#include <libultraship/libultra.h> #include "global.h" #include "soh/mixer.h" #include "soh/Enhancements/audio/AudioEditor.h" typedef struct { u8 unk_0; u8 unk_1; // importance? } Struct_8016E320; #define GET_PLAYER_IDX(cmd) (cmd & 0xF000000) >> 24 Struct_8016E320 D_8016E320[4][5]; u8 D_8016E348[4]; u32 sAudioSeqCmds[0x100]; unk_D_8016E750 D_8016E750[4]; u8 sSeqCmdWrPos = 0; u8 sSeqCmdRdPos = 0; u8 D_80133408 = 0; u8 D_8013340C = 1; u8 D_80133410[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 }; u8 gAudioSpecId = 0; u8 D_80133418 = 0; // TODO: clean up these macros. They are similar to ones in code_800EC960.c but without casts. #define Audio_StartSeq(playerIdx, fadeTimer, seqId) \ Audio_QueueSeqCmd(0x00000000 | ((playerIdx) << 24) | ((fadeTimer) << 16) | (seqId)) #define Audio_SeqCmdA(playerIdx, a) Audio_QueueSeqCmd(0xA0000000 | ((playerIdx) << 24) | (a)) #define Audio_SeqCmdB30(playerIdx, a, b) Audio_QueueSeqCmd(0xB0003000 | ((playerIdx) << 24) | ((a) << 16) | (b)) #define Audio_SeqCmdB40(playerIdx, a, b) Audio_QueueSeqCmd(0xB0004000 | ((playerIdx) << 24) | ((a) << 16) | (b)) #define Audio_SeqCmd3(playerIdx, a) Audio_QueueSeqCmd(0x30000000 | ((playerIdx) << 24) | (a)) #define Audio_SeqCmd5(playerIdx, a, b) Audio_QueueSeqCmd(0x50000000 | ((playerIdx) << 24) | ((a) << 16) | (b)) #define Audio_SeqCmd4(playerIdx, a, b) Audio_QueueSeqCmd(0x40000000 | ((playerIdx) << 24) | ((a) << 16) | (b)) #define Audio_SetVolScaleNow(playerIdx, volFadeTimer, volScale) \ Audio_ProcessSeqCmd(0x40000000 | ((u8)playerIdx << 24) | ((u8)volFadeTimer << 16) | ((u8)(volScale * 127.0f))); void func_800F9280(u8 playerIdx, u8 seqId, u8 arg2, u16 fadeTimer) { u8 i; u16 dur; s32 pad; if (D_80133408 == 0 || playerIdx == SEQ_PLAYER_SFX) { arg2 &= 0x7F; if (arg2 == 0x7F) { dur = (fadeTimer >> 3) * 60 * gAudioContext.audioBufferParameters.updatesPerFrame; Audio_QueueCmdS32(0x85000000 | _SHIFTL(playerIdx, 16, 8) | _SHIFTL(seqId, 8, 8), dur); } else { Audio_QueueCmdS32(0x82000000 | _SHIFTL(playerIdx, 16, 8) | _SHIFTL(seqId, 8, 8), (fadeTimer * (u16)gAudioContext.audioBufferParameters.updatesPerFrame) / 4); } D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_254 = seqId | (arg2 << 8); D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_256 = seqId | (arg2 << 8); if (D_8016E750[playerIdx].volCur != 1.0f) { Audio_QueueCmdF32(0x41000000 | _SHIFTL(playerIdx, 16, 8), D_8016E750[playerIdx].volCur); } D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_28 = 0; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_18 = 0; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_14 = 0; for (i = 0; i < 0x10; i++) { D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[i].unk_00 = 1.0f; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[i].unk_0C = 0; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[i].unk_10 = 1.0f; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[i].unk_1C = 0; } D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_250 = 0; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_252 = 0; } } void func_800F9474(u8 playerIdx, u16 arg1) { Audio_QueueCmdS32(0x83000000 | ((u8)playerIdx << 16), (arg1 * (u16)gAudioContext.audioBufferParameters.updatesPerFrame) / 4); D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_254 = NA_BGM_DISABLED; } typedef enum { SEQ_START, CMD1, CMD2, CMD3, SEQ_VOL_UPD, CMD5, CMD6, CMD7, CMD8, CMD9, CMDA, CMDB, CMDC, CMDD, CMDE, CMDF } SeqCmdType; void Audio_ProcessSeqCmd(u32 cmd) { s32 pad[2]; u16 fadeTimer; u16 channelMask; u16 val; u8 oldSpec; u8 spec; u8 op; u8 subOp; u8 playerIdx; u16 