#include "global.h" #include "vt.h" #include "overlays/actors/ovl_Arms_Hook/z_arms_hook.h" #include "overlays/actors/ovl_En_Arrow/z_en_arrow.h" #include "overlays/actors/ovl_En_Part/z_en_part.h" #include "objects/gameplay_keep/gameplay_keep.h" #include "objects/gameplay_dangeon_keep/gameplay_dangeon_keep.h" #include "objects/object_bdoor/object_bdoor.h" #include "soh/frame_interpolation.h" #include "soh/Enhancements/enemyrandomizer.h" #include "soh/Enhancements/game-interactor/GameInteractor.h" #include "soh/Enhancements/game-interactor/GameInteractor_Hooks.h" #include "soh/Enhancements/nametag.h" #include "soh/ActorDB.h" #include "soh/OTRGlobals.h" #include #include #include #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__GNUC__) #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_49.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_01.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_02.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_03.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_04.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_05.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_06.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_07.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_08.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_09.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_10.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_11.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_12.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_13.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_14.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_15.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_16.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_17.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_18.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_19.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_20.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_21.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_22.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_23.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_24.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_25.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_26.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_27.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_28.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_29.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_30.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_31.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_32.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_33.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_34.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_35.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_36.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_37.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_38.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_39.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_40.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_41.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_42.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_43.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_44.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_45.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_46.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_47.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_48.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_50.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_51.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_52.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_53.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_54.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_55.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_56.h" #include "textures/place_title_cards/g_pn_57.h" #endif static CollisionPoly* sCurCeilingPoly; static s32 sCurCeilingBgId; // Used for animating the ice trap on the "Get Item" model. f32 iceTrapScale; // For Link's voice pitch SFX modifier static f32 freqMultiplier = 1; void ActorShape_Init(ActorShape* shape, f32 yOffset, ActorShadowFunc shadowDraw, f32 shadowScale) { shape->yOffset = yOffset; shape->shadowDraw = shadowDraw; shape->shadowScale = shadowScale; shape->shadowAlpha = 255; } void ActorShadow_Draw(Actor* actor, Lights* lights, PlayState* play, Gfx* dlist, Color_RGBA8* color) { f32 temp1; f32 temp2; MtxF sp60; if (actor->floorPoly != NULL) { temp1 = actor->world.pos.y - actor->floorHeight; if (temp1 >= -50.0f && temp1 < 500.0f) { OPEN_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); POLY_OPA_DISP = Gfx_SetupDL(POLY_OPA_DISP, 0x2C); gDPSetCombineLERP(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0, 0, 0, PRIMITIVE, TEXEL0, 0, PRIMITIVE, 0, 0, 0, 0, COMBINED, 0, 0, 0, COMBINED); temp1 = (temp1 < 0.0f) ? 0.0f : ((temp1 > 150.0f) ? 150.0f : temp1); temp2 = 1.0f - (temp1 * (1.0f / 350)); if (color != NULL) { gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0, 0, color->r, color->g, color->b, (u32)(actor->shape.shadowAlpha * temp2) & 0xFF); } else { gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (u32)(actor->shape.shadowAlpha * temp2) & 0xFF); } func_80038A28(actor->floorPoly, actor->world.pos.x, actor->floorHeight, actor->world.pos.z, &sp60); Matrix_Put(&sp60); if (dlist != gCircleShadowDL) { Matrix_RotateY(actor->shape.rot.y * (M_PI / 0x8000), MTXMODE_APPLY); } temp2 = (1.0f - (temp1 * (1.0f / 350))) * actor->shape.shadowScale; Matrix_Scale(actor->scale.x * temp2, 1.0f, actor->scale.z * temp2, MTXMODE_APPLY); gSPMatrix(POLY_OPA_DISP++, MATRIX_NEWMTX(play->state.gfxCtx), G_MTX_MODELVIEW | G_MTX_LOAD); gSPDisplayList(POLY_OPA_DISP++, dlist); CLOSE_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); } } } void ActorShadow_DrawCircle(Actor* actor, Lights* lights, PlayState* play) { ActorShadow_Draw(actor, lights, play, gCircleShadowDL, NULL); } void ActorShadow_DrawWhiteCircle(Actor* actor, Lights* lights, PlayState* play) { static Color_RGBA8 white = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }; ActorShadow_Draw(actor, lights, play, gCircleShadowDL, &white); } void ActorShadow_DrawHorse(Actor* actor, Lights* lights, PlayState* play) { ActorShadow_Draw(actor, lights, play, gHorseShadowDL, NULL); } void ActorShadow_DrawFoot(PlayState* play, Light* light, MtxF* arg2, s32 arg3, f32 arg4, f32 arg5, f32 arg6) { s32 pad1; f32 sp58; s32 pad2[2]; OPEN_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (u32)(((arg3 * 0.00005f) > 1.0f ? 1.0f : (arg3 * 0.00005f)) * arg4) & 0xFF); sp58 = Math_FAtan2F(light->l.dir[0], light->l.dir[2]); arg6 *= (4.5f - (light->l.dir[1] * 0.035f)); arg6 = (arg6 < 1.0f) ? 1.0f : arg6; Matrix_Put(arg2); Matrix_RotateY(sp58, MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_Scale(arg5, 1.0f, arg5 * arg6, MTXMODE_APPLY); gSPMatrix(POLY_OPA_DISP++, MATRIX_NEWMTX(play->state.gfxCtx), G_MTX_MODELVIEW | G_MTX_LOAD); gSPDisplayList(POLY_OPA_DISP++, gFootShadowDL); CLOSE_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); } void ActorShadow_DrawFeet(Actor* actor, Lights* lights, PlayState* play) { f32 distToFloor = actor->world.pos.y - actor->floorHeight; if (distToFloor > 20.0f) { f32 shadowScale = actor->shape.shadowScale; u8 shadowAlpha = actor->shape.shadowAlpha; f32 alphaRatio; actor->shape.shadowScale *= 0.3f; alphaRatio = (distToFloor - 20.0f) * 0.02f; actor->shape.shadowAlpha = (f32)actor->shape.shadowAlpha * CLAMP_MAX(alphaRatio, 1.0f); ActorShadow_DrawCircle(actor, lights, play); actor->shape.shadowScale = shadowScale; actor->shape.shadowAlpha = shadowAlpha; } if (distToFloor < 200.0f) { MtxF floorMtx; f32 floorHeight[2]; // One for each foot f32 distToFloor; f32 shadowAlpha; f32 shadowScaleX; f32 shadowScaleZ; Light* lightPtr; s32 lightNum; s32 lightNumMax; s32 i; s32 j; s32 numLights = lights->numLights - 2; Light* firstLightPtr = &lights->l.l[0]; Vec3f* feetPosPtr = actor->shape.feetPos; f32* floorHeightPtr = floorHeight; OPEN_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); POLY_OPA_DISP = Gfx_SetupDL(POLY_OPA_DISP, 0x2C); actor->shape.feetFloorFlags = 0; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { feetPosPtr->y += 50.0f; *floorHeightPtr = func_800BFCB8(play, &floorMtx, feetPosPtr); feetPosPtr->y -= 50.0f; actor->shape.feetFloorFlags <<= 1; distToFloor = feetPosPtr->y - *floorHeightPtr; if ((-1.0f <= distToFloor) && (distToFloor < 500.0f)) { if (distToFloor <= 0.0f) { actor->shape.feetFloorFlags++; } distToFloor = CLAMP_MAX(distToFloor, 30.0f); shadowAlpha = (f32)actor->shape.shadowAlpha * (1.0f - (distToFloor * (1.0f / 30.0f))); distToFloor = CLAMP_MAX(distToFloor, 30.0f); shadowScaleZ = 1.0f - (distToFloor * (1.0f / (30.0f + 40.0f))); shadowScaleX = shadowScaleZ * actor->shape.shadowScale * actor->scale.x; lightNumMax = 0; lightPtr = firstLightPtr; for (j = 0; j < numLights; j++) { if (lightPtr->l.dir[1] > 0) { lightNum = (lightPtr->l.col[0] + lightPtr->l.col[1] + lightPtr->l.col[2]) * ABS(lightPtr->l.dir[1]); if (lightNum > 0) { lightNumMax += lightNum; ActorShadow_DrawFoot(play, lightPtr, &floorMtx, lightNum, shadowAlpha, shadowScaleX, shadowScaleZ); } } lightPtr++; } for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { if (lightPtr->l.dir[1] > 0) { lightNum = ((lightPtr->l.col[0] + lightPtr->l.col[1] + lightPtr->l.col[2]) * ABS(lightPtr->l.dir[1])) - (lightNumMax * 8); if (lightNum > 0) { ActorShadow_DrawFoot(play, lightPtr, &floorMtx, lightNum, shadowAlpha, shadowScaleX, shadowScaleZ); } } lightPtr++; } } feetPosPtr++; floorHeightPtr++; } if (!(actor->bgCheckFlags & 1)) { actor->shape.feetFloorFlags = 0; } else if (actor->shape.feetFloorFlags == 3) { f32 footDistY = actor->shape.feetPos[FOOT_LEFT].y - actor->shape.feetPos[FOOT_RIGHT].y; if ((floorHeight[0] + footDistY) < (floorHeight[1] - footDistY)) { actor->shape.feetFloorFlags = 2; } else { actor->shape.feetFloorFlags = 1; } } CLOSE_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); } } void Actor_SetFeetPos(Actor* actor, s32 limbIndex, s32 leftFootIndex, Vec3f* leftFootPos, s32 rightFootIndex, Vec3f* rightFootPos) { if (limbIndex == leftFootIndex) { Matrix_MultVec3f(leftFootPos, &actor->shape.feetPos[FOOT_LEFT]); } else if (limbIndex == rightFootIndex) { Matrix_MultVec3f(rightFootPos, &actor->shape.feetPos[FOOT_RIGHT]); } } void func_8002BE04(PlayState* play, Vec3f* arg1, Vec3f* arg2, f32* arg3) { SkinMatrix_Vec3fMtxFMultXYZW(&play->viewProjectionMtxF, arg1, arg2, arg3); *arg3 = (*arg3 < 1.0f) ? 1.0f : (1.0f / *arg3); } typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ Color_RGBA8 inner; /* 0x04 */ Color_RGBA8 outer; } NaviColor; // size = 0x8 NaviColor sNaviColorList[] = { { { 0, 255, 0, 255 }, { 0, 255, 0, 0 } }, { { 0, 255, 0, 255 }, { 0, 255, 0, 0 } }, { { 255, 255, 255, 255 }, { 0, 0, 255, 0 } }, { { 0, 255, 0, 255 }, { 0, 255, 0, 0 } }, { { 150, 150, 255, 255 }, { 150, 150, 255, 0 } }, { { 255, 255, 0, 255 }, { 200, 155, 0, 0 } }, { { 0, 255, 0, 255 }, { 0, 255, 0, 0 } }, { { 0, 255, 0, 255 }, { 0, 255, 0, 0 } }, { { 0, 255, 0, 255 }, { 0, 255, 0, 0 } }, { { 255, 255, 0, 255 }, { 200, 155, 0, 0 } }, { { 0, 255, 0, 255 }, { 0, 255, 0, 0 } }, { { 0, 255, 0, 255 }, { 0, 255, 0, 0 } }, { { 0, 255, 0, 255 }, { 0, 255, 0, 0 } }, }; static Color_RGBA8 defaultIdlePrimaryColor = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }; static Color_RGBA8 defaultIdleSecondaryColor = { 0, 0, 255, 0 }; static Color_RGBA8 defaultNPCPrimaryColor = { 150, 150, 255, 255 }; static Color_RGBA8 defaultNPCSecondaryColor = { 150, 150, 255, 0 }; static Color_RGBA8 defaultEnemyPrimaryColor = { 255, 255, 0, 255 }; static Color_RGBA8 defaultEnemySecondaryColor = { 200, 155, 0, 0 }; static Color_RGBA8 defaultPropsPrimaryColor = { 0, 255, 0, 255 }; static Color_RGBA8 defaultPropsSecondaryColor = { 0, 255, 0, 0 }; // unused Gfx D_80115FF0[] = { gsSPEndDisplayList(), }; void func_8002BE64(TargetContext* targetCtx, s32 index, f32 arg2, f32 arg3, f32 arg4) { targetCtx->arr_50[index].pos.x = arg2; targetCtx->arr_50[index].pos.y = arg3; targetCtx->arr_50[index].pos.z = arg4; targetCtx->arr_50[index].unk_0C = targetCtx->unk_44; } void func_8002BE98(TargetContext* targetCtx, s32 actorCategory, PlayState* play) { TargetContextEntry* entry; NaviColor* naviColor; s32 i; Math_Vec3f_Copy(&targetCtx->targetCenterPos, &play->view.eye); targetCtx->unk_44 = 500.0f; targetCtx->unk_48 = 0x100; naviColor = &sNaviColorList[actorCategory]; entry = &targetCtx->arr_50[0]; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(targetCtx->arr_50); i++) { func_8002BE64(targetCtx, i, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); entry->color.r = naviColor->inner.r; entry->color.g = naviColor->inner.g; entry->color.b = naviColor->inner.b; entry++; } } void func_8002BF60(TargetContext* targetCtx, Actor* actor, s32 actorCategory, PlayState* play) { if (CVarGetInteger(CVAR_COSMETIC("Navi.IdlePrimary.Changed"), 0)) { sNaviColorList[ACTORCAT_PLAYER].inner = CVarGetColor(CVAR_COSMETIC("Navi.IdlePrimary.Value"), defaultIdlePrimaryColor); } else { sNaviColorList[ACTORCAT_PLAYER].inner = defaultIdlePrimaryColor; } if (CVarGetInteger(CVAR_COSMETIC("Navi.IdleSecondary.Changed"), 0)) { sNaviColorList[ACTORCAT_PLAYER].outer = CVarGetColor(CVAR_COSMETIC("Navi.IdleSecondary.Value"), defaultIdleSecondaryColor); } else { sNaviColorList[ACTORCAT_PLAYER].outer = defaultIdleSecondaryColor; } if (CVarGetInteger(CVAR_COSMETIC("Navi.NPCPrimary.Changed"), 0)) { sNaviColorList[ACTORCAT_NPC].inner = CVarGetColor(CVAR_COSMETIC("Navi.NPCPrimary.Value"), defaultNPCPrimaryColor); } else { sNaviColorList[ACTORCAT_NPC].inner = defaultNPCPrimaryColor; } if (CVarGetInteger(CVAR_COSMETIC("Navi.NPCSecondary.Changed"), 0)) { sNaviColorList[ACTORCAT_NPC].outer = CVarGetColor(CVAR_COSMETIC("Navi.NPCSecondary.Value"), defaultNPCSecondaryColor); } else { sNaviColorList[ACTORCAT_NPC].outer = defaultNPCSecondaryColor; } if (CVarGetInteger(CVAR_COSMETIC("Navi.EnemyPrimary.Changed"), 0)) { sNaviColorList[ACTORCAT_ENEMY].inner = CVarGetColor(CVAR_COSMETIC("Navi.EnemyPrimary.Value"), defaultEnemyPrimaryColor); sNaviColorList[ACTORCAT_BOSS].inner = CVarGetColor(CVAR_COSMETIC("Navi.EnemyPrimary.Value"), defaultEnemyPrimaryColor); } else { sNaviColorList[ACTORCAT_ENEMY].inner = defaultEnemyPrimaryColor; sNaviColorList[ACTORCAT_BOSS].inner = defaultEnemyPrimaryColor; } if (CVarGetInteger(CVAR_COSMETIC("Navi.EnemySecondary.Changed"), 0)) { sNaviColorList[ACTORCAT_ENEMY].outer = CVarGetColor(CVAR_COSMETIC("Navi.EnemySecondary.Value"), defaultEnemySecondaryColor); sNaviColorList[ACTORCAT_BOSS].outer = CVarGetColor(CVAR_COSMETIC("Navi.EnemySecondary.Value"), defaultEnemySecondaryColor); } else { sNaviColorList[ACTORCAT_ENEMY].outer = defaultEnemySecondaryColor; sNaviColorList[ACTORCAT_BOSS].outer = defaultEnemySecondaryColor; } if (CVarGetInteger(CVAR_COSMETIC("Navi.PropsPrimary.Changed"), 0)) { sNaviColorList[ACTORCAT_PROP].inner = CVarGetColor(CVAR_COSMETIC("Navi.PropsPrimary.Value"), defaultPropsPrimaryColor); } else { sNaviColorList[ACTORCAT_PROP].inner = defaultPropsPrimaryColor; } if (CVarGetInteger(CVAR_COSMETIC("Navi.PropsSecondary.Changed"), 0)) { sNaviColorList[ACTORCAT_PROP].outer = CVarGetColor(CVAR_COSMETIC("Navi.PropsSecondary.Value"), defaultPropsSecondaryColor); } else { sNaviColorList[ACTORCAT_PROP].outer = defaultPropsSecondaryColor; } NaviColor* naviColor = &sNaviColorList[actorCategory]; targetCtx->naviRefPos.x = actor->focus.pos.x; targetCtx->naviRefPos.y = actor->focus.pos.y + (actor->targetArrowOffset * actor->scale.y); targetCtx->naviRefPos.z = actor->focus.pos.z; targetCtx->naviInner.r = naviColor->inner.r; targetCtx->naviInner.g = naviColor->inner.g; targetCtx->naviInner.b = naviColor->inner.b; targetCtx->naviInner.a = naviColor->inner.a; targetCtx->naviOuter.r = naviColor->outer.r; targetCtx->naviOuter.g = naviColor->outer.g; targetCtx->naviOuter.b = naviColor->outer.b; targetCtx->naviOuter.a = naviColor->outer.a; } void func_8002C0C0(TargetContext* targetCtx, Actor* actor, PlayState* play) { targetCtx->arrowPointedActor = NULL; targetCtx->targetedActor = NULL; targetCtx->unk_40 = 0.0f; targetCtx->unk_8C = NULL; targetCtx->bgmEnemy = NULL; targetCtx->unk_4B = 0; targetCtx->unk_4C = 0; func_8002BF60(targetCtx, actor, actor->category, play); func_8002BE98(targetCtx, actor->category, play); } void func_8002C124(TargetContext* targetCtx, PlayState* play) { Actor* actor = targetCtx->targetedActor; OPEN_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); if (targetCtx->unk_48 != 0) { TargetContextEntry* entry; Player* player; s16 spCE; f32 temp1; Vec3f spBC; s32 spB8; f32 spB4; s32 spB0; s32 spAC; f32 var1; f32 var2; s32 i; FrameInterpolation_RecordOpenChild(actor, 0); player = GET_PLAYER(play); spCE = 0xFF; var1 = 1.0f; if (targetCtx->unk_4B != 0) { spB8 = 1; } else { spB8 = 3; } if (actor != NULL) { Math_Vec3f_Copy(&targetCtx->targetCenterPos, &actor->focus.pos); var1 = (500.0f - targetCtx->unk_44) / 420.0f; } else { targetCtx->unk_48 -= 120; if (targetCtx->unk_48 < 0) { targetCtx->unk_48 = 0; } spCE = targetCtx->unk_48; } func_8002BE04(play, &targetCtx->targetCenterPos, &spBC, &spB4); spBC.x = (160 * (spBC.x * spB4)) * var1; spBC.x = CLAMP(spBC.x, -320.0f, 320.0f); spBC.y = (120 * (spBC.y * spB4)) * var1; spBC.y = CLAMP(spBC.y, -240.0f, 240.0f); spBC.z = spBC.z * var1; targetCtx->unk_4C--; if (targetCtx->unk_4C < 0) { targetCtx->unk_4C = 2; } func_8002BE64(targetCtx, targetCtx->unk_4C, spBC.x, spBC.y, spBC.z); if ((!(player->stateFlags1 & PLAYER_STATE1_TALKING)) || (actor != player->focusActor)) { OVERLAY_DISP = Gfx_SetupDL(OVERLAY_DISP, 0x39); for (spB0 = 0, spAC = targetCtx->unk_4C; spB0 < spB8; spB0++, spAC = (spAC + 1) % 3) { entry = &targetCtx->arr_50[spAC]; if (entry->unk_0C < 500.0f) { if (entry->unk_0C <= 120.0f) { var2 = 0.15f; } else { var2 = ((entry->unk_0C - 120.0f) * 0.001f) + 0.15f; } Matrix_Translate(entry->pos.x, entry->pos.y, 0.0f, MTXMODE_NEW); Matrix_Scale(var2, 0.15f, 1.0f, MTXMODE_APPLY); gDPSetPrimColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, 0, 0, entry->color.r, entry->color.g, entry->color.b, (u8)spCE); Matrix_RotateZ((targetCtx->unk_4B & 0x7F) * (M_PI / 64), MTXMODE_APPLY); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Matrix_RotateZ(M_PI / 2, MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_Push(); Matrix_Translate(entry->unk_0C, entry->unk_0C, 0.0f, MTXMODE_APPLY); gSPMatrix(OVERLAY_DISP++, MATRIX_NEWMTX(play->state.gfxCtx), G_MTX_MODELVIEW | G_MTX_LOAD); gSPDisplayList(OVERLAY_DISP++, gZTargetLockOnTriangleDL); Matrix_Pop(); } } spCE -= 0xFF / 3; if (spCE < 0) { spCE = 0; } } } FrameInterpolation_RecordCloseChild(); } actor = targetCtx->unk_94; if ((actor != NULL) && !(actor->flags & ACTOR_FLAG_NO_LOCKON)) { FrameInterpolation_RecordOpenChild(actor, 1); NaviColor* naviColor = &sNaviColorList[actor->category]; POLY_XLU_DISP = Gfx_SetupDL(POLY_XLU_DISP, 0x7); Matrix_Translate(actor->focus.pos.x, actor->focus.pos.y + (actor->targetArrowOffset * actor->scale.y) + 17.0f, actor->focus.pos.z, MTXMODE_NEW); Matrix_RotateY((f32)((u16)(play->gameplayFrames * 3000)) * (M_PI / 0x8000), MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_Scale((iREG(27) + 35) / 1000.0f, (iREG(28) + 60) / 1000.0f, (iREG(29) + 50) / 1000.0f, MTXMODE_APPLY); gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0, 0, naviColor->inner.r, naviColor->inner.g, naviColor->inner.b, 255); gSPMatrix(POLY_XLU_DISP++, MATRIX_NEWMTX(play->state.gfxCtx), G_MTX_MODELVIEW | G_MTX_LOAD); gSPDisplayList(POLY_XLU_DISP++, gZTargetArrowDL); FrameInterpolation_RecordCloseChild(); } CLOSE_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); } void func_8002C7BC(TargetContext* targetCtx, Player* player, Actor* actorArg, PlayState* play) { s32 pad; Actor* unkActor; s32 actorCategory; Vec3f sp50; f32 sp4C; f32 temp1; f32 temp2; f32 temp3; f32 temp4; f32 temp5; f32 temp6; s32 lockOnSfxId; unkActor = NULL; if ((player->focusActor != NULL) && (player->controlStickDirections[player->controlStickDataIndex] == 2)) { targetCtx->unk_94 = NULL; } else { func_80032AF0(play, &play->actorCtx, &unkActor, player); targetCtx->unk_94 = unkActor; } if (targetCtx->unk_8C != NULL) { unkActor = targetCtx->unk_8C; targetCtx->unk_8C = NULL; } else if (actorArg != NULL) { unkActor = actorArg; } if (unkActor != NULL) { actorCategory = unkActor->category; } else { actorCategory = player->actor.category; } if ((unkActor != targetCtx->arrowPointedActor) || (actorCategory != targetCtx->activeCategory)) { targetCtx->arrowPointedActor = unkActor; targetCtx->activeCategory = actorCategory; targetCtx->unk_40 = 1.0f; } if (unkActor == NULL) { unkActor = &player->actor; } if (Math_StepToF(&targetCtx->unk_40, 0.0f, 0.25f) == 0) { temp1 = 0.25f / targetCtx->unk_40; temp2 = unkActor->world.pos.x - targetCtx->naviRefPos.x; temp3 = (unkActor->world.pos.y + (unkActor->targetArrowOffset * unkActor->scale.y)) - targetCtx->naviRefPos.y; temp4 = unkActor->world.pos.z - targetCtx->naviRefPos.z; targetCtx->naviRefPos.x += temp2 * temp1; targetCtx->naviRefPos.y += temp3 * temp1; targetCtx->naviRefPos.z += temp4 * temp1; } else { func_8002BF60(targetCtx, unkActor, actorCategory, play); } if ((actorArg != NULL) && (targetCtx->unk_4B == 0)) { func_8002BE04(play, &actorArg->focus.pos, &sp50, &sp4C); if (((sp50.z <= 0.0f) || (1.0f <= fabsf(sp50.x * sp4C))) || (1.0f <= fabsf(sp50.y * sp4C))) { actorArg = NULL; } } if (actorArg != NULL) { if (actorArg != targetCtx->targetedActor) { func_8002BE98(targetCtx, actorArg->category, play); targetCtx->targetedActor = actorArg; if (actorArg->id == ACTOR_EN_BOOM) { targetCtx->unk_48 = 0; } lockOnSfxId = CHECK_FLAG_ALL(actorArg->flags, ACTOR_FLAG_TARGETABLE | ACTOR_FLAG_HOSTILE) ? NA_SE_SY_LOCK_ON : NA_SE_SY_LOCK_ON_HUMAN; Sfx_PlaySfxCentered(lockOnSfxId); } targetCtx->targetCenterPos.x = actorArg->world.pos.x; targetCtx->targetCenterPos.y = actorArg->world.pos.y - (actorArg->shape.yOffset * actorArg->scale.y); targetCtx->targetCenterPos.z = actorArg->world.pos.z; if (targetCtx->unk_4B == 0) { temp5 = (500.0f - targetCtx->unk_44) * 3.0f; temp6 = (temp5 < 30.0f) ? 30.0f : ((100.0f < temp5) ? 