#include "debugconsole.h" #include #include #include "savestates.h" #include #include #include #include "soh/OTRGlobals.h" #include #include "soh/Enhancements/game-interactor/GameInteractor.h" #include "soh/Enhancements/cosmetics/CosmeticsEditor.h" #include "soh/Enhancements/audio/AudioEditor.h" #define Path _Path #define PATH_HACK #include #include #include #undef PATH_HACK #undef Path extern "C" { #include #include "variables.h" #include "functions.h" #include "macros.h" extern PlayState* gPlayState; } #include #define CMD_REGISTER SohImGui::GetConsole()->AddCommand static bool ActorSpawnHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if ((args.size() != 9) && (args.size() != 3) && (args.size() != 6)) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("Not enough arguments passed to actorspawn"); return CMD_FAILED; } if (gPlayState == nullptr) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("PlayState == nullptr"); return CMD_FAILED; } Player* player = GET_PLAYER(gPlayState); PosRot spawnPoint; const s16 actorId = std::stoi(args[1]); const s16 params = std::stoi(args[2]); spawnPoint = player->actor.world; switch (args.size()) { case 9: if (args[6][0] != ',') { spawnPoint.rot.x = std::stoi(args[6]); } if (args[7][0] != ',') { spawnPoint.rot.y = std::stoi(args[7]); } if (args[8][0] != ',') { spawnPoint.rot.z = std::stoi(args[8]); } case 6: if (args[3][0] != ',') { spawnPoint.pos.x = std::stoi(args[3]); } if (args[4][0] != ',') { spawnPoint.pos.y = std::stoi(args[4]); } if (args[5][0] != ',') { spawnPoint.pos.z = std::stoi(args[5]); } } if (Actor_Spawn(&gPlayState->actorCtx, gPlayState, actorId, spawnPoint.pos.x, spawnPoint.pos.y, spawnPoint.pos.z, spawnPoint.rot.x, spawnPoint.rot.y, spawnPoint.rot.z, params, 0) == NULL) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("Failed to spawn actor. Actor_Spawn returned NULL"); return CMD_FAILED; } return CMD_SUCCESS; } static bool GiveDekuShieldHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector&) { GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::GiveDekuShield(); GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Gave Deku Shield."); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not give Deku Shield."); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool KillPlayerHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector&) { GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::SetPlayerHealth(); effect->parameter = 0; GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not kill player."); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool SetPlayerHealthHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } int health; try { health = std::stoi(args[1]); } catch (std::invalid_argument const& ex) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Health value must be an integer."); return CMD_FAILED; } if (health < 0) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Health value must be a positive integer"); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::SetPlayerHealth(); effect->parameter = health; GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Player health updated to %d", health); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not set player health."); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool LoadSceneHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector&) { gSaveContext.respawnFlag = 0; gSaveContext.seqId = 0xFF; gSaveContext.gameMode = 0; return CMD_SUCCESS; } static bool RupeeHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() < 2) { return CMD_FAILED; } int rupeeAmount; try { rupeeAmount = std::stoi(args[1]); } catch (std::invalid_argument const& ex) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Rupee count must be an integer."); return CMD_FAILED; } if (rupeeAmount < 0) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Rupee count must be positive"); return CMD_FAILED; } gSaveContext.rupees = rupeeAmount; SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("Set rupee count to %u", rupeeAmount); return CMD_SUCCESS; } static bool SetPosHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector args) { if (gPlayState == nullptr) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("PlayState == nullptr"); return CMD_FAILED; } Player* player = GET_PLAYER(gPlayState); if (args.size() == 1) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("Player position is [ %.2f, %.2f, %.2f ]", player->actor.world.pos.x, player->actor.world.pos.y, player->actor.world.pos.z); return CMD_SUCCESS; } if (args.size() < 4) return CMD_FAILED; player->actor.world.pos.x = std::stof(args[1]); player->actor.world.pos.y = std::stof(args[2]); player->actor.world.pos.z = std::stof(args[3]); SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("Set player position to [ %.2f, %.2f, %.2f ]", player->actor.world.pos.x, player->actor.world.pos.y, player->actor.world.pos.z); return CMD_SUCCESS; } static bool ResetHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, std::vector args) { if (gPlayState == nullptr) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("PlayState == nullptr"); return