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synced 2025-03-03 02:01:47 -05:00
[Bugfix + Enhancement] Sword Trail fixes and enhancements (#1473)
* Fix Trails, add more Trail Customization * 3d Bombs; Bombchu now glow custom trail colors * 3D Seed/Nut Model, Separate Sword Slash Colors * Removed 3D Seeds/Nuts; Don't work properly * restored previous removal of sword blur code * Remove things not related to Trails * Remove fix to random color code
This commit is contained in:
@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ void __osSetWatchLo(u32);
EnItem00* Item_DropCollectible(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Vec3f* spawnPos, s16 params);
EnItem00* Item_DropCollectible2(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Vec3f* spawnPos, s16 params);
void Item_DropCollectibleRandom(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Actor* fromActor, Vec3f* spawnPos, s16 params);
void EffectBlure_ChangeType(EffectBlure* this, int type);
void EffectBlure_AddVertex(EffectBlure* this, Vec3f* p1, Vec3f* p2);
void EffectBlure_AddSpace(EffectBlure* this);
void EffectBlure_Init1(void* thisx, void* initParamsx);
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ typedef struct {
/* 0x194 */ s32 elemDuration;
/* 0x198 */ s32 unkFlag;
/* 0x19C */ s32 calcMode;
/* 0x1A0 */ u8 trailType; // 1 is swords, 2 is boomerang, 3 is bombchu, 0 is rest
} EffectBlureInit1; // size = 0x1A0
typedef struct {
@ -89,6 +90,7 @@ typedef struct {
/* 0x1B */ u8 mode4Param;
/* 0x1C */ Color_RGBA8 altPrimColor; // used with drawMode 1
/* 0x20 */ Color_RGBA8 altEnvColor; // used with drawMode 1
/* 0x1A0 */ u8 trailType; // 1 is swords, 2 is boomerang, 3 is bombchu, 4 is stick, 0 is rest
} EffectBlureInit2; // size = 0x24
typedef struct {
@ -108,6 +110,7 @@ typedef struct {
/* 0x1A1 */ u8 drawMode; // 0: simple; 1: simple with alt colors; 2+: smooth
/* 0x1A2 */ Color_RGBA8 altPrimColor; // used with drawMode 1
/* 0x1A6 */ Color_RGBA8 altEnvColor; // used with drawMode 1
/* 0x1A0 */ u8 trailType; // 1 is default swords, 2 is boomerang, 3 is bombchu, 0 is rest. 4 is Kokiri, 5 is Master, 6 is BGS, 7 is Stick, 8 is Hammer.
} EffectBlure; // size = 0x1AC
typedef struct {
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ const char* RainbowColorCvarList[] = {
//This is the list of possible CVars that has rainbow effect.
"gTunic_Kokiri", "gTunic_Goron", "gTunic_Zora",
"gFireArrowCol", "gIceArrowCol",
"gNormalArrowCol", "gNormalArrowColEnv",
"gFireArrowColEnv", "gIceArrowColEnv", "gLightArrowColEnv",
"gCCHeartsPrim", "gDDCCHeartsPrim", "gLightArrowCol", "gCCDDHeartsPrim",
"gCCABtnPrim", "gCCBBtnPrim", "gCCCBtnPrim", "gCCStartBtnPrim",
@ -23,7 +24,10 @@ const char* RainbowColorCvarList[] = {
"gDF_Col", "gDF_Env",
"gNL_Diamond_Col", "gNL_Diamond_Env", "gNL_Orb_Col", "gNL_Orb_Env",
"gTrailCol", "gCharged1Col", "gCharged1ColEnv", "gCharged2Col", "gCharged2ColEnv",
"gSwordTrailTopCol", "gSwordTrailBottomCol", "gBoomTrailStartCol", "gBoomTrailEndCol", "gBombTrailCol",
"gKSwordTrailTopCol", "gKSwordTrailBottomCol","gMSwordTrailTopCol", "gMSwordTrailBottomCol","gBSwordTrailTopCol", "gBSwordTrailBottomCol",
"gStickTrailTopCol", "gStickTrailBottomCol","gHammerTrailTopCol", "gHammerTrailBottomCol",
"gCharged1Col", "gCharged1ColEnv", "gCharged2Col", "gCharged2ColEnv",
"gCCFileChoosePrim", "gCCFileChooseTextPrim", "gCCEquipmentsPrim", "gCCItemsPrim",
"gCCMapsPrim", "gCCQuestsPrim", "gCCSavePrim", "gCCGameoverPrim"