100.0f : temp5); if (Math_StepToF(&targetCtx->unk_44, 80.0f, temp6) != 0) { targetCtx->unk_4B++; } } else { targetCtx->unk_4B = (targetCtx->unk_4B + 3) | 0x80; targetCtx->unk_44 = 120.0f; } } else { targetCtx->targetedActor = NULL; Math_StepToF(&targetCtx->unk_44, 500.0f, 80.0f); } } /** * Tests if current scene switch flag is set. */ s32 Flags_GetSwitch(PlayState* play, s32 flag) { if (flag < 0x20) { return play->actorCtx.flags.swch & (1 << flag); } else { return play->actorCtx.flags.tempSwch & (1 << (flag - 0x20)); } } /** * Sets current scene switch flag. */ void Flags_SetSwitch(PlayState* play, s32 flag) { u8 previouslyOff = !Flags_GetSwitch(play, flag); if (flag < 0x20) { play->actorCtx.flags.swch |= (1 << flag); } else { play->actorCtx.flags.tempSwch |= (1 << (flag - 0x20)); } if (previouslyOff) { LUSLOG_INFO("Switch Flag Set - %#x", flag); GameInteractor_ExecuteOnSceneFlagSet(play->sceneNum, FLAG_SCENE_SWITCH, flag); } } /** * Unsets current scene switch flag. */ void Flags_UnsetSwitch(PlayState* play, s32 flag) { u8 previouslyOn = Flags_GetSwitch(play, flag); if (flag < 0x20) { play->actorCtx.flags.swch &= ~(1 << flag); } else { play->actorCtx.flags.tempSwch &= ~(1 << (flag - 0x20)); } if (previouslyOn) { LUSLOG_INFO("Switch Flag Unset - %#x", flag); GameInteractor_ExecuteOnSceneFlagUnset(play->sceneNum, FLAG_SCENE_SWITCH, flag); } } /** * Tests if unknown flag is set. */ s32 Flags_GetUnknown(PlayState* play, s32 flag) { if (flag < 0x20) { return play->actorCtx.flags.unk0 & (1 << flag); } else { return play->actorCtx.flags.unk1 & (1 << (flag - 0x20)); } } /** * Sets unknown flag. */ void Flags_SetUnknown(PlayState* play, s32 flag) { if (flag < 0x20) { play->actorCtx.flags.unk0 |= (1 << flag); } else { play->actorCtx.flags.unk1 |= (1 << (flag - 0x20)); } } /** * Unsets unknown flag. */ void Flags_UnsetUnknown(PlayState* play, s32 flag) { if (flag < 0x20) { play->actorCtx.flags.unk0 &= ~(1 << flag); } else { play->actorCtx.flags.unk1 &= ~(1 << (flag - 0x20)); } } /** * Tests if current scene chest flag is set. */ s32 Flags_GetTreasure(PlayState* play, s32 flag) { return play->actorCtx.flags.chest & (1 << flag); } /** * Sets current scene chest flag. */ void Flags_SetTreasure(PlayState* play, s32 flag) { u8 previouslyOff = !Flags_GetTreasure(play, flag); play->actorCtx.flags.chest |= (1 << flag); if (previouslyOff) { LUSLOG_INFO("Treasure Flag Set - %#x", flag); GameInteractor_ExecuteOnSceneFlagSet(play->sceneNum, FLAG_SCENE_TREASURE, flag); } } /** * Tests if current scene clear flag is set. */ s32 Flags_GetClear(PlayState* play, s32 flag) { return play->actorCtx.flags.clear & (1 << flag); } /** * Sets current scene clear flag. */ void Flags_SetClear(PlayState* play, s32 flag) { u8 previouslyOff = !Flags_GetClear(play, flag); play->actorCtx.flags.clear |= (1 << flag); if (previouslyOff) { LUSLOG_INFO("Clear Flag Set - %#x", flag); GameInteractor_ExecuteOnSceneFlagSet(play->sceneNum, FLAG_SCENE_CLEAR, flag); } } /** * Unsets current scene clear flag. */ void Flags_UnsetClear(PlayState* play, s32 flag) { u8 previouslyOn = Flags_GetClear(play, flag); play->actorCtx.flags.clear &= ~(1 << flag); if (previouslyOn) { LUSLOG_INFO("Clear Flag Unset - %#x", flag); GameInteractor_ExecuteOnSceneFlagUnset(play->sceneNum, FLAG_SCENE_CLEAR, flag); } } /** * Tests if current scene temp clear flag is set. */ s32 Flags_GetTempClear(PlayState* play, s32 flag) { return play->actorCtx.flags.tempClear & (1 << flag); } /** * Sets current scene temp clear flag. */ void Flags_SetTempClear(PlayState* play, s32 flag) { play->actorCtx.flags.tempClear |= (1 << flag); } /** * Unsets current scene temp clear flag. */ void Flags_UnsetTempClear(PlayState* play, s32 flag) { play->actorCtx.flags.tempClear &= ~(1 << flag); } /** * Tests if current scene collectible flag is set. */ s32 Flags_GetCollectible(PlayState* play, s32 flag) { if (flag < 0x20) { return play->actorCtx.flags.collect & (1 << flag); } else { return play->actorCtx.flags.tempCollect & (1 << (flag - 0x20)); } } /** * Sets current scene collectible flag. */ void Flags_SetCollectible(PlayState* play, s32 flag) { u8 previouslyOff = !Flags_GetCollectible(play, flag); if (flag != 0) { if (flag < 0x20) { play->actorCtx.flags.collect |= (1 << flag); } else { play->actorCtx.flags.tempCollect |= (1 << (flag - 0x20)); } } if (previouslyOff) { LUSLOG_INFO("Collectible Flag Set - %#x", flag); GameInteractor_ExecuteOnSceneFlagSet(play->sceneNum, FLAG_SCENE_COLLECTIBLE, flag); } } void func_8002CDE4(PlayState* play, TitleCardContext* titleCtx) { titleCtx->durationTimer = titleCtx->delayTimer = titleCtx->intensityR = titleCtx->alpha = 0; titleCtx->durationTimer = titleCtx->delayTimer = titleCtx->intensityG = titleCtx->alpha = 0; titleCtx->durationTimer = titleCtx->delayTimer = titleCtx->intensityB = titleCtx->alpha = 0; } void TitleCard_InitBossName(PlayState* play, TitleCardContext* titleCtx, void* texture, s16 x, s16 y, u8 width, u8 height, s16 hasTranslation) { static char newName[512]; if (gSaveContext.language != LANGUAGE_ENG) { size_t length = strlen(texture); strcpy(newName, texture); if (gSaveContext.language == LANGUAGE_FRA) { newName[length - 6] = 'F'; newName[length - 5] = 'R'; newName[length - 4] = 'A'; } else if (gSaveContext.language == LANGUAGE_GER) { newName[length - 6] = 'G'; newName[length - 5] = 'E'; newName[length - 4] = 'R'; } texture = newName; } titleCtx->texture = texture; titleCtx->isBossCard = true; titleCtx->hasTranslation = hasTranslation; titleCtx->x = x; titleCtx->y = y; titleCtx->width = width; titleCtx->height = height; titleCtx->durationTimer = 80; titleCtx->delayTimer = 0; } void TitleCard_InitPlaceName(PlayState* play, TitleCardContext* titleCtx, void* texture, s32 x, s32 y, s32 width, s32 height, s32 delay) { SceneTableEntry* loadedScene = play->loadedScene; // size_t size = loadedScene->titleFile.vromEnd - loadedScene->titleFile.vromStart; switch (play->sceneNum) { case SCENE_DEKU_TREE: texture = gDekuTreeTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_DODONGOS_CAVERN: texture = gDodongosCavernTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_JABU_JABU: texture = gJabuJabuTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_FOREST_TEMPLE: texture = gForestTempleTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_FIRE_TEMPLE: texture = gFireTempleTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_WATER_TEMPLE: texture = gWaterTempleTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_SPIRIT_TEMPLE: texture = gSpiritTempleTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_SHADOW_TEMPLE: texture = gShadowTempleTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_BOTTOM_OF_THE_WELL: texture = gBottomOfTheWellTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_ICE_CAVERN: texture = gIceCavernTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_GERUDO_TRAINING_GROUND: texture = gGERudoTrainingGroundTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_THIEVES_HIDEOUT: texture = gThievesHideoutTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_OUTSIDE_GANONS_CASTLE: texture = gGanonsCastleTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_INSIDE_GANONS_CASTLE: texture = gInsideGanonsCastleTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_TREASURE_BOX_SHOP: texture = gTreasureBoxShopTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_BACK_ALLEY_DAY: case SCENE_BACK_ALLEY_NIGHT: texture = gBackAlleyTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_MARKET_DAY: case SCENE_MARKET_NIGHT: case SCENE_MARKET_RUINS: texture = gMarketTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_BAZAAR: texture = gBazaarTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_KOKIRI_SHOP: texture = gKokiriShopTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_GORON_SHOP: texture = gGoronShopTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_ZORA_SHOP: texture = gZoraShopTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_BOMBCHU_SHOP: texture = gBombchuShopTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_POTION_SHOP_KAKARIKO: case SCENE_POTION_SHOP_GRANNY: case SCENE_POTION_SHOP_MARKET: texture = gPotionShopTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_HAPPY_MASK_SHOP: texture = gHappyMaskShopTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_STABLE: texture = gStableTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_LAKESIDE_LABORATORY: texture = gLakesideLaboratoryTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_GRAVEKEEPERS_HUT: texture = gGravekeepersHutTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_GREAT_FAIRYS_FOUNTAIN_MAGIC: case SCENE_GREAT_FAIRYS_FOUNTAIN_SPELLS: texture = gGreatFairysFountainTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_FAIRYS_FOUNTAIN: texture = gFairysFountainTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_ROYAL_FAMILYS_TOMB: texture = gRoyalFamilysTombTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_SHOOTING_GALLERY: texture = gShootingGalleryTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_TEMPLE_OF_TIME: texture = gTempleOfTimeTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_CHAMBER_OF_THE_SAGES: texture = gChamberOfTheSagesTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_CASTLE_COURTYARD_GUARDS_DAY: case SCENE_CASTLE_COURTYARD_GUARDS_NIGHT: case SCENE_CASTLE_COURTYARD_ZELDA: case SCENE_HAIRAL_NIWA2: texture = gCastleCourtyardTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_WINDMILL_AND_DAMPES_GRAVE: texture = gQuestionMarkTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_FISHING_POND: texture = gFishingPondTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_BOMBCHU_BOWLING_ALLEY: texture = gBombchuBowlingAlleyCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_HOUSE_OF_SKULLTULA: texture = gHouseOfSkulltulaTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_HYRULE_FIELD: texture = gHyruleFieldTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_KAKARIKO_VILLAGE: texture = gKakarikoVillageTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_GRAVEYARD: texture = gGraveyardTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_ZORAS_RIVER: texture = gZorasRiverTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_KOKIRI_FOREST: texture = gKokiriForestTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_SACRED_FOREST_MEADOW: texture = gSacredForestMeadowTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_LAKE_HYLIA: texture = gLakeHyliaTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_ZORAS_DOMAIN: texture = gZorasDomainTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_ZORAS_FOUNTAIN: texture = gZorasFountainTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_GERUDO_VALLEY: texture = gGERudoValleyTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_LOST_WOODS: texture = gLostWoodsTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_DESERT_COLOSSUS: texture = gDesertColossusTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_GERUDOS_FORTRESS: texture = gGERudosFortressTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_HAUNTED_WASTELAND: texture = gHauntedWastelandTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_HYRULE_CASTLE: texture = gHyruleCastleTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_DEATH_MOUNTAIN_TRAIL: texture = gDeathMountainTrailTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_DEATH_MOUNTAIN_CRATER: texture = gDeathMountainCraterTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_GORON_CITY: texture = gGoronCityTitleCardENGTex; break; case SCENE_LON_LON_RANCH: texture = gLonLonRanchTitleCardENGTex; break; default: titleCtx->texture = NULL; return; } static char newName[512]; if (gSaveContext.language != LANGUAGE_ENG) { size_t length = strlen(texture); strcpy(newName, texture); if (gSaveContext.language == LANGUAGE_FRA) { newName[length - 6] = 'F'; newName[length - 5] = 'R'; newName[length - 4] = 'A'; } else if (gSaveContext.language == LANGUAGE_GER) { newName[length - 6] = 'G'; newName[length - 5] = 'E'; newName[length - 4] = 'R'; } texture = newName; } titleCtx->texture = texture; titleCtx->isBossCard = false; titleCtx->hasTranslation = false; titleCtx->x = x; titleCtx->y = y; titleCtx->width = width; titleCtx->height = height; titleCtx->durationTimer = 80; titleCtx->delayTimer = delay; } void TitleCard_Update(PlayState* play, TitleCardContext* titleCtx) { Color_RGB8 TitleCard_Colors = { 255, 255, 255 }; if (titleCtx->isBossCard && CVarGetInteger(CVAR_COSMETIC("HUD.TitleCard.Boss.Changed"), 0) == 1) { TitleCard_Colors = CVarGetColor24(CVAR_COSMETIC("HUD.TitleCard.Boss.Value"), TitleCard_Colors); } else if (!titleCtx->isBossCard && CVarGetInteger(CVAR_COSMETIC("HUD.TitleCard.Map.Changed"), 0) == 1) { TitleCard_Colors = CVarGetColor24(CVAR_COSMETIC("HUD.TitleCard.Map.Value"), TitleCard_Colors); } if (DECR(titleCtx->delayTimer) == 0) { if (titleCtx->durationTimer == 80) { GameInteractor_ExecuteOnPresentTitleCard(); } if (DECR(titleCtx->durationTimer) == 0) { Math_StepToS(&titleCtx->alpha, 0, 30); Math_StepToS(&titleCtx->intensityR, 0, 70); Math_StepToS(&titleCtx->intensityG, 0, 70); Math_StepToS(&titleCtx->intensityB, 0, 70); } else { Math_StepToS(&titleCtx->alpha, 255, 10); Math_StepToS(&titleCtx->intensityR, TitleCard_Colors.r, 20); Math_StepToS(&titleCtx->intensityG, TitleCard_Colors.g, 20); Math_StepToS(&titleCtx->intensityB, TitleCard_Colors.b, 20); } } } void TitleCard_Draw(PlayState* play, TitleCardContext* titleCtx) { s32 width; s32 height; s32 titleX; s32 doubleWidth; s32 titleY; if (titleCtx->alpha != 0) { width = titleCtx->width; height = titleCtx->height; s16 TitleCard_PosX_Modifier = (titleCtx->isBossCard ? CVarGetInteger(CVAR_COSMETIC("TitleCard.Boss.PosX"), 0) : CVarGetInteger(CVAR_COSMETIC("TitleCard.Map.PosX"), 0)); s16 TitleCard_PosY_Modifier = (titleCtx->isBossCard ? CVarGetInteger(CVAR_COSMETIC("TitleCard.Boss.PosY"), 0) : CVarGetInteger(CVAR_COSMETIC("TitleCard.Map.PosY"), 0)); s16 TitleCard_PosType_Checker = (titleCtx->isBossCard ? CVarGetInteger(CVAR_COSMETIC("TitleCard.Boss.PosType"), 0) : CVarGetInteger(CVAR_COSMETIC("TitleCard.Map.PosType"), 0)); s16 TitleCard_Margin_Checker = (titleCtx->isBossCard ? CVarGetInteger(CVAR_COSMETIC("TitleCard.Boss.UseMargins"), 0) : CVarGetInteger(CVAR_COSMETIC("TitleCard.Map.UseMargins"), 0)); s16 TitleCard_MarginX = 0; s16 TitleCard_PosX = titleCtx->x; s16 TitleCard_PosY = titleCtx->y; if (TitleCard_PosType_Checker != 0) { TitleCard_PosY = TitleCard_PosY_Modifier; if (TitleCard_PosType_Checker == 1) {//Anchor Left if (TitleCard_Margin_Checker != 0) {TitleCard_MarginX = CVarGetInteger(CVAR_COSMETIC("HUD.Margin.L"), 0)*-1;}; TitleCard_PosX = OTRGetDimensionFromLeftEdge(TitleCard_PosX_Modifier+TitleCard_MarginX)-11; } else if (TitleCard_PosType_Checker == 2) {//Anchor Right if (TitleCard_Margin_Checker != 0) {TitleCard_MarginX = CVarGetInteger(CVAR_COSMETIC("HUD.Margin.R"), 0);}; TitleCard_PosX = OTRGetDimensionFromRightEdge(TitleCard_PosX_Modifier+TitleCard_MarginX); } else if (TitleCard_PosType_Checker == 3) {//Anchor None TitleCard_PosX = TitleCard_PosX_Modifier; } else if (TitleCard_PosType_Checker == 4) {//Hidden TitleCard_PosX = -9999; } } titleX = (TitleCard_PosX * 4) - (width * 2); titleY = (TitleCard_PosY * 4) - (height * 2); doubleWidth = width * 2; OPEN_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); OVERLAY_DISP = Gfx_SetupDL_52NoCD(OVERLAY_DISP); gDPSetPrimColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, 0, 0, (u8)titleCtx->intensityR, (u8)titleCtx->intensityG, (u8)titleCtx->intensityB, (u8)titleCtx->alpha); gDPLoadTextureBlock(OVERLAY_DISP++, (uintptr_t)titleCtx->texture, G_IM_FMT_IA, G_IM_SIZ_8b, width, height, 0, G_TX_NOMIRROR | G_TX_WRAP, G_TX_NOMIRROR | G_TX_WRAP, G_TX_NOMASK, G_TX_NOMASK, G_TX_NOLOD, G_TX_NOLOD); gSPWideTextureRectangle(OVERLAY_DISP++, titleX, titleY, ((doubleWidth * 2) + titleX) - 4, titleY + (height * 4), G_TX_RENDERTILE, 0, 0, 1 << 10, 1 << 10); height = titleCtx->height - height; CLOSE_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); } } s32 func_8002D53C(PlayState* play, TitleCardContext* titleCtx) { if ((play->actorCtx.titleCtx.delayTimer != 0) || (play->actorCtx.titleCtx.alpha != 0)) { titleCtx->durationTimer = 0; titleCtx->delayTimer = 0; return false; } return true; } void Actor_Kill(Actor* actor) { GameInteractor_ExecuteOnActorKill(actor); actor->draw = NULL; actor->update = NULL; actor->flags &= ~ACTOR_FLAG_TARGETABLE; } void Actor_SetWorldToHome(Actor* actor) { actor->world = actor->home; } void Actor_SetFocus(Actor* actor, f32 yOffset) { actor->focus.pos.x = actor->world.pos.x; actor->focus.pos.y = actor->world.pos.y + yOffset; actor->focus.pos.z = actor->world.pos.z; actor->focus.rot.x = actor->world.rot.x; actor->focus.rot.y = actor->world.rot.y; actor->focus.rot.z = actor->world.rot.z; } void Actor_SetWorldRotToShape(Actor* actor) { actor->world.rot = actor->shape.rot; } void Actor_SetShapeRotToWorld(Actor* actor) { actor->shape.rot = actor->world.rot; } void Actor_SetScale(Actor* actor, f32 scale) { actor->scale.z = scale; actor->scale.y = scale; actor->scale.x = scale; } void Actor_SetObjectDependency(PlayState* play, Actor* actor) { gSegments[6] = VIRTUAL_TO_PHYSICAL(play->objectCtx.status[actor->objBankIndex].segment); } void Actor_Init(Actor* actor, PlayState* play) { Actor_SetWorldToHome(actor); Actor_SetShapeRotToWorld(actor); Actor_SetFocus(actor, 0.0f); Math_Vec3f_Copy(&actor->prevPos, &actor->world.pos); Actor_SetScale(actor, 0.01f); actor->targetMode = 3; actor->minVelocityY = -20.0f; actor->xyzDistToPlayerSq = FLT_MAX; actor->naviEnemyId = 0xFF; actor->uncullZoneForward = 1000.0f; actor->uncullZoneScale = 350.0f; actor->uncullZoneDownward = 700.0f; CollisionCheck_InitInfo(&actor->colChkInfo); actor->floorBgId = BGCHECK_SCENE; ActorShape_Init(&actor->shape, 0.0f, NULL, 0.0f); if (Object_IsLoaded(&play->objectCtx, actor->objBankIndex)) { Actor_SetObjectDependency(play, actor); actor->init(actor, play); actor->init = NULL; GameInteractor_ExecuteOnActorInit(actor); // For enemy health bar we need to know the max health during init if (actor->category == ACTORCAT_ENEMY) { actor->maximumHealth = actor->colChkInfo.health; } } } void Actor_Destroy(Actor* actor, PlayState* play) { if (actor->destroy != NULL) { actor->destroy(actor, play); actor->destroy = NULL; } else { // "No Actor class destruct [%s]" osSyncPrintf("Actorクラス デストラクトがありません [%s]\n" VT_RST, ActorDB_Retrieve(actor->id)->name); } NameTag_RemoveAllForActor(actor); } void func_8002D7EC(Actor* actor) { f32 speedRate = R_UPDATE_RATE * 0.5f; actor->world.pos.x += (actor->velocity.x * speedRate) + actor->colChkInfo.displacement.x; actor->world.pos.y += (actor->velocity.y * speedRate) + actor->colChkInfo.displacement.y; actor->world.pos.z += (actor->velocity.z * speedRate) + actor->colChkInfo.displacement.z; } void func_8002D868(Actor* actor) { actor->velocity.x = Math_SinS(actor->world.rot.y) * actor->speedXZ; actor->velocity.z = Math_CosS(actor->world.rot.y) * actor->speedXZ; actor->velocity.y += actor->gravity; if (actor->velocity.y < actor->minVelocityY) { actor->velocity.y = actor->minVelocityY; } } void Actor_MoveForward(Actor* actor) { func_8002D868(actor); func_8002D7EC(actor); } void func_8002D908(Actor* actor) { f32 sp24 = Math_CosS(actor->world.rot.x) * actor->speedXZ; actor->velocity.x = Math_SinS(actor->world.rot.y) * sp24; actor->velocity.y = Math_SinS(actor->world.rot.x) * actor->speedXZ; actor->velocity.z = Math_CosS(actor->world.rot.y) * sp24; } void func_8002D97C(Actor* actor) { func_8002D908(actor); func_8002D7EC(actor); } void func_8002D9A4(Actor* actor, f32 arg1) { actor->speedXZ = Math_CosS(actor->world.rot.x) * arg1; actor->velocity.y = -Math_SinS(actor->world.rot.x) * arg1; } void func_8002D9F8(Actor* actor, SkelAnime* skelAnime) { Vec3f sp1C; SkelAnime_UpdateTranslation(skelAnime, &sp1C, actor->shape.rot.y); actor->world.pos.x += sp1C.x * actor->scale.x; actor->world.pos.y += sp1C.y * actor->scale.y; actor->world.pos.z += sp1C.z * actor->scale.z; } s16 Actor_WorldYawTowardActor(Actor* actorA, Actor* actorB) { return Math_Vec3f_Yaw(&actorA->world.pos, &actorB->world.pos); } s16 Actor_FocusYawTowardActor(Actor* actorA, Actor* actorB) { return Math_Vec3f_Yaw(&actorA->focus.pos, &actorB->focus.pos); } s16 Actor_WorldYawTowardPoint(Actor* actor, Vec3f* refPoint) { return Math_Vec3f_Yaw(&actor->world.pos, refPoint); } s16 Actor_WorldPitchTowardActor(Actor* actorA, Actor* actorB) { return Math_Vec3f_Pitch(&actorA->world.pos, &actorB->world.pos); } s16 Actor_FocusPitchTowardActor(Actor* actorA, Actor* actorB) { return Math_Vec3f_Pitch(&actorA->focus.pos, &actorB->focus.pos); } s16 Actor_WorldPitchTowardPoint(Actor* actor, Vec3f* refPoint) { return Math_Vec3f_Pitch(&actor->world.pos, refPoint); } f32 Actor_WorldDistXYZToActor(Actor* actorA, Actor* actorB) { return Math_Vec3f_DistXYZ(&actorA->world.pos, &actorB->world.pos); } f32 Actor_WorldDistXYZToPoint(Actor* actor, Vec3f* refPoint) { return Math_Vec3f_DistXYZ(&actor->world.pos, refPoint); } f32 Actor_WorldDistXZToActor(Actor* actorA, Actor* actorB) { return Math_Vec3f_DistXZ(&actorA->world.pos, &actorB->world.pos); } f32 Actor_WorldDistXZToPoint(Actor* actor, Vec3f* refPoint) { return Math_Vec3f_DistXZ(&actor->world.pos, refPoint); } void func_8002DBD0(Actor* actor, Vec3f* result, Vec3f* arg2) { f32 cosRot2Y; f32 sinRot2Y; f32 deltaX; f32 deltaZ; cosRot2Y = Math_CosS(actor->shape.rot.y); sinRot2Y = Math_SinS(actor->shape.rot.y); deltaX = arg2->x - actor->world.pos.x; deltaZ = arg2->z - actor->world.pos.z; result->x = (deltaX * cosRot2Y) - (deltaZ * sinRot2Y); result->z = (deltaX * sinRot2Y) + (deltaZ * cosRot2Y); result->y = arg2->y - actor->world.pos.y; } f32 Actor_HeightDiff(Actor* actorA, Actor* actorB) { return actorB->world.pos.y - actorA->world.pos.y; } f32 Player_GetHeight(Player* player) { f32 offset = (player->stateFlags1 & PLAYER_STATE1_ON_HORSE) ? 32.0f : 0.0f; if (LINK_IS_ADULT) { return offset + 68.0f; } else { return offset + 44.0f; } } f32 func_8002DCE4(Player* player) { if (player->stateFlags1 & PLAYER_STATE1_ON_HORSE) { return 8.0f; } else if (player->stateFlags1 & PLAYER_STATE1_IN_WATER) { return (R_RUN_SPEED_LIMIT / 100.0f) * 0.6f; } else { return R_RUN_SPEED_LIMIT / 100.0f; } } s32 func_8002DD6C(Player* player) { return player->stateFlags1 & PLAYER_STATE1_ITEM_IN_HAND; } s32 func_8002DD78(Player* player) { return func_8002DD6C(player) && player->unk_834; } s32 func_8002DDA8(PlayState* play) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); return (player->stateFlags1 & PLAYER_STATE1_CARRYING_ACTOR) || func_8002DD78(player); } s32 func_8002DDE4(PlayState* play) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); return player->stateFlags2 & PLAYER_STATE2_FOOTSTEP; } s32 func_8002DDF4(PlayState* play) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); return player->stateFlags2 & PLAYER_STATE2_STATIONARY_LADDER; } void func_8002DE04(PlayState* play, Actor* actorA, Actor* actorB) { ArmsHook* hookshot = (ArmsHook*)Actor_Find(&play->actorCtx, ACTOR_ARMS_HOOK, ACTORCAT_ITEMACTION); hookshot->grabbed = actorB; hookshot->grabbedDistDiff.x = 0.0f; hookshot->grabbedDistDiff.y = 0.0f; hookshot->grabbedDistDiff.z = 0.0f; actorB->flags |= ACTOR_FLAG_HOOKSHOT_ATTACHED; actorA->flags &= ~ACTOR_FLAG_HOOKSHOT_ATTACHED; } void func_8002DE74(PlayState* play, Player* player) { if ((play->roomCtx.curRoom.behaviorType1 != ROOM_BEHAVIOR_TYPE1_4) && func_800C0CB8(play)) { Camera_ChangeSetting(Play_GetCamera(play, MAIN_CAM), CAM_SET_HORSE); } } void Actor_MountHorse(PlayState* play, Player* player, Actor* horse) { player->rideActor = horse; player->stateFlags1 |= PLAYER_STATE1_ON_HORSE; horse->child = &player->actor; } s32 func_8002DEEC(Player* player) { return (player->stateFlags1 & (PLAYER_STATE1_DEAD | PLAYER_STATE1_IN_CUTSCENE)) || (player->csAction != 0); } void func_8002DF18(PlayState* play, Player* player) { func_8006DC68(play, player); } s32 func_8002DF38(PlayState* play, Actor* actor, u8 csAction) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); player->csAction = csAction; player->csActor = actor; player->cv.haltActorsDuringCsAction = false; return true; } s32 Player_SetCsActionWithHaltedActors(PlayState* play, Actor* actor, u8 csAction) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); func_8002DF38(play, actor, csAction); player->cv.haltActorsDuringCsAction = true; return true; } void func_8002DF90(DynaPolyActor* dynaActor) { dynaActor->unk_154 = 0.0f; dynaActor->unk_150 = 0.0f; } void func_8002DFA4(DynaPolyActor* dynaActor, f32 arg1, s16 arg2) { dynaActor->unk_150 += arg1; dynaActor->unk_158 = arg2; } /** * Chcek if the player is facing the specified actor. * The maximum angle difference that qualifies as "facing" is specified by `maxAngle`. */ s32 Player_IsFacingActor(Actor* actor, s16 maxAngle, PlayState* play) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); s16 yawDiff = (s16)(actor->yawTowardsPlayer + 0x8000) - player->actor.shape.rot.y; if (ABS(yawDiff) < maxAngle) { return true; } return false; } /** * Chcek if `actorB` is facing `actorA`. * The maximum angle difference that qualifies as "facing" is specified by `maxAngle`. * * This function is unused in the original game. */ s32 Actor_ActorBIsFacingActorA(Actor* actorA, Actor* actorB, s16 maxAngle) { s16 yawDiff = (s16)(Actor_WorldYawTowardActor(actorA, actorB) + 0x8000) - actorB->shape.rot.y; if (ABS(yawDiff) < maxAngle) { return true; } return false; } /** * Chcek if the specified actor is facing the player. * The maximum angle difference that qualifies as "facing" is specified by `maxAngle`. */ s32 Actor_IsFacingPlayer(Actor* actor, s16 maxAngle) { s16 yawDiff = actor->yawTowardsPlayer - actor->shape.rot.y; if (ABS(yawDiff) < maxAngle) { return true; } return false; } /** * Chcek if `actorA` is facing `actorB`. * The maximum angle difference that qualifies as "facing" is specified by `maxAngle`. * * This function is unused in the original game. */ s32 Actor_ActorAIsFacingActorB(Actor* actorA, Actor* actorB, s16 maxAngle) { s16 yawDiff = Actor_WorldYawTowardActor(actorA, actorB) - actorA->shape.rot.y; if (ABS(yawDiff) < maxAngle) { return true; } return false; } /** * Chcek if the specified actor is facing the player and is nearby. * The maximum angle difference that qualifies as "facing" is specified by `maxAngle`. * The minimum distance that qualifies as "nearby" is specified by `range`. */ s32 Actor_IsFacingAndNearPlayer(Actor* actor, f32 range, s16 maxAngle) { s16 yawDiff = actor->yawTowardsPlayer - actor->shape.rot.y; if (ABS(yawDiff) < maxAngle) { f32 xyzDistanceFromLink = sqrtf(SQ(actor->xzDistToPlayer) + SQ(actor->yDistToPlayer)); if (xyzDistanceFromLink < range) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Chcek if `actorA` is facing `actorB` and is nearby. * The maximum angle difference that qualifies as "facing" is specified by `maxAngle`. * The minimum distance that qualifies as "nearby" is specified by `range`. */ s32 Actor_ActorAIsFacingAndNearActorB(Actor* actorA, Actor* actorB, f32 range, s16 maxAngle) { if (Actor_WorldDistXYZToActor(actorA, actorB) < range) { s16 yawDiff = Actor_WorldYawTowardActor(actorA, actorB) - actorA->shape.rot.y; if (ABS(yawDiff) < maxAngle) { return true; } } return false; } s32 func_8002E234(Actor* actor, f32 arg1, s32 arg2) { if ((actor->bgCheckFlags & 0x1) && (arg1 < -11.0f)) { actor->bgCheckFlags &= ~0x1; actor->bgCheckFlags |= 0x4; if ((actor->velocity.y < 0.0f) && (arg2 & 0x10)) { actor->velocity.y = 0.0f; } return false; } return true; } s32 func_8002E2AC(PlayState* play, Actor* actor, Vec3f* arg2, s32 arg3) { f32 floorHeightDiff; s32 floorBgId; arg2->y += 50.0f; actor->floorHeight = BgCheck_EntityRaycastFloor5(play, &play->colCtx, &actor->floorPoly, &floorBgId, actor, arg2); actor->bgCheckFlags &= ~0x0086; if (actor->floorHeight <= BGCHECK_Y_MIN) { return func_8002E234(actor, BGCHECK_Y_MIN, arg3); } floorHeightDiff = actor->floorHeight - actor->world.pos.y; actor->floorBgId = floorBgId; if (floorHeightDiff >= 0.0f) { // actor is on or below the ground actor->bgCheckFlags |= 0x80; if (actor->bgCheckFlags & 0x10) { if (floorBgId != sCurCeilingBgId) { if (floorHeightDiff > 15.0f) { actor->bgCheckFlags |= 0x100; } } else { actor->world.pos.x = actor->prevPos.x; actor->world.pos.z = actor->prevPos.z; } } actor->world.pos.y = actor->floorHeight; if (actor->velocity.y <= 0.0f) { if (!