CMD_FAILED; } SET_NEXT_GAMESTATE(&gPlayState->state, TitleSetup_Init, GameState); gPlayState->state.running = false; GameInteractor::Instance->ExecuteHooks(gSaveContext.fileNum); return CMD_SUCCESS; } const static std::map ammoItems{ { "sticks", ITEM_STICK }, { "deku_sticks", ITEM_STICK }, { "nuts", ITEM_NUT }, { "deku_nuts", ITEM_NUT }, { "bombs", ITEM_BOMB }, { "arrows", ITEM_BOW }, { "bombchus", ITEM_BOMBCHU }, { "chus", ITEM_BOMBCHU }, { "beans", ITEM_BEAN }, { "seeds", ITEM_SLINGSHOT }, { "deku_seeds", ITEM_SLINGSHOT }, { "magic_beans", ITEM_BEAN }, }; static bool AmmoHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 3) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } int count; try { count = std::stoi(args[2]); } catch (std::invalid_argument const& ex) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("Ammo count must be an integer"); return CMD_FAILED; } if (count < 0) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("Ammo count must be positive"); return CMD_FAILED; } const auto& it = ammoItems.find(args[1]); if (it == ammoItems.end()) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("Invalid item passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } // I dont think you can do OOB with just this AMMO(it->second) = count; //To use a change by uncomment this //Inventory_ChangeAmmo(it->second, count); } const static std::map bottleItems{ { "green_potion", ITEM_POTION_GREEN }, { "red_potion", ITEM_POTION_RED }, { "blue_potion", ITEM_POTION_BLUE }, { "milk", ITEM_MILK }, { "half_milk", ITEM_MILK_HALF }, { "fairy", ITEM_FAIRY }, { "bugs", ITEM_BUG }, { "fish", ITEM_FISH }, { "poe", ITEM_POE }, { "big_poe", ITEM_BIG_POE }, { "blue_fire", ITEM_BLUE_FIRE }, { "rutos_letter", ITEM_LETTER_RUTO }, }; static bool BottleHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 3) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } unsigned int slot; try { slot = std::stoi(args[2]); } catch (std::invalid_argument const& ex) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Bottle slot must be an integer."); return CMD_FAILED; } if ((slot < 1) || (slot > 4)) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("Invalid slot passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } const auto& it = bottleItems.find(args[1]); if (it == bottleItems.end()) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("Invalid item passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } // I dont think you can do OOB with just this gSaveContext.inventory.items[0x11 + slot] = it->second; return CMD_SUCCESS; } static bool BHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } gSaveContext.equips.buttonItems[0] = std::stoi(args[1]); return CMD_SUCCESS; } static bool ItemHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 3) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } gSaveContext.inventory.items[std::stoi(args[1])] = std::stoi(args[2]); return CMD_SUCCESS; } static bool GiveItemHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector args) { if (args.size() != 3) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } GetItemEntry getItemEntry = GET_ITEM_NONE; if (args[1].compare("vanilla") == 0) { getItemEntry = ItemTableManager::Instance->RetrieveItemEntry(MOD_NONE, std::stoi(args[2])); } else if (args[1].compare("randomizer") == 0) { getItemEntry = ItemTableManager::Instance->RetrieveItemEntry(MOD_RANDOMIZER, std::stoi(args[2])); } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Invalid argument passed, must be 'vanilla' or 'randomizer'"); return CMD_FAILED; } GiveItemEntryWithoutActor(gPlayState, getItemEntry); return CMD_SUCCESS; } static bool EntranceHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } unsigned int entrance; try { entrance = std::stoi(args[1], nullptr, 16); } catch (std::invalid_argument const& ex) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Entrance value must be a Hex number."); return CMD_FAILED; } gPlayState->nextEntranceIndex = entrance; gPlayState->sceneLoadFlag = 0x14; gPlayState->fadeTransition = 11; gSaveContext.nextTransitionType = 11; } static bool VoidHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (gPlayState != nullptr) { gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_DOWN].tempSwchFlags = gPlayState->actorCtx.flags.tempSwch; gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_DOWN].tempCollectFlags = gPlayState->actorCtx.flags.tempCollect; gSaveContext.respawnFlag = 1; gPlayState->sceneLoadFlag = 0x14; gPlayState->nextEntranceIndex = gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_DOWN].entranceIndex; gPlayState->fadeTransition = 2; gSaveContext.nextTransitionType = 2; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("gPlayState == nullptr"); return CMD_FAILED; } return CMD_SUCCESS; } static bool ReloadHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (gPlayState != nullptr) { gPlayState->nextEntranceIndex = gSaveContext.entranceIndex; gPlayState->sceneLoadFlag = 0x14; gPlayState->fadeTransition = 11; gSaveContext.nextTransitionType = 11; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("gPlayState == nullptr"); return CMD_FAILED; } return CMD_SUCCESS; } const