#if defined(ENABLE_DX11) || defined(ENABLE_DX12) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _LANGUAGE_C #define _LANGUAGE_C #endif #include #include "gfx_window_manager_api.h" #include "gfx_rendering_api.h" #include "gfx_direct3d_common.h" #include "gfx_screen_config.h" #include "gfx_pc.h" #include "../../ImGuiImpl.h" #define DECLARE_GFX_DXGI_FUNCTIONS #include "gfx_dxgi.h" #define WINCLASS_NAME L"N64GAME" #define GFX_API_NAME "DirectX" #define FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_NUMERATOR 1000000000 #define FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_DENOMINATOR (dxgi.target_fps) using namespace Microsoft::WRL; // For ComPtr static struct { HWND h_wnd; bool in_paint; bool recursive_paint_detected; uint32_t current_width, current_height; std::string game_name; HMODULE dxgi_module; HRESULT (__stdcall *CreateDXGIFactory1)(REFIID riid, void **factory); HRESULT (__stdcall *CreateDXGIFactory2)(UINT flags, REFIID iid, void **factory); bool process_dpi_awareness_done; RECT last_window_rect; bool is_full_screen, last_maximized_state; bool dxgi1_4; ComPtr factory; ComPtr swap_chain; HANDLE waitable_object; ComPtr swap_chain_device; // D3D11 Device or D3D12 Command Queue std::function before_destroy_swap_chain_fn; uint64_t qpc_init, qpc_freq; uint64_t frame_timestamp; // in units of 1/FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_DENOMINATOR nanoseconds std::map frame_stats; std::set> pending_frame_stats; bool dropped_frame; bool zero_latency; float detected_hz; UINT length_in_vsync_frames; uint32_t target_fps; uint32_t maximum_frame_latency; uint32_t applied_maximum_frame_latency; HANDLE timer; bool use_timer; LARGE_INTEGER previous_present_time; void (*on_fullscreen_changed)(bool is_now_fullscreen); void (*run_one_game_iter)(void); bool (*on_key_down)(int scancode); bool (*on_key_up)(int scancode); void (*on_all_keys_up)(void); } dxgi; static void load_dxgi_library(void) { dxgi.dxgi_module = LoadLibraryW(L"dxgi.dll"); *(FARPROC *)&dxgi.CreateDXGIFactory1 = GetProcAddress(dxgi.dxgi_module, "CreateDXGIFactory1"); *(FARPROC *)&dxgi.CreateDXGIFactory2 = GetProcAddress(dxgi.dxgi_module, "CreateDXGIFactory2"); } template static void run_as_dpi_aware(Fun f) { // Make sure Windows 8.1 or newer doesn't upscale/downscale the rendered images. // This is an issue on Windows 8.1 and newer where moving around the window // between different monitors having different scaling settings will // by default result in the DirectX image will also be scaled accordingly. // The resulting scale factor is the curent monitor's scale factor divided by // the initial monitor's scale factor. Setting per-monitor aware disables scaling. // On Windows 10 1607 and later, that is solved by setting the awarenenss per window, // which is done by using SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext before and after creating // any window. When the message handler runs, the corresponding context also applies. // From windef.h, missing in MinGW. DECLARE_HANDLE(DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT); #define DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_UNAWARE ((DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT)-1) #define DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_SYSTEM_AWARE ((DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT)-2) #define DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_PER_MONITOR_AWARE ((DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT)-3) #define DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_PER_MONITOR_AWARE_V2 ((DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT)-4) #define DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_UNAWARE_GDISCALED ((DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT)-5) DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT (WINAPI *SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext)(DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT dpiContext); *(FARPROC *)&SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleW(L"user32.dll"), "SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext"); DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT old_awareness_context = nullptr; if (SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext != nullptr) { old_awareness_context = SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext(DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_PER_MONITOR_AWARE_V2); } else { // Solution for Windows 8.1 and newer, but before Windows 10 1607. // SetProcessDpiAwareness must be called before any drawing related API is called. if (!dxgi.process_dpi_awareness_done) { HMODULE shcore_module = LoadLibraryW(L"SHCore.dll"); if (shcore_module != nullptr) { HRESULT (WINAPI *SetProcessDpiAwareness)(PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS value); *(FARPROC *)&SetProcessDpiAwareness = GetProcAddress(shcore_module, "SetProcessDpiAwareness"); if (SetProcessDpiAwareness != nullptr) { SetProcessDpiAwareness(PROCESS_PER_MONITOR_DPI_AWARE); // Ignore result, will fail if already called or manifest already specifies dpi awareness. } FreeLibrary(shcore_module); } dxgi.process_dpi_awareness_done = true; } } f(); // Restore the old context if (SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext != nullptr && old_awareness_context != nullptr) { SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext(old_awareness_context); } } static void apply_maximum_frame_latency(bool first) { ComPtr swap_chain2; if (dxgi.swap_chain->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDXGISwapChain2), &swap_chain2) == S_OK) { ThrowIfFailed(swap_chain2->SetMaximumFrameLatency(dxgi.maximum_frame_latency)); if (first) { dxgi.waitable_object = swap_chain2->GetFrameLatencyWaitableObject(); WaitForSingleObject(dxgi.waitable_object, INFINITE); } } else { ComPtr device1; ThrowIfFailed(dxgi.swap_chain->GetDevice(__uuidof(IDXGIDevice1), &device1)); ThrowIfFailed(device1->SetMaximumFrameLatency(dxgi.maximum_frame_latency)); } dxgi.applied_maximum_frame_latency = dxgi.maximum_frame_latency; } static void toggle_borderless_window_full_screen(bool enable, bool call_callback) { // Windows 7 + flip mode + waitable object can't go to exclusive fullscreen, // so do borderless instead. If DWM is enabled, this means we get one monitor // sync interval of latency extra. On Win 10 however (maybe Win 8 too), due to // "fullscreen optimizations" the latency is eliminated. if (enable == dxgi.is_full_screen) { return; } if (!enable) { RECT r = dxgi.last_window_rect; // Set in window mode with the last saved position and size SetWindowLongPtr(dxgi.h_wnd, GWL_STYLE, WS_VISIBLE | WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW); if (dxgi.last_maximized_state) { SetWindowPos(dxgi.h_wnd, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_FRAMECHANGED | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE); ShowWindow(dxgi.h_wnd, SW_MAXIMIZE); } else { SetWindowPos(dxgi.h_wnd, NULL, r.left, r.top, r.right - r.left, r.bottom - r.top, SWP_FRAMECHANGED); ShowWindow(dxgi.h_wnd, SW_RESTORE); } dxgi.is_full_screen = false; } else { // Save if window is maximized or not WINDOWPLACEMENT window_placement; window_placement.