#include "z_demo_du.h" #include "objects/object_du/object_du.h" #include "overlays/actors/ovl_Demo_Effect/z_demo_effect.h" #include "overlays/actors/ovl_Door_Warp1/z_door_warp1.h" #include "vt.h" #define FLAGS ACTOR_FLAG_4 typedef void (*DemoDuActionFunc)(DemoDu*, PlayState*); typedef void (*DemoDuDrawFunc)(Actor*, PlayState*); void DemoDu_Init(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play); void DemoDu_Destroy(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play); void DemoDu_Update(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play); void DemoDu_Draw(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play); void DemoDu_Reset(void); //static s32 sUnused = 0; #include "z_demo_du_cutscene_data.c" EARLY static void* sEyeTextures[] = { gDaruniaEyeOpenTex, gDaruniaEyeOpeningTex, gDaruniaEyeShutTex, gDaruniaEyeClosingTex }; static void* sMouthTextures[] = { gDaruniaMouthSeriousTex, gDaruniaMouthGrinningTex, gDaruniaMouthOpenTex, gDaruniaMouthHappyTex }; /** * Cs => Cutscene * * FM => Fire Medallion * GR => Goron's Ruby * AG => In the chamber of sages, just After the final blow on Ganon. * CR => Credits * */ // Each macro maps its argument to an index of sUpdateFuncs. #define CS_FIREMEDALLION_SUBSCENE(x) (0 + (x)) // DEMO_DU_CS_FIREMEDALLION #define CS_GORONSRUBY_SUBSCENE(x) (7 + (x)) // DEMO_DU_CS_GORONS_RUBY #define CS_CHAMBERAFTERGANON_SUBSCENE(x) (21 + (x)) // DEMO_DU_CS_CHAMBER_AFTER_GANON #define CS_CREDITS_SUBSCENE(x) (24 + (x)) // DEMO_DU_CS_CREDITS void DemoDu_Destroy(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play) { DemoDu* this = (DemoDu*)thisx; SkelAnime_Free(&this->skelAnime, play); } void DemoDu_UpdateEyes(DemoDu* this) { s16* blinkTimer = &this->blinkTimer; s16* eyeTexIndex = &this->eyeTexIndex; s32 pad[3]; if (DECR(*blinkTimer) == 0) { *blinkTimer = Rand_S16Offset(60, 60); } *eyeTexIndex = *blinkTimer; if (*eyeTexIndex >= 3) { *eyeTexIndex = 0; } } void DemoDu_SetEyeTexIndex(DemoDu* this, s16 eyeTexIndex) { this->eyeTexIndex = eyeTexIndex; } void DemoDu_SetMouthTexIndex(DemoDu* this, s16 mouthTexIndex) { this->mouthTexIndex = mouthTexIndex; } // Resets all the values used in this cutscene. void DemoDu_CsAfterGanon_Reset(DemoDu* this) { this->updateIndex = CS_CHAMBERAFTERGANON_SUBSCENE(0); this->drawIndex = 0; this->shadowAlpha = 0; this->demo6KSpawned = 0; this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = 0; this->unk_1A4 = 0.0f; } s32 D_8096CE94 = false; void DemoDu_CsAfterGanon_CheckIfShouldReset(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { if (play->csCtx.state == CS_STATE_IDLE) { if (D_8096CE94) { if (this->actor.params == DEMO_DU_CS_CHAMBER_AFTER_GANON) { DemoDu_CsAfterGanon_Reset(this); } D_8096CE94 = false; return; } } else if (!D_8096CE94) { D_8096CE94 = true; } } s32 DemoDu_UpdateSkelAnime(DemoDu* this) { return SkelAnime_Update(&this->skelAnime); } void DemoDu_UpdateBgCheckInfo(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { Actor_UpdateBgCheckInfo(play, &this->actor, 75.0f, 30.0f, 30.0f, 5); } CsCmdActorAction* DemoDu_GetNpcAction(PlayState* play, s32 idx) { if (play->csCtx.state != CS_STATE_IDLE) { return play->csCtx.npcActions[idx]; } return NULL; } s32 DemoDu_IsNpcDoingThisAction(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play, u16 action, s32 idx) { CsCmdActorAction* npcAction = DemoDu_GetNpcAction(play, idx); if ((npcAction != NULL) && (npcAction->action == action)) { return true; } return false; } s32 DemoDu_IsNpcNotDoingThisAction(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play, u16 action, s32 idx) { CsCmdActorAction* npcAction = DemoDu_GetNpcAction(play, idx); if ((npcAction != NULL) && (npcAction->action != action)) { return true; } return false; } void DemoDu_MoveToNpcPos(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play, s32 idx) { CsCmdActorAction* npcAction = DemoDu_GetNpcAction(play, idx); s32 pad; if (npcAction != NULL) { this->actor.world.pos.x = npcAction->startPos.x; this->actor.world.pos.y = npcAction->startPos.y; this->actor.world.pos.z = npcAction->startPos.z; this->actor.world.rot.y = this->actor.shape.rot.y = npcAction->rot.y; } } void func_80969DDC(DemoDu* this, AnimationHeader* animation, u8 mode, f32 morphFrames, s32 arg4) { f32 startFrame; s16 lastFrame = Animation_GetLastFrame(animation); f32 endFrame; f32 playSpeed; if (arg4 == 0) { startFrame = 0.0f; endFrame = lastFrame; playSpeed = 1.0f; } else { endFrame = 0.0f; playSpeed = -1.0f; startFrame = lastFrame; } Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, animation, playSpeed, startFrame, endFrame, mode, morphFrames); } void DemoDu_InitCs_FireMedallion(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { SkelAnime_InitFlex(play, &this->skelAnime, &gDaruniaSkel, &gDaruniaIdleAnim, NULL, NULL, 