#include "z_en_ossan.h" #include "vt.h" #include "objects/gameplay_keep/gameplay_keep.h" #include "objects/object_ossan/object_ossan.h" #include "objects/object_oF1d_map/object_oF1d_map.h" #include "objects/object_os/object_os.h" #include "objects/object_zo/object_zo.h" #include "objects/object_rs/object_rs.h" #include "objects/object_ds2/object_ds2.h" #include "overlays/actors/ovl_En_Elf/z_en_elf.h" #include "objects/object_masterkokiri/object_masterkokiri.h" #include "objects/object_km1/object_km1.h" #include "objects/object_mastergolon/object_mastergolon.h" #include "objects/object_masterzoora/object_masterzoora.h" #include "objects/object_masterkokirihead/object_masterkokirihead.h" #define FLAGS (ACTOR_FLAG_0 | ACTOR_FLAG_3 | ACTOR_FLAG_4) void EnOssan_Init(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_Destroy(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_Update(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_DrawKokiriShopkeeper(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_DrawPotionShopkeeper(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_DrawBombchuShopkeeper(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_DrawBazaarShopkeeper(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_DrawZoraShopkeeper(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_DrawGoronShopkeeper(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_DrawHappyMaskShopkeeper(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_InitActionFunc(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_MainActionFunc(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_TalkDefaultShopkeeper(GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_TalkKokiriShopkeeper(GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_TalkKakarikoPotionShopkeeper(GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_TalkBombchuShopkeeper(GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_TalkMarketPotionShopkeeper(GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_TalkBazaarShopkeeper(GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_TalkZoraShopkeeper(GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_TalkGoronShopkeeper(GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_TalkHappyMaskShopkeeper(GlobalContext* globalCtx); s16 ShopItemDisp_Default(s16 v); s16 ShopItemDisp_SpookyMask(s16 v); s16 ShopItemDisp_SkullMask(s16 v); s16 ShopItemDisp_BunnyHood(s16 v); s16 ShopItemDisp_ZoraMask(s16 v); s16 ShopItemDisp_GoronMask(s16 v); s16 ShopItemDisp_GerudoMask(s16 v); void EnOssan_InitKokiriShopkeeper(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_InitPotionShopkeeper(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_InitBombchuShopkeeper(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_InitBazaarShopkeeper(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_InitZoraShopkeeper(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_InitGoronShopkeeper(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_InitHappyMaskShopkeeper(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_State_Idle(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_State_StartConversation(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_State_FacingShopkeeper(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_State_TalkingToShopkeeper(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_State_LookToLeftShelf(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_State_LookToRightShelf(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_State_BrowseLeftShelf(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_State_BrowseRightShelf(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_State_LookFromShelfToShopkeeper(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_State_ItemSelected(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_State_SelectMilkBottle(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_State_SelectWeirdEgg(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_State_SelectUnimplementedItem(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_State_SelectBombs(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_State_CantGetItem(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_State_GiveItemWithFanfare(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_State_ItemPurchased(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_State_ContinueShoppingPrompt(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_State_GiveLonLonMilk(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_State_DisplayOnlyBombDialog(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_State_WaitForDisplayOnlyBombDialog(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_State_21(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_State_22(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_State_QuickBuyDialog(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_State_SelectMaskItem(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_State_LendMaskOfTruth(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_State_GiveDiscountDialog(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player); void EnOssan_Obj3ToSeg6(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); void EnOssan_StartShopping(GlobalContext* globalCtx, EnOssan* this); void EnOssan_WaitForBlink(EnOssan* this); void EnOssan_Blink(EnOssan* this); u16 EnOssan_SetupHelloDialog(EnOssan* this); s32 EnOssan_TakeItemOffShelf(EnOssan* this); s32 EnOssan_ReturnItemToShelf(EnOssan* this); void EnOssan_ResetItemPosition(EnOssan* this); void EnOssan_SetStateGiveDiscountDialog(GlobalContext* globalCtx, EnOssan* this); #define CURSOR_INVALID 0xFF const ActorInit En_Ossan_InitVars = { ACTOR_EN_OSSAN, ACTORCAT_NPC, FLAGS, OBJECT_GAMEPLAY_KEEP, sizeof(EnOssan), (ActorFunc)EnOssan_Init, (ActorFunc)EnOssan_Destroy, (ActorFunc)EnOssan_Update, NULL, NULL, }; // Unused collider static ColliderCylinderInitType1 sCylinderInit = { { COLTYPE_NONE, AT_NONE, AC_NONE, OC1_ON | OC1_TYPE_ALL, COLSHAPE_CYLINDER, }, { ELEMTYPE_UNK0, { 0x00000000, 0x00, 0x00 }, { 0x00000000, 0x00, 0x00 }, TOUCH_NONE | TOUCH_SFX_NORMAL, BUMP_NONE, OCELEM_ON, }, { 30, 80, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } }, }; // Rupees to pay back to Happy Mask Shop static s16 sMaskPaymentPrice[] = { 10, 30, 20, 50 }; // item yaw offsets static s16 sItemShelfRot[] = { 0xEAAC, 0xEAAC, 0xEAAC, 0xEAAC, 0x1554, 0x1554, 0x1554, 0x1554 }; // unused values? static s16 D_80AC8904[] = { 0x001E, 0x001F, 0x0020, 0x0021, 0x0022, 0x0023, 0x0024, 0x0025 }; static char* sShopkeeperPrintName[] = { "コキリの店 ", // "Kokiri Shop" "薬屋 ", // "Potion Shop" "夜の店 ", // "Night Shop" "路地裏の店 ", // "Back Alley Shop" "盾の店 ", // "Shield Shop" "大人の店 ", // "Adult Shop" "タロンの店 ", // "Talon Shop" "ゾーラの店 ", // "Zora Shop" "ゴロン夜の店", // "Goron Night Shop" "インゴーの店", // "Ingo Store" "お面屋 ", // "Mask Shop" }; typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s16 objId; /* 0x02 */ s16 unk_02; /* 0x04 */ s16 unk_04; } ShopkeeperObjInfo; static s16 sShopkeeperObjectIds[][3] = { { OBJECT_KM1, OBJECT_MASTERKOKIRIHEAD, OBJECT_MASTERKOKIRI }, { OBJECT_DS2, OBJECT_ID_MAX, OBJECT_ID_MAX }, { OBJECT_RS, OBJECT_ID_MAX, OBJECT_ID_MAX }, { OBJECT_DS2, OBJECT_ID_MAX, OBJECT_ID_MAX }, { OBJECT_OSSAN, OBJECT_ID_MAX, OBJECT_ID_MAX }, { OBJECT_OSSAN, OBJECT_ID_MAX, OBJECT_ID_MAX }, { OBJECT_OSSAN, OBJECT_ID_MAX, OBJECT_ID_MAX }, { OBJECT_ZO, OBJECT_ID_MAX, OBJECT_MASTERZOORA }, { OBJECT_OF1D_MAP, OBJECT_ID_MAX, OBJECT_MASTERGOLON }, { OBJECT_OSSAN, OBJECT_ID_MAX, OBJECT_ID_MAX }, { OBJECT_OS, OBJECT_ID_MAX, OBJECT_ID_MAX }, }; static EnOssanTalkOwnerFunc sShopkeeperTalkOwner[] = { EnOssan_TalkKokiriShopkeeper, EnOssan_TalkKakarikoPotionShopkeeper, EnOssan_TalkBombchuShopkeeper, EnOssan_TalkMarketPotionShopkeeper, EnOssan_TalkBazaarShopkeeper, EnOssan_TalkDefaultShopkeeper, EnOssan_TalkDefaultShopkeeper, EnOssan_TalkZoraShopkeeper, EnOssan_TalkGoronShopkeeper, EnOssan_TalkDefaultShopkeeper, EnOssan_TalkHappyMaskShopkeeper, }; static f32 sShopkeeperScale[] = { 0.01f, 0.011f, 0.0105f, 0.011f, 0.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f, }; typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s16 shopItemIndex; /* 0x02 */ s16 xOffset; /* 0x04 */ s16 yOffset; /* 0x06 */ s16 zOffset; } ShopItem; // size 0x08 ShopItem sShopkeeperStores[][8] = { { { SI_DEKU_SHIELD, 50, 52, -20 }, { SI_DEKU_NUTS_5, 50, 76, -20 }, { SI_DEKU_NUTS_10, 80, 52, -3 }, { SI_DEKU_STICK, 80, 76, -3 }, { SI_DEKU_SEEDS_30, -50, 52, -20 }, { SI_ARROWS_10, -50, 76, -20 }, { SI_ARROWS_30, -80, 52, -3 }, { SI_HEART, -80, 76, -3 } }, { { SI_GREEN_POTION, 50, 52, -20 }, { SI_BLUE_FIRE, 50, 76, -20 }, { SI_RED_POTION_R30, 80, 52, -3 }, { SI_FAIRY, 80, 76, -3 }, { SI_DEKU_NUTS_5, -50, 52, -20 }, { SI_BUGS, -50, 76, -20 }, { SI_POE, -80, 52, -3 }, { SI_FISH, -80, 76, -3 } }, { { SI_BOMBCHU_10_2, 50, 52, -20 }, { SI_BOMBCHU_10_4, 50, 76, -20 }, { SI_BOMBCHU_10_3, 80, 52, -3 }, { SI_BOMBCHU_10_1, 80, 76, -3 }, { SI_BOMBCHU_20_3, -50, 52, -20 }, { SI_BOMBCHU_20_1, -50, 76, -20 }, { SI_BOMBCHU_20_4, -80, 52, -3 }, { SI_BOMBCHU_20_2, -80, 76, -3 } }, { { SI_GREEN_POTION, 50, 52, -20 }, { SI_BLUE_FIRE, 50, 76, -20 }, { SI_RED_POTION_R30, 80, 52, -3 }, { SI_FAIRY, 80, 76, -3 }, { SI_DEKU_NUTS_5, -50, 52, -20 }, { SI_BUGS, -50, 76, -20 }, { SI_POE, -80, 52, -3 }, { SI_FISH, -80, 76, -3 } }, { { SI_HYLIAN_SHIELD, 50, 52, -20 }, { SI_BOMBS_5_R35, 50, 76, -20 }, { SI_DEKU_NUTS_5, 80, 52, -3 }, { SI_HEART, 80, 76, -3 }, { SI_ARROWS_10, -50, 52, -20 }, { SI_ARROWS_50, -50, 76, -20 }, { SI_DEKU_STICK, -80, 52, -3 }, { SI_ARROWS_30, -80, 76, -3 } }, { { SI_HYLIAN_SHIELD, 50, 52, -20 }, { SI_BOMBS_5_R25, 50, 76, -20 }, { SI_DEKU_NUTS_5, 80, 52, -3 }, { SI_HEART, 80, 76, -3 }, { SI_ARROWS_10, -50, 52, -20 }, { SI_ARROWS_50, -50, 76, -20 }, { SI_DEKU_STICK, -80, 52, -3 }, { SI_ARROWS_30, -80, 76, -3 } }, { { SI_MILK_BOTTLE, 50, 52, -20 }, { SI_DEKU_NUTS_5, 50, 76, -20 }, { SI_DEKU_NUTS_10, 80, 52, -3 }, { SI_HEART, 80, 76, -3 }, { SI_WEIRD_EGG, -50, 52, -20 }, { SI_DEKU_STICK, -50, 76, -20 }, { SI_HEART, -80, 52, -3 }, { SI_HEART, -80, 76, -3 } }, { { SI_ZORA_TUNIC, 50, 52, -20 }, { SI_ARROWS_10, 50, 76, -20 }, { SI_HEART, 80, 52, -3 }, { SI_ARROWS_30, 80, 76, -3 }, { SI_DEKU_NUTS_5, -50, 52, -20 }, { SI_ARROWS_50, -50, 76, -20 }, { SI_FISH, -80, 52, -3 }, { SI_RED_POTION_R50, -80, 76, -3 } }, { { SI_BOMBS_5_R25, 50, 52, -20 }, { SI_BOMBS_10, 50, 76, -20 }, { SI_BOMBS_20, 80, 52, -3 }, { SI_BOMBS_30, 80, 76, -3 }, { SI_GORON_TUNIC, -50, 52, -20 }, { SI_HEART, -50, 76, -20 }, { SI_RED_POTION_R40, -80, 52, -3 }, { SI_HEART, -80, 76, -3 } }, { { SI_19, 50, 52, -20 }, { SI_19, 50, 76, -20 }, { SI_19, 80, 52, -3 }, { SI_19, 80, 76, -3 }, { SI_20, -50, 52, -20 }, { SI_20, -50, 76, -20 }, { SI_20, -80, 52, -3 }, { SI_20, -80, 76, -3 } }, { { SI_GERUDO_MASK, 50, 52, -20 }, { SI_ZORA_MASK, 50, 76, -20 }, { SI_MASK_OF_TRUTH, 80, 52, -3 }, { SI_GORON_MASK, 80, 76, -3 }, { SI_SKULL_MASK, -50, 52, -20 }, { SI_KEATON_MASK, -50, 76, -20 }, { SI_BUNNY_HOOD, -80, 52, -3 }, { SI_SPOOKY_MASK, -80, 76, -3 } }, }; static EnOssanGetGirlAParamsFunc sShopItemReplaceFunc[] = { ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_SpookyMask, ShopItemDisp_SkullMask, ShopItemDisp_BunnyHood, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_ZoraMask, ShopItemDisp_GoronMask, ShopItemDisp_GerudoMask, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, ShopItemDisp_Default, }; static InitChainEntry sInitChain[] = { ICHAIN_U8(targetMode, 2, ICHAIN_CONTINUE), ICHAIN_F32(targetArrowOffset, 500, ICHAIN_STOP), }; // When selecting an item to buy, this is the position the item moves to static Vec3f sSelectedItemPosition[] = { { 17.0f, 58.0f, 30.0f }, { -17.0f, 58.0f, 30.0f } }; static EnOssanInitFunc sInitFuncs[] = { EnOssan_InitKokiriShopkeeper, EnOssan_InitPotionShopkeeper, EnOssan_InitBombchuShopkeeper, EnOssan_InitPotionShopkeeper, EnOssan_InitBazaarShopkeeper, EnOssan_InitBazaarShopkeeper, EnOssan_InitBazaarShopkeeper, EnOssan_InitZoraShopkeeper, EnOssan_InitGoronShopkeeper, EnOssan_InitBazaarShopkeeper, EnOssan_InitHappyMaskShopkeeper, }; static Vec3f sShopkeeperPositionOffsets[] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 33.