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT); GetWindowPlacement(dxgi.h_wnd, &window_placement); dxgi.last_maximized_state = window_placement.showCmd == SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED; // Save window position and size if the window is not maximized GetWindowRect(dxgi.h_wnd, &dxgi.last_window_rect); // Get in which monitor the window is HMONITOR h_monitor = MonitorFromWindow(dxgi.h_wnd, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST); // Get info from that monitor MONITORINFOEX monitor_info; monitor_info.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFOEX); GetMonitorInfo(h_monitor, &monitor_info); RECT r = monitor_info.rcMonitor; // Set borderless full screen to that monitor SetWindowLongPtr(dxgi.h_wnd, GWL_STYLE, WS_VISIBLE | WS_POPUP); SetWindowPos(dxgi.h_wnd, HWND_TOP, r.left, r.top, r.right - r.left, r.bottom - r.top, SWP_FRAMECHANGED); dxgi.is_full_screen = true; } if (dxgi.on_fullscreen_changed != nullptr && call_callback) { dxgi.on_fullscreen_changed(enable); } } static void onkeydown(WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param) { int key = ((l_param >> 16) & 0x1ff); if (dxgi.on_key_down != nullptr) { dxgi.on_key_down(key); } } static void onkeyup(WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param) { int key = ((l_param >> 16) & 0x1ff); if (dxgi.on_key_up != nullptr) { dxgi.on_key_up(key); } } static LRESULT CALLBACK gfx_dxgi_wnd_proc(HWND h_wnd, UINT message, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param) { SohImGui::EventImpl event_impl; event_impl.win32 = { h_wnd, static_cast(message), static_cast(w_param), static_cast(l_param) }; SohImGui::Update(event_impl); switch (message) { case WM_SIZE: dxgi.current_width = (uint32_t)(l_param & 0xffff); dxgi.current_height = (uint32_t)(l_param >> 16); break; case WM_DESTROY: exit(0); case WM_PAINT: if (dxgi.in_paint) { dxgi.recursive_paint_detected = true; return DefWindowProcW(h_wnd, message, w_param, l_param); } else { if (dxgi.run_one_game_iter != nullptr) { dxgi.in_paint = true; dxgi.run_one_game_iter(); dxgi.in_paint = false; if (dxgi.recursive_paint_detected) { dxgi.recursive_paint_detected = false; InvalidateRect(h_wnd, nullptr, false); UpdateWindow(h_wnd); } } } break; case WM_ACTIVATEAPP: if (dxgi.on_all_keys_up != nullptr) { dxgi.on_all_keys_up(); } break; case WM_KEYDOWN: onkeydown(w_param, l_param); break; case WM_KEYUP: onkeyup(w_param, l_param); break; case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: if ((w_param == VK_RETURN) && ((l_param & 1 << 30) == 0)) { toggle_borderless_window_full_screen(!dxgi.is_full_screen, true); break; } else { return DefWindowProcW(h_wnd, message, w_param, l_param); } default: return DefWindowProcW(h_wnd, message, w_param, l_param); } return 0; } void gfx_dxgi_init(const char *game_name, bool start_in_fullscreen) { LARGE_INTEGER qpc_init, qpc_freq; QueryPerformanceCounter(&qpc_init); QueryPerformanceFrequency(&qpc_freq); dxgi.qpc_init = qpc_init.QuadPart; dxgi.qpc_freq = qpc_freq.QuadPart; dxgi.target_fps = 60; dxgi.maximum_frame_latency = 1; dxgi.timer = CreateWaitableTimer(nullptr, false, nullptr); // Prepare window title char title[512]; wchar_t w_title[512]; int len = sprintf(title, "%s (%s)", game_name, GFX_API_NAME); mbstowcs(w_title, title, len + 1); dxgi.game_name = game_name; // Create window WNDCLASSEXW wcex; wcex.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); wcex.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; wcex.lpfnWndProc = gfx_dxgi_wnd_proc; wcex.cbClsExtra = 0; wcex.cbWndExtra = 0; wcex.hInstance = nullptr; wcex.hIcon = nullptr; wcex.hCursor = LoadCursor(nullptr, IDC_ARROW); wcex.