#include "ZTexture.h" #include <cassert> #include "CRC32.h" #include "Globals.h" #include "Utils/BitConverter.h" #include "Utils/Directory.h" #include "Utils/File.h" #include "Utils/Path.h" #include "WarningHandler.h" REGISTER_ZFILENODE(Texture, ZTexture); ZTexture::ZTexture(ZFile* nParent) : ZResource(nParent) { width = 0; height = 0; dWordAligned = true; genOTRDef = true; RegisterRequiredAttribute("Width"); RegisterRequiredAttribute("Height"); RegisterRequiredAttribute("Format"); RegisterOptionalAttribute("TlutOffset"); } void ZTexture::ExtractFromBinary(uint32_t nRawDataIndex, int32_t nWidth, int32_t nHeight, TextureType nType, bool nIsPalette) { width = nWidth; height = nHeight; format = nType; rawDataIndex = nRawDataIndex; isPalette = nIsPalette; name = GetDefaultName(parent->GetName()); outName = name; // Don't parse raw data of external files if (parent->GetMode() == ZFileMode::ExternalFile) return; ParseRawData(); CalcHash(); } void ZTexture::FromPNG(const fs::path& pngFilePath, TextureType texType) { format = texType; name = StringHelper::Split(Path::GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pngFilePath.string()), ".")[0]; PrepareRawDataFromFile(pngFilePath); } void ZTexture::ParseXML(tinyxml2::XMLElement* reader) { ZResource::ParseXML(reader); std::string widthXml = registeredAttributes.at("Width").value; std::string heightXml = registeredAttributes.at("Height").value; if (!StringHelper::HasOnlyDigits(widthXml)) { std::string errorHeader = StringHelper::Sprintf( "value of 'Width' attribute has non-decimal digits: '%s'", widthXml.c_str()); HANDLE_ERROR_RESOURCE(WarningType::InvalidAttributeValue, parent, this, rawDataIndex, errorHeader, ""); } if (!StringHelper::HasOnlyDigits(heightXml)) { std::string errorHeader = StringHelper::Sprintf( "value of 'Height' attribute has non-decimal digits: '%s'", heightXml.c_str()); HANDLE_ERROR_RESOURCE(WarningType::InvalidAttributeValue, parent, this, rawDataIndex, errorHeader, ""); } width = StringHelper::StrToL(widthXml); height = StringHelper::StrToL(heightXml); std::string formatStr = registeredAttributes.at("Format").value; format = GetTextureTypeFromString(formatStr); if (format == TextureType::Error) { HANDLE_ERROR_RESOURCE(WarningType::InvalidAttributeValue, parent, this, rawDataIndex, "invalid value found for 'Format' attribute", ""); } const auto& tlutOffsetAttr = registeredAttributes.at("TlutOffset"); if (tlutOffsetAttr.wasSet) { switch (format) { case TextureType::Palette4bpp: case TextureType::Palette8bpp: tlutOffset = StringHelper::StrToL(tlutOffsetAttr.value, 16); break; default: HANDLE_ERROR_RESOURCE(WarningType::InvalidXML, parent, this, rawDataIndex, "'TlutOffset' declared in non color-indexed (ci4 or ci8) texture", ""); break; } } } void ZTexture::ParseRawData() { if (rawDataIndex % 8 != 0) dWordAligned = false; switch (format) { case TextureType::RGBA16bpp: PrepareBitmapRGBA16(); break; case TextureType::RGBA32bpp: PrepareBitmapRGBA32(); break; case TextureType::Grayscale4bpp: PrepareBitmapGrayscale4(); break; case TextureType::Grayscale8bpp: PrepareBitmapGrayscale8(); break; case TextureType::GrayscaleAlpha4bpp: PrepareBitmapGrayscaleAlpha4(); break; case TextureType::GrayscaleAlpha8bpp: PrepareBitmapGrayscaleAlpha8(); break; case TextureType::GrayscaleAlpha16bpp: PrepareBitmapGrayscaleAlpha16(); break; case TextureType::Palette4bpp: PrepareBitmapPalette4(); break; case TextureType::Palette8bpp: PrepareBitmapPalette8(); break; case TextureType::Error: HANDLE_ERROR_RESOURCE(WarningType::InvalidAttributeValue, parent, this, rawDataIndex, StringHelper::Sprintf("Invalid texture format", format), ""); assert(!"TODO"); break; } } void ZTexture::PrepareBitmapRGBA16() { textureData.InitEmptyRGBImage(width, height, true); auto