/* * File: z_demo_im.c * Overlay: Demo_Im * Description: Impa */ #include "z_demo_im.h" #include "overlays/actors/ovl_En_Arrow/z_en_arrow.h" #include "overlays/actors/ovl_Door_Warp1/z_door_warp1.h" #include "scenes/indoors/nakaniwa/nakaniwa_scene.h" #include "objects/object_im/object_im.h" #include "vt.h" #define FLAGS (ACTOR_FLAG_0 | ACTOR_FLAG_4) void DemoIm_Init(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play); void DemoIm_Destroy(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play); void DemoIm_Update(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play); void DemoIm_Draw(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play); void func_809856F8(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_80985718(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_80985738(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_80985770(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_809857B0(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_809857F0(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_80985830(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_80985C10(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_80985C40(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_80985C94(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void DemoIm_DrawTranslucent(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_809863BC(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_809863DC(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_80986430(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_80986494(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_809864D4(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_809868E8(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_80986908(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_80986948(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_80986D40(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_80986DC8(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_80986E20(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_80986E40(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_80986EAC(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_80986F08(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_80986F28(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_80986F88(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_80986FA8(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_80987288(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_809872A8(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_809872F0(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void func_80987330(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void DemoIm_DrawNothing(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); void DemoIm_DrawSolid(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play); static void* sEyeTextures[] = { gImpaEyeOpenTex, gImpaEyeHalfTex, gImpaEyeClosedTex, }; static u32 D_8098783C = 0; static ColliderCylinderInitType1 sCylinderInit = { { COLTYPE_HIT0, AT_NONE, AC_NONE, OC1_ON | OC1_TYPE_PLAYER, COLSHAPE_CYLINDER, }, { 0x00, { 0x00000000, 0x00, 0x00 }, { 0x00000000, 0x00, 0x00 }, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 }, { 25, 80, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } }, }; #include "z_demo_im_cutscene_data.c" EARLY static DemoImActionFunc sActionFuncs[] = { func_809856F8, func_80985718, func_80985738, func_80985770, func_809857B0, func_809857F0, func_80985830, func_80985C10, func_80985C40, func_80985C94, func_809863BC, func_809863DC, func_80986430, func_80986494, func_809864D4, func_809868E8, func_80986908, func_80986948, func_80986D40, func_80986DC8, func_80986E20, func_80986E40, func_80986EAC, func_80986F08, func_80986F28, func_80986F88, func_80986FA8, func_80987288, func_809872A8, func_809872F0, func_80987330, }; static Vec3f D_809887D8 = { 0.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f }; static DemoImDrawFunc sDrawFuncs[] = { DemoIm_DrawNothing, DemoIm_DrawSolid, DemoIm_DrawTranslucent, }; const ActorInit Demo_Im_InitVars = { ACTOR_DEMO_IM, ACTORCAT_NPC, FLAGS, OBJECT_IM, sizeof(DemoIm), (ActorFunc)DemoIm_Init, (ActorFunc)DemoIm_Destroy, (ActorFunc)DemoIm_Update, (ActorFunc)DemoIm_Draw, NULL, }; void func_80984BE0(DemoIm* this) { s32 pad[3]; s16* blinkTimer = &this->blinkTimer; s16* eyeIndex = &this->eyeIndex; if (DECR(*blinkTimer) == 0) { *blinkTimer = Rand_S16Offset(60, 60); } *eyeIndex = *blinkTimer; if (*eyeIndex >= 3) { *eyeIndex = 0; } } void func_80984C68(DemoIm* this) { this->action = 7; this->drawConfig = 0; this->alpha = 0; this->unk_270 = 0; this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = 0; this->unk_268 = 0.0f; } void func_80984C8C(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { u32* something = &D_8098783C; if (play->csCtx.state == CS_STATE_IDLE) { if (*something != 0) { if (this->actor.params == 2) { func_80984C68(this); } *something = 0; } } else { if (*something == 0) { *something = 1; } } } void DemoIm_InitCollider(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play) { DemoIm* this = (DemoIm*)thisx; Collider_InitCylinder(play, &this->collider); Collider_SetCylinderType1(play, &this->collider, &this->actor, &sCylinderInit); } void DemoIm_DestroyCollider(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play) { DemoIm* this = (DemoIm*)thisx; Collider_DestroyCylinder(play, &this->collider); } void DemoIm_UpdateCollider(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { s32 pad[5]; Collider_UpdateCylinder(&this->actor, &this->collider); CollisionCheck_SetOC(play, &play->colChkCtx, &this->collider.base); } void func_80984DB8(DemoIm* this) { s32 pad[2]; Vec3s* headRot = &this->interactInfo.headRot; Vec3s* torsoRot = &this->interactInfo.torsoRot; Math_SmoothStepToS(&headRot->x, 0, 20, 6200, 100); Math_SmoothStepToS(&headRot->y, 0, 20, 6200, 100); Math_SmoothStepToS(&torsoRot->x, 0, 20, 6200, 100); Math_SmoothStepToS(&torsoRot->y, 0, 20, 6200, 100); } void func_80984E58(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); s16 yawDiff; s16 npcTrackingMode; this->interactInfo.trackPos = player->actor.world.pos; this->interactInfo.yOffset = kREG(16) + 4.0f; yawDiff = this->actor.yawTowardsPlayer - this->actor.shape.rot.y; npcTrackingMode = (ABS(yawDiff) < 0x18E3) ? NPC_TRACKING_HEAD_AND_TORSO : NPC_TRACKING_NONE; Npc_TrackPoint(&this->actor, &this->interactInfo, kREG(17) + 0xC, npcTrackingMode); } void func_80984F10(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); this->interactInfo.trackPos = player->actor.world.pos; this->interactInfo.yOffset = kREG(16) + 12.0f; Npc_TrackPoint(&this->actor, &this->interactInfo, kREG(17) + 0xC, NPC_TRACKING_HEAD_AND_TORSO); } void func_80984F94(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); this->interactInfo.trackPos = player->actor.world.pos; this->interactInfo.yOffset = kREG(16) + 4.0f; Npc_TrackPoint(&this->actor, &this->interactInfo, kREG(17) + 0xC, NPC_TRACKING_FULL_BODY); } void DemoIm_UpdateBgCheckInfo(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { Actor_UpdateBgCheckInfo(play, &this->actor, 75.0f, 30.0f, 30.0f, 5); } s32 DemoIm_UpdateSkelAnime(DemoIm* this) { return SkelAnime_Update(&this->skelAnime); } s32 DemoIm_IsCsStateIdle(PlayState* play) { if (play->csCtx.state == CS_STATE_IDLE) { return true; } else { return false; } } CsCmdActorAction* DemoIm_GetNpcAction(PlayState* play, s32 actionIdx) { s32 pad[2]; CsCmdActorAction* ret = NULL; if (!DemoIm_IsCsStateIdle(play)) { ret = play->csCtx.npcActions[actionIdx]; } return ret; } s32 func_809850E8(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play, u16 action, s32 actionIdx) { CsCmdActorAction* npcAction = DemoIm_GetNpcAction(play, actionIdx); if (npcAction != NULL) { if (npcAction->action == action) { return true; } } return false; } s32 func_80985134(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play, u16 action, s32 actionIdx) { CsCmdActorAction* npcAction = DemoIm_GetNpcAction(play, actionIdx); if (npcAction != NULL) { if (npcAction->action != action) { return true; } } return false; } void func_80985180(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play, s32 actionIdx) { CsCmdActorAction* npcAction = DemoIm_GetNpcAction(play, actionIdx); if (npcAction != NULL) { this->actor.world.pos.x = npcAction->startPos.x; this->actor.world.pos.y = npcAction->startPos.y; this->actor.world.pos.z = npcAction->startPos.z; this->actor.world.rot.y = this->actor.shape.rot.y = npcAction->rot.y; } } void func_80985200(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play, s32 actionIdx) { CsCmdActorAction* npcAction = DemoIm_GetNpcAction(play, actionIdx); if (npcAction != NULL) { this->actor.world.pos.x = npcAction->startPos.x; this->actor.world.pos.y = npcAction->startPos.y; this->actor.world.pos.z = npcAction->startPos.z; this->actor.world.rot.y = this->actor.shape.rot.y = npcAction->rot.y; } } void DemoIm_ChangeAnim(DemoIm* this, AnimationHeader* animHeaderSeg, u8 animMode, f32 transitionRate, s32 playBackwards) { f32 frameCount = Animation_GetLastFrame(animHeaderSeg); f32 playbackSpeed; f32 startFrame; f32 endFrame; if (!playBackwards) { startFrame = 0.0f; endFrame = frameCount; playbackSpeed = 1.0f; } else { endFrame = 0.0f; startFrame = frameCount; playbackSpeed = -1.0f; } Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, animHeaderSeg, playbackSpeed, startFrame, endFrame, animMode, transitionRate); } void func_80985310(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { DemoIm_ChangeAnim(this, &gImpaIdleAnim, ANIMMODE_LOOP, 0.0f, false); this->actor.shape.yOffset = -10000.0f; } void func_80985358(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { f32 posX = this->actor.world.pos.x; f32 posY = this->actor.world.pos.y; f32 posZ = this->actor.world.pos.z; Actor_SpawnAsChild(&play->actorCtx, &this->actor, play, ACTOR_DOOR_WARP1, posX, posY, posZ, 0, 0, 0, WARP_SAGES); } void func_809853B4(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); f32 playerX = player->actor.world.pos.x; f32 playerY = player->actor.world.pos.y + 80.0f; f32 playerZ = player->actor.world.pos.z; Actor_SpawnAsChild(&play->actorCtx, &this->actor, play, ACTOR_DEMO_EFFECT, playerX, playerY, playerZ, 0, 0, 0, 0xD); Item_Give(play, ITEM_MEDALLION_SHADOW); } void func_80985430(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { this->actor.shape.yOffset += 250.0f / 3.0f; } void func_8098544C(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { s32 pad[2]; if ((gSaveContext.chamberCutsceneNum == 4) && (gSaveContext.sceneSetupIndex < 4)) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); this->action = 1; play->csCtx.segment = D_8098786C; gSaveContext.cutsceneTrigger = 2; Item_Give(play, ITEM_MEDALLION_SHADOW); player->actor.world.rot.y = player->actor.shape.rot.y = this->actor.world.rot.y + 0x8000; } } void func_809854DC(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { if ((play->csCtx.state != CS_STATE_IDLE) && (play->csCtx.npcActions[5] != NULL) && (play->csCtx.npcActions[5]->action == 2)) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gImpaIdleAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gImpaIdleAnim), ANIMMODE_LOOP, 0.0f); this->action = 2; this->drawConfig = 1; func_80985358(this, play); } } void func_8098557C(DemoIm* this) { if (this->actor.shape.yOffset >= 0.0f) { this->action = 3; this->actor.shape.yOffset = 0.0f; } } void func_809855A8(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { if ((play->csCtx.state != CS_STATE_IDLE) && (play->csCtx.npcActions[5] != NULL) && (play->csCtx.npcActions[5]->action == 3)) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gImpaRaiseArmsAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gImpaRaiseArmsAnim), ANIMMODE_ONCE, 4.0f); this->action = 4; } } void func_80985640(DemoIm* this, s32 arg1) { if (arg1 != 0) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gImpaPresentShadowMedallionAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gImpaPresentShadowMedallionAnim), ANIMMODE_LOOP, 0.0f); this->action = 5; } } void func_809856AC(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { if ((play->csCtx.state != CS_STATE_IDLE) && (play->csCtx.npcActions[6] != NULL) && (play->csCtx.npcActions[6]->action == 2)) { this->action = 6; func_809853B4(this, play); } } void func_809856F8(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { func_8098544C(this, play); } void func_80985718(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { func_809854DC(this, play); } void func_80985738(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { func_80985430(this, play); DemoIm_UpdateSkelAnime(this); func_80984BE0(this); func_8098557C(this); } void func_80985770(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { DemoIm_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoIm_UpdateSkelAnime(this); func_80984BE0(this); func_809855A8(this, play); } void func_809857B0(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { s32 sp1C; DemoIm_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); sp1C = DemoIm_UpdateSkelAnime(this); func_80984BE0(this); func_80985640(this, sp1C); } void func_809857F0(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { DemoIm_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoIm_UpdateSkelAnime(this); func_80984BE0(this); func_809856AC(this, play); } void func_80985830(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { DemoIm_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoIm_UpdateSkelAnime(this); func_80984BE0(this); } void func_80985860(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { DemoIm_ChangeAnim(this, &gImpaIdleAnim, ANIMMODE_LOOP, 0.0f, false); this->action = 7; this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = 0; } void func_809858A8(void) { func_800788CC(NA_SE_SY_WHITE_OUT_T); } void DemoIm_SpawnLightBall(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { Actor_SpawnAsChild(&play->actorCtx, &this->actor, play, ACTOR_DEMO_6K, this->actor.world.pos.x, (kREG(17) + 24.0f) + this->actor.world.pos.y, this->actor.world.pos.z, 0, 0, 0, 6); } void func_80985948(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { if (func_809850E8(this, play, 4, 5)) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gImpaPrepareSealGanonAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gImpaPrepareSealGanonAnim), ANIMMODE_ONCE, 0.0f); this->action = 8; this->drawConfig = 2; this->alpha = 0; this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = 0; this->unk_268 = 0.0f; func_809858A8(); } } void func_809859E0(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { f32* unk_268 = &this->unk_268; s32 alpha = 255; if (func_809850E8(this, play, 4, 5)) { *unk_268 += 1.0f; if (*unk_268 >= kREG(5) + 10.0f) { this->action = 9; this->drawConfig = 1; *unk_268 = kREG(5) + 10.0f; this->alpha = this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = alpha; return; } } else { *unk_268 -= 1.0f; if (*unk_268 <= 0.0f) { this->action = 7; this->drawConfig = 0; *unk_268 = 0.0f; this->alpha = 0; this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = 0; return; } } this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = this->alpha = (*unk_268 / (kREG(5) + 10.0f)) * 255.0f; } void func_80985B34(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { if (func_80985134(this, play, 4, 5)) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gImpaSealGanonAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gImpaSealGanonAnim), ANIMMODE_ONCE, -8.0f); this->action = 8; this->drawConfig = 2; this->unk_268 = kREG(5) + 10.0f; this->alpha = 255; if (this->unk_270 == 0) { DemoIm_SpawnLightBall(this, play); this->unk_270 = 1; } this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = 0xFF; } } void func_80985C10(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { func_80985948(this, play); func_80984C8C(this, play); } void func_80985C40(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { DemoIm_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoIm_UpdateSkelAnime(this); func_80984BE0(this); func_809859E0(this, play); func_80984C8C(this, play); } void func_80985C94(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { DemoIm_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoIm_UpdateSkelAnime(this); func_80984BE0(this); func_80985B34(this, play); func_80984C8C(this, play); } void DemoIm_DrawTranslucent(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { s32 pad[2]; s16 eyeIndex = this->eyeIndex; void* eyeTex = sEyeTextures[eyeIndex]; SkelAnime* skelAnime = &this->skelAnime; OPEN_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); Gfx_SetupDL_25Xlu(play->state.gfxCtx); gSPSegment(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x08, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(eyeTex)); gSPSegment(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x09, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(eyeTex)); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0, 0, 0, this->alpha); gSPSegment(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x0C, &D_80116280[0]); POLY_XLU_DISP = SkelAnime_DrawFlex(play, skelAnime->skeleton, skelAnime->jointTable, skelAnime->dListCount, NULL, NULL, NULL, POLY_XLU_DISP); CLOSE_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); } void func_80985E60(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { DemoIm_ChangeAnim(this, &gImpaIdleAnim, ANIMMODE_LOOP, 0.0f, false); this->action = 10; this->unk_280 = 1; } void func_80985EAC(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { if ((play->csCtx.frames >= 80) && (play->csCtx.frames < 243)) { func_80984F10(this, play); } else { func_80984DB8(this); } } void func_80985EF4(DemoIm* this) { if (!Animation_OnFrame(&this->skelAnime, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gImpaWhistlingAnim) - 1.0f)) { DemoIm_UpdateSkelAnime(this); } } void func_80985F54(DemoIm* this) { this->action = 10; this->drawConfig = 0; } void func_80985F64(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gImpaIdleAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gImpaIdleAnim), ANIMMODE_LOOP, 0.0f); func_80985180(this, play, 5); this->action = 11; this->drawConfig = 1; } void func_80985FE8(DemoIm* this, s32 arg1) { if (arg1 != 0) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gImpaWhistlingAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gImpaWhistlingAnim), ANIMMODE_LOOP, -8.0f); } } void