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH); wcex.lpszMenuName = nullptr; wcex.lpszClassName = WINCLASS_NAME; wcex.hIconSm = nullptr; ATOM winclass = RegisterClassExW(&wcex); run_as_dpi_aware([&] () { // We need to be dpi aware when calculating the size RECT wr = {0, 0, DESIRED_SCREEN_WIDTH, DESIRED_SCREEN_HEIGHT}; AdjustWindowRect(&wr, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, FALSE); dxgi.h_wnd = CreateWindowW(WINCLASS_NAME, w_title, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, wr.right - wr.left, wr.bottom - wr.top, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); }); load_dxgi_library(); ShowWindow(dxgi.h_wnd, SW_SHOW); UpdateWindow(dxgi.h_wnd); if (start_in_fullscreen) { toggle_borderless_window_full_screen(true, false); } } static void gfx_dxgi_set_fullscreen_changed_callback(void (*on_fullscreen_changed)(bool is_now_fullscreen)) { dxgi.on_fullscreen_changed = on_fullscreen_changed; } static void gfx_dxgi_show_cursor(bool hide) { /** * @bug When menubar is open in windowed mode and you toggle fullscreen * ShowCursor no longer responds. Debugging shows the bool to be correct. **/ INFO("renderer: %s", hide ? "true" : "false"); ShowCursor(hide); } static void gfx_dxgi_set_fullscreen(bool enable) { toggle_borderless_window_full_screen(enable, true); } static void gfx_dxgi_set_keyboard_callbacks(bool (*on_key_down)(int scancode), bool (*on_key_up)(int scancode), void (*on_all_keys_up)(void)) { dxgi.on_key_down = on_key_down; dxgi.on_key_up = on_key_up; dxgi.on_all_keys_up = on_all_keys_up; } static void gfx_dxgi_main_loop(void (*run_one_game_iter)(void)) { dxgi.run_one_game_iter = run_one_game_iter; MSG msg; while (GetMessage(&msg, nullptr, 0, 0)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } static void gfx_dxgi_get_dimensions(uint32_t *width, uint32_t *height) { *width = dxgi.current_width; *height = dxgi.current_height; } static void gfx_dxgi_handle_events(void) { /*MSG msg; while (PeekMessageW(&msg, nullptr, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); }*/ } static uint64_t qpc_to_ns(uint64_t qpc) { return qpc / dxgi.qpc_freq * 1000000000 + qpc % dxgi.qpc_freq * 1000000000 / dxgi.qpc_freq; } static uint64_t qpc_to_100ns(uint64_t qpc) { return qpc / dxgi.qpc_freq * 10000000 + qpc % dxgi.qpc_freq * 10000000 / dxgi.qpc_freq; } static bool gfx_dxgi_start_frame(void) { DXGI_FRAME_STATISTICS stats; if (dxgi.swap_chain->GetFrameStatistics(&stats) == S_OK && (stats.SyncRefreshCount != 0 || stats.SyncQPCTime.QuadPart != 0ULL)) { { LARGE_INTEGER t0; QueryPerformanceCounter(&t0); //printf("Get frame stats: %llu\n", (unsigned long long)(t0.QuadPart - dxgi.qpc_init)); } //printf("stats: %u %u %u %u %u %.6f\n", dxgi.pending_frame_stats.rbegin()->first, dxgi.pending_frame_stats.rbegin()->second, stats.PresentCount, stats.PresentRefreshCount, stats.SyncRefreshCount, (double)(stats.SyncQPCTime.QuadPart - dxgi.qpc_init) / dxgi.qpc_freq); if (dxgi.frame_stats.empty() || dxgi.frame_stats.rbegin()->second.PresentCount != stats.PresentCount) { dxgi.frame_stats.insert(std::make_pair(stats.PresentCount, stats)); } if (dxgi.frame_stats.size() > 3) { dxgi.frame_stats.erase(dxgi.frame_stats.begin()); } } if (!dxgi.frame_stats.empty()) { while (!dxgi.pending_frame_stats.empty() && dxgi.pending_frame_stats.begin()->first < dxgi.frame_stats.rbegin()->first) { dxgi.pending_frame_stats.erase(dxgi.pending_frame_stats.begin()); } } while (dxgi.pending_frame_stats.size() > 40) { // Just make sure the list doesn't grow too large if GetFrameStatistics fails. dxgi.pending_frame_stats.erase(dxgi.pending_frame_stats.begin()); // These are not that useful anymore dxgi.frame_stats.clear(); } dxgi.use_timer = false; dxgi.frame_timestamp += FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_NUMERATOR; if (dxgi.frame_stats.size() >= 2) { DXGI_FRAME_STATISTICS *first = &dxgi.frame_stats.begin()->second; DXGI_FRAME_STATISTICS *last = &dxgi.frame_stats.rbegin()->second; uint64_t sync_qpc_diff = last->SyncQPCTime.QuadPart - first->SyncQPCTime.QuadPart; UINT sync_vsync_diff = last->SyncRefreshCount - first->SyncRefreshCount; UINT present_vsync_diff = last->PresentRefreshCount - first->PresentRefreshCount; UINT present_diff = last->PresentCount - first->PresentCount; if (sync_vsync_diff == 0) { sync_vsync_diff = 1; } double estimated_vsync_interval = (double)sync_qpc_diff / (double)sync_vsync_diff; uint64_t estimated_vsync_interval_ns = qpc_to_ns(estimated_vsync_interval); //printf("Estimated vsync_interval: %d\n", (int)estimated_vsync_interval_ns); if (estimated_vsync_interval_ns < 2000 || estimated_vsync_interval_ns > 1000000000) { // Unreasonable, maybe a monitor change estimated_vsync_interval_ns = 16666666; estimated_vsync_interval = estimated_vsync_interval_ns * dxgi.qpc_freq / 1000000000; } dxgi.detected_hz = (float)((double)1000000000 / (double)estimated_vsync_interval_ns); UINT queued_vsyncs = 0; bool is_first = true; for (const std::pair& p : dxgi.pending_frame_stats) { /*if (is_first && dxgi.zero_latency) { is_first = false; continue; }*/ queued_vsyncs += p.second; } uint64_t last_frame_present_end_qpc = (last->SyncQPCTime.QuadPart - dxgi.qpc_init) + estimated_vsync_interval * queued_vsyncs; uint64_t last_end_ns = qpc_to_ns(last_frame_present_end_qpc); double vsyncs_to_wait = (double)(int64_t)(dxgi.frame_timestamp / FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_DENOMINATOR - last_end_ns) / estimated_vsync_interval_ns; //printf("ts: %llu, last_end_ns: %llu, Init v: %f\n", dxgi.frame_timestamp / 3, last_end_ns, vsyncs_to_wait); if (vsyncs_to_wait <= 0) { // Too late if ((int64_t)(dxgi.frame_timestamp / FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_DENOMINATOR - last_end_ns) < -66666666) { // The application must have been paused or similar vsyncs_to_wait = round(((double)FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_NUMERATOR / FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_DENOMINATOR) / estimated_vsync_interval_ns); if (vsyncs_to_wait < 1) { vsyncs_to_wait = 1; } dxgi.frame_timestamp = FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_DENOMINATOR * (last_end_ns + vsyncs_to_wait * estimated_vsync_interval_ns); } else { // Drop frame //printf("Dropping frame\n"); dxgi.dropped_frame = true; return false; } } double orig_wait = vsyncs_to_wait; if (floor(vsyncs_to_wait) != vsyncs_to_wait) { uint64_t left = last_end_ns + floor(vsyncs_to_wait) * estimated_vsync_interval_ns; uint64_t right = last_end_ns + ceil(vsyncs_to_wait) * estimated_vsync_interval_ns; uint64_t adjusted_desired_time = dxgi.frame_timestamp / FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_DENOMINATOR + (last_end_ns + (FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_NUMERATOR / FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_DENOMINATOR) > dxgi.frame_timestamp / FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_DENOMINATOR ? 2000000 : -2000000); int64_t diff_left = adjusted_desired_time - left; int64_t diff_right = right - adjusted_desired_time; if (diff_left < 0) { diff_left = -diff_left; } if (diff_right < 0) { diff_right = -diff_right; } if (diff_left < diff_right) { vsyncs_to_wait = floor(vsyncs_to_wait); } else { vsyncs_to_wait = ceil(vsyncs_to_wait); } if (vsyncs_to_wait == 0) { //printf("vsyncs_to_wait became 0 so dropping frame\n"); dxgi.dropped_frame = true; return false; } } //printf("v: %d\n", (int)vsyncs_to_wait); if (vsyncs_to_wait > 4) { // Invalid, so use timer based solution vsyncs_to_wait = 4; dxgi.use_timer = true; } dxgi.length_in_vsync_frames = vsyncs_to_wait; } else { dxgi.length_in_vsync_frames = 1; dxgi.use_timer = true; } return true; } static void