mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 02:01:47 -05:00
Add mirror shield cosmetic option (#1705)
* Support for patching DLists outside of OTR, mostly for cosmetics and bug fixes * Store original dlist instruction for unpatching * Rename sandstorm patch variable * Use unordered map for originalGfx; * Add mirror shield option to the cosmetics menu * Include GI model for mirror shield * Changes from feedback
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,6 +9,14 @@
#include "../../UIWidgets.hpp"
extern "C" {
#include <z64.h>
#include "objects/object_link_boy/object_link_boy.h"
#include "objects/object_gi_shield_3/object_gi_shield_3.h"
void ResourceMgr_PatchGfxByName(const char* path, const char* patchName, int index, Gfx instruction);
void ResourceMgr_UnpatchGfxByName(const char* path, const char* patchName);
const char* RainbowColorCvarList[] = {
//This is the list of possible CVars that has rainbow effect.
"gTunic_Kokiri", "gTunic_Goron", "gTunic_Zora",
@ -182,6 +190,40 @@ void LoadRainbowColor(bool& open) {
void ApplyOrResetCustomGfxPatches() {
// Mirror Shield
Color_RGB8 mirrorDefaultColor = {MirrorShieldMirror.DefaultColor.w, MirrorShieldMirror.DefaultColor.x, MirrorShieldMirror.DefaultColor.y};
Color_RGB8 mirror = CVar_GetRGB(MirrorShieldMirror.CvarName.c_str(), mirrorDefaultColor);
Color_RGB8 borderDefaultColor = {MirrorShieldBorder.DefaultColor.w, MirrorShieldBorder.DefaultColor.x, MirrorShieldBorder.DefaultColor.y};
Color_RGB8 border = CVar_GetRGB(MirrorShieldBorder.CvarName.c_str(), borderDefaultColor);
Color_RGB8 emblemDefaultColor = {MirrorShieldEmblem.DefaultColor.w, MirrorShieldEmblem.DefaultColor.x, MirrorShieldEmblem.DefaultColor.y};
Color_RGB8 emblem = CVar_GetRGB(MirrorShieldEmblem.CvarName.c_str(), emblemDefaultColor);
PATCH_GFX(gGiMirrorShieldDL, "CosmeticsEditor_Mirror", "gUseMirrorShieldColors", 94, gsDPSetPrimColor(0, 0, mirror.r, mirror.g, mirror.b, 255));
PATCH_GFX(gGiMirrorShieldDL, "CosmeticsEditor_mirror2", "gUseMirrorShieldColors", 96, gsDPSetEnvColor(mirror.r / 3, mirror.g / 3, mirror.b / 3, 255));
PATCH_GFX(gGiMirrorShieldDL, "CosmeticsEditor_Border", "gUseMirrorShieldColors", 10, gsDPSetPrimColor(0, 0, border.r, border.g, border.b, 255));
PATCH_GFX(gGiMirrorShieldDL, "CosmeticsEditor_border2", "gUseMirrorShieldColors", 12, gsDPSetEnvColor(border.r / 3, border.g / 3, border.b / 3, 255));
PATCH_GFX(gGiMirrorShieldSymbolDL, "CosmeticsEditor_Emblem", "gUseMirrorShieldColors", 10, gsDPSetPrimColor(0, 0, emblem.r, emblem.g, emblem.b, 140));
PATCH_GFX(gGiMirrorShieldSymbolDL, "CosmeticsEditor_Emblem2", "gUseMirrorShieldColors", 12, gsDPSetEnvColor(emblem.r / 3, emblem.g / 3, emblem.b / 3, 255));
PATCH_GFX(gLinkAdultMirrorShieldSwordAndSheathNearDL, "CosmeticsEditor_Mirror", "gUseMirrorShieldColors", 34, gsDPSetPrimColor(0, 0, mirror.r, mirror.g, mirror.b, 255));
PATCH_GFX(gLinkAdultMirrorShieldSwordAndSheathNearDL, "CosmeticsEditor_Border", "gUseMirrorShieldColors", 56, gsDPSetPrimColor(0, 0, border.r, border.g, border.b, 255));
