#include "z_door_warp1.h" #include "objects/object_warp1/object_warp1.h" #include "soh/Enhancements/randomizer/randomizer_entrance.h" #define FLAGS 0 void DoorWarp1_Init(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play); void DoorWarp1_Destroy(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play); void DoorWarp1_Update(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play); void DoorWarp1_Draw(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play); void DoorWarp1_Reset(void); void DoorWarp1_WarpAppear(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play); void DoorWarp1_Destination(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play); void func_8099B020(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play); void DoorWarp1_AwaitClearFlag(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play); void func_8099A3A4(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play); void DoorWarp1_BlueCrystal(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play); void DoorWarp1_PurpleCrystal(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play); void func_80999214(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play); void func_80999348(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play); void func_809995D4(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play); void func_809998A4(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play); void DoorWarp1_ChildWarpIdle(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play); void DoorWarp1_RutoWarpIdle(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play); void DoorWarp1_ChildWarpOut(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play); void func_80999EE0(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play); void func_80999FE4(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play); void DoorWarp1_RutoWarpOut(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play); void DoorWarp1_AdultWarpIdle(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play); void func_8099A508(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play); void DoorWarp1_AdultWarpOut(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play); void DoorWarp1_DoNothing(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play); void DoorWarp1_ChooseInitialAction(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play); void DoorWarp1_FloatPlayer(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play); const ActorInit Door_Warp1_InitVars = { ACTOR_DOOR_WARP1, ACTORCAT_ITEMACTION, FLAGS, OBJECT_WARP1, sizeof(DoorWarp1), (ActorFunc)DoorWarp1_Init, (ActorFunc)DoorWarp1_Destroy, (ActorFunc)DoorWarp1_Update, (ActorFunc)DoorWarp1_Draw, (ActorResetFunc)DoorWarp1_Reset, }; static InitChainEntry sInitChain[] = { ICHAIN_VEC3F_DIV1000(scale, 1000, ICHAIN_CONTINUE), ICHAIN_F32(uncullZoneForward, 4000, ICHAIN_CONTINUE), ICHAIN_F32(uncullZoneScale, 800, ICHAIN_CONTINUE), ICHAIN_F32(uncullZoneDownward, 4000, ICHAIN_STOP), }; s16 sWarpTimerTarget; void DoorWarp1_SetupAction(DoorWarp1* this, DoorWarp1ActionFunc actionFunc) { this->actionFunc = actionFunc; } void DoorWarp1_Init(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play) { DoorWarp1* this = (DoorWarp1*)thisx; PlayState* play2 = play; this->unk_1B8 = 0; this->unk_1B4 = 0.0f; Actor_ProcessInitChain(&this->actor, sInitChain); ActorShape_Init(&this->actor.shape, 0.0f, NULL, 0.0f); if (this->actor.params != WARP_SAGES && this->actor.params != WARP_BLUE_CRYSTAL && this->actor.params != WARP_YELLOW && this->actor.params != WARP_DESTINATION) { Lights_PointNoGlowSetInfo(&this->upperLightInfo, this->actor.world.pos.x, this->actor.world.pos.y, this->actor.world.pos.z, 0, 0, 0, 0); this->upperLight = LightContext_InsertLight(play2, &play2->lightCtx, &this->upperLightInfo); Lights_PointNoGlowSetInfo(&this->lowerLightInfo, this->actor.world.pos.x, this->actor.world.pos.y, this->actor.world.pos.z, 0, 0, 0, 0); this->lowerLight = LightContext_InsertLight(play2, &play2->lightCtx, &this->lowerLightInfo); } osSyncPrintf("\nBOSSWARP arg_data=[%d]", this->actor.params); DoorWarp1_ChooseInitialAction(this, play2); } void DoorWarp1_Destroy(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play) { u8 i; DoorWarp1* this = (DoorWarp1*)thisx; LightContext_RemoveLight(play, &play->lightCtx, this->upperLight); LightContext_RemoveLight(play, &play->lightCtx, this->lowerLight); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { play->envCtx.adjAmbientColor[i] = play->envCtx.adjFogColor[i] = play->envCtx.adjLight1Color[i] = 0; } switch (this->actor.params) { case WARP_DUNGEON_ADULT: case WARP_BLUE_CRYSTAL: case WARP_PURPLE_CRYSTAL: SkelAnime_Free(&this->skelAnime, play); break; default: break; } } void DoorWarp1_SetupWarp(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); this->scale = 0; this->unk_1AE = -140; this->unk_1B0 = -80; sWarpTimerTarget = 100; this->unk_1BC = 1.0f; this->lightRayAlpha = 0.0f; this->warpAlpha = 0.0f; this->crystalAlpha = 0.0f; switch (this->actor.params) { case WARP_YELLOW: case WARP_ORANGE: case WARP_GREEN: case WARP_RED: this->unk_194 = 0.23f; this->unk_198 = 0.6f; break; case WARP_DESTINATION: this->unk_194 = 0.0f; this->unk_198 = 0.0f; break; case WARP_UNK_7: this->scale = 100; this->unk_1AE = 120; this->unk_1B0 = 230; this->unk_194 = 0.3f; this->unk_198 = 