/*****************************************************************************/ /* SFileAddFile.cpp Copyright (c) Ladislav Zezula 2010 */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* MPQ Editing functions */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Date Ver Who Comment */ /* -------- ---- --- ------- */ /* 27.03.10 1.00 Lad Splitted from SFileCreateArchiveEx.cpp */ /* 21.04.13 1.01 Dea AddFile callback now part of TMPQArchive */ /*****************************************************************************/ #define __STORMLIB_SELF__ #include "StormLib.h" #include "StormCommon.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Local variables // Mask for lossy compressions #define MPQ_LOSSY_COMPRESSION_MASK (MPQ_COMPRESSION_ADPCM_MONO | MPQ_COMPRESSION_ADPCM_STEREO | MPQ_COMPRESSION_HUFFMANN) // Data compression for SFileAddFile // Kept here for compatibility with code that was created with StormLib version < 6.50 static DWORD DefaultDataCompression = MPQ_COMPRESSION_PKWARE; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WAVE verification #define FILE_SIGNATURE_RIFF 0x46464952 #define FILE_SIGNATURE_WAVE 0x45564157 #define FILE_SIGNATURE_FMT 0x20746D66 #define AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM 1 typedef struct _WAVE_FILE_HEADER { DWORD dwChunkId; // 0x52494646 ("RIFF") DWORD dwChunkSize; // Size of that chunk, in bytes DWORD dwFormat; // Must be 0x57415645 ("WAVE") // Format sub-chunk DWORD dwSubChunk1Id; // 0x666d7420 ("fmt ") DWORD dwSubChunk1Size; // 0x16 for PCM USHORT wAudioFormat; // 1 = PCM. Other value means some sort of compression USHORT wChannels; // Number of channels DWORD dwSampleRate; // 8000, 44100, etc. DWORD dwBytesRate; // SampleRate * NumChannels * BitsPerSample/8 USHORT wBlockAlign; // NumChannels * BitsPerSample/8 USHORT wBitsPerSample; // 8 bits = 8, 16 bits = 16, etc. // Followed by "data" sub-chunk (we don't care) } WAVE_FILE_HEADER, *PWAVE_FILE_HEADER; static bool IsWaveFile_16BitsPerAdpcmSample( LPBYTE pbFileData, DWORD cbFileData, LPDWORD pdwChannels) { PWAVE_FILE_HEADER pWaveHdr = (PWAVE_FILE_HEADER)pbFileData; // The amount of file data must be at least size of WAVE header if(cbFileData > sizeof(WAVE_FILE_HEADER)) { // Check for the RIFF header if(pWaveHdr->dwChunkId == FILE_SIGNATURE_RIFF && pWaveHdr->dwFormat == FILE_SIGNATURE_WAVE) { // Check for ADPCM format if(pWaveHdr->dwSubChunk1Id == FILE_SIGNATURE_FMT && pWaveHdr->wAudioFormat == AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM) { // Now the number of bits per sample must be at least 16. // If not, the WAVE file gets corrupted by the ADPCM compression if(pWaveHdr->wBitsPerSample >= 0x10) { *pdwChannels = pWaveHdr->wChannels; return true; } } } } return false; } static int FillWritableHandle( TMPQArchive * ha, TMPQFile * hf, ULONGLONG FileTime, DWORD dwFileSize, DWORD dwFlags) { TFileEntry * pFileEntry = hf->pFileEntry; // Initialize the hash entry for the file hf->RawFilePos = ha->MpqPos + hf->MpqFilePos; hf->dwDataSize = dwFileSize; // Initialize the block table entry for the file pFileEntry->ByteOffset = hf->MpqFilePos; pFileEntry->dwFileSize = dwFileSize; pFileEntry->dwCmpSize = 0; pFileEntry->dwFlags = dwFlags | MPQ_FILE_EXISTS; // Initialize the file time, CRC32 and MD5 assert(sizeof(hf->hctx) >= sizeof(hash_state)); memset(pFileEntry->md5, 0, MD5_DIGEST_SIZE); md5_init((hash_state *)hf->hctx); pFileEntry->dwCrc32 = crc32(0, Z_NULL, 0); // If the caller gave us a file time, use it. pFileEntry->FileTime = FileTime; // Mark the archive as modified ha->dwFlags |= MPQ_FLAG_CHANGED; // Call the callback, if needed if(ha->pfnAddFileCB != NULL) ha->pfnAddFileCB(ha->pvAddFileUserData, 0, hf->dwDataSize, false); hf->dwAddFileError = ERROR_SUCCESS; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MPQ write data functions static DWORD WriteDataToMpqFile( TMPQArchive * ha, TMPQFile * hf, LPBYTE pbFileData, DWORD dwDataSize, DWORD dwCompression) { TFileEntry * pFileEntry = hf->pFileEntry; ULONGLONG ByteOffset; LPBYTE pbCompressed = NULL; // Compressed (target) data LPBYTE pbToWrite = hf->pbFileSector; // Data to write to the file DWORD dwErrCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; int nCompressionLevel; // ADPCM compression level (only used for wave files) // Make sure that the caller won't overrun the previously initiated file size assert(hf->dwFilePos + dwDataSize <= pFileEntry->dwFileSize); assert(hf->dwSectorCount != 0); assert(hf->pbFileSector != NULL); if((hf->dwFilePos + dwDataSize) > pFileEntry->dwFileSize) return ERROR_DISK_FULL; // Now write all data to the file sector buffer if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwBytesInSector = hf->dwFilePos % hf->dwSectorSize; DWORD dwSectorIndex = hf->dwFilePos / hf->dwSectorSize; DWORD dwBytesToCopy; // Process all data. while(dwDataSize != 0) { dwBytesToCopy = dwDataSize; // Check for sector overflow if(dwBytesToCopy > (hf->dwSectorSize - dwBytesInSector)) dwBytesToCopy = (hf->dwSectorSize - dwBytesInSector); // Copy the data to the file sector memcpy(hf->pbFileSector + dwBytesInSector, pbFileData, dwBytesToCopy); dwBytesInSector += dwBytesToCopy; pbFileData += dwBytesToCopy; dwDataSize -= dwBytesToCopy; // Update the file position hf->dwFilePos += dwBytesToCopy; // If the current sector is full, or if the file is already full, // then write the data to the MPQ if(dwBytesInSector >= hf->dwSectorSize || hf->dwFilePos >= pFileEntry->dwFileSize) { // Set the position in the file ByteOffset = hf->RawFilePos + pFileEntry->dwCmpSize; // Update CRC32 and MD5 of the file md5_process((hash_state *)hf->hctx, hf->pbFileSector, dwBytesInSector); hf->dwCrc32 = crc32(hf->dwCrc32, hf->pbFileSector, dwBytesInSector); // Compress the file sector, if needed if(pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_COMPRESS_MASK) { int nOutBuffer = (int)dwBytesInSector; int nInBuffer = (int)dwBytesInSector; // If the file is compressed, allocate buffer for the compressed data. // Note that we allocate buffer that is a bit longer than sector size, // for case if the compression method performs a buffer overrun if(pbCompressed == NULL) { pbToWrite = pbCompressed = STORM_ALLOC(BYTE, hf->dwSectorSize + 0x100); if(pbCompressed == NULL) { dwErrCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } } // // Note that both SCompImplode and SCompCompress copy data as-is, // if they are unable to compress the data. // if(pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_IMPLODE) { SCompImplode(pbCompressed, &nOutBuffer, hf->pbFileSector, nInBuffer); } if(pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_COMPRESS) { // If this is the first sector, we need to override the given compression // by the first sector compression. This is because the entire sector must // be compressed by the same compression. // // Test case: // // WRITE_FILE(hFile, pvBuffer, 0x10, MPQ_COMPRESSION_PKWARE) // Write 0x10 bytes (sector 0) // WRITE_FILE(hFile, pvBuffer, 0x10, MPQ_COMPRESSION_ADPCM_MONO) // Write 0x10 bytes (still sector 0) // WRITE_FILE(hFile, pvBuffer, 0x10, MPQ_COMPRESSION_ADPCM_MONO) // Write 0x10 bytes (still sector 0) // WRITE_FILE(hFile, pvBuffer, 0x10, MPQ_COMPRESSION_ADPCM_MONO) // Write 0x10 bytes (still sector 0) dwCompression = (dwSectorIndex == 0) ? hf->dwCompression0 : dwCompression; // If the caller wants ADPCM compression, we will set wave compression level to 4, // which corresponds to medium quality nCompressionLevel = (dwCompression & MPQ_LOSSY_COMPRESSION_MASK) ? 4 : -1; SCompCompress(pbCompressed, &nOutBuffer, hf->pbFileSector, nInBuffer, (unsigned)dwCompression, 0, nCompressionLevel); } // Update sector positions dwBytesInSector = nOutBuffer; if(hf->SectorOffsets != NULL) hf->SectorOffsets[dwSectorIndex+1] = hf->SectorOffsets[dwSectorIndex] + dwBytesInSector; // We have to calculate sector CRC, if enabled if(hf->SectorChksums != NULL) hf->SectorChksums[dwSectorIndex] = adler32(0, pbCompressed, nOutBuffer); } // Encrypt the sector, if necessary if(pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_ENCRYPTED) { BSWAP_ARRAY32_UNSIGNED(pbToWrite, dwBytesInSector); EncryptMpqBlock(pbToWrite, dwBytesInSector, hf->dwFileKey + dwSectorIndex); BSWAP_ARRAY32_UNSIGNED(pbToWrite, dwBytesInSector); } // Write the file sector if(!FileStream_Write(ha->pStream, &ByteOffset, pbToWrite, dwBytesInSector)) { dwErrCode = GetLastError(); break; } // Call the compact callback, if any if(ha->pfnAddFileCB != NULL) ha->pfnAddFileCB(ha->pvAddFileUserData, hf->dwFilePos, hf->dwDataSize, false); // Update the compressed file size pFileEntry->dwCmpSize += dwBytesInSector; dwBytesInSector = 0; dwSectorIndex++; } } } // Cleanup if(pbCompressed != NULL) STORM_FREE(pbCompressed); return dwErrCode; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Recrypts file data for file renaming static DWORD RecryptFileData( TMPQArchive * ha, TMPQFile * hf, const char * szFileName, const char * szNewFileName) { ULONGLONG RawFilePos; TFileEntry * pFileEntry = hf->pFileEntry; DWORD dwBytesToRecrypt = pFileEntry->dwCmpSize; DWORD dwOldKey; DWORD dwNewKey; DWORD dwErrCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; // The file must be encrypted assert(pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_ENCRYPTED); // File decryption key is calculated from the plain name szNewFileName = GetPlainFileName(szNewFileName); szFileName = GetPlainFileName(szFileName); // Calculate both file keys dwOldKey = DecryptFileKey(szFileName, pFileEntry->ByteOffset, pFileEntry->dwFileSize, pFileEntry->dwFlags); dwNewKey = DecryptFileKey(szNewFileName, pFileEntry->ByteOffset, pFileEntry->dwFileSize, pFileEntry->dwFlags); // Incase the keys are equal, don't recrypt the file if(dwNewKey == dwOldKey) return ERROR_SUCCESS; hf->dwFileKey = dwOldKey; // Calculate the raw position of the file in the archive hf->MpqFilePos = pFileEntry->ByteOffset; hf->RawFilePos = ha->MpqPos + hf->MpqFilePos; // Allocate buffer for file transfer dwErrCode = AllocateSectorBuffer(hf); if(dwErrCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) return dwErrCode; // Also allocate buffer for sector offsets // Note: Don't load sector checksums, we don't need to recrypt them dwErrCode = AllocateSectorOffsets(hf, true); if(dwErrCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) return dwErrCode; // If we have sector offsets, recrypt these as well if(hf->SectorOffsets != NULL) { // Allocate secondary buffer for sectors copy DWORD * SectorOffsetsCopy = STORM_ALLOC(DWORD, hf->SectorOffsets[0] / sizeof(DWORD)); DWORD dwSectorOffsLen = hf->SectorOffsets[0]; if(SectorOffsetsCopy == NULL) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; // Recrypt the array of sector offsets memcpy(SectorOffsetsCopy, hf->SectorOffsets, dwSectorOffsLen); EncryptMpqBlock(SectorOffsetsCopy, dwSectorOffsLen, dwNewKey - 1); BSWAP_ARRAY32_UNSIGNED(SectorOffsetsCopy, dwSectorOffsLen); // Write the recrypted array back if(!FileStream_Write(ha->pStream, &hf->RawFilePos, SectorOffsetsCopy, dwSectorOffsLen)) dwErrCode = GetLastError(); STORM_FREE(SectorOffsetsCopy); } // Now we have to recrypt all file sectors. We do it without // recompression, because recompression is not necessary in this case if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { for(DWORD dwSector = 0; dwSector < hf->dwSectorCount; dwSector++) { DWORD dwRawDataInSector = hf->dwSectorSize; DWORD dwRawByteOffset = dwSector * hf->dwSectorSize; // Last sector: If there is not enough bytes remaining in the file, cut the raw size if(dwRawDataInSector > dwBytesToRecrypt) dwRawDataInSector = dwBytesToRecrypt; // Fix the raw data length if the file is compressed if(hf->SectorOffsets != NULL) { dwRawDataInSector = hf->SectorOffsets[dwSector+1] - hf->SectorOffsets[dwSector]; dwRawByteOffset = hf->SectorOffsets[dwSector]; } // Calculate the raw file offset of the file sector RawFilePos = CalculateRawSectorOffset(hf, dwRawByteOffset); // Read the file sector if(!FileStream_Read(ha->pStream, &RawFilePos, hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector)) { dwErrCode = GetLastError(); break; } // If necessary, re-encrypt the sector // Note: Recompression is not necessary here. Unlike encryption, // the compression does not depend on the position of the file in MPQ. BSWAP_ARRAY32_UNSIGNED(hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector); DecryptMpqBlock(hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector, dwOldKey + dwSector); EncryptMpqBlock(hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector, dwNewKey + dwSector); BSWAP_ARRAY32_UNSIGNED(hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector); // Write the sector back if(!FileStream_Write(ha->pStream, &RawFilePos, hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector)) { dwErrCode = GetLastError(); break; } // Decrement number of bytes remaining dwBytesToRecrypt -= hf->dwSectorSize; } } return dwErrCode; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Internal support for MPQ modifications DWORD SFileAddFile_Init( TMPQArchive * ha, const char * szFileName, ULONGLONG FileTime, DWORD dwFileSize, LCID lcLocale, DWORD dwFlags, TMPQFile ** phf) { TFileEntry * pFileEntry = NULL; TMPQFile * hf = NULL; // File structure for newly added file DWORD dwHashIndex = HASH_ENTRY_FREE; DWORD dwErrCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; // // Note: This is an internal function so no validity checks are done. // It is the caller's responsibility to make sure that no invalid // flags get to this point // // Sestor CRC is not allowed with single unit files if(dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_SINGLE_UNIT) dwFlags &= ~MPQ_FILE_SECTOR_CRC; // Sector CRC is not allowed if the file is not compressed if(!(dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_COMPRESS_MASK)) dwFlags &= ~MPQ_FILE_SECTOR_CRC; // Fix Key is not allowed if the file is not enrypted if(!(dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_ENCRYPTED)) dwFlags &= ~MPQ_FILE_FIX_KEY; // If the MPQ is of version 3.0 or higher, we ignore file locale. // This is because HET and BET tables have no known support for it if(ha->pHeader->wFormatVersion >= MPQ_FORMAT_VERSION_3) lcLocale = 0; // Allocate the TMPQFile entry for newly added file hf = CreateWritableHandle(ha, dwFileSize); if(hf == NULL) return false; // Allocate file entry in the MPQ if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Check if the file already exists in the archive pFileEntry = GetFileEntryExact(ha, szFileName, lcLocale, &dwHashIndex); if(pFileEntry != NULL) { if(dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_REPLACEEXISTING) InvalidateInternalFiles(ha); else dwErrCode = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS; } else { // Attempt to allocate new file entry pFileEntry = AllocateFileEntry(ha, szFileName, lcLocale, &dwHashIndex); if(pFileEntry != NULL) InvalidateInternalFiles(ha); else dwErrCode = ERROR_DISK_FULL; } // Set the file entry to the file structure