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 31.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 31.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 31.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 36.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 15.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 26.0f }, }; static EnOssanStateFunc sStateFunc[] = { EnOssan_State_Idle, EnOssan_State_StartConversation, EnOssan_State_FacingShopkeeper, EnOssan_State_TalkingToShopkeeper, EnOssan_State_LookToLeftShelf, EnOssan_State_LookToRightShelf, EnOssan_State_BrowseLeftShelf, EnOssan_State_BrowseRightShelf, EnOssan_State_LookFromShelfToShopkeeper, EnOssan_State_ItemSelected, EnOssan_State_SelectMilkBottle, EnOssan_State_SelectWeirdEgg, EnOssan_State_SelectUnimplementedItem, EnOssan_State_SelectBombs, EnOssan_State_CantGetItem, EnOssan_State_GiveItemWithFanfare, EnOssan_State_ItemPurchased, EnOssan_State_ContinueShoppingPrompt, EnOssan_State_GiveLonLonMilk, EnOssan_State_DisplayOnlyBombDialog, EnOssan_State_WaitForDisplayOnlyBombDialog, EnOssan_State_21, EnOssan_State_22, EnOssan_State_QuickBuyDialog, EnOssan_State_SelectMaskItem, EnOssan_State_LendMaskOfTruth, EnOssan_State_GiveDiscountDialog, }; void EnOssan_SetupAction(EnOssan* this, EnOssanActionFunc actionFunc) { this->actionFunc = actionFunc; } s16 ShopItemDisp_Default(s16 v) { return v; } s16 ShopItemDisp_SpookyMask(s16 v) { // Sold Skull Mask if (gSaveContext.itemGetInf[3] & 0x200) { return v; } return -1; } s16 ShopItemDisp_SkullMask(s16 v) { // Sold Keaton Mask if (gSaveContext.itemGetInf[3] & 0x100) { return v; } return -1; } s16 ShopItemDisp_BunnyHood(s16 v) { // Sold Spooky Mask if (gSaveContext.itemGetInf[3] & 0x400) { return v; } return -1; } s16 ShopItemDisp_ZoraMask(s16 v) { // Obtained Mask of Truth if (gSaveContext.itemGetInf[3] & 0x8000) { return v; } return -1; } s16 ShopItemDisp_GoronMask(s16 v) { // Obtained Mask of Truth if (gSaveContext.itemGetInf[3] & 0x8000) { return v; } return -1; } s16 ShopItemDisp_GerudoMask(s16 v) { // Obtained Mask of Truth if (gSaveContext.itemGetInf[3] & 0x8000) { return v; } return -1; } void EnOssan_SpawnItemsOnShelves(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, ShopItem* shopItems) { EnTana* shelves; s16 itemParams; s32 i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++, shopItems++) { if (shopItems->shopItemIndex < 0) { this->shelfSlots[i] = NULL; } else { itemParams = sShopItemReplaceFunc[shopItems->shopItemIndex](shopItems->shopItemIndex); if (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag && Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_SHOPSANITY)) { ShopItemIdentity shopItemIdentity = Randomizer_IdentifyShopItem(globalCtx->sceneNum, i); if (shopItemIdentity.randomizerCheck != RC_UNKNOWN_CHECK) { itemParams = shopItemIdentity.enGirlAShopItem; if (Flags_GetRandomizerInf(shopItemIdentity.randomizerInf)) { itemParams = SI_SOLD_OUT; } } } if (itemParams < 0) { this->shelfSlots[i] = NULL; } else { shelves = this->shelves; this->shelfSlots[i] = (EnGirlA*)Actor_Spawn( &globalCtx->actorCtx, globalCtx, ACTOR_EN_GIRLA, shelves->actor.world.pos.x + shopItems->xOffset, shelves->actor.world.pos.y + shopItems->yOffset, shelves->actor.world.pos.z + shopItems->zOffset, shelves->actor.shape.rot.x, shelves->actor.shape.rot.y + sItemShelfRot[i], shelves->actor.shape.rot.z, itemParams); if (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag && Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_SHOPSANITY)) { this->shelfSlots[i]->randoSlotIndex = i; } } } } } void EnOssan_UpdateShopOfferings(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { s32 i; ShopItem* storeItems; ShopItem* shopItem; if (this->actor.params == OSSAN_TYPE_MASK) { storeItems = sShopkeeperStores[this->actor.params]; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { shopItem = &storeItems[i]; if (shopItem->shopItemIndex >= 0 && this->shelfSlots[i] == NULL) { s16 params = sShopItemReplaceFunc[shopItem->shopItemIndex](shopItem->shopItemIndex); if (params >= 0) { this->shelfSlots[i] = (EnGirlA*)Actor_Spawn( &globalCtx->actorCtx, globalCtx, ACTOR_EN_GIRLA, this->shelves->actor.world.pos.x + shopItem->xOffset, this->shelves->actor.world.pos.y + shopItem->yOffset, this->shelves->actor.world.pos.z + shopItem->zOffset, this->shelves->actor.shape.rot.x, this->shelves->actor.shape.rot.y + sItemShelfRot[i], this->shelves->actor.shape.rot.z, params); } } } } } void EnOssan_TalkDefaultShopkeeper(GlobalContext* globalCtx) { Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x9E); } void EnOssan_TalkKakarikoPotionShopkeeper(GlobalContext* globalCtx) { if (globalCtx->curSpawn == 0) { Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x5046); } else { Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x504E); } } void EnOssan_TalkMarketPotionShopkeeper(GlobalContext* globalCtx) { Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x504E); } void EnOssan_TalkKokiriShopkeeper(GlobalContext* globalCtx) { Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x10BA); } void EnOssan_TalkBazaarShopkeeper(GlobalContext* globalCtx) { if (globalCtx->curSpawn == 0) { Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x9D); } else { Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x9C); } } void EnOssan_TalkBombchuShopkeeper(GlobalContext* globalCtx) { Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x7076); } void EnOssan_TalkZoraShopkeeper(GlobalContext* globalCtx) { if (LINK_AGE_IN_YEARS == YEARS_CHILD) { Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x403A); } else { Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x403B); } } // Goron City, Goron void EnOssan_TalkGoronShopkeeper(GlobalContext* globalCtx) { if (LINK_AGE_IN_YEARS == YEARS_CHILD) { if (gSaveContext.eventChkInf[2] & 0x20) { Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x3028); } else if (CUR_UPG_VALUE(UPG_STRENGTH) != 0) { Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x302D); } else { Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x300F); } } else if ((!gSaveContext.n64ddFlag && !CHECK_QUEST_ITEM(QUEST_MEDALLION_FIRE)) || (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag && !Flags_GetRandomizerInf(RAND_INF_DUNGEONS_DONE_FIRE_TEMPLE))) { Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x3057); } else { Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x305B); } } // Happy Mask Shop void EnOssan_TalkHappyMaskShopkeeper(GlobalContext* globalCtx) { if ((gSaveContext.itemGetInf[3] & 0x100) // Sold Keaton Mask && (gSaveContext.itemGetInf[3] & 0x200) // Sold Skull Mask && (gSaveContext.itemGetInf[3] & 0x400) // Sold Spooky Mask && (gSaveContext.itemGetInf[3] & 0x800)) { // Sold Bunny Hood Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x70AE); } else { switch (globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex) { case 1: Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x70A4); break; case 0: Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x70A3); break; } } } void EnOssan_UpdateCameraDirection(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, f32 cameraFaceAngle) { this->cameraFaceAngle = cameraFaceAngle; Camera_SetCameraData(GET_ACTIVE_CAM(globalCtx), 0xC, NULL, NULL, cameraFaceAngle, 0, 0); } s32 EnOssan_TryGetObjBankIndexes(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, s16* objectIds) { if (objectIds[1] != OBJECT_ID_MAX) { this->objBankIndex2 = Object_GetIndex(&globalCtx->objectCtx, objectIds[1]); if (this->objBankIndex2 < 0) { return false; } } else { this->objBankIndex2 = -1; } if (objectIds[2] != OBJECT_ID_MAX) { this->objBankIndex3 = Object_GetIndex(&globalCtx->objectCtx, objectIds[2]); if (this->objBankIndex3 < 0) { return false; } } else { this->objBankIndex3 = -1; } return true; } void EnOssan_Init(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { EnOssan* this = (EnOssan*)thisx; s32 pad; s16* objectIds; if (this->actor.params == OSSAN_TYPE_TALON && (LINK_AGE_IN_YEARS != YEARS_CHILD)) { this->actor.params = OSSAN_TYPE_INGO; } //! @bug This check will always evaluate to false, it should be || not && if (this->actor.params > OSSAN_TYPE_MASK && this->actor.params < OSSAN_TYPE_KOKIRI) { Actor_Kill(&this->actor); osSyncPrintf(VT_COL(RED, WHITE)); osSyncPrintf("引数がおかしいよ(arg_data=%d)!!\n", this->actor.params); osSyncPrintf(VT_RST); ASSERT(this->actor.params > OSSAN_TYPE_MASK && this->actor.params < OSSAN_TYPE_KOKIRI); return; } // If you haven't given Zelda's Letter to the Kakariko Guard // or are rando'd and haven't gotten gotten the letter from zelda yet if (this->actor.params == OSSAN_TYPE_MASK && (!(gSaveContext.infTable[7] & 0x40) || (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag && !(gSaveContext.eventChkInf[4] & 1)))) { Actor_Kill(&this->actor); return; } if (this->actor.params == OSSAN_TYPE_KAKARIKO_POTION && (LINK_AGE_IN_YEARS == YEARS_CHILD)) { Actor_Kill(&this->actor); return; } // Don't kill bombchu shop actor in rando, making it so the shop is immediately open // gSaveContext.eventChkInf[2] & 0x20 - Completed Dodongo's Cavern if (this->actor.params == OSSAN_TYPE_BOMBCHUS && !(gSaveContext.eventChkInf[2] & 0x20) && !gSaveContext.n64ddFlag) { Actor_Kill(&this->actor); return; } objectIds = sShopkeeperObjectIds[this->actor.params]; this->objBankIndex1 = Object_GetIndex(&globalCtx->objectCtx, objectIds[0]); if (this->objBankIndex1 < 0) { Actor_Kill(&this->actor); osSyncPrintf(VT_COL(RED, WHITE)); osSyncPrintf("バンクが無いよ!!(%s)\n", sShopkeeperPrintName[this->actor.params]); osSyncPrintf(VT_RST); ASSERT(this->objBankIndex1 < 0); return; } if (EnOssan_TryGetObjBankIndexes(this, globalCtx, objectIds) == 0) { Actor_Kill(&this->actor); osSyncPrintf(VT_COL(RED, WHITE)); osSyncPrintf("予備バンクが無いよ!!