#include "playthrough.hpp" #include #include "custom_messages.hpp" #include "fill.hpp" #include "location_access.hpp" #include "logic.hpp" #include "random.hpp" #include "spoiler_log.hpp" #include "soh/Enhancements/randomizer/randomizerTypes.h" namespace Playthrough { int Playthrough_Init(uint32_t seed, std::unordered_map cvarSettings, std::set excludedLocations) { // initialize the RNG with just the seed incase any settings need to be // resolved to something random Random_Init(seed); overrides.clear(); CustomMessages::ClearMessages(); ItemReset(); HintReset(); Areas::AccessReset(); Settings::UpdateSettings(cvarSettings, excludedLocations); // once the settings have been finalized turn them into a string for hashing std::string settingsStr; for (Menu* menu : Settings::GetAllOptionMenus()) { // don't go through non-menus if (menu->mode != OPTION_SUB_MENU) { continue; } for (size_t i = 0; i < menu->settingsList->size(); i++) { Option* setting = menu->settingsList->at(i); if (setting->IsCategory(OptionCategory::Setting)) { settingsStr += setting->GetSelectedOptionText(); } } } uint32_t finalHash = boost::hash_32{}(std::to_string(Settings::seed) + settingsStr); Random_Init(finalHash); Settings::hash = std::to_string(finalHash); Logic::UpdateHelpers(); if (Settings::Logic.Is(LOGIC_VANILLA)) { VanillaFill(); // Just place items in their vanilla locations } else { // Fill locations with logic int ret = Fill(); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } } GenerateHash(); WriteIngameSpoilerLog(); if (Settings::GenerateSpoilerLog) { // write logs printf("\x1b[11;10HWriting Spoiler Log..."); if (SpoilerLog_Write(cvarSettings[RSK_LANGUAGE])) { printf("Done"); } else { printf("Failed"); } #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG printf("\x1b[11;10HWriting Placement Log..."); if (PlacementLog_Write()) { printf("Done\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); } #endif } playthroughLocations.clear(); wothLocations.clear(); playthroughBeatable = false; return 1; } // used for generating a lot of seeds at once int Playthrough_Repeat(std::unordered_map cvarSettings, std::set excludedLocations, int count /*= 1*/) { printf("\x1b[0;0HGENERATING %d SEEDS", count); uint32_t repeatedSeed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Settings::seedString = std::to_string(rand() % 0xFFFFFFFF); repeatedSeed = boost::hash_32{}(Settings::seedString); Settings::seed = repeatedSeed % 0xFFFFFFFF; CitraPrint("testing seed: " + std::to_string(Settings::seed)); ClearProgress(); Playthrough_Init(Settings::seed, cvarSettings, excludedLocations); printf("\x1b[15;15HSeeds Generated: %d\n", i + 1); } return 1; } } // namespace Playthrough