parentRawData = parent->GetRawData(); for (size_t y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (size_t x = 0; x < width; x++) { int32_t pos = rawDataIndex + ((y * width) + x) * 2; uint16_t data = parentRawData.at(pos + 1) | (parentRawData.at(pos) << 8); uint8_t r = (data & 0xF800) >> 11; uint8_t g = (data & 0x07C0) >> 6; uint8_t b = (data & 0x003E) >> 1; uint8_t alpha = data & 0x01; textureData.SetRGBPixel(y, x, r * 8, g * 8, b * 8, alpha * 255); } } } void ZTexture::PrepareBitmapRGBA32() { textureData.InitEmptyRGBImage(width, height, true); auto parentRawData = parent->GetRawData(); for (size_t y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (size_t x = 0; x < width; x++) { size_t pos = rawDataIndex + ((y * width) + x) * 4; uint8_t r = parentRawData.at(pos + 0); uint8_t g = parentRawData.at(pos + 1); uint8_t b = parentRawData.at(pos + 2); uint8_t alpha = parentRawData.at(pos + 3); textureData.SetRGBPixel(y, x, r, g, b, alpha); } } } void ZTexture::PrepareBitmapGrayscale4() { textureData.InitEmptyRGBImage(width, height, false); auto parentRawData = parent->GetRawData(); for (size_t y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (size_t x = 0; x < width; x += 2) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) { size_t pos = rawDataIndex + ((y * width) + x) / 2; uint8_t grayscale = 0; if (i == 0) grayscale = parentRawData.at(pos) & 0xF0; else grayscale = (parentRawData.at(pos) & 0x0F) << 4; textureData.SetGrayscalePixel(y, x + i, grayscale); } } } } void ZTexture::PrepareBitmapGrayscale8() { textureData.InitEmptyRGBImage(width, height, false); auto parentRawData = parent->GetRawData(); for (size_t y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (size_t x = 0; x < width; x++) { size_t pos = rawDataIndex + ((y * width) + x) * 1; textureData.SetGrayscalePixel(y, x, parentRawData.at(pos)); } } } void ZTexture::PrepareBitmapGrayscaleAlpha4() { textureData.InitEmptyRGBImage(width, height, true); auto parentRawData = parent->GetRawData(); for (size_t y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (size_t x = 0; x < width; x += 2) { for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) { size_t pos = rawDataIndex + ((y * width) + x) / 2; uint8_t data = 0; if (i == 0) data = (parentRawData.at(pos) & 0xF0) >> 4; else data = parentRawData.at(pos) & 0x0F; uint8_t grayscale = ((data & 0x0E) >> 1) * 32; uint8_t alpha = (data & 0x01) * 255; textureData.SetGrayscalePixel(y, x + i, grayscale, alpha); } } } } void ZTexture::PrepareBitmapGrayscaleAlpha8() { textureData.InitEmptyRGBImage(width, height, true); auto parentRawData = parent->GetRawData(); for (size_t y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (size_t x = 0; x < width; x++) { size_t pos = rawDataIndex + ((y * width) + x) * 1; uint8_t grayscale = parentRawData.at(pos) & 0xF0; uint8_t alpha = (parentRawData.at(pos) & 0x0F) << 4; textureData.SetGrayscalePixel(y, x, grayscale, alpha); } } } void ZTexture::PrepareBitmapGrayscaleAlpha16() { textureData.InitEmptyRGBImage(width, height, true); auto parentRawData = parent->GetRawData(); for (size_t y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (size_t x = 0; x < width; x++) { size_t pos = rawDataIndex + ((y * width) + x) * 2; uint8_t grayscale = parentRawData.at(pos + 0); uint8_t alpha = parentRawData.at(pos + 1); textureData.SetGrayscalePixel(y, x, grayscale, alpha); } } } void ZTexture::PrepareBitmapPalette4() { textureData.InitEmptyPaletteImage(width, height); auto parentRawData = parent->GetRawData(); for (size_t y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (size_t x = 0; x < width; x += 2) { for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) { size_t pos = rawDataIndex + ((y * width) + x) / 