PATCH_GFX(gLinkAdultMirrorShieldSwordAndSheathNearDL, "CosmeticsEditor_Emblem", "gUseMirrorShieldColors", 330, gsDPSetPrimColor(0, 0, emblem.r, emblem.g, emblem.b, 255));
PATCH_GFX(gLinkAdultMirrorShieldSwordAndSheathFarDL, "CosmeticsEditor_Mirror", "gUseMirrorShieldColors", 66, gsDPSetPrimColor(0, 0, mirror.r, mirror.g, mirror.b, 255));
PATCH_GFX(gLinkAdultMirrorShieldSwordAndSheathFarDL, "CosmeticsEditor_Border", "gUseMirrorShieldColors", 34, gsDPSetPrimColor(0, 0, border.r, border.g, border.b, 255));
PATCH_GFX(gLinkAdultMirrorShieldSwordAndSheathFarDL, "CosmeticsEditor_Emblem", "gUseMirrorShieldColors", 270, gsDPSetPrimColor(0, 0, emblem.r, emblem.g, emblem.b, 255));
PATCH_GFX(gLinkAdultMirrorShieldAndSheathNearDL, "CosmeticsEditor_Mirror", "gUseMirrorShieldColors", 34, gsDPSetPrimColor(0, 0, mirror.r, mirror.g, mirror.b, 255));
PATCH_GFX(gLinkAdultMirrorShieldAndSheathNearDL, "CosmeticsEditor_Border", "gUseMirrorShieldColors", 56, gsDPSetPrimColor(0, 0, border.r, border.g, border.b, 255));
PATCH_GFX(gLinkAdultMirrorShieldAndSheathNearDL, "CosmeticsEditor_Emblem", "gUseMirrorShieldColors", 258, gsDPSetPrimColor(0, 0, emblem.r, emblem.g, emblem.b, 255));
PATCH_GFX(gLinkAdultMirrorShieldAndSheathFarDL, "CosmeticsEditor_Mirror", "gUseMirrorShieldColors", 66, gsDPSetPrimColor(0, 0, mirror.r, mirror.g, mirror.b, 255));
PATCH_GFX(gLinkAdultMirrorShieldAndSheathFarDL, "CosmeticsEditor_Border", "gUseMirrorShieldColors", 34, gsDPSetPrimColor(0, 0, border.r, border.g, border.b, 255));
PATCH_GFX(gLinkAdultMirrorShieldAndSheathFarDL, "CosmeticsEditor_Emblem", "gUseMirrorShieldColors", 206, gsDPSetPrimColor(0, 0, emblem.r, emblem.g, emblem.b, 255));
PATCH_GFX(gLinkAdultRightHandHoldingMirrorShieldNearDL, "CosmeticsEditor_Mirror", "gUseMirrorShieldColors", 34, gsDPSetPrimColor(0, 0, mirror.r, mirror.g, mirror.b, 255));
PATCH_GFX(gLinkAdultRightHandHoldingMirrorShieldNearDL, "CosmeticsEditor_Border", "gUseMirrorShieldColors", 56, gsDPSetPrimColor(0, 0, border.r, border.g, border.b, 255));
PATCH_GFX(gLinkAdultRightHandHoldingMirrorShieldNearDL, "CosmeticsEditor_Emblem", "gUseMirrorShieldColors", 324, gsDPSetPrimColor(0, 0, emblem.r, emblem.g, emblem.b, 255));
PATCH_GFX(gLinkAdultRightHandHoldingMirrorShieldFarDL, "CosmeticsEditor_Mirror", "gUseMirrorShieldColors", 222, gsDPSetPrimColor(0, 0, mirror.r, mirror.g, mirror.b, 255));
PATCH_GFX(gLinkAdultRightHandHoldingMirrorShieldFarDL, "CosmeticsEditor_Border", "gUseMirrorShieldColors", 190, gsDPSetPrimColor(0, 0, border.r, border.g, border.b, 255));
PATCH_GFX(gLinkAdultRightHandHoldingMirrorShieldFarDL, "CosmeticsEditor_Emblem", "gUseMirrorShieldColors", 266, gsDPSetPrimColor(0, 0, emblem.r, emblem.g, emblem.b, 255));
void Table_InitHeader(bool has_header = true) {
if (has_header) {
@ -310,7 +352,8 @@ void DrawScaleSlider(const std::string CvarName,float DefaultValue){
//Disabled for now. feature not done and several fixes needed to be merged.
