#if 0 #include "ZOverlay.h" #include <cassert> #include <unordered_set> #include "Globals.h" #include "Utils/Directory.h" #include "Utils/File.h" #include "Utils/Path.h" #include "Utils/StringHelper.h" #include "WarningHandler.h" using namespace ELFIO; const char* RelocationEntry::GetSectionName() const { switch (sectionType) { case SectionType::Text: return ".text"; case SectionType::Data: return ".data"; case SectionType::RoData: return ".rodata"; case SectionType::Bss: return ".bss"; case SectionType::ERROR: return ".ERROR"; } assert(!"Oh no :c"); } const char* RelocationEntry::GetRelocTypeName() const { switch (relocationType) { case RelocationType::R_MIPS_32: return "R_MIPS_32"; case RelocationType::R_MIPS_26: return "R_MIPS_26"; case RelocationType::R_MIPS_HI16: return "R_MIPS_HI16"; case RelocationType::R_MIPS_LO16: return "R_MIPS_LO16"; } assert(!"Oh no :c"); } ZOverlay::ZOverlay() { name = ""; entries = std::vector<RelocationEntry*>(); } ZOverlay::ZOverlay(const std::string& nName) : ZOverlay() { name = nName; } ZOverlay::~ZOverlay() { for (auto entry : entries) if (entry) delete entry; entries.clear(); } static const std::unordered_set<std::string> sRelSections = { ".rel.text", ".rel.data", ".rel.rodata", }; static const std::unordered_set<std::string> sSections = { ".text", ".data", ".symtab", ".rodata", ".rodata.str1.4", ".rodata.cst4", ".rodata.cst8", }; ZOverlay* ZOverlay::FromBuild(fs::path buildPath, fs::path cfgFolderPath) { std::string cfgText = File::ReadAllText(cfgFolderPath / "overlay.cfg"); std::vector<std::string> cfgLines = StringHelper::Split(cfgText, "\n"); ZOverlay* ovl = new ZOverlay(StringHelper::Strip(cfgLines[0], "\r")); ovl->cfgLines = cfgLines; int32_t sectionOffs[5] = {0}; std::vector<RelocationEntry*> textRelocs; std::vector<RelocationEntry*> dataRelocs; std::vector<RelocationEntry*> rodataRelocs; // get the elf files std::vector<elfio*> readers; for (size_t i = 1; i < cfgLines.size(); i++) { std::string elfPath = (buildPath / (cfgLines[i].substr(0, cfgLines[i].size() - 2) + ".o")).string(); elfio* reader = new elfio(); if (!reader->load(elfPath)) { // not all files were compiled for (auto r : readers) delete r; readers.clear(); delete ovl; return nullptr; } readers.push_back(reader); } for (size_t curReaderId = 0; curReaderId < readers.size(); curReaderId++) { auto& curReader = readers[curReaderId]; Elf_Half sec_num = curReader->sections.size(); for (int32_t i = 0; i < sec_num; i++) { section* pSec = curReader->sections[i]; if (pSec->get_type() != SHT_REL || sRelSections.find(pSec->get_name()) == sRelSections.end()) { continue; } symbol_section_accessor currentSymbols(*curReader, curReader->sections[(Elf_Half)pSec->get_link()]); SectionType sectionType = GetSectionTypeFromStr(pSec->get_name()); if (sectionType == SectionType::ERROR) { HANDLE_WARNING(WarningType::Always, "one of the section types returned ERROR", ""); } relocation_section_accessor relocs(*curReader, pSec); for (Elf_Xword j = 0; j < relocs.get_entries_num(); j++) { Elf64_Addr offset = 0; Elf_Word symbol = 0; Elf_Word type = 0; { Elf_Sxword addend = 0; relocs.get_entry(j, offset, symbol, type, addend); } std::string curSymName; Elf_Half curSymShndx = SHN_UNDEF; { Elf64_Addr value; Elf_Xword size; unsigned char bind; unsigned char type; unsigned char other; currentSymbols.get_symbol(symbol, curSymName, value, size, bind, type, curSymShndx, other); } // check symbols outside the elf but within the overlay if (curSymShndx == SHN_UNDEF) { if (Globals::Instance->verbosity >= VerbosityLevel::VERBOSITY_DEBUG) { printf("Symbol '%s' doesn't exist in current .o file (%s). Searching...\n", curSymName.c_str(), cfgLines[curReaderId + 1].c_str()); } for (size_t readerId = 0; readerId < readers.size(); readerId++) { auto& reader = readers[readerId]; if (curSymShndx != SHN_UNDEF) break; if (reader == curReader) continue; auto sectionData = reader->sections[(Elf_Half)pSec->get_link()]; curSymShndx = ovl->FindSymbolInSection(curSymName, sectionData, *reader, readerId); if (curSymShndx != SHN_UNDEF) break; if (Globals::Instance->gccCompat) { // Symbol wasn't found, try checking every section Elf_Half sec_num = reader->sections.size(); for (int32_t otherSectionIdx = 0; otherSectionIdx < sec_num; otherSectionIdx++) { if (curSymShndx != SHN_UNDEF) { break; } auto sectionDataIter = reader->sections[otherSectionIdx]; curSymShndx = ovl->FindSymbolInSection(curSymName, sectionDataIter, *reader, readerId); } } } } if (curSymShndx != SHN_UNDEF) { RelocationType typeConverted = (RelocationType)type; offset += sectionOffs[static_cast<size_t>(sectionType)]; RelocationEntry* reloc = new RelocationEntry(sectionType, typeConverted, offset); if (Globals::Instance->verbosity >= VerbosityLevel::VERBOSITY_DEBUG) { printf(".word 0x%08X # %s %s 0x%04X\n", reloc->CalcRelocationWord(), reloc->GetSectionName(), reloc->GetRelocTypeName(), reloc->offset); } // this is to keep the correct reloc entry order if (sectionType == SectionType::Text) textRelocs.push_back(reloc); if (sectionType == SectionType::Data) dataRelocs.push_back(reloc); if (sectionType == SectionType::RoData) rodataRelocs.push_back(reloc); } } } // increase section offsets for (int32_t i = 0; i < sec_num; i++) { section* pSec = curReader->sections[i]; if (pSec->get_type() == SHT_PROGBITS && sSections.find(pSec->get_name()) != sSections.end()) { SectionType sectionType = GetSectionTypeFromStr(pSec->get_name()); sectionOffs[static_cast<size_t>(sectionType)] += pSec->get_size(); } } } ovl->entries.reserve(textRelocs.size() + dataRelocs.size() + rodataRelocs.size()); ovl->entries.insert(ovl->entries.end(), textRelocs.begin(), textRelocs.end()); ovl->entries.insert(ovl->entries.end(), dataRelocs.begin(), dataRelocs.end()); ovl->entries.insert(ovl->entries.end(), rodataRelocs.begin(), rodataRelocs.end()); for (auto r : readers) delete r; readers.clear(); return ovl; } std::string ZOverlay::GetSourceOutputCode([[maybe_unused]] const std::string& prefix) { std::string output; output += ".section .ovl\n"; output += StringHelper::Sprintf("# %sOverlayInfo\n", name.c_str()); output += StringHelper::Sprintf(".word _%sSegmentTextSize\n", name.c_str()); output += StringHelper::Sprintf(".word _%sSegmentDataSize\n", name.c_str()); output += StringHelper::Sprintf(".word _%sSegmentRoDataSize\n", name.c_str()); output += StringHelper::Sprintf(".word _%sSegmentBssSize\n", name.c_str()); output += "\n"; output += StringHelper::Sprintf(".word %i # reloc_count\n", entries.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) { RelocationEntry* reloc = entries[i]; output += StringHelper::Sprintf(".word 0x%08X # %s %s 0x%04X\n", reloc->CalcRelocationWord(), reloc->GetSectionName(), reloc->GetRelocTypeName(), reloc->offset); } size_t offset = (entries.size() * 4) + 20; while (offset % 16 != 12) { output += ".word 0\n"; offset += 4; } output += "\n"; output += StringHelper::Sprintf(".word 0x%08X # %sOverlayInfoOffset\n", offset + 4, name.c_str()); return output; } SectionType ZOverlay::GetSectionTypeFromStr(const std::string& sectionName) { if (sectionName == ".rel.text" || sectionName == ".text") return SectionType::Text; else if (sectionName == ".rel.data" || sectionName == ".data") return SectionType::Data; else if (sectionName == ".rel.rodata" || sectionName == ".rodata" || sectionName == ".rodata.str1.4" || sectionName == ".rodata.cst4") return SectionType::RoData; else if (sectionName == ".rel.bss" || sectionName == ".bss") return SectionType::Bss; return SectionType::ERROR; } ELFIO::Elf_Half ZOverlay::FindSymbolInSection(const std::string& curSymName, ELFIO::section* sectionData, ELFIO::elfio& reader, size_t readerId) { if (sectionData == nullptr) return SHN_UNDEF; auto sectionDataName = sectionData->get_name(); if (sSections.find(sectionDataName) == sSections.end()) return SHN_UNDEF; #ifdef DEVELOPMENT if (Globals::Instance->verbosity >= VerbosityLevel::VERBOSITY_DEBUG) { printf("\t File '%s' section: %s \n", cfgLines[readerId + 1].c_str(), sectionDataName.c_str()); } #endif symbol_section_accessor symbols(reader, sectionData); Elf_Xword symbolNum = symbols.get_symbols_num(); for (Elf_Xword symIdx = 0; symIdx < symbolNum; symIdx++) { Elf_Half shndx = SHN_UNDEF; Elf64_Addr value; std::string name; Elf_Xword size; unsigned char bind; unsigned char type; unsigned char other; symbols.get_symbol(symIdx, name, value, size, bind, type, shndx, other); if (name == curSymName) { if (Globals::Instance->verbosity >= VerbosityLevel::VERBOSITY_DEBUG) { printf("\t Symbol '%s' found in '%s' '%s' \n", curSymName.c_str(), cfgLines[readerId + 1].c_str(), sectionDataName.c_str()); } return shndx; } } return SHN_UNDEF; } #endif