0.3f; break; case WARP_BLUE_RUTO: default: this->unk_194 = 0.3f; this->unk_198 = 0.3f; break; } this->unk_19C = 0.0f; this->actor.shape.yOffset = 1.0f; this->warpTimer = 0; switch (this->actor.params) { case WARP_PURPLE_CRYSTAL: case WARP_BLUE_RUTO: case WARP_UNK_7: default: Lights_PointNoGlowSetInfo(&this->upperLightInfo, this->actor.world.pos.x, this->actor.world.pos.y, this->actor.world.pos.z, 200, 255, 255, 255); Lights_PointNoGlowSetInfo(&this->lowerLightInfo, this->actor.world.pos.x, this->actor.world.pos.y, this->actor.world.pos.z, 200, 255, 255, 255); break; case WARP_CLEAR_FLAG: case WARP_SAGES: case WARP_YELLOW: case WARP_DESTINATION: case WARP_ORANGE: case WARP_GREEN: case WARP_RED: break; } switch (this->actor.params) { case WARP_CLEAR_FLAG: DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, DoorWarp1_AwaitClearFlag); break; case WARP_DESTINATION: if ((!(gSaveContext.entranceIndex == 0x608 || // sacred forest meadow gSaveContext.entranceIndex == 0x564 || // death mountain crater gSaveContext.entranceIndex == 0x60C || // lake hylia gSaveContext.entranceIndex == 0x610 || // desert colossus gSaveContext.entranceIndex == 0x580) && // graveyard gSaveContext.sceneSetupIndex < 4) || (GET_PLAYER(play)->actor.params & 0xF00) != 0x200) { Actor_Kill(&this->actor); } if (Actor_WorldDistXZToActor(&player->actor, &this->actor) > 100.0f) { Actor_Kill(&this->actor); } DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, DoorWarp1_Destination); break; case WARP_UNK_7: DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, func_8099B020); break; default: DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, DoorWarp1_WarpAppear); break; } } void DoorWarp1_SetupAdultDungeonWarp(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { SkelAnime_Init(play, &this->skelAnime, &gWarpCrystalSkel, &gWarpCrystalAnim, NULL, NULL, 0); Animation_ChangeImpl(&this->skelAnime, &gWarpCrystalAnim, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, ANIMMODE_ONCE, 40.0f, 1); this->scale = 0; this->unk_1AE = -140; this->unk_1B0 = -80; sWarpTimerTarget = 160; this->actor.shape.yOffset = -400.0f; this->warpTimer = 0; this->unk_1BC = 1.0f; this->unk_194 = 0.3f; this->unk_198 = 0.3f; this->lightRayAlpha = 0.0f; this->warpAlpha = 0.0f; this->crystalAlpha = 0.0f; this->unk_19C = 0.0f; Lights_PointNoGlowSetInfo(&this->upperLightInfo, this->actor.world.pos.x, this->actor.world.pos.y, this->actor.world.pos.z, 200, 255, 255, 255); Lights_PointNoGlowSetInfo(&this->lowerLightInfo, this->actor.world.pos.x, this->actor.world.pos.y, this->actor.world.pos.z, 200, 255, 255, 255); DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, func_8099A3A4); } void DoorWarp1_SetupBlueCrystal(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { s16 i; SkelAnime_Init(play, &this->skelAnime, &gWarpCrystalSkel, &gWarpCrystalAnim, NULL, NULL, 0); Animation_ChangeImpl(&this->skelAnime, &gWarpCrystalAnim, 0, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gWarpCrystalAnim), Animation_GetLastFrame(&gWarpCrystalAnim), ANIMMODE_ONCE, 0.0f, 1); this->skelAnime.curFrame = Animation_GetLastFrame(&gWarpCrystalAnim); this->scale = 10; this->unk_1AE = 120; this->unk_1B0 = 230; this->warpTimer = 0; this->unk_194 = 0.3f; this->unk_198 = 0.3f; this->lightRayAlpha = 0.0f; this->warpAlpha = 0.0f; this->crystalAlpha = 0.0f; this->unk_19C = 0.0f; this->unk_1BC = 1.0f; this->actor.shape.yOffset = 800.0f; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { play->envCtx.adjAmbientColor[i] = play->envCtx.adjFogColor[i] = play->envCtx.adjLight1Color[i] = -255; } play->envCtx.adjFogNear = -500; this->warpTimer = 30; this->unk_1B8 = 4000; DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, DoorWarp1_BlueCrystal); } void DoorWarp1_SetupPurpleCrystal(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { SkelAnime_Init(play, &this->skelAnime, &gWarpCrystalSkel, &gWarpCrystalAnim, NULL, NULL, 0); Animation_ChangeImpl(&this->skelAnime, &gWarpCrystalAnim, 0, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gWarpCrystalAnim), Animation_GetLastFrame(&gWarpCrystalAnim), ANIMMODE_ONCE, 0.0f, 1); this->skelAnime.curFrame = Animation_GetLastFrame(&gWarpCrystalAnim); this->unk_1AE = 120; this->unk_1B0 = 230; this->warpTimer = 200; this->unk_1B8 = 4000; this->actor.scale.x = this->actor.scale.y = this->actor.scale.z = 1.0f; this->unk_194 = 0.3f; this->unk_198 = 0.3f; this->lightRayAlpha = 0.0f; this->warpAlpha = 0.0f; this->crystalAlpha = 0.0f; this->unk_19C = 0.0f; this->unk_1BC = 1.f; this->actor.shape.yOffset = 800.0f; if (gSaveContext.entranceIndex != 0x53) { this->actor.scale.x = 0.0499f; this->actor.scale.y = 0.077f; this->actor.scale.z = 0.09f; this->crystalAlpha = 255.0f; } else { Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EV_SHUT_BY_CRYSTAL); } DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, DoorWarp1_PurpleCrystal); } void DoorWarp1_SetPlayerPos(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); player->actor.velocity.y = 0.0f; player->actor.world.pos.x = this->actor.world.pos.x; player->actor.world.pos.y = this->actor.world.pos.y + 55.0f; player->actor.world.pos.z = this->actor.world.pos.z; } void DoorWarp1_BlueCrystal(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { if (this->warpTimer != 0) { this->warpTimer--; } else { DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, func_80999214); } DoorWarp1_SetPlayerPos(this, play); } void func_80999214(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { s32 temp_f4; f32 darkness; s16 i; Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->crystalAlpha, 255.0f, 0.2f, 5.0f, 0.1f); darkness = (f32)(40 - this->warpTimer) / 40.0f; darkness = CLAMP_MIN(darkness, 0); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { play->envCtx.adjAmbientColor[i] = play->envCtx.adjFogColor[i] = play->envCtx.adjLight1Color[i] = -255.0f * darkness; } play->envCtx.adjFogNear = -500.0f * darkness; this->warpTimer++; if (darkness <= 0) { DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, func_80999348); } this->actor.shape.rot.y += 0x320; DoorWarp1_SetPlayerPos(this, play); } void func_80999348(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); DoorWarp1_SetPlayerPos(this, play); if (this->warpTimer == 0) { Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->crystalAlpha, 0.0f, 0.1f, 4.0f, 1.0f); if (this->crystalAlpha <= 150.0f) { player->actor.gravity = -0.1f; } if (this->crystalAlpha <= 0.0f) { DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, DoorWarp1_FloatPlayer); } } else { this->warpTimer--; } this->actor.shape.rot.y += 0x320; } void DoorWarp1_FloatPlayer(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); player->actor.gravity = -0.1f; } void DoorWarp1_PurpleCrystal(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { if (this->warpTimer != 0) { this->warpTimer--; Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->actor.scale.x, 0.0499f, 0.2f, 0.05f, 0.001f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->actor.scale.y, 0.077f, 0.2f, 0.05f, 0.001f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->actor.scale.z, 0.09f, 0.2f, 0.05f, 0.001f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->crystalAlpha, 255.0f, 0.2f, 5.0f, 0.1f); } } void DoorWarp1_ChooseInitialAction(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { switch (this->actor.params) { case WARP_DUNGEON_CHILD: case WARP_CLEAR_FLAG: case WARP_SAGES: case WARP_YELLOW: case WARP_BLUE_RUTO: case WARP_DESTINATION: case WARP_UNK_7: case WARP_ORANGE: case WARP_GREEN: case WARP_RED: DoorWarp1_SetupWarp(this, play); break; case WARP_DUNGEON_ADULT: DoorWarp1_SetupAdultDungeonWarp(this, play); break; case WARP_BLUE_CRYSTAL: DoorWarp1_SetupBlueCrystal(this, play); break; case WARP_PURPLE_CRYSTAL: DoorWarp1_SetupPurpleCrystal(this, play); break; } } void DoorWarp1_AwaitClearFlag(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { if (Flags_GetTempClear(play, this->actor.room)) { this->warpTimer = 200; Audio_QueueSeqCmd(SEQ_PLAYER_BGM_MAIN << 24 | NA_BGM_BOSS_CLEAR); DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, func_809995D4); } } void func_809995D4(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { if (this->warpTimer == 0) { if (this->actor.xzDistToPlayer < 100.0f) { this->actor.world.pos.x = -98.0f; this->actor.world.pos.y = 827.0f; this->actor.world.pos.z = -3228.0f; } Lights_PointNoGlowSetInfo(&this->upperLightInfo, this->actor.world.pos.x, this->actor.world.pos.y, this->actor.world.pos.z, 200, 255, 255, 255); Lights_PointNoGlowSetInfo(&this->lowerLightInfo, this->actor.world.pos.x, this->actor.world.pos.y, this->actor.world.pos.z, 200, 255, 255, 255); DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, DoorWarp1_WarpAppear); } this->warpTimer--; } void DoorWarp1_WarpAppear(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EV_WARP_HOLE - SFX_FLAG); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->lightRayAlpha, 255.0f, 0.4f, 10.0f, 0.01f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->warpAlpha, 255.0f, 0.4f, 10.0f, 0.01f); if (this->actor.params != WARP_YELLOW && this->actor.params != WARP_ORANGE && this->actor.params != WARP_GREEN && this->actor.params != WARP_RED) { if (this->scale < 100) { this->scale += 2; } if (this->unk_1AE < 120) { this->unk_1AE += 4; } if (this->unk_1B0 < 230) { this->unk_1B0 += 4; } else if (this->actor.params == WARP_BLUE_RUTO) { DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, DoorWarp1_RutoWarpIdle); } else if (this->actor.params != WARP_SAGES && this->actor.params != WARP_YELLOW) { DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, DoorWarp1_ChildWarpIdle); } else { DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, func_809998A4); } } else { if (this->unk_1AE < -50) { this->unk_1AE += 4; } if (this->unk_1B0 < 70) { this->unk_1B0 += 4; } else { DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, func_809998A4); } } } void func_809998A4(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { if (this->lightRayAlpha != 0.0f) { Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EV_WARP_HOLE - SFX_FLAG); } Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->lightRayAlpha, 0.0f, 0.1f, 2.0f, 0.01f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->warpAlpha, 0.0f, 0.1f, 2.0f, 0.01f); } s32 DoorWarp1_PlayerInRange(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); s32 ret = false; if (fabsf(this->actor.xzDistToPlayer) < 60.0f) { if ((player->actor.world.pos.y - 20.0f) < this->actor.world.pos.y) { if (this->actor.world.pos.y < (player->actor.world.pos.y + 20.0f)) { ret = true; } } } return ret; } void GivePlayerRandoReward(DoorWarp1* this, Player* player, PlayState* play, u8 