//UIWidgets::EnhancementSliderFloat("Scale : %dx", InvisibleLabel.c_str(), CvarLabel.c_str(), 0.1f, 3.0f,"",DefaultValue,true,true);
void DrawColorSection(CosmeticsColorSection* ColorSection, int SectionSize) {
bool DrawColorSection(CosmeticsColorSection* ColorSection, int SectionSize) {
bool changed = false;
for (s16 i = 0; i < SectionSize; i++) {
CosmeticsColorIndividual* ThisElement = ColorSection[i].Element;
const std::string Tooltip = ThisElement->ToolTip;
@ -330,10 +373,14 @@ void DrawColorSection(CosmeticsColorSection* ColorSection, int SectionSize) {
UIWidgets::EnhancementColor(Name.c_str(), Cvar.c_str(), ModifiedColor, DefaultColor, canRainbow, hasAlpha, sameLine);
if (UIWidgets::EnhancementColor(Name.c_str(), Cvar.c_str(), ModifiedColor, DefaultColor, canRainbow, hasAlpha, sameLine)) {
changed = true;
return changed;
void DrawRandomizeResetButton(const std::string Identifier, CosmeticsColorSection* ColorSection, int SectionSize, bool isAllCosmetics = false){
bool DrawRandomizeResetButton(const std::string Identifier, CosmeticsColorSection* ColorSection, int SectionSize, bool isAllCosmetics = false){
bool changed = false;
std::string TableName = Identifier+"_Table";
std::string Col1Name = Identifier+"_Col1";
std::string Col2Name = Identifier+"_Col2";
@ -354,6 +401,7 @@ void DrawRandomizeResetButton(const std::string Identifier, CosmeticsColorSectio
CVar_SetS32("gUseKeeseCol", 1);
CVar_SetS32("gUseDogsCol", 1);
CVar_SetS32("gUseTunicsCol", 1);
CVar_SetS32("gUseMirrorShieldColors", 1);
CVar_SetS32("gUseGauntletsCol", 1);
CVar_SetS32("gUseArrowsCol", 1);
CVar_SetS32("gUseSpellsCol", 1);
@ -361,6 +409,7 @@ void DrawRandomizeResetButton(const std::string Identifier, CosmeticsColorSectio
CVar_SetS32("gUseTrailsCol", 1);
CVar_SetS32("gCCparated", 1);
GetRandomColorRGB(ColorSection, SectionSize);
changed = true;
@ -370,10 +419,12 @@ void DrawRandomizeResetButton(const std::string Identifier, CosmeticsColorSectio
if(ImGui::Button(Reset_BtnText.c_str(), ImVec2( ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x, 20.0f))){
GetDefaultColorRGB(ColorSection, SectionSize);
changed = true;
UIWidgets::Tooltip("Enable/Disable custom Link's tunics colors\nIf disabled you will have original colors for Link's tunics.");
return changed;
@ -411,7 +462,9 @@ void Draw_Npcs(){
void Draw_ItemsSkills(){
DrawRandomizeResetButton("all skills and items", AllItemsSkills_section, SECTION_SIZE(AllItemsSkills_section));
if (DrawRandomizeResetButton("all skills and items", AllItemsSkills_section, SECTION_SIZE(AllItemsSkills_section))) {
UIWidgets::EnhancementCheckbox("Custom tunics color", "gUseTunicsCol");
UIWidgets::Tooltip("Enable/Disable custom Link's tunics colors\nIf disabled you will have original colors for Link's tunics.");
if (CVar_GetS32("gUseTunicsCol",0)) {
@ -440,6 +493,27 @@ void Draw_ItemsSkills(){
if (UIWidgets::EnhancementCheckbox("Custom mirror shield colors", "gUseMirrorShieldColors")) {
"Enable/Disable custom Mirror shield colors\nIf disabled you will have original colors for the Mirror shield.");