gfx_dxgi_swap_buffers_begin(void) { //dxgi.length_in_vsync_frames = 1; LARGE_INTEGER t; if (dxgi.use_timer) { QueryPerformanceCounter(&t); int64_t next = qpc_to_100ns(dxgi.previous_present_time.QuadPart) + FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_NUMERATOR / (FRAME_INTERVAL_NS_DENOMINATOR * 100); int64_t left = next - qpc_to_100ns(t.QuadPart); if (left > 0) { LARGE_INTEGER li; li.QuadPart = -left; SetWaitableTimer(dxgi.timer, &li, 0, nullptr, nullptr, false); WaitForSingleObject(dxgi.timer, INFINITE); } } QueryPerformanceCounter(&t); dxgi.previous_present_time = t; ThrowIfFailed(dxgi.swap_chain->Present(dxgi.length_in_vsync_frames, 0)); UINT this_present_id; if (dxgi.swap_chain->GetLastPresentCount(&this_present_id) == S_OK) { dxgi.pending_frame_stats.insert(std::make_pair(this_present_id, dxgi.length_in_vsync_frames)); } dxgi.dropped_frame = false; } static void gfx_dxgi_swap_buffers_end(void) { LARGE_INTEGER t0, t1, t2; QueryPerformanceCounter(&t0); QueryPerformanceCounter(&t1); if (dxgi.applied_maximum_frame_latency > dxgi.maximum_frame_latency) { // There seems to be a bug that if latency is decreased, there is no effect of that operation, so recreate swap chain if (dxgi.waitable_object != nullptr) { if (!dxgi.dropped_frame) { // Wait the last time on this swap chain WaitForSingleObject(dxgi.waitable_object, INFINITE); } CloseHandle(dxgi.waitable_object); dxgi.waitable_object = nullptr; } dxgi.before_destroy_swap_chain_fn(); dxgi.swap_chain.Reset(); gfx_dxgi_create_swap_chain(dxgi.swap_chain_device.Get(), move(dxgi.before_destroy_swap_chain_fn)); dxgi.frame_timestamp = 0; dxgi.frame_stats.clear(); dxgi.pending_frame_stats.clear(); return; // Make sure we don't wait a second time on the waitable object, since that would hang the program } else if (dxgi.applied_maximum_frame_latency != dxgi.maximum_frame_latency) { apply_maximum_frame_latency(false); } if (!dxgi.dropped_frame) { if (dxgi.waitable_object != nullptr) { WaitForSingleObject(dxgi.waitable_object, INFINITE); } // else TODO: maybe sleep until some estimated time the frame will be shown to reduce lag } DXGI_FRAME_STATISTICS stats; dxgi.swap_chain->GetFrameStatistics(&stats); QueryPerformanceCounter(&t2); dxgi.zero_latency = dxgi.pending_frame_stats.rbegin()->first == stats.PresentCount; //printf(L"done %I64u gpu:%d wait:%d freed:%I64u frame:%u %u monitor:%u t:%I64u\n", (unsigned long long)(t0.QuadPart - dxgi.qpc_init), (int)(t1.QuadPart - t0.QuadPart), (int)(t2.QuadPart - t0.QuadPart), (unsigned long long)(t2.QuadPart - dxgi.qpc_init), dxgi.pending_frame_stats.rbegin()->first, stats.PresentCount, stats.SyncRefreshCount, (unsigned long long)(stats.SyncQPCTime.QuadPart - dxgi.qpc_init)); } static double gfx_dxgi_get_time(void) { LARGE_INTEGER t; QueryPerformanceCounter(&t); return (double)(t.QuadPart - dxgi.qpc_init) / dxgi.qpc_freq; } static void gfx_dxgi_set_target_fps(int fps) { uint32_t old_fps = dxgi.target_fps; uint64_t t0 = dxgi.frame_timestamp / old_fps; uint32_t t1 = dxgi.frame_timestamp % old_fps; dxgi.target_fps = fps; dxgi.frame_timestamp = t0 * dxgi.target_fps + t1 * dxgi.target_fps / old_fps; } static void gfx_dxgi_set_maximum_frame_latency(int latency) { dxgi.maximum_frame_latency = latency; } static float gfx_dxgi_get_detected_hz() { return dxgi.detected_hz; } void gfx_dxgi_create_factory_and_device(bool debug, int d3d_version, bool (*create_device_fn)(IDXGIAdapter1 *adapter, bool test_only)) { if (dxgi.CreateDXGIFactory2 != nullptr) { ThrowIfFailed(dxgi.CreateDXGIFactory2(debug ? DXGI_CREATE_FACTORY_DEBUG : 0, __uuidof(IDXGIFactory2), &dxgi.factory)); } else { ThrowIfFailed(dxgi.CreateDXGIFactory1(__uuidof(IDXGIFactory2), &dxgi.factory)); } { ComPtr factory4; if (dxgi.factory->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDXGIFactory4), &factory4) == S_OK) { dxgi.dxgi1_4 = true; } } ComPtr adapter; for (UINT i = 0; dxgi.factory->EnumAdapters1(i, &adapter) != DXGI_ERROR_NOT_FOUND; i++) { DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC1 desc; adapter->GetDesc1(&desc); if (desc.Flags & 2/*DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG_SOFTWARE*/) { // declaration missing in mingw headers continue; } if (create_device_fn(adapter.Get(), true)) { break; } } create_device_fn(adapter.Get(), false); char title[512]; wchar_t w_title[512]; int len = sprintf(title, "%s (Direct3D %d)", dxgi.game_name.c_str(), d3d_version); mbstowcs(w_title, title, len + 1); SetWindowTextW(dxgi.h_wnd, w_title); } void gfx_dxgi_create_swap_chain(IUnknown *device, std::function&& before_destroy_fn) { bool win8 = IsWindows8OrGreater(); // DXGI_SCALING_NONE is only supported on Win8 and beyond bool dxgi_13 = dxgi.CreateDXGIFactory2 != nullptr; // DXGI 1.3 introduced waitable object DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC1 swap_chain_desc = {}; swap_chain_desc.BufferCount = 3; swap_chain_desc.Width = 0; swap_chain_desc.Height = 0; swap_chain_desc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM; swap_chain_desc.BufferUsage = DXGI_USAGE_RENDER_TARGET_OUTPUT; swap_chain_desc.Scaling = win8 ? DXGI_SCALING_NONE : DXGI_SCALING_STRETCH; swap_chain_desc.SwapEffect = dxgi.dxgi1_4 ? DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_DISCARD : // Introduced in DXGI 1.4 and Windows 10 DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_SEQUENTIAL; // Apparently flip sequential was also backported to Win 7 Platform Update swap_chain_desc.Flags = dxgi_13 ? DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG_FRAME_LATENCY_WAITABLE_OBJECT : 0; swap_chain_desc.SampleDesc.Count = 1; run_as_dpi_aware([&] () { // When setting size for the buffers, the values that DXGI puts into the desc (that can later be retrieved by GetDesc1) // have been divided by the current scaling factor. By making this call dpi aware, no division will be performed. // The same goes for IDXGISwapChain::ResizeBuffers(), however that function is currently only called from the message handler. ThrowIfFailed(dxgi.factory->CreateSwapChainForHwnd(device, dxgi.h_wnd, &swap_chain_desc, nullptr, nullptr, &dxgi.swap_chain)); }); ThrowIfFailed(dxgi.factory->MakeWindowAssociation(dxgi.h_wnd, DXGI_MWA_NO_ALT_ENTER)); apply_maximum_frame_latency(true); ThrowIfFailed(dxgi.swap_chain->GetDesc1(&swap_chain_desc)); dxgi.current_width = swap_chain_desc.Width; dxgi.current_height = swap_chain_desc.Height; dxgi.swap_chain_device = device; dxgi.before_destroy_swap_chain_fn = std::move(before_destroy_fn); } HWND gfx_dxgi_get_h_wnd(void) { return dxgi.h_wnd; } IDXGISwapChain1* gfx_dxgi_get_swap_chain() { return dxgi.swap_chain.Get(); } void ThrowIfFailed(HRESULT res) { if (FAILED(res)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: 0x%08X\n", res); throw res; } } void ThrowIfFailed(HRESULT res, HWND h_wnd, const char *message) { if (FAILED(res)) { char full_message[256]; sprintf(full_message, "%s\n\nHRESULT: 0x%08X", message, res); MessageBoxA(h_wnd, full_message, "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); throw res; } } extern "C" struct GfxWindowManagerAPI gfx_dxgi_api = { gfx_dxgi_init, gfx_dxgi_set_keyboard_callbacks, gfx_dxgi_set_fullscreen_changed_callback, gfx_dxgi_set_fullscreen, gfx_dxgi_show_cursor, gfx_dxgi_main_loop, gfx_dxgi_get_dimensions, gfx_dxgi_handle_events, gfx_dxgi_start_frame, gfx_dxgi_swap_buffers_begin, gfx_dxgi_swap_buffers_end, gfx_dxgi_get_time, gfx_dxgi_set_target_fps, gfx_dxgi_set_maximum_frame_latency, gfx_dxgi_get_detected_hz, }; #endif