@ -121,6 +125,13 @@ void ResetPositionAll() {
void ResetTrailLength(const char* variable, int value) {
if (ImGui::Button("Reset")) {
CVar_SetS32(variable, value);
void LoadRainbowColor(bool& open) {
u8 arrayLength = sizeof(RainbowColorCvarList) / sizeof(*RainbowColorCvarList);
for (u8 s = 0; s < arrayLength; s++) {
@ -429,15 +440,34 @@ void Draw_ItemsSkills(){
DrawColorSection(SpinAtk_section, SECTION_SIZE(SpinAtk_section));
UIWidgets::EnhancementCheckbox("Custom trails color", "gUseTrailsCol");
if (CVar_GetS32("gUseTrailsCol",0) && ImGui::BeginTable("tabletrails", 1, FlagsTable)) {
ImGui::TableSetupColumn("Custom Trails", FlagsCell, TablesCellsWidth);
UIWidgets::EnhancementCheckbox("Custom trails", "gUseTrailsCol");
if (CVar_GetS32("gUseTrailsCol", 0)) {
DrawRandomizeResetButton("trails", AllTrail_section, SECTION_SIZE(AllTrail_section));
if (CVar_GetS32("gUseTrailsCol", 0) && ImGui::BeginTable("tabletrails", 3, FlagsTable)) {
ImGui::TableSetupColumn("Sword Trails", FlagsCell, TablesCellsWidth);
ImGui::TableSetupColumn("Boomerang Trails", FlagsCell, TablesCellsWidth);
ImGui::TableSetupColumn("Bomb Trails", FlagsCell, TablesCellsWidth);
DrawColorSection(Trails_section, SECTION_SIZE(Trails_section));
UIWidgets::EnhancementSliderInt("Trails duration: %dx", "##TrailsMul", "gTrailDurantion", 1, 5, "");
UIWidgets::Tooltip("The longer the trails the weirder it become");
DrawColorSection(Trail_section, SECTION_SIZE(Trail_section));
UIWidgets::EnhancementSliderInt("Sword Trail Length: %d", "##TrailsMul", "gTrailDuration", 1, 16, "", 4, true);
UIWidgets::Tooltip("Determines length of Link's sword trails.");
ResetTrailLength("gTrailDuration", 4);
UIWidgets::EnhancementCheckbox("Swords use separate colors", "gSeperateSwords");
if (CVar_GetS32("gSeperateSwords", 0) && ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Individual Sword Colors")) {
if (ImGui::BeginTable("tabletrailswords", 2, FlagsTable)) {
ImGui::TableSetupColumn("Kokiri Sword", FlagsCell, TablesCellsWidth / 2);
ImGui::TableSetupColumn("Master Sword", FlagsCell, TablesCellsWidth / 2);
ImGui::TableSetupColumn("Biggoron Sword", FlagsCell, TablesCellsWidth / 2);
ImGui::TableSetupColumn("Deku Stick", FlagsCell, TablesCellsWidth / 2);
ImGui::TableSetupColumn("Megaton Hammer", FlagsCell, TablesCellsWidth);
DrawColorSection(SwordTrail_section, SECTION_SIZE(SwordTrail_section));
void Draw_Menus(){
@ -41,10 +41,12 @@ static ImVec4 navi_idle_i_col; static ImVec4 navi_idle_o_col;
static ImVec4 navi_npc_i_col; static ImVec4 navi_npc_o_col;
static ImVec4 navi_enemy_i_col; static ImVec4 navi_enemy_o_col;
static ImVec4 navi_prop_i_col; static ImVec4 navi_prop_o_col;
static ImVec4 trailscol;
static ImVec4 swordtrailtop_col; static ImVec4 swordtrailbottom_col;
static ImVec4 boomtrailstart_col; static ImVec4 boomtrailend_col;
static ImVec4 bombtrail_col;
static ImVec4 crtfilter;
static ImVec4 firearrow_col; static ImVec4 icearrow_col; static ImVec4 lightarrow_col;
static ImVec4 firearrow_colenv; static ImVec4 icearrow_colenv; static ImVec4 lightarrow_colenv;
static ImVec4 normalarrow_col; static ImVec4 firearrow_col; static ImVec4 icearrow_col; static ImVec4 lightarrow_col;
static ImVec4 normalarrow_colenv; static ImVec4 firearrow_colenv; static ImVec4 icearrow_colenv; static ImVec4 lightarrow_colenv;
static ImVec4 charged1_col; static ImVec4 charged2_col;
static ImVec4 charged1_colenv; static ImVec4 charged2_colenv;
static ImVec4 Keese1_primcol; static ImVec4 Keese2_primcol;