hf->pFileEntry = pFileEntry; } // Prepare the pointer to hash table entry if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS && ha->pHashTable != NULL && dwHashIndex < ha->pHeader->dwHashTableSize) { hf->pHashEntry = ha->pHashTable + dwHashIndex; hf->pHashEntry->lcLocale = (USHORT)lcLocale; } // Prepare the file key if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS && (dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_ENCRYPTED)) { hf->dwFileKey = DecryptFileKey(szFileName, hf->MpqFilePos, dwFileSize, dwFlags); if(hf->dwFileKey == 0) dwErrCode = ERROR_UNKNOWN_FILE_KEY; } // Fill the file entry and TMPQFile structure if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // At this point, the file name in the file entry must be set assert(pFileEntry->szFileName != NULL); assert(_stricmp(pFileEntry->szFileName, szFileName) == 0); dwErrCode = FillWritableHandle(ha, hf, FileTime, dwFileSize, dwFlags); } // Free the file handle if failed if(dwErrCode != ERROR_SUCCESS && hf != NULL) FreeFileHandle(hf); // Give the handle to the caller *phf = hf; return dwErrCode; } DWORD SFileAddFile_Init( TMPQArchive * ha, TMPQFile * hfSrc, TMPQFile ** phf) { TFileEntry * pFileEntry = NULL; TMPQFile * hf = NULL; // File structure for newly added file ULONGLONG FileTime = hfSrc->pFileEntry->FileTime; DWORD dwFileSize = hfSrc->pFileEntry->dwFileSize; DWORD dwFlags = hfSrc->pFileEntry->dwFlags; DWORD dwErrCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; // Allocate the TMPQFile entry for newly added file hf = CreateWritableHandle(ha, dwFileSize); if(hf == NULL) dwErrCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; // We need to keep the file entry index the same like in the source archive // This is because multiple hash table entries can point to the same file entry if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Retrieve the file entry for the target file pFileEntry = ha->pFileTable + (hfSrc->pFileEntry - hfSrc->ha->pFileTable); // Copy all variables except file name if((pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_EXISTS) == 0) { pFileEntry[0] = hfSrc->pFileEntry[0]; pFileEntry->szFileName = NULL; } else dwErrCode = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS; // Set the file entry to the file structure hf->pFileEntry = pFileEntry; } // Prepare the pointer to hash table entry if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS && ha->pHashTable != NULL && hfSrc->pHashEntry != NULL) { hf->dwHashIndex = (DWORD)(hfSrc->pHashEntry - hfSrc->ha->pHashTable); hf->pHashEntry = ha->pHashTable + hf->dwHashIndex; } // Prepare the file key (copy from source file) if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS && (dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_ENCRYPTED)) { hf->dwFileKey = hfSrc->dwFileKey; if(hf->dwFileKey == 0) dwErrCode = ERROR_UNKNOWN_FILE_KEY; } // Fill the file entry and TMPQFile structure if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwErrCode = FillWritableHandle(ha, hf, FileTime, dwFileSize, dwFlags); } // Free the file handle if failed if(dwErrCode != ERROR_SUCCESS && hf != NULL) FreeFileHandle(hf); // Give the handle to the caller *phf = hf; return dwErrCode; } DWORD SFileAddFile_Write(TMPQFile * hf, const void * pvData, DWORD dwSize, DWORD dwCompression) { TMPQArchive * ha; TFileEntry * pFileEntry; DWORD dwErrCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; // Don't bother if the caller gave us zero size if(pvData == NULL || dwSize == 0) return ERROR_SUCCESS; // Get pointer to the MPQ archive pFileEntry = hf->pFileEntry; ha = hf->ha; // Allocate file buffers if(hf->pbFileSector == NULL) { ULONGLONG RawFilePos = hf->RawFilePos; // Allocate buffer for file sector hf->dwAddFileError = dwErrCode = AllocateSectorBuffer(hf); if(dwErrCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) return dwErrCode; // Allocate patch info, if the data is patch if(hf->pPatchInfo == NULL && IsIncrementalPatchFile(pvData, dwSize, &hf->dwPatchedFileSize)) { // Set the MPQ_FILE_PATCH_FILE flag pFileEntry->dwFlags |= MPQ_FILE_PATCH_FILE; // Allocate the patch info hf->dwAddFileError = dwErrCode = AllocatePatchInfo(hf, false); if(dwErrCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) return dwErrCode; } // Allocate sector offsets if(hf->SectorOffsets == NULL) { hf->dwAddFileError = dwErrCode = AllocateSectorOffsets(hf, false); if(dwErrCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) return dwErrCode; } // Create array of sector checksums if(hf->SectorChksums == NULL && (pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_SECTOR_CRC)) { hf->dwAddFileError = dwErrCode = AllocateSectorChecksums(hf, false); if(dwErrCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) return dwErrCode; } // Pre-save the patch info, if any if(hf->pPatchInfo != NULL) { if(!FileStream_Write(ha->pStream, &RawFilePos, hf->pPatchInfo, hf->pPatchInfo->dwLength)) dwErrCode = GetLastError(); pFileEntry->dwCmpSize += hf->pPatchInfo->dwLength; RawFilePos += hf->pPatchInfo->dwLength; } // Pre-save the sector offset table, just to reserve space in the file. // Note that we dont need to swap the sector positions, nor encrypt the table // at the moment, as it will be written again after writing all file sectors. if(hf->SectorOffsets != NULL) { if(!FileStream_Write(ha->pStream, &RawFilePos, hf->SectorOffsets, hf->SectorOffsets[0])) dwErrCode = GetLastError(); pFileEntry->dwCmpSize += hf->SectorOffsets[0]; RawFilePos += hf->SectorOffsets[0]; } } // Write the MPQ data to the file if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Save the first sector compression to the file structure // Note that the entire first file sector will be compressed // by compression that was passed to the first call of SFileAddFile_Write if(hf->dwFilePos == 0) hf->dwCompression0 = dwCompression; // Write the data to the MPQ dwErrCode = WriteDataToMpqFile(ha, hf, (LPBYTE)pvData, dwSize, dwCompression); } // If it succeeded and we wrote all the file data, // we need to re-save sector offset table if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(hf->dwFilePos >= pFileEntry->dwFileSize) { // Finish calculating CRC32 pFileEntry->dwCrc32 = hf->dwCrc32; // Finish calculating MD5 md5_done((hash_state *)hf->hctx, pFileEntry->md5); // If we also have sector checksums, write them to the file if(hf->SectorChksums != NULL) { dwErrCode = WriteSectorChecksums(hf); } // Now write patch info if(hf->pPatchInfo != NULL) { memcpy(hf->pPatchInfo->md5, pFileEntry->md5, MD5_DIGEST_SIZE); hf->pPatchInfo->dwDataSize = pFileEntry->dwFileSize; pFileEntry->dwFileSize = hf->dwPatchedFileSize; dwErrCode = WritePatchInfo(hf); } // Now write sector offsets to the file if(hf->SectorOffsets != NULL) { dwErrCode = WriteSectorOffsets(hf); } // Write the MD5 hashes of each file chunk, if required if(ha->pHeader->dwRawChunkSize != 0) { dwErrCode = WriteMpqDataMD5(ha->pStream, ha->MpqPos + pFileEntry->ByteOffset, hf->pFileEntry->dwCmpSize, ha->pHeader->dwRawChunkSize); } } } // Update the archive size if((ha->MpqPos + pFileEntry->ByteOffset + pFileEntry->dwCmpSize) > ha->FileSize) ha->FileSize = ha->MpqPos + pFileEntry->ByteOffset + pFileEntry->dwCmpSize; // Store the error code from the Write File operation hf->dwAddFileError = dwErrCode; return dwErrCode; } DWORD SFileAddFile_Finish(TMPQFile * hf) { TMPQArchive * ha = hf->ha; TFileEntry * pFileEntry = hf->pFileEntry; DWORD dwErrCode = hf->dwAddFileError; // If all previous operations succeeded, we can update the MPQ if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Verify if the caller wrote the file properly if(hf->pPatchInfo == NULL) { assert(pFileEntry != NULL); if(hf->dwFilePos != pFileEntry->dwFileSize) dwErrCode = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; } else { if(hf->dwFilePos != hf->pPatchInfo->dwDataSize) dwErrCode = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; } } // Now we need to recreate the HET table, if exists if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS && ha->pHetTable != NULL) { dwErrCode = RebuildHetTable(ha); } // Update the block table size if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Call the user callback, if any if(ha->pfnAddFileCB != NULL) ha->pfnAddFileCB(ha->pvAddFileUserData, hf->dwDataSize, hf->dwDataSize, true); } else { // Free the file entry in MPQ tables if(pFileEntry != NULL) DeleteFileEntry(ha, hf); } // Clear the add file callback FreeFileHandle(hf); return dwErrCode; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Adds data as file to the archive bool WINAPI SFileCreateFile( HANDLE hMpq, const char * szArchivedName, ULONGLONG FileTime, DWORD dwFileSize, LCID lcLocale, DWORD dwFlags, HANDLE * phFile) { TMPQArchive * ha = (TMPQArchive *)hMpq; DWORD dwErrCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; // Check valid parameters if(!IsValidMpqHandle(hMpq)) dwErrCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; if(szArchivedName == NULL || *szArchivedName == 0) dwErrCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if(phFile == NULL) dwErrCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; // Don't allow to add file if the MPQ is open for read only if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(ha->dwFlags & MPQ_FLAG_READ_ONLY) dwErrCode = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; // Don't allow to add a file under pseudo-file name if(IsPseudoFileName(szArchivedName, NULL)) dwErrCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; // Don't allow to add any of the internal files if(IsInternalMpqFileName(szArchivedName)) dwErrCode = ERROR_INTERNAL_FILE; } // Perform validity check of the MPQ flags if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Mask all unsupported flags out dwFlags &= (ha->dwFlags & MPQ_FLAG_WAR3_MAP) ? MPQ_FILE_VALID_FLAGS_W3X : MPQ_FILE_VALID_FLAGS; // Check for valid flag combinations if((dwFlags & (MPQ_FILE_IMPLODE | MPQ_FILE_COMPRESS)) == (MPQ_FILE_IMPLODE | MPQ_FILE_COMPRESS)) dwErrCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // Initiate the add file operation if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwErrCode = SFileAddFile_Init(ha, szArchivedName, FileTime, dwFileSize, lcLocale, dwFlags, (TMPQFile **)phFile); // Deal with the errors if(dwErrCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) SetLastError(dwErrCode); return (dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); } bool WINAPI SFileWriteFile( HANDLE hFile, const void * pvData, DWORD dwSize, DWORD dwCompression) { TMPQFile * hf = (TMPQFile *)hFile; DWORD dwErrCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; // Check the proper parameters if(!IsValidFileHandle(hFile)) dwErrCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; if(hf->bIsWriteHandle == false) dwErrCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; // Special checks for single unit files if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS && (hf->pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_SINGLE_UNIT)) { // // Note: Blizzard doesn't support single unit files // that are stored as encrypted or imploded. We will allow them here, // the calling application must ensure that such flag combination doesn't get here // // if(dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_IMPLODE) // dwErrCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; // // if(dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_ENCRYPTED) // dwErrCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; // Lossy compression is not allowed on single unit files if(dwCompression & MPQ_LOSSY_COMPRESSION_MASK) dwErrCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // Write the data to the file if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwErrCode = SFileAddFile_Write(hf, pvData, dwSize, dwCompression); // Deal with errors if(dwErrCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) SetLastError(dwErrCode); return (dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); } bool WINAPI SFileFinishFile(HANDLE hFile) { TMPQFile * hf = (TMPQFile *)hFile; DWORD dwErrCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; // Check the proper parameters if(!IsValidFileHandle(hFile)) dwErrCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; if(hf->bIsWriteHandle == false) dwErrCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; // Finish the file if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwErrCode = SFileAddFile_Finish(hf); // Deal with errors if(dwErrCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) SetLastError(dwErrCode); return (dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Adds a file to the archive bool WINAPI SFileAddFileEx( HANDLE hMpq, const TCHAR * szFileName, const char * szArchivedName, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwCompression, // Compression of the first sector DWORD dwCompressionNext) // Compression of next sectors { ULONGLONG FileSize = 0; ULONGLONG FileTime = 0; TFileStream * pStream = NULL; HANDLE hMpqFile = NULL; LPBYTE pbFileData = NULL; DWORD dwBytesRemaining = 0; DWORD dwBytesToRead; DWORD dwSectorSize = 0x1000; DWORD dwChannels = 0; bool bIsAdpcmCompression = false; bool bIsFirstSector = true; DWORD dwErrCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; // Check parameters if(hMpq == NULL || szFileName == NULL || *szFileName == 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return false; } // Open added file pStream = FileStream_OpenFile(szFileName, STREAM_FLAG_READ_ONLY | STREAM_PROVIDER_FLAT | BASE_PROVIDER_FILE); if(pStream == NULL) return false; // Files bigger than 4GB cannot be added to MPQ FileStream_GetTime(pStream, &FileTime); FileStream_GetSize(pStream, &FileSize); if(FileSize >> 32) dwErrCode = ERROR_DISK_FULL; // Allocate data buffer for reading from the source file if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwBytesRemaining = (DWORD)FileSize; pbFileData = STORM_ALLOC(BYTE, dwSectorSize); if(pbFileData == NULL) dwErrCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } // Deal with various combination of compressions if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // When the compression for next blocks is set to default, // we will copy the compression for the first sector if(dwCompressionNext == MPQ_COMPRESSION_NEXT_SAME) dwCompressionNext = dwCompression; // If the caller wants ADPCM compression, we make sure // that the first sector is not compressed with lossy compression if(dwCompressionNext & (MPQ_COMPRESSION_ADPCM_MONO | MPQ_COMPRESSION_ADPCM_STEREO)) { // The compression of the first file sector must not be ADPCM // in order not to corrupt the headers if(dwCompression & (MPQ_COMPRESSION_ADPCM_MONO | MPQ_COMPRESSION_ADPCM_STEREO)) dwCompression = MPQ_COMPRESSION_PKWARE; // Remove both flag mono and stereo flags. // They will be re-added according to WAVE type dwCompressionNext &= ~(MPQ_COMPRESSION_ADPCM_MONO | MPQ_COMPRESSION_ADPCM_STEREO); bIsAdpcmCompression = true; } // Initiate adding file to the