static std::map fw_options { { "clear", 0}, {"warp", 1}, {"nackup", 2} }; static bool FWHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } const auto& it = fw_options.find(args[1]); if (it == fw_options.end()) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Invalid option. Options are 'clear', 'warp', 'backup'"); return CMD_FAILED; } if (gPlayState != nullptr) { FaroresWindData clear = {}; switch(it->second) { case 0: //clear gSaveContext.fw = clear; SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Farore's wind point cleared! Reload scene to take effect."); return CMD_SUCCESS; break; case 1: //warp if (gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].data > 0) { gPlayState->sceneLoadFlag = 0x14; gPlayState->nextEntranceIndex = gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].entranceIndex; gPlayState->fadeTransition = 5; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("Farore's wind not set!"); return CMD_FAILED; } return CMD_SUCCESS; break; case 2: //backup if (CVarGetInteger("gBetterFW", 0)) { gSaveContext.fw = gSaveContext.backupFW; gSaveContext.fw.set = 1; SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Backup FW data copied! Reload scene to take effect."); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("Better Farore's Wind isn't turned on!"); return CMD_FAILED; } break; } } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("gPlayState == nullptr"); return CMD_FAILED; } return CMD_SUCCESS; } static bool FileSelectHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (gPlayState != nullptr) { SET_NEXT_GAMESTATE(&gPlayState->state, FileChoose_Init, FileChooseContext); gPlayState->state.running = 0; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("gPlayState == nullptr"); return CMD_FAILED; } return CMD_SUCCESS; } static bool QuitHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { Ship::Window::GetInstance()->Close(); return CMD_SUCCESS; } static bool SaveStateHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { unsigned int slot = OTRGlobals::Instance->gSaveStateMgr->GetCurrentSlot(); const SaveStateReturn rtn = OTRGlobals::Instance->gSaveStateMgr->AddRequest({ slot, RequestType::SAVE }); switch (rtn) { case SaveStateReturn::SUCCESS: SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Saved state to slot %u", slot); return CMD_SUCCESS; case SaveStateReturn::FAIL_WRONG_GAMESTATE: SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Can not save a state outside of \"GamePlay\""); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool LoadStateHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { unsigned int slot = OTRGlobals::Instance->gSaveStateMgr->GetCurrentSlot(); const SaveStateReturn rtn = OTRGlobals::Instance->gSaveStateMgr->AddRequest({ slot, RequestType::LOAD }); switch (rtn) { case SaveStateReturn::SUCCESS: SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Loaded state from slot (%u)", slot); return CMD_SUCCESS; case SaveStateReturn::FAIL_INVALID_SLOT: SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Invalid State Slot Number (%u)", slot); return CMD_FAILED; case SaveStateReturn::FAIL_STATE_EMPTY: SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] State Slot (%u) is empty", slot); return CMD_FAILED; case SaveStateReturn::FAIL_WRONG_GAMESTATE: SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Can not load a state outside of \"GamePlay\""); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool StateSlotSelectHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } uint8_t slot; try { slot = std::stoi(args[1], nullptr, 10); } catch (std::invalid_argument const& ex) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] SaveState slot value must be a number."); return CMD_FAILED; } if (slot < 0) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Invalid slot passed. Slot must be between 0 and 2"); return CMD_FAILED; } OTRGlobals::Instance->gSaveStateMgr->SetCurrentSlot(slot); SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Slot %u selected", OTRGlobals::Instance->gSaveStateMgr->GetCurrentSlot()); return CMD_SUCCESS; } static bool InvisibleHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } uint8_t state; try { state = std::stoi(args[1], nullptr, 10) == 0 ? 0 : 1; } catch (std::invalid_argument const& ex) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Invisible value must be a number."); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::InvisibleLink(); GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = state ? GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect) : GameInteractor::RemoveEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Invisible Link %s", state ? "enabled" : "disabled"); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not %s Invisible Link.", state ? "enable" : "disable"); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool GiantLinkHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } uint8_t state; try { state = std::stoi(args[1], nullptr, 10) == 0 ? 