@ -90,6 +92,8 @@ static CosmeticsColorIndividual GoronTunic = { "Goron Tunic", "Affects Goron Tun
static CosmeticsColorIndividual ZoraTunic = { "Zora Tunic", "Affects Zora Tunic color", "gTunic_Zora", zora_col, ImVec4(0, 60, 100, 255), true, false, true };
//Arrows (Fire -> Ice -> Light)
static CosmeticsColorIndividual Normal_Arrow_Prim = { "Normal Arrows (primary)", "Affects Primary color", "gNormalArrowCol", normalarrow_col, ImVec4(255, 255, 170, 255), true, false, false };
static CosmeticsColorIndividual Normal_Arrow_Env = { "Normal Arrows (Secondary)", "Affects Secondary color", "gNormalArrowColEnv", normalarrow_colenv, ImVec4(0, 150, 0, 0), true, false, false };
static CosmeticsColorIndividual Fire_Arrow_Prim = { "Fire Arrows (primary)", "Affects Primary color", "gFireArrowCol", firearrow_col, ImVec4(255,200,0,255), true, false, false };
static CosmeticsColorIndividual Fire_Arrow_Env = { "Fire Arrows (Secondary)", "Affects Secondary color", "gFireArrowColEnv", firearrow_colenv, ImVec4(255,0,0,255), true, false, false };
static CosmeticsColorIndividual Ice_Arrow_Prim = { "Ice Arrows (Primary)", "Affects Primary color", "gIceArrowCol", icearrow_col, ImVec4(170,255,255,255), true, false, false };
@ -112,7 +116,23 @@ static CosmeticsColorIndividual Spin_Lv2_Prim = { "Level 2 (primary)", "Affects
static CosmeticsColorIndividual Spin_Lv2_Env = { "Level 2 (Secondary)", "Affects Secondary color", "gCharged2ColEnv", charged2_colenv, ImVec4(255,100,0,255), true, false, false };
static CosmeticsColorIndividual Trails_col = { "Trails color", "Affects Swords slash, boomerang and Bombchu trails color", "gTrailCol", trailscol, ImVec4(255,255,255,255), true, false, false };
static CosmeticsColorIndividual Sword_Trails_Top_col = { "Sword Trail Top Color", "Affects top of sword slash", "gSwordTrailTopCol", swordtrailtop_col, ImVec4(255,255,255,255), true, false, false };
static CosmeticsColorIndividual Sword_Trails_Bottom_col = { "Sword Trail End Color", "Affects bottom of sword slash", "gSwordTrailBottomCol", swordtrailbottom_col, ImVec4(255,255,255,255), true, false, false };
static CosmeticsColorIndividual Boom_Trails_Start_col = { "Boomerang Trail Start Color", "Affects start of boomerang trail", "gBoomTrailStartCol", boomtrailstart_col, ImVec4(255,255,100,255), true, false, false };
static CosmeticsColorIndividual Boom_Trails_End_col = { "Boomerang Trail End Color", "Affects end of boomerang trail", "gBoomTrailEndCol", boomtrailend_col, ImVec4(255,255,100,255), true, false, false };
static CosmeticsColorIndividual Bomb_Trails_col = { "Bombchu Trail Color", "Affects Bomchus", "gBombTrailCol", bombtrail_col, ImVec4(250,0,0,255), true, false, false };
static CosmeticsColorIndividual KSword_Trails_Top_col = { "Kokiri Sword Top Color", "Affects top of sword slash", "gKSwordTrailTopCol", swordtrailtop_col, ImVec4(255,255,255,255), true, false, false };
static CosmeticsColorIndividual KSword_Trails_Bottom_col = { "Kokiri Sword End Color", "Affects bottom of sword slash", "gKSwordTrailBottomCol", swordtrailbottom_col, ImVec4(255,255,255,255), true, false, false };
static CosmeticsColorIndividual MSword_Trails_Top_col = { "Master Sword Top Color", "Affects top of sword slash", "gMSwordTrailTopCol", swordtrailtop_col, ImVec4(255,255,255,255), true, false, false };
static CosmeticsColorIndividual MSword_Trails_Bottom_col = { "Master Sword End Color", "Affects bottom of sword slash", "gMSwordTrailBottomCol", swordtrailbottom_col, ImVec4(255,255,255,255), true, false, false };
