# Building Ship of Harkinian 1. Install [Python](https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.10.2/python-3.10.2-amd64.exe) 2. Install [Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/community/) 2b. In the Visual Studio Installer, install `MSVC v142 - VS 2019 C++`. 4. Clone the Ship of Harkinian repository. 5. Place one or more [compatible](#compatible-roms) roms in the `OTRExporter` directory with namings of your choice. 6. Run `OTRExporter/OTRExporter.sln`. 7. Switch the solution to `Release x64`. 8. Build the solution. 9. Launching `OTRExporter/extract_assets.py` will generate an `oot.otr` archive file in `OTRExporter/oot.otr`. 10. Run `soh/soh.sln` 11. Switch the solution to `Release x86`. 12. Build the solution. 13. Copy the `OTRExporter/oot.otr` archive file to `soh/Release`. 14. Launch `soh.exe`. ## Compatible Roms ``` OOT_PAL_GC checksum 0x09465AC3 OOT_PAL_GC_DBG1 checksum 0x871E1C92 (debug non-master quest) ```