2; uint8_t paletteIndex = 0; if (i == 0) paletteIndex = (parentRawData.at(pos) & 0xF0) >> 4; else paletteIndex = (parentRawData.at(pos) & 0x0F); textureData.SetIndexedPixel(y, x + i, paletteIndex, paletteIndex * 16); } } } } void ZTexture::PrepareBitmapPalette8() { textureData.InitEmptyPaletteImage(width, height); auto parentRawData = parent->GetRawData(); for (size_t y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (size_t x = 0; x < width; x++) { size_t pos = rawDataIndex + ((y * width) + x) * 1; uint8_t grayscale = parentRawData.at(pos); textureData.SetIndexedPixel(y, x, grayscale, grayscale); } } } void ZTexture::DeclareReferences([[maybe_unused]] const std::string& prefix) { if (tlutOffset != static_cast<uint32_t>(-1)) { tlut = parent->GetTextureResource(tlutOffset); if (tlut == nullptr) { int32_t tlutDim = 16; if (format == TextureType::Palette4bpp) tlutDim = 4; tlut = new ZTexture(parent); tlut->ExtractFromBinary(tlutOffset, tlutDim, tlutDim, TextureType::RGBA16bpp, true); parent->AddTextureResource(tlutOffset, tlut); tlut->DeclareVar(prefix, ""); } else { tlut->isPalette = true; } SetTlut(tlut); } } void ZTexture::PrepareRawDataFromFile(const fs::path& pngFilePath) { switch (format) { case TextureType::RGBA16bpp: PrepareRawDataRGBA16(pngFilePath); break; case TextureType::RGBA32bpp: PrepareRawDataRGBA32(pngFilePath); break; case TextureType::Grayscale4bpp: PrepareRawDataGrayscale4(pngFilePath); break; case TextureType::Grayscale8bpp: PrepareRawDataGrayscale8(pngFilePath); break; case TextureType::GrayscaleAlpha4bpp: PrepareRawDataGrayscaleAlpha4(pngFilePath); break; case TextureType::GrayscaleAlpha8bpp: PrepareRawDataGrayscaleAlpha8(pngFilePath); break; case TextureType::GrayscaleAlpha16bpp: PrepareRawDataGrayscaleAlpha16(pngFilePath); break; case TextureType::Palette4bpp: PrepareRawDataPalette4(pngFilePath); break; case TextureType::Palette8bpp: PrepareRawDataPalette8(pngFilePath); break; case TextureType::Error: HANDLE_ERROR_PROCESS(WarningType::InvalidPNG, "Input PNG file has invalid format type", ""); break; } } void ZTexture::PrepareRawDataRGBA16(const fs::path& rgbaPath) { textureData.ReadPng(rgbaPath); width = textureData.GetWidth(); height = textureData.GetHeight(); textureDataRaw.clear(); textureDataRaw.resize(GetRawDataSize()); for (uint16_t y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (uint16_t x = 0; x < width; x++) { size_t pos = ((y * width) + x) * 2; RGBAPixel pixel = textureData.GetPixel(y, x); uint8_t r = pixel.r / 8; uint8_t g = pixel.g / 8; uint8_t b = pixel.b / 8; uint8_t alphaBit = pixel.a != 0; uint16_t data = (r << 11) + (g << 6) + (b << 1) + alphaBit; textureDataRaw[pos + 0] = (data & 0xFF00) >> 8; textureDataRaw[pos + 1] = (data & 0x00FF); } } } void ZTexture::PrepareRawDataRGBA32(const fs::path& rgbaPath) { textureData.ReadPng(rgbaPath); width = textureData.GetWidth(); height = textureData.GetHeight(); textureDataRaw.clear(); textureDataRaw.resize(GetRawDataSize()); for (uint16_t y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (uint16_t x = 0; x < width; x++) { size_t pos = ((y * width) + x) * 4; RGBAPixel pixel = textureData.GetPixel(y, x); textureDataRaw[pos + 0] = pixel.r; textureDataRaw[pos + 1] = pixel.g; textureDataRaw[pos + 2] = pixel.b; textureDataRaw[pos + 3] = pixel.a; } } } void ZTexture::PrepareRawDataGrayscale4(const fs::path& grayPath) { textureData.ReadPng(grayPath); width = textureData.GetWidth(); height = textureData.GetHeight(); textureDataRaw.clear(); textureDataRaw.resize(GetRawDataSize()); for (uint16_t y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (uint16_t x = 0; x < width; x += 2) { size_t pos = ((y * width) + x) / 2; uint8_t r1 = textureData.GetPixel(y, x).r; uint8_t r2 = textureData.GetPixel(y, x + 1).r; textureDataRaw[pos] = (uint8_t)(((r1 / 16) << 4) + (r2 / 16)); } } } void ZTexture::PrepareRawDataGrayscale8(const fs::path& grayPath) { textureData.ReadPng(grayPath); width = textureData.GetWidth(); height = textureData.GetHeight(); textureDataRaw.clear(); textureDataRaw.resize(GetRawDataSize()); for (uint16_t y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (uint16_t x = 0; x < width; x++) { size_t pos = (y * width) + x; RGBAPixel pixel = textureData.GetPixel(y, x); textureDataRaw[pos] = pixel.r; } } } void ZTexture::PrepareRawDataGrayscaleAlpha4(const fs::path& grayAlphaPath) { textureData.ReadPng(grayAlphaPath); width = textureData.GetWidth(); height = textureData.GetHeight(); textureDataRaw.clear(); textureDataRaw.resize(GetRawDataSize()); for (uint16_t y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (uint16_t x = 0; x < width; x += 2) { size_t pos = ((y * width) + x) / 2; uint8_t data = 0; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) { RGBAPixel pixel = textureData.GetPixel(y, x + i); uint8_t cR = pixel.r; uint8_t alphaBit = pixel.a != 0; if (i == 0) data |= (((cR / 32) << 1) + alphaBit) << 4; else data |= ((cR / 32) << 1) + alphaBit; } textureDataRaw[pos] = data; } } } void ZTexture::PrepareRawDataGrayscaleAlpha8(const fs::path& grayAlphaPath) { textureData.ReadPng(grayAlphaPath); width = textureData.GetWidth(); height = textureData.GetHeight(); textureDataRaw.clear(); textureDataRaw.resize(GetRawDataSize()); for (uint16_t y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (uint16_t x = 0; x < width; x++) { size_t pos = ((y * width) + x) * 1; RGBAPixel pixel = textureData.GetPixel(y, x); uint8_t r = pixel.r; uint8_t a = pixel.a; textureDataRaw[pos] = ((r / 16) << 4) + (a / 16); } } } void ZTexture::PrepareRawDataGrayscaleAlpha16(const fs::path& grayAlphaPath) { textureData.ReadPng(grayAlphaPath); width = textureData.GetWidth(); height = textureData.GetHeight(); textureDataRaw.clear(); textureDataRaw.resize(GetRawDataSize()); for (uint16_t y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (uint16_t x = 0; x < width; x++) { size_t pos = ((y * width) + x) * 2; RGBAPixel pixel = textureData.GetPixel(y, x); uint8_t cR = pixel.r; uint8_t aR = pixel.a; textureDataRaw[pos + 0] = cR; textureDataRaw[pos + 1] = aR; } } } void ZTexture::PrepareRawDataPalette4(const fs::path& palPath) { textureData.ReadPng(palPath); width = textureData.GetWidth(); height = textureData.GetHeight(); textureDataRaw.clear(); textureDataRaw.resize(GetRawDataSize()); for (uint16_t y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (uint16_t x = 0; x < width; x += 2) { size_t pos = ((y * width) + x) / 2; uint8_t cR1 = textureData.GetIndexedPixel(y, x); uint8_t cR2 = textureData.GetIndexedPixel(y, x + 1); textureDataRaw[pos] = (cR1 << 4) | (cR2); } } } void ZTexture::PrepareRawDataPalette8(const fs::path& palPath) { textureData.ReadPng(palPath); width = textureData.GetWidth(); height = textureData.GetHeight(); textureDataRaw.clear(); textureDataRaw.resize(GetRawDataSize()); for (uint16_t y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (uint16_t x = 0; x < width; x++) { size_t pos = ((y * width) + x); uint8_t cR = textureData.GetIndexedPixel(y, x); textureDataRaw[pos] = cR; } } } float ZTexture::GetPixelMultiplyer() const { switch (format) { case TextureType::Grayscale4bpp: case TextureType::GrayscaleAlpha4bpp: case TextureType::Palette4bpp: return 0.5f; case TextureType::Grayscale8bpp: case TextureType::GrayscaleAlpha8bpp: case TextureType::Palette8bpp: return 1; case TextureType::GrayscaleAlpha16bpp: case TextureType::RGBA16bpp: return 2; case TextureType::RGBA32bpp: return 4; default: return -1; } } size_t ZTexture::GetRawDataSize() const { return (width * height * GetPixelMultiplyer()); } std::string ZTexture::GetIMFmtFromType() { switch (format) { case TextureType::RGBA32bpp: case TextureType::RGBA16bpp: return "G_IM_FMT_RGBA"; case TextureType::Grayscale4bpp: case TextureType::Grayscale8bpp: return "G_IM_FMT_I"; case TextureType::Palette4bpp: case TextureType::Palette8bpp: return "G_IM_FMT_CI"; case TextureType::GrayscaleAlpha4bpp: case TextureType::GrayscaleAlpha8bpp: case TextureType::GrayscaleAlpha16bpp: return "G_IM_FMT_IA"; default: return "ERROR"; } } std::string ZTexture::GetIMSizFromType() { switch (format) { case TextureType::Grayscale4bpp: case TextureType::Palette4bpp: case TextureType::GrayscaleAlpha4bpp: return "G_IM_SIZ_4b"; case TextureType::Palette8bpp: case TextureType::Grayscale8bpp: return "G_IM_SIZ_8b"; case TextureType::GrayscaleAlpha16bpp: case TextureType::RGBA16bpp: return "G_IM_SIZ_16b"; case TextureType::RGBA32bpp: return "G_IM_SIZ_32b"; default: return "ERROR"; } } std::string ZTexture::GetDefaultName(const std::string& prefix) const { const char* suffix = "Tex"; if (isPalette) suffix = "TLUT"; return StringHelper::Sprintf("%s%s_%06X", prefix.c_str(), suffix, rawDataIndex); } uint32_t ZTexture::GetWidth() const { return width; } uint32_t ZTexture::GetHeight() const { return height; } void ZTexture::SetDimensions(uint32_t nWidth, uint32_t nHeight) { width = nWidth; height = nHeight; ParseRawData(); } TextureType ZTexture::GetTextureType() const { return format; } void ZTexture::Save(const fs::path& outFolder) { // Optionally generate text file containing CRC information. This is going to be a one time // process for generating the Texture Pool XML. if (Globals::Instance->outputCrc) { File::WriteAllText((Globals::Instance->outputPath / (outName + ".txt")).string(), StringHelper::Sprintf("%08lX", hash)); } // Do not save png files if we're making an OTR file. They're not needed... if (Globals::Instance->otrMode) return; auto outPath = GetPoolOutPath(outFolder); if (!Directory::Exists(outPath.string())) Directory::CreateDirectory(outPath.string()); //#ifdef _MSC_VER fs::path outFileName; //#else //std::filesystem::__cxx11::path outFileName; //#endif if (!dWordAligned) outFileName = outPath / (outName + ".u32" + "." + GetExternalExtension() + ".png"); else outFileName = outPath / (outName + +"." + GetExternalExtension() + ".png"); #ifdef TEXTURE_DEBUG printf("Saving PNG: %s\n", outFileName.c_str()); printf("\t Var name: %s\n", name.c_str()); if (tlut != nullptr) printf("\t TLUT name: %s\n", tlut->name.c_str()); #endif textureData.WritePng(outFileName); #ifdef TEXTURE_DEBUG printf("\n"); #endif } Declaration* ZTexture::DeclareVar(const std::string& prefix, [[maybe_unused]] const std::string& bodyStr) { std::string auxName = name; std::string auxOutName = outName; std::string incStr; //if (Globals::Instance->otrMode) //return nullptr; if (auxName == "") auxName = GetDefaultName(prefix); if (auxOutName == "") auxOutName = GetDefaultName(prefix); auto filepath = Globals::Instance->outputPath / fs::path(auxOutName).stem(); if (dWordAligned) incStr = StringHelper::Sprintf("%s.%s.inc.c", filepath.c_str(), GetExternalExtension().c_str()); else incStr = StringHelper::Sprintf("%s.u32.%s.inc.c", filepath.c_str(), GetExternalExtension().c_str()); if (!Globals::Instance->cfg.texturePool.empty()) { CalcHash(); // TEXTURE POOL CHECK const auto& poolEntry = Globals::Instance->cfg.texturePool.find(hash); if (poolEntry != Globals::Instance->cfg.texturePool.end()) { if (dWordAligned) incStr = StringHelper::Sprintf("%s.%s.inc.c", poolEntry->second.path.c_str(), GetExternalExtension().c_str()); else incStr = StringHelper::Sprintf("%s.u32.%s.inc.c", poolEntry->second.path.c_str(), GetExternalExtension().c_str()); } } size_t texSizeDivisor = (dWordAligned) ? 