static CosmeticsColorIndividual BSword_Trails_Top_col = { "BG Sword Top Color", "Affects top of sword slash", "gBSwordTrailTopCol", swordtrailtop_col, ImVec4(255,255,255,255), true, false, false };
static CosmeticsColorIndividual BSword_Trails_Bottom_col = { "BG Sword End Color", "Affects bottom of sword slash", "gBSwordTrailBottomCol", swordtrailbottom_col, ImVec4(255,255,255,255), true, false, false };
static CosmeticsColorIndividual Stick_Trails_Top_col = { "Stick Top Color", "Affects top of stick swing", "gStickTrailTopCol", swordtrailtop_col, ImVec4(255,255,255,255), true, false, false };
static CosmeticsColorIndividual Stick_Trails_Bottom_col = { "Stick End Color", "Affects bottom of stick swing", "gStickTrailBottomCol", swordtrailbottom_col, ImVec4(255,255,255,255), true, false, false };
static CosmeticsColorIndividual Hammer_Trails_Top_col = { "Hammer Top Color", "Affects top of hammer swing", "gHammerTrailTopCol", swordtrailtop_col, ImVec4(255,255,255,255), true, false, false };
static CosmeticsColorIndividual Hammer_Trails_Bottom_col = { "Hammer End Color", "Affects bottom of hammer swing", "gHammerTrailBottomCol", swordtrailbottom_col, ImVec4(255,255,255,255), true, false, false };
//Menus - File Choose
static CosmeticsColorIndividual FileChoose_Background = { "Main menu color", "Affects the File Select menu background.", "gCCFileChoosePrim", fileselect_colors, ImVec4(100, 150, 255, 255), true, false, false };
@ -189,7 +209,9 @@ static CosmeticsColorSection Tunics_Section[] = {
{ &ZoraTunic, true, false }
static CosmeticsColorSection Arrows_section[] = {
{ &Fire_Arrow_Prim, false, false },
{ &Normal_Arrow_Prim, false, false },
{ &Normal_Arrow_Env, true, false },
{ &Fire_Arrow_Prim, false, true },
{ &Fire_Arrow_Env, true, false },
{ &Ice_Arrow_Prim, false, true },
{ &Ice_Arrow_Env, true, false },
@ -208,10 +230,43 @@ static CosmeticsColorSection SpinAtk_section[] = {
{ &Spin_Lv1_Prim, false, false },
{ &Spin_Lv1_Env, true, false },
{ &Spin_Lv2_Prim, false, true },
{ &Spin_Lv2_Env, true, false }
{ &Spin_Lv2_Env, true, false } };
static CosmeticsColorSection Trail_section[] = {
{ &Sword_Trails_Top_col, false, false },
{ &Sword_Trails_Bottom_col, false, false },
{ &Boom_Trails_Start_col, true, false },
{ &Boom_Trails_End_col, false, false },
{ &Bomb_Trails_col, true, false }
static CosmeticsColorSection Trails_section[] = {
{ &Trails_col, false, false }
static CosmeticsColorSection SwordTrail_section[] = {
{ &KSword_Trails_Top_col, false, false },
{ &KSword_Trails_Bottom_col, false, false },
{ &MSword_Trails_Top_col, true, false },
{ &MSword_Trails_Bottom_col, false, false },
{ &BSword_Trails_Top_col, true, false },
{ &BSword_Trails_Bottom_col, false, false },
{ &Stick_Trails_Top_col, true, false },
{ &Stick_Trails_Bottom_col, false, false },
{ &Hammer_Trails_Top_col, true, false },
{ &Hammer_Trails_Bottom_col, false, false },
static CosmeticsColorSection AllTrail_section[] = {
{ &Sword_Trails_Top_col, false, false },
{ &Sword_Trails_Bottom_col, false, false },
{ &Boom_Trails_Start_col, true, false },
{ &Boom_Trails_End_col, false, false },
{ &Bomb_Trails_col, true, false },
{ &KSword_Trails_Top_col, false, false },
{ &KSword_Trails_Bottom_col, false, false },
{ &MSword_Trails_Top_col, true, false },
{ &MSword_Trails_Bottom_col, false, false },
{ &BSword_Trails_Top_col, true, false },
{ &BSword_Trails_Bottom_col, false, false },
{ &Stick_Trails_Top_col, true, false },