ruto, u8 adult) { GetItemEntry getItemEntry = Randomizer_GetItemFromActor(this->actor.id, play->sceneNum, 0x00, GI_NONE); if (this->actor.parent != NULL && this->actor.parent->id == GET_PLAYER(play)->actor.id && !Flags_GetTreasure(play, 0x1F)) { Flags_SetTreasure(play, 0x1F); } else if (!Flags_GetTreasure(play, 0x1F)) { GiveItemEntryFromActor(&this->actor, play, getItemEntry, 10000.0f, 100.0f); } else if (!Player_InBlockingCsMode(play, GET_PLAYER(play))) { if (adult) { OnePointCutscene_Init(play, 0x25E8, 999, &this->actor, MAIN_CAM); func_8002DF54(play, &this->actor, 10); player->unk_450.x = this->actor.world.pos.x; player->unk_450.z = this->actor.world.pos.z; this->unk_1B2 = 20; DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, func_8099A508); } else { if (ruto) { this->rutoWarpState = WARP_BLUE_RUTO_STATE_ENTERED; func_8002DF54(play, &this->actor, 10); this->unk_1B2 = 1; DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, func_80999EE0); } else { Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_EV_LINK_WARP, &player->actor.projectedPos, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); OnePointCutscene_Init(play, 0x25E7, 999, &this->actor, MAIN_CAM); func_8002DF54(play, &this->actor, 10); player->unk_450.x = this->actor.world.pos.x; player->unk_450.z = this->actor.world.pos.z; this->unk_1B2 = 1; DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, DoorWarp1_ChildWarpOut); } } } } void DoorWarp1_ChildWarpIdle(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { Player* player; Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EV_WARP_HOLE - SFX_FLAG); if (DoorWarp1_PlayerInRange(this, play)) { player = GET_PLAYER(play); if (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag) { GivePlayerRandoReward(this, player, play, 0, 0); return; } Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_EV_LINK_WARP, &player->actor.projectedPos, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); OnePointCutscene_Init(play, 0x25E7, 999, &this->actor, MAIN_CAM); func_8002DF54(play, &this->actor, 10); player->unk_450.x = this->actor.world.pos.x; player->unk_450.z = this->actor.world.pos.z; this->unk_1B2 = 1; DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, DoorWarp1_ChildWarpOut); } } void DoorWarp1_ChildWarpOut(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); if (this->unk_1B2 >= 101) { if (player->actor.velocity.y < 10.0f) { player->actor.gravity = 0.1f; } else { player->actor.gravity = 0.0f; } } else { this->unk_1B2++; } Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->lightRayAlpha, 0.0f, 0.2f, 6.0f, 0.01f); this->warpTimer++; if (sWarpTimerTarget < this->warpTimer && gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex == 0xFFEF) { osSyncPrintf("\n\n\nじかんがきたからおーしまい fade_direction=[%d]", play->sceneLoadFlag, 0x14); if (play->sceneNum == SCENE_DDAN_BOSS) { if (!Flags_GetEventChkInf(0x25)) { Flags_SetEventChkInf(0x25); Flags_SetRandomizerInf(RAND_INF_DUNGEONS_DONE_DODONGOS_CAVERN); if (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag) { play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x47A; gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex = 0; } else { Item_Give(play, ITEM_GORON_RUBY); play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x13D; gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex = 0xFFF1; } } else { play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x47A; gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex = 0; } } else if (play->sceneNum == SCENE_YDAN_BOSS) { if (!Flags_GetEventChkInf(7) || gSaveContext.n64ddFlag) { Flags_SetEventChkInf(7); Flags_SetEventChkInf(9); Flags_SetRandomizerInf(RAND_INF_DUNGEONS_DONE_DEKU_TREE); if (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag) { play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x0457; gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex = 0; // Skip Mido complaining about dead Deku tree Flags_SetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_SPOKE_TO_MIDO_AFTER_DEKU_TREES_DEATH); } else { Item_Give(play, ITEM_KOKIRI_EMERALD); play->nextEntranceIndex = 0xEE; gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex = 0xFFF1; } } else { play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x457; gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex = 0; } } else if (play->sceneNum == SCENE_BDAN_BOSS) { play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x10E; gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex = 0; } if (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag && (Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_SHUFFLE_DUNGEON_ENTRANCES) != RO_DUNGEON_ENTRANCE_SHUFFLE_OFF || Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_SHUFFLE_BOSS_ENTRANCES) != RO_BOSS_ROOM_ENTRANCE_SHUFFLE_OFF)) { Entrance_OverrideBlueWarp(); } osSyncPrintf("\n\n\nおわりおわり"); play->sceneLoadFlag = 0x14; play->fadeTransition = 7; gSaveContext.nextTransitionType = 3; } Math_StepToF(&this->unk_194, 2.0f, 0.01f); Math_StepToF(&this->unk_198, 10.0f, 0.02f); Lights_PointNoGlowSetInfo(&this->upperLightInfo, (s16)player->actor.world.pos.x + 10.0f, (s16)player->actor.world.pos.y + 10.0f, (s16)player->actor.world.pos.z + 10.0f, 235, 255, 255, 255); Lights_PointNoGlowSetInfo(&this->lowerLightInfo, (s16)player->actor.world.pos.x - 