0 : 1; } catch (std::invalid_argument const& ex) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Giant value must be a number."); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::ModifyLinkSize(); effect->parameter = GI_LINK_SIZE_GIANT; GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = state ? GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect) : GameInteractor::RemoveEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Giant Link %s", state ? "enabled" : "disabled"); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not %s Giant Link.", state ? "enable" : "disable"); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool MinishLinkHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } uint8_t state; try { state = std::stoi(args[1], nullptr, 10) == 0 ? 0 : 1; } catch (std::invalid_argument const& ex) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Minish value must be a number."); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::ModifyLinkSize(); effect->parameter = GI_LINK_SIZE_MINISH; GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = state ? GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect) : GameInteractor::RemoveEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Minish Link %s", state ? "enabled" : "disabled"); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not %s Minish Link.", state ? "enable" : "disable"); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool AddHeartContainerHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } int hearts; try { hearts = std::stoi(args[1]); } catch (std::invalid_argument const& ex) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Hearts value must be an integer."); return CMD_FAILED; } if (hearts < 0) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Hearts value must be a positive integer"); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::ModifyHeartContainers(); effect->parameter = hearts; GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Added %d heart containers", hearts); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not add heart containers."); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool RemoveHeartContainerHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } int hearts; try { hearts = std::stoi(args[1]); } catch (std::invalid_argument const& ex) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Hearts value must be an integer."); return CMD_FAILED; } if (hearts < 0) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Hearts value must be a positive integer"); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::ModifyHeartContainers(); effect->parameter = -hearts; GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Removed %d heart containers", hearts); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not remove heart containers."); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool GravityHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::ModifyGravity(); try { effect->parameter = Ship::Math::clamp(std::stoi(args[1], nullptr, 10), GI_GRAVITY_LEVEL_LIGHT, GI_GRAVITY_LEVEL_HEAVY); } catch (std::invalid_argument const& ex) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Gravity value must be a number."); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Updated gravity."); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not update gravity."); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool NoUIHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } uint8_t state; try { state = std::stoi(args[1], nullptr, 10) == 0 ? 0 : 1; } catch (std::invalid_argument const& ex) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] No UI value must be a number."); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::NoUI(); GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = state ? GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect) : GameInteractor::RemoveEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] No UI %s", state ? "enabled" : "disabled"); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not %s No UI.", state ? "enable" : "disable"); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool FreezeHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::FreezePlayer(); GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Player frozen"); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not freeze player."); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool DefenseModifierHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::ModifyDefenseModifier(); try { effect->parameter = std::stoi(args[1], nullptr, 10); } catch (std::invalid_argument const& ex) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Defense modifier value must be a number."); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Defense modifier set to %d", effect->parameter); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not set defense modifier."); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool DamageHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::ModifyHealth(); try { int value = std::stoi(args[1], nullptr, 10); if (value < 0) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Invalid value passed. Value must be greater than 0"); return CMD_FAILED; } effect->parameter = -value; } catch (std::invalid_argument