(%s)\n", sShopkeeperPrintName[this->actor.params]); osSyncPrintf(VT_RST); ASSERT(EnOssan_TryGetObjBankIndexes(this, globalCtx, objectIds) == 0); return; } Actor_ProcessInitChain(&this->actor, sInitChain); EnOssan_SetupAction(this, EnOssan_InitActionFunc); } void EnOssan_Destroy(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { EnOssan* this = (EnOssan*)thisx; SkelAnime_Free(&this->skelAnime, globalCtx); Collider_DestroyCylinder(globalCtx, &this->collider); } void EnOssan_UpdateCursorPos(GlobalContext* globalCtx, EnOssan* this) { s16 x; s16 y; Actor_GetScreenPos(globalCtx, &this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]->actor, &x, &y); this->cursorX = x; this->cursorY = y; } void EnOssan_EndInteraction(GlobalContext* globalCtx, EnOssan* this) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(globalCtx); // "End of conversation!" osSyncPrintf(VT_FGCOL(YELLOW) "%s[%d]:★★★ 会話終了!! ★★★" VT_RST "\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); YREG(31) = 0; Actor_ProcessTalkRequest(&this->actor, globalCtx); globalCtx->msgCtx.msgMode = MSGMODE_TEXT_CLOSING; globalCtx->msgCtx.stateTimer = 4; player->stateFlags2 &= ~0x20000000; func_800BC490(globalCtx, 1); Interface_ChangeAlpha(50); this->drawCursor = 0; this->stickLeftPrompt.isEnabled = false; this->stickRightPrompt.isEnabled = false; EnOssan_UpdateCameraDirection(this, globalCtx, 0.0f); this->actor.textId = EnOssan_SetupHelloDialog(this); this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_IDLE; } s32 EnOssan_TestEndInteraction(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Input* input) { if (CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_B)) { EnOssan_EndInteraction(globalCtx, this); return true; } else { return false; } } s32 EnOssan_TestCancelOption(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Input* input) { if (CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_B)) { this->stateFlag = this->tempStateFlag; Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]->actor.textId); return true; } else { return false; } } void EnOssan_SetStateStartShopping(GlobalContext* globalCtx, EnOssan* this, u8 skipHelloState) { YREG(31) = 1; this->headRot = this->headTargetRot = 0; Interface_SetDoAction(globalCtx, DO_ACTION_NEXT); EnOssan_UpdateCameraDirection(this, globalCtx, 0); if (!skipHelloState) { this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_START_CONVERSATION; } else { EnOssan_StartShopping(globalCtx, this); } } void EnOssan_StartShopping(GlobalContext* globalCtx, EnOssan* this) { this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_FACING_SHOPKEEPER; if (this->actor.params == OSSAN_TYPE_MASK) { // if all masks have been sold, give the option to ask about the mask of truth if ((gSaveContext.itemGetInf[3] & 0x100) && (gSaveContext.itemGetInf[3] & 0x200) && (gSaveContext.itemGetInf[3] & 0x400) && (gSaveContext.itemGetInf[3] & 0x800)) { Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x70AD); } else { Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x70A2); } } else { Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x83); } Interface_SetDoAction(globalCtx, DO_ACTION_DECIDE); this->stickRightPrompt.isEnabled = true; this->stickLeftPrompt.isEnabled = true; EnOssan_UpdateCameraDirection(this, globalCtx, 0.0f); } void EnOssan_ChooseTalkToOwner(GlobalContext* globalCtx, EnOssan* this) { this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_TALKING_TO_SHOPKEEPER; sShopkeeperTalkOwner[this->actor.params](globalCtx); Interface_SetDoAction(globalCtx, DO_ACTION_DECIDE); this->stickLeftPrompt.isEnabled = false; this->stickRightPrompt.isEnabled = false; } void EnOssan_SetLookToShopkeeperFromShelf(GlobalContext* globalCtx, EnOssan* this) { func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_CURSOR); this->drawCursor = 0; this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_LOOK_SHOPKEEPER; } void EnOssan_State_Idle(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player) { this->headTargetRot = this->actor.yawTowardsPlayer - this->actor.shape.rot.y; if (Actor_ProcessTalkRequest(&this->actor, globalCtx)) { // "Start conversation!!" osSyncPrintf(VT_FGCOL(YELLOW) "★★★ 会話開始!! ★★★" VT_RST "\n"); player->stateFlags2 |= 0x20000000; func_800BC590(globalCtx); EnOssan_SetStateStartShopping(globalCtx, this, false); } else if (this->actor.xzDistToPlayer < 100.0f) { func_8002F2CC(&this->actor, globalCtx, 100); } } void EnOssan_UpdateJoystickInputState(GlobalContext* globalCtx, EnOssan* this) { Input* input = &globalCtx->state.input[0]; s8 stickX = input->rel.stick_x; s8 stickY = input->rel.stick_y; this->moveHorizontal = this->moveVertical = false; if (this->stickAccumX == 0) { if (stickX > 30 || stickX < -30) { this->stickAccumX = stickX; this->moveHorizontal = true; } } else if (stickX <= 30 && stickX >= -30) { this->stickAccumX = 0; } else if (this->stickAccumX * stickX < 0) { // Stick has swapped directions this->stickAccumX = stickX; this->moveHorizontal = true; } else { this->stickAccumX += stickX; if (this->stickAccumX > 2000) { this->stickAccumX = 2000; } else if (this->stickAccumX < -2000) { this->stickAccumX = -2000; } } if (this->stickAccumY == 0) { if (stickY > 30 || stickY < -30) { this->stickAccumY = stickY; this->moveVertical = true; } } else if (stickY <= 30 && stickY >= -30) { this->stickAccumY = 0; } else if (this->stickAccumY * stickY < 0) { // Stick has swapped directions this->stickAccumY = stickY; this->moveVertical = true; } else { this->stickAccumY += stickY; if (this->stickAccumY > 2000) { this->stickAccumY = 2000; } else if (this->stickAccumY < -2000) { this->stickAccumY = -2000; } } } u8 EnOssan_SetCursorIndexFromNeutral(EnOssan* this, u8 shelfOffset) { u8 i; // if cursor is on the top shelf if (this->cursorIndex & 1) { // scan top shelf for non-null item for (i = shelfOffset + 1; i < shelfOffset + 4; i += 2) { if (this->shelfSlots[i] != NULL) { return i; } } // scan bottom shelf for non-null item for (i = shelfOffset; i < shelfOffset + 4; i += 2) { if (this->shelfSlots[i] != NULL) { return i; } } } else { // scan bottom shelf for non-null item for (i = shelfOffset; i < shelfOffset + 4; i += 2) { if (this->shelfSlots[i] != NULL) { return i; } } // scan top shelf for non-null item for (i = shelfOffset + 1; i < shelfOffset + 4; i += 2) { if (this->shelfSlots[i] != NULL) { return i; } } } return CURSOR_INVALID; } u8 EnOssan_CursorRight(EnOssan* this, u8 cursorIndex, u8 shelfSlotMin) { u8 c = shelfSlotMin + 4; while (cursorIndex >= shelfSlotMin && cursorIndex < c) { cursorIndex -= 2; if (cursorIndex >= shelfSlotMin && cursorIndex < c) { if (this->shelfSlots[cursorIndex] != NULL) { return cursorIndex; } } } return CURSOR_INVALID; } u8 EnOssan_CursorLeft(EnOssan* this, u8 cursorIndex, u8 shelfSlotMax) { while (cursorIndex < shelfSlotMax) { cursorIndex += 2; if ((cursorIndex < shelfSlotMax) && this->shelfSlots[cursorIndex] != NULL) { return cursorIndex; } } return CURSOR_INVALID; } // pay salesman back void EnOssan_TryPaybackMask(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { s16 price = sMaskPaymentPrice[this->happyMaskShopState]; if (gSaveContext.rupees < price) { Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x70A8); this->happyMaskShopkeeperEyeIdx = 1; this->happyMaskShopState = OSSAN_HAPPY_STATE_ANGRY; } else { Rupees_ChangeBy(-price); if (this->happyMaskShopState == OSSAN_HAPPY_STATE_REQUEST_PAYMENT_BUNNY_HOOD) { gSaveContext.eventChkInf[8] |= 0x8000; Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x70A9); this->happyMaskShopState = OSSAN_HAPPY_STATE_ALL_MASKS_SOLD; return; } if (this->happyMaskShopState == OSSAN_HAPPY_STATE_REQUEST_PAYMENT_KEATON_MASK) { gSaveContext.eventChkInf[8] |= 0x1000; } else if (this->happyMaskShopState == OSSAN_HAPPY_STATE_REQUEST_PAYMENT_SPOOKY_MASK) { gSaveContext.eventChkInf[8] |= 0x4000; } else if (this->happyMaskShopState == OSSAN_HAPPY_STATE_REQUEST_PAYMENT_SKULL_MASK) { gSaveContext.eventChkInf[8] |= 0x2000; } Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x70A7); this->happyMaskShopState = OSSAN_HAPPY_STATE_NONE; } this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_START_CONVERSATION; } void EnOssan_State_StartConversation(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player) { u8 dialogState = Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx); if (this->actor.params == OSSAN_TYPE_MASK && dialogState == TEXT_STATE_CHOICE) { if (!EnOssan_TestEndInteraction(this, globalCtx, &globalCtx->state.input[0]) && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) { switch (globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex) { case 0: EnOssan_StartShopping(globalCtx, this); break; case 1: EnOssan_EndInteraction(globalCtx, this); break; } } } else if (dialogState == TEXT_STATE_EVENT && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) { func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_MESSAGE_PASS); switch (this->happyMaskShopState) { case OSSAN_HAPPY_STATE_ALL_MASKS_SOLD: Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x70AA); this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_LEND_MASK_OF_TRUTH; return; case OSSAN_HAPPY_STATE_BORROWED_FIRST_MASK: EnOssan_EndInteraction(globalCtx, this); return; case OSSAN_HAPPY_STATE_REQUEST_PAYMENT_KEATON_MASK: case OSSAN_HAPPY_STATE_REQUEST_PAYMENT_SPOOKY_MASK: case OSSAN_HAPPY_STATE_REQUEST_PAYMENT_SKULL_MASK: case OSSAN_HAPPY_STATE_REQUEST_PAYMENT_BUNNY_HOOD: EnOssan_TryPaybackMask(this, globalCtx); return; case OSSAN_HAPPY_STATE_ANGRY: globalCtx->nextEntranceIndex = 0x1D1; globalCtx->sceneLoadFlag = 0x14; globalCtx->fadeTransition = 0x2E; return; } if (!EnOssan_TestEndInteraction(this, globalCtx, &globalCtx->state.input[0])) { // "Shop around by moving the stick left and right" osSyncPrintf("「スティック左右で品物みてくれ!」\n"); EnOssan_StartShopping(globalCtx, this); } } } s32 EnOssan_FacingShopkeeperDialogResult(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { switch (globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex) { case 0: EnOssan_ChooseTalkToOwner(globalCtx, this); return true; case 1: EnOssan_EndInteraction(globalCtx, this); return true; default: return false; } } void EnOssan_State_FacingShopkeeper(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player) { Input* input = &globalCtx->state.input[0]; u8 nextIndex; bool dpad = CVar_GetS32("gDpadShop", 0); if ((Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_CHOICE) && !EnOssan_TestEndInteraction(this, globalCtx, &globalCtx->state.input[0])) { if (Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx) && EnOssan_FacingShopkeeperDialogResult(this, globalCtx)) { func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_DECIDE); return; } // Stick Left if ((this->stickAccumX < 0) || (dpad && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_DLEFT))) { nextIndex = EnOssan_SetCursorIndexFromNeutral(this, 4); if (nextIndex != CURSOR_INVALID) { this->cursorIndex = nextIndex; this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_LOOK_SHELF_LEFT; Interface_SetDoAction(globalCtx, DO_ACTION_DECIDE); this->stickLeftPrompt.isEnabled = false; func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_CURSOR); } } else if ((this->stickAccumX > 0) || (dpad && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_DRIGHT))) { nextIndex = EnOssan_SetCursorIndexFromNeutral(this, 0); if (nextIndex != CURSOR_INVALID) { this->cursorIndex = nextIndex; this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_LOOK_SHELF_RIGHT; Interface_SetDoAction(globalCtx, DO_ACTION_DECIDE); this->stickRightPrompt.isEnabled = false; func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_CURSOR); } } } } void EnOssan_State_TalkingToShopkeeper(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player) { if ((Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_EVENT) && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) { EnOssan_StartShopping(globalCtx, this); } } void EnOssan_State_LookToLeftShelf(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player) { Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraFaceAngle, 30.0f, 0.5f, 10.0f); if (this->cameraFaceAngle > 29.5f) { EnOssan_UpdateCameraDirection(this, globalCtx, 