func_8098604C(DemoIm* this) { f32 frameCount = Animation_GetLastFrame(&gImpaStartWhistlingAnim); Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gImpaStartWhistlingAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, frameCount, ANIMMODE_ONCE, -8.0f); this->action = 12; this->drawConfig = 1; this->unk_2D0 = 1; } void func_809860C8(DemoIm* this) { this->action = 13; this->drawConfig = 1; } void func_809860DC(DemoIm* this, s32 arg1) { if (arg1 != 0) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gImpaIdleAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gImpaIdleAnim), ANIMMODE_LOOP, -8.0f); this->unk_2D0 = 0; } } void func_80986148(DemoIm* this) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gImpaStartWhistlingAnim, -1.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gImpaStartWhistlingAnim), 0.0f, ANIMMODE_ONCE, -8.0f); this->action = 14; this->drawConfig = 1; } void func_809861C4(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { CsCmdActorAction* npcAction = DemoIm_GetNpcAction(play, 5); if (npcAction != NULL) { u32 action = npcAction->action; u32 unk_274 = this->unk_274; if (action != unk_274) { switch (action) { case 9: func_80986148(this); break; case 7: Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gImpaWhistlingAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gImpaWhistlingAnim), ANIMMODE_LOOP, -8.0f); this->action = 12; break; default: osSyncPrintf("Demo_Im_Ocarina_Check_DemoMode:そんな動作は無い!!!!!!!!\n"); } this->unk_274 = action; } } } void func_8098629C(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { if (DemoIm_IsCsStateIdle(play)) { this->action = 21; this->drawConfig = 1; this->unk_280 = 1; } } void func_809862E0(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { CsCmdActorAction* npcAction = DemoIm_GetNpcAction(play, 5); if (npcAction != NULL) { u32 action = npcAction->action; u32 unk_274 = this->unk_274; if (action != unk_274) { switch (action) { case 1: func_80985F54(this); break; case 2: func_80985F64(this, play); break; case 7: func_8098604C(this); break; case 8: func_809860C8(this); break; case 9: func_80986148(this); break; default: osSyncPrintf("Demo_Im_Ocarina_Check_DemoMode:そんな動作は無い!!!!!!!!\n"); } this->unk_274 = action; } } } void func_809863BC(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { func_809862E0(this, play); } void func_809863DC(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { DemoIm_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoIm_UpdateSkelAnime(this); func_80985EAC(this, play); func_80984BE0(this); func_809862E0(this, play); } void func_80986430(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { s32 sp24; DemoIm_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); sp24 = DemoIm_UpdateSkelAnime(this); func_80985EAC(this, play); func_80984BE0(this); func_80985FE8(this, sp24); func_809862E0(this, play); } void func_80986494(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { DemoIm_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); func_80985EF4(this); func_80984BE0(this); func_809861C4(this, play); } void func_809864D4(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { s32 sp24; DemoIm_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); sp24 = DemoIm_UpdateSkelAnime(this); func_80984BE0(this); func_809860DC(this, sp24); func_8098629C(this, play); } void func_8098652C(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { DemoIm_ChangeAnim(this, &gImpaIdleAnim, ANIMMODE_LOOP, 0.0f, false); this->action = 15; } void func_80986570(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { if (Animation_OnFrame(&this->skelAnime, 7.0f) && (this->actor.bgCheckFlags & 1)) { u32 sfxId = SFX_FLAG; sfxId += SurfaceType_GetSfx(&play->colCtx, this->actor.floorPoly, this->actor.floorBgId); Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(sfxId, &this->actor.projectedPos, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); } } void func_809865F8(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play, s32 arg2) { s32 pad[2]; if (arg2 != 0) { f32* unk_278 = &this->unk_278; if (*unk_278 >= 0.0f) { if (this->unk_27C == 0) { Vec3f* thisPos = &this->actor.world.pos; s16 shapeRotY = this->actor.shape.rot.y; f32 spawnPosX = thisPos->x + (Math_SinS(shapeRotY) * 30.0f); f32 spawnPosY = thisPos->y; f32 spawnPosZ = thisPos->z + (Math_CosS(shapeRotY) * 30.0f); Actor_Spawn(&play->actorCtx, play, ACTOR_EN_ARROW, spawnPosX, spawnPosY, spawnPosZ, 0xFA0, this->actor.shape.rot.y, 0, ARROW_CS_NUT, true); this->unk_27C = 1; } } else { *unk_278 += 1.0f; } } } void func_80986700(DemoIm* this) { this->action = 15; this->drawConfig = 0; } void func_80986710(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gImpaIdleAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gImpaIdleAnim), ANIMMODE_LOOP, 0.0f); func_80985180(this, play, 5); this->action = 16; this->drawConfig = 1; } void func_80986794(DemoIm* this) { Animation_Change(&this->skelAnime, &gImpaThrowDekuNutAnim, 1.0f, 0.0f, Animation_GetLastFrame(&gImpaThrowDekuNutAnim), ANIMMODE_ONCE, -8.0f); this->action = 17; this->drawConfig = 1; } void func_8098680C(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { CsCmdActorAction* npcAction = DemoIm_GetNpcAction(play, 5); if (npcAction != NULL) { u32 action = npcAction->action; u32 unk_274 = this->unk_274; if (action != unk_274) { switch (action) { case 1: func_80986700(this); break; case 2: func_80986710(this, play); break; case 10: func_80986794(this); break; case 11: Actor_Kill(&this->actor); break; default: osSyncPrintf("Demo_Im_Spot00_Check_DemoMode:そんな動作は無い!!!!!!!!\n"); } this->unk_274 = action; } } } void func_809868E8(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { func_8098680C(this, play); } void func_80986908(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { DemoIm_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoIm_UpdateSkelAnime(this); func_80984BE0(this); func_8098680C(this, play); } void func_80986948(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { s32 sp24; DemoIm_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); sp24 = DemoIm_UpdateSkelAnime(this); func_80986570(this, play); func_80984BE0(this); func_809865F8(this, play, sp24); func_8098680C(this, play); } void func_809869B0(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { DemoIm_ChangeAnim(this, &gImpaIdleAnim, ANIMMODE_LOOP, 0.0f, false); this->action = 18; this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = 0; } s32 func_809869F8(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); f32 playerPosX = player->actor.world.pos.x; f32 thisPosX = this->actor.world.pos.x; if ((thisPosX - (kREG(16) + 30.0f) > playerPosX) && !(this->actor.flags & ACTOR_FLAG_6)) { return true; } else { return false; } } s32 func_80986A5C(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); f32 playerPosX = player->actor.world.pos.x; f32 thisPosX = this->actor.world.pos.x; if ((thisPosX - (kREG(17) + 130.0f) < playerPosX) && (!Play_InCsMode(play))) { return true; } else { return false; } } s32 func_80986AD0(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { this->actor.flags |= ACTOR_FLAG_0 | ACTOR_FLAG_3; if (!Actor_ProcessTalkRequest(&this->actor, play)) { this->actor.textId = 0x708E; func_8002F2F4(&this->actor, play); } else { return true; } return false; } void func_80986B2C(PlayState* play) { if (Message_GetState(&play->msgCtx) == TEXT_STATE_CLOSING) { Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play); // In entrance rando have impa bring link back to the front of castle grounds if (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag && Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_SHUFFLE_OVERWORLD_ENTRANCES)) { play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x0138; } else { play->nextEntranceIndex = 0xCD; } play->fadeTransition = 38; play->sceneLoadFlag = 0x14; func_8002DF54(play, &player->actor, 8); } } void func_80986BA0(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { if (func_809869F8(this, play)) { this->action = 21; this->drawConfig = 1; this->unk_280 = 1; this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = 0xFF; } } void func_80986BE4(DemoIm* this, s32 arg1) { if (arg1 != 0) { this->action = 22; } } void func_80986BF8(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { if (gSaveContext.eventChkInf[4] & 1) { this->action = 24; this->drawConfig = 1; this->unk_280 = 1; this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = 0xFF; } } void GivePlayerRandoRewardImpa(Actor* impa, PlayState* play, RandomizerCheck check) { GetItemEntry getItemEntry = Randomizer_GetItemFromKnownCheck(check, RG_ZELDAS_LULLABY); if (impa->parent != NULL && impa->parent->id == GET_PLAYER(play)->actor.id && !Flags_GetTreasure(play, 0x1F)) { Flags_SetTreasure(play, 0x1F); } else if (!Flags_GetTreasure(play, 0x1F) && !Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_SKIP_CHILD_ZELDA)) { GiveItemEntryFromActor(impa, play, getItemEntry, 75.0f, 50.0f); } else if (!Player_InBlockingCsMode(play, GET_PLAYER(play))) { gSaveContext.eventChkInf[5] |= 0x200; play->sceneLoadFlag = 0x14; play->fadeTransition = 3; gSaveContext.nextTransitionType = 3; // In entrance rando have impa bring link back to the front of castle grounds if (Randomizer_GetSettingValue(RSK_SHUFFLE_OVERWORLD_ENTRANCES)) { play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x0138; } else { play->nextEntranceIndex = 0x0594; } gSaveContext.nextCutsceneIndex = 0; } } void func_80986C30(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { if (func_80986A5C(this, play)) { if (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag) { GivePlayerRandoRewardImpa(this, play, RC_SONG_FROM_IMPA); } else { play->csCtx.segment = SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(gZeldasCourtyardLullabyCs); gSaveContext.cutsceneTrigger = 1; gSaveContext.eventChkInf[5] |= 0x200; Item_Give(play, ITEM_SONG_LULLABY); func_80985F54(this); } } } void func_80986CC8(DemoIm* this) { if (gSaveContext.eventChkInf[4] & 1) { this->action = 26; this->drawConfig = 1; this->unk_280 = 1; this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = 0xFF; } } void func_80986CFC(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { if (func_80986A5C(this, play)) { gSaveContext.eventChkInf[4] |= 0x1000; this->action = 19; } } void func_80986D40(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { if (gSaveContext.sceneSetupIndex == 6) { this->action = 19; this->drawConfig = 1; } else if ((gSaveContext.eventChkInf[8] & 1) && !gSaveContext.n64ddFlag) { Actor_Kill(&this->actor); } else if (!(gSaveContext.eventChkInf[5] & 0x200)) { this->action = 23; } else { this->action = 20; } } void func_80986DC8(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { DemoIm_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoIm_UpdateSkelAnime(this); func_80984BE0(this); func_80984E58(this, play); this->actor.flags &= ~(ACTOR_FLAG_0 | ACTOR_FLAG_3); } void func_80986E20(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { func_80986BA0(this, play); } void func_80986E40(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { DemoIm_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoIm_UpdateSkelAnime(this); func_80984BE0(this); func_80984E58(this, play); DemoIm_UpdateCollider(this, play); func_80986BE4(this, func_80986AD0(this, play)); } void func_80986EAC(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { DemoIm_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoIm_UpdateSkelAnime(this); func_80984BE0(this); func_80984F94(this, play); DemoIm_UpdateCollider(this, play); func_80986B2C(play); } void func_80986F08(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { func_80986BF8(this, play); } void func_80986F28(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { DemoIm_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoIm_UpdateSkelAnime(this); func_80984BE0(this); func_80984E58(this, play); DemoIm_UpdateCollider(this, play); func_80986C30(this, play); } void func_80986F88(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { func_80986CC8(this); } void func_80986FA8(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { DemoIm_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoIm_UpdateSkelAnime(this); func_80984BE0(this); func_80984E58(this, play); this->actor.flags &= ~(ACTOR_FLAG_0 | ACTOR_FLAG_3); DemoIm_UpdateCollider(this, play); func_80986CFC(this, play); } void func_80987018(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { DemoIm_ChangeAnim(this, &gImpaIdleAnim, ANIMMODE_LOOP, 0.0f, false); this->action = 27; this->drawConfig = 0; this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = 0; } void func_80987064(DemoIm* this) { f32* unk_268 = &this->unk_268; f32 temp; s32 alpha = 255; *unk_268 += 1.0f; temp = kREG(17) + 10.0f; if (*unk_268 >= temp) { this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = this->alpha = alpha; } else { this->actor.shape.shadowAlpha = this->alpha = (*unk_268 / temp) * 255.0f; } } void func_809870F0(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { func_80985200(this, play, 5); this->action = 28; this->drawConfig = 2; } void func_80987128(DemoIm* this) { if (this->unk_268 >= kREG(17) + 10.0f) { this->action = 29; this->drawConfig = 1; } } void func_80987174(DemoIm* this) { DemoIm_ChangeAnim(this, &object_im_Anim_0101C8, ANIMMODE_ONCE, -8.0f, false); this->action = 30; } void func_809871B4(DemoIm* this, s32 arg1) { if (arg1 != 0) { DemoIm_ChangeAnim(this, &object_im_Anim_00FB10, ANIMMODE_LOOP, 0.0f, false); } } void func_809871E8(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { CsCmdActorAction* npcAction = DemoIm_GetNpcAction(play, 5); if (npcAction != NULL) { u32 action = npcAction->action; u32 unk_274 = this->unk_274; if (action != unk_274) { switch (action) { case 12: func_809870F0(this, play); break; case 13: func_80987174(this); break; default: osSyncPrintf("Demo_Im_inEnding_Check_DemoMode:そんな動作は無い!!!!!!!!