seqId; u8 seqArgs; u8 found; u8 port; u8 duration; u8 chanIdx; u8 i; s32 new_var; f32 freqScale; if (D_8013340C && (cmd & 0xF0000000) != 0x70000000) { AudioDebug_ScrPrt((const s8*)D_80133390, (cmd >> 16) & 0xFFFF); // "SEQ H" AudioDebug_ScrPrt((const s8*)D_80133398, cmd & 0xFFFF); // " L" } op = cmd >> 28; playerIdx = GET_PLAYER_IDX(cmd); switch (op) { case 0x0: // play sequence immediately seqId = cmd & 0xFF; seqArgs = (cmd & 0xFF00) >> 8; fadeTimer = (cmd & 0xFF0000) >> 13; if ((D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_260 == 0) && (seqArgs < 0x80)) { func_800F9280(playerIdx, seqId, seqArgs, fadeTimer); } break; case 0x1: // disable seq player fadeTimer = (cmd & 0xFF0000) >> 13; func_800F9474(playerIdx, fadeTimer); break; case 0x2: // queue sequence seqId = cmd & 0xFF; seqArgs = (cmd & 0xFF00) >> 8; fadeTimer = (cmd & 0xFF0000) >> 13; new_var = seqArgs; for (i = 0; i < D_8016E348[playerIdx]; i++) { if (D_8016E320[playerIdx][i].unk_0 == seqId) { if (i == 0) { func_800F9280(playerIdx, seqId, seqArgs, fadeTimer); } return; } } found = D_8016E348[playerIdx]; for (i = 0; i < D_8016E348[playerIdx]; i++) { if (D_8016E320[playerIdx][i].unk_1 <= new_var) { found = i; i = D_8016E348[playerIdx]; // "break;" } } if (D_8016E348[playerIdx] < 5) { D_8016E348[playerIdx]++; } for (i = D_8016E348[playerIdx] - 1; i != found; i--) { D_8016E320[playerIdx][i].unk_1 = D_8016E320[playerIdx][i - 1].unk_1; D_8016E320[playerIdx][i].unk_0 = D_8016E320[playerIdx][i - 1].unk_0; } D_8016E320[playerIdx][found].unk_1 = seqArgs; D_8016E320[playerIdx][found].unk_0 = seqId; if (found == 0) { func_800F9280(playerIdx, seqId, seqArgs, fadeTimer); } break; case 0x3: // unqueue/stop sequence seqId = cmd & 0xFF; fadeTimer = (cmd & 0xFF0000) >> 13; found = D_8016E348[playerIdx]; for (i = 0; i < D_8016E348[playerIdx]; i++) { if (D_8016E320[playerIdx][i].unk_0 == seqId) { found = i; i = D_8016E348[playerIdx]; // "break;" } } if (found != D_8016E348[playerIdx]) { for (i = found; i < D_8016E348[playerIdx] - 1; i++) { D_8016E320[playerIdx][i].unk_1 = D_8016E320[playerIdx][i + 1].unk_1; D_8016E320[playerIdx][i].unk_0 = D_8016E320[playerIdx][i + 1].unk_0; } D_8016E348[playerIdx]--; } if (found == 0) { func_800F9474(playerIdx, fadeTimer); if (D_8016E348[playerIdx] != 0) { func_800F9280(playerIdx, D_8016E320[playerIdx][0].unk_0, D_8016E320[playerIdx][0].unk_1, fadeTimer); } } break; case 0x4: // transition seq volume duration = (cmd & 0xFF0000) >> 15; val = cmd & 0xFF; if (duration == 0) { duration++; } D_8016E750[playerIdx].volTarget = (f32)val / 127.0f; if (D_8016E750[playerIdx].volCur != D_8016E750[playerIdx].volTarget) { D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_08 = (D_8016E750[playerIdx].volCur - D_8016E750[playerIdx].volTarget) / (f32)duration; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_0C = duration; } break; case 0x5: // transition freq scale for all channels duration = (cmd & 0xFF0000) >> 15; val = cmd & 0xFFFF; if (duration == 0) { duration++; } freqScale = (f32)val / 1000.0f; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[i].unk_14 = freqScale; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[i].unk_1C = duration; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[i].unk_18 = (D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[i].unk_10 - freqScale) / (f32)duration; } D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_250 = 0xFFFF; break; case 0xD: // transition freq scale duration = (cmd & 0xFF0000) >> 15; chanIdx = (cmd & 0xF000) >> 12; val = cmd & 0xFFF; if (duration == 0) { duration++; } freqScale = (f32)val / 1000.0f; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[chanIdx].unk_14 = freqScale; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[chanIdx].unk_18 = (D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[chanIdx].unk_10 - freqScale) / (f32)duration; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[chanIdx].unk_1C = duration; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_250 |= 1 << chanIdx; break; case 0x6: // transition vol scale duration = (cmd & 0xFF0000) >> 15; chanIdx = (cmd & 0xF00) >> 8; val = cmd & 0xFF; if (duration == 0) { duration++; } D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[chanIdx].unk_04 = (f32)val / 127.0f; if (D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[chanIdx].unk_00 != D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[chanIdx].unk_04) { D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[chanIdx].unk_08 = (D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[chanIdx].unk_00 - D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[chanIdx].unk_04) / (f32)duration; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[chanIdx].unk_0C = duration; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_252 |= 1 << chanIdx; } break; case 0x7: // set global io port port = (cmd & 0xFF0000) >> 16; val = cmd & 0xFF; Audio_QueueCmdS8(0x46000000 | _SHIFTL(playerIdx, 16, 8) | _SHIFTL(port, 0, 8), val); break; case 0x8: // set io port if channel masked chanIdx = (cmd & 0xF00) >> 8; port = (cmd & 0xFF0000) >> 16; val = cmd & 0xFF; if ((D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_258 & (1 << chanIdx)) == 0) { Audio_QueueCmdS8(0x06000000 | _SHIFTL(playerIdx, 16, 8) | _SHIFTL(chanIdx, 8, 8) | _SHIFTL(port, 0, 8), val); } break; case 0x9: // set channel mask for command 0x8 D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_258 = cmd & 0xFFFF; break; case 0xA: // set channel stop mask channelMask = cmd & 0xFFFF; if (channelMask != 0) { // with channel mask channelMask... Audio_QueueCmdU16(0x90000000 | _SHIFTL(playerIdx, 16, 8), channelMask); // stop channels Audio_QueueCmdS8(0x08000000 | _SHIFTL(playerIdx, 16, 8) | 0xFF00, 1); } if ((channelMask ^ 0xFFFF) != 0) { // with channel mask ~channelMask... Audio_QueueCmdU16(0x90000000 | _SHIFTL(playerIdx, 16, 8), (channelMask ^ 0xFFFF)); // unstop channels Audio_QueueCmdS8(0x08000000 | _SHIFTL(playerIdx, 16, 8) | 0xFF00, 0); } break; case 0xB: // update tempo D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_14 = cmd; break; case 0xC: // start sequence with setup commands subOp = (cmd & 0xF00000) >> 20; if (subOp != 0xF) { if (D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_4D < 7) { found = D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_4D++; if (found < 8) { D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_2C[found] = cmd; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_4C = 2; } } } else { D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_4D = 0; } break; case 0xE: subOp = (cmd & 0xF00) >> 8; val = cmd & 0xFF; switch (subOp) { case 0: // set sound mode Audio_QueueCmdS32(0xF0000000, D_80133410[val]); break; case 1: // set sequence starting disabled? D_80133408 = val & 1; break; } break; case 0xF: // change spec spec = cmd & 0xFF; gSfxChannelLayout = (cmd & 0xFF00) >> 8; oldSpec = gAudioSpecId; gAudioSpecId = spec; func_800E5F88(spec); func_800F71BC(oldSpec); Audio_QueueCmdS32(0xF8000000, 0); break; } } extern f32 D_80130F24; extern f32 D_80130F28; void Audio_QueueSeqCmd(u32 cmd) { u8 op = cmd >> 28; if (op == 0 || op == 2 || op == 