#include #include "BackgroundExporter.h" #include "TextureExporter.h" #include "RoomExporter.h" #include "CollisionExporter.h" #include "DisplayListExporter.h" #include "PlayerAnimationExporter.h" #include "SkeletonExporter.h" #include "SkeletonLimbExporter.h" #include "ArrayExporter.h" #include "VtxExporter.h" #include "AnimationExporter.h" #include "CutsceneExporter.h" #include "PathExporter.h" #include "TextExporter.h" #include "BlobExporter.h" #include "MtxExporter.h" #include #include #include #include #include std::string otrFileName = "oot.otr"; std::shared_ptr otrArchive; BinaryWriter* fileWriter; std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point fileStart, resStart; void InitVersionInfo(); enum class ExporterFileMode { BuildOTR = (int)ZFileMode::Custom + 1, }; static void ExporterParseFileMode(const std::string& buildMode, ZFileMode& fileMode) { if (buildMode == "botr") { fileMode = (ZFileMode)ExporterFileMode::BuildOTR; if (File::Exists(otrFileName)) otrArchive = std::shared_ptr(new Ship::Archive(otrFileName, true)); else otrArchive = Ship::Archive::CreateArchive(otrFileName, 65536 / 2); auto lst = Directory::ListFiles("Extract"); for (auto item : lst) { auto fileData = File::ReadAllBytes(item); otrArchive->AddFile(StringHelper::Split(item, "Extract\\")[1], (uintptr_t)fileData.data(), fileData.size()); } } } static void ExporterParseArgs(int argc, char* argv[], int& i) { std::string arg = argv[i]; if (arg == "--otrfile") { otrFileName = argv[i + 1]; i++; } } static bool ExporterProcessFileMode(ZFileMode fileMode) { // Do whatever work is associated with these custom file modes... // Return true to indicate one of our own file modes is being processed if (fileMode == (ZFileMode)ExporterFileMode::BuildOTR) return true; return false; } static void ExporterFileBegin(ZFile* file) { fileStart = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); MemoryStream* stream = new MemoryStream(); fileWriter = new BinaryWriter(stream); } static void ExporterFileEnd(ZFile* file) { } static void ExporterResourceEnd(ZResource* res, BinaryWriter& writer) { auto streamShared = writer.GetStream(); MemoryStream* strem = (MemoryStream*)streamShared.get(); auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); if (res->GetName() != "") { std::string oName = res->parent->GetOutName(); std::string rName = res->GetName(); std::string prefix = OTRExporter_DisplayList::GetPrefix(res); //auto xmlFilePath = res->parent->GetXmlFilePath(); //prefix = StringHelper::Split(StringHelper::Split(xmlFilePath.string(), "xml\\")[1], ".xml")[0]; if (StringHelper::Contains(oName, "_scene")) { auto split = StringHelper::Split(oName, "_"); oName = ""; for (int i = 0; i < split.size() - 1; i++) oName += split[i] + "_"; oName += "scene"; } else if (StringHelper::Contains(oName, "_room")) { oName = StringHelper::Split(oName, "_room")[0] + "_scene"; } std::string fName = ""; if (prefix != "") fName = StringHelper::Sprintf("%s\\%s\\%s", prefix.c_str(), oName.c_str(), rName.c_str()); else fName = StringHelper::Sprintf("%s\\%s", oName.c_str(), rName.c_str()); File::WriteAllBytes("Extract\\" + fName, strem->ToVector()); } auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); size_t diff = std::chrono::duration_cast(end - start).count(); //if (diff > 10) //printf("Exported Resource End %s in %zums\n", res->GetName().c_str(), diff); } static void ExporterXMLBegin() { } static void ExporterXMLEnd() { } static void ImportExporters() { // In this example we set up a new exporter called "EXAMPLE". // By running ZAPD with the argument -se EXAMPLE, we tell it that we want to use this exporter for our resources. ExporterSet* exporterSet = new ExporterSet(); exporterSet->processFileModeFunc = ExporterProcessFileMode; exporterSet->parseFileModeFunc = ExporterParseFileMode; exporterSet->parseArgsFunc = ExporterParseArgs; exporterSet->beginFileFunc = ExporterFileBegin; exporterSet->endFileFunc = ExporterFileEnd; exporterSet->beginXMLFunc = ExporterXMLBegin; exporterSet->endXMLFunc = ExporterXMLEnd; exporterSet->resSaveFunc = ExporterResourceEnd; exporterSet->exporters[ZResourceType::Background] = new OTRExporter_Background(); exporterSet->exporters[ZResourceType::Texture] = new OTRExporter_Texture(); exporterSet->exporters[ZResourceType::Room] = new OTRExporter_Room(); exporterSet->exporters[ZResourceType::AltHeader] = new OTRExporter_Room(); exporterSet->exporters[ZResourceType::Scene] = new OTRExporter_Room(); exporterSet->exporters[ZResourceType::CollisionHeader] = new OTRExporter_Collision(); exporterSet->exporters[ZResourceType::DisplayList] = new OTRExporter_DisplayList(); exporterSet->exporters[ZResourceType::PlayerAnimationData] = new OTRExporter_PlayerAnimationExporter(); exporterSet->exporters[ZResourceType::Skeleton] = new OTRExporter_Skeleton(); exporterSet->exporters[ZResourceType::Limb] = new OTRExporter_SkeletonLimb(); exporterSet->exporters[ZResourceType::Animation] = new OTRExporter_Animation(); exporterSet->exporters[ZResourceType::Cutscene] = new OTRExporter_Cutscene(); exporterSet->exporters[ZResourceType::Vertex] = new OTRExporter_Vtx(); exporterSet->exporters[ZResourceType::Array] = new OTRExporter_Array(); exporterSet->exporters[ZResourceType::Path] = new OTRExporter_Path(); exporterSet->exporters[ZResourceType::Text] = new OTRExporter_Text(); exporterSet->exporters[ZResourceType::Blob] = new OTRExporter_Blob(); exporterSet->exporters[ZResourceType::Mtx] = new OTRExporter_MtxExporter(); Globals::AddExporter("OTR", exporterSet); InitVersionInfo(); } // When ZAPD starts up, it will automatically call the below function, which in turn sets up our exporters. REGISTER_EXPORTER(ImportExporters);