\n"); } this->unk_274 = action; } } } void func_80987288(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { func_809871E8(this, play); } void func_809872A8(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { DemoIm_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoIm_UpdateSkelAnime(this); func_80984BE0(this); func_80987064(this); func_80987128(this); } void func_809872F0(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { DemoIm_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); DemoIm_UpdateSkelAnime(this); func_80984BE0(this); func_809871E8(this, play); } void func_80987330(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { s32 sp1C; DemoIm_UpdateBgCheckInfo(this, play); sp1C = DemoIm_UpdateSkelAnime(this); func_80984BE0(this); func_809871B4(this, sp1C); } void DemoIm_Update(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play) { DemoIm* this = (DemoIm*)thisx; if ((this->action < 0) || (this->action >= 31) || (sActionFuncs[this->action] == NULL)) { osSyncPrintf(VT_FGCOL(RED) "メインモードがおかしい!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n" VT_RST); return; } sActionFuncs[this->action](this, play); } void DemoIm_Init(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play) { DemoIm* this = (DemoIm*)thisx; ActorShape_Init(&this->actor.shape, 0.0f, ActorShadow_DrawCircle, 30.0f); DemoIm_InitCollider(thisx, play); SkelAnime_InitFlex(play, &this->skelAnime, &gImpaSkel, NULL, this->jointTable, this->morphTable, 17); thisx->flags &= ~ACTOR_FLAG_0; switch (this->actor.params) { case 2: func_80985860(this, play); break; case 3: func_80985E60(this, play); break; case 4: func_8098652C(this, play); break; case 5: func_809869B0(this, play); break; case 6: func_80987018(this, play); break; default: func_80985310(this, play); } } void DemoIm_Destroy(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play) { DemoIm* this = (DemoIm*)thisx; DemoIm_DestroyCollider(thisx, play); ResourceMgr_UnregisterSkeleton(&this->skelAnime); } s32 DemoIm_OverrideLimbDraw(PlayState* play, s32 limbIndex, Gfx** dList, Vec3f* pos, Vec3s* rot, void* thisx) { DemoIm* this = (DemoIm*)thisx; s32* unk_2D0 = &this->unk_2D0; if (this->unk_280 != 0) { Vec3s* torsoRot = &this->interactInfo.torsoRot; Vec3s* headRot = &this->interactInfo.headRot; switch (limbIndex) { case IMPA_LIMB_CHEST: rot->x += torsoRot->y; rot->y -= torsoRot->x; break; case IMPA_LIMB_HEAD: rot->x += headRot->y; rot->z += headRot->x; break; } } if ((*unk_2D0 != 0) && (limbIndex == IMPA_LIMB_RIGHT_HAND)) { *dList = gImpaHandPointingDL; } return false; } void DemoIm_PostLimbDraw(PlayState* play, s32 limbIndex, Gfx** dList, Vec3s* rot, void* thisx) { DemoIm* this = (DemoIm*)thisx; if (limbIndex == IMPA_LIMB_HEAD) { Vec3f sp28 = D_809887D8; Vec3f dest; Matrix_MultVec3f(&sp28, &dest); this->actor.focus.pos.x = dest.x; this->actor.focus.pos.y = dest.y; this->actor.focus.pos.z = dest.z; this->actor.focus.rot.x = this->actor.world.rot.x; this->actor.focus.rot.y = this->actor.world.rot.y; this->actor.focus.rot.z = this->actor.world.rot.z; } } void DemoIm_DrawNothing(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { } void DemoIm_DrawSolid(DemoIm* this, PlayState* play) { s32 pad[2]; s16 eyeIndex = this->eyeIndex; void* eyeTexture = sEyeTextures[eyeIndex]; SkelAnime* skelAnime = &this->skelAnime; OPEN_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); Gfx_SetupDL_25Opa(play->state.gfxCtx); gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x08, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(eyeTexture)); gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x09, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(eyeTexture)); gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0, 0, 0, 255); gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x0C, &D_80116280[2]); SkelAnime_DrawFlexOpa(play, skelAnime->skeleton, skelAnime->jointTable, skelAnime->dListCount, DemoIm_OverrideLimbDraw, DemoIm_PostLimbDraw, this); CLOSE_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); } void DemoIm_Draw(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play) { DemoIm* this = (DemoIm*)thisx; if ((this->drawConfig < 0) || (this->drawConfig >= 3) || (sDrawFuncs[this->drawConfig] == NULL)) { osSyncPrintf(VT_FGCOL(RED) "描画モードがおかしい!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n" VT_RST); return; } sDrawFuncs[this->drawConfig](this, play); }