if (CVar_GetS32("gUseMirrorShieldColors", 0)) {
if (DrawRandomizeResetButton("Mirror Shield", MirrorShield_Section, SECTION_SIZE(MirrorShield_Section))) {
if (CVar_GetS32("gUseMirrorShieldColors", 0) && ImGui::BeginTable("tableMirrorShield", 3, FlagsTable)) {
ImGui::TableSetupColumn("Border/Back", FlagsCell, TablesCellsWidth / 3);
ImGui::TableSetupColumn("Mirror", FlagsCell, TablesCellsWidth / 3);
ImGui::TableSetupColumn("Emblem", FlagsCell, TablesCellsWidth / 3);
if (DrawColorSection(MirrorShield_Section, SECTION_SIZE(MirrorShield_Section))) {
UIWidgets::EnhancementCheckbox("Custom arrows colors", "gUseArrowsCol");
if (CVar_GetS32("gUseArrowsCol",0)) {
DrawRandomizeResetButton("elemental arrows", Arrows_section, SECTION_SIZE(Arrows_section));
@ -875,7 +949,9 @@ void Draw_HUDButtons(){
void Draw_General(){
DrawRandomizeResetButton("all cosmetics", Everything_Section, SECTION_SIZE(Everything_Section), true);
if (DrawRandomizeResetButton("all cosmetics", Everything_Section, SECTION_SIZE(Everything_Section), true)) {
if (ImGui::BeginTable("tableScheme", 3, FlagsTable | ImGuiTableFlags_Hideable)) {
ImGui::TableSetupColumn("N64 Scheme", FlagsCell, TablesCellsWidth);
ImGui::TableSetupColumn("GameCube Scheme", FlagsCell, TablesCellsWidth);
@ -1025,4 +1101,5 @@ void InitCosmeticsEditor() {
SohImGui::AddWindow("Enhancements", "Rainbowfunction", LoadRainbowColor, true, true);
//Draw the bar in the menu.
SohImGui::AddWindow("Enhancements", "Cosmetics Editor", DrawCosmeticsEditor);
@ -8,6 +8,13 @@
#define CATEGORY_HUD 3
#define PATCH_GFX(path, name, cvar, index, instruction) \
if (CVar_GetS32(cvar, 0)) { \
ResourceMgr_PatchGfxByName(path, name, index, instruction); \
} else { \
ResourceMgr_UnpatchGfxByName(path, name); \
typedef struct {
const std::string Name;
const std::string ToolTip;
@ -28,38 +35,39 @@ typedef struct {
static float TablesCellsWidth = 300.0f;
static ImGuiTableColumnFlags FlagsTable = ImGuiTableFlags_BordersH | ImGuiTableFlags_BordersV;
static ImGuiTableColumnFlags FlagsCell = ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthStretch | ImGuiTableColumnFlags_IndentEnable | ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoSort;
static ImVec4 hearts_colors; static ImVec4 hearts_dd_colors; static ImVec4 hearts_ddi_colors;
static ImVec4 a_btn_colors; static ImVec4 b_btn_colors; static ImVec4 c_btn_colors; static ImVec4 start_btn_colors;
static ImVec4 c_btn_u_colors; static ImVec4 c_btn_l_colors; static ImVec4 c_btn_d_colors; static ImVec4 c_btn_r_colors;
static ImVec4 magic_border_colors; static ImVec4 magic_remaining_colors; static ImVec4 magic_use_colors;
static ImVec4 minimap_colors; static ImVec4 dgn_minimap_colors;
static ImVec4 cp_minimap_colors; static ImVec4 le_minimap_colors;
static ImVec4 rupee_colors; static ImVec4 smolekey_colors; static ImVec4 magic_bordern_colors;
static ImVec4 fileselect_colors; static ImVec4 fileselect_text_colors;
static ImVec4 kokiri_col; static ImVec4 goron_col; static ImVec4 zora_col;