{ &Stick_Trails_Bottom_col, false, false },
{ &Hammer_Trails_Top_col, true, false },
{ &Hammer_Trails_Bottom_col, false, false },
static CosmeticsColorSection FileChoose_section[] = {
{ &FileChoose_Background, false, false },
@ -288,7 +343,9 @@ static CosmeticsColorSection Everything_Section[] = {
{ &KokiriTunic, false, false },
{ &GoronTunic, true, false },
{ &ZoraTunic, true, false },
{ &Fire_Arrow_Prim, false, false },
{ &Normal_Arrow_Prim, false, false },
{ &Normal_Arrow_Env, true, false },
{ &Fire_Arrow_Prim, false, true },
{ &Fire_Arrow_Env, true, false },
{ &Ice_Arrow_Prim, false, true },
{ &Ice_Arrow_Env, true, false },
@ -304,7 +361,21 @@ static CosmeticsColorSection Everything_Section[] = {
{ &Spin_Lv1_Env, true, false },
{ &Spin_Lv2_Prim, false, true },
{ &Spin_Lv2_Env, true, false },
{ &Trails_col, false, false },
{ &Sword_Trails_Top_col, false, false },
{ &Sword_Trails_Bottom_col, false, false },
{ &Boom_Trails_Start_col, true, false },
{ &Boom_Trails_End_col, false, false },
{ &Bomb_Trails_col, true, false },
{ &KSword_Trails_Top_col, false, false },
{ &KSword_Trails_Bottom_col, false, false },
{ &MSword_Trails_Top_col, true, false },
{ &MSword_Trails_Bottom_col, false, false },
{ &BSword_Trails_Top_col, true, false },
{ &BSword_Trails_Bottom_col, false, false },
{ &Stick_Trails_Top_col, true, false },
{ &Stick_Trails_Bottom_col, false, false },
{ &Hammer_Trails_Top_col, true, false },
{ &Hammer_Trails_Bottom_col, false, false },
{ &FileChoose_Background, false, false },
{ &FileChoose_BottomText, true, false },
{ &A_Btn, false, false },
@ -384,7 +455,9 @@ static CosmeticsColorSection AllItemsSkills_section[]{
{ &KokiriTunic, false, false },
{ &GoronTunic, true, false },
{ &ZoraTunic, true, false },
{ &Fire_Arrow_Prim, false, false },
{ &Normal_Arrow_Prim, false, false },
{ &Normal_Arrow_Env, true, false },
{ &Fire_Arrow_Prim, false, true },
{ &Fire_Arrow_Env, true, false },
{ &Ice_Arrow_Prim, false, true },
{ &Ice_Arrow_Env, true, false },
@ -400,7 +473,22 @@ static CosmeticsColorSection AllItemsSkills_section[]{
{ &Spin_Lv1_Env, true, false },
{ &Spin_Lv2_Prim, false, true },
{ &Spin_Lv2_Env, true, false },
{ &Trails_col, false, false }
{ &Sword_Trails_Top_col, false, false},
{ &Sword_Trails_Bottom_col, false, false},
{ &Boom_Trails_Start_col, true, false },
{ &Boom_Trails_Start_col, true, false },
{ &Boom_Trails_End_col, false, false },
{ &Bomb_Trails_col, true, false },
{ &KSword_Trails_Top_col, false, false },
{ &KSword_Trails_Bottom_col, false, false },
{ &MSword_Trails_Top_col, true, false },
{ &MSword_Trails_Bottom_col, false, false },
{ &BSword_Trails_Top_col, true, false },
{ &BSword_Trails_Bottom_col, false, false },
{ &Stick_Trails_Top_col, true, false },
{ &Stick_Trails_Bottom_col, false, false },
{ &Hammer_Trails_Top_col, true, false },
{ &Hammer_Trails_Bottom_col, false, false }
void InitCosmeticsEditor();//Init the menu itself
@ -3,7 +3,9 @@
#include "soh/frame_interpolation.h"
const Color_RGB8 Trails_Color_ori = {255,255,255};
const Color_RGB8 TrailsColorOriginal = { 255, 255, 255 };
const Color_RGB8 BoomColorOriginal = { 255, 255, 100 };
const Color_RGB8 BombColorOriginal = { 200, 0, 0 };
void EffectBlure_AddVertex(EffectBlure* this, Vec3f* p1, Vec3f* p2) {
EffectBlureElement* elem;
@ -73,6 +75,11 @@ void EffectBlure_AddVertex(EffectBlure* this, Vec3f* p1, Vec3f* p2) {
//dumb doo doo command to change the type of an object's blur on the fly. Link's Swords with unique trail colors.
