#include "spoiler_log.hpp" #include "dungeon.hpp" #include "item_list.hpp" #include "item_location.hpp" #include "entrance.hpp" #include "random.hpp" #include "settings.hpp" #include "trial.hpp" #include "tinyxml2.h" #include "utils.hpp" #include "shops.hpp" #include "hints.hpp" #include "Lib/nlohmann/json.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Window.h" using json = nlohmann::json; json jsonData; namespace { std::string placementtxt; } // namespace static RandomizerHash randomizerHash; static SpoilerData spoilerData; void GenerateHash() { for (size_t i = 0; i < Settings::hashIconIndexes.size(); i++) { int number = Settings::seed[i] - '0'; Settings::hashIconIndexes[i] = number; } // Clear out spoiler log data here, in case we aren't going to re-generate it // spoilerData = { 0 }; } const RandomizerHash& GetRandomizerHash() { return randomizerHash; } // Returns the randomizer hash as concatenated string, separated by comma. const std::string GetRandomizerHashAsString() { std::string hash = ""; for (const std::string& str : randomizerHash) { hash += str + ", "; } hash.erase(hash.length() - 2); // Erase last comma return hash; } const SpoilerData& GetSpoilerData() { return spoilerData; } static auto GetGeneralPath() { return "./randomizer/haha.xml"; } static auto GetSpoilerLogPath() { return GetGeneralPath(); } static auto GetPlacementLogPath() { return GetGeneralPath(); } void WriteIngameSpoilerLog() { uint16_t spoilerItemIndex = 0; uint32_t spoilerStringOffset = 0; uint16_t spoilerSphereItemoffset = 0; uint16_t spoilerGroupOffset = 0; // Intentionally junk value so we trigger the 'new group, record some stuff' code uint8_t currentGroup = SpoilerCollectionCheckGroup::SPOILER_COLLECTION_GROUP_COUNT; bool spoilerOutOfSpace = false; // Create map of string data offsets for all _unique_ item locations and names in the playthrough // Some item names, like gold skulltula tokens, can appear many times in a playthrough std::unordered_map itemLocationsMap; // Map of LocationKey to an index into spoiler data item locations itemLocationsMap.reserve(allLocations.size()); std::unordered_map stringOffsetMap; // Map of strings to their offset into spoiler string data array stringOffsetMap.reserve(allLocations.size() * 2); // Sort all locations by their group, so the in-game log can show a group of items by simply starting/ending at // certain indices std::stable_sort(allLocations.begin(), allLocations.end(), [](const uint32_t& a, const uint32_t& b) { auto groupA = Location(a)->GetCollectionCheckGroup(); auto groupB = Location(b)->GetCollectionCheckGroup(); return groupA < groupB; }); for (const uint32_t key : allLocations) { auto loc = Location(key); // Hide excluded locations from ingame tracker if (loc->IsExcluded()) { continue; } // Cows else if (!Settings::ShuffleCows && loc->IsCategory(Category::cCow)) { continue; } // Merchants else if (Settings::ShuffleMerchants.Is(SHUFFLEMERCHANTS_OFF) && loc->IsCategory(Category::cMerchant)) { continue; } // Adult Trade else if (!Settings::ShuffleAdultTradeQuest && loc->IsCategory(Category::cAdultTrade)) { continue; } // Chest Minigame else if (Settings::ShuffleChestMinigame.Is(SHUFFLECHESTMINIGAME_OFF) && loc->IsCategory(Category::cChestMinigame)) { continue; } // Gerudo Fortress else if ((Settings::GerudoFortress.Is(GERUDOFORTRESS_OPEN) && (loc->IsCategory(Category::cVanillaGFSmallKey) || loc->GetHintKey() == GF_GERUDO_MEMBERSHIP_CARD)) || (Settings::GerudoFortress.Is(GERUDOFORTRESS_FAST) && loc->IsCategory(Category::cVanillaGFSmallKey) && loc->GetHintKey() != GF_NORTH_F1_CARPENTER)) { continue; } // Copy at most 51 chars from the name and location name to avoid issues with names that don't fit on screen const char* nameFormatStr = "%.51s"; auto locName = loc->GetName(); if (stringOffsetMap.find(locName) == stringOffsetMap.end()) { if (spoilerStringOffset + locName.size() + 1 >= SPOILER_STRING_DATA_SIZE) { spoilerOutOfSpace = true; break; } else { stringOffsetMap[locName] = spoilerStringOffset; spoilerStringOffset += sprintf(&spoilerData.StringData[spoilerStringOffset], nameFormatStr, locName.c_str()) + 1; } } // PURPLE TODO: LOCALIZATION auto locItem = loc->GetPlacedItemName().GetEnglish(); if (loc->GetPlacedItemKey() == ICE_TRAP && loc->IsCategory(Category::cShop)) { locItem = NonShopItems[TransformShopIndex(GetShopIndex(key))].Name.GetEnglish(); } if (stringOffsetMap.find(locItem) == stringOffsetMap.end()) { if (spoilerStringOffset + locItem.size() + 1 >= SPOILER_STRING_DATA_SIZE) { spoilerOutOfSpace = true; break; } else { stringOffsetMap[locItem] = spoilerStringOffset; spoilerStringOffset += sprintf(&spoilerData.StringData[spoilerStringOffset], nameFormatStr, locItem.c_str()) + 1; } } spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].LocationStrOffset = stringOffsetMap[locName]; spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].ItemStrOffset = stringOffsetMap[locItem]; spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].LocationStr = locName; spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].ItemStr = locItem; spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].CollectionCheckType = loc->GetCollectionCheck().type; spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].LocationScene = loc->GetCollectionCheck().scene; spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].LocationFlag = loc->GetCollectionCheck().flag; // Collect Type and Reveal Type if (key == GANON) { spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].CollectType = COLLECTTYPE_NEVER; spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].RevealType = REVEALTYPE_ALWAYS; } else if (key == MARKET_BOMBCHU_BOWLING_BOMBCHUS) { spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].CollectType = COLLECTTYPE_REPEATABLE; spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].RevealType = REVEALTYPE_ALWAYS; } // Shops else if (loc->IsShop()) { if (Settings::Shopsanity.Is(SHOPSANITY_OFF)) { spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].RevealType = REVEALTYPE_ALWAYS; } else { spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].RevealType = REVEALTYPE_SCENE; } if (loc->GetPlacedItem().GetItemType() == ITEMTYPE_REFILL || loc->GetPlacedItem().GetItemType() == ITEMTYPE_SHOP || loc->GetPlacedItem().GetHintKey() == PROGRESSIVE_BOMBCHUS) { spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].CollectType = COLLECTTYPE_REPEATABLE; } } // Gold Skulltulas else if (loc->IsCategory(Category::cSkulltula) && ((Settings::Tokensanity.Is(TOKENSANITY_OFF)) || (Settings::Tokensanity.Is(TOKENSANITY_DUNGEONS) && !loc->IsDungeon()) || (Settings::Tokensanity.Is(TOKENSANITY_OVERWORLD) && loc->IsDungeon()))) { spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].RevealType = REVEALTYPE_ALWAYS; } // Deku Scrubs else if (loc->IsCategory(Category::cDekuScrub) && !loc->IsCategory(Category::cDekuScrubUpgrades) && Settings::Scrubsanity.Is(SCRUBSANITY_OFF)) { spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].CollectType = COLLECTTYPE_REPEATABLE; spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].RevealType = REVEALTYPE_ALWAYS; } auto checkGroup = loc->GetCollectionCheckGroup(); spoilerData.ItemLocations[spoilerItemIndex].Group = checkGroup; // Group setup if (checkGroup != currentGroup) { currentGroup = checkGroup; spoilerData.GroupOffsets[currentGroup] = spoilerGroupOffset; } ++spoilerData.GroupItemCounts[currentGroup]; ++spoilerGroupOffset; itemLocationsMap[key] = spoilerItemIndex++; } spoilerData.ItemLocationsCount = spoilerItemIndex; if (Settings::IngameSpoilers) { bool playthroughItemNotFound = false; // Write playthrough data to in-game spoiler log if (!spoilerOutOfSpace) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < playthroughLocations.size(); i++) { if (i >= SPOILER_SPHERES_MAX) { spoilerOutOfSpace = true; break; } spoilerData.Spheres[i].ItemLocationsOffset = spoilerSphereItemoffset; for (uint32_t loc = 0; loc < playthroughLocations[i].size(); ++loc) { if (spoilerSphereItemoffset >= SPOILER_ITEMS_MAX) { spoilerOutOfSpace = true; break; } const auto foundItemLoc = itemLocationsMap.find(playthroughLocations[i][loc]); if (foundItemLoc != itemLocationsMap.end()) { spoilerData.SphereItemLocations[spoilerSphereItemoffset++] = foundItemLoc->second; } else { playthroughItemNotFound = true; } ++spoilerData.Spheres[i].ItemCount; } ++spoilerData.SphereCount; } } if (spoilerOutOfSpace || playthroughItemNotFound) { printf("%sError!%s ", YELLOW, WHITE); } } } // Writes the location to the specified node. static void WriteLocation( std::string sphere, const uint32_t locationKey, const bool withPadding = false) { ItemLocation* location = Location(locationKey); // auto node = parentNode->InsertNewChildElement("location"); switch (gSaveContext.language) { case LANGUAGE_ENG: default: jsonData["playthrough"][sphere][location->GetName()] = location->GetPlacedItemName().GetEnglish(); break; case LANGUAGE_FRA: jsonData["playthrough"][sphere][location->GetName()] = location->GetPlacedItemName().GetFrench(); break; } // node->SetAttribute("name", location->GetName().c_str()); // node->SetText(location->GetPlacedItemName().GetEnglish().c_str()); // if (withPadding) { // constexpr int16_t LONGEST_NAME = 56; // The longest name of a location. // constexpr int16_t PRICE_ATTRIBUTE = 12; // Length of a 3-digit price attribute. // // Insert