10.0f, (s16)player->actor.world.pos.y - 10.0f, (s16)player->actor.world.pos.z - 10.0f, 235, 255, 255, 255); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->actor.shape.yOffset, 0.0f, 0.5f, 2.0f, 0.1f); } void DoorWarp1_RutoWarpIdle(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EV_WARP_HOLE - SFX_FLAG); if (this->rutoWarpState != WARP_BLUE_RUTO_STATE_INITIAL && DoorWarp1_PlayerInRange(this, play)) { if (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag) { GivePlayerRandoReward(this, GET_PLAYER(play), play, 1, 0); return; } this->rutoWarpState = WARP_BLUE_RUTO_STATE_ENTERED; func_8002DF54(play, &this->actor, 10); this->unk_1B2 = 1; DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, func_80999EE0); } } static s16 sRutoWarpSubCamId; void func_80999EE0(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { Vec3f at; Vec3f eye; Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); if (this->rutoWarpState == WARP_BLUE_RUTO_STATE_3) { Play_ChangeCameraStatus(play, MAIN_CAM, CAM_STAT_WAIT); sRutoWarpSubCamId = Play_CreateSubCamera(play); Play_ChangeCameraStatus(play, sRutoWarpSubCamId, CAM_STAT_ACTIVE); at.x = this->actor.world.pos.x; at.y = 49.0f; at.z = this->actor.world.pos.z; eye.x = player->actor.world.pos.x; eye.y = 43.0f; eye.z = player->actor.world.pos.z; Play_CameraSetAtEye(play, sRutoWarpSubCamId, &at, &eye); Play_CameraSetFov(play, sRutoWarpSubCamId, 90.0f); this->rutoWarpState = WARP_BLUE_RUTO_STATE_TALKING; if (!gSaveContext.n64ddFlag) { Message_StartTextbox(play, 0x4022, NULL); } DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, func_80999FE4); } } void func_80999FE4(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { if (Message_GetState(&play->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_NONE) { Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_EV_LINK_WARP, &this->actor.projectedPos, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); OnePointCutscene_Init(play, 0x25E9, 999, &this->actor, MAIN_CAM); Play_CopyCamera(play, -1, sRutoWarpSubCamId); Play_ChangeCameraStatus(play, sRutoWarpSubCamId, CAM_STAT_WAIT); this->rutoWarpState = WARP_BLUE_RUTO_STATE_WARPING; DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, DoorWarp1_RutoWarpOut); } } void DoorWarp1_RutoWarpOut(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); if (this->unk_1B2 >= 61) { if (player->actor.velocity.y < 10.f) { player->actor.gravity = 0.02f; } else { player->actor.gravity = 0.0f; } } else { this->unk_1B2++; } Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->lightRayAlpha, 0.0f, 0.2f, 6.0f, 0.01f); this->warpTimer++; if (this->warpTimer > sWarpTimerTarget && gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex == 0xFFEF) { gSaveContext.eventChkInf[3] |= 0x80; Flags_SetRandomizerInf(RAND_INF_DUNGEONS_DONE_JABU_JABUS_BELLY); if (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag) { play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x10E; gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex = 0; } else { Item_Give(play, ITEM_ZORA_SAPPHIRE); play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x10E; gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex = 0xFFF0; } if (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag && (Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_SHUFFLE_DUNGEON_ENTRANCES) != RO_DUNGEON_ENTRANCE_SHUFFLE_OFF || Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_SHUFFLE_BOSS_ENTRANCES) != RO_BOSS_ROOM_ENTRANCE_SHUFFLE_OFF)) { Entrance_OverrideBlueWarp(); } play->sceneLoadFlag = 0x14; play->fadeTransition = 7; } Math_StepToF(&this->unk_194, 2.0f, 0.01f); Math_StepToF(&this->unk_198, 10.f, 0.02f); Lights_PointNoGlowSetInfo(&this->upperLightInfo, (s16)player->actor.world.pos.x + 10.0f, (s16)player->actor.world.pos.y + 10.0f, (s16)player->actor.world.pos.z + 10.0f, 235, 255, 255, 255); Lights_PointNoGlowSetInfo(&this->lowerLightInfo, (s16)player->actor.world.pos.x - 10.0f, (s16)player->actor.world.pos.y - 10.0f, (s16)player->actor.world.pos.z - 10.0f, 235, 255, 255, 255); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->actor.shape.yOffset, 0.0f, 0.5f, 2.0f, 0.1f); } void func_8099A3A4(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EV_WARP_HOLE - SFX_FLAG); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->lightRayAlpha, 255.0f, 0.2f, 2.0f, 0.1f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->warpAlpha, 255.0f, 0.2f, 2.0f, 0.1f); if (this->scale < 10) { this->scale += 2; } if (this->unk_1AE < 120) { this->unk_1AE += 4; } if (this->unk_1B0 < 230) { this->unk_1B0 += 4; } else { DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, DoorWarp1_AdultWarpIdle); } } void DoorWarp1_AdultWarpIdle(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { Player* player; Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EV_WARP_HOLE - SFX_FLAG); if (DoorWarp1_PlayerInRange(this, play)) { player = GET_PLAYER(play); if (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag) { GivePlayerRandoReward(this, player, play, 0, 1); return; } OnePointCutscene_Init(play, 0x25E8, 999, &this->actor, MAIN_CAM); func_8002DF54(play, &this->actor, 10); player->unk_450.x = this->actor.world.pos.x; player->unk_450.z = this->actor.world.pos.z; this->unk_1B2 = 20; DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, func_8099A508); } } void func_8099A508(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); if (this->unk_1B2 != 0) { this->unk_1B2--; return; } Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_EV_LINK_WARP, &player->actor.projectedPos, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); Animation_ChangeImpl(&this->skelAnime, &gWarpCrystalAnim, 1.