#include "Window.h" #include "spdlog/spdlog.h" #include "KeyboardController.h" #include "SDLController.h" #include "GlobalCtx2.h" #include "DisplayList.h" #include "Vertex.h" #include "Array.h" #include "ResourceMgr.h" #include "Texture.h" #include "Blob.h" #include "Matrix.h" #include "AudioPlayer.h" #include "WasapiAudioPlayer.h" #include "PulseAudioPlayer.h" #include "SDLAudioPlayer.h" #include "Lib/Fast3D/gfx_pc.h" #include "Lib/Fast3D/gfx_sdl.h" #include "Lib/Fast3D/gfx_opengl.h" #include "stox.h" #if __APPLE__ #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include "Hooks.h" #include "Console.h" #include extern "C" { struct OSMesgQueue; uint8_t __osMaxControllers = MAXCONTROLLERS; uint8_t __enableGameInput = 1; int32_t osContInit(OSMesgQueue* mq, uint8_t* controllerBits, OSContStatus* status) { std::shared_ptr pConf = Ship::GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetConfig(); Ship::ConfigFile& Conf = *pConf.get(); if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER) != 0) { SPDLOG_ERROR("Failed to initialize SDL game controllers ({})", SDL_GetError()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } const char* controllerDb = "gamecontrollerdb.txt"; int mappingsAdded = SDL_GameControllerAddMappingsFromFile(controllerDb); if (mappingsAdded >= 0) { SPDLOG_INFO("Added SDL game controllers from \"{}\" ({})", controllerDb, mappingsAdded); } else { SPDLOG_ERROR("Failed add SDL game controller mappings from \"{}\" ({})", controllerDb, SDL_GetError()); } // TODO: This for loop is debug. Burn it with fire. for (int i = 0; i < SDL_NumJoysticks(); i++) { if (SDL_IsGameController(i)) { // Get the GUID from SDL char buf[33]; SDL_JoystickGetGUIDString(SDL_JoystickGetDeviceGUID(i), buf, sizeof(buf)); auto guid = std::string(buf); auto name = std::string(SDL_GameControllerNameForIndex(i)); SPDLOG_INFO("Found Controller \"{}\" with ID \"{}\"", name, guid); } } for (int32_t i = 0; i < __osMaxControllers; i++) { std::string ControllerType = Conf["CONTROLLERS"]["CONTROLLER " + std::to_string(i+1)]; mINI::INIStringUtil::toLower(ControllerType); if (ControllerType == "auto") { Ship::Window::Controllers[i].push_back(std::make_shared(i)); Ship::Window::Controllers[i].push_back(std::make_shared(i)); } else if (ControllerType == "keyboard") { Ship::Window::Controllers[i].push_back(std::make_shared(i)); } else if (ControllerType == "usb") { Ship::Window::Controllers[i].push_back(std::make_shared(i)); } else if (ControllerType == "unplugged") { // Do nothing for unplugged controllers } else { SPDLOG_ERROR("Invalid Controller Type: {}", ControllerType); } } *controllerBits = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < __osMaxControllers; i++) { if (Ship::Window::Controllers[i].size() > 0) { *controllerBits |= 1 << i; } } return 0; } int32_t osContStartReadData(OSMesgQueue* mesg) { return 0; } void osContGetReadData(OSContPad* pad) { pad->button = 0; pad->stick_x = 0; pad->stick_y = 0; pad->err_no = 0; pad->gyro_x = 0; pad->gyro_y = 0; if (__enableGameInput) { for (size_t i = 0; i < __osMaxControllers; i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < Ship::Window::Controllers[i].size(); j++) { Ship::Window::Controllers[i][j]->Read(&pad[i]); } } } ModInternal::ExecuteHooks(pad); } const char* ResourceMgr_GetNameByCRC(uint64_t crc) { const std::string* hashStr = Ship::GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->HashToString(crc); return hashStr != nullptr ? hashStr->c_str() : nullptr; } Vtx* ResourceMgr_LoadVtxByCRC(uint64_t crc) { const std::string* hashStr = Ship::GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->HashToString(crc); if (hashStr != nullptr) { auto res = std::static_pointer_cast(Ship::GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->LoadResource(hashStr->c_str())); //if (res != nullptr) return (Vtx*)res->vertices.data(); //else //return (Vtx*)Ship::GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->LoadFile(hashStr)->buffer.get(); } else { return nullptr; } } int32_t* ResourceMgr_LoadMtxByCRC(uint64_t crc) { const std::string* hashStr = Ship::GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->HashToString(crc); if (hashStr != nullptr) { auto res = std::static_pointer_cast(Ship::GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->LoadResource(hashStr->c_str())); return (int32_t*)res->mtx.data(); } else { return nullptr; } } Gfx* ResourceMgr_LoadGfxByCRC(uint64_t crc) { const std::string* hashStr = Ship::GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->HashToString(crc); if (hashStr != nullptr) { auto res = std::static_pointer_cast(Ship::GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->LoadResource(hashStr->c_str())); return (Gfx*)&res->instructions[0]; } else { return nullptr; } } char* ResourceMgr_LoadTexByCRC(uint64_t crc) { const std::string* hashStr = Ship::GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->HashToString(crc); if (hashStr != nullptr) { const auto res = static_cast(Ship::GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->LoadResource(hashStr->c_str()).get()); ModInternal::ExecuteHooks(hashStr->c_str(), &res->imageData); return reinterpret_cast(res->imageData); } else { return nullptr; } } void ResourceMgr_RegisterResourcePatch(uint64_t hash, uint32_t instrIndex, uintptr_t origData) { const std::string* hashStr = Ship::GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->HashToString(hash); if (hashStr != nullptr) { auto res = (Ship::Texture*)Ship::GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->LoadResource(hashStr->c_str()).get(); Ship::Patch patch; patch.crc = hash; patch.index = instrIndex; patch.origData = origData; res->patches.push_back(patch); } } char* ResourceMgr_LoadTexByName(char* texPath) { const auto res = static_cast(Ship::GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->LoadResource(texPath).get()); ModInternal::ExecuteHooks(texPath, &res->imageData); return (char*)res->imageData; } void ResourceMgr_WriteTexS16ByName(char* texPath, size_t index, s16 value) { const auto res = static_cast(Ship::GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->LoadResource(texPath).get()); if (res != nullptr) { if (index < res->imageDataSize) res->imageData[index] = value; else { // Dangit Morita int bp = 0; } } } char* ResourceMgr_LoadBlobByName(char* blobPath) { auto res = (Ship::Blob*)Ship::GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->LoadResource(blobPath).get(); return (char*)res->data.data(); } /* Should these go in their own file?*/ uint64_t osGetTime(void) { return std::chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count(); } uint32_t osGetCount(void) { return std::chrono::duration_cast(std::chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count(); } } extern GfxWindowManagerAPI gfx_sdl; void SetWindowManager(GfxWindowManagerAPI** WmApi, GfxRenderingAPI** RenderingApi, const std::string& gfx_backend); namespace Ship { std::map>> Window::Controllers; int32_t Window::lastScancode; Window::Window(std::shared_ptr Context) : Context(Context), APlayer(nullptr) { WmApi = nullptr; RenderingApi = nullptr; bIsFullscreen = false; dwWidth = 320; dwHeight = 240; } Window::~Window() { SPDLOG_INFO("destruct window"); } void Window::Init() { std::shared_ptr pConf = GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetConfig(); ConfigFile& Conf = *pConf.get(); SetAudioPlayer(); bIsFullscreen = Ship::stob(Conf["WINDOW"]["FULLSCREEN"]); dwWidth = Ship::stoi(Conf["WINDOW"]["WINDOW WIDTH"], 320); dwHeight = Ship::stoi(Conf["WINDOW"]["WINDOW HEIGHT"], 240); dwWidth = Ship::stoi(Conf["WINDOW"]["FULLSCREEN WIDTH"], 1920); dwHeight = Ship::stoi(Conf["WINDOW"]["FULLSCREEN