static ImVec4 silvergaunts_col; static ImVec4 goldengaunts_col;
static ImVec4 navi_idle_i_col; static ImVec4 navi_idle_o_col;
static ImVec4 navi_npc_i_col; static ImVec4 navi_npc_o_col;
static ImVec4 navi_enemy_i_col; static ImVec4 navi_enemy_o_col;
static ImVec4 navi_prop_i_col; static ImVec4 navi_prop_o_col;
static ImVec4 swordtrailtop_col; static ImVec4 swordtrailbottom_col;
static ImVec4 boomtrailstart_col; static ImVec4 boomtrailend_col;
static ImVec4 hearts_colors; static ImVec4 hearts_dd_colors; static ImVec4 hearts_ddi_colors;
static ImVec4 a_btn_colors; static ImVec4 b_btn_colors; static ImVec4 c_btn_colors; static ImVec4 start_btn_colors;
static ImVec4 c_btn_u_colors; static ImVec4 c_btn_l_colors; static ImVec4 c_btn_d_colors; static ImVec4 c_btn_r_colors;
static ImVec4 magic_border_colors; static ImVec4 magic_remaining_colors; static ImVec4 magic_use_colors;
static ImVec4 minimap_colors; static ImVec4 dgn_minimap_colors;
static ImVec4 cp_minimap_colors; static ImVec4 le_minimap_colors;
static ImVec4 rupee_colors; static ImVec4 smolekey_colors; static ImVec4 magic_bordern_colors;
static ImVec4 fileselect_colors; static ImVec4 fileselect_text_colors;
static ImVec4 kokiri_col; static ImVec4 goron_col; static ImVec4 zora_col;
static ImVec4 silvergaunts_col; static ImVec4 goldengaunts_col;
static ImVec4 mirrorshield_border_col;static ImVec4 mirrorshield_mirror_col; static ImVec4 mirrorshield_emblem_col;
static ImVec4 navi_idle_i_col; static ImVec4 navi_idle_o_col;
static ImVec4 navi_npc_i_col; static ImVec4 navi_npc_o_col;
static ImVec4 navi_enemy_i_col; static ImVec4 navi_enemy_o_col;
static ImVec4 navi_prop_i_col; static ImVec4 navi_prop_o_col;
static ImVec4 swordtrailtop_col; static ImVec4 swordtrailbottom_col;
static ImVec4 boomtrailstart_col; static ImVec4 boomtrailend_col;
static ImVec4 bombtrail_col;
static ImVec4 crtfilter;
static ImVec4 normalarrow_col; static ImVec4 firearrow_col; static ImVec4 icearrow_col; static ImVec4 lightarrow_col;
static ImVec4 normalarrow_colenv; static ImVec4 firearrow_colenv; static ImVec4 icearrow_colenv; static ImVec4 lightarrow_colenv;
static ImVec4 charged1_col; static ImVec4 charged2_col;
static ImVec4 charged1_colenv; static ImVec4 charged2_colenv;
static ImVec4 Keese1_primcol; static ImVec4 Keese2_primcol;
static ImVec4 Keese1_envcol; static ImVec4 Keese2_envcol;
static ImVec4 doggo1col; static ImVec4 doggo2col;
static ImVec4 df_col; static ImVec4 df_colenv;
static ImVec4 nl_diam_col; static ImVec4 nl_diam_colenv;
static ImVec4 nl_orb_col; static ImVec4 nl_orb_colenv;
static ImVec4 tc_ou_colors; static ImVec4 tc_bu_colors;
static ImVec4 normalarrow_col; static ImVec4 firearrow_col; static ImVec4 icearrow_col; static ImVec4 lightarrow_col;
static ImVec4 normalarrow_colenv; static ImVec4 firearrow_colenv; static ImVec4 icearrow_colenv; static ImVec4 lightarrow_colenv;
static ImVec4 charged1_col; static ImVec4 charged2_col;
static ImVec4 charged1_colenv; static ImVec4 charged2_colenv;
static ImVec4 Keese1_primcol; static ImVec4 Keese2_primcol;