(actor->bgCheckFlags & 0x1)) { actor->bgCheckFlags |= 0x2; } else if ((arg3 & 0x8) && (actor->gravity < 0.0f)) { actor->velocity.y = -4.0f; } else { actor->velocity.y = 0.0f; } actor->bgCheckFlags |= 0x1; func_80043334(&play->colCtx, actor, actor->floorBgId); } } else { // actor is above ground if ((actor->bgCheckFlags & 0x1) && (floorHeightDiff >= -11.0f)) { func_80043334(&play->colCtx, actor, actor->floorBgId); } return func_8002E234(actor, floorHeightDiff, arg3); } return true; } void Actor_UpdateBgCheckInfo(PlayState* play, Actor* actor, f32 wallCheckHeight, f32 wallCheckRadius, f32 ceilingCheckHeight, s32 flags) { f32 sp74; s32 pad; Vec3f sp64; s32 bgId; CollisionPoly* wallPoly; f32 sp58; WaterBox* waterBox; f32 waterBoxYSurface; Vec3f ripplePos; sp74 = actor->world.pos.y - actor->prevPos.y; if ((actor->floorBgId != BGCHECK_SCENE) && (actor->bgCheckFlags & 1)) { func_800433A4(&play->colCtx, actor->floorBgId, actor); } if (flags & 1) { if ((!(flags & 0x80) && BgCheck_EntitySphVsWall3(&play->colCtx, &sp64, &actor->world.pos, &actor->prevPos, wallCheckRadius, &actor->wallPoly, &bgId, actor, wallCheckHeight)) || ((flags & 0x80) && BgCheck_EntitySphVsWall4(&play->colCtx, &sp64, &actor->world.pos, &actor->prevPos, wallCheckRadius, &actor->wallPoly, &bgId, actor, wallCheckHeight))) { wallPoly = actor->wallPoly; Math_Vec3f_Copy(&actor->world.pos, &sp64); actor->wallYaw = Math_Atan2S(wallPoly->normal.z, wallPoly->normal.x); actor->bgCheckFlags |= 8; actor->wallBgId = bgId; } else { actor->bgCheckFlags &= ~8; } } sp64.x = actor->world.pos.x; sp64.z = actor->world.pos.z; if (flags & 2) { sp64.y = actor->prevPos.y + 10.0f; if (BgCheck_EntityCheckCeiling(&play->colCtx, &sp58, &sp64, (ceilingCheckHeight + sp74) - 10.0f, &sCurCeilingPoly, &sCurCeilingBgId, actor)) { actor->bgCheckFlags |= 0x10; actor->world.pos.y = (sp58 + sp74) - 10.0f; } else { actor->bgCheckFlags &= ~0x10; } } if (flags & 4) { sp64.y = actor->prevPos.y; func_8002E2AC(play, actor, &sp64, flags); waterBoxYSurface = actor->world.pos.y; if (WaterBox_GetSurface1(play, &play->colCtx, actor->world.pos.x, actor->world.pos.z, &waterBoxYSurface, &waterBox)) { actor->yDistToWater = waterBoxYSurface - actor->world.pos.y; if (actor->yDistToWater < 0.0f) { actor->bgCheckFlags &= ~0x60; } else { if (!(actor->bgCheckFlags & 0x20)) { actor->bgCheckFlags |= 0x40; if (!(flags & 0x40)) { ripplePos.x = actor->world.pos.x; ripplePos.y = waterBoxYSurface; ripplePos.z = actor->world.pos.z; EffectSsGRipple_Spawn(play, &ripplePos, 100, 500, 0); EffectSsGRipple_Spawn(play, &ripplePos, 100, 500, 4); EffectSsGRipple_Spawn(play, &ripplePos, 100, 500, 8); } } actor->bgCheckFlags |= 0x20; } } else { actor->bgCheckFlags &= ~0x60; actor->yDistToWater = BGCHECK_Y_MIN; } } } Mtx D_8015BBA8; Gfx* func_8002E830(Vec3f* object, Vec3f* eye, Vec3f* lightDir, GraphicsContext* gfxCtx, Gfx* gfx, Hilite** hilite) { LookAt* lookAt; f32 correctedEyeX; lookAt = Graph_Alloc(gfxCtx, sizeof(LookAt)); correctedEyeX = (eye->x == object->x) && (eye->z == object->z) ? eye->x + 0.001f : eye->x; *hilite = Graph_Alloc(gfxCtx, sizeof(Hilite)); if (HREG(80) == 6) { osSyncPrintf("z_actor.c 3529 eye=[%f(%f) %f %f] object=[%f %f %f] light_direction=[%f %f %f]\n", correctedEyeX, eye->x, eye->y, eye->z, object->x, object->y, object->z, lightDir->x, lightDir->y, lightDir->z); } func_800ABE74(correctedEyeX, eye->y, eye->z); guLookAtHilite(&D_8015BBA8, lookAt, *hilite, correctedEyeX, eye->y, eye->z, object->x, object->y, object->z, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, lightDir->x, lightDir->y, lightDir->z, lightDir->x, lightDir->y, lightDir->z, 0x10, 0x10); gSPLookAt(gfx++, lookAt); gDPSetHilite1Tile(gfx++, 1, *hilite, 0x10, 0x10); return gfx; } Hilite* func_8002EABC(Vec3f* object, Vec3f* eye, Vec3f* lightDir, GraphicsContext* gfxCtx) { Hilite* hilite; OPEN_DISPS(gfxCtx); POLY_OPA_DISP = func_8002E830(object, eye, lightDir, gfxCtx, POLY_OPA_DISP, &hilite); CLOSE_DISPS(gfxCtx); return hilite; } Hilite* func_8002EB44(Vec3f* object, Vec3f* eye, Vec3f* lightDir, GraphicsContext* gfxCtx) { Hilite* hilite; OPEN_DISPS(gfxCtx); POLY_XLU_DISP = func_8002E830(object, eye, lightDir, gfxCtx, POLY_XLU_DISP, &hilite); CLOSE_DISPS(gfxCtx); return hilite; } void func_8002EBCC(Actor* actor, PlayState* play, s32 flag) { Hilite* hilite; Vec3f lightDir; Gfx* displayListHead; Gfx* displayList; lightDir.x = play->envCtx.dirLight1.params.dir.x; lightDir.y = play->envCtx.dirLight1.params.dir.y; lightDir.z = play->envCtx.dirLight1.params.dir.z; if (HREG(80) == 6) { osSyncPrintf("z_actor.c 3637 game_play->view.eye=[%f(%f) %f %f]\n", play->view.eye.x, play->view.eye.y, play->view.eye.z); } hilite = func_8002EABC(&actor->world.pos, &play->view.eye, &lightDir, play->state.gfxCtx); if (flag != 0) { displayList = Graph_Alloc(play->state.gfxCtx, 2 * sizeof(Gfx)); displayListHead = displayList; OPEN_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); gDPSetHilite1Tile(displayListHead++, 1, hilite, 0x10, 0x10); gSPEndDisplayList(displayListHead); gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x07, displayList); CLOSE_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); } } void func_8002ED80(Actor* actor, PlayState* play, s32 flag) { Hilite* hilite; Vec3f lightDir; Gfx* displayListHead; Gfx* displayList; lightDir.x = play->envCtx.dirLight1.params.dir.x; lightDir.y = play->envCtx.dirLight1.params.dir.y; lightDir.z = play->envCtx.dirLight1.params.dir.z; hilite = func_8002EB44(&actor->world.pos, &play->view.eye, &lightDir, play->state.gfxCtx); if (flag != 0) { displayList = Graph_Alloc(play->state.gfxCtx, 2 * sizeof(Gfx)); displayListHead = displayList; OPEN_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); gDPSetHilite1Tile(displayListHead++, 1, hilite, 0x10, 0x10); gSPEndDisplayList(displayListHead); gSPSegment(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x07, displayList); CLOSE_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); } } PosRot* Actor_GetFocus(PosRot* dest, Actor* actor) { *dest = actor->focus; return dest; } PosRot* Actor_GetWorld(PosRot* dest, Actor* actor) { *dest = actor->world; return dest; } PosRot* Actor_GetWorldPosShapeRot(PosRot* arg0, Actor* actor) { PosRot sp1C; Math_Vec3f_Copy(&sp1C.pos, &actor->world.pos); sp1C.rot = actor->shape.rot; *arg0 = sp1C; return arg0; } f32 func_8002EFC0(Actor* actor, Player* player, s16 arg2) { s16 yawTemp = (s16)(actor->yawTowardsPlayer - 0x8000) - arg2; s16 yawTempAbs = ABS(yawTemp); if (player->focusActor != NULL) { if ((yawTempAbs > 0x4000) || (actor->flags & ACTOR_FLAG_NO_LOCKON)) { return FLT_MAX; } else { f32 ret = actor->xyzDistToPlayerSq - actor->xyzDistToPlayerSq * 0.8f * ((0x4000 - yawTempAbs) * (1.0f / 0x8000)); return ret; } } if (yawTempAbs > 0x2AAA) { return FLT_MAX; } return actor->xyzDistToPlayerSq; } typedef struct { /* 0x0 */ f32 rangeSq; /* 0x4 */ f32 leashScale; } TargetRangeParams; // size = 0x8 #define TARGET_RANGE(range, leash) \ { SQ(range), (f32)range / leash } TargetRangeParams D_80115FF8[] = { TARGET_RANGE(70, 140), TARGET_RANGE(170, 255), TARGET_RANGE(280, 5600), TARGET_RANGE(350, 525), TARGET_RANGE(700, 1050), TARGET_RANGE(1000, 1500), TARGET_RANGE(100, 105.36842), TARGET_RANGE(140, 163.33333), TARGET_RANGE(240, 576), TARGET_RANGE(280, 280000), }; u32 func_8002F090(Actor* actor, f32 arg1) { return arg1 < D_80115FF8[actor->targetMode].rangeSq; } s32 func_8002F0C8(Actor* actor, Player* player, s32 flag) { if ((actor->update == NULL) || !(actor->flags & ACTOR_FLAG_TARGETABLE)) { return true; } if (!flag) { s16 var = (s16)(actor->yawTowardsPlayer - 0x8000) - player->actor.shape.rot.y; s16 abs_var = ABS(var); f32 dist; if ((player->focusActor == NULL) && (abs_var > 0x2AAA)) { dist = FLT_MAX; } else { dist = actor->xyzDistToPlayerSq; } return !func_8002F090(actor, D_80115FF8[actor->targetMode].leashScale * dist); } return false; } u32 Actor_ProcessTalkRequest(Actor* actor, PlayState* play) { if (actor->flags & ACTOR_FLAG_PLAYER_TALKED_TO) { actor->flags &= ~ACTOR_FLAG_PLAYER_TALKED_TO; return true; } return false; } s32 func_8002F1C4(Actor* actor, PlayState* play, f32 arg2, f32 arg3, u32 exchangeItemId) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); // This is convoluted but it seems like it must be a single if statement to match if ((player->actor.flags & ACTOR_FLAG_PLAYER_TALKED_TO) || ((exchangeItemId != EXCH_ITEM_NONE) && Player_InCsMode(play)) || (!actor->isTargeted && ((arg3 < fabsf(actor->yDistToPlayer)) || (player->talkActorDistance < actor->xzDistToPlayer) || (arg2 < actor->xzDistToPlayer)))) { return false; } player->talkActor = actor; player->talkActorDistance = actor->xzDistToPlayer; player->exchangeItemId = exchangeItemId; return true; } s32 func_8002F298(Actor* actor, PlayState* play, f32 arg2, u32 exchangeItemId) { return func_8002F1C4(actor, play, arg2, arg2, exchangeItemId); } s32 func_8002F2CC(Actor* actor, PlayState* play, f32 arg2) { return func_8002F298(actor, play, arg2, EXCH_ITEM_NONE); } s32 func_8002F2F4(Actor* actor, PlayState* play) { f32 var1 = 50.0f + actor->colChkInfo.cylRadius; return func_8002F2CC(actor, play, var1); } u32 Actor_TextboxIsClosing(Actor* actor, PlayState* play) { if (Message_GetState(&play->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_CLOSING) { return true; } else { return false; } } s8 func_8002F368(PlayState* play) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); return player->exchangeItemId; } void Actor_GetScreenPos(PlayState* play, Actor* actor, s16* x, s16* y) { Vec3f projectedPos; f32 w; func_8002BE04(play, &actor->focus.pos, &projectedPos, &w); *x = projectedPos.x * w * (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) + (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2); *y = projectedPos.y * w * -(SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) + (SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2); } u32 Actor_HasParent(Actor* actor, PlayState* play) { if (actor->parent != NULL) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Uses the given `GetItemEntry` to prepare the player to receive an item via the animation * where Link holds an item over his head. This function does not require an actor for giving * the player an item, instead setting the player as their own interactRangeActor and getItemDirection. * * \param play the Global Context * \param getItemEntry the GetItemEntry for the item you want the player to receive. * \return true if the player can receive an item, false if not. */ s32 GiveItemEntryWithoutActor(PlayState* play, GetItemEntry getItemEntry) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); if (!(player->stateFlags1 & (PLAYER_STATE1_DEAD | PLAYER_STATE1_CHARGING_SPIN_ATTACK | PLAYER_STATE1_HANGING_OFF_LEDGE | PLAYER_STATE1_CLIMBING_LEDGE | PLAYER_STATE1_JUMPING | PLAYER_STATE1_FREEFALL | PLAYER_STATE1_FIRST_PERSON | PLAYER_STATE1_CLIMBING_LADDER)) && Player_GetExplosiveHeld(player) < 0) { if (((player->heldActor != NULL) && ((getItemEntry.getItemId > GI_NONE) && (getItemEntry.getItemId < GI_MAX)) || (IS_RANDO && (getItemEntry.getItemId > RG_NONE) && (getItemEntry.getItemId < RG_MAX))) || (!(player->stateFlags1 & (PLAYER_STATE1_CARRYING_ACTOR | PLAYER_STATE1_IN_CUTSCENE)))) { if ((getItemEntry.getItemId != GI_NONE)) { player->getItemEntry = getItemEntry; player->getItemId = getItemEntry.getItemId; player->interactRangeActor = &player->actor; player->getItemDirection = player->actor.shape.rot.y; return true; } } } return false; } /** * Uses the given `GetItemEntry` to prepare the player to receive an item via the animation * where Link holds an item over his head. This uses data from the actor link is receiving * the item from to set the player's interactRangeActor and getItemDirection. It also checks * a range from which Link must be from said actor in order to receive the item. * * \param actor the actor link is receiving an item from. Will usually be a chest but can also * be an npc. * \param play the Global Context * \param getItemEntry the GetItemEntry for the item you want the player to receive. * \param xzRange the distance on the x and z axes that the player can be from the target * actor to receive the item. * \param yRange the distance on the y axis that the player can be from the target actor * to receive the item. * \return true if the player can receive an item, false if not. */ s32 GiveItemEntryFromActor(Actor* actor, PlayState* play, GetItemEntry getItemEntry, f32 xzRange, f32 yRange) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); if (!(player->stateFlags1 & (PLAYER_STATE1_DEAD | PLAYER_STATE1_CHARGING_SPIN_ATTACK | PLAYER_STATE1_HANGING_OFF_LEDGE | PLAYER_STATE1_CLIMBING_LEDGE | PLAYER_STATE1_JUMPING | PLAYER_STATE1_FREEFALL | PLAYER_STATE1_FIRST_PERSON | PLAYER_STATE1_CLIMBING_LADDER)) && Player_GetExplosiveHeld(player) < 0) { if ((((player->heldActor != NULL) || (actor == player->talkActor)) && ((!IS_RANDO && ((getItemEntry.getItemId > GI_NONE) && (getItemEntry.getItemId < GI_MAX))) || (IS_RANDO && ((getItemEntry.getItemId > RG_NONE) && (getItemEntry.getItemId < RG_MAX))))) || (!(player->stateFlags1 & (PLAYER_STATE1_CARRYING_ACTOR | PLAYER_STATE1_IN_CUTSCENE)))) { if ((actor->xzDistToPlayer < xzRange) && (fabsf(actor->yDistToPlayer) < yRange)) { s16 yawDiff = actor->yawTowardsPlayer - player->actor.shape.rot.y; s32 absYawDiff = ABS(yawDiff); if ((getItemEntry.getItemId != GI_NONE) || (player->getItemDirection < absYawDiff)) { iceTrapScale = 0.0f; player->getItemEntry = getItemEntry; player->getItemId = getItemEntry.getItemId; player->interactRangeActor = actor; player->getItemDirection = absYawDiff; return true; } } } } return false; } /** * Uses the given `GetItemEntry` to prepare the player to receive an item via the animation * where Link holds an item over his head. This is a wrapper function around `GiveItemEntryFromActor` * that supplies a fixed xzRange of 50.0f and a fixed yRange of 10.0f. * * \param actor the target actor that link is receiving an item from. * \param play the Global Context * \param getItemEntry the GetItemEntry for the item you want the player to receive. */ s32 GiveItemEntryFromActorWithFixedRange(Actor* actor, PlayState* play, GetItemEntry getItemEntry) { return GiveItemEntryFromActor(actor, play, getItemEntry, 50.0f, 10.0f); } // If you're doing something for randomizer, you're probably looking for GiveItemEntryFromActor s32 Actor_OfferGetItem(Actor* actor, PlayState* play, s32 getItemId, f32 xzRange, f32 yRange) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); if (!(player->stateFlags1 & (PLAYER_STATE1_DEAD | PLAYER_STATE1_CHARGING_SPIN_ATTACK | PLAYER_STATE1_HANGING_OFF_LEDGE | PLAYER_STATE1_CLIMBING_LEDGE | PLAYER_STATE1_JUMPING | PLAYER_STATE1_FREEFALL | PLAYER_STATE1_FIRST_PERSON | PLAYER_STATE1_CLIMBING_LADDER)) && Player_GetExplosiveHeld(player) < 0) { if ((((player->heldActor != NULL) || (actor == player->talkActor)) && ((!IS_RANDO && ((getItemId > GI_NONE) && (getItemId < GI_MAX))) || (IS_RANDO && ((getItemId > RG_NONE) && (getItemId < RG_MAX))))) || (!(player->stateFlags1 & (PLAYER_STATE1_CARRYING_ACTOR | PLAYER_STATE1_IN_CUTSCENE)))) { if ((actor->xzDistToPlayer < xzRange) && (fabsf(actor->yDistToPlayer) < yRange)) { s16 yawDiff = actor->yawTowardsPlayer - player->actor.shape.rot.y; s32 absYawDiff = ABS(yawDiff); if ((getItemId != GI_NONE) || (player->getItemDirection < absYawDiff)) { player->getItemId = getItemId; player->interactRangeActor = actor; player->getItemDirection = absYawDiff; return true; } } } } return false; } // TODO: Rename to GiveItemIdFromActorWithFixedRange or similar // If you're doing something for randomizer, you're probably looking for GiveItemEntryFromActorWithFixedRange void func_8002F554(Actor* actor, PlayState* play, s32 getItemId) { Actor_OfferGetItem(actor, play, getItemId, 50.0f, 10.0f); } void func_8002F580(Actor* actor, PlayState* play) { func_8002F554(actor, play, GI_NONE); } u32 Actor_HasNoParent(Actor* actor, PlayState* play) { if (actor->parent == NULL) { return true; } else { return false; } } void func_8002F5C4(Actor* actorA, Actor* actorB, PlayState* play) { Actor* parent = actorA->parent; if (parent->id == ACTOR_PLAYER) { Player* player = (Player*)parent; player->heldActor = actorB; player->interactRangeActor = actorB; } parent->child = actorB; actorB->parent = parent; actorA->parent = NULL; } void func_8002F5F0(Actor* actor, PlayState* play) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); if (actor->xyzDistToPlayerSq < player->closestSecretDistSq) { player->closestSecretDistSq = actor->xyzDistToPlayerSq; } } s32 Actor_IsMounted(PlayState* play, Actor* horse) { if (horse->child != NULL) { return true; } else { return false; } } u32 Actor_SetRideActor(PlayState* play, Actor* horse, s32 mountSide) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); if (!(player->stateFlags1 & (PLAYER_STATE1_DEAD | PLAYER_STATE1_CARRYING_ACTOR | PLAYER_STATE1_CHARGING_SPIN_ATTACK | PLAYER_STATE1_HANGING_OFF_LEDGE | PLAYER_STATE1_CLIMBING_LEDGE | PLAYER_STATE1_JUMPING | PLAYER_STATE1_FREEFALL | PLAYER_STATE1_FIRST_PERSON | PLAYER_STATE1_CLIMBING_LADDER))) { player->rideActor = horse; player->mountSide = mountSide; return true; } return false; } s32 Actor_NotMounted(PlayState* play, Actor* horse) { if (horse->child == NULL) { return true; } else { return false; } } void func_8002F698(PlayState* play, Actor* actor, f32 arg2, s16 arg3, f32 arg4, u32 arg5, u32 arg6) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); player->knockbackDamage = arg6; player->knockbackType = arg5; player->knockbackRot = arg3; player->knockbackSpeed = arg2; player->knockbackYVelocity = arg4; } void func_8002F6D4(PlayState* play, Actor* actor, f32 arg2, s16 arg3, f32 arg4, u32 arg5) { func_8002F698(play, actor, arg2, arg3, arg4, 2, arg5); } void func_8002F71C(PlayState* play, Actor* actor, f32 arg2, s16 arg3, f32 arg4) { func_8002F6D4(play, actor, arg2, arg3, arg4, 0); } void func_8002F758(PlayState* play, Actor* actor, f32 arg2, s16 arg3, f32 arg4, u32 arg5) { func_8002F698(play, actor, arg2, arg3, arg4, 1, arg5); } void func_8002F7A0(PlayState* play, Actor* actor, f32 arg2, s16 arg3, f32 arg4) { func_8002F758(play, actor, arg2, arg3, arg4, 0); } void Player_PlaySfx(Actor* actor, u16 sfxId) { if (actor->id != ACTOR_PLAYER || sfxId < NA_SE_VO_LI_SWORD_N || sfxId > NA_SE_VO_LI_ELECTRIC_SHOCK_LV_KID) { Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(sfxId, &actor->projectedPos, 4, &gSfxDefaultFreqAndVolScale , &gSfxDefaultFreqAndVolScale, &gSfxDefaultReverb); } else { freqMultiplier = CVarGetFloat(CVAR_AUDIO("LinkVoiceFreqMultiplier"), 1.0); if (freqMultiplier <= 0) { freqMultiplier = 1; } // Authentic behavior uses D_801333E0 for both freqScale and a4 // Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(sfxId, &actor->projectedPos, 4, &D_801333E0 , &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(sfxId, &actor->projectedPos, 4, &freqMultiplier, &gSfxDefaultFreqAndVolScale, &gSfxDefaultReverb); } } void Audio_PlayActorSound2(Actor* actor, u16 sfxId) { Sfx_PlaySfxAtPos(&actor->projectedPos, sfxId); } void func_8002F850(PlayState* play, Actor* actor) { s32 sfxId; if (actor->bgCheckFlags & 0x20) { if (actor->yDistToWater < 20.0f) { sfxId = NA_SE_PL_WALK_WATER0 - SFX_FLAG; } else { sfxId = NA_SE_PL_WALK_WATER1 - SFX_FLAG; } } else { sfxId = SurfaceType_GetSfx(&play->colCtx, actor->floorPoly, actor->floorBgId); } Sfx_PlaySfxAtPos(&actor->projectedPos, NA_SE_EV_BOMB_BOUND); Sfx_PlaySfxAtPos(&actor->projectedPos, sfxId + SFX_FLAG); } void func_8002F8F0(Actor* actor, u16 sfxId) { actor->sfx = sfxId; actor->flags |= ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AT_POS; actor->flags &= ~(ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AT_CENTER | ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AT_CENTER2 | ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AS_TIMER); } void func_8002F91C(Actor* actor, u16 sfxId) { actor->sfx = sfxId; actor->flags |= ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AT_CENTER; actor->flags &= ~(ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AT_POS | ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AT_CENTER2 | ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AS_TIMER); } void func_8002F948(Actor* actor, u16 sfxId) { actor->sfx = sfxId; actor->flags |= ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AT_CENTER2; actor->flags &= ~(ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AT_POS | ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AT_CENTER | ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AS_TIMER); } void func_8002F974(Actor* actor, u16 sfxId) { actor->flags &= ~(ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AT_POS | ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AT_CENTER | ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AT_CENTER2 | ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AS_TIMER); actor->sfx = sfxId; } void func_8002F994(Actor* actor, s32 arg1) { actor->flags |= ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AS_TIMER; actor->flags &= ~(ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AT_POS | ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AT_CENTER | ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AT_CENTER2); if (arg1 < 40) { actor->sfx = NA_SE_PL_WALK_DIRT - SFX_FLAG; } else if (arg1 < 100) { actor->sfx = NA_SE_PL_WALK_CONCRETE - SFX_FLAG; } else { actor->sfx = NA_SE_PL_WALK_SAND - SFX_FLAG; } } // Tests if something hit Jabu Jabu surface, displaying hit splash and playing sfx if true s32 func_8002F9EC(PlayState* play, Actor* actor, CollisionPoly* poly, s32 bgId, Vec3f* pos) { if (func_80041D4C(&play->colCtx, poly, bgId) == 8) { play->roomCtx.unk_74[0] = 1; CollisionCheck_BlueBlood(play, NULL, pos); Audio_PlayActorSound2(actor, NA_SE_IT_WALL_HIT_BUYO); return true; } return false; } // Local data used for Farore's Wind light (stored in BSS, possibly a struct?) LightInfo D_8015BC00; LightNode* D_8015BC10; s32 D_8015BC14; f32 D_8015BC18; void func_8002FA60(PlayState* play) { Vec3f lightPos; if (gSaveContext.fw.set) { gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].data = 0x28; gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.x = gSaveContext.fw.pos.x; gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.y = gSaveContext.fw.pos.y; gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.z = gSaveContext.fw.pos.z; gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].yaw = gSaveContext.fw.yaw; gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].playerParams = gSaveContext.fw.playerParams; gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].entranceIndex = gSaveContext.fw.entranceIndex; gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].roomIndex = gSaveContext.fw.roomIndex; gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].tempSwchFlags = gSaveContext.fw.tempSwchFlags; gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].tempCollectFlags = gSaveContext.fw.tempCollectFlags; } else { gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].data = 0; gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.x = 0.0f; gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.y = 0.0f; gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.z = 0.0f; } lightPos.x = gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.x; lightPos.y = gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.y + 80.0f; lightPos.z = gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.z; Lights_PointNoGlowSetInfo(&D_8015BC00, lightPos.x, lightPos.y, lightPos.z, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, -1); D_8015BC10 = LightContext_InsertLight(play, &play->lightCtx, &D_8015BC00); D_8015BC14 = 0; D_8015BC18 = 0.0f; } void Actor_DrawFaroresWindPointer(PlayState* play) { s32 lightRadius = -1; s32 params; OPEN_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); params = gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].data; if (params) { f32 yOffset = LINK_IS_ADULT ? 