const& ex) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Damage value must be a number."); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Player damaged"); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not damage player."); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool HealHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::ModifyHealth(); try { int value = std::stoi(args[1], nullptr, 10); if (value < 0) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Invalid value passed. Value must be greater than 0"); return CMD_FAILED; } effect->parameter = value; } catch (std::invalid_argument const& ex) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Damage value must be a number."); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Player healed"); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not heal player."); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool FillMagicHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::FillMagic(); GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Magic filled"); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not fill magic."); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool EmptyMagicHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::EmptyMagic(); GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Magic emptied"); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not empty magic."); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool NoZHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } uint8_t state; try { state = std::stoi(args[1], nullptr, 10) == 0 ? 0 : 1; } catch (std::invalid_argument const& ex) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] NoZ value must be a number."); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::DisableZTargeting(); GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = state ? GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect) : GameInteractor::RemoveEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] NoZ " + std::string(state ? "enabled" : "disabled")); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not " + std::string(state ? "enable" : "disable") + " NoZ."); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool OneHitKOHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } uint8_t state; try { state = std::stoi(args[1], nullptr, 10) == 0 ? 0 : 1; } catch (std::invalid_argument const& ex) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] One-hit KO value must be a number."); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::OneHitKO(); GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = state ? GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect) : GameInteractor::RemoveEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] One-hit KO " + std::string(state ? "enabled" : "disabled")); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not " + std::string(state ? "enable" : "disable") + " One-hit KO."); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool PacifistHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } uint8_t state; try { state = std::stoi(args[1], nullptr, 10) == 0 ? 0 : 1; } catch (std::invalid_argument const& ex) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Pacifist value must be a number."); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::PacifistMode(); GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = state ? GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect) : GameInteractor::RemoveEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Pacifist " + std::string(state ? "enabled" : "disabled")); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not " + std::string(state ? "enable" : "disable") + " Pacifist."); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool PaperLinkHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } uint8_t state; try { state = std::stoi(args[1], nullptr, 10) == 0 ? 0 : 1; } catch (std::invalid_argument const& ex) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Paper Link value must be a number."); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::ModifyLinkSize(); effect->parameter = GI_LINK_SIZE_PAPER; GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = state ? GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect) : GameInteractor::RemoveEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Paper Link " + std::string(state ? "enabled" : "disabled")); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not " + std::string(state ? "enable" : "disable") + " Paper Link."); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool RainstormHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } uint8_t state; try { state = std::stoi(args[1], nullptr, 10) == 0 ? 0 : 1; } catch (std::invalid_argument const& ex) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Rainstorm value must be a number."); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::WeatherRainstorm(); GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = state ? GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect) : GameInteractor::RemoveEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Rainstorm " + std::string(state ? "enabled" : "disabled")); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not " + std::string(state ? "enable" : "disable") + " Rainstorm."); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool ReverseControlsHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } uint8_t state; try { state = std::stoi(args[1], nullptr, 10) == 0 ? 