void EffectBlure_ChangeType(EffectBlure* this, int type) {
this->trailType = type;
void EffectBlure_AddSpace(EffectBlure* this) {
EffectBlureElement* elem;
s32 numElements;
@ -139,6 +146,7 @@ void EffectBlure_Init1(void* thisx, void* initParamsx) {
this->elemDuration = initParams->elemDuration;
this->unkFlag = initParams->unkFlag;
this->calcMode = initParams->calcMode;
this->trailType = initParams->trailType;
this->flags = 0;
this->addAngleChange = 0;
this->addAngle = 0;
@ -187,6 +195,7 @@ void EffectBlure_Init2(void* thisx, void* initParamsx) {
this->mode4Param = initParams->mode4Param;
this->altPrimColor = initParams->altPrimColor;
this->altEnvColor = initParams->altEnvColor;
this->trailType = initParams->trailType;
@ -196,11 +205,203 @@ void EffectBlure_Destroy(void* thisx) {
s32 EffectBlure_Update(void* thisx) {
EffectBlure* this = (EffectBlure*)thisx;
s32 i;
s16 RedColor;
s16 GreenColor;
s16 BlueColor;
s16 TrailDuration;
Color_RGB8 Trails_col = CVar_GetRGB("gTrailCol", Trails_Color_ori);
Color_RGB8 SwordTopCol = CVar_GetRGB("gSwordTrailTopCol", TrailsColorOriginal);
Color_RGB8 SwordBottomCol = CVar_GetRGB("gSwordTrailBottomCol", TrailsColorOriginal);
Color_RGB8 BoomStartCol = CVar_GetRGB("gBoomTrailStartCol", BoomColorOriginal);
Color_RGB8 BoomEndCol = CVar_GetRGB("gBoomTrailEndCol", BoomColorOriginal);
Color_RGB8 BombchuCol = CVar_GetRGB("gBombTrailCol", BombColorOriginal);
Color_RGB8 KSwordTopCol = CVar_GetRGB("gKSwordTrailTopCol", TrailsColorOriginal);
Color_RGB8 KSwordBottomCol = CVar_GetRGB("gKSwordTrailBottomCol", TrailsColorOriginal);
Color_RGB8 MSwordTopCol = CVar_GetRGB("gMSwordTrailTopCol", TrailsColorOriginal);
Color_RGB8 MSwordBottomCol = CVar_GetRGB("gMSwordTrailBottomCol", TrailsColorOriginal);
Color_RGB8 BSwordTopCol = CVar_GetRGB("gBSwordTrailTopCol", TrailsColorOriginal);
Color_RGB8 BSwordBottomCol = CVar_GetRGB("gBSwordTrailBottomCol", TrailsColorOriginal);
Color_RGB8 StickTopCol = CVar_GetRGB("gStickTrailTopCol", TrailsColorOriginal);
Color_RGB8 StickBottomCol = CVar_GetRGB("gStickTrailBottomCol", TrailsColorOriginal);
Color_RGB8 HammerTopCol = CVar_GetRGB("gHammerTrailTopCol", TrailsColorOriginal);
Color_RGB8 HammerBottomCol = CVar_GetRGB("gHammerTrailBottomCol", TrailsColorOriginal);
if ((CVar_GetS32("gUseTrailsCol", 0) != 0) && (this->trailType != 0)) {
switch (this->trailType) { //there HAS to be a better way to do this.