static ImVec4 Keese1_envcol; static ImVec4 Keese2_envcol;
static ImVec4 doggo1col; static ImVec4 doggo2col;
static ImVec4 df_col; static ImVec4 df_colenv;
static ImVec4 nl_diam_col; static ImVec4 nl_diam_colenv;
static ImVec4 nl_orb_col; static ImVec4 nl_orb_colenv;
static ImVec4 tc_ou_colors; static ImVec4 tc_bu_colors;
static ImVec4 dpad_colors;
static ImVec4 visualagony_colors;
static ImVec4 tc_fire_colors; static ImVec4 tc_fire_colors_env;
static ImVec4 tc_fire_colors; static ImVec4 tc_fire_colors_env;
/*ImVec4 menu_equips_colors;
ImVec4 menu_items_colors;
ImVec4 menu_map_colors;
@ -96,6 +104,11 @@ static CosmeticsColorIndividual ZoraTunic = { "Zora Tunic", "Affects Zora Tunic
static CosmeticsColorIndividual SilverGauntlets = { "Silver Gauntlets", "Affects Silver Gauntlets color", "gGauntlets_Silver", silvergaunts_col, ImVec4(255, 255, 255, 255), true, false, true };
static CosmeticsColorIndividual GoldenGauntlets = { "Golden Gauntlets", "Affects Golden Gauntlets color", "gGauntlets_Golden", goldengaunts_col, ImVec4(254, 207, 15, 255), true, false, true };
//Mirror Shield colors
static CosmeticsColorIndividual MirrorShieldBorder = { "Mirror Shield Border", "Affects Mirror Shield Border color", "gMirrorShield_Border", mirrorshield_border_col, ImVec4(215, 0, 0, 255), false, false, true };
static CosmeticsColorIndividual MirrorShieldMirror = { "Mirror Shield Mirror", "Affects Mirror Shield Mirror color", "gMirrorShield_Mirror", mirrorshield_mirror_col, ImVec4(255, 255, 255, 255), false, false, true };
static CosmeticsColorIndividual MirrorShieldEmblem = { "Mirror Shield Emblem", "Affects Mirror Shield Emblem color", "gMirrorShield_Emblem", mirrorshield_emblem_col, ImVec4(205, 225, 255, 255), false, false, true };
//Arrows (Fire -> Ice -> Light)
static CosmeticsColorIndividual Normal_Arrow_Prim = { "Normal Arrows (primary)", "Affects Primary color", "gNormalArrowCol", normalarrow_col, ImVec4(255, 255, 170, 255), true, false, false };
static CosmeticsColorIndividual Normal_Arrow_Env = { "Normal Arrows (Secondary)", "Affects Secondary color", "gNormalArrowColEnv", normalarrow_colenv, ImVec4(0, 150, 0, 0), true, false, false };
@ -217,6 +230,11 @@ static CosmeticsColorSection Gauntlets_Section[] = {
{ &SilverGauntlets, false, false },
{ &GoldenGauntlets, true, false },
static CosmeticsColorSection MirrorShield_Section[] = {
{ &MirrorShieldBorder, false, false },
{ &MirrorShieldMirror, true, false },
{ &MirrorShieldEmblem, true, false },
static CosmeticsColorSection Arrows_section[] = {
{ &Normal_Arrow_Prim, false, false },
{ &Normal_Arrow_Env, true, false },
@ -354,6 +372,9 @@ static CosmeticsColorSection Everything_Section[] = {
{ &ZoraTunic, true, false },
{ &SilverGauntlets, true, false },
{ &GoldenGauntlets, true, false },
{ &MirrorShieldBorder, false, false },
{ &MirrorShieldMirror, true, false },
{ &MirrorShieldEmblem, true, false },
{ &Normal_Arrow_Prim, false, false },
{ &Normal_Arrow_Env, true, false },
{ &Fire_Arrow_Prim, false, true },
