using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using CrowdControl.Common; using CrowdControl.Games.Packs; using ConnectorType = CrowdControl.Common.ConnectorType; public class SoH : SimpleTCPPack { public override string Host { get; } = ""; public override ushort Port { get; } = 43384; public SoH(IPlayer player, Func responseHandler, Action statusUpdateHandler) : base(player, responseHandler, statusUpdateHandler) { } public override Game Game { get; } = new Game(90, "Ship of Harkinian", "SoH", "PC", ConnectorType.SimpleTCPConnector); private Dictionary _enemyType = new Dictionary() { {"wallmaster", ("Wallmaster")}, {"arwing", ("Arwing")}, {"darklink", ("Dark Link")}, {"stalfos", ("Stalfos")}, {"wolfos", ("Wolfos")}, {"freezard", ("Freezard")}, {"keese", ("Keese")}, {"icekeese", ("Ice Keese")}, {"firekeese", ("Fire Keese")}, {"tektite", ("Tektite")}, {"likelike", ("Like-Like")} }; public override List Effects { get { List effects = new List { new Effect("Add Heart Container", "add_heart_container"), new Effect("Remove Heart Container", "remove_heart_container"), new Effect("Damage Multiplier", "damage_multiplier", new[] { "damdefmulti" }) { Duration = 30 }, new Effect("Defense Multiplier", "defense_multiplier", new[] { "damdefmulti" }) { Duration = 30 }, new Effect("Freeze Link", "freeze"), new Effect("Giant Lonk", "giant_link") { Duration = 30 }, new Effect("Empty Heart", "damage", new[] { "health20" }), new Effect("Fill Heart", "heal", new[] { "health20" }), new Effect("Kill Player", "kill"), new Effect("High Gravity", "high_gravity") { Duration = 30 }, new Effect("Hover Boots", "hover_boots") { Duration = 30 }, new Effect("Invisible Link", "invisible") { Duration = 30 }, new Effect("No UI", "no_ui") { Duration = 60 }, new Effect("Low Gravity", "low_gravity") { Duration = 30 }, new Effect("Fill Magic", "fill_magic"), new Effect("Empty Magic", "empty_magic"), new Effect("Minish Link", "minish_link") { Duration = 30 }, new Effect("No Z Button", "no_z") { Duration = 30 }, new Effect("One-Hit KO", "ohko") { Duration = 30 }, new Effect("Pacifist", "pacifist") { Duration = 15 }, new Effect("Paper Link", "paper_link") { Duration = 30 }, new Effect("Rainstorm", "rainstorm") { Duration = 30 }, new Effect("Reverse Controls", "reverse") { Duration = 60 }, new Effect("Give Rupees", "add_rupees", new[] { "rupees999" }), new Effect("Take Rupees", "remove_rupees", new[] { "rupees999" }), new Effect("Increase Speed", "increase_speed") { Duration = 30 }, new Effect("Decrease Speed", "decrease_speed") { Duration = 30 }, new Effect("Cucco Swarm", "cucco_storm"), new Effect("Knockback Link", "knockback", new[] { "knockbackstrength" }), new Effect("Burn Link", "burn"), new Effect("Electrocute Link", "electrocute"), new Effect("Iron Boots", "iron_boots") { Duration = 30 }, new Effect("Give Deku Shield", "give_dekushield"), new Effect("Spawn Enemy", "spawn_enemy", ItemKind.Folder), }; effects.AddRange(_enemyType.Select(t => new Effect($"Spawn {t.Value}", $"spawn_{t.Key}", "spawn_enemy"))); return effects; } } //Slider ranges need to be defined public override List ItemTypes => new List { new ItemType("Rupees", "rupees999", ItemType.Subtype.Slider, "{\"min\":1,\"max\":999}"), new ItemType("Health", "health20", ItemType.Subtype.Slider, "{\"min\":1,\"max\":20}"), new ItemType("Damage/Defense Multiplier", "damdefmulti", ItemType.Subtype.Slider, "{\"min\":1,\"max\":10}"), new ItemType("Knockback Strength", "knockbackstrength", ItemType.Subtype.Slider, "{\"min\":1,\"max\":3}") }; }