case 1: //sword
this->p1StartColor.r = SwordTopCol.r;
this->p2StartColor.r = SwordBottomCol.r;
this->p1EndColor.r = SwordTopCol.r;
this->p2EndColor.r = SwordBottomCol.r;
this->p1StartColor.g = SwordTopCol.g;
this->p2StartColor.g = SwordBottomCol.g;
this->p1EndColor.g = SwordTopCol.g;
this->p2EndColor.g = SwordBottomCol.g;
this->p1StartColor.b = SwordTopCol.b;
this->p2StartColor.b = SwordBottomCol.b;
this->p1EndColor.b = SwordTopCol.b;
this->p2EndColor.b = SwordBottomCol.b;
this->elemDuration = CVar_GetS32("gTrailDuration", 1);
case 2: //boomerang
this->p1StartColor.r = BoomStartCol.r;
this->p2StartColor.r = BoomStartCol.r;
this->p1EndColor.r = BoomEndCol.r;
this->p2EndColor.r = BoomEndCol.r;
this->p1StartColor.g = BoomStartCol.g;
this->p2StartColor.g = BoomStartCol.g;
this->p1EndColor.g = BoomEndCol.g;
this->p2EndColor.g = BoomEndCol.g;
this->p1StartColor.b = BoomStartCol.b;
this->p2StartColor.b = BoomStartCol.b;
this->p1EndColor.b = BoomEndCol.b;
this->p2EndColor.b = BoomEndCol.b;
case 3: // bombchu
this->p1StartColor.r = BombchuCol.r;
this->p2StartColor.r = BombchuCol.r * 0.8f;
this->p1EndColor.r = BombchuCol.r * 0.6f;
this->p2EndColor.r = BombchuCol.r * 0.4f;
this->p1StartColor.g = BombchuCol.g;
this->p2StartColor.g = BombchuCol.g * 0.8f;
this->p1EndColor.g = BombchuCol.g * 0.6f;
this->p2EndColor.g = BombchuCol.g * 0.4f;
this->p1StartColor.b = BombchuCol.b;
this->p2StartColor.b = BombchuCol.b * 0.8f;
this->p1EndColor.b = BombchuCol.b * 0.6f;
this->p2EndColor.b = BombchuCol.b * 0.4f;
case 4: // kokiri sword
this->p1StartColor.r = KSwordTopCol.r;
this->p2StartColor.r = KSwordBottomCol.r;
this->p1EndColor.r = KSwordTopCol.r;
this->p2EndColor.r = KSwordBottomCol.r;
this->p1StartColor.g = KSwordTopCol.g;
this->p2StartColor.g = KSwordBottomCol.g;
this->p1EndColor.g = KSwordTopCol.g;
this->p2EndColor.g = KSwordBottomCol.g;
this->p1StartColor.b = KSwordTopCol.b;
this->p2StartColor.b = KSwordBottomCol.b;
this->p1EndColor.b = KSwordTopCol.b;
this->p2EndColor.b = KSwordBottomCol.b;
this->elemDuration = CVar_GetS32("gTrailDuration", 1);
case 5: // master sword
this->p1StartColor.r = MSwordTopCol.r;
this->p2StartColor.r = MSwordBottomCol.r;
this->p1EndColor.r = MSwordTopCol.r;
this->p2EndColor.r = MSwordBottomCol.r;
this->p1StartColor.g = MSwordTopCol.g;
this->p2StartColor.g = MSwordBottomCol.g;
this->p1EndColor.g = MSwordTopCol.g;
this->p2EndColor.g = MSwordBottomCol.g;
this->p1StartColor.b = MSwordTopCol.b;
this->p2StartColor.b = MSwordBottomCol.b;
this->p1EndColor.b = MSwordTopCol.b;
this->p2EndColor.b = MSwordBottomCol.b;
this->elemDuration = CVar_GetS32("gTrailDuration", 1);
case 6: // biggoron sword
this->p1StartColor.r = BSwordTopCol.r;
this->p2StartColor.r = BSwordBottomCol.r;
this->p1EndColor.r = BSwordTopCol.r;
this->p2EndColor.r = BSwordBottomCol.r;
this->p1StartColor.g = BSwordTopCol.g;
this->p2StartColor.g = BSwordBottomCol.g;
this->p1EndColor.g = BSwordTopCol.g;
this->p2EndColor.g = BSwordBottomCol.g;
this->p1StartColor.b = BSwordTopCol.b;
this->p2StartColor.b = BSwordBottomCol.b;
this->p1EndColor.b = BSwordTopCol.b;
this->p2EndColor.b = BSwordBottomCol.b;
this->elemDuration = CVar_GetS32("gTrailDuration", 1);
case 7: // stick
this->p1StartColor.r = StickTopCol.r;
this->p2StartColor.r = StickBottomCol.r;
this->p1EndColor.r = StickTopCol.r;
this->p2EndColor.r = StickBottomCol.r;
this->p1StartColor.g = StickTopCol.g;
this->p2StartColor.g = StickBottomCol.g;
this->p1EndColor.g = StickTopCol.g;
this->p2EndColor.g = StickBottomCol.g;
this->p1StartColor.b = StickTopCol.b;
this->p2StartColor.b = StickBottomCol.b;
this->p1EndColor.b = StickTopCol.b;
this->p2EndColor.b = StickBottomCol.b;
this->elemDuration = CVar_GetS32("gTrailDuration", 1);