@ -466,6 +487,11 @@ static CosmeticsColorSection AllItemsSkills_section[]{
{ &KokiriTunic, false, false },
{ &GoronTunic, true, false },
{ &ZoraTunic, true, false },
{ &SilverGauntlets, true, false },
{ &GoldenGauntlets, true, false },
{ &MirrorShieldBorder, false, false },
{ &MirrorShieldMirror, true, false },
{ &MirrorShieldEmblem, true, false },
{ &Normal_Arrow_Prim, false, false },
{ &Normal_Arrow_Env, true, false },
{ &Fire_Arrow_Prim, false, true },
@ -178,7 +178,8 @@ namespace UIWidgets {
return pressed;
void EnhancementCheckbox(const char* text, const char* cvarName, bool disabled, const char* disabledTooltipText, CheckboxGraphics disabledGraphic) {
bool EnhancementCheckbox(const char* text, const char* cvarName, bool disabled, const char* disabledTooltipText, CheckboxGraphics disabledGraphic) {
bool changed = false;
if (disabled) {
ImGui::PushItemFlag(ImGuiItemFlags_Disabled, true);
ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_Alpha, ImGui::GetStyle().Alpha * 0.5f);
@ -187,6 +188,7 @@ namespace UIWidgets {
if (CustomCheckbox(text, &val, disabled, disabledGraphic)) {
CVar_SetS32(cvarName, val);
changed = true;
if (disabled) {
@ -196,14 +198,20 @@ namespace UIWidgets {
return changed;
void PaddedEnhancementCheckbox(const char* text, const char* cvarName, bool padTop, bool padBottom, bool disabled, const char* disabledTooltipText, CheckboxGraphics disabledGraphic) {
bool PaddedEnhancementCheckbox(const char* text, const char* cvarName, bool padTop, bool padBottom, bool disabled, const char* disabledTooltipText, CheckboxGraphics disabledGraphic) {
bool changed = false;
if (padTop) Spacer(0);
EnhancementCheckbox(text, cvarName, disabled, disabledTooltipText, disabledGraphic);
if (EnhancementCheckbox(text, cvarName, disabled, disabledTooltipText, disabledGraphic)) {
changed = true;
if (padBottom) Spacer(0);
return changed;
void EnhancementCombo(const std::string& name, const char* cvarName, const std::vector<std::string>& items, int defaultValue) {
@ -407,7 +415,8 @@ namespace UIWidgets {
ImGui::Text("%s", text);
void ResetColor(const char* cvarName, ImVec4* colors, ImVec4 defaultcolors, bool has_alpha) {
bool DrawResetColorButton(const char* cvarName, ImVec4* colors, ImVec4 defaultcolors, bool has_alpha) {
bool changed = false;
std::string Cvar_RBM = cvarName;
Cvar_RBM += "RBM";
std::string MakeInvisible = "Reset";
@ -429,11 +438,14 @@ namespace UIWidgets {
CVar_SetRGBA(cvarName, colorsRGBA);
CVar_SetS32(Cvar_RBM.c_str(), 0); //On click disable rainbow mode.
changed = true;
Tooltip("Revert colors to the game's original colors (GameCube version)\nOverwrites previously chosen color");
return changed;
void RandomizeColor(const char* cvarName, ImVec4* colors) {
bool DrawRandomizeColorButton(const char* cvarName, ImVec4* colors) {
bool changed = false;
Color_RGBA8 NewColors = {0,0,0,255};
std::string Cvar_RBM = cvarName;
Cvar_RBM += "RBM";
@ -456,8 +468,10 @@ namespace UIWidgets {
CVar_SetRGBA(cvarName, NewColors);
CVar_SetS32(Cvar_RBM.c_str(), 0); // On click disable rainbow mode.
