f }; void KaleidoSetup_Update(PlayState* play) { PauseContext* pauseCtx = &play->pauseCtx; Input* input = &play->state.input[0]; if (pauseCtx->state == 0 && pauseCtx->debugState == 0 && play->gameOverCtx.state == GAMEOVER_INACTIVE && play->transitionTrigger == TRANS_TRIGGER_OFF && play->transitionMode == TRANS_MODE_OFF && gSaveContext.cutsceneIndex < 0xFFF0 && gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex < 0xFFF0 && !Play_InCsMode(play) && play->shootingGalleryStatus <= 1 && gSaveContext.magicState != MAGIC_STATE_STEP_CAPACITY && gSaveContext.magicState != MAGIC_STATE_FILL && (play->sceneNum != SCENE_BOMBCHU_BOWLING_ALLEY || !Flags_GetSwitch(play, 0x38))) { u8 easyPauseBufferEnabled = CVarGetInteger(CVAR_CHEAT("EasyPauseBuffer"), 0); u8 easyPauseBufferTimer = CVarGetInteger(CVAR_GENERAL("CheatEasyPauseBufferTimer"), 0); // If start is not seen as pressed on the 2nd to last frame then we should end the easy frame advance flow if (easyPauseBufferEnabled && easyPauseBufferTimer == 2 && !CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_START)) { CVarSetInteger(CVAR_GENERAL("CheatEasyPauseBufferTimer"), 0); } if (CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->cur.button, BTN_L) && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_CUP)) { if (BREG(0)) { pauseCtx->debugState = 3; } } else if ((CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_START) && (!easyPauseBufferEnabled || !easyPauseBufferTimer)) || (easyPauseBufferEnabled && easyPauseBufferTimer == 1)) { // Force Kaleido open when easy pause buffer reaches 0 // Remember last held buttons for pause buffer cheat (minus start so easy frame advance works) CVarSetInteger(CVAR_GENERAL("CheatEasyPauseBufferLastInputs"), input->cur.button & ~(BTN_START)); gSaveContext.unk_13EE = gSaveContext.unk_13EA; if (CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->cur.button, BTN_L)) CVarSetInteger(CVAR_GENERAL("PauseTriforce"), 1); else CVarSetInteger(CVAR_GENERAL("PauseTriforce"), 0); WREG(16) = -175; WREG(17) = 155; pauseCtx->unk_1EA = 0; pauseCtx->unk_1E4 = 1; if (ZREG(48) == 0) { pauseCtx->eye.x = sKaleidoSetupEyeX0[pauseCtx->pageIndex]; pauseCtx->eye.z = sKaleidoSetupEyeZ0[pauseCtx->pageIndex]; pauseCtx->pageIndex = sKaleidoSetupKscpPos0[pauseCtx->pageIndex]; } else { pauseCtx->eye.x = sKaleidoSetupEyeX1[pauseCtx->pageIndex]; pauseCtx->eye.z = sKaleidoSetupEyeZ1[pauseCtx->pageIndex]; pauseCtx->pageIndex = sKaleidoSetupKscpPos1[pauseCtx->pageIndex]; } pauseCtx->mode = (u16)(pauseCtx->pageIndex * 2) + 1; pauseCtx->state = 1; osSyncPrintf("Mode=%d eye.x=%f, eye.z=%f kscp_pos=%d\n", pauseCtx->mode, pauseCtx->eye.x, pauseCtx->eye.z, pauseCtx->pageIndex); } if (pauseCtx->state == 1) { WREG(2) = -6240; R_UPDATE_RATE = 2; if (ShrinkWindow_GetVal()) { ShrinkWindow_SetVal(0); } func_800F64E0(1); } } } void KaleidoSetup_Init(PlayState* play) { PauseContext* pauseCtx = &play->pauseCtx; u64 temp = 0; // Necessary to match pauseCtx->state = 0; pauseCtx->debugState = 0; pauseCtx->alpha = 0; pauseCtx->unk_1EA = 0; pauseCtx->unk_1E4 = 0; pauseCtx->mode = 0; pauseCtx->pageIndex = PAUSE_ITEM; pauseCtx->unk_1F4 = 160.0f; pauseCtx->unk_1F8 = 160.0f; pauseCtx->unk_1FC = 160.0f; pauseCtx->unk_200 = 160.0f; pauseCtx->eye.z = 64.0f; pauseCtx->unk_1F0 = 936.0f; pauseCtx->eye.x = pauseCtx->eye.y = 0.0f; pauseCtx->unk_204 = -314.0f; pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_ITEM] = 0; pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_MAP] = VREG(30) + 3; pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_QUEST] = 0; pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_EQUIP] = 1; pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_WORLD_MAP] = 10; pauseCtx->cursorX[PAUSE_ITEM] = 0; pauseCtx->cursorY[PAUSE_ITEM] = 0; pauseCtx->cursorX[PAUSE_MAP] = 0; pauseCtx->cursorY[PAUSE_MAP] = 0; pauseCtx->cursorX[PAUSE_QUEST] = temp; pauseCtx->cursorY[PAUSE_QUEST] = temp; pauseCtx->cursorX[PAUSE_EQUIP] = 1; pauseCtx->cursorY[PAUSE_EQUIP] = 0; pauseCtx->cursorItem[PAUSE_ITEM] = PAUSE_ITEM_NONE; pauseCtx->cursorItem[PAUSE_MAP] = VREG(30) + 3; pauseCtx->cursorItem[PAUSE_QUEST] = PAUSE_ITEM_NONE; pauseCtx->cursorItem[PAUSE_EQUIP] = ITEM_SWORD_KOKIRI; pauseCtx->cursorSlot[PAUSE_ITEM] = 0; pauseCtx->cursorSlot[PAUSE_MAP] = VREG(30) + 3; pauseCtx->cursorSlot[PAUSE_QUEST] = 0; pauseCtx->cursorSlot[PAUSE_EQUIP] = pauseCtx->cursorPoint[PAUSE_EQUIP]; pauseCtx->infoPanelOffsetY = -40; pauseCtx->nameDisplayTimer = 0; pauseCtx->nameColorSet = 0; pauseCtx->cursorColorSet = 4; pauseCtx->ocarinaSongIdx = -1; pauseCtx->cursorSpecialPos = 0; pauseCtx->randoQuestMode = 0; View_Init(&pauseCtx->view, play->state.gfxCtx); } void KaleidoSetup_Destroy(PlayState* play) { }