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gWarpCrystalAnim), Animation_GetLastFrame(&gWarpCrystalAnim), ANIMMODE_ONCE, 40.0f, 1); this->unk_1B2 = 0x32; DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, DoorWarp1_AdultWarpOut); } void DoorWarp1_AdultWarpOut(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); f32 temp_f0_2; if (this->unk_1B2 != 0) { this->unk_1B2--; } if (this->unk_1B2 < 31) { u32 phi_v0 = (LINK_IS_ADULT) ? 35 : 45; if ((player->actor.world.pos.y - this->actor.world.pos.y) <= phi_v0) { player->actor.gravity = 0.0139999995f; } else { player->actor.gravity = 0.0f; player->actor.velocity.y = 0.0f; } if (this->unk_1B2 <= 0) { if (this->unk_1B8 < 4000) { this->unk_1B8 += 40; } player->actor.world.rot.y -= this->unk_1B8; player->actor.shape.rot.y -= this->unk_1B8; } Math_SmoothStepToF(&player->actor.world.pos.x, this->actor.world.pos.x, 0.5f, 0.1f, 0.01f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&player->actor.world.pos.z, this->actor.world.pos.z, 0.5f, 0.1f, 0.01f); } this->warpTimer++; if (this->warpTimer > sWarpTimerTarget && gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex == 0xFFEF) { if (play->sceneNum == SCENE_MORIBOSSROOM) { if (!(gSaveContext.eventChkInf[4] & 0x100)) { gSaveContext.eventChkInf[4] |= 0x100; Flags_SetRandomizerInf(RAND_INF_DUNGEONS_DONE_FOREST_TEMPLE); if (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag) { play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x608; gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex = 0; } else { Item_Give(play, ITEM_MEDALLION_FOREST); play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x6B; gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex = 0; gSaveContext.chamberCutsceneNum = CHAMBER_CS_FOREST; } } else { if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x600; } else { play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x608; } gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex = 0; } } else if (play->sceneNum == SCENE_FIRE_BS) { if (!(gSaveContext.eventChkInf[4] & 0x200)) { gSaveContext.eventChkInf[4] |= 0x200; Flags_SetRandomizerInf(RAND_INF_DUNGEONS_DONE_FIRE_TEMPLE); if (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag) { play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x564; gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex = 0; // Change Death Mountain cloud since we aren't warping to the cutscene Flags_SetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_DEATH_MOUNTAIN_ERUPTED); } else { Item_Give(play, ITEM_MEDALLION_FIRE); play->nextEntranceIndex = 0xDB; gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex = 0xFFF3; } } else { if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x4F6; } else { play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x564; } gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex = 0; } } else if (play->sceneNum == SCENE_MIZUSIN_BS) { if (!(gSaveContext.eventChkInf[4] & 0x400)) { gSaveContext.eventChkInf[4] |= 0x400; Flags_SetRandomizerInf(RAND_INF_DUNGEONS_DONE_WATER_TEMPLE); if (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag) { play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x60C; gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex = 0; // Fill Lake Hylia since we aren't warping to the cutscene Flags_SetEventChkInf(EVENTCHKINF_RAISED_LAKE_HYLIA_WATER); } else { Item_Give(play, ITEM_MEDALLION_WATER); play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x6B; gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex = 0; gSaveContext.chamberCutsceneNum = CHAMBER_CS_WATER; } } else { if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x604; } else { play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x60C; } gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex = 0; } } else if (play->sceneNum == SCENE_JYASINBOSS) { if (!CHECK_QUEST_ITEM(QUEST_MEDALLION_SPIRIT) || gSaveContext.n64ddFlag) { Flags_SetRandomizerInf(RAND_INF_DUNGEONS_DONE_SPIRIT_TEMPLE); if (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag) { play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x610; gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex = 0; } else { Item_Give(play, ITEM_MEDALLION_SPIRIT); play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x6B; gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex = 0; gSaveContext.chamberCutsceneNum = CHAMBER_CS_SPIRIT; } } else { if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x1F1; } else { play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x610; } gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex = 0; } } else if (play->sceneNum == SCENE_HAKADAN_BS) { if (!CHECK_QUEST_ITEM(QUEST_MEDALLION_SHADOW) || gSaveContext.n64ddFlag) { Flags_SetRandomizerInf(RAND_INF_DUNGEONS_DONE_SHADOW_TEMPLE); if (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag) { play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x580; gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex = 0; } else { Item_Give(play, ITEM_MEDALLION_SHADOW); play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x6B; gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex = 0; gSaveContext.chamberCutsceneNum = CHAMBER_CS_SHADOW; } } else { if (!LINK_IS_ADULT) { play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x568; } else { play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x580; } gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex = 0; } } if (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag && (Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_SHUFFLE_DUNGEON_ENTRANCES) != RO_DUNGEON_ENTRANCE_SHUFFLE_OFF || Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_SHUFFLE_BOSS_ENTRANCES) != RO_BOSS_ROOM_ENTRANCE_SHUFFLE_OFF)) { Entrance_OverrideBlueWarp(); } play->sceneLoadFlag = 0x14; play->fadeTransition = 3; gSaveContext.nextTransitionType = 7; } if (this->warpTimer >= 141) { f32 screenFillAlpha; play->envCtx.fillScreen = true; screenFillAlpha = (f32)(this->warpTimer - 140) / 20.0f; if (screenFillAlpha > 1.0f) { screenFillAlpha = 1.0f; } play->envCtx.screenFillColor[0] = 160; play->envCtx.screenFillColor[1] = 160; play->envCtx.screenFillColor[2] = 160; play->envCtx.screenFillColor[3] = (u32)(255.0f * screenFillAlpha); osSyncPrintf("\nparcent=[%f]", screenFillAlpha); } Lights_PointNoGlowSetInfo(&this->upperLightInfo, (s16)player->actor.world.pos.x + 10.0f, (s16)player->actor.world.pos.y + 10.0f, (s16)player->actor.world.pos.z + 10.0f, 235, 255, 255, 255); Lights_PointNoGlowSetInfo(&this->lowerLightInfo, (s16)player->actor.world.pos.x - 10.0f, (s16)player->actor.world.pos.y - 10.0f, (s16)player->actor.world.pos.z - 10.0f, 235, 255, 255, 255); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->actor.shape.yOffset, 800.0f, 0.5f, 15.0f, 0.1f); this->actor.shape.rot.y += 0x320; Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->unk_1BC, 1.13f, 0.2f, 0.1f, 0.01f); Math_StepToF(&this->unk_194, 2.0f, 0.003f); Math_StepToF(&this->unk_198, 10.0f, 0.006f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->lightRayAlpha, 0.0f, 0.2f, 3.0f, 0.01f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->warpAlpha, 0.0f, 0.2f, 2.0f, 0.01f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->crystalAlpha, 255.0f, 0.1f, 1.0f, 0.01f); temp_f0_2 = 1.0f - (f32)(sWarpTimerTarget - this->warpTimer) / (sWarpTimerTarget - (sWarpTimerTarget - 100)); if (temp_f0_2 > 0.0f) { s16 i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { play->envCtx.adjAmbientColor[i] = play->envCtx.adjFogColor[i] = play->envCtx.adjLight1Color[i] = -255.0f * temp_f0_2; } play->envCtx.adjFogNear = -500.0f * temp_f0_2; if (play->envCtx.adjFogNear < -300) { play->roomCtx.curRoom.segment = NULL; } } } void DoorWarp1_Destination(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { f32 alphaFrac; this->warpTimer++; this->unk_194 = 5.0f; alphaFrac = 1.0f; if (this->warpTimer < 20) { alphaFrac = this->warpTimer / 20.f; } else if (this->warpTimer >= 60) { alphaFrac = 1.0f - ((this->warpTimer - 60.0f) / 20.f); } this->warpAlpha = 255.0f * alphaFrac; this->lightRayAlpha = 0.0f; if (this->warpTimer >= 80.0f) { this->warpAlpha = 0.0f; DoorWarp1_SetupAction(this, DoorWarp1_DoNothing); } Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EV_WARP_HOLE - SFX_FLAG); } void DoorWarp1_DoNothing(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { } void func_8099B020(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->lightRayAlpha, 128.0f, 0.2f, 2.0f, 0.1f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->warpAlpha, 128.0f, 0.2f, 2.0f, 0.1f); if (this->lightRayAlpha >= 128.0f) { Math_StepToF(&this->unk_194, 2.0f, 0.01f); Math_StepToF(&this->unk_198, 10.0f, 0.02f); } Audio_PlayActorSound2(&this->actor, NA_SE_EV_WARP_HOLE - SFX_FLAG); } void DoorWarp1_Update(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play) { DoorWarp1* this = (DoorWarp1*)thisx; this->actionFunc(this, play); if (this->actor.params != WARP_PURPLE_CRYSTAL) { Actor_SetScale(&this->actor, this->scale / 100.0f); } } void DoorWarp1_DrawBlueCrystal(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { s32 pad; OPEN_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); Gfx_SetupDL_25Xlu(play->state.gfxCtx); gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0xFF, 0xFF, 200, 255, 255, (u8)this->crystalAlpha); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0, 100, 255, (u8)this->crystalAlpha); POLY_XLU_DISP = SkelAnime_Draw(play, this->skelAnime.skeleton, this->skelAnime.jointTable, NULL, NULL, &this->actor, POLY_XLU_DISP); CLOSE_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); SkelAnime_Update(&this->skelAnime); } void DoorWarp1_DrawPurpleCrystal(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { s32 pad[2]; Vec3f eye; eye.x = -(Math_SinS(play->state.frames * 200) * 120.0f) * 80.0f; eye.y = (Math_CosS(play->state.frames * 200) * 120.0f) * 80.0f; eye.z = (Math_CosS(play->state.frames * 200) * 120.0f) * 80.0f; OPEN_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); Gfx_SetupDL_25Xlu(play->state.gfxCtx); func_8002EB44(&this->actor.world.pos, &eye, &eye, play->state.gfxCtx); gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, (u8)this->crystalAlpha); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 150, 0, 100, (u8)this->crystalAlpha); POLY_XLU_DISP = SkelAnime_Draw(play, this->skelAnime.skeleton, this->skelAnime.jointTable, NULL, NULL, &this->actor, POLY_XLU_DISP); CLOSE_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); SkelAnime_Update(&this->skelAnime); } void DoorWarp1_DrawWarp(DoorWarp1* this, PlayState* play) { s32 pad; u32 pad1; u32 spEC = play->state.frames * 10; f32 spE8 = (this->unk_194 >= 1.0f) ? 