80.0f : 60.0f; f32 ratio = 1.0f; s32 alpha = 255; s32 temp = params - 40; if (temp < 0) { gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].data = ++params; ratio = ABS(params) * 0.025f; D_8015BC14 = 60; D_8015BC18 = 1.0f; } else if (D_8015BC14) { D_8015BC14-= CVarGetInteger(CVAR_ENHANCEMENT("FastFarores"), 0) ? 5 : 1; } else if (D_8015BC18 > 0.0f) { static Vec3f effectVel = { 0.0f, -0.05f, 0.0f }; static Vec3f effectAccel = { 0.0f, -0.025f, 0.0f }; Color_RGBA8 effectPrimCol = { 255, 255, 255, 0 }; Color_RGBA8 effectEnvCol = { 100, 200, 0, 0 }; if (CVarGetInteger(CVAR_COSMETIC("Magic.FaroresSecondary.Changed"), 0)) { effectEnvCol = CVarGetColor(CVAR_COSMETIC("Magic.FaroresSecondary.Value"), effectEnvCol); } if (CVarGetInteger(CVAR_COSMETIC("Magic.FaroresPrimary.Changed"), 0)) { effectPrimCol = CVarGetColor(CVAR_COSMETIC("Magic.FaroresPrimary.Value"), effectPrimCol); } Vec3f* curPos = &gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos; Vec3f* nextPos = &gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_DOWN].pos; f32 prevNum = D_8015BC18; Vec3f dist; f32 diff = Math_Vec3f_DistXYZAndStoreDiff(nextPos, curPos, &dist); Vec3f effectPos; f32 factor; f32 length; f32 dx; f32 speed; if (diff < 20.0f) { D_8015BC18 = 0.0f; Math_Vec3f_Copy(curPos, nextPos); } else { length = diff * (1.0f / D_8015BC18); speed = 20.0f / length; speed = CLAMP_MIN(speed, 0.05f); Math_StepToF(&D_8015BC18, 0.0f, speed); factor = (diff * (D_8015BC18 / prevNum)) / diff; curPos->x = nextPos->x + (dist.x * factor); curPos->y = nextPos->y + (dist.y * factor); curPos->z = nextPos->z + (dist.z * factor); length *= 0.5f; dx = diff - length; yOffset += sqrtf(SQ(length) - SQ(dx)) * 0.2f; osSyncPrintf("-------- DISPLAY Y=%f\n", yOffset); } effectPos.x = curPos->x + Rand_CenteredFloat(6.0f); effectPos.y = curPos->y + 80.0f + (6.0f * Rand_ZeroOne()); effectPos.z = curPos->z + Rand_CenteredFloat(6.0f); EffectSsKiraKira_SpawnDispersed(play, &effectPos, &effectVel, &effectAccel, &effectPrimCol, &effectEnvCol, 1000, 16); if (D_8015BC18 == 0.0f) { gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP] = gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_DOWN]; gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].playerParams = 0x06FF; gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].data = 40; } gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos = *curPos; } else if (temp > 0) { Vec3f* curPos = &gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos; f32 nextRatio = 1.0f - temp * 0.1f; f32 curRatio = 1.0f - (f32)(temp - 1) * 0.1f; Vec3f eye; Vec3f dist; f32 diff; if (nextRatio > 0.0f) { eye.x = play->view.eye.x; eye.y = play->view.eye.y - yOffset; eye.z = play->view.eye.z; diff = Math_Vec3f_DistXYZAndStoreDiff(&eye, curPos, &dist); diff = (diff * (nextRatio / curRatio)) / diff; curPos->x = eye.x + (dist.x * diff); curPos->y = eye.y + (dist.y * diff); curPos->z = eye.z + (dist.z * diff); gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos = *curPos; } alpha = 255 - (temp * 30); if (alpha < 0) { gSaveContext.fw.set = 0; gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].data = 0; alpha = 0; } else { gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].data = ++params; } ratio = 1.0f + ((f32)temp * 0.2); // required to match } lightRadius = 500.0f * ratio; if ((play->csCtx.state == CS_STATE_IDLE) && (((void)0, gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].entranceIndex) == ((void)0, gSaveContext.entranceIndex)) && (((void)0, gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].roomIndex) == play->roomCtx.curRoom.num)) { f32 scale = 0.025f * ratio; POLY_XLU_DISP = Gfx_SetupDL(POLY_XLU_DISP, 0x19); Matrix_Translate(((void)0, gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.x), ((void)0, gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.y) + yOffset, ((void)0, gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.z), MTXMODE_NEW); Matrix_Scale(scale, scale, scale, MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_Mult(&play->billboardMtxF, MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_Push(); gDPPipeSync(POLY_XLU_DISP++); Color_RGB8 Spell_env = { 100, 200, 0 }; Color_RGB8 Spell_col = { 255, 255, 200 }; if (CVarGetInteger(CVAR_COSMETIC("Magic.FaroresSecondary.Changed"), 0)) { Spell_env = CVarGetColor24(CVAR_COSMETIC("Magic.FaroresSecondary.Value"), Spell_env); } if (CVarGetInteger(CVAR_COSMETIC("Magic.FaroresPrimary.Changed"), 0)) { Spell_col = CVarGetColor24(CVAR_COSMETIC("Magic.FaroresPrimary.Value"), Spell_col); } gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 128, 128, Spell_col.r, Spell_col.g, Spell_col.b, alpha); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, Spell_env.r, Spell_env.g, Spell_env.b, 255); Matrix_RotateZ(((play->gameplayFrames * 1500) & 0xFFFF) * M_PI / 32768.0f, MTXMODE_APPLY); gSPMatrix(POLY_XLU_DISP++, MATRIX_NEWMTX(play->state.gfxCtx), G_MTX_MODELVIEW | G_MTX_LOAD | G_MTX_NOPUSH); gSPDisplayList(POLY_XLU_DISP++, gEffFlash1DL); Matrix_Pop(); Matrix_RotateZ(~((play->gameplayFrames * 1200) & 0xFFFF) * M_PI / 32768.0f, MTXMODE_APPLY); gSPMatrix(POLY_XLU_DISP++, MATRIX_NEWMTX(play->state.gfxCtx), G_MTX_MODELVIEW | G_MTX_LOAD | G_MTX_NOPUSH); gSPDisplayList(POLY_XLU_DISP++, gEffFlash1DL); } Lights_PointNoGlowSetInfo(&D_8015BC00, ((void)0, gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.x), ((void)0, gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.y) + yOffset, ((void)0, gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.z), 255, 255, 255, lightRadius); } CLOSE_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); } void func_80030488(PlayState* play) { LightContext_RemoveLight(play, &play->lightCtx, D_8015BC10); } void Actor_DisableLens(PlayState* play) { if (play->actorCtx.lensActive) { play->actorCtx.lensActive = false; Magic_Reset(play); } } // Actor_InitContext void func_800304DC(PlayState* play, ActorContext* actorCtx, ActorEntry* actorEntry) { SavedSceneFlags* savedSceneFlags; s32 i; savedSceneFlags = &gSaveContext.sceneFlags[play->sceneNum]; memset(actorCtx, 0, sizeof(*actorCtx)); Matrix_MtxFCopy(&play->billboardMtxF, &gMtxFClear); Matrix_MtxFCopy(&play->viewProjectionMtxF, &gMtxFClear); actorCtx->flags.chest = savedSceneFlags->chest; actorCtx->flags.swch = savedSceneFlags->swch; actorCtx->flags.clear = savedSceneFlags->clear; actorCtx->flags.collect = savedSceneFlags->collect; func_8002CDE4(play, &actorCtx->titleCtx); actorCtx->absoluteSpace = NULL; Actor_SpawnEntry(actorCtx, actorEntry, play); func_8002C0C0(&actorCtx->targetCtx, actorCtx->actorLists[ACTORCAT_PLAYER].head, play); func_8002FA60(play); } u32 D_80116068[ACTORCAT_MAX] = { PLAYER_STATE1_TALKING | PLAYER_STATE1_DEAD | PLAYER_STATE1_IN_ITEM_CS, PLAYER_STATE1_TALKING | PLAYER_STATE1_DEAD | PLAYER_STATE1_IN_ITEM_CS, 0, PLAYER_STATE1_TALKING | PLAYER_STATE1_GETTING_ITEM | PLAYER_STATE1_DEAD | PLAYER_STATE1_IN_ITEM_CS, PLAYER_STATE1_DEAD, PLAYER_STATE1_TALKING | PLAYER_STATE1_DEAD | PLAYER_STATE1_IN_ITEM_CS | PLAYER_STATE1_IN_CUTSCENE, PLAYER_STATE1_DEAD | PLAYER_STATE1_IN_ITEM_CS, 0, PLAYER_STATE1_TALKING | PLAYER_STATE1_DEAD | PLAYER_STATE1_IN_ITEM_CS | PLAYER_STATE1_IN_CUTSCENE, PLAYER_STATE1_TALKING | PLAYER_STATE1_GETTING_ITEM | PLAYER_STATE1_DEAD | PLAYER_STATE1_IN_ITEM_CS, 0, PLAYER_STATE1_TALKING | PLAYER_STATE1_DEAD | PLAYER_STATE1_IN_ITEM_CS, }; void Actor_UpdateAll(PlayState* play, ActorContext* actorCtx) { Actor* refActor; Actor* actor; Player* player; u32* sp80; u32 unkFlag; u32 unkCondition; Actor* sp74; ActorEntry* actorEntry; s32 i; player = GET_PLAYER(play); sp74 = NULL; unkFlag = 0; if (play->numSetupActors != 0) { actorEntry = &play->setupActorList[0]; for (i = 0; i < play->numSetupActors; i++) { Actor_SpawnEntry(&play->actorCtx, actorEntry++, play); } play->numSetupActors = 0; GameInteractor_ExecuteOnSceneSpawnActors(); } if (actorCtx->unk_02 != 0) { actorCtx->unk_02--; } if (KREG(0) == -100) { refActor = &GET_PLAYER(play)->actor; KREG(0) = 0; Actor_Spawn(&play->actorCtx, play, ACTOR_EN_CLEAR_TAG, refActor->world.pos.x, refActor->world.pos.y + 100.0f, refActor->world.pos.z, 0, 0, 0, 1, true); } sp80 = &D_80116068[0]; if (player->stateFlags2 & PLAYER_STATE2_OCARINA_PLAYING) { unkFlag = ACTOR_FLAG_NO_FREEZE_OCARINA; } if ((player->stateFlags1 & PLAYER_STATE1_TALKING) && ((player->actor.textId & 0xFF00) != 0x600)) { sp74 = player->talkActor; } for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(actorCtx->actorLists); i++, sp80++) { unkCondition = (*sp80 & player->stateFlags1); actor = actorCtx->actorLists[i].head; while (actor != NULL) { if (actor->world.pos.y < -25000.0f) { actor->world.pos.y = -25000.0f; } actor->sfx = 0; if (actor->init != NULL) { if (Object_IsLoaded(&play->objectCtx, actor->objBankIndex)) { Actor_SetObjectDependency(play, actor); actor->init(actor, play); actor->init = NULL; GameInteractor_ExecuteOnActorInit(actor); // For enemy health bar we need to know the max health during init if (actor->category == ACTORCAT_ENEMY) { actor->maximumHealth = actor->colChkInfo.health; } } actor = actor->next; } else if (!Object_IsLoaded(&play->objectCtx, actor->objBankIndex)) { Actor_Kill(actor); actor = actor->next; } else if ((unkFlag && !(actor->flags & unkFlag)) || (!unkFlag && unkCondition && (sp74 != actor) && (actor != player->naviActor) && (actor != player->heldActor) && (&player->actor != actor->parent))) { CollisionCheck_ResetDamage(&actor->colChkInfo); actor = actor->next; } else if (actor->update == NULL) { if (!actor->isDrawn) { actor = Actor_Delete(&play->actorCtx, actor, play); } else { Actor_Destroy(actor, play); actor = actor->next; } } else { Math_Vec3f_Copy(&actor->prevPos, &actor->world.pos); actor->xzDistToPlayer = Actor_WorldDistXZToActor(actor, &player->actor); actor->yDistToPlayer = Actor_HeightDiff(actor, &player->actor); actor->xyzDistToPlayerSq = SQ(actor->xzDistToPlayer) + SQ(actor->yDistToPlayer); actor->yawTowardsPlayer = Actor_WorldYawTowardActor(actor, &player->actor); actor->flags &= ~ACTOR_FLAG_PLAY_HIT_SFX; if ((DECR(actor->freezeTimer) == 0) && (actor->flags & (ACTOR_FLAG_UPDATE_WHILE_CULLED | ACTOR_FLAG_ACTIVE))) { if (actor == player->focusActor) { actor->isTargeted = true; } else { actor->isTargeted = false; } if ((actor->targetPriority != 0) && (player->focusActor == NULL)) { actor->targetPriority = 0; } Actor_SetObjectDependency(play, actor); if (actor->colorFilterTimer != 0) { actor->colorFilterTimer--; } actor->update(actor, play); GameInteractor_ExecuteOnActorUpdate(actor); func_8003F8EC(play, &play->colCtx.dyna, actor); } CollisionCheck_ResetDamage(&actor->colChkInfo); actor = actor->next; } } if (i == ACTORCAT_BG) { DynaPoly_Setup(play, &play->colCtx.dyna); } } actor = player->focusActor; if ((actor != NULL) && (actor->update == NULL)) { actor = NULL; Player_ReleaseLockOn(player); } if ((actor == NULL) || (player->zTargetActiveTimer < 5)) { actor = NULL; if (actorCtx->targetCtx.unk_4B != 0) { actorCtx->targetCtx.unk_4B = 0; Sfx_PlaySfxCentered(NA_SE_SY_LOCK_OFF); } } func_8002C7BC(&actorCtx->targetCtx, player, actor, play); TitleCard_Update(play, &actorCtx->titleCtx); DynaPoly_UpdateBgActorTransforms(play, &play->colCtx.dyna); } void Actor_FaultPrint(Actor* actor, char* command) { char* name; if (actor == NULL) { FaultDrawer_SetCursor(48, 24); FaultDrawer_Printf("ACTOR NAME is NULL"); return; } name = ActorDB_Retrieve(actor->id)->name; osSyncPrintf("アクターの名前(%08x:%s)\n", actor, name); // "Actor name (%08x:%s)" if (command != NULL) { osSyncPrintf("コメント:%s\n", command); // "Command:%s" } FaultDrawer_SetCursor(48, 24); FaultDrawer_Printf("ACTOR NAME %08x:%s", actor, name); } void Actor_Draw(PlayState* play, Actor* actor) { FaultClient faultClient; Lights* lights; Fault_AddClient(&faultClient, Actor_FaultPrint, actor, "Actor_draw"); FrameInterpolation_RecordOpenChild(actor, 0); OPEN_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); lights = LightContext_NewLights(&play->lightCtx, play->state.gfxCtx); Lights_BindAll(lights, play->lightCtx.listHead, (actor->flags & ACTOR_FLAG_IGNORE_POINTLIGHTS) ? NULL : &actor->world.pos); Lights_Draw(lights, play->state.gfxCtx); FrameInterpolation_RecordActorPosRotMatrix(); if (actor->flags & ACTOR_FLAG_IGNORE_QUAKE) { Matrix_SetTranslateRotateYXZ( actor->world.pos.x + play->mainCamera.skyboxOffset.x, actor->world.pos.y + (f32)((actor->shape.yOffset * actor->scale.y) + play->mainCamera.skyboxOffset.y), actor->world.pos.z + play->mainCamera.skyboxOffset.z, &actor->shape.rot); } else { Matrix_SetTranslateRotateYXZ(actor->world.pos.x, actor->world.pos.y + (actor->shape.yOffset * actor->scale.y), actor->world.pos.z, &actor->shape.rot); } Matrix_Scale(actor->scale.x, actor->scale.y, actor->scale.z, MTXMODE_APPLY); Actor_SetObjectDependency(play, actor); gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x06, play->objectCtx.status[actor->objBankIndex].segment); gSPSegment(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x06, play->objectCtx.status[actor->objBankIndex].segment); if (actor->colorFilterTimer != 0) { Color_RGBA8 color = { 0, 0, 0, 255 }; if (actor->colorFilterParams & 0x8000) { color.r = color.g = color.b = ((actor->colorFilterParams & 0x1F00) >> 5) | 7; } else if (actor->colorFilterParams & 0x4000) { color.r = ((actor->colorFilterParams & 0x1F00) >> 5) | 7; } else { color.b = ((actor->colorFilterParams & 0x1F00) >> 5) | 7; } if (actor->colorFilterParams & 0x2000) { func_80026860(play, &color, actor->colorFilterTimer, actor->colorFilterParams & 0xFF); } else { func_80026400(play, &color, actor->colorFilterTimer, actor->colorFilterParams & 0xFF); } } actor->draw(actor, play); if (actor->colorFilterTimer != 0) { if (actor->colorFilterParams & 0x2000) { func_80026A6C(play); } else { func_80026608(play); } } if (actor->shape.shadowDraw != NULL) { actor->shape.shadowDraw(actor, lights, play); } CLOSE_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); FrameInterpolation_RecordCloseChild(); Fault_RemoveClient(&faultClient); } void func_80030ED8(Actor* actor) { if (actor->flags & ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AT_POS) { Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(actor->sfx, &actor->projectedPos, 4, &gSfxDefaultFreqAndVolScale, &gSfxDefaultFreqAndVolScale, &gSfxDefaultReverb); } else if (actor->flags & ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AT_CENTER) { Sfx_PlaySfxCentered(actor->sfx); } else if (actor->flags & ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AT_CENTER2) { Sfx_PlaySfxCentered2(actor->sfx); } else if (actor->flags & ACTOR_FLAG_SFX_AS_TIMER) { func_800F4C58(&gSfxDefaultPos, NA_SE_SY_TIMER - SFX_FLAG, (s8)(actor->sfx - 1)); } else { Sfx_PlaySfxAtPos(&actor->projectedPos, actor->sfx); } } #define LENS_MASK_WIDTH 64 #define LENS_MASK_HEIGHT 64 // 26 and 6 are for padding between the mask texture and the screen borders #define LENS_MASK_OFFSET_S ((SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - LENS_MASK_WIDTH) - 26) #define LENS_MASK_OFFSET_T ((SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - LENS_MASK_HEIGHT) - 6) void Actor_DrawLensOverlay(GraphicsContext* gfxCtx) { OPEN_DISPS(gfxCtx); gDPLoadTextureBlock(POLY_XLU_DISP++, gLensOfTruthMaskTex, G_IM_FMT_I, G_IM_SIZ_8b, LENS_MASK_WIDTH, LENS_MASK_HEIGHT, 0, G_TX_MIRROR | G_TX_CLAMP, G_TX_MIRROR | G_TX_CLAMP, 6, 6, G_TX_NOLOD, G_TX_NOLOD); s32 x = OTRGetRectDimensionFromLeftEdge(0) << 2; s32 w = OTRGetRectDimensionFromRightEdge(SCREEN_WIDTH) << 2; gDPSetTileSize(POLY_XLU_DISP++, G_TX_RENDERTILE, (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - LENS_MASK_WIDTH) << 2, (SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - LENS_MASK_HEIGHT) << 2, (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + LENS_MASK_WIDTH - 1) << 2, (SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 + LENS_MASK_HEIGHT - 1) << 2); gSPWideTextureRectangle(POLY_XLU_DISP++, x, 0, x + abs(x), SCREEN_HEIGHT << 2, G_TX_RENDERTILE, 0, 0, 0, 0); gSPWideTextureRectangle(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0, 0, w, SCREEN_HEIGHT << 2, G_TX_RENDERTILE, LENS_MASK_OFFSET_S << 5, LENS_MASK_OFFSET_T << 5, (1 << 10) * (SCREEN_WIDTH - 2 * LENS_MASK_OFFSET_S) / SCREEN_WIDTH, (1 << 10) * (SCREEN_HEIGHT - 2 * LENS_MASK_OFFSET_T) / SCREEN_HEIGHT); gDPPipeSync(POLY_XLU_DISP++); CLOSE_DISPS(gfxCtx); } void Actor_DrawLensActors(PlayState* play, s32 numInvisibleActors, Actor** invisibleActors) { Actor** invisibleActor; GraphicsContext* gfxCtx; s32 i; gfxCtx = play->state.gfxCtx; OPEN_DISPS(gfxCtx); gDPNoOpString(POLY_OPA_DISP++, "魔法のメガネ START", 0); // "Magic lens START" gDPPipeSync(POLY_XLU_DISP++); if (play->roomCtx.curRoom.lensMode == LENS_MODE_HIDE_ACTORS) { // Update both the color frame buffer and the z-buffer gDPSetOtherMode(POLY_XLU_DISP++, G_AD_DISABLE | G_CD_MAGICSQ | G_CK_NONE | G_TC_FILT | G_TF_BILERP | G_TT_NONE | G_TL_TILE | G_TD_CLAMP | G_TP_NONE | G_CYC_1CYCLE | G_PM_NPRIMITIVE, G_AC_THRESHOLD | G_ZS_PRIM | Z_UPD | G_RM_CLD_SURF | G_RM_CLD_SURF2); gDPSetCombineMode(POLY_XLU_DISP++, G_CC_MODULATEIA_PRIM, G_CC_MODULATEIA_PRIM); gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 255); // the z-buffer will later only allow drawing inside the lens circle } else { // Update the z-buffer but not the color frame buffer gDPSetOtherMode(POLY_XLU_DISP++, G_AD_DISABLE | G_CD_MAGICSQ | G_CK_NONE | G_TC_FILT | G_TF_BILERP | G_TT_NONE | G_TL_TILE | G_TD_CLAMP | G_TP_NONE | G_CYC_1CYCLE | G_PM_NPRIMITIVE, G_AC_THRESHOLD | G_ZS_PRIM | Z_UPD | IM_RD | CVG_DST_SAVE | ZMODE_OPA | FORCE_BL | GBL_c1(G_BL_CLR_BL, G_BL_0, G_BL_CLR_MEM, G_BL_1MA) | GBL_c2(G_BL_CLR_BL, G_BL_0, G_BL_CLR_MEM, G_BL_1MA)); // inverts the mask image, which initially is 0 inner and 74 outer, // by setting the combiner to draw 74 - image instead of the image gDPSetCombineLERP(POLY_XLU_DISP++, PRIMITIVE, TEXEL0, PRIM_LOD_FRAC, 0, PRIMITIVE, TEXEL0, PRIM_LOD_FRAC, 0, PRIMITIVE, TEXEL0, PRIM_LOD_FRAC, 0, PRIMITIVE, TEXEL0, PRIM_LOD_FRAC, 0); gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0, 0xFF, 74, 74, 74, 74); // the z-buffer will later only allow drawing outside the lens circle } // Together with the depth source set above, this sets the depth to the closest. // For a pixel with such a depth value, the z-buffer will reject drawing to that pixel. gDPSetPrimDepth(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0, 0); // The z-buffer will be updated where the mask is not fully transparent. Actor_DrawLensOverlay(gfxCtx); // "Magic lens invisible Actor display START" gDPNoOpString(POLY_OPA_DISP++, "魔法のメガネ 見えないActor表示 START", numInvisibleActors); invisibleActor = &invisibleActors[0]; for (i = 0; i < numInvisibleActors; i++) { // "Magic lens invisible Actor display" gDPNoOpString(POLY_OPA_DISP++, "魔法のメガネ 見えないActor表示", i); Actor_Draw(play, *(invisibleActor++)); } // "Magic lens invisible Actor display END" gDPNoOpString(POLY_OPA_DISP++, "魔法のメガネ 見えないActor表示 END", numInvisibleActors); if (play->roomCtx.curRoom.lensMode != LENS_MODE_HIDE_ACTORS) { // Draw the lens overlay to the color frame buffer gDPNoOpString(POLY_OPA_DISP++, "青い眼鏡(外側)", 0); // "Blue spectacles (exterior)" gDPPipeSync(POLY_XLU_DISP++); gDPSetOtherMode(POLY_XLU_DISP++, G_AD_DISABLE | G_CD_MAGICSQ | G_CK_NONE | G_TC_FILT | G_TF_BILERP | G_TT_NONE | G_TL_TILE | G_TD_CLAMP | G_TP_NONE | G_CYC_1CYCLE | G_PM_NPRIMITIVE, G_AC_THRESHOLD | G_ZS_PRIM | G_RM_CLD_SURF | G_RM_CLD_SURF2); gDPSetCombineMode(POLY_XLU_DISP++, G_CC_MODULATEIA_PRIM, G_CC_MODULATEIA_PRIM); gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 255); Actor_DrawLensOverlay(gfxCtx); gDPNoOpString(POLY_OPA_DISP++, "青い眼鏡(外側)", 1); // "Blue spectacles (exterior)" } gDPNoOpString(POLY_OPA_DISP++, "魔法のメガネ END", 0); // "Magic lens END" CLOSE_DISPS(gfxCtx); } s32 func_800314B0(PlayState* play, Actor* actor) { return func_800314D4(play, actor, &actor->projectedPos, actor->projectedW); } s32 func_800314D4(PlayState* play, Actor* actor, Vec3f* arg2, f32 arg3) { f32 var; if ((arg2->z > -actor->uncullZoneScale) && (arg2->z < (actor->uncullZoneForward + actor->uncullZoneScale))) { var = (arg3 < 1.0f) ? 1.0f : 1.0f / arg3; if ((((fabsf(arg2->x) - actor->uncullZoneScale) * var) < 1.0f) && (((arg2->y + actor->uncullZoneDownward) * var) > -1.0f) && (((arg2->y - actor->uncullZoneScale) * var) < 1.0f)) { return true; } } return false; } // #region SOH [Enhancements] Allows us to increase the draw and update distance independently, // mostly a modified version of the function above and additional tweaks for some specfic actors s32 Ship_CalcShouldDrawAndUpdate(PlayState* play, Actor* actor, Vec3f* projectedPos, f32 projectedW, bool* shouldDraw, bool* shouldUpdate) { f32 clampedProjectedW; // Check if the actor passes its original/vanilla culling requirements if (func_800314D4(play, actor, projectedPos, projectedW)) { *shouldUpdate = true; *shouldDraw = true; return true; } // Skip cutscne actors that depend on culling to hide from camera pans if (actor->id == ACTOR_EN_VIEWER) { return false; } s32 multiplier = CVarGetInteger(CVAR_ENHANCEMENT("DisableDrawDistance"), 1); multiplier = MAX(multiplier, 1); // Some actors have a really short forward value, so we need to add to it before the multiplier to increase the // final strength of the forward culling f32 adder = (actor->uncullZoneForward < 500) ? 