MPQ if(!SFileCreateFile(hMpq, szArchivedName, FileTime, (DWORD)FileSize, g_lcFileLocale, dwFlags, &hMpqFile)) dwErrCode = GetLastError(); } // Write the file data to the MPQ while(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwBytesRemaining != 0) { // Get the number of bytes remaining in the source file dwBytesToRead = dwBytesRemaining; if(dwBytesToRead > dwSectorSize) dwBytesToRead = dwSectorSize; // Read data from the local file if(!FileStream_Read(pStream, NULL, pbFileData, dwBytesToRead)) { dwErrCode = GetLastError(); break; } // If the file being added is a WAVE file, we check number of channels if(bIsFirstSector && bIsAdpcmCompression) { // The file must really be a WAVE file with at least 16 bits per sample, // otherwise the ADPCM compression will corrupt it if(IsWaveFile_16BitsPerAdpcmSample(pbFileData, dwBytesToRead, &dwChannels)) { // Setup the compression of next sectors according to number of channels dwCompressionNext |= (dwChannels == 1) ? MPQ_COMPRESSION_ADPCM_MONO : MPQ_COMPRESSION_ADPCM_STEREO; } else { // Setup the compression of next sectors to a lossless compression dwCompressionNext = (dwCompression & MPQ_LOSSY_COMPRESSION_MASK) ? MPQ_COMPRESSION_PKWARE : dwCompression; } bIsFirstSector = false; } // Add the file sectors to the MPQ if(!SFileWriteFile(hMpqFile, pbFileData, dwBytesToRead, dwCompression)) { dwErrCode = GetLastError(); break; } // Set the next data compression dwBytesRemaining -= dwBytesToRead; dwCompression = dwCompressionNext; } // Finish the file writing if(hMpqFile != NULL) { if(!SFileFinishFile(hMpqFile)) dwErrCode = GetLastError(); } // Cleanup and exit if(pbFileData != NULL) STORM_FREE(pbFileData); if(pStream != NULL) FileStream_Close(pStream); if(dwErrCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) SetLastError(dwErrCode); return (dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); } // Adds a data file into the archive bool WINAPI SFileAddFile(HANDLE hMpq, const TCHAR * szFileName, const char * szArchivedName, DWORD dwFlags) { return SFileAddFileEx(hMpq, szFileName, szArchivedName, dwFlags, DefaultDataCompression, DefaultDataCompression); } // Adds a WAVE file into the archive bool WINAPI SFileAddWave(HANDLE hMpq, const TCHAR * szFileName, const char * szArchivedName, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwQuality) { DWORD dwCompression = 0; // // Note to wave compression level: // The following conversion table applied: // High quality: WaveCompressionLevel = -1 // Medium quality: WaveCompressionLevel = 4 // Low quality: WaveCompressionLevel = 2 // // Starcraft files are packed as Mono (0x41) on medium quality. // Because this compression is not used anymore, our compression functions // will default to WaveCompressionLevel = 4 when using ADPCM compression // // Convert quality to data compression switch(dwQuality) { case MPQ_WAVE_QUALITY_HIGH: // WaveCompressionLevel = -1; dwCompression = MPQ_COMPRESSION_PKWARE; break; case MPQ_WAVE_QUALITY_MEDIUM: // WaveCompressionLevel = 4; dwCompression = MPQ_COMPRESSION_ADPCM_STEREO | MPQ_COMPRESSION_HUFFMANN; break; case MPQ_WAVE_QUALITY_LOW: // WaveCompressionLevel = 2; dwCompression = MPQ_COMPRESSION_ADPCM_STEREO | MPQ_COMPRESSION_HUFFMANN; break; } return SFileAddFileEx(hMpq, szFileName, szArchivedName, dwFlags, MPQ_COMPRESSION_PKWARE, // First sector should be compressed as data dwCompression); // Next sectors should be compressed as WAVE } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // bool SFileRemoveFile(HANDLE hMpq, char * szFileName) // // This function removes a file from the archive. // bool WINAPI SFileRemoveFile(HANDLE hMpq, const char * szFileName, DWORD dwSearchScope) { TMPQArchive * ha = IsValidMpqHandle(hMpq); TMPQFile * hf = NULL; DWORD dwErrCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; // Keep compiler happy dwSearchScope = dwSearchScope; // Check the parameters if(ha == NULL) dwErrCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; if(szFileName == NULL || *szFileName == 0) dwErrCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if(IsInternalMpqFileName(szFileName)) dwErrCode = ERROR_INTERNAL_FILE; // Do not allow to remove files from read-only or patched MPQs if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if((ha->dwFlags & MPQ_FLAG_READ_ONLY) || (ha->haPatch != NULL)) dwErrCode = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; } // If all checks have passed, we can delete the file from the MPQ if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Open the file from the MPQ if(SFileOpenFileEx(hMpq, szFileName, SFILE_OPEN_BASE_FILE, (HANDLE *)&hf)) { // Delete the file entry dwErrCode = DeleteFileEntry(ha, hf); FreeFileHandle(hf); } else dwErrCode = GetLastError(); } // If the file has been deleted, we need to invalidate // the internal files and recreate HET table if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Invalidate the entries for internal files // After we are done with MPQ changes, we need to re-create them anyway