0.0f : 1.0f - this->unk_194; f32 spE4 = (this->unk_198 >= 1.0f) ? 0.0f : 1.0f - this->unk_198; f32 xzScale; f32 temp_f0; OPEN_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); temp_f0 = 1.0f - (2.0f - this->unk_194) / 1.7f; if (this->actor.params != WARP_YELLOW && this->actor.params != WARP_DESTINATION && this->actor.params != WARP_ORANGE && this->actor.params != WARP_GREEN && this->actor.params != WARP_RED) { this->unk_19C += (s16)(temp_f0 * 15.0f); } if (this->actor.params == WARP_DESTINATION) { this->unk_19C -= (s16)(temp_f0 * 2.0f); } Gfx_SetupDL_25Xlu(play->state.gfxCtx); switch (this->actor.params) { case WARP_YELLOW: gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x00, 0x80, 255, 255, 255, (u8)this->warpAlpha); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 200, 255, 0, 255); break; case WARP_ORANGE: gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x00, 0x80, 255, 255, 255, (u8)this->warpAlpha); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 255, 150, 0, 255); break; case WARP_GREEN: gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x00, 0x80, 255, 255, 255, (u8)this->warpAlpha); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0, 200, 0, 255); break; case WARP_RED: gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x00, 0x80, 255, 255, 255, (u8)this->warpAlpha); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 255, 50, 0, 255); break; default: gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x00, 0x80, 255 * temp_f0, 255, 255, (u8)this->warpAlpha); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0, 255 * temp_f0, 255, 255); break; } gDPSetColorDither(POLY_XLU_DISP++, G_CD_DISABLE); gDPSetColorDither(POLY_XLU_DISP++, G_AD_NOTPATTERN | G_CD_MAGICSQ); Matrix_Translate(this->actor.world.pos.x, this->actor.world.pos.y + 1.0f, this->actor.world.pos.z, MTXMODE_NEW); gSPSegment(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x0A, MATRIX_NEWMTX(play->state.gfxCtx)); Matrix_Push(); gSPSegment(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x08, Gfx_TwoTexScroll(play->state.gfxCtx, 0, spEC & 0xFF, -((s16)(this->unk_19C + this->unk_19C) & 511), 0x100, 0x100, 1, spEC & 0xFF, -((s16)(this->unk_19C + this->unk_19C) & 511), 0x100, 0x100)); Matrix_Translate(0.0f, this->unk_194 * 230.0f, 0.0f, MTXMODE_APPLY); xzScale = (((f32)this->unk_1AE * spE8) / 100.0f) + 1.0f; Matrix_Scale(xzScale, 1.0f, xzScale, MTXMODE_APPLY); gSPSegment(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x09, MATRIX_NEWMTX(play->state.gfxCtx)); gSPDisplayList(POLY_XLU_DISP++, gWarpPortalDL); Matrix_Pop(); if (this->lightRayAlpha > 0.0f) { switch (this->actor.params) { case WARP_YELLOW: gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x00, 0x80, 255, 255, 255, (u8)this->warpAlpha); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 200, 255, 0, 255); break; case WARP_ORANGE: gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x00, 0x80, 255, 255, 255, (u8)this->warpAlpha); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 255, 150, 0, 255); break; case WARP_GREEN: gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x00, 0x80, 255, 255, 255, (u8)this->warpAlpha); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0, 200, 0, 255); break; case WARP_RED: gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x00, 0x80, 255, 255, 255, (u8)this->warpAlpha); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 255, 50, 0, 255); break; default: gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x00, 0x80, 255 * temp_f0, 255, 255, (u8)this->lightRayAlpha); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0, 255 * temp_f0, 255, 255); break; } spEC *= 2; gSPSegment(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x08, Gfx_TwoTexScroll(play->state.gfxCtx, 0, spEC & 0xFF, -((s16)this->unk_19C & 511), 0x100, 0x100, 1, spEC & 0xFF, -((s16)this->unk_19C & 511), 0x100, 0x100)); Matrix_Translate(0.0f, this->unk_198 * 60.0f, 0.0f, MTXMODE_APPLY); xzScale = (((f32)this->unk_1B0 * spE4) / 100.0f) + 1.0f; Matrix_Scale(xzScale, 1.0f, xzScale, MTXMODE_APPLY); gSPSegment(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x09, MATRIX_NEWMTX(play->state.gfxCtx)); gSPDisplayList(POLY_XLU_DISP++, gWarpPortalDL); } CLOSE_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); } void DoorWarp1_Draw(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play) { DoorWarp1* this = (DoorWarp1*)thisx; switch (this->actor.params) { case WARP_DUNGEON_ADULT: DoorWarp1_DrawBlueCrystal(this, play); DoorWarp1_DrawWarp(this, play); break; case WARP_DUNGEON_CHILD: case WARP_CLEAR_FLAG: case WARP_SAGES: case WARP_YELLOW: case WARP_BLUE_RUTO: case WARP_DESTINATION: case WARP_UNK_7: case WARP_ORANGE: case WARP_GREEN: case WARP_RED: DoorWarp1_DrawWarp(this, play); break; case WARP_BLUE_CRYSTAL: DoorWarp1_DrawBlueCrystal(this, play); break; case WARP_PURPLE_CRYSTAL: DoorWarp1_DrawPurpleCrystal(this, play); break; } } void DoorWarp1_Reset(void) { sWarpTimerTarget = 0; sRutoWarpSubCamId = 0; }