1000.0f : 0.0f; if ((projectedPos->z > -actor->uncullZoneScale) && (projectedPos->z < (((actor->uncullZoneForward + adder) * multiplier) + actor->uncullZoneScale))) { clampedProjectedW = (projectedW < 1.0f) ? 1.0f : 1.0f / projectedW; f32 ratioAdjusted = 1.0f; if (CVarGetInteger(CVAR_ENHANCEMENT("WidescreenActorCulling"), 0)) { f32 originalAspectRatio = 4.0f / 3.0f; f32 currentAspectRatio = OTRGetAspectRatio(); ratioAdjusted = MAX(currentAspectRatio / originalAspectRatio, 1.0f); } if ((((fabsf(projectedPos->x) - actor->uncullZoneScale) * (clampedProjectedW / ratioAdjusted)) < 1.0f) && (((projectedPos->y + actor->uncullZoneDownward) * clampedProjectedW) > -1.0f) && (((projectedPos->y - actor->uncullZoneScale) * clampedProjectedW) < 1.0f)) { if (CVarGetInteger(CVAR_ENHANCEMENT("ExtendedCullingExcludeGlitchActors"), 0)) { // These actors are safe to draw without impacting glitches if ((actor->id == ACTOR_OBJ_BOMBIWA || actor->id == ACTOR_OBJ_HAMISHI || actor->id == ACTOR_EN_ISHI) || // Boulders (hookshot through collision) actor->id == ACTOR_EN_GS || // Gossip stones (text delay) actor->id == ACTOR_EN_GE1 || // White gerudos (gate clip/archery room transition) actor->id == ACTOR_EN_KZ || // King Zora (unfreeze glitch) actor->id == ACTOR_EN_DU || // Darunia (Fire temple BK skip) actor->id == ACTOR_DOOR_WARP1 // Blue warps (wrong warps) ) { *shouldDraw = true; return true; } // Skip these actors entirely as their draw funcs impacts glitches if ((actor->id == ACTOR_EN_SW && (((actor->params & 0xE000) >> 0xD) == 1 || ((actor->params & 0xE000) >> 0xD) == 2)) // Gold Skulltulas (hitbox at 0,0) ) { return false; } } *shouldDraw = true; *shouldUpdate = true; return true; } } return false; } // #endregion void func_800315AC(PlayState* play, ActorContext* actorCtx) { s32 invisibleActorCounter; Actor* invisibleActors[INVISIBLE_ACTOR_MAX]; ActorListEntry* actorListEntry; Actor* actor; s32 i; invisibleActorCounter = 0; OPEN_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); actorListEntry = &actorCtx->actorLists[0]; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(actorCtx->actorLists); i++, actorListEntry++) { actor = actorListEntry->head; while (actor != NULL) { char* actorName = ActorDB_Retrieve(actor->id)->name; gDPNoOpString(POLY_OPA_DISP++, actorName, i); gDPNoOpString(POLY_XLU_DISP++, actorName, i); HREG(66) = i; if ((HREG(64) != 1) || ((HREG(65) != -1) && (HREG(65) != HREG(66))) || (HREG(68) == 0)) { SkinMatrix_Vec3fMtxFMultXYZW(&play->viewProjectionMtxF, &actor->world.pos, &actor->projectedPos, &actor->projectedW); } if ((HREG(64) != 1) || ((HREG(65) != -1) && (HREG(65) != HREG(66))) || (HREG(69) == 0)) { if (actor->sfx != 0) { func_80030ED8(actor); } } // #region SOH [Enhancement] Extended culling updates bool shipShouldDraw = false; bool shipShouldUpdate = false; if ((HREG(64) != 1) || ((HREG(65) != -1) && (HREG(65) != HREG(66))) || (HREG(70) == 0)) { if (CVarGetInteger(CVAR_ENHANCEMENT("DisableDrawDistance"), 1) > 1 || CVarGetInteger(CVAR_ENHANCEMENT("WidescreenActorCulling"), 0)) { Ship_CalcShouldDrawAndUpdate(play, actor, &actor->projectedPos, actor->projectedW, &shipShouldDraw, &shipShouldUpdate); if (shipShouldUpdate) { actor->flags |= ACTOR_FLAG_ACTIVE; } else { actor->flags &= ~ACTOR_FLAG_ACTIVE; } } else { if (func_800314B0(play, actor)) { actor->flags |= ACTOR_FLAG_ACTIVE; } else { actor->flags &= ~ACTOR_FLAG_ACTIVE; } } } actor->isDrawn = false; if ((HREG(64) != 1) || ((HREG(65) != -1) && (HREG(65) != HREG(66))) || (HREG(71) == 0)) { if ((actor->init == NULL) && (actor->draw != NULL) && ((actor->flags & (ACTOR_FLAG_DRAW_WHILE_CULLED | ACTOR_FLAG_ACTIVE)) || shipShouldDraw)) { // #endregion if ((actor->flags & ACTOR_FLAG_LENS) && ((play->roomCtx.curRoom.lensMode == LENS_MODE_HIDE_ACTORS) || play->actorCtx.lensActive || (actor->room != play->roomCtx.curRoom.num))) { assert(invisibleActorCounter < INVISIBLE_ACTOR_MAX); invisibleActors[invisibleActorCounter] = actor; invisibleActorCounter++; } else { if ((HREG(64) != 1) || ((HREG(65) != -1) && (HREG(65) != HREG(66))) || (HREG(72) == 0)) { Actor_Draw(play, actor); actor->isDrawn = true; } } } } actor = actor->next; } } if ((HREG(64) != 1) || (HREG(73) != 0)) { Effect_DrawAll(play->state.gfxCtx); } if ((HREG(64) != 1) || (HREG(74) != 0)) { EffectSs_DrawAll(play); } if ((HREG(64) != 1) || (HREG(72) != 0)) { if (play->actorCtx.lensActive) { Actor_DrawLensActors(play, invisibleActorCounter, invisibleActors); if ((play->csCtx.state != CS_STATE_IDLE) || Player_InCsMode(play)) { Actor_DisableLens(play); } } } Actor_DrawFaroresWindPointer(play); if (IREG(32) == 0) { Lights_DrawGlow(play); } if ((HREG(64) != 1) || (HREG(75) != 0)) { TitleCard_Draw(play, &actorCtx->titleCtx); } if ((HREG(64) != 1) || (HREG(76) != 0)) { CollisionCheck_DrawCollision(play, &play->colChkCtx); } CLOSE_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); } void func_80031A28(PlayState* play, ActorContext* actorCtx) { Actor* actor; s32 i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(actorCtx->actorLists); i++) { actor = actorCtx->actorLists[i].head; while (actor != NULL) { if (!Object_IsLoaded(&play->objectCtx, actor->objBankIndex)) { Actor_Kill(actor); } actor = actor->next; } } } u8 sEnemyActorCategories[] = { ACTORCAT_ENEMY, ACTORCAT_BOSS }; void Actor_FreezeAllEnemies(PlayState* play, ActorContext* actorCtx, s32 duration) { Actor* actor; s32 i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(sEnemyActorCategories); i++) { actor = actorCtx->actorLists[sEnemyActorCategories[i]].head; while (actor != NULL) { actor->freezeTimer = duration; actor = actor->next; } } } void func_80031B14(PlayState* play, ActorContext* actorCtx) { Actor* actor; s32 i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(actorCtx->actorLists); i++) { actor = actorCtx->actorLists[i].head; while (actor != NULL) { if ((actor->room >= 0) && (actor->room != play->roomCtx.curRoom.num) && (actor->room != play->roomCtx.prevRoom.num)) { if (!actor->isDrawn) { actor = Actor_Delete(actorCtx, actor, play); } else { Actor_Kill(actor); Actor_Destroy(actor, play); actor = actor->next; } } else { actor = actor->next; } } } CollisionCheck_ClearContext(play, &play->colChkCtx); actorCtx->flags.tempClear = 0; actorCtx->flags.tempSwch &= 0xFFFFFF; play->msgCtx.unk_E3F4 = 0; } // Actor_CleanupContext void func_80031C3C(ActorContext* actorCtx, PlayState* play) { Actor* actor; s32 i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(actorCtx->actorLists); i++) { actor = actorCtx->actorLists[i].head; while (actor != NULL) { Actor_Delete(actorCtx, actor, play); actor = actorCtx->actorLists[i].head; } } if (HREG(20) != 0) { osSyncPrintf("絶対魔法領域解放\n"); // "Absolute magic field deallocation" } if (actorCtx->absoluteSpace != NULL) { ZELDA_ARENA_FREE_DEBUG(actorCtx->absoluteSpace); actorCtx->absoluteSpace = NULL; } Play_SaveSceneFlags(play); func_80030488(play); } /** * Adds a given actor instance at the front of the actor list of the specified category. * Also sets the actor instance as being of that category. */ void Actor_AddToCategory(ActorContext* actorCtx, Actor* actorToAdd, u8 actorCategory) { Actor* prevHead; actorToAdd->category = actorCategory; actorCtx->total++; actorCtx->actorLists[actorCategory].length++; prevHead = actorCtx->actorLists[actorCategory].head; if (prevHead != NULL) { prevHead->prev = actorToAdd; } actorCtx->actorLists[actorCategory].head = actorToAdd; actorToAdd->next = prevHead; } /** * Removes a given actor instance from its actor list. * Also sets the temp clear flag of the current room if the actor removed was the last enemy loaded. */ Actor* Actor_RemoveFromCategory(PlayState* play, ActorContext* actorCtx, Actor* actorToRemove) { Actor* newHead; actorCtx->total--; actorCtx->actorLists[actorToRemove->category].length--; if (actorToRemove->prev != NULL) { actorToRemove->prev->next = actorToRemove->next; } else { actorCtx->actorLists[actorToRemove->category].head = actorToRemove->next; } newHead = actorToRemove->next; if (newHead != NULL) { newHead->prev = actorToRemove->prev; } actorToRemove->next = NULL; actorToRemove->prev = NULL; if ((actorToRemove->room == play->roomCtx.curRoom.num) && (actorToRemove->category == ACTORCAT_ENEMY) && (actorCtx->actorLists[ACTORCAT_ENEMY].length == 0)) { Flags_SetTempClear(play, play->roomCtx.curRoom.num); } return newHead; } void Actor_FreeOverlay(ActorDBEntry* dbEntry) { osSyncPrintf(VT_FGCOL(CYAN)); if (dbEntry->numLoaded == 0) { if (dbEntry->reset != NULL) { dbEntry->reset(); } if (HREG(20) != 0) { osSyncPrintf("アクタークライアントが0になりました\n"); // "Actor client is now 0" } } else if (HREG(20) != 0) { // "%d of actor client remains" osSyncPrintf("アクタークライアントはあと %d 残っています\n", dbEntry->numLoaded); } osSyncPrintf(VT_RST); } // SoH: Flag to check if actors are being spawned from the actor entry list // This flag is checked against to allow actors which dont have an objectBankIndex in the objectCtx slot/status array to spawn // An example of what this fixes, is that it allows hookshot to be used as child int gMapLoading = 0; Actor* Actor_Spawn(ActorContext* actorCtx, PlayState* play, s16 actorId, f32 posX, f32 posY, f32 posZ, s16 rotX, s16 rotY, s16 rotZ, s16 params, s16 canRandomize) { uint8_t tryRandomizeEnemy = CVarGetInteger(CVAR_ENHANCEMENT("RandomizedEnemies"), 0) && gSaveContext.fileNum >= 0 && gSaveContext.fileNum <= 2 && canRandomize; if (tryRandomizeEnemy) { if (!GetRandomizedEnemy(play, &actorId, &posX, &posY, &posZ, &rotX, &rotY, &rotZ, ¶ms)) { return NULL; } } Actor* actor; s32 objBankIndex; u32 temp; ActorDBEntry* dbEntry = ActorDB_Retrieve(actorId); assert(dbEntry->valid); if (HREG(20) != 0) { // "Actor class addition [%d:%s]" osSyncPrintf("アクタークラス追加 [%d:%s]\n", actorId, dbEntry->name); } if (actorCtx->total > ACTOR_NUMBER_MAX) { // "Actor set number exceeded" osSyncPrintf(VT_COL(YELLOW, BLACK) "Actorセット数オーバー\n" VT_RST); return NULL; } objBankIndex = Object_GetIndex(&gPlayState->objectCtx, dbEntry->objectId); if (objBankIndex < 0 && (!gMapLoading || CVarGetInteger(CVAR_ENHANCEMENT("RandomizedEnemies"), 0))) { objBankIndex = 0; } if ((objBankIndex < 0) || ((dbEntry->category == ACTORCAT_ENEMY) && Flags_GetClear(play, play->roomCtx.curRoom.num))) { // "No data bank!! (profilep->bank=%d)" osSyncPrintf(VT_COL(RED, WHITE) "データバンク無し!!<データバンク=%d>(profilep->bank=%d)\n" VT_RST, objBankIndex, dbEntry->objectId); Actor_FreeOverlay(dbEntry); return NULL; } actor = ZELDA_ARENA_MALLOC_DEBUG(dbEntry->instanceSize); if (actor == NULL) { // "Actor class cannot be reserved! %s " osSyncPrintf(VT_COL(RED, WHITE) "Actorクラス確保できません! %s <サイズ=%dバイト>\n", VT_RST, dbEntry->name, dbEntry->instanceSize); Actor_FreeOverlay(dbEntry); return NULL; } assert(dbEntry->numLoaded < 255); dbEntry->numLoaded++; if (HREG(20) != 0) { // "Actor client No. %d" osSyncPrintf("アクタークライアントは %d 個目です\n", dbEntry->numLoaded); } memset((u8*)actor, 0, dbEntry->instanceSize); actor->id = dbEntry->id; actor->flags = dbEntry->flags; if (dbEntry->id == ACTOR_EN_PART) { actor->objBankIndex = rotZ; rotZ = 0; } else { actor->objBankIndex = objBankIndex; } actor->init = dbEntry->init; actor->destroy = dbEntry->destroy; actor->update = dbEntry->update; actor->draw = dbEntry->draw; actor->room = play->roomCtx.curRoom.num; actor->home.pos.x = posX; actor->home.pos.y = posY; actor->home.pos.z = posZ; actor->home.rot.x = rotX; actor->home.rot.y = rotY; actor->home.rot.z = rotZ; actor->params = params; Actor_AddToCategory(actorCtx, actor, dbEntry->category); temp = gSegments[6]; Actor_Init(actor, play); gSegments[6] = temp; return actor; } Actor* Actor_SpawnAsChild(ActorContext* actorCtx, Actor* parent, PlayState* play, s16 actorId, f32 posX, f32 posY, f32 posZ, s16 rotX, s16 rotY, s16 rotZ, s16 params) { Actor* spawnedActor = Actor_Spawn(actorCtx, play, actorId, posX, posY, posZ, rotX, rotY, rotZ, params, true); if (spawnedActor == NULL) { return NULL; } // The following enemies break when the parent actor isn't the same as what would happen in authentic gameplay. // As such, don't assign a parent to them at all when spawned with Enemy Randomizer. // Gohma (z_boss_goma.c), the Stalchildren spawner (z_en_encount1.c) and the falling platform spawning Stalfos in // Forest Temple (z_bg_mori_bigst.c) that normally rely on this behaviour are changed when // Enemy Rando is on so they still work properly even without assigning a parent. if (CVarGetInteger(CVAR_ENHANCEMENT("RandomizedEnemies"), 0) && (spawnedActor->id == ACTOR_EN_FLOORMAS || spawnedActor->id == ACTOR_EN_PEEHAT)) { return spawnedActor; } parent->child = spawnedActor; spawnedActor->parent = parent; if (spawnedActor->room >= 0) { spawnedActor->room = parent->room; } return spawnedActor; } void Actor_SpawnTransitionActors(PlayState* play, ActorContext* actorCtx) { TransitionActorEntry* transitionActor; u8 numActors; s32 i; transitionActor = play->transiActorCtx.list; numActors = play->transiActorCtx.numActors; for (i = 0; i < numActors; i++) { if (transitionActor->id >= 0) { if (((transitionActor->sides[0].room >= 0) && ((transitionActor->sides[0].room == play->roomCtx.curRoom.num) || (transitionActor->sides[0].room == play->roomCtx.prevRoom.num))) || ((transitionActor->sides[1].room >= 0) && ((transitionActor->sides[1].room == play->roomCtx.curRoom.num) || (transitionActor->sides[1].room == play->roomCtx.prevRoom.num)))) { Actor_Spawn(actorCtx, play, (s16)(transitionActor->id & 0x1FFF), transitionActor->pos.x, transitionActor->pos.y, transitionActor->pos.z, 0, transitionActor->rotY, 0, (i << 0xA) + transitionActor->params, true); transitionActor->id = -transitionActor->id; numActors = play->transiActorCtx.numActors; } } transitionActor++; } } Actor* Actor_SpawnEntry(ActorContext* actorCtx, ActorEntry* actorEntry, PlayState* play) { gMapLoading = 1; Actor* ret = Actor_Spawn(actorCtx, play, actorEntry->id, actorEntry->pos.x, actorEntry->pos.y, actorEntry->pos.z, actorEntry->rot.x, actorEntry->rot.y, actorEntry->rot.z, actorEntry->params, true); gMapLoading = 0; return ret; } Actor* Actor_Delete(ActorContext* actorCtx, Actor* actor, PlayState* play) { Player* player; Actor* newHead; ActorDBEntry* dbEntry; player = GET_PLAYER(play); dbEntry = ActorDB_Retrieve(actor->id); if (HREG(20) != 0) { osSyncPrintf("アクタークラス削除 [%s]\n", dbEntry->name); // "Actor class deleted [%s]" } if ((player != NULL) && (actor == player->focusActor)) { Player_ReleaseLockOn(player); Camera_ChangeMode(Play_GetCamera(play, Play_GetActiveCamId(play)), 0); } if (actor == actorCtx->targetCtx.arrowPointedActor) { actorCtx->targetCtx.arrowPointedActor = NULL; } if (actor == actorCtx->targetCtx.unk_8C) { actorCtx->targetCtx.unk_8C = NULL; } if (actor == actorCtx->targetCtx.bgmEnemy) { actorCtx->targetCtx.bgmEnemy = NULL; } Audio_StopSfxByPos(&actor->projectedPos); Actor_Destroy(actor, play); newHead = Actor_RemoveFromCategory(play, actorCtx, actor); ZELDA_ARENA_FREE_DEBUG(actor); dbEntry->numLoaded--; Actor_FreeOverlay(dbEntry); return newHead; } s32 func_80032880(PlayState* play, Actor* actor) { s16 sp1E; s16 sp1C; Actor_GetScreenPos(play, actor, &sp1E, &sp1C); return (sp1E > -20) && (sp1E < 340) && (sp1C > -160) && (sp1C < 400); } Actor* D_8015BBE8; Actor* D_8015BBEC; f32 D_8015BBF0; f32 sbgmEnemyDistSq; s32 D_8015BBF8; s16 D_8015BBFC; void func_800328D4(PlayState* play, ActorContext* actorCtx, Player* player, u32 actorCategory) { f32 var; Actor* actor; Actor* sp84; CollisionPoly* sp80; s32 sp7C; Vec3f sp70; actor = actorCtx->actorLists[actorCategory].head; sp84 = player->focusActor; while (actor != NULL) { if ((actor->update != NULL) && ((Player*)actor != player) && CHECK_FLAG_ALL(actor->flags, ACTOR_FLAG_TARGETABLE)) { // This block below is for determining the closest actor to player in determining the volume // used while playing enemy bgm music if ((actorCategory == ACTORCAT_ENEMY) && CHECK_FLAG_ALL(actor->flags, ACTOR_FLAG_TARGETABLE | ACTOR_FLAG_HOSTILE) && (actor->xyzDistToPlayerSq < SQ(500.0f)) && (actor->xyzDistToPlayerSq < sbgmEnemyDistSq)) { actorCtx->targetCtx.bgmEnemy = actor; sbgmEnemyDistSq = actor->xyzDistToPlayerSq; } if (actor != sp84) { var = func_8002EFC0(actor, player, D_8015BBFC); if ((var < D_8015BBF0) && func_8002F090(actor, var) && func_80032880(play, actor) && (!BgCheck_CameraLineTest1(&play->colCtx, &player->actor.focus.pos, &actor->focus.pos, &sp70, &sp80, 1, 1, 1, 1, &sp7C) || SurfaceType_IsIgnoredByProjectiles(&play->colCtx, sp80, sp7C))) { if (actor->targetPriority != 0) { if (actor->targetPriority < D_8015BBF8) { D_8015BBEC = actor; D_8015BBF8 = actor->targetPriority; } } else { D_8015BBE8 = actor; D_8015BBF0 = var; } } } } actor = actor->next; } } u8 D_801160A0[] = { ACTORCAT_BOSS, ACTORCAT_ENEMY, ACTORCAT_BG, ACTORCAT_EXPLOSIVE, ACTORCAT_NPC, ACTORCAT_ITEMACTION, ACTORCAT_CHEST, ACTORCAT_SWITCH, ACTORCAT_PROP, ACTORCAT_MISC, ACTORCAT_DOOR, ACTORCAT_SWITCH, }; Actor* func_80032AF0(PlayState* play, ActorContext* actorCtx, Actor** actorPtr, Player* player) { s32 i; u8* entry; D_8015BBE8 = D_8015BBEC = NULL; D_8015BBF0 = sbgmEnemyDistSq = FLT_MAX; D_8015BBF8 = 0x7FFFFFFF; if (!Player_InCsMode(play)) { entry = &D_801160A0[0]; actorCtx->targetCtx.bgmEnemy = NULL; D_8015BBFC = player->actor.shape.rot.y; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { func_800328D4(play, actorCtx, player, *entry); entry++; } if (D_8015BBE8 == NULL) { for (; i < ARRAY_COUNT(D_801160A0); i++) { func_800328D4(play, actorCtx, player, *entry); entry++; } } } if (D_8015BBE8 == 0) { *actorPtr = D_8015BBEC; } else { *actorPtr = D_8015BBE8; } return *actorPtr; } /** * Finds the first actor instance of a specified ID and category if there is one. */ Actor* Actor_Find(ActorContext* actorCtx, s32 actorId, s32 actorCategory) { Actor* actor = actorCtx->actorLists[actorCategory].head; while (actor != NULL) { if (actorId == actor->id) { return actor; } actor = actor->next; } return NULL; } /** * Play the death sound effect and flash the screen white for 4 frames. * While the screen flashes, the game freezes. */ void Enemy_StartFinishingBlow(PlayState* play, Actor* actor) { play->actorCtx.freezeFlashTimer = 5; SoundSource_PlaySfxAtFixedWorldPos(play, &actor->world.pos, 20, NA_SE_EN_LAST_DAMAGE); } s16 func_80032CB4(s16* arg0, s16 arg1, s16 arg2, s16 arg3) { if (DECR(arg0[1]) == 0) { arg0[1] = Rand_S16Offset(arg1, arg2); } if ((arg0[1] - arg3) > 0) { arg0[0] = 0; } else if (((arg0[1] - arg3) > -2) || (arg0[1] < 2)) { arg0[0] = 1; } else { arg0[0] = 2; } return arg0[0]; } s16 func_80032D60(s16* arg0, s16 arg1, s16 arg2, s16 arg3) { if (DECR(arg0[1]) == 0) { arg0[1] = Rand_S16Offset(arg1, arg2); arg0[0]++; if ((arg0[0] % 3) == 0) { arg0[0] = (s32)(Rand_ZeroOne() * arg3) * 3; } } return arg0[0]; } void BodyBreak_Alloc(BodyBreak* bodyBreak, s32 count, PlayState* play) { u32 matricesSize; u32 dListsSize; u32 objectIdsSize; matricesSize = (count + 1) * sizeof(*bodyBreak->matrices); bodyBreak->matrices = ZELDA_ARENA_MALLOC_DEBUG(matricesSize); if (bodyBreak->matrices != NULL) { dListsSize = (count + 1) * sizeof(*bodyBreak->dLists); bodyBreak->dLists = ZELDA_ARENA_MALLOC_DEBUG(dListsSize); if (bodyBreak->dLists != NULL) { objectIdsSize = (count + 1) * sizeof(*bodyBreak->objectIds); bodyBreak->objectIds = ZELDA_ARENA_MALLOC_DEBUG(objectIdsSize); if (bodyBreak->objectIds != NULL) { memset((u8*)bodyBreak->matrices,0, matricesSize); memset((u8*)bodyBreak->dLists, 0, dListsSize); memset((u8*)bodyBreak->objectIds, 0, objectIdsSize); bodyBreak->val = 1; return; } } } if (bodyBreak->matrices != NULL) { ZELDA_ARENA_FREE_DEBUG(bodyBreak->matrices); } if (bodyBreak->dLists != NULL) { ZELDA_ARENA_FREE_DEBUG(bodyBreak->dLists); } if (bodyBreak->objectIds != NULL) { ZELDA_ARENA_FREE_DEBUG(bodyBreak->objectIds); } } void BodyBreak_SetInfo(BodyBreak* bodyBreak, s32 limbIndex, s32 minLimbIndex, s32 maxLimbIndex, u32 count, Gfx** dList, s16 objectId) { PlayState* play = Effect_GetPlayState(); if ((play->actorCtx.freezeFlashTimer == 0) && (bodyBreak->val > 0)) { if ((limbIndex >= minLimbIndex) && (limbIndex <= maxLimbIndex) && (*dList != NULL)) { bodyBreak->dLists[bodyBreak->val] = *dList; Matrix_Get(&bodyBreak->matrices[bodyBreak->val]); bodyBreak->objectIds[bodyBreak->val] = objectId; bodyBreak->val++; } if (limbIndex != bodyBreak->prevLimbIndex) { bodyBreak->count++; } if ((u32)bodyBreak->count >= count) { bodyBreak->count = bodyBreak->val - 1; bodyBreak->val = BODYBREAK_STATUS_READY; } } bodyBreak->prevLimbIndex = limbIndex; } s32 BodyBreak_SpawnParts(Actor* actor, BodyBreak* bodyBreak, PlayState* play, s16 type) { EnPart* spawnedEnPart; MtxF* mtx; s16 objBankIndex; if (bodyBreak->val != BODYBREAK_STATUS_READY) { return false; } while (bodyBreak->count > 0) { Matrix_Put(&bodyBreak->matrices[bodyBreak->count]); Matrix_Scale(1.0f / actor->scale.x, 1.0f / actor->scale.y, 1.0f / actor->scale.z, MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_Get(&bodyBreak->matrices[bodyBreak->count]); if (1) { if (bodyBreak->objectIds[bodyBreak->count] >= 0) { objBankIndex = bodyBreak->objectIds[bodyBreak->count]; } else { objBankIndex = actor->objBankIndex; } } mtx = &bodyBreak->matrices[bodyBreak->count]; spawnedEnPart = (EnPart*)Actor_SpawnAsChild(&play->actorCtx, actor, play, ACTOR_EN_PART, mtx->xw, mtx->yw, mtx->zw, 0, 0, objBankIndex, type); if (spawnedEnPart != NULL) { Matrix_MtxFToYXZRotS(&bodyBreak->matrices[bodyBreak->count], &spawnedEnPart->actor.shape.rot, 0); spawnedEnPart->displayList = bodyBreak->dLists[bodyBreak->count]; spawnedEnPart->actor.scale = actor->scale; } bodyBreak->count--; } bodyBreak->val = BODYBREAK_STATUS_FINISHED; ZELDA_ARENA_FREE_DEBUG(bodyBreak->matrices); ZELDA_ARENA_FREE_DEBUG(bodyBreak->dLists); ZELDA_ARENA_FREE_DEBUG(bodyBreak->objectIds); return true; } void Actor_SpawnFloorDustRing(PlayState* play, Actor* actor, Vec3f* posXZ, f32 radius, s32 amountMinusOne, f32 randAccelWeight, s16 scale, s16 scaleStep, u8 useLighting) { Vec3f pos; Vec3f velocity = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; Vec3f accel = { 0.0f, 0.3f, 0.0f }; f32 angle; s32 i; angle = (Rand_ZeroOne() - 0.5f) * (2.0f * 3.14f); pos.y = actor->floorHeight; accel.y += (Rand_ZeroOne() - 0.5f) * 0.2f; for (i = amountMinusOne; i >= 0; i--) { pos.x = Math_SinF(angle) * radius + posXZ->x; pos.z = Math_CosF(angle) * radius + posXZ->z; accel.x = (Rand_ZeroOne() - 0.5f) * randAccelWeight; accel.z = (Rand_ZeroOne() - 0.5f) * randAccelWeight; if (scale == 0) { func_8002857C(play, &pos, &velocity, &accel); } else { if (useLighting) { func_800286CC(play, &pos, &velocity, &accel, scale, scaleStep); } else { func_8002865C(play, &pos, &velocity, &accel, scale, scaleStep); } } angle += (2.0f * 3.14f) / (amountMinusOne + 1.0f); } } void func_80033480(PlayState* play, Vec3f* posBase, f32 randRangeDiameter, s32 amountMinusOne, s16 scaleBase, s16 scaleStep, u8 arg6) { Vec3f pos; Vec3f velocity = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; Vec3f accel = { 0.0f, 0.3f, 0.0f }; s16 scale; u32 var2; s32 i; for (i = amountMinusOne; i >= 0; i--) { pos.x = posBase->x + ((Rand_ZeroOne() - 0.5f) * randRangeDiameter); pos.y = posBase->y + ((Rand_ZeroOne() - 0.5f) * randRangeDiameter); pos.z = posBase->z + ((Rand_ZeroOne() - 0.5f) * randRangeDiameter); scale = (s16)((Rand_ZeroOne() * scaleBase) * 0.2f) + scaleBase; var2 = arg6; if (var2 != 0) { func_800286CC(play, &pos, &velocity, &accel, scale, scaleStep); } else { func_8002865C(play, &pos, &velocity, &accel, scale, scaleStep); } } } Actor* Actor_GetCollidedExplosive(PlayState* play, Collider* collider) { if ((collider->acFlags & AC_HIT) && (collider->ac->category == ACTORCAT_EXPLOSIVE)) { collider->acFlags &= ~AC_HIT; return collider->ac; } return NULL; } Actor* func_80033684(PlayState* play, Actor* explosiveActor) { Actor* actor = play->actorCtx.actorLists[ACTORCAT_EXPLOSIVE].head; while (actor != NULL) { if ((actor == explosiveActor) || (actor->params != 1)) { actor = actor->next; } else { if (Actor_WorldDistXYZToActor(explosiveActor, actor) <= (actor->shape.rot.z * 10) + 80.0f) { return actor; } else { actor = actor->next; } } } return NULL; } /** * Dynamically changes the category of a given actor instance. * This is done by moving it to the corresponding category list and setting its category variable accordingly. */ void Actor_ChangeCategory(PlayState* play, ActorContext* actorCtx, Actor* actor, u8 actorCategory) { Actor_RemoveFromCategory(play, actorCtx, actor); Actor_AddToCategory(actorCtx, actor, actorCategory); } /** * Checks if a hookshot or arrow actor is going to collide with the cylinder denoted by the * actor's `cylRadius` and `cylHeight`. * The check is only peformed if the projectile actor is within the provided sphere radius. * * Returns the actor if there will be collision, NULL otherwise. */ Actor* Actor_GetProjectileActor(PlayState* play, Actor* refActor, f32 radius) { Actor* actor; Vec3f spA8; f32 deltaX; f32 deltaY; f32 deltaZ; Vec3f sp90; Vec3f sp84; actor = play->actorCtx.actorLists[ACTORCAT_ITEMACTION].head; while (actor != NULL) { if (((actor->id != ACTOR_ARMS_HOOK) && (actor->id != ACTOR_EN_ARROW)) || (actor == refActor)) { actor = actor->next; } else { //! @bug The projectile actor gets unsafely casted to a hookshot to check its timer, even though // it can also be an arrow. // Luckily, the field at the same offset in the arrow actor is the x component of a vector // which will rarely ever be 0. So it's very unlikely for this bug to cause an issue. // // SoH [Port] We're making a change here, it doesn't technically fix the bug but makes it behave // more like hardware. Because of pointer size differences in SoH this was accessing a different // place in memory and causing issues with Dark link behavior, and probably other places too if ((Math_Vec3f_DistXYZ(&refActor->world.pos, &actor->world.pos) > radius) || (actor->id == ACTOR_ARMS_HOOK && ((ArmsHook*)actor)->timer == 0) || (actor->id == ACTOR_EN_ARROW && ((EnArrow*)actor)->unk_210.x == 0) ) { actor = actor->next; } else { deltaX = Math_SinS(actor->world.rot.y) * (actor->speedXZ * 10.0f); deltaY = actor->velocity.y + (actor->gravity * 10.0f); deltaZ = Math_CosS(actor->world.rot.y) * (actor->speedXZ * 10.0f); spA8.x = actor->world.pos.x + deltaX; spA8.y = actor->world.pos.y + deltaY; spA8.z = actor->world.pos.z + deltaZ; if (CollisionCheck_CylSideVsLineSeg(refActor->colChkInfo.cylRadius, refActor->colChkInfo.cylHeight, 0.0f, &refActor->world.pos, &actor->world.pos, &spA8, &sp90, &sp84)) { return actor; } else { actor = actor->next; } } } } return NULL; } /** * Sets the actor's text id with a dynamic prefix based on the current scene. */ void Actor_SetTextWithPrefix(PlayState* play, Actor* actor, s16 baseTextId) { s16 prefix; switch (play->sceneNum) { case SCENE_DEKU_TREE: case SCENE_DEKU_TREE_BOSS: case SCENE_FOREST_TEMPLE_BOSS: case SCENE_KNOW_IT_ALL_BROS_HOUSE: case SCENE_TWINS_HOUSE: case SCENE_MIDOS_HOUSE: case SCENE_SARIAS_HOUSE: case SCENE_KOKIRI_SHOP: case SCENE_LINKS_HOUSE: case SCENE_KOKIRI_FOREST: case SCENE_SACRED_FOREST_MEADOW: case SCENE_LOST_WOODS: case 112: prefix = 0x1000; break; case SCENE_STABLE: case SCENE_HYRULE_FIELD: case SCENE_LON_LON_RANCH: prefix = 0x2000; break; case SCENE_FIRE_TEMPLE: case SCENE_DODONGOS_CAVERN_BOSS: case SCENE_FIRE_TEMPLE_BOSS: case SCENE_DEATH_MOUNTAIN_TRAIL: case SCENE_DEATH_MOUNTAIN_CRATER: case SCENE_GORON_CITY: prefix = 0x3000; break; case SCENE_JABU_JABU: case SCENE_JABU_JABU_BOSS: case SCENE_ZORAS_RIVER: case SCENE_ZORAS_DOMAIN: case SCENE_ZORAS_FOUNTAIN: prefix = 0x4000; break; case SCENE_SHADOW_TEMPLE: case SCENE_SHADOW_TEMPLE_BOSS: case SCENE_KAKARIKO_CENTER_GUEST_HOUSE: case SCENE_BACK_ALLEY_HOUSE: case SCENE_DOG_LADY_HOUSE: case SCENE_GRAVEKEEPERS_HUT: case SCENE_REDEAD_GRAVE: case SCENE_WINDMILL_AND_DAMPES_GRAVE: case SCENE_KAKARIKO_VILLAGE: case SCENE_GRAVEYARD: prefix = 0x5000; break; case SCENE_SPIRIT_TEMPLE: case SCENE_SPIRIT_TEMPLE_BOSS: case SCENE_IMPAS_HOUSE: case SCENE_CARPENTERS_TENT: case SCENE_LAKE_HYLIA: case SCENE_GERUDO_VALLEY: case SCENE_DESERT_COLOSSUS: prefix = 0x6000; break; case SCENE_MARKET_ENTRANCE_DAY: case SCENE_BACK_ALLEY_DAY: case SCENE_BACK_ALLEY_NIGHT: case SCENE_MARKET_DAY: case SCENE_MARKET_NIGHT: case SCENE_MARKET_RUINS: case SCENE_HYRULE_CASTLE: prefix = 0x7000; break; default: prefix = 0x0000; break; } actor->textId = prefix | baseTextId; } /** * Checks if a given actor will be standing on the ground after being translated * by the provided distance and angle. * * Returns true if the actor will be standing on ground. */ s16 Actor_TestFloorInDirection(Actor* actor, PlayState* play, f32 distance, s16 angle) { s16 ret; s16 prevBgCheckFlags; f32 dx; f32 dz; Vec3f prevActorPos; Math_Vec3f_Copy(&prevActorPos, &actor->world.pos); prevBgCheckFlags = actor->bgCheckFlags; dx = Math_SinS(angle) * distance; dz = Math_CosS(angle) * distance; actor->world.pos.x += dx; actor->world.pos.z += dz; Actor_UpdateBgCheckInfo(play, actor, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 4); Math_Vec3f_Copy(&actor->world.pos, &prevActorPos); ret = actor->bgCheckFlags & 1; actor->bgCheckFlags = prevBgCheckFlags; return ret; } /** * Returns true if the player is targeting the provided actor */ s32 Actor_IsTargeted(PlayState* play, Actor* actor) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); if ((player->stateFlags1 & PLAYER_STATE1_HOSTILE_LOCK_ON) && actor->isTargeted) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Returns true if the player is targeting an actor other than the provided actor */ s32 Actor_OtherIsTargeted(PlayState* play, Actor* actor) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); if ((player->stateFlags1 & PLAYER_STATE1_HOSTILE_LOCK_ON) && !actor->isTargeted) { return true; } else { return false; } } f32 func_80033AEC(Vec3f* arg0, Vec3f* arg1, f32 arg2, f32 arg3, f32 arg4, f32 arg5) { f32 ret = 0.0f; if (arg4 <= Math_Vec3f_DistXYZ(arg0, arg1)) { ret = Math_SmoothStepToF(&arg1->x, arg0->x, arg2, arg3, 0.0f); ret += Math_SmoothStepToF(&arg1->y, arg0->y, arg2, arg3, 0.0f); ret += Math_SmoothStepToF(&arg1->z, arg0->z, arg2, arg3, 0.0f); } else if (arg5 < Math_Vec3f_DistXYZ(arg0, arg1)) { ret = Math_SmoothStepToF(&arg1->x, arg0->x, arg2, arg3, 0.0f); ret += Math_SmoothStepToF(&arg1->y, arg0->y, arg2, arg3, 0.0f); ret += Math_SmoothStepToF(&arg1->z, arg0->z, arg2, arg3, 0.0f); } return ret; } void func_80033C30(Vec3f* arg0, Vec3f* arg1, u8 alpha, PlayState* play) { MtxF sp60; f32 var; Vec3f sp50; CollisionPoly* sp4C; OPEN_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); POLY_OPA_DISP = Gfx_SetupDL(POLY_OPA_DISP, 0x2C); gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, alpha); sp50.x = arg0->x; sp50.y = arg0->y + 1.0f; sp50.z = arg0->z; var = BgCheck_EntityRaycastFloor2(play, &play->colCtx, &sp4C, &sp50); if (sp4C != NULL) { func_80038A28(sp4C, arg0->x, var, arg0->z, &sp60); Matrix_Put(&sp60); } else { Matrix_Translate(arg0->x, arg0->y, arg0->z, MTXMODE_NEW); } Matrix_Scale(arg1->x, 1.0f, arg1->z, MTXMODE_APPLY); gSPMatrix(POLY_OPA_DISP++, MATRIX_NEWMTX(play->state.gfxCtx), G_MTX_MODELVIEW | G_MTX_LOAD); gSPDisplayList(POLY_OPA_DISP++, gCircleShadowDL); CLOSE_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); } void func_80033DB8(PlayState* play, s16 arg1, s16 arg2) { s16 var = Quake_Add(&play->mainCamera, 3); Quake_SetSpeed(var, 20000); Quake_SetQuakeValues(var, arg1, 0, 0, 0); Quake_SetCountdown(var, arg2); } void func_80033E1C(PlayState* play, s16 arg1, s16 arg2, s16 arg3) { s16 var = Quake_Add(&play->mainCamera, 3); Quake_SetSpeed(var, arg3); Quake_SetQuakeValues(var, arg1, 0, 0, 0); Quake_SetCountdown(var, arg2); } void func_80033E88(Actor* actor, PlayState* play, s16 arg2, s16 arg3) { if (arg2 >= 5) { func_800AA000(actor->xyzDistToPlayerSq, 0xFF, 0x14, 0x96); } else { func_800AA000(actor->xyzDistToPlayerSq, 0xB4, 0x14, 0x64); } func_80033DB8(play, arg2, arg3); } f32 Rand_ZeroFloat(f32 f) { return Rand_ZeroOne() * f; } f32 Rand_CenteredFloat(f32 f) { return (Rand_ZeroOne() - 0.5f) * f; } typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ f32 chainAngle; /* 0x04 */ f32 chainLength; /* 0x08 */ f32 yShift; /* 0x0C */ f32 chainsScale; /* 0x10 */ f32 chainsRotZInit; /* 0x14 */ Gfx* chainDL; /* 0x18 */ Gfx* lockDL; } DoorLockInfo; // size = 0x1C static DoorLockInfo sDoorLocksInfo[] = { /* DOORLOCK_NORMAL */ { 0.54f, 6000.0f, 5000.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, gDoorChainDL, gDoorLockDL }, /* DOORLOCK_BOSS */ { 0.644f, 12000.0f, 8000.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, gBossDoorChainDL, gBossDoorLockDL }, /* DOORLOCK_NORMAL_SPIRIT */ { 0.64000005f, 8500.0f, 8000.0f, 1.75f, 0.1f, gDoorChainDL, gDoorLockDL }, }; /** * Draws chains and lock of a locked door, of the specified `type` (see `DoorLockType`). * `frame` can be 0 to 10, where 0 is "open" and 10 is "closed", the chains slide accordingly. */ void Actor_DrawDoorLock(PlayState* play, s32 frame, s32 type) { DoorLockInfo* entry; s32 i; MtxF baseMtxF; f32 chainRotZ; f32 chainsTranslateX; f32 chainsTranslateY; f32 rotZStep; entry = &sDoorLocksInfo[type]; chainRotZ = entry->chainsRotZInit; OPEN_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); Matrix_Translate(0.0f, entry->yShift, 500.0f, MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_Get(&baseMtxF); chainsTranslateX = sinf(entry->chainAngle - chainRotZ) * -(10 - frame) * 0.1f * entry->chainLength; chainsTranslateY = cosf(entry->chainAngle - chainRotZ) * (10 - frame) * 0.1f * entry->chainLength; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { FrameInterpolation_RecordOpenChild(entry, i); Matrix_Put(&baseMtxF); Matrix_RotateZ(chainRotZ, MTXMODE_APPLY); Matrix_Translate(chainsTranslateX, chainsTranslateY, 0.0f, MTXMODE_APPLY); if (entry->chainsScale != 1.0f) { Matrix_Scale(entry->chainsScale, entry->chainsScale, entry->chainsScale, MTXMODE_APPLY); } gSPMatrix(POLY_OPA_DISP++, MATRIX_NEWMTX(play->state.gfxCtx), G_MTX_MODELVIEW | G_MTX_LOAD); gSPDisplayList(POLY_OPA_DISP++, entry->chainDL); if (i % 2) { rotZStep = 2.0f * entry->chainAngle; } else { rotZStep = M_PI - (2.0f * entry->chainAngle); } chainRotZ += rotZStep; FrameInterpolation_RecordCloseChild(); } Matrix_Put(&baseMtxF); Matrix_Scale(frame * 0.1f, frame * 0.1f, frame * 0.1f, MTXMODE_APPLY); gSPMatrix(POLY_OPA_DISP++, MATRIX_NEWMTX(play->state.gfxCtx), G_MTX_MODELVIEW | G_MTX_LOAD); gSPDisplayList(POLY_OPA_DISP++, entry->lockDL); CLOSE_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); } void func_8003424C(PlayState* play, Vec3f* arg1) { CollisionCheck_SpawnShieldParticlesMetal(play, arg1); } void Actor_SetColorFilter(Actor* actor, s16 colorFlag, s16 colorIntensityMax, s16 xluFlag, s16 duration) { if ((colorFlag == 0x8000) && !(colorIntensityMax & 0x8000)) { Audio_PlayActorSound2(actor, NA_SE_EN_LIGHT_ARROW_HIT); } actor->colorFilterParams = colorFlag | xluFlag | ((colorIntensityMax & 0xF8) << 5) | duration; actor->colorFilterTimer = duration; } Hilite* func_800342EC(Vec3f* object, PlayState* play) { Vec3f lightDir; lightDir.x = play->envCtx.dirLight1.params.dir.x; lightDir.y = play->envCtx.dirLight1.params.dir.y; lightDir.z = play->envCtx.dirLight1.params.dir.z; return func_8002EABC(object, &play->view.eye, &lightDir, play->state.gfxCtx); } Hilite* func_8003435C(Vec3f* object, PlayState* play) { Vec3f lightDir; lightDir.x = play->envCtx.dirLight1.params.dir.x; lightDir.y = play->envCtx.dirLight1.params.dir.y; lightDir.z = play->envCtx.dirLight1.params.dir.z; return func_8002EB44(object, &play->view.eye, &lightDir, play->state.gfxCtx); } /** * Updates NPC talking state. Checks for a talk request and updates * the talkState parameter when a dialog is ongoing. Otherwise checks if * the actor is onscreen, advertises the interaction in a range and sets * the current text id if necessary. * * The talk state values are defined in the NpcTalkState enum. * * @see NpcTalkState * * @param[in,out] talkState Talk state * @param interactRange The interact (talking) range for the actor * @param getTextId Callback for getting the next text id * @param updateTalkState Callback for getting the next talkState value * @return True if a new dialog was started (player talked to the actor). False otherwise. */ s32 Npc_UpdateTalking(PlayState* play, Actor* actor, s16* talkState, f32 interactRange, NpcGetTextIdFunc getTextId, NpcUpdateTalkStateFunc updateTalkState) { s16 x; s16 y; if (Actor_ProcessTalkRequest(actor, play)) { *talkState = NPC_TALK_STATE_TALKING; return true; } if (*talkState != NPC_TALK_STATE_IDLE) { *talkState = updateTalkState(play, actor); return false; } Actor_GetScreenPos(play, actor, &x, &y); if ((x < 0) || (x > SCREEN_WIDTH) || (y < 0) || (y > SCREEN_HEIGHT)) { // Actor is offscreen return false; } if (!func_8002F2CC(actor, play, interactRange)) { return false; } actor->textId = getTextId(play, actor); return false; } typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s16 maxHeadYaw; /* 0x02 */ s16 minHeadPitch; /* 0x04 */ s16 maxHeadPitch; /* 0x06 */ s16 maxTorsoYaw; /* 0x08 */ s16 minTorsoPitch; /* 0x0A */ s16 maxTorsoPitch; /* 0x0C */ u8 rotateYaw; } NpcTrackingRotLimits; // size = 0x10 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ NpcTrackingRotLimits rotLimits; // Fields specific to NPC_TRACKING_PLAYER_AUTO_TURN mode /* 0x10 */ f32 autoTurnDistanceRange; // Max distance to player to enable tracking and auto-turn /* 0x14 */ s16 maxYawForPlayerTracking; // Player is tracked if within this yaw } NpcTrackingParams; // size = 0x18 /** * Npc tracking angle limit presets to use with Npc_TrackPoint. * * @see Npc_TrackPoint */ static NpcTrackingParams sNpcTrackingPresets[] = { { { 0x2AA8, -0x0E38, 0x18E2, 0x1554, 0x0000, 0x0000, true }, 170.0f, 0x3FFC }, { { 0x2AA8, -0x1554, 0x1554, 0x1554, -0x071C, 0x0E38, true }, 170.0f, 0x3FFC }, { { 0x31C4, -0x1C70, 0x0E38, 0x0E38, -0x0E38, 0x071C, true }, 170.0f, 0x3FFC }, { { 0x1554, -0x0E38, 0x0000, 0x071C, -0x071C, 0x0000, true }, 170.0f, 0x3FFC }, { { 0x2AA8, -0x071C, 0x071C, 0x0E38, -0x2AA8, 0x2AA8, true }, 170.0f, 0x3FFC }, { { 0x0000, -0x1C70, 0x2AA8, 0x3FFC, -0x0E38, 0x0E38, true }, 170.0f, 0x3FFC }, { { 0x2AA8, -0x0E38, 0x0E38, 0x0E38, 0x0000, 0x0000, true }, 0.0f, 0x0000 }, { { 0x2AA8, -0x0E38, 0x0000, 0x0E38, 0x0000, 0x1C70, true }, 0.0f, 0x0000 }, { { 0x2AA8, -0x0E38, -0x0E38, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, true }, 0.0f, 0x0000 }, { { 0x071C, -0x0E38, 0x0E38, 0x1C70, 0x0000, 0x0000, true }, 0.0f, 0x0000 }, { { 0x0E38, -0x0E38, 0x0000, 0x1C70, 0x0000, 0x0E38, true }, 0.0f, 0x0000 }, { { 0x2AA8, -0x1C70, 0x1C70, 0x0E38, -0x0E38, 0x0E38, true }, 0.0f, 0x0000 }, { { 0x18E2, -0x0E38, 0x0E38, 0x0E38, 0x0000, 0x0000, true }, 0.0f, 0x0000 }, }; /** * Smoothly turns the actor's whole body and updates torso and head rotations in * NpcInteractInfo so that the actor tracks the point specified in NpcInteractInfo.trackPos. * Rotations are limited to specified angles. * * Head and torso rotation angles are determined by calculating the pitch and yaw * from the actor position to the given target position. * * The y position of the actor is offset by NpcInteractInfo.yOffset * before calculating the angles. It can be used to configure the height difference * between the actor and the target. * * @param maxHeadYaw maximum head yaw difference from neutral position * @param maxHeadPitch maximum head pitch angle * @param minHeadPitch minimum head pitch angle * @param maxTorsoYaw maximum torso yaw difference from neutral position * @param maxTorsoPitch maximum torso pitch angle * @param minTorsoPitch minimum torso pitch angle * @param rotateYaw if true, the actor's yaw (shape.rot.y) is updated to turn the actor's whole body */ void Npc_TrackPointWithLimits(Actor* actor, NpcInteractInfo* interactInfo, s16 maxHeadYaw, s16 maxHeadPitch, s16 minHeadPitch, s16 maxTorsoYaw, s16 maxTorsoPitch, s16 minTorsoPitch, u8 rotateYaw) { s16 pitchTowardsTarget; s16 yawTowardsTarget; s16 torsoPitch; s16 bodyYawDiff; s16 temp; Vec3f offsetActorPos; offsetActorPos.x = actor->world.pos.x; offsetActorPos.y = actor->world.pos.y + interactInfo->yOffset; offsetActorPos.z = actor->world.pos.z; pitchTowardsTarget = Math_Vec3f_Pitch(&offsetActorPos, &interactInfo->trackPos); yawTowardsTarget = Math_Vec3f_Yaw(&offsetActorPos, &interactInfo->trackPos); bodyYawDiff = Math_Vec3f_Yaw(&actor->world.pos, &interactInfo->trackPos) - actor->shape.rot.y; temp = CLAMP(bodyYawDiff, -maxHeadYaw, maxHeadYaw); Math_SmoothStepToS(&interactInfo->headRot.y, temp, 6, 2000, 1); temp = (ABS(bodyYawDiff) >= 0x8000) ? 0 : ABS(bodyYawDiff); interactInfo->headRot.y = CLAMP(interactInfo->headRot.y, -temp, temp); bodyYawDiff -= interactInfo->headRot.y; temp = CLAMP(bodyYawDiff, -maxTorsoYaw, maxTorsoYaw); Math_SmoothStepToS(&interactInfo->torsoRot.y, temp, 6, 2000, 1); temp = (ABS(bodyYawDiff) >= 0x8000) ? 0 : ABS(bodyYawDiff); interactInfo->torsoRot.y = CLAMP(interactInfo->torsoRot.y, -temp, temp); if (rotateYaw) { Math_SmoothStepToS(&actor->shape.rot.y, yawTowardsTarget, 6, 2000, 1); } temp = CLAMP(pitchTowardsTarget, minHeadPitch, (s16)(u16)maxHeadPitch); Math_SmoothStepToS(&interactInfo->headRot.x, temp, 6, 2000, 1); torsoPitch = pitchTowardsTarget - interactInfo->headRot.x; temp = CLAMP(torsoPitch, minTorsoPitch, maxTorsoPitch); Math_SmoothStepToS(&interactInfo->torsoRot.x, temp, 6, 2000, 1); } s16 Npc_GetTrackingPresetMaxPlayerYaw(s16 presetIndex) { return sNpcTrackingPresets[presetIndex].maxYawForPlayerTracking; } /** * Handles NPC tracking modes and auto-turning towards the player when * NPC_TRACKING_PLAYER_AUTO_TURN tracking mode is used. * * Returns a tracking mode that will determine which actor limbs * will be rotated towards the target. * * When the player is behind the actor (i.e. not in the yaw range in front of the actor * defined by maxYawForPlayerTracking), the actor will start an auto-turn sequence: * - look forward for 30-60 frames * - turn head to look at the player for 10-20 frames * - look forward for 30-60 frames * - turn the entire body to face the player * * @param distanceRange Max distance to player that tracking and auto-turning will be active for * @param maxYawForPlayerTracking Maximum angle for tracking the player. * @param trackingMode The tracking mode selected by the actor. If this is not * NPC_TRACKING_PLAYER_AUTO_TURN this function does nothing * * @return The tracking mode (NpcTrackingMode) to use for the current frame. */ s16 Npc_UpdateAutoTurn(Actor* actor, NpcInteractInfo* interactInfo, f32 distanceRange, s16 maxYawForPlayerTracking, s16 trackingMode) { s32 pad; s16 yaw; s16 yawDiff; if (trackingMode != NPC_TRACKING_PLAYER_AUTO_TURN) { return trackingMode; } if (interactInfo->talkState != NPC_TALK_STATE_IDLE) { // When talking, always fully turn to face the player return NPC_TRACKING_FULL_BODY; } if (distanceRange < Math_Vec3f_DistXYZ(&actor->world.pos, &interactInfo->trackPos)) { // Player is too far away, do not track interactInfo->autoTurnTimer = 0; interactInfo->autoTurnState = 0; return NPC_TRACKING_NONE; } yaw = Math_Vec3f_Yaw(&actor->world.pos, &interactInfo->trackPos); yawDiff = ABS((s16)((f32)yaw - actor->shape.rot.y)); if (maxYawForPlayerTracking >= yawDiff) { // Player is in front of the actor, track with the head and the torso interactInfo->autoTurnTimer = 0; interactInfo->autoTurnState = 0; return NPC_TRACKING_HEAD_AND_TORSO; } // Player is behind the actor, run the auto-turn sequence. if (DECR(interactInfo->autoTurnTimer) != 0) { // While the timer is still running, return the previous tracking mode return interactInfo->trackingMode; } switch (interactInfo->autoTurnState) { case 0: case 2: // Just stand still, not tracking the player interactInfo->autoTurnTimer = Rand_S16Offset(30, 30); interactInfo->autoTurnState++; return NPC_TRACKING_NONE; case 1: // Glance at the player by only turning the head interactInfo->autoTurnTimer = Rand_S16Offset(10, 10); interactInfo->autoTurnState++; return NPC_TRACKING_HEAD; } // Auto-turn sequence complete, turn towards the player return NPC_TRACKING_FULL_BODY; } /** * Rotates the actor's whole body, torso and head tracking the point specified in NpcInteractInfo.trackPos. * Uses angle limits from a preset selected from from sNpcTrackingPresets. * * The trackingMode parameter controls whether the head and torso are turned towards the target. * If not, they are smoothly turned towards zero. Setting the parameter to NPC_TRACKING_FULL_BODY * causes the actor's whole body to be rotated to face the target. * * If NPC_TRACKING_PLAYER_AUTO_TURN is used, the actor will track the player with its head and torso as long * as the player is in front of the actor (within a yaw angle specified in the option preset). * If the player is outside of this angle, the actor will turn to face the player after a while. * * @see Npc_UpdateAutoTurn * @see sNpcTrackingPresets * @see NpcTrackingMode * * @param presetIndex The index to a preset in sNpcTrackingPresets * @param trackingMode A value from NpcTrackingMode enum */ void Npc_TrackPoint(Actor* actor, NpcInteractInfo* interactInfo, s16 presetIndex, s16 trackingMode) { NpcTrackingRotLimits rotLimits; interactInfo->trackingMode = Npc_UpdateAutoTurn(actor, interactInfo, sNpcTrackingPresets[presetIndex].autoTurnDistanceRange, sNpcTrackingPresets[presetIndex].maxYawForPlayerTracking, trackingMode); rotLimits = sNpcTrackingPresets[presetIndex].rotLimits; switch (interactInfo->trackingMode) { case NPC_TRACKING_NONE: rotLimits.maxHeadYaw = 0; rotLimits.maxHeadPitch = 0; rotLimits.minHeadPitch = 0; case NPC_TRACKING_HEAD: rotLimits.maxTorsoYaw = 0; rotLimits.maxTorsoPitch = 0; rotLimits.minTorsoPitch = 0; case NPC_TRACKING_HEAD_AND_TORSO: rotLimits.rotateYaw = false; } Npc_TrackPointWithLimits(actor, interactInfo, rotLimits.maxHeadYaw, rotLimits.maxHeadPitch, rotLimits.minHeadPitch, rotLimits.maxTorsoYaw, rotLimits.maxTorsoPitch, rotLimits.minTorsoPitch, rotLimits.rotateYaw); } Gfx* func_80034B28(GraphicsContext* gfxCtx) { Gfx* displayList; displayList = Graph_Alloc(gfxCtx, sizeof(Gfx)); gSPEndDisplayList(displayList); return displayList; } Gfx* func_80034B54(GraphicsContext* gfxCtx) { Gfx* displayListHead; Gfx* displayList; displayList = displayListHead = Graph_Alloc(gfxCtx, 2 * sizeof(Gfx)); gDPSetRenderMode(displayListHead++, G_RM_FOG_SHADE_A, AA_EN | Z_CMP | Z_UPD | IM_RD | CLR_ON_CVG | CVG_DST_WRAP | ZMODE_XLU | FORCE_BL | GBL_c2(G_BL_CLR_IN, G_BL_A_IN, G_BL_CLR_MEM, G_BL_1MA)); gSPEndDisplayList(displayListHead++); return displayList; } void func_80034BA0(PlayState* play, SkelAnime* skelAnime, OverrideLimbDraw overrideLimbDraw, PostLimbDraw postLimbDraw, Actor* actor, s16 alpha) { OPEN_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); Gfx_SetupDL_25Opa(play->state.gfxCtx); gDPPipeSync(POLY_OPA_DISP++); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0, 0, 0, alpha); gDPPipeSync(POLY_OPA_DISP++); gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x0C, func_80034B28(play->state.gfxCtx)); POLY_OPA_DISP = SkelAnime_DrawFlex(play, skelAnime->skeleton, skelAnime->jointTable, skelAnime->dListCount, overrideLimbDraw, postLimbDraw, actor, POLY_OPA_DISP); CLOSE_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); } void func_80034CC4(PlayState* play, SkelAnime* skelAnime, OverrideLimbDraw overrideLimbDraw, PostLimbDraw postLimbDraw, Actor* actor, s16 alpha) { OPEN_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); Gfx_SetupDL_25Xlu(play->state.gfxCtx); gDPPipeSync(POLY_XLU_DISP++); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0, 0, 0, alpha); gSPSegment(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x0C, func_80034B54(play->state.gfxCtx)); POLY_XLU_DISP = SkelAnime_DrawFlex(play, skelAnime->skeleton, skelAnime->jointTable, skelAnime->dListCount, overrideLimbDraw, postLimbDraw, actor, POLY_XLU_DISP); CLOSE_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); } s16 Actor_UpdateAlphaByDistance(Actor* actor, PlayState* play, s16 alpha, f32 radius) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); f32 distance; if ((play->csCtx.state != CS_STATE_IDLE) || (gDbgCamEnabled)) { distance = Math_Vec3f_DistXYZ(&actor->world.pos, &play->view.eye) * 0.25f; } else { distance = Math_Vec3f_DistXYZ(&actor->world.pos, &player->actor.world.pos); } if (radius < distance) { actor->flags &= ~ACTOR_FLAG_TARGETABLE; Math_SmoothStepToS(&alpha, 0, 6, 0x14, 1); } else { actor->flags |= ACTOR_FLAG_TARGETABLE; Math_SmoothStepToS(&alpha, 0xFF, 6, 0x14, 1); } return alpha; } void Animation_ChangeByInfo(SkelAnime* skelAnime, AnimationInfo* animationInfo, s32 index) { f32 frameCount; animationInfo += index; if (animationInfo->frameCount > 0.0f) { frameCount = animationInfo->frameCount; } else { frameCount = Animation_GetLastFrame(animationInfo->animation); } Animation_Change(skelAnime, animationInfo->animation, animationInfo->playSpeed, animationInfo->startFrame, frameCount, animationInfo->mode, animationInfo->morphFrames); } void func_80034F54(PlayState* play, s16* arg1, s16* arg2, s32 arg3) { u32 frames = play->gameplayFrames; s32 i; for (i = 0; i < arg3; i++) { arg1[i] = (0x814 + 50 * i) * frames; arg2[i] = (0x940 + 50 * i) * frames; } } void Actor_Noop(Actor* actor, PlayState* play) { } s32 func_80035124(Actor* actor, PlayState* play) { s32 ret = 0; switch (actor->params) { case 0: if (Actor_HasParent(actor, play)) { actor->params = 1; } else if (!