changed = true;
Tooltip("Chooses a random color\nOverwrites previously chosen color");
return changed;
void RainbowColor(const char* cvarName, ImVec4* colors) {
@ -472,7 +486,8 @@ namespace UIWidgets {
Tooltip("Cycles through colors on a timer\nOverwrites previously chosen color");
void EnhancementColor(const char* text, const char* cvarName, ImVec4 ColorRGBA, ImVec4 default_colors, bool allow_rainbow, bool has_alpha, bool TitleSameLine) {
bool EnhancementColor(const char* text, const char* cvarName, ImVec4 ColorRGBA, ImVec4 default_colors, bool allow_rainbow, bool has_alpha, bool TitleSameLine) {
bool changed = false;
LoadPickersColors(ColorRGBA, cvarName, default_colors, has_alpha);
ImGuiColorEditFlags flags = ImGuiColorEditFlags_None;
@ -495,6 +510,7 @@ namespace UIWidgets {
CVar_SetRGBA(cvarName, colors);
changed = true;
@ -509,6 +525,7 @@ namespace UIWidgets {
CVar_SetRGBA(cvarName, colors);
changed = true;
@ -516,9 +533,13 @@ namespace UIWidgets {
//ImGui::SameLine(); // Removing that one to gain some width spacing on the HUD editor
ResetColor(cvarName, &ColorRGBA, default_colors, has_alpha);
if (DrawResetColorButton(cvarName, &ColorRGBA, default_colors, has_alpha)) {
changed = true;
RandomizeColor(cvarName, &ColorRGBA);
if (DrawRandomizeColorButton(cvarName, &ColorRGBA)) {
changed = true;
if (allow_rainbow) {
if (ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x > 185) {
@ -527,5 +548,7 @@ namespace UIWidgets {
return changed;
@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ namespace UIWidgets {
void Spacer(float height);
void PaddedSeparator(bool padTop = true, bool padBottom = true, float extraVerticalTopPadding = 0.0f, float extraVerticalBottomPadding = 0.0f);
void EnhancementCheckbox(const char* text, const char* cvarName, bool disabled = false, const char* disabledTooltipText = "", CheckboxGraphics disabledGraphic = CheckboxGraphics::Cross);
void PaddedEnhancementCheckbox(const char* text, const char* cvarName, bool padTop = true, bool padBottom = true, bool disabled = false, const char* disabledTooltipText = "", CheckboxGraphics disabledGraphic = CheckboxGraphics::Cross);
bool EnhancementCheckbox(const char* text, const char* cvarName, bool disabled = false, const char* disabledTooltipText = "", CheckboxGraphics disabledGraphic = CheckboxGraphics::Cross);
bool PaddedEnhancementCheckbox(const char* text, const char* cvarName, bool padTop = true, bool padBottom = true, bool disabled = false, const char* disabledTooltipText = "", CheckboxGraphics disabledGraphic = CheckboxGraphics::Cross);
void EnhancementCombo(const std::string& name, const char* cvarName, const std::vector<std::string>& items, int defaultValue = 0);
void EnhancementCombobox(const char* name, const char* ComboArray[], size_t arraySize, uint8_t FirstTimeValue);
void PaddedText(const char* text, bool padTop = true, bool padBottom = true);
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ namespace UIWidgets {
void EnhancementSliderFloat(const char* text, const char* id, const char* cvarName, float min, float max, const char* format, float defaultValue, bool isPercentage, bool PlusMinusButton = false);
void EnhancementRadioButton(const char* text, const char* cvarName, int id);
void EnhancementColor(const char* text, const char* cvarName, ImVec4 ColorRGBA, ImVec4 default_colors, bool allow_rainbow = true, bool has_alpha=false, bool TitleSameLine=false);
bool EnhancementColor(const char* text, const char* cvarName, ImVec4 ColorRGBA, ImVec4 default_colors, bool allow_rainbow = true, bool has_alpha=false, bool TitleSameLine=false);
#endif /* UIWidgets_hpp */
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