12) { u8 seqId = cmd & 0xFF; u8 playerIdx = GET_PLAYER_IDX(cmd); u16 newSeqId = AudioEditor_GetReplacementSeq(seqId); gAudioContext.seqReplaced[playerIdx] = (seqId != newSeqId); gAudioContext.seqToPlay[playerIdx] = newSeqId; cmd |= (seqId & 0xFF); } sAudioSeqCmds[sSeqCmdWrPos++] = cmd; } void Audio_QueuePreviewSeqCmd(u16 seqId) { gAudioContext.seqReplaced[0] = 1; gAudioContext.seqToPlay[0] = seqId; sAudioSeqCmds[sSeqCmdWrPos++] = 1; } void Audio_ProcessSeqCmds(void) { while (sSeqCmdWrPos != sSeqCmdRdPos) { Audio_ProcessSeqCmd(sAudioSeqCmds[sSeqCmdRdPos++]); } } u16 func_800FA0B4(u8 playerIdx) { if (!gAudioContext.seqPlayers[playerIdx].enabled) { return NA_BGM_DISABLED; } return D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_254; } s32 func_800FA11C(u32 arg0, u32 arg1) { u8 i; for (i = sSeqCmdRdPos; i != sSeqCmdWrPos; i++) { if (arg0 == (sAudioSeqCmds[i] & arg1)) { return false; } } return true; } void func_800FA174(u8 playerIdx) { D_8016E348[playerIdx] = 0; } void func_800FA18C(u8 playerIdx, u8 arg1) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_4D; i++) { u8 unkb = (D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_2C[i] & 0xF00000) >> 20; if (unkb == arg1) { D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_2C[i] = 0xFF000000; } } } void Audio_SetVolScale(u8 playerIdx, u8 scaleIdx, u8 targetVol, u8 volFadeTimer) { f32 volScale; u8 i; D_8016E750[playerIdx].volScales[scaleIdx] = targetVol & 0x7F; if (volFadeTimer != 0) { D_8016E750[playerIdx].fadeVolUpdate = 1; D_8016E750[playerIdx].volFadeTimer = volFadeTimer; } else { for (i = 0, volScale = 1.0f; i < 4; i++) { volScale *= D_8016E750[playerIdx].volScales[i] / 127.0f; } Audio_SetVolScaleNow(playerIdx, volFadeTimer, volScale); } } void func_800FA3DC(void) { u32 temp_a1; u16 temp_lo; u16 temp_v1; u16 phi_a2; u8 temp_v0_4; u8 temp_a0; u8 temp_s1; u8 temp_s0_3; u8 temp_a3_3; s32 pad[3]; u32 dummy; f32 phi_f0; u8 phi_t0; u8 playerIdx; u8 j; u8 k; for (playerIdx = 0; playerIdx < 4; playerIdx++) { if (D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_260 != 0) { switch (func_800E5E20(&dummy)) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_260 = 0; Audio_ProcessSeqCmd(D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_25C); break; } } if (D_8016E750[playerIdx].fadeVolUpdate) { phi_f0 = 1.0f; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { phi_f0 *= (D_8016E750[playerIdx].volScales[j] / 127.0f); } Audio_SeqCmd4(playerIdx, D_8016E750[playerIdx].volFadeTimer, (u8)(phi_f0 * 127.0f)); D_8016E750[playerIdx].fadeVolUpdate = 0; } if (D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_0C != 0) { D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_0C--; if (D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_0C != 0) { D_8016E750[playerIdx].volCur = D_8016E750[playerIdx].volCur - D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_08; } else { D_8016E750[playerIdx].volCur = D_8016E750[playerIdx].volTarget; } Audio_QueueCmdF32(0x41000000 | _SHIFTL(playerIdx, 16, 8), D_8016E750[playerIdx].volCur); } if (D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_14 != 0) { temp_a1 = D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_14; phi_t0 = (temp_a1 & 0xFF0000) >> 15; phi_a2 = temp_a1 & 0xFFF; if (phi_t0 == 0) { phi_t0++; } if (gAudioContext.seqPlayers[playerIdx].enabled) { temp_lo = gAudioContext.seqPlayers[playerIdx].tempo / 0x30; temp_v0_4 = (temp_a1 & 0xF000) >> 12; switch (temp_v0_4) { case 1: phi_a2 += temp_lo; break; case 2: if (phi_a2 < temp_lo) { phi_a2 = temp_lo - phi_a2; } break; case 3: phi_a2 = temp_lo * (phi_a2 / 100.0f); break; case 4: if (D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_18) { phi_a2 = D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_18; } else { phi_a2 = temp_lo; } break; } if (phi_a2 > 300) { phi_a2 = 300; } if (D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_18 == 0) { D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_18 = temp_lo; } D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_20 = phi_a2; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_1C = gAudioContext.seqPlayers[playerIdx].tempo / 0x30; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_24 = (D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_1C - D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_20) / phi_t0; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_28 = phi_t0; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_14 = 0; } } if (D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_28 != 0) { D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_28--; if (D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_28 != 0) { D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_1C = D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_1C - D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_24; } else { D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_1C = D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_20; } // set tempo Audio_QueueCmdS32(0x47000000 | _SHIFTL(playerIdx, 16, 8), D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_1C); } if (D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_252 != 0) { for (k = 0; k < 0x10; k++) { if (D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[k].unk_0C != 0) { D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[k].unk_0C--; if (D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[k].unk_0C != 0) { D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[k].unk_00 -= D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[k].unk_08; } else { D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[k].unk_00 = D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[k].unk_04; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_252 ^= (1 << k); } // CHAN_UPD_VOL_SCALE (playerIdx = seq, k = chan) Audio_QueueCmdF32(0x01000000 | _SHIFTL(playerIdx, 16, 8) | _SHIFTL(k, 8, 8), D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[k].unk_00); } } } if (D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_250 != 0) { for (k = 0; k < 0x10; k++) { if (D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[k].unk_1C != 0) { D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[k].unk_1C--; if (D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[k].unk_1C != 0) { D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[k].unk_10 -= D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[k].unk_18; } else { D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[k].unk_10 = D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[k].unk_14; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_250 ^= (1 << k); } // CHAN_UPD_FREQ_SCALE Audio_QueueCmdF32(0x04000000 | _SHIFTL(playerIdx, 16, 8) | _SHIFTL(k, 8, 8), D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_50[k].unk_10); } } } if (D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_4D != 0) { if (func_800FA11C(0xF0000000, 0xF0000000) == 0) { D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_4D = 0; return; } if (D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_4C != 0) { D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_4C--; continue; } if (gAudioContext.seqPlayers[playerIdx].enabled) { continue; } for (j = 0; j < D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_4D; j++) { temp_a0 = (D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_2C[j] & 0x00F00000) >> 20; temp_s1 = (D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_2C[j] & 0x000F0000) >> 16; temp_s0_3 = (D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_2C[j] & 0xFF00) >> 8; temp_a3_3 = D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_2C[j] & 0xFF; switch (temp_a0) { case 0: Audio_SetVolScale(temp_s1, 1, 0x7F, temp_a3_3); break; case 7: if (D_8016E348[playerIdx] == temp_a3_3) { Audio_SetVolScale(temp_s1, 1, 0x7F, temp_s0_3); } break; case 1: Audio_SeqCmd3(playerIdx, D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_254); break; case 2: Audio_StartSeq(temp_s1, 1, D_8016E750[temp_s1].unk_254); D_8016E750[temp_s1].fadeVolUpdate = 1; D_8016E750[temp_s1].volScales[1] = 0x7F; break; case 3: Audio_SeqCmdB30(temp_s1, temp_s0_3, temp_a3_3); break; case 4: Audio_SeqCmdB40(temp_s1, temp_a3_3, 0); break; case 5: temp_v1 = D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_2C[j] & 0xFFFF; Audio_StartSeq(temp_s1, D_8016E750[temp_s1].unk_4E, temp_v1); Audio_SetVolScale(temp_s1, 1, 0x7F, 0); D_8016E750[temp_s1].unk_4E = 0; break; case 6: D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_4E = temp_s0_3; break; case 8: Audio_SetVolScale(temp_s1, temp_s0_3, 0x7F, temp_a3_3); break; case 14: if (temp_a3_3 & 1) { Audio_QueueCmdS32(0xE3000000, SEQUENCE_TABLE); } if (temp_a3_3 & 2) { Audio_QueueCmdS32(0xE3000000, FONT_TABLE); } if (temp_a3_3 & 4) { Audio_QueueCmdS32(0xE3000000, SAMPLE_TABLE); } break; case 9: temp_v1 = D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_2C[j] & 0xFFFF; Audio_SeqCmdA(temp_s1, temp_v1); break; case 10: Audio_SeqCmd5(temp_s1, temp_s0_3, (temp_a3_3 * 10) & 0xFFFF); break; } } D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_4D = 0; } } } u8 func_800FAD34(void) { if (D_80133418 != 0) { if (D_80133418 == 1) { if (func_800E5EDC() == 1) { D_80133418 = 0; Audio_QueueCmdS8(0x46020000, gSfxChannelLayout); func_800F7170(); } } else if (D_80133418 == 2) { while (func_800E5EDC() != 1) {} D_80133418 = 0; Audio_QueueCmdS8(0x46020000, gSfxChannelLayout); func_800F7170(); } } return D_80133418; } void func_800FADF8(void) { u8 playerIdx, j; for (playerIdx = 0; playerIdx < 4; playerIdx++) { D_8016E348[playerIdx] = 0; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_254 = NA_BGM_DISABLED; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_256 = NA_BGM_DISABLED; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_28 = 0; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_18 = 0; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_14 = 0; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_258 = 0; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_4D = 0; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_4E = 0; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_250 = 0; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_252 = 0; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { D_8016E750[playerIdx].volScales[j] = 0x7F; } D_8016E750[playerIdx].volFadeTimer = 1; D_8016E750[playerIdx].fadeVolUpdate = 1; } } void func_800FAEB4(void) { u8 playerIdx, j; for (playerIdx = 0; playerIdx < 4; playerIdx++) { D_8016E750[playerIdx].volCur = 1.0f; D_8016E750[playerIdx].unk_0C = 0; D_8016E750[playerIdx].fadeVolUpdate = 0; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { D_8016E750[playerIdx].volScales[j] = 0x7F; } } func_800FADF8(); }