30.0f); } EnOssan_UpdateCameraDirection(this, globalCtx, this->cameraFaceAngle); if (this->cameraFaceAngle >= 30.0f) { EnOssan_UpdateCameraDirection(this, globalCtx, 30.0f); EnOssan_UpdateCursorPos(globalCtx, this); this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_BROWSE_LEFT_SHELF; Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]->actor.textId); } else { this->stickAccumX = 0; } } void EnOssan_State_LookToRightShelf(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player) { Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraFaceAngle, -30.0f, 0.5f, 10.0f); if (this->cameraFaceAngle < -29.5f) { EnOssan_UpdateCameraDirection(this, globalCtx, -30.0f); } EnOssan_UpdateCameraDirection(this, globalCtx, this->cameraFaceAngle); if (this->cameraFaceAngle <= -30.0f) { EnOssan_UpdateCameraDirection(this, globalCtx, -30.0f); EnOssan_UpdateCursorPos(globalCtx, this); this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_BROWSE_RIGHT_SHELF; Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]->actor.textId); } else { this->stickAccumX = 0; } } void EnOssan_CursorUpDown(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { Input* input = &globalCtx->state.input[0]; u8 curTemp = this->cursorIndex; u8 curScanTemp; bool dpad = CVar_GetS32("gDpadShop", 0); if ((this->stickAccumY < 0) || (dpad && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_DDOWN))) { curTemp &= 0xFE; if (this->shelfSlots[curTemp] != NULL) { this->cursorIndex = curTemp; return; } // cursorIndex on right shelf if (curTemp < 4) { curScanTemp = curTemp + 2; if (curScanTemp >= 4) { curScanTemp = 0; } while (curScanTemp != curTemp) { if (this->shelfSlots[curScanTemp] != NULL) { this->cursorIndex = curScanTemp; return; } curScanTemp += 2; if (curScanTemp >= 4) { curScanTemp = 0; } } } else { // cursorIndex on left shelf curScanTemp = curTemp + 2; if (curScanTemp >= 8) { curScanTemp = 4; } while (curScanTemp != curTemp) { if (this->shelfSlots[curScanTemp] != NULL) { this->cursorIndex = curScanTemp; return; } curScanTemp += 2; if (curScanTemp >= 8) { curScanTemp = 4; } } } } else if ((this->stickAccumY > 0) || (dpad && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_DUP))) { curTemp |= 1; if (this->shelfSlots[curTemp] != NULL) { this->cursorIndex = curTemp; return; } // cursorIndex on right shelf if (curTemp < 4) { curScanTemp = curTemp + 2; if (curScanTemp >= 4) { curScanTemp = 1; } while (curScanTemp != curTemp) { if (this->shelfSlots[curScanTemp] != NULL) { this->cursorIndex = curScanTemp; return; } curScanTemp += 2; if (curScanTemp >= 4) { curScanTemp = 1; } } } else { // cursorIndex on left shelf curScanTemp = curTemp + 2; if (curScanTemp >= 8) { curScanTemp = 5; } while (curScanTemp != curTemp) { if (this->shelfSlots[curScanTemp] != NULL) { this->cursorIndex = curScanTemp; return; } curScanTemp += 2; if (curScanTemp >= 8) { curScanTemp = 5; } } } } } s32 EnOssan_HasPlayerSelectedItem(GlobalContext* globalCtx, EnOssan* this, Input* input) { EnGirlA* selectedItem = this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]; if (EnOssan_TestEndInteraction(this, globalCtx, input)) { return true; } if (Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) { if (selectedItem->actor.params != SI_SOLD_OUT && selectedItem->isInvisible == 0) { this->tempStateFlag = this->stateFlag; Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]->itemBuyPromptTextId); this->stickLeftPrompt.isEnabled = false; this->stickRightPrompt.isEnabled = false; switch (selectedItem->actor.params) { case SI_KEATON_MASK: case SI_SPOOKY_MASK: case SI_SKULL_MASK: case SI_BUNNY_HOOD: case SI_MASK_OF_TRUTH: case SI_ZORA_MASK: case SI_GORON_MASK: case SI_GERUDO_MASK: func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_DECIDE); this->drawCursor = 0; this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_SELECT_ITEM_MASK; return true; case SI_MILK_BOTTLE: func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_DECIDE); this->drawCursor = 0; this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_SELECT_ITEM_MILK_BOTTLE; return true; case SI_WEIRD_EGG: func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_DECIDE); this->drawCursor = 0; this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_SELECT_ITEM_WEIRD_EGG; return true; case SI_19: case SI_20: func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_ERROR); this->drawCursor = 0; this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_SELECT_ITEM_UNIMPLEMENTED; return true; case SI_BOMBS_5_R25: case SI_BOMBS_10: case SI_BOMBS_20: case SI_BOMBS_30: case SI_BOMBS_5_R35: func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_DECIDE); this->drawCursor = 0; this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_SELECT_ITEM_BOMBS; return true; default: func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_DECIDE); this->drawCursor = 0; this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_SELECT_ITEM; return true; } } func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_ERROR); return true; } return false; } void EnOssan_State_BrowseLeftShelf(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player) { Input* input = &globalCtx->state.input[0]; s32 a; s32 b; u8 prevIndex = this->cursorIndex; s32 c; s32 d; bool dpad = CVar_GetS32("gDpadShop", 0); if (!EnOssan_ReturnItemToShelf(this)) { osSyncPrintf("%s[%d]:" VT_FGCOL(GREEN) "ズーム中!!" VT_RST "\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); this->delayTimer = 3; return; } if (this->delayTimer != 0) { this->delayTimer--; return; } this->drawCursor = 0xFF; this->stickRightPrompt.isEnabled = true; EnOssan_UpdateCursorPos(globalCtx, this); if ((Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_EVENT) && !EnOssan_HasPlayerSelectedItem(globalCtx, this, &globalCtx->state.input[0])) { if (this->moveHorizontal) { if ((this->stickAccumX > 0) || (dpad && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_DRIGHT))) { a = EnOssan_CursorRight(this, this->cursorIndex, 4); if (a != CURSOR_INVALID) { this->cursorIndex = a; } else { EnOssan_SetLookToShopkeeperFromShelf(globalCtx, this); return; } } else if ((this->stickAccumX < 0) || (dpad && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_DLEFT))) { b = EnOssan_CursorLeft(this, this->cursorIndex, 8); if (b != CURSOR_INVALID) { this->cursorIndex = b; } } } else { if ((this->stickAccumX > 0 && this->stickAccumX > 500) || (dpad && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_DRIGHT))) { c = EnOssan_CursorRight(this, this->cursorIndex, 4); if (c != CURSOR_INVALID) { this->cursorIndex = c; } else { EnOssan_SetLookToShopkeeperFromShelf(globalCtx, this); return; } } else if ((this->stickAccumX < 0 && this->stickAccumX < -500) || (dpad && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_DLEFT))) { d = EnOssan_CursorLeft(this, this->cursorIndex, 8); if (d != CURSOR_INVALID) { this->cursorIndex = d; } } } EnOssan_CursorUpDown(this, globalCtx); if (this->cursorIndex != prevIndex) { Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]->actor.textId); func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_CURSOR); } } } void EnOssan_State_BrowseRightShelf(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player) { Input* input = &globalCtx->state.input[0]; s32 pad[2]; u8 prevIndex; u8 nextIndex; bool dpad = CVar_GetS32("gDpadShop", 0); prevIndex = this->cursorIndex; if (!EnOssan_ReturnItemToShelf(this)) { osSyncPrintf("%s[%d]:" VT_FGCOL(GREEN) "ズーム中!!" VT_RST "\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); this->delayTimer = 3; return; } if (this->delayTimer != 0) { this->delayTimer--; return; } this->drawCursor = 0xFF; this->stickLeftPrompt.isEnabled = true; EnOssan_UpdateCursorPos(globalCtx, this); if ((Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_EVENT) && !EnOssan_HasPlayerSelectedItem(globalCtx, this, &globalCtx->state.input[0])) { if (this->moveHorizontal) { if ((this->stickAccumX < 0) || (dpad && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_DLEFT))) { nextIndex = EnOssan_CursorRight(this, this->cursorIndex, 0); if (nextIndex != CURSOR_INVALID) { this->cursorIndex = nextIndex; } else { EnOssan_SetLookToShopkeeperFromShelf(globalCtx, this); return; } } else if ((this->stickAccumX > 0) || (dpad && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_DRIGHT))) { nextIndex = EnOssan_CursorLeft(this, this->cursorIndex, 4); if (nextIndex != CURSOR_INVALID) { this->cursorIndex = nextIndex; } } } else { if ((this->stickAccumX < 0 && this->stickAccumX < -500) || (dpad && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_DLEFT))) { nextIndex = EnOssan_CursorRight(this, this->cursorIndex, 0); if (nextIndex != CURSOR_INVALID) { this->cursorIndex = nextIndex; } else { EnOssan_SetLookToShopkeeperFromShelf(globalCtx, this); return; } } else if ((this->stickAccumX > 0 && this->stickAccumX > 500) || (dpad && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_DRIGHT))) { nextIndex = EnOssan_CursorLeft(this, this->cursorIndex, 4); if (nextIndex != CURSOR_INVALID) { this->cursorIndex = nextIndex; } } } EnOssan_CursorUpDown(this, globalCtx); if (this->cursorIndex != prevIndex) { Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]->actor.textId); func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_CURSOR); } } } void EnOssan_State_LookFromShelfToShopkeeper(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player) { Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraFaceAngle, 0.0f, 0.5f, 10.0f); if ((this->cameraFaceAngle < 0.5f) && (this->cameraFaceAngle > -0.5f)) { EnOssan_UpdateCameraDirection(this, globalCtx, 0.0f); } EnOssan_UpdateCameraDirection(this, globalCtx, this->cameraFaceAngle); if (this->cameraFaceAngle == 0.0f) { EnOssan_StartShopping(globalCtx, this); } } void EnOssan_State_DisplayOnlyBombDialog(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player) { if (!EnOssan_ReturnItemToShelf(this)) { osSyncPrintf("%s[%d]:" VT_FGCOL(GREEN) "ズーム中!!" VT_RST "\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } Math_ApproachF(&this->cameraFaceAngle, 0.0f, 0.5f, 10.0f); if (this->cameraFaceAngle < 0.5f && this->cameraFaceAngle > -0.5f) { EnOssan_UpdateCameraDirection(this, globalCtx, 0.0f); } EnOssan_UpdateCameraDirection(this, globalCtx, this->cameraFaceAngle); if (this->cameraFaceAngle == 0.0f) { Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x3010); this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_WAIT_FOR_DISPLAY_ONLY_BOMB_DIALOG; } } void EnOssan_GiveItemWithFanfare(GlobalContext* globalCtx, EnOssan* this) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(globalCtx); osSyncPrintf("\n" VT_FGCOL(YELLOW) "初めて手にいれた!!" VT_RST "\n\n"); if (!gSaveContext.n64ddFlag) { func_8002F434(&this->actor, globalCtx, this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]->getItemId, 120.0f, 120.0f); } else { ShopItemIdentity shopItemIdentity = Randomizer_IdentifyShopItem(globalCtx->sceneNum, this->cursorIndex); if (shopItemIdentity.randomizerCheck != RC_UNKNOWN_CHECK) { GetItemEntry getItemEntry = Randomizer_GetItemFromKnownCheck(shopItemIdentity.randomizerCheck, shopItemIdentity.ogItemId); GiveItemEntryFromActor(&this->actor, globalCtx, getItemEntry, 120.0f, 120.0f); } else { func_8002F434(&this->actor, globalCtx, this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]->getItemId, 120.0f, 120.0f); } } globalCtx->msgCtx.msgMode = MSGMODE_TEXT_CLOSING; globalCtx->msgCtx.stateTimer = 4; player->stateFlags2 &= ~0x20000000; func_800BC490(globalCtx, 1); Interface_ChangeAlpha(50); this->drawCursor = 0; EnOssan_UpdateCameraDirection(this, globalCtx, 0.0f); this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_GIVE_ITEM_FANFARE; osSyncPrintf(VT_FGCOL(YELLOW) "持ち上げ開始!!" VT_RST "\n\n"); } void EnOssan_SetStateCantGetItem(GlobalContext* globalCtx, EnOssan* this, u16 textId) { Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, textId); this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_CANT_GET_ITEM; } void EnOssan_SetStateQuickBuyDialog(GlobalContext* globalCtx, EnOssan* this, u16 textId) { Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, textId); this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_QUICK_BUY; } void EnOssan_HandleCanBuyItem(GlobalContext* globalCtx, EnOssan* this) { EnGirlA* selectedItem = this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]; switch (selectedItem->canBuyFunc(globalCtx, selectedItem)) { case CANBUY_RESULT_SUCCESS_FANFARE: if (selectedItem->actor.params == SI_HYLIAN_SHIELD && gSaveContext.infTable[7] & 0x40) { EnOssan_SetStateGiveDiscountDialog(globalCtx, this); } else { EnOssan_GiveItemWithFanfare(globalCtx, this); this->drawCursor = 0; this->shopItemSelectedTween = 0.0f; selectedItem->setOutOfStockFunc(globalCtx, selectedItem); } break; case CANBUY_RESULT_SUCCESS: selectedItem->itemGiveFunc(globalCtx, selectedItem); EnOssan_SetStateQuickBuyDialog(globalCtx, this, 0x84); this->drawCursor = 0; this->shopItemSelectedTween = 0.0f; selectedItem->setOutOfStockFunc(globalCtx, selectedItem); break; case CANBUY_RESULT_CANT_GET_NOW: func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_ERROR); EnOssan_SetStateCantGetItem(globalCtx, this, 0x86); break; case CANBUY_RESULT_NEED_BOTTLE: func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_ERROR); EnOssan_SetStateCantGetItem(globalCtx, this, 0x96); break; case CANBUY_RESULT_NEED_RUPEES: func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_ERROR); EnOssan_SetStateCantGetItem(globalCtx, this, 0x85); break; case CANBUY_RESULT_CANT_GET_NOW_5: func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_ERROR); EnOssan_SetStateCantGetItem(globalCtx, this, 0x86); break; } } void EnOssan_HandleCanBuyLonLonMilk(GlobalContext* globalCtx, EnOssan* this) { EnGirlA* item = this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]; switch (item->canBuyFunc(globalCtx, item)) { case CANBUY_RESULT_SUCCESS_FANFARE: Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x9C); this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_GIVE_LON_LON_MILK; this->drawCursor = 0; break; case CANBUY_RESULT_SUCCESS: item->itemGiveFunc(globalCtx, item); EnOssan_SetStateQuickBuyDialog(globalCtx, this, 0x98); this->drawCursor = 0; this->shopItemSelectedTween = 0.0f; item->setOutOfStockFunc(globalCtx, item); break; case CANBUY_RESULT_NEED_BOTTLE: EnOssan_SetStateCantGetItem(globalCtx, this, 0x96); break; case CANBUY_RESULT_NEED_RUPEES: EnOssan_SetStateCantGetItem(globalCtx, this, 0x85); break; } } void EnOssan_HandleCanBuyWeirdEgg(GlobalContext* globalCtx, EnOssan* this) { EnGirlA* item = this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]; switch (item->canBuyFunc(globalCtx, item)) { case CANBUY_RESULT_SUCCESS_FANFARE: EnOssan_GiveItemWithFanfare(globalCtx, this); this->drawCursor = 0; this->shopItemSelectedTween = 0.0f; item->setOutOfStockFunc(globalCtx, item); break; case CANBUY_RESULT_SUCCESS: item->itemGiveFunc(globalCtx, item); EnOssan_SetStateQuickBuyDialog(globalCtx, this, 0x9A); this->drawCursor = 0; this->shopItemSelectedTween = 0.0f; item->setOutOfStockFunc(globalCtx, item); break; case CANBUY_RESULT_CANT_GET_NOW: func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_ERROR); EnOssan_SetStateCantGetItem(globalCtx, this, 0x9D); break; case CANBUY_RESULT_NEED_RUPEES: func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_ERROR); EnOssan_SetStateCantGetItem(globalCtx, this, 0x85); break; } } void EnOssan_HandleCanBuyBombs(GlobalContext* globalCtx, EnOssan* this) { EnGirlA* item = this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]; switch (item->canBuyFunc(globalCtx, item)) { case CANBUY_RESULT_SUCCESS_FANFARE: case CANBUY_RESULT_SUCCESS: item->itemGiveFunc(globalCtx, item); EnOssan_SetStateQuickBuyDialog(globalCtx, this, 0x84); this->drawCursor = 0; this->shopItemSelectedTween = 0.0f; item->setOutOfStockFunc(globalCtx, item); break; case CANBUY_RESULT_CANT_GET_NOW: func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_ERROR); EnOssan_SetStateCantGetItem(globalCtx, this, 0x86); break; case CANBUY_RESULT_NEED_RUPEES: func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_ERROR); EnOssan_SetStateCantGetItem(globalCtx, this, 0x85); break; } } void EnOssan_BuyGoronCityBombs(GlobalContext* globalCtx, EnOssan* this) { if (LINK_AGE_IN_YEARS == YEARS_CHILD) { // Let players buy the right side of the goron shop in rando regardless of DC completion // Players will still need a bomb bag to buy bombs (handled by vanilla behaviour) // gSaveContext.eventChkInf[2] & 0x20 - Completed Dodongo's Cavern if (!gSaveContext.n64ddFlag && !(gSaveContext.eventChkInf[2] & 0x20)) { if (gSaveContext.infTable[15] & 0x1000) { EnOssan_SetStateCantGetItem(globalCtx, this, 0x302E); } else { this->stickLeftPrompt.isEnabled = false; this->stickRightPrompt.isEnabled = false; this->drawCursor = 0; this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_DISPLAY_ONLY_BOMB_DIALOG; } } else { EnOssan_HandleCanBuyBombs(globalCtx, this); } } else { EnOssan_HandleCanBuyBombs(globalCtx, this); } } void EnOssan_State_ItemSelected(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx2, Player* player) { GlobalContext* globalCtx = globalCtx2; // Necessary for OKs if (!EnOssan_TakeItemOffShelf(this)) { osSyncPrintf("%s[%d]:" VT_FGCOL(GREEN) "ズーム中!!" VT_RST "\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } if (Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_CHOICE && !EnOssan_TestCancelOption(this, globalCtx, &globalCtx->state.input[0]) && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) { switch (globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex) { case 0: EnOssan_HandleCanBuyItem(globalCtx, this); break; case 1: this->stateFlag = this->tempStateFlag; Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]->actor.textId); break; } } } void EnOssan_State_SelectMilkBottle(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx2, Player* player) { GlobalContext* globalCtx = globalCtx2; // Need for OK if (!EnOssan_TakeItemOffShelf(this)) { osSyncPrintf("%s[%d]:" VT_FGCOL(GREEN) "ズーム中!!" VT_RST "\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } if (Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_CHOICE && !EnOssan_TestCancelOption(this, globalCtx, &globalCtx->state.input[0]) && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) { switch (globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex) { case 0: EnOssan_HandleCanBuyLonLonMilk(globalCtx, this); break; case 1: this->stateFlag = this->tempStateFlag; Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]->actor.textId); break; } } } void EnOssan_State_SelectWeirdEgg(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx2, Player* player) { GlobalContext* globalCtx = globalCtx2; // Needed for OK if (!EnOssan_TakeItemOffShelf(this)) { osSyncPrintf("%s[%d]:" VT_FGCOL(GREEN) "ズーム中!!" VT_RST "\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } if (Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_CHOICE && !EnOssan_TestCancelOption(this, globalCtx, &globalCtx->state.input[0]) && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) { switch (globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex) { case 0: EnOssan_HandleCanBuyWeirdEgg(globalCtx, this); break; case 1: this->stateFlag = this->tempStateFlag; Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]->actor.textId); break; } } } void EnOssan_State_SelectUnimplementedItem(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player) { if (!EnOssan_TakeItemOffShelf(this)) { osSyncPrintf("%s[%d]:" VT_FGCOL(GREEN) "ズーム中!!" VT_RST "\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } if (Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_EVENT && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) { this->stateFlag = this->tempStateFlag; Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]->actor.textId); } } void EnOssan_State_SelectBombs(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player) { if (!EnOssan_TakeItemOffShelf(this)) { osSyncPrintf("%s[%d]:" VT_FGCOL(GREEN) "ズーム中!!" VT_RST "\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } osSyncPrintf("店主の依頼 ( %d )\n", gSaveContext.infTable[15] & 0x1000); if (this->actor.params != OSSAN_TYPE_GORON) { EnOssan_State_ItemSelected(this, globalCtx, player); return; } if (Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_CHOICE && !EnOssan_TestCancelOption(this, globalCtx, &globalCtx->state.input[0]) && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) { switch (globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex) { case 0: EnOssan_BuyGoronCityBombs(globalCtx, this); break; case 1: this->stateFlag = this->tempStateFlag; Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]->actor.textId); break; } } } void EnOssan_State_SelectMaskItem(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player) { u8 talkState = Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx); EnGirlA* item = this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]; if (!EnOssan_TakeItemOffShelf(this)) { osSyncPrintf("%s[%d]:" VT_FGCOL(GREEN) "ズーム中!!" VT_RST "\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } if (talkState == TEXT_STATE_EVENT) { if (Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) { this->stateFlag = this->tempStateFlag; Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]->actor.textId); } } else if (talkState == TEXT_STATE_CHOICE && !EnOssan_TestCancelOption(this, globalCtx, &globalCtx->state.input[0]) && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) { switch (globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex) { case 0: switch (item->actor.params) { case SI_KEATON_MASK: gSaveContext.itemGetInf[2] |= 0x08; break; case SI_SPOOKY_MASK: gSaveContext.itemGetInf[2] |= 0x20; break; case SI_SKULL_MASK: gSaveContext.itemGetInf[2] |= 0x10; break; case SI_BUNNY_HOOD: gSaveContext.itemGetInf[2] |= 0x40; break; case SI_MASK_OF_TRUTH: case SI_ZORA_MASK: case SI_GORON_MASK: case SI_GERUDO_MASK: break; } EnOssan_GiveItemWithFanfare(globalCtx, this); this->drawCursor = 0; this->shopItemSelectedTween = 0.0f; item->setOutOfStockFunc(globalCtx, item); break; case 1: this->stateFlag = this->tempStateFlag; Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]->actor.textId); break; } } } void EnOssan_State_CantGetItem(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player) { if (Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_EVENT && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) { this->stateFlag = this->tempStateFlag; Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]->actor.textId); } } void EnOssan_State_QuickBuyDialog(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player) { EnGirlA* item; if (Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_EVENT && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) { this->shopItemSelectedTween = 0.0f; EnOssan_ResetItemPosition(this); item = this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]; item->updateStockedItemFunc(globalCtx, item); this->stateFlag = this->tempStateFlag; Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]->actor.textId); } } void EnOssan_State_GiveItemWithFanfare(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player) { // The player sets itself as the parent actor to signal that it has obtained the give item request if (Actor_HasParent(&this->actor, globalCtx)) { this->actor.parent = NULL; this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_ITEM_PURCHASED; return; } if (!gSaveContext.n64ddFlag) { func_8002F434(&this->actor, globalCtx, this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]->getItemId, 120.0f, 120.0f); } else { ShopItemIdentity shopItemIdentity = Randomizer_IdentifyShopItem(globalCtx->sceneNum, this->cursorIndex); if (shopItemIdentity.randomizerCheck != RC_UNKNOWN_CHECK) { GetItemEntry getItemEntry = Randomizer_GetItemFromKnownCheck(shopItemIdentity.randomizerCheck, shopItemIdentity.ogItemId); GiveItemEntryFromActor(&this->actor, globalCtx, getItemEntry, 120.0f, 120.0f); } else { func_8002F434(&this->actor, globalCtx, this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]->getItemId, 120.0f, 120.0f); } } } void EnOssan_State_ItemPurchased(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player) { EnGirlA* item; EnGirlA* itemTemp; ShopItemIdentity shopItemIdentity = Randomizer_IdentifyShopItem(globalCtx->sceneNum, this->cursorIndex); if ((Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_DONE) && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx) || (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag && Randomizer_ItemIsIceTrap(shopItemIdentity.randomizerCheck, GI_NONE))) { if (this->actor.params == OSSAN_TYPE_MASK) { itemTemp = this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]; EnOssan_ResetItemPosition(this); item = this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]; item->updateStockedItemFunc(globalCtx, item); if (itemTemp->actor.params == SI_MASK_OF_TRUTH && !(gSaveContext.itemGetInf[3] & 0x8000)) { gSaveContext.itemGetInf[3] |= 0x8000; Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x70AB); this->happyMaskShopState = OSSAN_HAPPY_STATE_BORROWED_FIRST_MASK; EnOssan_UpdateShopOfferings(this, globalCtx); this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_START_CONVERSATION; return; } else { EnOssan_EndInteraction(globalCtx, this); return; } } item = this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]; item->buyEventFunc(globalCtx, item); this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_CONTINUE_SHOPPING_PROMPT; Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x6B); } } void EnOssan_State_ContinueShoppingPrompt(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player) { EnGirlA* selectedItem; u8 talkState = Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx); if (talkState == TEXT_STATE_CHOICE) { if (Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) { EnOssan_ResetItemPosition(this); selectedItem = this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]; selectedItem->updateStockedItemFunc(globalCtx, selectedItem); if (!EnOssan_TestEndInteraction(this, globalCtx, &globalCtx->state.input[0])) { switch (globalCtx->msgCtx.choiceIndex) { case 0: osSyncPrintf(VT_FGCOL(YELLOW) "★★★ 続けるよ!! ★★★" VT_RST "\n"); player->actor.shape.rot.y += 0x8000; player->stateFlags2 |= 0x20000000; func_800BC490(globalCtx, 2); Message_StartTextbox(globalCtx, this->actor.textId, &this->actor); EnOssan_SetStateStartShopping(globalCtx, this, true); func_8002F298(&this->actor, globalCtx, 100.0f, -1); break; case 1: default: osSyncPrintf(VT_FGCOL(YELLOW) "★★★ やめるよ!! ★★★" VT_RST "\n"); EnOssan_EndInteraction(globalCtx, this); break; } } } } else if (talkState == TEXT_STATE_EVENT && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) { EnOssan_ResetItemPosition(this); selectedItem = this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]; selectedItem->updateStockedItemFunc(globalCtx, selectedItem); player->actor.shape.rot.y += 0x8000; player->stateFlags2 |= 0x20000000; func_800BC490(globalCtx, 2); Message_StartTextbox(globalCtx, this->actor.textId, &this->actor); EnOssan_SetStateStartShopping(globalCtx, this, true); func_8002F298(&this->actor, globalCtx, 100.0f, -1); } } void EnOssan_State_WaitForDisplayOnlyBombDialog(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player) { if (Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_EVENT && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) { gSaveContext.infTable[15] |= 0x1000; EnOssan_StartShopping(globalCtx, this); } } // Unreachable void EnOssan_State_21(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player) { if (Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_DONE_HAS_NEXT && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) { this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_22; Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x3012); gSaveContext.infTable[15] |= 0x1000; } } // Unreachable void EnOssan_State_22(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player) { if (Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_EVENT && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) { EnOssan_StartShopping(globalCtx, this); } } void EnOssan_State_GiveLonLonMilk(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player) { if (Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_EVENT && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) { EnOssan_GiveItemWithFanfare(globalCtx, this); } } // For giving Mask of Truth when you first sell all masks void EnOssan_State_LendMaskOfTruth(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player) { if (Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_EVENT && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) { gSaveContext.itemGetInf[2] |= 0x400; this->cursorIndex = 2; EnOssan_GiveItemWithFanfare(globalCtx, this); } } // Hylian Shield discount dialog void EnOssan_SetStateGiveDiscountDialog(GlobalContext* globalCtx, EnOssan* this) { Message_ContinueTextbox(globalCtx, 0x71B2); this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_DISCOUNT_DIALOG; } void EnOssan_State_GiveDiscountDialog(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player) { EnGirlA* selectedItem; if (Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_DONE && Message_ShouldAdvance(globalCtx)) { selectedItem = this->shelfSlots[this->cursorIndex]; EnOssan_GiveItemWithFanfare(globalCtx, this); this->drawCursor = 0; this->shopItemSelectedTween = 0.0f; selectedItem->setOutOfStockFunc(globalCtx, selectedItem); } } void EnOssan_PositionSelectedItem(EnOssan* this) { EnGirlA* item; u8 i; u8 i2; ShopItem* shopItem; f32 tx; f32 ty; f32 tz; i = this->cursorIndex; shopItem = &sShopkeeperStores[this->actor.params][i]; item = this->shelfSlots[i]; i2 = i >> 2; tx = (sSelectedItemPosition[i2].x - shopItem->xOffset) * this->shopItemSelectedTween + shopItem->xOffset; ty = (sSelectedItemPosition[i2].y - shopItem->yOffset) * this->shopItemSelectedTween + shopItem->yOffset; tz = (sSelectedItemPosition[i2].z - shopItem->zOffset) * this->shopItemSelectedTween + shopItem->zOffset; item->actor.world.pos.x = this->shelves->actor.world.pos.x + tx; item->actor.world.pos.y = this->shelves->actor.world.pos.y + ty; item->actor.world.pos.z = this->shelves->actor.world.pos.z + tz; } void EnOssan_ResetItemPosition(EnOssan* this) { this->shopItemSelectedTween = 0.0f; EnOssan_PositionSelectedItem(this); } // returns true if animation has completed s32 EnOssan_TakeItemOffShelf(EnOssan* this) { Math_ApproachF(&this->shopItemSelectedTween, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.15f); if (this->shopItemSelectedTween >= 0.85f) { this->shopItemSelectedTween = 1.0f; } EnOssan_PositionSelectedItem(this); if (this->shopItemSelectedTween == 1.0f) { return true; } else { return false; } } // returns true if animation has completed s32 EnOssan_ReturnItemToShelf(EnOssan* this) { Math_ApproachF(&this->shopItemSelectedTween, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.15f); if (this->shopItemSelectedTween <= 0.15f) { this->shopItemSelectedTween = 0.0f; } EnOssan_PositionSelectedItem(this); if (this->shopItemSelectedTween == 0.0f) { return true; } else { return false; } } void EnOssan_UpdateItemSelectedProperty(EnOssan* this) { EnGirlA** temp_a1 = this->shelfSlots; s32 i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (temp_a1[0] != NULL) { if (this->stateFlag != OSSAN_STATE_SELECT_ITEM && this->stateFlag != OSSAN_STATE_SELECT_ITEM_MILK_BOTTLE && this->stateFlag != OSSAN_STATE_SELECT_ITEM_WEIRD_EGG && this->stateFlag != OSSAN_STATE_SELECT_ITEM_UNIMPLEMENTED && this->stateFlag != OSSAN_STATE_SELECT_ITEM_BOMBS && this->stateFlag != OSSAN_STATE_SELECT_ITEM_MASK && this->stateFlag != OSSAN_STATE_CANT_GET_ITEM && this->drawCursor == 0) { temp_a1[0]->isSelected = false; } else { if (this->cursorIndex == i) { temp_a1[0]->isSelected = true; } else { temp_a1[0]->isSelected = false; } } } temp_a1++; } } void EnOssan_UpdateCursorAnim(EnOssan* this) { Color_RGB8 A_button_ori = {0,255,80}; Color_RGB8 A_button = CVar_GetRGB("gCCABtnPrim", A_button_ori); f32 t; t = this->cursorAnimTween; if (this->cursorAnimState == 0) { t += 0.05f; if (t >= 1.0f) { t = 1.0f; this->cursorAnimState = 1; } } else { t -= 0.05f; if (t <= 0.0f) { t = 0.0f; this->cursorAnimState = 0; } } if (CVar_GetS32("gHudColors", 1) == 0) { this->cursorColorR = ColChanMix(0, 0.0f, t); this->cursorColorG = ColChanMix(80, 80.0f, t); this->cursorColorB = ColChanMix(255, 0.0f, t); } else if (CVar_GetS32("gHudColors", 1) == 1) { this->cursorColorR = ColChanMix(A_button_ori.r, 0.0f, t); this->cursorColorG = ColChanMix(A_button_ori.b, 80.0f, t); this->cursorColorB = ColChanMix(A_button_ori.r, 0.0f, t); } else if (CVar_GetS32("gHudColors", 1) == 2) { this->cursorColorR = ColChanMix(A_button.r, ((A_button.r/255)*100), t); this->cursorColorG = ColChanMix(A_button.g, ((A_button.g/255)*100), t); this->cursorColorB = ColChanMix(A_button.b, ((A_button.b/255)*100), t); } this->cursorColorA = ColChanMix(255, 0.0f, t); this->cursorAnimTween = t; } void EnOssan_UpdateStickDirectionPromptAnim(EnOssan* this) { f32 arrowAnimTween; f32 new_var3; // likely fake temp s32 new_var2 = 255; // likely fake temp f32 stickAnimTween; arrowAnimTween = this->arrowAnimTween; stickAnimTween = this->stickAnimTween; if (this->arrowAnimState == 0) { arrowAnimTween += 0.05f; if (arrowAnimTween > 1.0f) { arrowAnimTween = 1.0f; this->arrowAnimState = 1; } } else { arrowAnimTween -= 0.05f; if (arrowAnimTween < 0.0f) { arrowAnimTween = 0.0f; this->arrowAnimState = 0; } } this->arrowAnimTween = arrowAnimTween; if (this->stickAnimState == 0) { stickAnimTween += 0.1f; if (stickAnimTween > 1.0f) { stickAnimTween = 1.0f; this->stickAnimState = 1; } } else { stickAnimTween = 0.0f; this->stickAnimState = 0; } this->stickAnimTween = stickAnimTween; this->stickLeftPrompt.arrowColorR = (u8)(255 - ((s32)(155.0f * arrowAnimTween))); this->stickLeftPrompt.arrowColorG = (u8)(new_var2 - (s32)(155.0f * arrowAnimTween)); new_var3 = (155.0f * arrowAnimTween); this->stickLeftPrompt.arrowColorB = (u8)(0 - ((s32)((-100.0f) * arrowAnimTween))); this->stickLeftPrompt.arrowColorA = (u8)(200 - ((s32)(50.0f * arrowAnimTween))); this->stickRightPrompt.arrowColorR = (u8)(new_var2 - (s32)new_var3); this->stickRightPrompt.arrowColorG = (u8)(255 - (s32)new_var3); this->stickRightPrompt.arrowColorB = (u8)(0 - ((s32)((-100.0f) * arrowAnimTween))); this->stickRightPrompt.arrowColorA = (u8)(200 - ((s32)(50.0f * arrowAnimTween))); this->stickRightPrompt.arrowTexX = 290.0f; this->stickLeftPrompt.arrowTexX = 33.0f; this->stickRightPrompt.stickTexX = 274.0f; this->stickLeftPrompt.stickTexX = 49.0f; this->stickRightPrompt.stickTexX += (8.0f * stickAnimTween); this->stickLeftPrompt.stickTexX -= (8.0f * stickAnimTween); this->stickLeftPrompt.arrowTexY = this->stickRightPrompt.arrowTexY = 91.0f; this->stickLeftPrompt.stickTexY = this->stickRightPrompt.stickTexY = 95.0f; } void EnOssan_WaitForBlink(EnOssan* this) { s16 decr = this->blinkTimer - 1; if (decr != 0) { this->blinkTimer = decr; } else { this->blinkFunc = EnOssan_Blink; } } void EnOssan_Blink(EnOssan* this) { s16 decr; s16 eyeTextureIdxTemp; decr = this->blinkTimer - 1; if (decr != 0) { this->blinkTimer = decr; return; } eyeTextureIdxTemp = this->eyeTextureIdx + 1; if (eyeTextureIdxTemp > 2) { this->eyeTextureIdx = 0; this->blinkTimer = (s32)(Rand_ZeroOne() * 60.0f) + 20; this->blinkFunc = EnOssan_WaitForBlink; } else { this->eyeTextureIdx = eyeTextureIdxTemp; this->blinkTimer = 1; } } s32 EnOssan_AreShopkeeperObjectsLoaded(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { if (Object_IsLoaded(&globalCtx->objectCtx, this->objBankIndex1)) { if (this->objBankIndex2 >= 0 && !Object_IsLoaded(&globalCtx->objectCtx, this->objBankIndex2)) { return false; } if (this->objBankIndex3 >= 0 && !Object_IsLoaded(&globalCtx->objectCtx, this->objBankIndex3)) { return false; } return true; } return false; } void EnOssan_InitBazaarShopkeeper(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { SkelAnime_InitFlex(globalCtx, &this->skelAnime, &gObjectOssanSkel, &gObjectOssanAnim_000338, NULL, NULL, 0); this->actor.draw = EnOssan_DrawBazaarShopkeeper; this->obj3ToSeg6Func = NULL; } void EnOssan_InitKokiriShopkeeper(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { SkelAnime_InitFlex(globalCtx, &this->skelAnime, &gKm1Skel, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); gSegments[6] = PHYSICAL_TO_VIRTUAL(globalCtx->objectCtx.status[this->objBankIndex3].segment); Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &object_masterkokiri_Anim_0004A8, 1.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&object_masterkokiri_Anim_0004A8), 0, 0.0f); this->actor.draw = EnOssan_DrawKokiriShopkeeper; this->obj3ToSeg6Func = EnOssan_Obj3ToSeg6; Actor_SpawnAsChild(&globalCtx->actorCtx, &this->actor, globalCtx, ACTOR_EN_ELF, this->actor.world.pos.x, this->actor.world.pos.y, this->actor.world.pos.z, 0, 0, 0, FAIRY_KOKIRI); } void EnOssan_InitGoronShopkeeper(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { SkelAnime_InitFlex(globalCtx, &this->skelAnime, &gGoronSkel, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); gSegments[6] = PHYSICAL_TO_VIRTUAL(globalCtx->objectCtx.status[this->objBankIndex3].segment); Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gGoronShopkeeperAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gGoronShopkeeperAnim), 0, 0.0f); this->actor.draw = EnOssan_DrawGoronShopkeeper; this->obj3ToSeg6Func = EnOssan_Obj3ToSeg6; } void EnOssan_InitZoraShopkeeper(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { SkelAnime_InitFlex(globalCtx, &this->skelAnime, &gZoraSkel, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); gSegments[6] = PHYSICAL_TO_VIRTUAL(globalCtx->objectCtx.status[this->objBankIndex3].segment); Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gZoraShopkeeperAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gZoraShopkeeperAnim), 0, 0.0f); this->actor.draw = EnOssan_DrawZoraShopkeeper; this->obj3ToSeg6Func = EnOssan_Obj3ToSeg6; } void EnOssan_InitPotionShopkeeper(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { SkelAnime_InitFlex(globalCtx, &this->skelAnime, &object_ds2_Skel_004258, &object_ds2_Anim_0002E4, 0, 0, 0); this->actor.draw = EnOssan_DrawPotionShopkeeper; this->obj3ToSeg6Func = NULL; } void EnOssan_InitHappyMaskShopkeeper(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { SkelAnime_InitFlex(globalCtx, &this->skelAnime, &object_os_Skel_004658, &object_os_Anim_0002E4, NULL, NULL, 0); this->actor.draw = EnOssan_DrawHappyMaskShopkeeper; this->obj3ToSeg6Func = NULL; } void EnOssan_InitBombchuShopkeeper(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { SkelAnime_InitFlex(globalCtx, &this->skelAnime, &object_rs_Skel_004868, &object_rs_Anim_00065C, 0, 0, 0); this->actor.draw = EnOssan_DrawBombchuShopkeeper; this->obj3ToSeg6Func = NULL; } u16 EnOssan_SetupHelloDialog(EnOssan* this) { this->happyMaskShopState = OSSAN_HAPPY_STATE_NONE; // mask shop messages if (this->actor.params == OSSAN_TYPE_MASK) { if (INV_CONTENT(ITEM_TRADE_CHILD) == ITEM_SOLD_OUT) { if (gSaveContext.itemGetInf[3] & 0x800) { if (!(gSaveContext.eventChkInf[8] & 0x8000)) { // Pay back Bunny Hood this->happyMaskShopState = OSSAN_HAPPY_STATE_REQUEST_PAYMENT_BUNNY_HOOD; return 0x70C6; } else { return 0x70AC; } } if (gSaveContext.itemGetInf[3] & 0x400) { if (!(gSaveContext.eventChkInf[8] & 0x4000)) { // Pay back Spooky Mask this->happyMaskShopState = OSSAN_HAPPY_STATE_REQUEST_PAYMENT_SPOOKY_MASK; return 0x70C5; } else { return 0x70AC; } } if (gSaveContext.itemGetInf[3] & 0x200) { if (!(gSaveContext.eventChkInf[8] & 0x2000)) { // Pay back Skull Mask this->happyMaskShopState = OSSAN_HAPPY_STATE_REQUEST_PAYMENT_SKULL_MASK; return 0x70C4; } else { return 0x70AC; } } if (gSaveContext.itemGetInf[3] & 0x100) { if (!(gSaveContext.eventChkInf[8] & 0x1000)) { // Pay back Keaton Mask this->happyMaskShopState = OSSAN_HAPPY_STATE_REQUEST_PAYMENT_KEATON_MASK; return 0x70A5; } else { return 0x70AC; } } } else { if (gSaveContext.itemGetInf[3] & 0x800) { return 0x70AC; } else if (!(gSaveContext.itemGetInf[3] & 0x400) && !(gSaveContext.itemGetInf[2] & 0x10) && !(gSaveContext.itemGetInf[3] & 0x100)) { // Haven't borrowed the Keaton Mask if (!(gSaveContext.itemGetInf[2] & 0x8)) { return 0x70A1; } else { // Haven't sold the Keaton Mask this->happyMaskShopState = OSSAN_HAPPY_STATE_BORROWED_FIRST_MASK; return 0x70A6; } } else { return 0x70C7; } } } return 0x9E; } void EnOssan_InitActionFunc(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { ShopItem* items; if (EnOssan_AreShopkeeperObjectsLoaded(this, globalCtx)) { this->actor.flags &= ~ACTOR_FLAG_4; this->actor.objBankIndex = this->objBankIndex1; Actor_SetObjectDependency(globalCtx, &this->actor); this->shelves = (EnTana*)Actor_Find(&globalCtx->actorCtx, ACTOR_EN_TANA, ACTORCAT_PROP); if (this->shelves == NULL) { osSyncPrintf(VT_COL(RED, WHITE)); // "Warning!! There are no shelves!!" osSyncPrintf("★★★ 警告!! 棚がないよ!! ★★★\n"); osSyncPrintf(VT_RST); return; } // "Shopkeeper (params) init" osSyncPrintf(VT_FGCOL(YELLOW) "◇◇◇ 店のおやじ( %d ) 初期設定 ◇◇◇" VT_RST "\n", this->actor.params); this->actor.world.pos.x += sShopkeeperPositionOffsets[this->actor.params].x; this->actor.world.pos.y += sShopkeeperPositionOffsets[this->actor.params].y; this->actor.world.pos.z += sShopkeeperPositionOffsets[this->actor.params].z; items = sShopkeeperStores[this->actor.params]; ActorShape_Init(&this->actor.shape, 0.0f, ActorShadow_DrawCircle, 20.0f); sInitFuncs[this->actor.params](this, globalCtx); this->actor.textId = EnOssan_SetupHelloDialog(this); this->cursorY = this->cursorX = 100.0f; this->actor.colChkInfo.mass = MASS_IMMOVABLE; this->actor.colChkInfo.cylRadius = 50; this->stateFlag = OSSAN_STATE_IDLE; this->stickAccumX = this->stickAccumY = 0; this->cursorIndex = 0; this->cursorZ = 1.5f; this->cursorColorR = 0; this->cursorColorG = 255; this->cursorColorB = 80; this->cursorColorA = 255; this->cursorAnimTween = 0; this->cursorAnimState = 0; this->drawCursor = 0; this->happyMaskShopkeeperEyeIdx = 0; this->stickLeftPrompt.stickColorR = 200; this->stickLeftPrompt.stickColorG = 200; this->stickLeftPrompt.stickColorB = 200; this->stickLeftPrompt.stickColorA = 180; this->stickLeftPrompt.stickTexX = 49; this->stickLeftPrompt.stickTexY = 95; this->stickLeftPrompt.arrowColorR = 255; this->stickLeftPrompt.arrowColorG = 255; this->stickLeftPrompt.arrowColorB = 0; this->stickLeftPrompt.arrowColorA = 200; this->stickLeftPrompt.arrowTexX = 33; this->stickLeftPrompt.arrowTexY = 91; this->stickLeftPrompt.z = 1; this->stickLeftPrompt.isEnabled = false; this->stickRightPrompt.stickColorR = 200; this->stickRightPrompt.stickColorG = 200; this->stickRightPrompt.stickColorB = 200; this->stickRightPrompt.stickColorA = 180; this->stickRightPrompt.stickTexX = 274; this->stickRightPrompt.stickTexY = 95; this->stickRightPrompt.arrowColorR = 255; this->stickRightPrompt.arrowColorG = 255; this->stickRightPrompt.arrowColorB = 0; this->stickRightPrompt.arrowColorA = 200; this->stickRightPrompt.arrowTexX = 290; this->stickRightPrompt.arrowTexY = 91; this->stickRightPrompt.z = 1; this->stickRightPrompt.isEnabled = false; this->arrowAnimState = 0; this->stickAnimState = 0; this->arrowAnimTween = 0; this->stickAnimTween = 0; this->shopItemSelectedTween = 0; Actor_SetScale(&this->actor, sShopkeeperScale[this->actor.params]); EnOssan_SpawnItemsOnShelves(this, globalCtx, items); this->headRot = this->headTargetRot = 0; this->blinkTimer = 20; this->eyeTextureIdx = 0; this->blinkFunc = EnOssan_WaitForBlink; this->actor.flags &= ~ACTOR_FLAG_0; EnOssan_SetupAction(this, EnOssan_MainActionFunc); } } void EnOssan_Obj3ToSeg6(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { gSegments[6] = VIRTUAL_TO_PHYSICAL(globalCtx->objectCtx.status[this->objBankIndex3].segment); } void EnOssan_MainActionFunc(EnOssan* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(globalCtx); this->blinkFunc(this); EnOssan_UpdateJoystickInputState(globalCtx, this); EnOssan_UpdateItemSelectedProperty(this); EnOssan_UpdateStickDirectionPromptAnim(this); EnOssan_UpdateCursorAnim(this); Math_StepToS(&this->headRot, this->headTargetRot, 0x190); if (player != NULL) { sStateFunc[this->stateFlag](this, globalCtx, player); } Actor_MoveForward(&this->actor); Actor_UpdateBgCheckInfo(globalCtx, &this->actor, 26.