0 : 1; } catch (std::invalid_argument const& ex) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Reverse controls value must be a number."); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::ReverseControls(); GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = state ? GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect) : GameInteractor::RemoveEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Reverse controls " + std::string(state ? "enabled" : "disabled")); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not " + std::string(state ? "enable" : "disable") + " Reverse controls."); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool UpdateRupeesHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::ModifyRupees(); try { effect->parameter = std::stoi(args[1], nullptr, 10); } catch (std::invalid_argument const& ex) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Rupee value must be a number."); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Rupees updated"); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not update rupees."); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool SpeedModifierHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::ModifyRunSpeedModifier(); try { effect->parameter = std::stoi(args[1], nullptr, 10); } catch (std::invalid_argument const& ex) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Speed modifier value must be a number."); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Speed modifier updated"); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not update speed modifier."); return CMD_FAILED; } } const static std::map boots { { "kokiri", PLAYER_BOOTS_KOKIRI }, { "iron", PLAYER_BOOTS_IRON }, { "hover", PLAYER_BOOTS_HOVER }, }; static bool BootsHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } const auto& it = boots.find(args[1]); if (it == boots.end()) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("Invalid boot type. Options are 'kokiri', 'iron' and 'hover'"); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::ForceEquipBoots(); effect->parameter = it->second; GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Boots updated"); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not update boots."); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool KnockbackHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::KnockbackPlayer(); try { int value = std::stoi(args[1], nullptr, 10); if (value < 0) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Invalid value passed. Value must be greater than 0"); return CMD_FAILED; } effect->parameter = value; } catch (std::invalid_argument const& ex) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Knockback value must be a number."); return CMD_FAILED; } GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Knockback applied"); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not apply knockback."); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool ElectrocuteHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::ElectrocutePlayer(); GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Electrocuted player"); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not electrocute player."); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool BurnHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::BurnPlayer(); GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Burned player"); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not burn player."); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool CuccoStormHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { GameInteractionEffectBase* effect = new GameInteractionEffect::SpawnCuccoStorm(); GameInteractionEffectQueryResult result = GameInteractor::ApplyEffect(effect); if (result == GameInteractionEffectQueryResult::Possible) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Spawned cucco storm"); return CMD_SUCCESS; } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Command failed: Could not spawn cucco storm."); return CMD_FAILED; } } static bool GenerateRandoHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() == 1) { if (GenerateRandomizer()) { return CMD_SUCCESS; } } try { uint32_t value = std::stoi(args[1], NULL, 10); std::string seed = ""; if (args.size() == 3) { int testing = std::stoi(args[1], nullptr, 10); seed = "seed_testing_count"; } if (GenerateRandomizer(seed + std::to_string(value))){ return CMD_SUCCESS; } } catch (std::invalid_argument const& ex) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] seed|count value must be a number."); return CMD_FAILED; } SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Rando generation already in progress"); return CMD_FAILED; } static bool CosmeticsHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } if (args[1].compare("reset") == 0) { CosmeticsEditor_ResetAll(); } else if (args[1].compare("randomize") == 0) { CosmeticsEditor_RandomizeAll(); } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Invalid argument passed, must be 'reset' or 'randomize'"); return CMD_FAILED; } return CMD_SUCCESS; } static bool SfxHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() != 2) { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Unexpected arguments passed"); return CMD_FAILED; } if (args[1].compare("reset") == 0) { AudioEditor_ResetAll(); } else if (args[1].compare("randomize") == 0) { AudioEditor_RandomizeAll(); } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendErrorMessage("[SOH] Invalid argument passed, must be 'reset' or 'randomize'"); return CMD_FAILED; } return CMD_SUCCESS; } #define VARTYPE_INTEGER 0 #define VARTYPE_FLOAT 1 #define VARTYPE_STRING 2 #define VARTYPE_RGBA 3 static int CheckVarType(const std::string& input) { int result = VARTYPE_STRING; if (input[0] == '#') { return VARTYPE_RGBA; } for (size_t i = 0; i < input.size(); i++) { if (!(std::isdigit(input[i]) || input[i] == '.')) { break; } else { if (input[i] == '.') result = VARTYPE_FLOAT; else if (std::isdigit(input[i]) && result != VARTYPE_FLOAT) result = VARTYPE_INTEGER; } } return result; } static bool SetCVarHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() < 3) return CMD_FAILED; int vType = CheckVarType(args[2]); if (vType == VARTYPE_STRING) CVarSetString(args[1].c_str(), args[2].c_str()); else if (vType == VARTYPE_FLOAT) CVarSetFloat((char*)args[1].c_str(), std::stof(args[2])); else if (vType == VARTYPE_RGBA) { uint32_t val = std::stoul(&args[2].c_str()[1], nullptr, 16); Color_RGBA8 clr; clr.r = val >> 24; clr.g = val >> 16; clr.b = val >> 8; clr.a = val & 0xFF; CVarSetColor((char*)args[1].c_str(), clr); } else CVarSetInteger(args[1].c_str(), std::stoi(args[2])); CVarSave(); //SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Updated player position to [ %.2f, %.2f, %.2f ]", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); return CMD_SUCCESS; } static bool GetCVarHandler(std::shared_ptr Console, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() < 2) return CMD_FAILED; auto cvar = CVarGet(args[1].c_str()); if (cvar != nullptr) { if (cvar->Type == Ship::ConsoleVariableType::Integer) SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Variable %s is %i", args[1].c_str(), cvar->Integer); else if (cvar->Type == Ship::ConsoleVariableType::Float) SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Variable %s is %f", args[1].c_str(), cvar->Float); else if (cvar->Type == Ship::ConsoleVariableType::String) SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Variable %s is %s", args[1].c_str(), cvar->String.c_str()); else if (cvar->Type == Ship::ConsoleVariableType::Color) SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Variable %s is %08X", args[1].c_str(), cvar->Color); } else { SohImGui::GetConsole()->SendInfoMessage("[SOH] Could not find variable %s", args[1].c_str()); } return CMD_SUCCESS; } void DebugConsole_Init(void) { // Console CMD_REGISTER("file_select", { FileSelectHandler, "Returns to the file select." }); CMD_REGISTER("reset", { ResetHandler, "Resets the game." }); CMD_REGISTER("quit", { QuitHandler, "Quits the game." }); // Save States CMD_REGISTER("save_state", { SaveStateHandler, "Save a state." }); CMD_REGISTER("load_state", { LoadStateHandler, "Load a state." }); CMD_REGISTER("set_slot", { StateSlotSelectHandler, "Selects a SaveState slot", { { "Slot number", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER, } }}); // Map & Location CMD_REGISTER("void", { VoidHandler, "Voids out of the current map." }); CMD_REGISTER("reload", { ReloadHandler, "Reloads the current map." }); CMD_REGISTER("fw", { FWHandler,"Spawns the player where Farore's Wind is set." , { { "clear|warp|backup", Ship::ArgumentType::TEXT } }}); CMD_REGISTER("entrance", { EntranceHandler, "Sends player to the entered entrance (hex)", { { "entrance", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER } }}); // Gameplay CMD_REGISTER("kill", { KillPlayerHandler, "Commit suicide." }); CMD_REGISTER("map", { LoadSceneHandler, "Load up kak?" }); CMD_REGISTER("rupee", { RupeeHandler, "Set your rupee counter.", { {"amount", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER } }}); CMD_REGISTER("bItem", { BHandler, "Set an item to the B button.", { { "Item ID", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER } }}); CMD_REGISTER("givedekushield", { GiveDekuShieldHandler, "Gives a deku shield and equips it when Link is a child with no shield equiped." }); CMD_REGISTER("spawn", { ActorSpawnHandler, "Spawn an actor.", { { "actor_id", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER }, { "data", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER }, { "x", Ship::ArgumentType::PLAYER_POS, true }, { "y", Ship::ArgumentType::PLAYER_POS, true }, { "z", Ship::ArgumentType::PLAYER_POS, true }, { "rx", Ship::ArgumentType::PLAYER_ROT, true }, { "ry", Ship::ArgumentType::PLAYER_ROT, true }, { "rz", Ship::ArgumentType::PLAYER_ROT, true } }}); CMD_REGISTER("pos", { SetPosHandler, "Sets the position of the player.", { { "x", Ship::ArgumentType::PLAYER_POS, true }, { "y", Ship::ArgumentType::PLAYER_POS, true }, { "z", Ship::ArgumentType::PLAYER_POS, true } }}); CMD_REGISTER("set", { SetCVarHandler, "Sets a console variable.", { { "varName", Ship::ArgumentType::TEXT }, { "varValue", Ship::ArgumentType::TEXT } }}); CMD_REGISTER("get", { GetCVarHandler, "Gets a console variable.", { { "varName", Ship::ArgumentType::TEXT } }}); CMD_REGISTER("ammo", { AmmoHandler, "Changes ammo of an item.", { { "item", Ship::ArgumentType::TEXT }, { "count", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER } }}); CMD_REGISTER("bottle", { BottleHandler, "Changes item in a bottle slot.", { { "item", Ship::ArgumentType::TEXT }, { "slot", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER } }}); CMD_REGISTER("give_item", { GiveItemHandler, "Gives an item to the player as if it was given from an actor", { { "vanilla|randomizer", Ship::ArgumentType::TEXT }, { "giveItemID", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER } }}); CMD_REGISTER("item", { ItemHandler, "Sets item ID in arg 1 into slot arg 2. No boundary checks. Use with caution.", { { "slot", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER }, { "item id", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER } }}); CMD_REGISTER("invisible", { InvisibleHandler, "Activate Link's Elvish cloak, making him appear invisible.", { { "value", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER } }}); CMD_REGISTER("giant_link", { GiantLinkHandler, "Turn Link into a giant Lonky boi.", { { "value", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER } }}); CMD_REGISTER("minish_link", { MinishLinkHandler, "Turn Link into a minish boi.", { { "value", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER } }}); CMD_REGISTER("add_heart_container", { AddHeartContainerHandler, "Give Link a heart! The maximum amount of hearts is 20!" }); CMD_REGISTER("remove_heart_container", { RemoveHeartContainerHandler, "Remove a heart from Link. The minimal amount of hearts is 3." }); CMD_REGISTER("gravity", { GravityHandler, "Set gravity level.", { { "value", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER } }}); CMD_REGISTER("no_ui", { NoUIHandler, "Disables the UI.", { { "value", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER } }}); CMD_REGISTER("freeze", { FreezeHandler, "Freezes Link in place" }); CMD_REGISTER("defense_modifier", { DefenseModifierHandler, "Sets the defense modifier.", { { "value", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER } }}); CMD_REGISTER("damage", { DamageHandler, "Deal damage to Link.", { { "value", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER } }}); CMD_REGISTER("heal", { HealHandler, "Heals Link.", { { "value", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER } }}); CMD_REGISTER("fill_magic", { FillMagicHandler, "Fills magic." }); CMD_REGISTER("empty_magic", { EmptyMagicHandler, "Empties magic." }); CMD_REGISTER("no_z", { NoZHandler, "Disables Z-button presses.", { { "value", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER } }}); CMD_REGISTER("ohko", { OneHitKOHandler, "Activates one hit KO. Any damage kills Link and he cannot gain health in this mode.", { { "value", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER } }}); CMD_REGISTER("pacifist", { PacifistHandler, "Activates pacifist mode. Prevents Link from using his weapon.", { { "value", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER } }}); CMD_REGISTER("paper_link", { PaperLinkHandler, "Link but made out of paper.", { { "value", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER } }}); CMD_REGISTER("rainstorm", { RainstormHandler, "Activates rainstorm." }); CMD_REGISTER("reverse_controls", { ReverseControlsHandler, "Reverses the controls.", { { "value", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER } }}); CMD_REGISTER("update_rupees", { UpdateRupeesHandler, "Adds rupees.", { { "value", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER } }}); CMD_REGISTER("speed_modifier", { SpeedModifierHandler, "Sets the speed modifier.", { { "value", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER } }}); CMD_REGISTER("boots", { BootsHandler, "Activates boots.", { { "type", Ship::ArgumentType::TEXT }, }}); CMD_REGISTER("knockback", { KnockbackHandler, "Knocks Link back.", { { "value", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER } }}); CMD_REGISTER("electrocute", { ElectrocuteHandler, "Electrocutes Link." }); CMD_REGISTER("burn", { BurnHandler, "Burns Link." }); CMD_REGISTER("cucco_storm", { CuccoStormHandler, "Cucco Storm" }); CMD_REGISTER("gen_rando", { GenerateRandoHandler, "Generate a randomizer seed", { { "seed|count", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER, true }, { "testing", Ship::ArgumentType::NUMBER, true }, }}); CMD_REGISTER("cosmetics", { CosmeticsHandler, "Change cosmetics.", { { "reset|randomize", Ship::ArgumentType::TEXT }, }}); CMD_REGISTER("sfx", { SfxHandler, "Change SFX.", { { "reset|randomize", Ship::ArgumentType::TEXT }, }}); CVarLoad(); }