0); this->actor.shape.yOffset = -10000.0f; DemoDu_SetEyeTexIndex(this, 1); DemoDu_SetMouthTexIndex(this, 3); } // A.k.a Warp portal void DemoDu_CsFireMedallion_SpawnDoorWarp(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { f32 posX = this->actor.world.pos.x; f32 posY = this->actor.world.pos.y; f32 posZ = this->actor.world.pos.z; Actor_SpawnAsChild(&play->actorCtx, &this->actor, play, ACTOR_DOOR_WARP1, posX, posY, posZ, 0, 0, 0, WARP_SAGES); } // Gives the Fire Medallion to Link. void func_80969F38(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); f32 posX = player->actor.world.pos.x; f32 posY = player->actor.world.pos.y + 80.0f; f32 posZ = player->actor.world.pos.z; Actor_SpawnAsChild(&play->actorCtx, &this->actor, play, ACTOR_DEMO_EFFECT, posX, posY, posZ, 0, 0, 0, DEMO_EFFECT_MEDAL_FIRE); Item_Give(play, ITEM_MEDALLION_FIRE); } void func_80969FB4(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { this->actor.shape.yOffset += 250.0f / 3.0f; } // Gives the Fire Medallion to Link too. void DemoDu_CsFireMedallion_AdvanceTo01(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { s32 pad[2]; if ((gSaveContext.chamberCutsceneNum == 1) && (gSaveContext.sceneSetupIndex < 4)) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); this->updateIndex = CS_FIREMEDALLION_SUBSCENE(1); play->csCtx.segment = D_8096C1A4; gSaveContext.cutsceneTrigger = 2; Item_Give(play, ITEM_MEDALLION_FIRE); player->actor.world.rot.y = player->actor.shape.rot.y = this->actor.world.rot.y + 0x8000; } } void DemoDu_CsFireMedallion_AdvanceTo02(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { if (play->csCtx.state != CS_STATE_IDLE) { CsCmdActorAction* npcAction = play->csCtx.npcActions[2]; if ((npcAction != NULL) && (npcAction->action != 1)) { this->updateIndex = CS_FIREMEDALLION_SUBSCENE(2); this->drawIndex = 1; DemoDu_CsFireMedallion_SpawnDoorWarp(this, play); } } } void DemoDu_CsFireMedallion_AdvanceTo03(DemoDu* this) { if (this->actor.shape.yOffset >= 0.0f) { this->updateIndex = CS_FIREMEDALLION_SUBSCENE(3); this->actor.shape.yOffset = 0.0f; } } void DemoDu_CsFireMedallion_AdvanceTo04(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { if (play->csCtx.state != CS_STATE_IDLE) { CsCmdActorAction* npcAction = play->csCtx.npcActions[2]; if ((npcAction != NULL) && (npcAction->action != 2)) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gDaruniaItemGiveAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gDaruniaItemGiveAnim), 2, 0.0f); this->updateIndex = CS_FIREMEDALLION_SUBSCENE(4); } } } void DemoDu_CsFireMedallion_AdvanceTo05(DemoDu* this, s32 animFinished) { if (animFinished) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gDaruniaItemGiveIdleAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gDaruniaItemGiveIdleAnim), 0, 0.0f); this->updateIndex = CS_FIREMEDALLION_SUBSCENE(5); } } void DemoDu_CsFireMedallion_AdvanceTo06(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { if (play->csCtx.state != CS_STATE_IDLE) { CsCmdActorAction* npcAction = play->csCtx.npcActions[6]; if ((npcAction != NULL) && (npcAction->action == 2)) { this->updateIndex = CS_FIREMEDALLION_SUBSCENE(6); func_80969F38(this, play); } } } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_FM_00(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { DemoDu_CsFireMedallion_AdvanceTo01(this, play); } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_FM_01(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { DemoDu_CsFireMedallion_AdvanceTo02(this, play); } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_FM_02(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { func_80969FB4(this, play); DemoDu_UpdateSkelAnime(this); DemoDu_CsFireMedallion_AdvanceTo03(this); } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_FM_03(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { DemoDu_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoDu_UpdateSkelAnime(this); DemoDu_CsFireMedallion_AdvanceTo04(this, play); } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_FM_04(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { s32 animFinished; DemoDu_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); animFinished = DemoDu_UpdateSkelAnime(this); DemoDu_CsFireMedallion_AdvanceTo05(this, animFinished); } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_FM_05(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { DemoDu_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoDu_UpdateSkelAnime(this); DemoDu_CsFireMedallion_AdvanceTo06(this, play); } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_FM_06(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { DemoDu_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoDu_UpdateSkelAnime(this); } void