(actor->bgCheckFlags & 1)) { Actor_MoveForward(actor); Math_SmoothStepToF(&actor->speedXZ, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 0.0f); } else if ((actor->bgCheckFlags & 2) && (actor->velocity.y < -4.0f)) { ret = 1; } else { actor->shape.rot.x = actor->shape.rot.z = 0; func_8002F580(actor, play); } break; case 1: if (Actor_HasNoParent(actor, play)) { actor->params = 0; } break; } Actor_UpdateBgCheckInfo(play, actor, actor->colChkInfo.cylHeight, actor->colChkInfo.cylRadius, actor->colChkInfo.cylRadius, 0x1D); return ret; } u8 func_800353E8(PlayState* play) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); return player->unk_845; } /** * Finds the first actor instance of a specified ID and category within a given range from * an actor if there is one. If the ID provided is -1, this will look for any actor of the * specified category rather than a specific ID. */ Actor* Actor_FindNearby(PlayState* play, Actor* refActor, s16 actorId, u8 actorCategory, f32 range) { Actor* actor = play->actorCtx.actorLists[actorCategory].head; while (actor != NULL) { if (actor == refActor || ((actorId != -1) && (actorId != actor->id))) { actor = actor->next; } else { if (Actor_WorldDistXYZToActor(refActor, actor) <= range) { return actor; } else { actor = actor->next; } } } return NULL; } s32 func_800354B4(PlayState* play, Actor* actor, f32 range, s16 arg3, s16 arg4, s16 arg5) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); s16 var1; s16 var2; var1 = (s16)(actor->yawTowardsPlayer + 0x8000) - player->actor.shape.rot.y; var2 = actor->yawTowardsPlayer - arg5; if ((actor->xzDistToPlayer <= range) && (player->meleeWeaponState != 0) && (arg4 >= ABS(var1)) && (arg3 >= ABS(var2))) { return true; } else { return false; } } void func_8003555C(PlayState* play, Vec3f* pos, Vec3f* velocity, Vec3f* accel) { Color_RGBA8 color1; Color_RGBA8 color2; color1.r = 200; color1.g = 160; color1.b = 120; color2.r = 130; color2.g = 90; color2.b = 50; //! @bug color1 and color2 alpha components not set before being passed on EffectSsKiraKira_SpawnSmall(play, pos, velocity, accel, &color1, &color2); } Vec3f D_80116268 = { 0.0f, -1.5f, 0.0f }; Vec3f D_80116274 = { 0.0f, -0.2f, 0.0f }; Gfx D_80116280[] = { gsDPSetRenderMode(G_RM_FOG_SHADE_A, AA_EN | Z_CMP | Z_UPD | IM_RD | CLR_ON_CVG | CVG_DST_WRAP | ZMODE_XLU | FORCE_BL | GBL_c2(G_BL_CLR_IN, G_BL_A_IN, G_BL_CLR_MEM, G_BL_1MA)), gsDPSetAlphaCompare(G_AC_THRESHOLD), gsSPEndDisplayList(), }; void func_800355B8(PlayState* play, Vec3f* pos) { func_8003555C(play, pos, &D_80116268, &D_80116274); } u8 func_800355E4(PlayState* play, Collider* collider) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); if ((collider->acFlags & AC_TYPE_PLAYER) && (player->meleeWeaponState != 0) && (player->meleeWeaponAnimation == 0x16)) { return true; } else { return false; } } u8 Actor_ApplyDamage(Actor* actor) { if (actor->colChkInfo.damage >= actor->colChkInfo.health) { actor->colChkInfo.health = 0; } else { actor->colChkInfo.health -= actor->colChkInfo.damage; } return actor->colChkInfo.health; } void Actor_SetDropFlag(Actor* actor, ColliderInfo* colInfo, s32 freezeFlag) { if (colInfo->acHitInfo == NULL) { actor->dropFlag = 0x00; } else if (freezeFlag && (colInfo->acHitInfo->toucher.dmgFlags & 0x10060000)) { actor->freezeTimer = colInfo->acHitInfo->toucher.damage; actor->dropFlag = 0x00; } else if (colInfo->acHitInfo->toucher.dmgFlags & 0x0800) { actor->dropFlag = 0x01; } else if (colInfo->acHitInfo->toucher.dmgFlags & 0x1000) { actor->dropFlag = 0x02; } else if (colInfo->acHitInfo->toucher.dmgFlags & 0x4000) { actor->dropFlag = 0x04; } else if (colInfo->acHitInfo->toucher.dmgFlags & 0x8000) { actor->dropFlag = 0x08; } else if (colInfo->acHitInfo->toucher.dmgFlags & 0x10000) { actor->dropFlag = 0x10; } else if (colInfo->acHitInfo->toucher.dmgFlags & 0x2000) { actor->dropFlag = 0x20; } else if (colInfo->acHitInfo->toucher.dmgFlags & 0x80000) { if (freezeFlag) { actor->freezeTimer = colInfo->acHitInfo->toucher.damage; } actor->dropFlag = 0x40; } else { actor->dropFlag = 0x00; } } void Actor_SetDropFlagJntSph(Actor* actor, ColliderJntSph* jntSph, s32 freezeFlag) { ColliderInfo* curColInfo; s32 flag; s32 i; actor->dropFlag = 0x00; for (i = jntSph->count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { curColInfo = &jntSph->elements[i].info; if (curColInfo->acHitInfo == NULL) { flag = 0x00; } else if (freezeFlag && (curColInfo->acHitInfo->toucher.dmgFlags & 0x10060000)) { actor->freezeTimer = curColInfo->acHitInfo->toucher.damage; flag = 0x00; } else if (curColInfo->acHitInfo->toucher.dmgFlags & 0x0800) { flag = 0x01; } else if (curColInfo->acHitInfo->toucher.dmgFlags & 0x1000) { flag = 0x02; } else if (curColInfo->acHitInfo->toucher.dmgFlags & 0x4000) { flag = 0x04; } else if (curColInfo->acHitInfo->toucher.dmgFlags & 0x8000) { flag = 0x08; } else if (curColInfo->acHitInfo->toucher.dmgFlags & 0x10000) { flag = 0x10; } else if (curColInfo->acHitInfo->toucher.dmgFlags & 0x2000) { flag = 0x20; } else if (curColInfo->acHitInfo->toucher.dmgFlags & 0x80000) { if (freezeFlag) { actor->freezeTimer = curColInfo->acHitInfo->toucher.damage; } flag = 0x40; } else { flag = 0x00; } actor->dropFlag |= flag; } } void func_80035844(Vec3f* arg0, Vec3f* arg1, Vec3s* arg2, s32 arg3) { f32 dx = arg1->x - arg0->x; f32 dz = arg1->z - arg0->z; f32 dy = arg3 ? (arg1->y - arg0->y) : (arg0->y - arg1->y); arg2->y = Math_Atan2S(dz, dx); arg2->x = Math_Atan2S(sqrtf(SQ(dx) + SQ(dz)), dy); } /** * Spawns En_Part (Dissipating Flames) actor as a child of the given actor. */ Actor* func_800358DC(Actor* actor, Vec3f* spawnPos, Vec3s* spawnRot, f32* arg3, s32 timer, s16* unused, PlayState* play, s16 params, s32 arg8) { EnPart* spawnedEnPart; spawnedEnPart = (EnPart*)Actor_SpawnAsChild(&play->actorCtx, actor, play, ACTOR_EN_PART, spawnPos->x, spawnPos->y, spawnPos->z, spawnRot->x, spawnRot->y, actor->objBankIndex, params); if (spawnedEnPart != NULL) { spawnedEnPart->actor.scale = actor->scale; spawnedEnPart->actor.speedXZ = arg3[0]; spawnedEnPart->displayList = arg8; spawnedEnPart->action = 2; spawnedEnPart->timer = timer; spawnedEnPart->rotZ = arg3[1]; spawnedEnPart->rotZSpeed = arg3[2]; return &spawnedEnPart->actor; } return NULL; } void func_800359B8(Actor* actor, s16 arg1, Vec3s* arg2) { f32 sp44; f32 sp40; f32 sp3C; f32 sp38; f32 sp34; f32 sp30; f32 sp2C; f32 sp28; f32 sp24; CollisionPoly* floorPoly; s32 pad; if (actor->floorPoly != NULL) { floorPoly = actor->floorPoly; sp44 = COLPOLY_GET_NORMAL(floorPoly->normal.x); sp40 = COLPOLY_GET_NORMAL(floorPoly->normal.y); sp3C = COLPOLY_GET_NORMAL(floorPoly->normal.z); sp38 = Math_SinS(arg1); sp34 = Math_CosS(arg1); sp28 = (-(sp44 * sp38) - (sp3C * sp34)); arg2->x = -(s16)(Math_FAtan2F(sp28 * sp40, 1.0f) * (32768 / M_PI)); sp2C = Math_SinS(arg1 - 16375); sp30 = Math_CosS(arg1 - 16375); sp24 = (-(sp44 * sp2C) - (sp3C * sp30)); arg2->z = -(s16)(Math_FAtan2F(sp24 * sp40, 1.0f) * (32768 / M_PI)); } } void func_80035B18(PlayState* play, Actor* actor, u16 textId) { Message_ContinueTextbox(play, textId); actor->textId = textId; } /** * Tests if "eventChkInf" flag is set. */ s32 Flags_GetEventChkInf(s32 flag) { return gSaveContext.eventChkInf[flag >> 4] & (1 << (flag & 0xF)); } /** * Sets "eventChkInf" flag. */ void Flags_SetEventChkInf(s32 flag) { u8 previouslyOff = !Flags_GetEventChkInf(flag); gSaveContext.eventChkInf[flag >> 4] |= (1 << (flag & 0xF)); if (previouslyOff) { LUSLOG_INFO("EventChkInf Flag Set - %#x", flag); GameInteractor_ExecuteOnFlagSet(FLAG_EVENT_CHECK_INF, flag); } } /** * Unsets "eventChkInf" flag. */ void Flags_UnsetEventChkInf(s32 flag) { u8 previouslyOn = Flags_GetEventChkInf(flag); gSaveContext.eventChkInf[flag >> 4] &= ~(1 << (flag & 0xF)); if (previouslyOn) { LUSLOG_INFO("EventChkInf Flag Unset - %#x", flag); GameInteractor_ExecuteOnFlagUnset(FLAG_EVENT_CHECK_INF, flag); } } /** * Tests if "itemGetInf" flag is set. */ s32 Flags_GetItemGetInf(s32 flag) { return gSaveContext.itemGetInf[flag >> 4] & (1 << (flag & 0xF)); } /** * Sets "itemGetInf" flag. */ void Flags_SetItemGetInf(s32 flag) { u8 previouslyOff = !Flags_GetItemGetInf(flag); gSaveContext.itemGetInf[flag >> 4] |= (1 << (flag & 0xF)); if (previouslyOff) { LUSLOG_INFO("ItemGetInf Flag Set - %#x", flag); GameInteractor_ExecuteOnFlagSet(FLAG_ITEM_GET_INF, flag); } } /** * Unsets "itemGetInf" flag. */ void Flags_UnsetItemGetInf(s32 flag) { u8 previouslyOn = Flags_GetItemGetInf(flag); gSaveContext.itemGetInf[flag >> 4] &= ~(1 << (flag & 0xF)); if (previouslyOn) { LUSLOG_INFO("ItemGetInf Flag Unset - %#x", flag); GameInteractor_ExecuteOnFlagUnset(FLAG_ITEM_GET_INF, flag); } } /** * Tests if "infTable" flag is set. */ s32 Flags_GetInfTable(s32 flag) { return gSaveContext.infTable[flag >> 4] & (1 << (flag & 0xF)); } /** * Sets "infTable" flag. */ void Flags_SetInfTable(s32 flag) { u8 previouslyOff = !Flags_GetInfTable(flag); gSaveContext.infTable[flag >> 4] |= (1 << (flag & 0xF)); if (previouslyOff) { LUSLOG_INFO("InfTable Flag Set - %#x", flag); GameInteractor_ExecuteOnFlagSet(FLAG_INF_TABLE, flag); } } /** * Unsets "infTable" flag. */ void Flags_UnsetInfTable(s32 flag) { u8 previouslyOn = Flags_GetInfTable(flag); gSaveContext.infTable[flag >> 4] &= ~(1 << (flag & 0xF)); if (previouslyOn) { LUSLOG_INFO("InfTable Flag Unset - %#x", flag); GameInteractor_ExecuteOnFlagUnset(FLAG_INF_TABLE, flag); } } /** * Tests if "eventInf" flag is set. */ s32 Flags_GetEventInf(s32 flag) { return gSaveContext.eventInf[flag >> 4] & (1 << (flag & 0xF)); } /** * Sets "eventInf" flag. */ void Flags_SetEventInf(s32 flag) { u8 previouslyOff = !Flags_GetEventInf(flag); gSaveContext.eventInf[flag >> 4] |= (1 << (flag & 0xF)); if (previouslyOff) { LUSLOG_INFO("EventInf Flag Set - %#x", flag); GameInteractor_ExecuteOnFlagSet(FLAG_EVENT_INF, flag); } } /** * Unsets "eventInf" flag. */ void Flags_UnsetEventInf(s32 flag) { u8 previouslyOn = Flags_GetEventInf(flag); gSaveContext.eventInf[flag >> 4] &= ~(1 << (flag & 0xF)); if (previouslyOn) { LUSLOG_INFO("EventInf Flag Unset - %#x", flag); GameInteractor_ExecuteOnFlagUnset(FLAG_EVENT_INF, flag); } } /** * Tests if "randomizerInf" flag is set. */ s32 Flags_GetRandomizerInf(RandomizerInf flag) { return gSaveContext.randomizerInf[flag >> 4] & (1 << (flag & 0xF)); } /** * Sets "randomizerInf" flag. */ void Flags_SetRandomizerInf(RandomizerInf flag) { s32 previouslyOff = !Flags_GetRandomizerInf(flag); gSaveContext.randomizerInf[flag >> 4] |= (1 << (flag & 0xF)); if (previouslyOff) { LUSLOG_INFO("RandomizerInf Flag Set - %#x", flag); GameInteractor_ExecuteOnFlagSet(FLAG_RANDOMIZER_INF, flag); } } /** * Unsets "randomizerInf" flag. */ void Flags_UnsetRandomizerInf(RandomizerInf flag) { s32 previouslyOn = Flags_GetRandomizerInf(flag); gSaveContext.randomizerInf[flag >> 4] &= ~(1 << (flag & 0xF)); if (previouslyOn) { LUSLOG_INFO("RandomizerInf Flag Unset - %#x", flag); GameInteractor_ExecuteOnFlagUnset(FLAG_RANDOMIZER_INF, flag); } } u32 func_80035BFC(PlayState* play, s16 arg1) { u16 retTextId = 0; switch (arg1) { case 0: if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DEKU_TREE_BLUE_WARP)) { if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_05)) { retTextId = 0x1048; } else { retTextId = 0x1047; } } else { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_FIRST_SPOKE_TO_MIDO)) { if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_03)) { retTextId = 0x1032; } else { retTextId = 0x1031; } } else { if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_GREETED_BY_SARIA)) { if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_01)) { retTextId = 0x1003; } else { retTextId = 0x1002; } } else { retTextId = 0x1001; } } } break; case 1: if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DEKU_TREE_BLUE_WARP)) { if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_10)) { retTextId = 0x1046; } else { retTextId = 0x1045; } } else { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_COMPLAINED_ABOUT_MIDO)) { if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_0E)) { retTextId = 0x1034; } else { retTextId = 0x1033; } } else { if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_0C)) { retTextId = 0x1030; } else { retTextId = 0x102F; } } } } else { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_5C)) { if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_19)) { retTextId = 0x1071; } else { retTextId = 0x1070; } } else { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_0B)) { if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_17)) { retTextId = 0x1068; } else { retTextId = 0x1067; } } else { if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_15)) { retTextId = 0x1061; } else { retTextId = 0x1060; } } } } break; case 2: if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DEKU_TREE_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x1042; } else { retTextId = 0x1004; } } else { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_5C)) { retTextId = 0x1072; } else if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_41)) { retTextId = 0x1055; } else { retTextId = 0x1056; } } break; case 3: if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DEKU_TREE_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x1043; } else { if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_1E)) { retTextId = 0x1006; } else { retTextId = 0x1005; } } } else { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_5C)) { retTextId = 0x1073; } else { retTextId = 0x105A; } } break; case 4: if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DEKU_TREE_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x1042; } else { retTextId = 0x1007; } } else { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_5C)) { retTextId = 0x1072; } else if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_47)) { retTextId = 0x105E; } else { retTextId = 0x105D; } } break; case 5: if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DEKU_TREE_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x1044; } else if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_22)) { retTextId = 0x1009; } else { retTextId = 0x1008; } } else { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_5C)) { retTextId = 0x1075; } else { retTextId = 0x105B; } } break; case 6: if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DEKU_TREE_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x1042; } else if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_24)) { retTextId = 0x100B; } else { retTextId = 0x100A; } } else { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_5C)) { retTextId = 0x1056; } else { retTextId = 0x105F; } } break; case 7: if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DEKU_TREE_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x1043; } else if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_26)) { retTextId = 0x100D; } else { retTextId = 0x100C; } } else { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_5C)) { retTextId = 0x1057; } else { retTextId = 0x1057; } } break; case 8: if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DEKU_TREE_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x1043; } else if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_28)) { retTextId = 0x1019; } else { retTextId = 0x100E; } } else { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_5C)) { retTextId = 0x1077; } else if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_51)) { retTextId = 0x1058; } else { retTextId = 0x1059; } } break; case 9: if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DEKU_TREE_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x1049; } else { retTextId = 0x1035; } } else { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_5C)) { retTextId = 0x1079; } else { retTextId = 0x104E; } } break; case 10: if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DEKU_TREE_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x104A; } else { retTextId = 0x1038; } } else { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_5C)) { retTextId = 0x1079; } else if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_59)) { retTextId = 0x1050; } else { retTextId = 0x104F; } } break; case 11: if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DEKU_TREE_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x104B; } else { retTextId = 0x103C; } } else { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_5C)) { retTextId = 0x107B; } else { retTextId = 0x1051; } } break; case 12: if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DEKU_TREE_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x104C; } else { retTextId = 0x103D; } } else { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_5C)) { retTextId = 0x107C; } else { retTextId = 0x1052; } } break; case 13: if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DEKU_TREE_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x104D; } else { retTextId = 0x103E; } } else { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_5C)) { retTextId = 0x106E; } else if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_61)) { retTextId = 0x1053; } else { retTextId = 0x1054; } } break; case 15: if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_5C)) { retTextId = 0x1078; } else if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_66)) { retTextId = 0x1066; } else { retTextId = 0x1062; } break; case 16: if (play->sceneNum == SCENE_HYRULE_CASTLE) { retTextId = 0x7002; } else if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_6A)) { retTextId = 0x7004; } else if ((gSaveContext.dayTime >= 0x4000) && (gSaveContext.dayTime < 0xC556)) { retTextId = 0x7002; } else { retTextId = 0x7003; } break; case 17: if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DEKU_TREE_BLUE_WARP) && Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DODONGOS_CAVERN_BLUE_WARP) && Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_JABU_JABUS_BELLY_BLUE_WARP)) { if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_6C)) { retTextId = 0x7008; } else { retTextId = 0x7007; } } else { retTextId = 0; } break; case 19: retTextId = 0x702D; break; case 18: if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DEKU_TREE_BLUE_WARP) && Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DODONGOS_CAVERN_BLUE_WARP) && Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_JABU_JABUS_BELLY_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x7006; } else { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_OBTAINED_POCKET_EGG)) { if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_71)) { retTextId = 0x7072; } else { retTextId = 0x7071; } } else { retTextId = 0x7029; } } break; case 20: case 21: if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_42)) { retTextId = 0x2012; } else if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_41)) { if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_SHOWED_ZELDAS_LETTER_TO_GATE_GUARD)) { retTextId = 0x2011; } else { retTextId = 0x2010; } } else if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_OBTAINED_ZELDAS_LETTER)) { retTextId = 0x200F; } else { retTextId = 0x200E; } break; case 24: if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DEKU_TREE_BLUE_WARP) && Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DODONGOS_CAVERN_BLUE_WARP) && Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_JABU_JABUS_BELLY_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x7044; } else { retTextId = 0x7015; } break; case 25: if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DEKU_TREE_BLUE_WARP) && Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DODONGOS_CAVERN_BLUE_WARP) && Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_JABU_JABUS_BELLY_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x7045; } else { Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_C2); retTextId = 0x7016; } break; case 26: if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DEKU_TREE_BLUE_WARP) && Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DODONGOS_CAVERN_BLUE_WARP) && Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_JABU_JABUS_BELLY_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x7046; } else { Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_C2); retTextId = 0x7018; } break; case 27: if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DEKU_TREE_BLUE_WARP) && Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DODONGOS_CAVERN_BLUE_WARP) && Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_JABU_JABUS_BELLY_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x7047; } else if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_TALON_RETURNED_FROM_CASTLE)) { retTextId = 0x701A; } else if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_SPOKE_TO_INGO_AT_RANCH_BEFORE_TALON_RETURNS)) { if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_C6)) { retTextId = 0x701C; } else { retTextId = 0x701B; } } else { retTextId = 0x701A; } break; case 28: if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DEKU_TREE_BLUE_WARP) && Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DODONGOS_CAVERN_BLUE_WARP) && Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_JABU_JABUS_BELLY_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x7048; } else { Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_CA); retTextId = 0x701D; } break; case 29: if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DEKU_TREE_BLUE_WARP) && Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DODONGOS_CAVERN_BLUE_WARP) && Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_JABU_JABUS_BELLY_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x7049; } else { Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_CC); retTextId = 0x701F; } break; case 30: if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DEKU_TREE_BLUE_WARP) && Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DODONGOS_CAVERN_BLUE_WARP) && Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_JABU_JABUS_BELLY_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x704A; } else { Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_CE); retTextId = 0x7021; } break; case 31: if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DEKU_TREE_BLUE_WARP) && Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DODONGOS_CAVERN_BLUE_WARP) && Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_JABU_JABUS_BELLY_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x704B; } else { Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_D0); retTextId = 0x7023; } break; case 32: if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DEKU_TREE_BLUE_WARP) && Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DODONGOS_CAVERN_BLUE_WARP) && Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_JABU_JABUS_BELLY_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x704C; } else { Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_D2); retTextId = 0x7025; } break; case 33: if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DEKU_TREE_BLUE_WARP) && Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DODONGOS_CAVERN_BLUE_WARP) && Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_JABU_JABUS_BELLY_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x704D; } else { Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_D4); retTextId = 0x7027; } break; case 34: Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_D6); retTextId = 0x403C; break; case 35: if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_D8)) { retTextId = 0x5029; } else { retTextId = 0x5028; } break; case 37: retTextId = 0x5002; break; case 38: if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DODONGOS_CAVERN_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x3027; } else if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_BOMBED_DODONGOS_CAVERN_ENTRANCE)) { retTextId = 0x3021; } else if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_E0)) { retTextId = 0x302A; } else { retTextId = 0x3008; } } else { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_20)) { retTextId = 0x4043; } else { retTextId = 0x302A; } } break; case 39: if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DODONGOS_CAVERN_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x3027; } else if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_BOMBED_DODONGOS_CAVERN_ENTRANCE)) { retTextId = 0x3026; } else { retTextId = 0x3009; } } else { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_2A)) { retTextId = 0x4043; } else { retTextId = 0x302A; } } break; case 40: if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DODONGOS_CAVERN_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x3027; } else if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_BOMBED_DODONGOS_CAVERN_ENTRANCE)) { retTextId = 0x3026; } else if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_EB)) { retTextId = 0x302B; } else { retTextId = 0x300A; } } else { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_2B)) { retTextId = 0x4043; } else { retTextId = 0x302A; } } break; case 41: if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DODONGOS_CAVERN_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x3027; } else if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_F0)) { retTextId = 0x3015; } else { retTextId = 0x3014; } } else { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_2C)) { retTextId = 0x4043; } else { retTextId = 0x302A; } } break; case 42: if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DODONGOS_CAVERN_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x3027; } else if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_F4)) { retTextId = 0x3017; } else { retTextId = 0x3016; } } else { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_2C)) { retTextId = 0x4043; } else { retTextId = 0x302A; } } break; case 43: if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DODONGOS_CAVERN_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x3027; } else if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_F8)) { retTextId = 0x3019; } else { retTextId = 0x3018; } } else { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_2D)) { retTextId = 0x4043; } else { retTextId = 0x302A; } } break; case 48: if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_DODONGOS_CAVERN_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x3029; } else if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_20) && Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_21)) { retTextId = 0x301B; } else { retTextId = 0x301A; } break; case 49: if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_JABU_JABUS_BELLY_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x402D; } else if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_SPOKE_TO_A_ZORA)) { retTextId = 0x4007; } else { retTextId = 0x4006; } break; case 50: if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_JABU_JABUS_BELLY_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x402E; } else if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_SPOKE_TO_A_ZORA)) { if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_124)) { retTextId = 0x4009; } else { retTextId = 0x4008; } } else { retTextId = 0x4006; } break; case 51: if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_JABU_JABUS_BELLY_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x402D; } else if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_OBTAINED_RUTOS_LETTER)) { if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_12A)) { retTextId = 0x400B; } else { retTextId = 0x402F; } } else if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_SPOKE_TO_A_ZORA)) { retTextId = 0x400A; } else { retTextId = 0x4006; } break; case 52: if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_JABU_JABUS_BELLY_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x402E; } else if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_SPOKE_TO_A_ZORA)) { retTextId = 0x400C; } else { retTextId = 0x4006; } break; case 53: if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_JABU_JABUS_BELLY_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x402D; } else if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_KING_ZORA_MOVED)) { retTextId = 0x4010; } else if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_SPOKE_TO_A_ZORA)) { retTextId = 0x400F; } else { retTextId = 0x4006; } break; case 54: if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_JABU_JABUS_BELLY_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x402E; } else if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_SPOKE_TO_A_ZORA)) { retTextId = 0x4011; } else { retTextId = 0x4006; } break; case 55: if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_USED_JABU_JABUS_BELLY_BLUE_WARP)) { retTextId = 0x402B; } else if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_OBTAINED_RUTOS_LETTER)) { if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_138)) { retTextId = 0x401C; } else { retTextId = 0x401B; } } else { retTextId = 0x401A; } } else { retTextId = 0; } break; case 58: retTextId = 0x500F; break; case 59: retTextId = 0x5010; break; case 60: retTextId = 0x5012; break; case 61: if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_166)) { retTextId = 0x5001; } else { retTextId = 0x5000; } break; case 62: retTextId = 0x5012; break; case 63: if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_16A)) { retTextId = 0x5001; } else { retTextId = 0x5000; } break; case 71: if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_INVITED_TO_SING_WITH_CHILD_MALON)) { retTextId = 0x2049; } else if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_SPOKE_TO_CHILD_MALON_AT_RANCH)) { retTextId = 0x2048; } else if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_TALON_RETURNED_FROM_CASTLE)) { retTextId = 0x2047; } else if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_OBTAINED_POCKET_EGG) && !Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_TALON_RETURNED_FROM_CASTLE)) { retTextId = 0x2044; } else if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_SPOKE_TO_CHILD_MALON_AT_CASTLE_OR_MARKET)) { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_SPOKE_TO_INGO_AT_RANCH_BEFORE_TALON_RETURNS)) { retTextId = 0x2043; } else { retTextId = 0x2042; } } else { retTextId = 0x2041; } break; case 72: if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_TALON_RETURNED_FROM_CASTLE)) { retTextId = 0x2040; } else if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_94)) { retTextId = 0x2040; } else { retTextId = 0x203F; } } else { if (!Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_EPONA_OBTAINED)) { if (!IS_DAY) { retTextId = 0x204E; } else if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_SPOKE_TO_INGO_ONCE_AS_ADULT)) { retTextId = 0x2031; } else { retTextId = 0x2030; } } else { retTextId = 0; } } break; } if (retTextId == 0) { retTextId = 1; } return retTextId; } void func_80036E50(u16 textId, s16 arg1) { switch (arg1) { case 0: switch (textId) { case 0x1001: Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_GREETED_BY_SARIA); return; case 0x1002: Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_01); return; case 0x1031: Flags_SetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_COMPLAINED_ABOUT_MIDO); Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_03); return; case 0x1047: Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_05); return; } return; case 1: switch (textId) { case 0x102F: Flags_SetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_FIRST_SPOKE_TO_MIDO); Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_0C); return; case 0x1033: Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_SY_CORRECT_CHIME, &gSfxDefaultPos, 4, &gSfxDefaultFreqAndVolScale, &gSfxDefaultFreqAndVolScale, &gSfxDefaultReverb); Flags_SetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_SHOWED_MIDO_SWORD_SHIELD); Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_0E); return; case 0x1045: Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_10); return; case 0x1060: Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_15); return; case 0x1067: Flags_SetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_PLAYED_SARIAS_SONG_FOR_MIDO_AS_ADULT); Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_17); return; case 0x1070: Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_19); return; } return; case 2: if (textId == 0x1056) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_41); } return; case 3: if (textId == 0x1005) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_1E); } return; case 4: if (textId == 0x105D) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_47); } return; case 5: if (textId == 0x1008) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_22); } return; case 6: if (textId == 0x100A) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_24); } return; case 7: if (textId == 0x100C) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_26); } return; case 8: if (textId == 0x100E) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_28); } if (textId == 0x1059) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_51); } return; case 10: if (textId == 0x104F) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_59); } return; case 13: if (textId == 0x1054) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_61); } return; case 15: if (textId == 0x1062) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_66); } return; case 16: if (textId == 0x7002) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_6A); } if (textId == 0x7003) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_6A); } return; case 17: if (textId == 0x7007) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_6C); } return; case 18: if (textId == 0x7071) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_71); } return; case 20: case 21: if (textId == 0x2010) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_SHOWED_ZELDAS_LETTER_TO_GATE_GUARD); } return; case 25: if (textId == 0x7016) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_C2); } return; case 26: if (textId == 0x7018) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_C4); } return; case 28: if (textId == 0x701D) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_CA); } return; case 29: if (textId == 0x701F) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_CC); } return; case 30: if (textId == 0x7021) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_CE); } return; case 31: if (textId == 0x7023) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_D0); } return; case 32: if (textId == 0x7025) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_D2); } return; case 33: if (textId == 0x7027) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_D4); } return; case 34: if (textId == 0x403C) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_D6); } return; case 35: if (textId == 0x5028) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_D8); } return; case 38: if (textId == 0x3008) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_E0); } return; case 40: if (textId == 0x300B) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_EB); } return; case 41: if (textId == 0x3014) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_F0); } return; case 42: if (textId == 0x3016) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_F4); } return; case 43: if (textId == 0x3018) { Flags_SetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_20); Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_F8); } return; case 48: if (textId == 0x3020) { Flags_SetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_22); Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_113); } return; case 49: case 52: case 53: case 54: if (textId == 0x4006) { Flags_SetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_SPOKE_TO_A_ZORA); } return; case 50: if (textId == 0x4006) { Flags_SetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_SPOKE_TO_A_ZORA); } if (textId == 0x4008) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_124); } return; case 51: if (textId == 0x4006) { Flags_SetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_SPOKE_TO_A_ZORA); } if (textId == 0x400A) { Flags_SetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_32); } if (textId == 0x402F) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_12A); } return; case 55: if (textId == 0x401B) { Flags_SetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_KING_ZORA_MOVED); Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_138); } return; case 61: if (textId == 0x5000) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_166); } return; case 63: if (textId == 0x5013) { Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_16A); } return; case 71: if (textId == 0x2041) { Flags_SetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_SPOKE_TO_CHILD_MALON_AT_CASTLE_OR_MARKET); } if (textId == 0x2044) { Flags_SetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_OBTAINED_POCKET_EGG); } if (textId == 0x2047) { Flags_SetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_SPOKE_TO_CHILD_MALON_AT_RANCH); } if (textId == 0x2048) { Flags_SetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_INVITED_TO_SING_WITH_CHILD_MALON); } return; case 72: return; } } s32 func_800374E0(PlayState* play, Actor* actor, u16 textId) { MessageContext* msgCtx = &play->msgCtx; s32 ret = 1; switch (textId) { case 0x1035: if (msgCtx->choiceIndex == 0) { if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_2A)) { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x1036); } else { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x1041); } } if (msgCtx->choiceIndex == 1) { if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_2B)) { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x1037); } else { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x1041); } } ret = 0; break; case 0x1038: if (msgCtx->choiceIndex == 0) { if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_2E)) { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x1039); } else { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x1041); } } if (msgCtx->choiceIndex == 1) { if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_2F)) { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x103A); } else { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x1041); } } if (msgCtx->choiceIndex == 2) { if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_30)) { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x103B); } else { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x1041); } } ret = 0; break; case 0x103E: if (msgCtx->choiceIndex == 0) { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x103F); } if (msgCtx->choiceIndex == 1) { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x1040); } ret = 0; break; case 0x1041: if (msgCtx->choiceTextId == 0x1035) { if (msgCtx->choiceIndex == 0) { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x1036); Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_2A); } if (msgCtx->choiceIndex == 1) { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x1037); Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_2B); } } if (msgCtx->choiceTextId == 0x1038) { if (msgCtx->choiceIndex == 0) { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x1039); Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_2E); } if (msgCtx->choiceIndex == 1) { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x103A); Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_2F); } if (msgCtx->choiceIndex == 2) { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x103B); Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_30); } } ret = 0; break; case 0x1062: if (msgCtx->choiceIndex == 0) { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x1063); } if (msgCtx->choiceIndex == 1) { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x1064); } ret = 0; break; case 0x2030: case 0x2031: if (msgCtx->choiceIndex == 0) { if (gSaveContext.rupees >= 10) { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x2034); Rupees_ChangeBy(-10); } else { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x2032); } } if (msgCtx->choiceIndex == 1) { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x2032); } Flags_SetInfTable(INFTABLE_SPOKE_TO_INGO_ONCE_AS_ADULT); ret = 0; break; case 0x2036: case 0x2037: if (msgCtx->choiceIndex == 0) { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x201F); } if (msgCtx->choiceIndex == 1) { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x205A); } ret = 0; break; case 0x2038: if (msgCtx->choiceIndex == 0) { break; } if (msgCtx->choiceIndex == 1) { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x205A); } ret = 0; break; case 0x2034: if (msgCtx->choiceIndex != 0) { break; } func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x2035); ret = 0; break; case 0x2043: if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_OBTAINED_POCKET_EGG)) { break; } func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x2044); ret = 0; break; case 0x205A: break; case 0x300A: if (msgCtx->choiceIndex == 0) { if (Flags_GetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_22)) { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x300B); } else { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x300C); } } if (msgCtx->choiceIndex == 1) { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x300D); } ret = 0; break; case 0x301B: if (msgCtx->choiceIndex == 0) { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x301D); } if (msgCtx->choiceIndex == 1) { if (Flags_GetInfTable(INFTABLE_113)) { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x301F); } else { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x301E); } } ret = 0; break; case 0x301E: func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x3020); ret = 0; break; case 0x400C: if (msgCtx->choiceIndex == 0) { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x400D); } if (msgCtx->choiceIndex == 1) { func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x400E); } ret = 0; break; case 0x7007: func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x703E); ret = 0; break; case 0x703E: func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x703F); ret = 0; break; case 0x703F: func_80035B18(play, actor, 0x7042); ret = 0; break; } return ret; } u16 func_80037C30(PlayState* play, s16 arg1) { return func_80035BFC(play, arg1); } s32 func_80037C5C(PlayState* play, s16 arg1, u16 textId) { func_80036E50(textId, arg1); return false; } s32 func_80037C94(PlayState* play, Actor* actor, s32 arg2) { return func_800374E0(play, actor, actor->textId); } s32 func_80037CB8(PlayState* play, Actor* actor, s16 arg2) { MessageContext* msgCtx = &play->msgCtx; s32 ret = false; switch (Message_GetState(msgCtx)) { case TEXT_STATE_CLOSING: func_80037C5C(play, arg2, actor->textId); ret = true; break; case TEXT_STATE_CHOICE: case TEXT_STATE_EVENT: if (Message_ShouldAdvance(play) && func_80037C94(play, actor, arg2)) { Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_SY_CANCEL, &gSfxDefaultPos, 4, &gSfxDefaultFreqAndVolScale, &gSfxDefaultFreqAndVolScale, &gSfxDefaultReverb); msgCtx->msgMode = MSGMODE_TEXT_CLOSING; ret = true; } break; } return ret; } s32 func_80037D98(PlayState* play, Actor* actor, s16 arg2, s32* arg3) { s16 var; s16 sp2C; s16 sp2A; s16 abs_var; if (Actor_ProcessTalkRequest(actor, play)) { *arg3 = 1; return true; } if (*arg3 == 1) { if (func_80037CB8(play, actor, arg2)) { *arg3 = 0; } return false; } Actor_GetScreenPos(play, actor, &sp2C, &sp2A); if ((sp2C < 0) || (sp2C > SCREEN_WIDTH) || (sp2A < 0) || (sp2A > SCREEN_HEIGHT)) { return false; } var = actor->yawTowardsPlayer - actor->shape.rot.y; abs_var = ABS(var); if (abs_var >= 0x4300) { return false; } if ((actor->xyzDistToPlayerSq > SQ(160.0f)) && !actor->isTargeted) { return false; } if (actor->xyzDistToPlayerSq <= SQ(80.0f)) { if (func_8002F2CC(actor, play, 80.0f)) { actor->textId = func_80037C30(play, arg2); } } else { if (func_8002F2F4(actor, play)) { actor->textId = func_80037C30(play, arg2); } } return false; } s32 func_80037F30(Vec3s* arg0, Vec3s* arg1) { Math_SmoothStepToS(&arg0->y, 0, 6, 6200, 100); Math_SmoothStepToS(&arg0->x, 0, 6, 6200, 100); Math_SmoothStepToS(&arg1->y, 0, 6, 6200, 100); Math_SmoothStepToS(&arg1->x, 0, 6, 6200, 100); return true; } s32 func_80037FC8(Actor* actor, Vec3f* arg1, Vec3s* arg2, Vec3s* arg3) { s16 sp36; s16 sp34; s16 var; sp36 = Math_Vec3f_Pitch(&actor->focus.pos, arg1); sp34 = Math_Vec3f_Yaw(&actor->focus.pos, arg1) - actor->world.rot.y; Math_SmoothStepToS(&arg2->x, sp36, 6, 2000, 1); arg2->x = (arg2->x < -6000) ? -6000 : ((arg2->x > 6000) ? 6000 : arg2->x); var = Math_SmoothStepToS(&arg2->y, sp34, 6, 2000, 1); arg2->y = (arg2->y < -8000) ? -8000 : ((arg2->y > 8000) ? 8000 : arg2->y); if (var && (ABS(arg2->y) < 8000)) { return false; } Math_SmoothStepToS(&arg3->y, sp34 - arg2->y, 4, 2000, 1); arg3->y = (arg3->y < -12000) ? -12000 : ((arg3->y > 12000) ? 12000 : arg3->y); return true; } s32 func_80038154(PlayState* play, Actor* actor, Vec3s* arg2, Vec3s* arg3, f32 arg4) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); s32 pad; Vec3f sp2C; s16 var; s16 abs_var; actor->focus.pos = actor->world.pos; actor->focus.pos.y += arg4; if (!(((play->csCtx.state != CS_STATE_IDLE) || (gDbgCamEnabled)) && (gSaveContext.entranceIndex == ENTR_KOKIRI_FOREST_0))) { var = actor->yawTowardsPlayer - actor->shape.rot.y; abs_var = ABS(var); if (abs_var >= 0x4300) { func_80037F30(arg2, arg3); return false; } } if (((play->csCtx.state != CS_STATE_IDLE) || (gDbgCamEnabled)) && (gSaveContext.entranceIndex == ENTR_KOKIRI_FOREST_0)) { sp2C = play->view.eye; } else { sp2C = player->actor.focus.pos; } func_80037FC8(actor, &sp2C, arg2, arg3); return true; } s32 func_80038290(PlayState* play, Actor* actor, Vec3s* arg2, Vec3s* arg3, Vec3f arg4) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); s32 pad; Vec3f sp24; s16 var; s16 abs_var; actor->focus.pos = arg4; if (!(((play->csCtx.state != CS_STATE_IDLE) || (gDbgCamEnabled)) && (gSaveContext.entranceIndex == ENTR_KOKIRI_FOREST_0))) { var = actor->yawTowardsPlayer - actor->shape.rot.y; abs_var = ABS(var); if (abs_var >= 0x4300) { func_80037F30(arg2, arg3); return false; } } if (((play->csCtx.state != CS_STATE_IDLE) || (gDbgCamEnabled)) && (gSaveContext.entranceIndex == ENTR_KOKIRI_FOREST_0)) { sp24 = play->view.eye; } else { sp24 = player->actor.focus.pos; } func_80037FC8(actor, &sp24, arg2, arg3); return true; }