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f, 5); Actor_SetFocus(&this->actor, 90.0f); Actor_SetScale(&this->actor, sShopkeeperScale[this->actor.params]); // use animation object if needed if (this->obj3ToSeg6Func != NULL) { this->obj3ToSeg6Func(this, globalCtx); } SkelAnime_Update(&this->skelAnime); } void EnOssan_Update(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { EnOssan* this = (EnOssan*)thisx; this->timer++; this->actionFunc(this, globalCtx); } s32 EnOssan_OverrideLimbDrawDefaultShopkeeper(GlobalContext* globalCtx, s32 limbIndex, Gfx** dList, Vec3f* pos, Vec3s* rot, void* thisx) { EnOssan* this = (EnOssan*)thisx; if (limbIndex == 8) { rot->x += this->headRot; } return 0; } void EnOssan_DrawCursor(GlobalContext* globalCtx, EnOssan* this, f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, u8 drawCursor) { s32 ulx, uly, lrx, lry; f32 w; s32 dsdx; OPEN_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); if (drawCursor != 0) { func_80094520(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); gDPSetPrimColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, 0, 0, this->cursorColorR, this->cursorColorG, this->cursorColorB, this->cursorColorA); gDPLoadTextureBlock_4b(OVERLAY_DISP++, gSelectionCursorTex, G_IM_FMT_IA, 16, 16, 0, G_TX_MIRROR | G_TX_WRAP, G_TX_MIRROR | G_TX_WRAP, 4, 4, G_TX_NOLOD, G_TX_NOLOD); w = 16.0f * z; ulx = (x - w) * 4.0f; uly = (y - w) * 4.0f; lrx = (x + w) * 4.0f; lry = (y + w) * 4.0f; dsdx = (1.0f / z) * 1024.0f; gSPTextureRectangle(OVERLAY_DISP++, ulx, uly, lrx, lry, G_TX_RENDERTILE, 0, 0, dsdx, dsdx); } CLOSE_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); } void EnOssan_DrawTextRec(GlobalContext* globalCtx, s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, s32 s, s32 t, f32 dx, f32 dy) { f32 unk; s32 ulx, uly, lrx, lry; f32 w, h; s32 dsdx, dtdy; OPEN_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); gDPPipeSync(OVERLAY_DISP++); gDPSetPrimColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, 0, 0, r, g, b, a); w = 8.0f * z; h = 12.0f * z; unk = (1.0f / z) * 1024; dsdx = unk * dx; dtdy = dy * unk; ulx = (x - w) * 4.0f; uly = (y - h) * 4.0f; lrx = (x + w) * 4.0f; lry = (y + h) * 4.0f; gSPTextureRectangle(OVERLAY_DISP++, ulx, uly, lrx, lry, G_TX_RENDERTILE, s, t, dsdx, dtdy); CLOSE_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); } void EnOssan_DrawStickDirectionPrompts(GlobalContext* globalCtx, EnOssan* this) { s32 drawStickLeftPrompt = this->stickLeftPrompt.isEnabled; s32 drawStickRightPrompt = this->stickRightPrompt.isEnabled; OPEN_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); if (drawStickLeftPrompt || drawStickRightPrompt) { func_80094520(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); gDPSetCombineMode(OVERLAY_DISP++, G_CC_MODULATEIA_PRIM, G_CC_MODULATEIA_PRIM); gDPLoadTextureBlock(OVERLAY_DISP++, gArrowCursorTex, G_IM_FMT_IA, G_IM_SIZ_8b, 16, 24, 0, G_TX_NOMIRROR | G_TX_WRAP, G_TX_NOMIRROR | G_TX_WRAP, 4, G_TX_NOMASK, G_TX_NOLOD, G_TX_NOLOD); if (drawStickLeftPrompt) { EnOssan_DrawTextRec(globalCtx, this->stickLeftPrompt.arrowColorR, this->stickLeftPrompt.arrowColorG, this->stickLeftPrompt.arrowColorB, this->stickLeftPrompt.arrowColorA, this->stickLeftPrompt.arrowTexX, this->stickLeftPrompt.arrowTexY, this->stickLeftPrompt.z, 0, 0, -1.0f, 1.0f); } if (drawStickRightPrompt) { EnOssan_DrawTextRec(globalCtx, this->stickRightPrompt.arrowColorR, this->stickRightPrompt.arrowColorG, this->stickRightPrompt.arrowColorB, this->stickRightPrompt.arrowColorA, this->stickRightPrompt.arrowTexX, this->stickRightPrompt.arrowTexY, this->stickRightPrompt.z, 0, 0, 1.0f, 1.0f); } gDPLoadTextureBlock(OVERLAY_DISP++, gControlStickTex, G_IM_FMT_IA, G_IM_SIZ_8b, 16, 16, 0, G_TX_NOMIRROR | G_TX_WRAP, G_TX_NOMIRROR | G_TX_WRAP, 4, G_TX_NOMASK, G_TX_NOLOD, G_TX_NOLOD); if (drawStickLeftPrompt) { EnOssan_DrawTextRec(globalCtx, this->stickLeftPrompt.stickColorR, this->stickLeftPrompt.stickColorG, this->stickLeftPrompt.stickColorB, this->stickLeftPrompt.stickColorA, this->stickLeftPrompt.stickTexX, this->stickLeftPrompt.stickTexY, this->stickLeftPrompt.z, 0, 0, -1.0f, 1.0f); } if (drawStickRightPrompt) { EnOssan_DrawTextRec(globalCtx, this->stickRightPrompt.stickColorR, this->stickRightPrompt.stickColorG, this->stickRightPrompt.stickColorB, this->stickRightPrompt.stickColorA, this->stickRightPrompt.stickTexX, this->stickRightPrompt.stickTexY, this->stickRightPrompt.z, 0, 0, 1.0f, 1.0f); } } CLOSE_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); } void EnOssan_DrawBazaarShopkeeper(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { static void* sBazaarShopkeeperEyeTextures[] = { gOssanEyeOpenTex, gOssanEyeHalfTex, gOssanEyeClosedTex }; EnOssan* this = (EnOssan*)thisx; s32 pad; OPEN_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); func_80093D18(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x08, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(sBazaarShopkeeperEyeTextures[this->eyeTextureIdx])); SkelAnime_DrawFlexOpa(globalCtx, this->skelAnime.skeleton, this->skelAnime.jointTable, this->skelAnime.dListCount, EnOssan_OverrideLimbDrawDefaultShopkeeper, NULL, this); EnOssan_DrawCursor(globalCtx, this, this->cursorX, this->cursorY, this->cursorZ, this->drawCursor); EnOssan_DrawStickDirectionPrompts(globalCtx, this); CLOSE_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); } s32 EnOssan_OverrideLimbDrawKokiriShopkeeper(GlobalContext* globalCtx, s32 limbIndex, Gfx** dList, Vec3f* pos, Vec3s* rot, void* thisx) { static void* sKokiriShopkeeperEyeTextures[] = { gKokiriShopkeeperEyeDefaultTex, gKokiriShopkeeperEyeHalfTex, gKokiriShopkeeperEyeOpenTex, }; EnOssan* this = (EnOssan*)thisx; s32 pad; OPEN_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); if (limbIndex == 15) { gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x06, globalCtx->objectCtx.status[this->objBankIndex2].segment); gSegments[6] = VIRTUAL_TO_PHYSICAL(globalCtx->objectCtx.status[this->objBankIndex2].segment); *dList = gKokiriShopkeeperHeadDL; gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x0A, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(sKokiriShopkeeperEyeTextures[this->eyeTextureIdx])); } CLOSE_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); return 0; } Gfx* EnOssan_EndDList(GraphicsContext* gfxCtx) { Gfx* disp = Graph_Alloc(gfxCtx, sizeof(Gfx)); gSPEndDisplayList(disp); return disp; } Gfx* EnOssan_SetEnvColor(GraphicsContext* gfxCtx, u8 r, u8 g, u8 b, u8 a) { Gfx* disp = Graph_Alloc(gfxCtx, sizeof(Gfx) * 2); gDPSetEnvColor(disp, r, g, b, a); gSPEndDisplayList(disp + 1); return disp; } void EnOssan_DrawKokiriShopkeeper(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { EnOssan* this = (EnOssan*)thisx; s32 pad; OPEN_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); func_80093D18(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0, 0, 0, 255); gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x08, EnOssan_SetEnvColor(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx, 0, 130, 70, 255)); gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x09, EnOssan_SetEnvColor(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx, 110, 170, 20, 255)); gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x0C, EnOssan_EndDList(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx)); SkelAnime_DrawFlexOpa(globalCtx, this->skelAnime.skeleton, this->skelAnime.jointTable, this->skelAnime.dListCount, EnOssan_OverrideLimbDrawKokiriShopkeeper, NULL, this); EnOssan_DrawCursor(globalCtx, this, this->cursorX, this->cursorY, this->cursorZ, this->drawCursor); EnOssan_DrawStickDirectionPrompts(globalCtx, this); CLOSE_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); } void EnOssan_DrawGoronShopkeeper(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { static void* sGoronShopkeeperEyeTextures[] = { gGoronCsEyeOpenTex, gGoronCsEyeHalfTex, gGoronCsEyeClosedTex }; EnOssan* this = (EnOssan*)thisx; s32 pad; OPEN_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); func_80093D18(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x08, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(sGoronShopkeeperEyeTextures[this->eyeTextureIdx])); gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x09, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(gGoronCsMouthNeutralTex)); SkelAnime_DrawFlexOpa(globalCtx, this->skelAnime.skeleton, this->skelAnime.jointTable, this->skelAnime.dListCount, NULL, NULL, this); EnOssan_DrawCursor(globalCtx, this, this->cursorX, this->cursorY, this->cursorZ, this->drawCursor); EnOssan_DrawStickDirectionPrompts(globalCtx, this); CLOSE_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); } s32 EnOssan_OverrideLimbDrawZoraShopkeeper(GlobalContext* globalCtx, s32 limbIndex, Gfx** dList, Vec3f* pos, Vec3s* rot, void* thisx) { EnOssan* this = (EnOssan*)thisx; if (limbIndex == 15) { rot->x += this->headRot; } return 0; } void EnOssan_DrawZoraShopkeeper(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { static void* sZoraShopkeeperEyeTextures[] = { gZoraEyeOpenTex, gZoraEyeHalfTex, gZoraEyeClosedTex }; EnOssan* this = (EnOssan*)thisx; s32 pad; OPEN_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); func_80093D18(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0, 0, 0, 255); gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x0C, EnOssan_EndDList(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx)); gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x08, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(sZoraShopkeeperEyeTextures[this->eyeTextureIdx])); SkelAnime_DrawFlexOpa(globalCtx, this->skelAnime.skeleton, this->skelAnime.jointTable, this->skelAnime.dListCount, EnOssan_OverrideLimbDrawZoraShopkeeper, NULL, this); EnOssan_DrawCursor(globalCtx, this, this->cursorX, this->cursorY, this->cursorZ, this->drawCursor); EnOssan_DrawStickDirectionPrompts(globalCtx, this); CLOSE_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); } void EnOssan_DrawPotionShopkeeper(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { static void* sPotionShopkeeperEyeTextures[] = { gPotionShopkeeperEyeOpenTex, gPotionShopkeeperEyeHalfTex, gPotionShopkeeperEyeClosedTex }; EnOssan* this = (EnOssan*)thisx; s32 pad; OPEN_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); func_80093D18(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x08, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(sPotionShopkeeperEyeTextures[this->eyeTextureIdx])); SkelAnime_DrawFlexOpa(globalCtx, this->skelAnime.skeleton, this->skelAnime.jointTable, this->skelAnime.dListCount, NULL, NULL, this); EnOssan_DrawCursor(globalCtx, this, this->cursorX, this->cursorY, this->cursorZ, this->drawCursor); EnOssan_DrawStickDirectionPrompts(globalCtx, this); CLOSE_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); } void EnOssan_DrawHappyMaskShopkeeper(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { static void* sHappyMaskShopkeeperEyeTextures[] = { gOsEyeClosedTex, gOsEyeOpenTex }; EnOssan* this = (EnOssan*)thisx; s32 pad; OPEN_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); func_80093D18(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x08, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(sHappyMaskShopkeeperEyeTextures[this->happyMaskShopkeeperEyeIdx])); SkelAnime_DrawFlexOpa(globalCtx, this->skelAnime.skeleton, this->skelAnime.jointTable, this->skelAnime.dListCount, NULL, NULL, this); EnOssan_DrawCursor(globalCtx, this, this->cursorX, this->cursorY, this->cursorZ, this->drawCursor); EnOssan_DrawStickDirectionPrompts(globalCtx, this); CLOSE_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); } void EnOssan_DrawBombchuShopkeeper(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { static void* sBombchuShopkeeperEyeTextures[] = { gBombchuShopkeeperEyeOpenTex, gBombchuShopkeeperEyeHalfTex, gBombchuShopkeeperEyeClosedTex }; EnOssan* this = (EnOssan*)thisx; s32 pad; OPEN_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); func_80093D18(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x08, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(sBombchuShopkeeperEyeTextures[this->eyeTextureIdx])); SkelAnime_DrawFlexOpa(globalCtx, this->skelAnime.skeleton, this->skelAnime.jointTable, this->skelAnime.dListCount, NULL, NULL, this); EnOssan_DrawCursor(globalCtx, this, this->cursorX, this->cursorY, this->cursorZ, this->drawCursor); EnOssan_DrawStickDirectionPrompts(globalCtx, this); CLOSE_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx); }