HEIGHT"], 1080); dwMenubar = Ship::stoi(Conf["WINDOW"]["menubar"], 0); const std::string& gfx_backend = Conf["WINDOW"]["GFX BACKEND"]; SetWindowManager(&WmApi, &RenderingApi, gfx_backend); gfx_init(WmApi, RenderingApi, GetContext()->GetName().c_str(), bIsFullscreen); WmApi->set_fullscreen_changed_callback(Window::OnFullscreenChanged); WmApi->set_keyboard_callbacks(Window::KeyDown, Window::KeyUp, Window::AllKeysUp); } void Window::StartFrame() { gfx_start_frame(); } void Window::RunCommands(Gfx* Commands, const std::vector>& mtx_replacements) { for (const auto& m : mtx_replacements) { gfx_run(Commands, m); gfx_end_frame(); } } void Window::SetTargetFps(int fps) { gfx_set_target_fps(fps); } void Window::SetMaximumFrameLatency(int latency) { gfx_set_maximum_frame_latency(latency); } void Window::GetPixelDepthPrepare(float x, float y) { gfx_get_pixel_depth_prepare(x, y); } uint16_t Window::GetPixelDepth(float x, float y) { return gfx_get_pixel_depth(x, y); } void Window::ToggleFullscreen() { SetFullscreen(!bIsFullscreen); } void Window::SetFullscreen(bool bIsFullscreen) { this->bIsFullscreen = bIsFullscreen; WmApi->set_fullscreen(bIsFullscreen); } void Window::ShowCursor(bool hide) { if (!this->bIsFullscreen || this->dwMenubar) { WmApi->show_cursor(true); } else { WmApi->show_cursor(hide); } } void Window::MainLoop(void (*MainFunction)(void)) { WmApi->main_loop(MainFunction); } bool Window::KeyUp(int32_t dwScancode) { std::shared_ptr pConf = GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetConfig(); ConfigFile& Conf = *pConf.get(); if (dwScancode == Ship::stoi(Conf["KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS"]["KEY_FULLSCREEN"])) { GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetWindow()->ToggleFullscreen(); } // OTRTODO: Rig with Kirito's console? //if (dwScancode == Ship::stoi(Conf["KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS"]["KEY_CONSOLE"])) { // ToggleConsole(); //} bool bIsProcessed = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < __osMaxControllers; i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < Controllers[i].size(); j++) { KeyboardController* pad = dynamic_cast(Ship::Window::Controllers[i][j].get()); if (pad != nullptr) { if (pad->ReleaseButton(dwScancode)) { bIsProcessed = true; } } } } return bIsProcessed; } bool Window::KeyDown(int32_t dwScancode) { bool bIsProcessed = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < __osMaxControllers; i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < Controllers[i].size(); j++) { KeyboardController* pad = dynamic_cast(Ship::Window::Controllers[i][j].get()); if (pad != nullptr) { if (pad->PressButton(dwScancode)) { bIsProcessed = true; } } } } lastScancode = dwScancode; return bIsProcessed; } void Window::AllKeysUp(void) { for (size_t i = 0; i < __osMaxControllers; i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < Controllers[i].size(); j++) { KeyboardController* pad = dynamic_cast(Ship::Window::Controllers[i][j].get()); if (pad != nullptr) { pad->ReleaseAllButtons(); } } } } void Window::OnFullscreenChanged(bool bIsFullscreen) { std::shared_ptr pConf = GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetConfig(); ConfigFile& Conf = *pConf.get(); GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetWindow()->bIsFullscreen = bIsFullscreen; Conf["WINDOW"]["FULLSCREEN"] = std::to_string(bIsFullscreen); GlobalCtx2::GetInstance()->GetWindow()->ShowCursor(!bIsFullscreen); } uint32_t Window::GetCurrentWidth() { WmApi->get_dimensions(&dwWidth, &dwHeight); return dwWidth; } uint32_t Window::GetCurrentHeight() { WmApi->get_dimensions(&dwWidth, &dwHeight); return dwHeight; } void Window::SetAudioPlayer() { #ifdef _WIN32 APlayer = std::make_shared(); #elif defined(__linux) APlayer = std::make_shared(); #else APlayer = std::make_shared(); #endif } }