@echo off rem Post-build batch for StormLib project rem Called as PostBuild.bat $(ProjectName) $(PlatformName) $(ConfigurationName) [vs2008] rem Example: PostBuild.bat StormLib_dll x64 Debug vs2008 rem Select build type if "%1" == "StormLib_dll" goto PostBuild_DLL if "%1" == "StormLib" goto PostBuild_LIB goto:eof :PostBuild_DLL rem Build steps for the DLL. On 32-bit Release version, increment the build number if not "x%2" == "xWin32" goto:eof if not "x%3" == "xRelease" goto:eof PostBuild.exe .\src\DllMain.rc goto:eof :PostBuild_LIB rem Set target folders if "x%2" == "xWin32" set TARGET_DIR_LEVEL2=lib32 if "x%2" == "xx64" set TARGET_DIR_LEVEL2=lib64 if "x%4" == "xvs2008" set TARGET_DIR_LEVEL3=vs2008 rem Check & create target folder structure if not exist ..\aaa goto:eof if not exist ..\aaa\%TARGET_DIR_LEVEL2% md ..\aaa\%TARGET_DIR_LEVEL2% if not exist ..\aaa\%TARGET_DIR_LEVEL2%\%TARGET_DIR_LEVEL3% md ..\aaa\%TARGET_DIR_LEVEL2%\%TARGET_DIR_LEVEL3% rem Copy include and LIB files to the target folder copy /Y .\src\StormLib.h ..\aaa\inc >nul copy /Y .\src\StormPort.h ..\aaa\inc >nul copy /Y .\bin\%1\%2\%3\StormLib???.lib ..\aaa\%TARGET_DIR_LEVEL2%\%TARGET_DIR_LEVEL3% >nul