InvalidateInternalFiles(ha); // // Don't rebuild HET table now; the file's flags indicate // that it's been deleted, which is enough // } // Resolve error and exit if(dwErrCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) SetLastError(dwErrCode); return (dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); } // Renames the file within the archive. bool WINAPI SFileRenameFile(HANDLE hMpq, const char * szFileName, const char * szNewFileName) { TMPQArchive * ha = IsValidMpqHandle(hMpq); TMPQFile * hf; DWORD dwErrCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; // Test the valid parameters if(ha == NULL) dwErrCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; if(szFileName == NULL || *szFileName == 0 || szNewFileName == NULL || *szNewFileName == 0) dwErrCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if(IsInternalMpqFileName(szFileName) || IsInternalMpqFileName(szNewFileName)) dwErrCode = ERROR_INTERNAL_FILE; // Do not allow to rename files in MPQ open for read only if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(ha->dwFlags & MPQ_FLAG_READ_ONLY) dwErrCode = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; } // Open the new file. If exists, we don't allow rename operation if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(GetFileEntryLocale(ha, szNewFileName, g_lcFileLocale) != NULL) dwErrCode = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS; } // Open the file from the MPQ if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Attempt to open the file if(SFileOpenFileEx(hMpq, szFileName, SFILE_OPEN_BASE_FILE, (HANDLE *)&hf)) { ULONGLONG RawDataOffs; TFileEntry * pFileEntry = hf->pFileEntry; // Invalidate the entries for internal files InvalidateInternalFiles(ha); // Rename the file entry in the table dwErrCode = RenameFileEntry(ha, hf, szNewFileName); // If the file is encrypted, we have to re-crypt the file content // with the new decryption key if((dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_ENCRYPTED)) { // Recrypt the file data in the MPQ dwErrCode = RecryptFileData(ha, hf, szFileName, szNewFileName); // Update the MD5 of the raw block if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS && ha->pHeader->dwRawChunkSize != 0) { RawDataOffs = ha->MpqPos + pFileEntry->ByteOffset; WriteMpqDataMD5(ha->pStream, RawDataOffs, pFileEntry->dwCmpSize, ha->pHeader->dwRawChunkSize); } } // Free the file handle FreeFileHandle(hf); } else { dwErrCode = GetLastError(); } } // We also need to rebuild the HET table, if present if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS && ha->pHetTable != NULL) dwErrCode = RebuildHetTable(ha); // Resolve error and exit if(dwErrCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) SetLastError(dwErrCode); return (dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sets default data compression for SFileAddFile bool WINAPI SFileSetDataCompression(DWORD DataCompression) { unsigned int uValidMask = (MPQ_COMPRESSION_ZLIB | MPQ_COMPRESSION_PKWARE | MPQ_COMPRESSION_BZIP2 | MPQ_COMPRESSION_SPARSE); if((DataCompression & uValidMask) != DataCompression) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return false; } DefaultDataCompression = DataCompression; return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Changes locale ID of a file bool WINAPI SFileSetFileLocale(HANDLE hFile, LCID lcNewLocale) { TMPQArchive * ha; TFileEntry * pFileEntry; TMPQFile * hf = IsValidFileHandle(hFile); // Invalid handle => do nothing if(hf == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return false; } // Do not allow to rename files in MPQ open for read only ha = hf->ha; if(ha->dwFlags & MPQ_FLAG_READ_ONLY) { SetLastError(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); return false; } // Do not allow unnamed access if(hf->pFileEntry->szFileName == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE); return false; } // Do not allow to change locale of any internal file if(IsInternalMpqFileName(hf->pFileEntry->szFileName)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INTERNAL_FILE); return false; } // Do not allow changing file locales if there is no hash table if(hf->pHashEntry == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); return false; } // We have to check if the file+locale is not already there pFileEntry = GetFileEntryExact(ha, hf->pFileEntry->szFileName, lcNewLocale, NULL); if(pFileEntry != NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS); return false; } // Update the locale in the hash table entry hf->pHashEntry->lcLocale = (USHORT)lcNewLocale; ha->dwFlags |= MPQ_FLAG_CHANGED; return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sets add file callback bool WINAPI SFileSetAddFileCallback(HANDLE hMpq, SFILE_ADDFILE_CALLBACK AddFileCB, void * pvUserData) { TMPQArchive * ha = (TMPQArchive *) hMpq; if(!IsValidMpqHandle(hMpq)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return false; } ha->pvAddFileUserData = pvUserData; ha->pfnAddFileCB = AddFileCB; return true; }