#include "global.h" /** * Calculates the distances between `a` and `b` */ f32 OLib_Vec3fDist(Vec3f* a, Vec3f* b) { f32 dx = a->x - b->x; f32 dy = a->y - b->y; f32 dz = a->z - b->z; return sqrtf(SQ(dx) + SQ(dy) + SQ(dz)); } /** * Calculates the distances between `a` and `b`, and outputs the vector * created by the difference into `dest` */ f32 OLib_Vec3fDistOutDiff(Vec3f* a, Vec3f* b, Vec3f* dest) { dest->x = a->x - b->x; dest->y = a->y - b->y; dest->z = a->z - b->z; return sqrtf(SQ(dest->x) + SQ(dest->y) + SQ(dest->z)); } /** * Calculates the distances on the xz plane between `a` and `b` */ f32 OLib_Vec3fDistXZ(Vec3f* a, Vec3f* b) { return sqrtf(SQ(a->x - b->x) + SQ(a->z - b->z)); } /** * Clamps `val` to a maximum of -`min` as `val` approaches zero, and a minimum of * `min` as `val` approaches zero */ f32 OLib_ClampMinDist(f32 val, f32 min) { return (min <= fabsf(val)) ? val : ((val >= 0) ? min : -min); } /** * Clamps `val` to a minimum of -`max` as `val` approaches -`max`, and a maximum of `max` * as `val` approaches `max` */ f32 OLib_ClampMaxDist(f32 val, f32 max) { return (fabsf(val) <= max) ? val : ((val >= 0) ? max : -max); } /** * Takes the difference of points b and a, and creates a normal vector */ Vec3f* OLib_Vec3fDistNormalize(Vec3f* dest, Vec3f* a, Vec3f* b) { Vec3f v1; Vec3f v2; f32 dist; v1.x = b->x - a->x; v1.y = b->y - a->y; v1.z = b->z - a->z; dist = OLib_ClampMinDist(sqrtf(SQ(v1.x) + SQ(v1.y) + SQ(v1.z)), 0.01f); v2.x = v1.x / dist; v2.y = v1.y / dist; v2.z = v1.z / dist; *dest = v2; return dest; } /** * Takes the spherical coordinate `sph`, and converts it into a x,y,z position */ Vec3f* OLib_VecSphToVec3f(Vec3f* dest, VecSph* sph) { Vec3f v; f32 sinPitch; f32 cosPitch; f32 sinYaw; f32 cosYaw; if (CVar_GetS32("gFixCameraDrift", 0)) { cosPitch = Math_AccurateCosS(sph->pitch); cosYaw = Math_AccurateCosS(sph->yaw); sinPitch = Math_AccurateSinS(sph->pitch); sinYaw = Math_AccurateSinS(sph->yaw); } else { cosPitch = Math_CosS(sph->pitch); cosYaw = Math_CosS(sph->yaw); sinPitch = Math_SinS(sph->pitch); sinYaw = Math_SinS(sph->yaw); } v.x = sph->r * sinPitch * sinYaw; v.y = sph->r * cosPitch; v.z = sph->r * sinPitch * cosYaw; *dest = v; return dest; } /** * Takes the geographic point `sph` and converts it into a x,y,z position */ Vec3f* OLib_VecSphGeoToVec3f(Vec3f* dest, VecSph* sph) { VecSph geo; geo.r = sph->r; geo.pitch = 0x3FFF - sph->pitch; geo.yaw = sph->yaw; return OLib_VecSphToVec3f(dest, &geo); } /** * Takes the point `vec`, and converts it into a spherical coordinate */ VecSph* OLib_Vec3fToVecSph(VecSph* dest, Vec3f* vec) { VecSph sph; f32 distSquared = SQ(vec->x) + SQ(vec->z); f32 dist = sqrtf(distSquared); if ((dist == 0.0f) && (vec->y == 0.0f)) { sph.pitch = 0; } else { sph.pitch = DEGF_TO_BINANG(RADF_TO_DEGF(Math_FAtan2F(dist, vec->y))); } sph.r = sqrtf(SQ(vec->y) + distSquared); if ((vec->x == 0.0f) && (vec->z == 0.0f)) { sph.yaw = 0; } else { sph.yaw = DEGF_TO_BINANG(RADF_TO_DEGF(Math_FAtan2F(vec->x, vec->z))); } *dest = sph; return dest; } /** * Takes the point `vec`, and converts it to a geographic coordinate */ VecSph* OLib_Vec3fToVecSphGeo(VecSph* dest, Vec3f* vec) { VecSph sph; OLib_Vec3fToVecSph(&sph, vec); sph.pitch = 0x3FFF - sph.pitch; *dest = sph; return dest; } /** * Takes the differences of positions `a` and `b`, and converts them to spherical coordinates */ VecSph* OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSph(VecSph* dest, Vec3f* a, Vec3f* b) { Vec3f sph; sph.x = b->x - a->x; sph.y = b->y - a->y; sph.z = b->z - a->z; return OLib_Vec3fToVecSph(dest, &sph); } /** * Takes the difference of positions `a` and `b`, and converts them to geographic coordinates */ VecSph* OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(VecSph* dest, Vec3f* a, Vec3f* b) { Vec3f sph; sph.x = b->x - a->x; sph.y = b->y - a->y; sph.z = b->z - a->z; return OLib_Vec3fToVecSphGeo(dest, &sph); } /** * Gets the pitch/yaw of the vector formed from `b`-`a`, result is in radians */ Vec3f* OLib_Vec3fDiffRad(Vec3f* dest, Vec3f* a, Vec3f* b) { Vec3f anglesRad; anglesRad.x = Math_FAtan2F(b->z - a->z, b->y - a->y); anglesRad.y = Math_FAtan2F(b->x - a->x, b->z - a->z); anglesRad.z = 0; *dest = anglesRad; return dest; } /** * Gets the pitch/yaw of the vector formed from `b`-`a`, result is in degrees */ Vec3f* OLib_Vec3fDiffDegF(Vec3f* dest, Vec3f* a, Vec3f* b) { Vec3f anglesRad; Vec3f anglesDegrees; OLib_Vec3fDiffRad(&anglesRad, a, b); anglesDegrees.x = RADF_TO_DEGF(anglesRad.x); anglesDegrees.y = RADF_TO_DEGF(anglesRad.y); anglesDegrees.z = 0.0f; *dest = anglesDegrees; return dest; } /** * Gets the pitch/yaw of the vector formed from `b`-`a`, result is in binary degrees */ Vec3s* OLib_Vec3fDiffBinAng(Vec3s* dest, Vec3f* a, Vec3f* b) { Vec3f anglesRad; Vec3s anglesBinAng; OLib_Vec3fDiffRad(&anglesRad, a, b); anglesBinAng.x = DEGF_TO_BINANG(RADF_TO_DEGF(anglesRad.x)); anglesBinAng.y = DEGF_TO_BINANG(RADF_TO_DEGF(anglesRad.y)); anglesBinAng.z = 0.0f; *dest = anglesBinAng; return dest; }