add_heart_container Usage: add_heart_container Increases link's health by a number of full hearts equal to the passed value. Will not allow for adding health past 20 hearts. addammo bItem bind bind-toggle boots bottle burn clear cosmetics cucco_storm damage Usage: damage Damages link for a number of hearts equal to the passes value. Only accepts positive values, and does not allow for taking fractional damage. To restore health, use the "heal" command. defence_modifier electorcute empty_magic entrance file_select fill_magic freeze fw gen_rando get giant_link give_item give_shield gravity heal Usage: heal Heals link a number of hearts equal to the passed value. Will not accept negative values, and cannot heal fractional hearts. To drain health, use the "damage" command. help Usage: help Prints a list of console commands invisible item kill knockback load_state map minish_link no_ui Usage: no_ui (1 or 0) Toggles the UI off. Passing a 1 turns the UI off, and a 0 will restore it. no_z Usage: no_z (1 or 0) Disables Z-targeting when passed a 1, and reenables it when passed a 0. ohko pacifist paper_link pos quit Usage: quit Closes the game. rainstorm reload remove_heart_container reset reverse_controls rupee save_state set set_slot sfx spawn speed_modifier takeammo takeshield update_rupees void