a padding so we get a kind of table in the XML document. // int16_t requiredPadding = LONGEST_NAME - location->GetName().length(); // if (location->IsCategory(Category::cShop)) { // // Shop items have short location names, but come with an additional price attribute. // requiredPadding -= PRICE_ATTRIBUTE; // } // if (requiredPadding >= 0) { // std::string padding(requiredPadding, ' '); // node->SetAttribute("_", padding.c_str()); // } // } // if (location->IsCategory(Category::cShop)) { // char price[6]; // sprintf(price, "%03d", location->GetPrice()); // node->SetAttribute("price", price); // } // if (!location->IsAddedToPool()) { // #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG // node->SetAttribute("not-added", true); // #endif // } } //Writes a shuffled entrance to the specified node static void WriteShuffledEntrance( tinyxml2::XMLElement* parentNode, Entrance* entrance, const bool withPadding = false ) { auto node = parentNode->InsertNewChildElement("entrance"); node->SetAttribute("name", entrance->GetName().c_str()); auto text = entrance->GetConnectedRegion()->regionName + " from " + entrance->GetReplacement()->GetParentRegion()->regionName; node->SetText(text.c_str()); if (withPadding) { constexpr int16_t LONGEST_NAME = 56; //The longest name of a vanilla entrance //Insert padding so we get a kind of table in the XML document int16_t requiredPadding = LONGEST_NAME - entrance->GetName().length(); if (requiredPadding > 0) { std::string padding(requiredPadding, ' '); node->SetAttribute("_", padding.c_str()); } } } // Writes the settings (without excluded locations, starting inventory and tricks) to the spoilerLog document. static void WriteSettings(const bool printAll = false) { // auto parentNode = spoilerLog.NewElement("settings"); std::vector allMenus = Settings::GetAllOptionMenus(); for (const Menu* menu : allMenus) { if (menu->name == "Cosmetic Settings" || menu->name == "Ingame Defaults" || menu->name == "Item Usability Settings" || menu->name == "Multiplayer Settings") continue; if (menu->name == "Timesaver Settings") { for (const Option* setting : *menu->settingsList) { if (setting->GetName() == "Big Poe Target Count" || setting->GetName() == "Cuccos to return" || setting->GetName() == "Skip Epona Race" || setting->GetName() == "Skip Tower Escape" || setting->GetName() == "Skip Child Stealth") { std::string settingName = menu->name + ":" + setting->GetName(); jsonData["settings"][settingName] = setting->GetSelectedOptionText(); } } continue; } //This is a menu of settings, write them if (menu->mode == OPTION_SUB_MENU && menu->printInSpoiler) { for (const Option* setting : *menu->settingsList) { std::string settingName = menu->name + ":" + setting->GetName(); jsonData["settings"][settingName] = setting->GetSelectedOptionText(); } // for (const Option* setting : *menu->settingsList) { // if (printAll || (!setting->IsHidden() && setting->IsCategory(OptionCategory::Setting))) { // auto node = parentNode->InsertNewChildElement("setting"); // node->SetAttribute("name", RemoveLineBreaks(setting->GetName()).c_str()); // node->SetText(setting->GetSelectedOptionText().c_str()); // } // } } } // 3drando doesn't have a "skip child zelda" setting, manually add it to the spoilerfile jsonData["settings"]["Skip Child Zelda"] = Settings::skipChildZelda; // spoilerLog.RootElement()->InsertEndChild(parentNode); // for (const uint32_t key : allLocations) { // ItemLocation* location = Location(key); // settingsJsonData["locations"][location->GetName()] = location->GetPlacedItemName().english; // } } // Writes the excluded locations to the spoiler log, if there are any. static void WriteExcludedLocations() { // auto parentNode = spoilerLog.NewElement("excluded-locations"); for (size_t i = 1; i < Settings::excludeLocationsOptionsVector.size(); i++) { for (const auto& location : Settings::excludeLocationsOptionsVector[i]) { if (location->GetSelectedOptionIndex() == INCLUDE) { continue; } jsonData["excludedLocations"].push_back(RemoveLineBreaks(location->GetName())); // tinyxml2::XMLElement* node = spoilerLog.NewElement("location"); // node->SetAttribute("name", RemoveLineBreaks(location->GetName()).c_str()); // parentNode->InsertEndChild(node); } } // if (!parentNode->NoChildren()) { // spoilerLog.RootElement()->InsertEndChild(parentNode); // } } // Writes the starting inventory to the spoiler log, if there is any. static void WriteStartingInventory() { std::vector*> startingInventoryOptions = { &Settings::startingItemsOptions, &Settings::startingSongsOptions, &Settings::startingEquipmentOptions, &Settings::startingStonesMedallionsOptions, &Settings::startingOthersOptions }; for (std::vector