#!/usr/bin/env python3 # How to use: # Place a rom in this directory then run the script. # If you are using multiple roms, the script will let you choose one. # To choose with a commandline argument: # Python3 extract_assets.py # Invalid input results in the first rom being selected import json, os, signal, time, sys, shutil, glob from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count, Event, Manager, ProcessError from enum import Enum import shutil romVer = "..\\soh\\baserom_non_mq.z64" roms = []; checksums = ["", "", ""]; class Checksums(Enum): OOT_NTSC_10 = "EC7011B7" OOT_NTSC_11 = "D43DA81F" OOT_NTSC_12 = "693BA2AE" OOT_PAL_10 = "B044B569" OOT_PAL_11 = "B2055FBD" OOT_NTSC_JP_GC_CE = "F7F52DB8" OOT_NTSC_JP_GC = "F611F4BA" OOT_NTSC_US_GC = "F3DD35BA" OOT_PAL_GC = "09465AC3" OOT_NTSC_JP_MQ = "F43B45BA" OOT_NTSC_US_MQ = "F034001A" OOT_PAL_MQ = "1D4136F3" OOT_PAL_GC_DBG1 = "871E1C92" OOT_PAL_GC_DBG2 = "87121EFE" OOT_PAL_GC_MQ_DBG = "917D18F6" OOT_IQUE_TW = "3D81FB3E" OOT_IQUE_CN = "B1E1E07B" OOT_UNKNOWN = "FFFFFFFF" CompatibleChecksums = [ Checksums.OOT_PAL_GC, Checksums.OOT_PAL_GC_DBG1 ] def BuildOTR(xmlPath, rom): shutil.copytree("assets", "Extract/assets") execStr = "x64\\Release\\ZAPD.exe" if sys.platform == "win32" else "../ZAPD/ZAPD.out" execStr += " ed -i %s -b %s -fl CFG\\filelists -o placeholder -osf placeholder -gsf 1 -rconf CFG/Config.xml -se OTR" % (xmlPath, rom) print(execStr) exitValue = os.system(execStr) if exitValue != 0: print("\n") print("Error when building the OTR file...", file=os.sys.stderr) print("Aborting...", file=os.sys.stderr) print("\n") def checkChecksum(rom): r = open(rom, "rb") r.seek(16) bytes = r.read(4).hex().upper() r.close() for checksum in Checksums: if (checksum.value == bytes): for compat in CompatibleChecksums: if (checksum.name == compat.name): print("Compatible rom found!") return checksum print("Valid oot rom found. However, not compatible with SoH.") print("Compatible roms:") for compat in CompatibleChecksums: print(compat.name+" | 0x"+compat.value) sys.exit(1) print("Wrong rom! No valid checksum found") sys.exit(1) def main(): romToUse = ""; for file in glob.glob("*.z64"): roms.append(file) if not (roms): print("Error: No roms located, place one in the OTRExporter directory", file=os.sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if (len(roms) > 1): # If commandline args exist if (len(sys.argv) > 1): try: if ((int(sys.argv[1]) - 1) < 1): romToUse = roms[0] elif ((int(sys.argv[1]) - 1) > len(roms)): romToUse = roms[len(roms) - 1] else: romToUse = roms[int(sys.argv[1]) - 1] except: romToUse = roms[0] # No commandline args, select rom using user input else: print(str(len(roms))+" roms found, please select one by pressing 1-"+str(len(roms))) count = 1 for list in range(len(roms)): print(str(count)+". "+roms[list]) count += 1 while(1): try: selection = int(input()) except: print("Bad input. Try again with the number keys.") continue if (selection < 1 or selection > len(roms)): print("Bad input. Try again.") continue else: break romToUse = roms[selection - 1] else: romToUse = roms[0] match checkChecksum(romToUse): case Checksums.OOT_PAL_GC: xmlVer = "GC_NMQ_PAL_F" case Checksums.OOT_PAL_GC_DBG1: xmlVer = "GC_NMQ_D" case _: # default case xmlVer = "GC_MQ_D" if (os.path.exists("Extract")): shutil.rmtree("Extract") BuildOTR("..\\soh\\assets\\xml\\" + xmlVer + "\\", romToUse) if __name__ == "__main__": main()