#include "ZText.h" #include "Globals.h" #include "Utils/BitConverter.h" #include "Utils/File.h" #include "Utils/Path.h" #include "Utils/StringHelper.h" #include "ZFile.h" REGISTER_ZFILENODE(Text, ZText); ZText::ZText(ZFile* nParent) : ZResource(nParent) { RegisterRequiredAttribute("CodeOffset"); } void ZText::ParseRawData() { ZResource::ParseRawData(); const auto& rawData = parent->GetRawData(); uint32_t currentPtr = StringHelper::StrToL(registeredAttributes.at("CodeOffset").value, 16); std::vector codeData = File::ReadAllBytes(Globals::Instance->baseRomPath.string() + "\\code"); // In some cases with the multi-process extractor it seems that it fails to read the code file if something else is reading from it at the same time. while (codeData.size() == 0) codeData = File::ReadAllBytes(Globals::Instance->baseRomPath.string() + "\\code"); while (true) { MessageEntry msgEntry; msgEntry.id = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(codeData, currentPtr + 0); msgEntry.textboxType = (codeData[currentPtr + 2] & 0xF0) >> 4; msgEntry.textboxYPos = (codeData[currentPtr + 2] & 0x0F); msgEntry.segmentId = (codeData[currentPtr + 4]); msgEntry.msgOffset = BitConverter::ToInt32BE(codeData, currentPtr + 4) & 0x00FFFFFF; uint32_t msgPtr = msgEntry.msgOffset; unsigned char c = rawData[msgPtr]; unsigned int extra = 0; bool stop = false; while ((c != '\0' && !stop) || extra > 0) { msgEntry.msg += c; msgPtr++; if (extra == 0) { if (c == 0x05 || c == 0x13 || c == 0x0E || c == 0x0C || c == 0x1E || c == 0x06 || c == 0x14) { extra = 1; } else if (c == 0x07) { extra = 2; stop = true; } else if (c == 0x12 || c == 0x11) { extra = 2; } else if (c == 0x15) { extra = 3; } } else { extra--; } c = rawData[msgPtr]; } messages.push_back(msgEntry); if (msgEntry.id == 0xFFFC || msgEntry.id == 0xFFFF) break; currentPtr += 8; } int bp2 = 0; } std::string ZText::GetSourceTypeName() const { return "u8"; } size_t ZText::GetRawDataSize() const { return 1; } ZResourceType ZText::GetResourceType() const { return ZResourceType::Text; }