8 : 4; Declaration* decl = parent->AddDeclarationIncludeArray(rawDataIndex, incStr, GetRawDataSize(), GetSourceTypeName(), auxName, GetRawDataSize() / texSizeDivisor); decl->staticConf = staticConf; return decl; } std::string ZTexture::GetBodySourceCode() const { std::string sourceOutput; if (!Globals::Instance->otrMode) { size_t texSizeInc = (dWordAligned) ? 8 : 4; for (size_t i = 0; i < textureDataRaw.size(); i += texSizeInc) { if (i % 32 == 0) sourceOutput += " "; if (dWordAligned) sourceOutput += StringHelper::Sprintf("0x%016llX, ", BitConverter::ToUInt64BE(textureDataRaw, i)); else sourceOutput += StringHelper::Sprintf("0x%08llX, ", BitConverter::ToUInt32BE(textureDataRaw, i)); if (i % 32 == 24) sourceOutput += StringHelper::Sprintf(" // 0x%06X \n", rawDataIndex + ((i / 32) * 32)); } // Ensure there's always a trailing line feed to prevent dumb warnings. // Please don't remove this line, unless you somehow made a way to prevent // that warning when building the OoT repo. sourceOutput += "\n"; } return sourceOutput; } bool ZTexture::IsExternalResource() const { return true; } ZResourceType ZTexture::GetResourceType() const { return ZResourceType::Texture; } std::string ZTexture::GetSourceTypeName() const { return dWordAligned ? "u64" : "u32"; } void ZTexture::CalcHash() { //if (hash == 0) { const auto& parentRawData = parent->GetRawData(); hash = CRC32B(parentRawData.data() + rawDataIndex, GetRawDataSize()); } } std::string ZTexture::GetExternalExtension() const { switch (format) { case TextureType::RGBA32bpp: return "rgba32"; case TextureType::RGBA16bpp: return "rgba16"; case TextureType::Grayscale4bpp: return "i4"; case TextureType::Grayscale8bpp: return "i8"; case TextureType::GrayscaleAlpha4bpp: return "ia4"; case TextureType::GrayscaleAlpha8bpp: return "ia8"; case TextureType::GrayscaleAlpha16bpp: return "ia16"; case TextureType::Palette4bpp: return "ci4"; case TextureType::Palette8bpp: return "ci8"; default: return "ERROR"; } } fs::path ZTexture::GetPoolOutPath(const fs::path& defaultValue) { if (Globals::Instance->cfg.texturePool.find(hash) != Globals::Instance->cfg.texturePool.end()) return Path::GetDirectoryName(Globals::Instance->cfg.texturePool[hash].path.string()); return defaultValue; } TextureType ZTexture::GetTextureTypeFromString(const std::string& str) { TextureType texType = TextureType::Error; if (str == "rgba32") texType = TextureType::RGBA32bpp; else if (str == "rgba16") texType = TextureType::RGBA16bpp; else if (str == "rgb5a1") { texType = TextureType::RGBA16bpp; HANDLE_WARNING(WarningType::Deprecated, "the texture format 'rgb5a1' is currently deprecated", "It will be removed in a future version. Use the format 'rgba16' instead."); } else if (str == "i4") texType = TextureType::Grayscale4bpp; else if (str == "i8") texType = TextureType::Grayscale8bpp; else if (str == "ia4") texType = TextureType::GrayscaleAlpha4bpp; else if (str == "ia8") texType = TextureType::GrayscaleAlpha8bpp; else if (str == "ia16") texType = TextureType::GrayscaleAlpha16bpp; else if (str == "ci4") texType = TextureType::Palette4bpp; else if (str == "ci8") texType = TextureType::Palette8bpp; else // TODO: handle this case in a more coherent way HANDLE_WARNING(WarningType::InvalidAttributeValue, "invalid value found for 'Type' attribute", "Defaulting to ''."); return texType; } bool ZTexture::IsColorIndexed() const { switch (format) { case TextureType::Palette4bpp: case TextureType::Palette8bpp: return true; default: return false; } } void ZTexture::SetTlut(ZTexture* nTlut) { assert(IsColorIndexed()); assert(nTlut->isPalette); tlut = nTlut; textureData.SetPalette(tlut->textureData); } bool ZTexture::HasTlut() const { return tlut != nullptr; }