DemoDu_InitCs_GoronsRuby(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { SkelAnime_InitFlex(play, &this->skelAnime, &gDaruniaSkel, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); this->updateIndex = CS_GORONSRUBY_SUBSCENE(0); } // Cutscene: Darunia gives Link the Goron's Ruby. // Sfx played when Darunia lands at the floor at the start of the cutscene. void DemoDu_CsPlaySfx_GoronLanding(DemoDu* this) { func_80078914(&this->actor.projectedPos, NA_SE_EN_GOLON_LAND_BIG); } // Cutscene: Darunia gives Link the Goron's Ruby. // Sfx played when Darunia is falling at the start of the cutscene. void DemoDu_CsPlaySfx_DaruniaFalling(PlayState* play) { if (play->csCtx.frames == 160) { func_800788CC(NA_SE_EV_OBJECT_FALL); } } // Cutscene: Darunia gives Link the Goron's Ruby. void DemoDu_CsPlaySfx_DaruniaHitsLink(PlayState* play) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); s32 pad; func_80078914(&player->actor.projectedPos, NA_SE_EN_DARUNIA_HIT_LINK); Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_VO_LI_DAMAGE_S_KID, &player->actor.projectedPos, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); } // Cutscene: Darunia gives Link the Goron's Ruby. void DemoDu_CsPlaySfx_HitBreast(DemoDu* this) { func_80078914(&this->actor.projectedPos, NA_SE_EN_DARUNIA_HIT_BREAST - SFX_FLAG); } // Cutscene: Darunia gives Link the Goron's Ruby. // Sfx played when Link is escaping from the gorons at the end of the scene. void DemoDu_CsPlaySfx_LinkEscapeFromGorons(PlayState* play) { if (play->csCtx.frames == 1400) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_VO_LI_FALL_L_KID, &player->actor.projectedPos, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); } } // Cutscene: Darunia gives Link the Goron's Ruby. // Sfx played when Link is surprised by Darunia falling from the sky. void DemoDu_CsPlaySfx_LinkSurprised(PlayState* play) { if (play->csCtx.frames == 174) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_VO_LI_SURPRISE_KID, &player->actor.projectedPos, 4U, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); } } void DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_UpdateFaceTextures(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { u16* frames = &play->csCtx.frames; if (*frames < 260) { DemoDu_UpdateEyes(this); DemoDu_SetMouthTexIndex(this, 0); } else if (*frames < 335) { DemoDu_UpdateEyes(this); DemoDu_SetMouthTexIndex(this, 3); } else if (*frames < 365) { DemoDu_SetEyeTexIndex(this, 3); DemoDu_SetMouthTexIndex(this, 1); } else if (*frames < 395) { DemoDu_SetEyeTexIndex(this, 0); DemoDu_SetMouthTexIndex(this, 3); } else if (*frames < 410) { DemoDu_UpdateEyes(this); DemoDu_SetMouthTexIndex(this, 0); } else { DemoDu_UpdateEyes(this); DemoDu_SetMouthTexIndex(this, 3); } } void func_8096A630(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { s32 pad; Vec3f pos = this->actor.world.pos; pos.y += kREG(5); func_80033480(play, &pos, kREG(1) + 100.0f, kREG(2) + 10, kREG(3) + 300, kREG(4), 0); DemoDu_CsPlaySfx_GoronLanding(this); } void DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_SpawnDustWhenHittingLink(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { static Vec3f dustPosOffsets[] = { { 11.0f, -11.0f, -6.0f }, { 0.0f, 14.0f, -13.0f }, { 14.0f, -2.0f, -10.0f }, { 10.0f, -6.0f, -8.0f }, { 8.0f, 6.0f, 8.0f }, { 13.0f, 8.0f, -10.0f }, { -14.0f, 1.0f, -14.0f }, { 5.0f, 12.0f, -9.0f }, { 11.0f, 6.0f, -7.0f }, { 14.0f, 14.0f, -14.0f }, }; if (Animation_OnFrame(&this->skelAnime, 31.0f) || Animation_OnFrame(&this->skelAnime, 41.0f)) { s32 pad[2]; s32 i; Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); Vec3f* headPos = &player->bodyPartsPos[PLAYER_LIMB_HEAD]; Vec3f velocity = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; Vec3f accel = { 0.0f, 0.3f, 0.0f }; s32 pad2; for (i = 4; i >= 0; --i) { Color_RGBA8 primColor = { 190, 150, 110, 255 }; Color_RGBA8 envColor = { 120, 80, 40, 255 }; s32 colorDelta; Vec3f position; if (Animation_OnFrame(&this->skelAnime, 31.0f)) { position.x = dustPosOffsets[i + 5].x + headPos->x; position.y = dustPosOffsets[i + 5].y + headPos->y; position.z = dustPosOffsets[i + 5].z + headPos->z; } else { position.x = dustPosOffsets[i + 0].x + headPos->x; position.y = dustPosOffsets[i + 0].y + headPos->y; position.z = dustPosOffsets[i + 0].z + headPos->z; } colorDelta = Rand_ZeroOne() * 20.0f - 10.0f; primColor.r += colorDelta; primColor.g += colorDelta; primColor.b += colorDelta; envColor.r += colorDelta; envColor.g += colorDelta; envColor.b += colorDelta; func_8002829C(play, &position, &velocity, &accel, &primColor, &envColor, Rand_ZeroOne() * 40.0f + 200.0f, 0); } DemoDu_CsPlaySfx_DaruniaHitsLink(play); } } void DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_DaruniaFalling(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { s32 pad; CutsceneContext* csCtx = &play->csCtx; if (csCtx->state != CS_STATE_IDLE) { CsCmdActorAction* npcAction = csCtx->npcActions[2]; Vec3f startPos; Vec3f endPos; Vec3f* pos = &this->actor.world.pos; if (npcAction != NULL) { f32 traveledPercent = Environment_LerpWeight(npcAction->endFrame, npcAction->startFrame, csCtx->frames); startPos.x = npcAction->startPos.x; startPos.y = npcAction->startPos.y; startPos.z = npcAction->startPos.z; endPos.x = npcAction->endPos.x; endPos.y = npcAction->endPos.y; endPos.z = npcAction->endPos.z; pos->x = ((endPos.x - startPos.x) * traveledPercent) + startPos.x; pos->y = ((endPos.y - startPos.y) * traveledPercent) + startPos.y; pos->z = ((endPos.z - startPos.z) * traveledPercent) + startPos.z; } } } void DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_AdvanceTo01(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { this->updateIndex = CS_GORONSRUBY_SUBSCENE(1); } void DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_AdvanceTo02(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { if (play->csCtx.state != CS_STATE_IDLE) { CsCmdActorAction* npcAction = play->csCtx.npcActions[2]; if ((npcAction != NULL) && (npcAction->action != 1)) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gDaruniaStandUpAfterFallingAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gDaruniaStandUpAfterFallingAnim), 2, 0.0f); this->updateIndex = CS_GORONSRUBY_SUBSCENE(2); this->drawIndex = 1; DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_DaruniaFalling(this, play); } } } void DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_AdvanceTo03(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { CutsceneContext* csCtx = &play->csCtx; if (csCtx->state != CS_STATE_IDLE) { CsCmdActorAction* npcAction = csCtx->npcActions[2]; if ((npcAction != NULL) && (csCtx->frames >= npcAction->endFrame)) { this->updateIndex = CS_GORONSRUBY_SUBSCENE(3); func_8096A630(this, play); } } } void DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_AdvanceTo04(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { if (play->csCtx.state != CS_STATE_IDLE) { CsCmdActorAction* npcAction = play->csCtx.npcActions[2]; if ((npcAction != NULL) && (npcAction->action != 2)) { this->updateIndex = CS_GORONSRUBY_SUBSCENE(4); } } } void DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_AdvanceTo05(DemoDu* this, s32 animFinished) { if (animFinished) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gDaruniaIdleAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gDaruniaIdleAnim), ANIMMODE_LOOP, 0.0f); this->updateIndex = CS_GORONSRUBY_SUBSCENE(5); } } void DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_AdvanceTo06(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { if (play->csCtx.state != CS_STATE_IDLE) { CsCmdActorAction* npcAction = play->csCtx.npcActions[2]; if ((npcAction != NULL) && (npcAction->action != 3)) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gDaruniaHitBreastAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gDaruniaHitBreastAnim), 2, -4.0f); this->updateIndex = CS_GORONSRUBY_SUBSCENE(6); } } } void DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_AdvanceTo07(DemoDu* this, s32 animFinished) { if (animFinished) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gDaruniaIdleAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gDaruniaIdleAnim), ANIMMODE_LOOP, 0.0f); this->updateIndex = CS_GORONSRUBY_SUBSCENE(7); } } void DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_AdvanceTo08(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { if (play->csCtx.state != CS_STATE_IDLE) { CsCmdActorAction* npcAction = play->csCtx.npcActions[2]; if ((npcAction != NULL) && (npcAction->action != 4)) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gDaruniaHitLinkAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gDaruniaHitLinkAnim), 2, 0.0f); this->updateIndex = CS_GORONSRUBY_SUBSCENE(8); } } } void DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_AdvanceTo09(DemoDu* this, s32 animFinished) { if (animFinished) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gDaruniaHitBreastAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gDaruniaHitBreastAnim), 2, 0.0f); this->updateIndex = CS_GORONSRUBY_SUBSCENE(9); } } void DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_AdvanceTo10(DemoDu* this, s32 animFinished) { if (animFinished) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gDaruniaIdleAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gDaruniaIdleAnim), ANIMMODE_LOOP, 0.0f); this->updateIndex = CS_GORONSRUBY_SUBSCENE(10); } } void DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_AdvanceTo11(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { if (play->csCtx.state != CS_STATE_IDLE) { CsCmdActorAction* npcAction = play->csCtx.npcActions[2]; if ((npcAction != NULL) && (npcAction->action != 5)) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gDaruniaItemGiveAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gDaruniaItemGiveAnim), 2, 0.0f); this->updateIndex = CS_GORONSRUBY_SUBSCENE(11); } } } void DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_AdvanceTo12(DemoDu* this, s32 animFinished) { if (animFinished) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gDaruniaItemGiveIdleAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gDaruniaItemGiveIdleAnim), 0, 0.0f); this->updateIndex = CS_GORONSRUBY_SUBSCENE(12); } } void DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_AdvanceTo13(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { if (play->csCtx.state != CS_STATE_IDLE) { CsCmdActorAction* npcAction = play->csCtx.npcActions[2]; if ((npcAction != NULL) && (npcAction->action != 6)) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gDaruniaIdleAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gDaruniaIdleAnim), ANIMMODE_LOOP, 0.0f); this->updateIndex = CS_GORONSRUBY_SUBSCENE(13); } } } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_00(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { DemoDu_CsPlaySfx_DaruniaFalling(play); DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_AdvanceTo01(this, play); } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_01(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { DemoDu_CsPlaySfx_DaruniaFalling(play); DemoDu_CsPlaySfx_LinkSurprised(play); DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_AdvanceTo02(this, play); } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_02(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_DaruniaFalling(this, play); DemoDu_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoDu_CsPlaySfx_DaruniaFalling(play); DemoDu_CsPlaySfx_LinkSurprised(play); DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_AdvanceTo03(this, play); } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_03(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { DemoDu_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoDu_CsPlaySfx_LinkSurprised(play); DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_AdvanceTo04(this, play); } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_04(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { s32 animFinished; DemoDu_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); animFinished = DemoDu_UpdateSkelAnime(this); DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_UpdateFaceTextures(this, play); DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_AdvanceTo05(this, animFinished); } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_05(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { DemoDu_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoDu_UpdateSkelAnime(this); DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_UpdateFaceTextures(this, play); DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_AdvanceTo06(this, play); } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_06(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { s32 animFinished; DemoDu_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); animFinished = DemoDu_UpdateSkelAnime(this); DemoDu_CsPlaySfx_HitBreast(this); DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_UpdateFaceTextures(this, play); DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_AdvanceTo07(this, animFinished); } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_07(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { DemoDu_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoDu_UpdateSkelAnime(this); DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_UpdateFaceTextures(this, play); DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_AdvanceTo08(this, play); } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_08(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { s32 animFinished; DemoDu_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); animFinished = DemoDu_UpdateSkelAnime(this); DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_UpdateFaceTextures(this, play); DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_SpawnDustWhenHittingLink(this, play); DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_AdvanceTo09(this, animFinished); } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_09(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { s32 animFinished; DemoDu_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); animFinished = DemoDu_UpdateSkelAnime(this); DemoDu_CsPlaySfx_HitBreast(this); DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_UpdateFaceTextures(this, play); DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_AdvanceTo10(this, animFinished); } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_10(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { DemoDu_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoDu_UpdateSkelAnime(this); DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_UpdateFaceTextures(this, play); DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_AdvanceTo11(this, play); } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_11(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { s32 animFinished; DemoDu_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); animFinished = DemoDu_UpdateSkelAnime(this); DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_UpdateFaceTextures(this, play); DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_AdvanceTo12(this, animFinished); } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_12(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { DemoDu_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoDu_UpdateSkelAnime(this); DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_UpdateFaceTextures(this, play); DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_AdvanceTo13(this, play); } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_13(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { DemoDu_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoDu_UpdateSkelAnime(this); DemoDu_CsGoronsRuby_UpdateFaceTextures(this, play); DemoDu_CsPlaySfx_LinkEscapeFromGorons(play); } void DemoDu_InitCs_AfterGanon(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { s32 pad[3]; f32 lastFrame = Animation_GetLastFrame(&gDaruniaSageFormationAnim); SkelAnime_InitFlex(play, &this->skelAnime, &gDaruniaSkel, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gDaruniaSageFormationAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, lastFrame, ANIMMODE_ONCE, 0.0f); this->updateIndex = CS_CHAMBERAFTERGANON_SUBSCENE(0); this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = 0; } void DemoDu_CsPlaySfx_WhiteOut() { func_800788CC(NA_SE_SY_WHITE_OUT_T); } void DemoDu_CsAfterGanon_SpawnDemo6K(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { Actor_SpawnAsChild(&play->actorCtx, &this->actor, play, ACTOR_DEMO_6K, this->actor.world.pos.x, kREG(16) + 22.0f + this->actor.world.pos.y, this->actor.world.pos.z, 0, 0, 0, 3); } void DemoDu_CsAfterGanon_AdvanceTo01(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { if (DemoDu_IsNpcDoingThisAction(this, play, 4, 2)) { this->updateIndex = CS_CHAMBERAFTERGANON_SUBSCENE(1); this->drawIndex = 2; this->shadowAlpha = 0; this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = 0; this->unk_1A4 = 0.0f; DemoDu_CsPlaySfx_WhiteOut(); } } void DemoDu_CsAfterGanon_AdvanceTo02(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { f32* unk_1A4 = &this->unk_1A4; s32 shadowAlpha = 255; if (DemoDu_IsNpcDoingThisAction(this, play, 4, 2)) { *unk_1A4 += 1.0f; if (*unk_1A4 >= kREG(5) + 10.0f) { this->updateIndex = CS_CHAMBERAFTERGANON_SUBSCENE(2); this->drawIndex = 1; *unk_1A4 = kREG(5) + 10.0f; this->shadowAlpha = shadowAlpha; this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = shadowAlpha; return; } } else { *unk_1A4 -= 1.0f; if (*unk_1A4 <= 0.0f) { this->updateIndex = CS_CHAMBERAFTERGANON_SUBSCENE(0); this->drawIndex = 0; *unk_1A4 = 0.0f; this->shadowAlpha = 0; this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = 0; return; } } shadowAlpha = (*unk_1A4 / (kREG(5) + 10.0f)) * 255.0f; this->shadowAlpha = shadowAlpha; this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = shadowAlpha; } void DemoDu_CsAfterGanon_BackTo01(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { if (DemoDu_IsNpcNotDoingThisAction(this, play, 4, 2)) { this->updateIndex = CS_CHAMBERAFTERGANON_SUBSCENE(1); this->drawIndex = 2; this->unk_1A4 = kREG(5) + 10.0f; this->shadowAlpha = 255; if (!this->demo6KSpawned) { DemoDu_CsAfterGanon_SpawnDemo6K(this, play); this->demo6KSpawned = 1; } this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = 255; } } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_AG_00(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { DemoDu_CsAfterGanon_AdvanceTo01(this, play); DemoDu_CsAfterGanon_CheckIfShouldReset(this, play); } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_AG_01(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { DemoDu_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoDu_UpdateSkelAnime(this); DemoDu_UpdateEyes(this); DemoDu_CsAfterGanon_AdvanceTo02(this, play); DemoDu_CsAfterGanon_CheckIfShouldReset(this, play); } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_AG_02(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { DemoDu_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoDu_UpdateSkelAnime(this); DemoDu_UpdateEyes(this); DemoDu_CsAfterGanon_BackTo01(this, play); DemoDu_CsAfterGanon_CheckIfShouldReset(this, play); } // Similar to DemoDu_Draw_01, but this uses POLY_XLU_DISP. Also uses this->shadowAlpha for setting the env color. void DemoDu_Draw_02(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play2) { PlayState* play = play2; DemoDu* this = (DemoDu*)thisx; s16 eyeTexIndex = this->eyeTexIndex; void* eyeTexture = sEyeTextures[eyeTexIndex]; s32 pad; s16 mouthTexIndex = this->mouthTexIndex; void* mouthTexture = sMouthTextures[mouthTexIndex]; SkelAnime* skelAnime = &this->skelAnime; OPEN_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); Gfx_SetupDL_25Xlu(play->state.gfxCtx); gSPSegment(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x08, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(eyeTexture)); gSPSegment(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x09, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(mouthTexture)); gSPSegment(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x0A, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(gDaruniaNoseSeriousTex)); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0, 0, 0, this->shadowAlpha); gSPSegment(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x0C, &D_80116280[0]); POLY_XLU_DISP = SkelAnime_DrawFlex(play, skelAnime->skeleton, skelAnime->jointTable, skelAnime->dListCount, 0, 0, 0, POLY_XLU_DISP); CLOSE_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); } void DemoDu_InitCs_Credits(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { SkelAnime_InitFlex(play, &this->skelAnime, &gDaruniaSkel, &gDaruniaCreditsIdleAnim, NULL, NULL, 0); this->updateIndex = CS_CREDITS_SUBSCENE(0); this->drawIndex = 0; this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = 0; DemoDu_SetMouthTexIndex(this, 3); } void DemoDu_CsCredits_UpdateShadowAlpha(DemoDu* this) { s32 shadowAlpha = 255; f32 temp_f0; f32* unk_1A4; this->unk_1A4 += 1.0f; temp_f0 = kREG(17) + 10.0f; unk_1A4 = &this->unk_1A4; if (temp_f0 <= *unk_1A4) { this->shadowAlpha = shadowAlpha; this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = shadowAlpha; } else { shadowAlpha = *unk_1A4 / temp_f0 * 255.0f; this->shadowAlpha = shadowAlpha; this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = shadowAlpha; } } void DemoDu_CsCredits_AdvanceTo01(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { DemoDu_MoveToNpcPos(this, play, 2); this->updateIndex = CS_CREDITS_SUBSCENE(1); this->drawIndex = 2; } void DemoDu_CsCredits_AdvanceTo02(DemoDu* this) { if (this->unk_1A4 >= kREG(17) + 10.0f) { this->updateIndex = CS_CREDITS_SUBSCENE(2); this->drawIndex = 1; } } void DemoDu_CsCredits_AdvanceTo03(DemoDu* this) { func_80969DDC(this, &gDaruniaLookingUpToSariaAnim, ANIMMODE_ONCE, -8.0f, 0); this->updateIndex = CS_CREDITS_SUBSCENE(3); } void DemoDu_CsCredits_AdvanceTo04(DemoDu* this) { func_80969DDC(this, &gDaruniaCreditsHitBreastAnim, ANIMMODE_ONCE, 0.0f, 0); this->updateIndex = CS_CREDITS_SUBSCENE(4); } void DemoDu_CsCredits_BackTo02(DemoDu* this, s32 animFinished) { if (animFinished) { func_80969DDC(this, &gDaruniaCreditsIdleAnim, ANIMMODE_LOOP, 0.0f, 0); this->updateIndex = CS_CREDITS_SUBSCENE(2); } } void DemoDu_CsCredits_HandleSubscenesByNpcAction(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { CsCmdActorAction* npcAction = DemoDu_GetNpcAction(play, 2); if (npcAction != NULL) { s32 action = npcAction->action; s32 lastAction = this->lastAction; if (action != lastAction) { switch (action) { case 9: DemoDu_CsCredits_AdvanceTo01(this, play); break; case 10: DemoDu_CsCredits_AdvanceTo03(this); break; case 11: DemoDu_CsCredits_AdvanceTo04(this); break; default: // "Demo_Du_inEnding_Check_DemoMode:There is no such operation!!!!!!!!" osSyncPrintf("Demo_Du_inEnding_Check_DemoMode:そんな動作は無い!!!!!!!!\n"); break; } this->lastAction = action; } } } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_CR_00(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { DemoDu_CsCredits_HandleSubscenesByNpcAction(this, play); } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_CR_01(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { DemoDu_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoDu_UpdateSkelAnime(this); DemoDu_UpdateEyes(this); DemoDu_CsCredits_UpdateShadowAlpha(this); DemoDu_CsCredits_AdvanceTo02(this); } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_CR_02(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { DemoDu_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoDu_UpdateSkelAnime(this); DemoDu_UpdateEyes(this); DemoDu_CsCredits_HandleSubscenesByNpcAction(this, play); } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_CR_03(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { DemoDu_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoDu_UpdateSkelAnime(this); DemoDu_UpdateEyes(this); DemoDu_CsCredits_HandleSubscenesByNpcAction(this, play); } void DemoDu_UpdateCs_CR_04(DemoDu* this, PlayState* play) { s32 animFinished; DemoDu_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); animFinished = DemoDu_UpdateSkelAnime(this); DemoDu_UpdateEyes(this); DemoDu_CsCredits_BackTo02(this, animFinished); } static DemoDuActionFunc sUpdateFuncs[] = { DemoDu_UpdateCs_FM_00, DemoDu_UpdateCs_FM_01, DemoDu_UpdateCs_FM_02, DemoDu_UpdateCs_FM_03, DemoDu_UpdateCs_FM_04, DemoDu_UpdateCs_FM_05, DemoDu_UpdateCs_FM_06, DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_00, DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_01, DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_02, DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_03, DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_04, DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_05, DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_06, DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_07, DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_08, DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_09, DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_10, DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_11, DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_12, DemoDu_UpdateCs_GR_13, DemoDu_UpdateCs_AG_00, DemoDu_UpdateCs_AG_01, DemoDu_UpdateCs_AG_02, DemoDu_UpdateCs_CR_00, DemoDu_UpdateCs_CR_01, DemoDu_UpdateCs_CR_02, DemoDu_UpdateCs_CR_03, DemoDu_UpdateCs_CR_04, }; void DemoDu_Update(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play) { DemoDu* this = (DemoDu*)thisx; if (this->updateIndex < 0 || this->updateIndex >= 29 || sUpdateFuncs[this->updateIndex] == NULL) { // "The main mode is abnormal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" osSyncPrintf(VT_FGCOL(RED) "メインモードがおかしい!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n" VT_RST); return; } sUpdateFuncs[this->updateIndex](this, play); } void DemoDu_Init(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play) { DemoDu* this = (DemoDu*)thisx; ActorShape_Init(&this->actor.shape, 0.0f, ActorShadow_DrawCircle, 30.0f); switch (this->actor.params) { case DEMO_DU_CS_GORONS_RUBY: DemoDu_InitCs_GoronsRuby(this, play); break; case DEMO_DU_CS_CHAMBER_AFTER_GANON: DemoDu_InitCs_AfterGanon(this, play); break; case DEMO_DU_CS_CREDITS: DemoDu_InitCs_Credits(this, play); break; default: DemoDu_InitCs_FireMedallion(this, play); break; } } void DemoDu_Draw_NoDraw(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play2) { } // Similar to DemoDu_Draw_02, but this uses POLY_OPA_DISP. Sets the env color to 255. void DemoDu_Draw_01(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play2) { PlayState* play = play2; DemoDu* this = (DemoDu*)thisx; s16 eyeTexIndex = this->eyeTexIndex; void* eyeTexture = sEyeTextures[eyeTexIndex]; s32 pad; s16 mouthTexIndex = this->mouthTexIndex; void* mouthTexture = sMouthTextures[mouthTexIndex]; SkelAnime* skelAnime = &this->skelAnime; OPEN_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); Gfx_SetupDL_25Opa(play->state.gfxCtx); gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x08, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(eyeTexture)); gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x09, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(mouthTexture)); gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x0A, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(gDaruniaNoseSeriousTex)); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0, 0, 0, 255); gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x0C, &D_80116280[2]); SkelAnime_DrawFlexOpa(play, skelAnime->skeleton, skelAnime->jointTable, skelAnime->dListCount, NULL, NULL, this); CLOSE_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); } static DemoDuDrawFunc sDrawFuncs[] = { DemoDu_Draw_NoDraw, DemoDu_Draw_01, DemoDu_Draw_02, }; void DemoDu_Draw(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play) { DemoDu* this = (DemoDu*)thisx; if (this->drawIndex < 0 || this->drawIndex >= 3 || sDrawFuncs[this->drawIndex] == NULL) { // "The drawing mode is abnormal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" osSyncPrintf(VT_FGCOL(RED) "描画モードがおかしい!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n" VT_RST); return; } sDrawFuncs[this->drawIndex](thisx, play); } const ActorInit Demo_Du_InitVars = { ACTOR_DEMO_DU, ACTORCAT_NPC, FLAGS, OBJECT_DU, sizeof(DemoDu), (ActorFunc)DemoDu_Init, (ActorFunc)DemoDu_Destroy, (ActorFunc)DemoDu_Update, (ActorFunc)DemoDu_Draw, (ActorResetFunc)DemoDu_Reset, }; void DemoDu_Reset(void) { D_8096CE94 = 0; }