case 8: // hammer
this->p1StartColor.r = HammerTopCol.r;
this->p2StartColor.r = HammerBottomCol.r;
this->p1EndColor.r = HammerTopCol.r;
this->p2EndColor.r = HammerBottomCol.r;
this->p1StartColor.g = HammerTopCol.g;
this->p2StartColor.g = HammerBottomCol.g;
this->p1EndColor.g = HammerTopCol.g;
this->p2EndColor.g = HammerBottomCol.g;
this->p1StartColor.b = HammerTopCol.b;
this->p2StartColor.b = HammerBottomCol.b;
this->p1EndColor.b = HammerTopCol.b;
this->p2EndColor.b = HammerBottomCol.b;
this->elemDuration = CVar_GetS32("gTrailDuration", 1);
case 0:
default: // don't do anything
} else
switch (this->trailType) {
case 1: //swords
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
this->p1StartColor.r = 255;
this->p2StartColor.r = 255;
this->p1EndColor.r = 255;
this->p2EndColor.r = 255;
this->p1StartColor.g = 255;
this->p2StartColor.g = 255;
this->p1EndColor.g = 255;
this->p2EndColor.g = 255;
this->p1StartColor.b = 255;
this->p2StartColor.b = 255;
this->p1EndColor.b = 255;
this->p2EndColor.b = 255;
this->elemDuration = 4;
case 2: //boomerang
this->p1StartColor.r = 255;
this->p2StartColor.r = 255;
this->p1EndColor.r = 255;
this->p2EndColor.r = 255;
this->p1StartColor.g = 255;
this->p2StartColor.g = 255;
this->p1EndColor.g = 255;
this->p2EndColor.g = 255;
this->p1StartColor.b = 100;
this->p2StartColor.b = 100;
this->p1EndColor.b = 100;
this->p2EndColor.b = 100;
this->elemDuration = 8;
case 3: //bombchu
this->p1StartColor.r = 250;
this->p2StartColor.r = 200;
this->p1EndColor.r = 150;
this->p2EndColor.r = 100;
this->p1StartColor.g = 0;
this->p2StartColor.g = 0;
this->p1EndColor.g = 0;
this->p2EndColor.g = 0;
this->p1StartColor.b = 0;
this->p2StartColor.b = 0;
this->p1EndColor.b = 0;
this->p2EndColor.b = 0;
this->elemDuration = 16;
case 0:
default: //don't do anything
if (this == NULL) {
return 0;
@ -210,32 +411,6 @@ s32 EffectBlure_Update(void* thisx) {
return 0;
if (CVar_GetS32("gUseTrailsCol", 0) !=0) {
RedColor = Trails_col.r;
GreenColor = Trails_col.g;
BlueColor = Trails_col.b;
TrailDuration = 4.0f * CVar_GetS32("gTrailDurantion",1);
} else {
RedColor = Trails_Color_ori.r;
GreenColor = Trails_Color_ori.g;
BlueColor = Trails_Color_ori.b;
this->p1StartColor.r = RedColor;
this->p2StartColor.r = RedColor;
this->p1EndColor.r = RedColor;
this->p2EndColor.r = RedColor;
this->p1StartColor.g = GreenColor;
this->p2StartColor.g = GreenColor;
this->p1EndColor.g = GreenColor;
this->p2EndColor.g = GreenColor;
this->p1StartColor.b = BlueColor;
this->p2StartColor.b = BlueColor;
this->p1EndColor.b = BlueColor;
this->p2EndColor.b = BlueColor;
this->elemDuration = TrailDuration;
while (true) {
if (this->elements[0].state == 0) {
for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
@ -394,7 +569,7 @@ void EffectBlure_GetComputedValues(EffectBlure* this, s32 index, f32 ratio, Vec3
//sp30 = sp30; // Optimized out but seems necessary to match stack usage
sp30 = sp30; // Optimized out but seems necessary to match stack usage
if (this->flags & 0x10) {
color1->r = color1->g = color1->b = color1->a = 255;
@ -693,6 +868,8 @@ void EffectBlure_DrawSmooth(EffectBlure* this2, GraphicsContext* gfxCtx) {
MtxF sp9C;
MtxF sp5C;
Mtx* mtx;
static s32 epoch = 0;
@ -710,6 +887,7 @@ void EffectBlure_DrawSmooth(EffectBlure* this2, GraphicsContext* gfxCtx) {
this->elements[this->numElements - 1].flags &= ~3;
this->elements[this->numElements - 1].flags |= 2;
FrameInterpolation_RecordOpenChild(this, epoch);
EffectBlure_SetupSmooth(this, gfxCtx);
SkinMatrix_SetTranslate(&spDC, this->elements[0].p2.x, this->elements[0].p2.y, this->elements[0].p2.z);
SkinMatrix_SetScale(&sp9C, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
@ -734,8 +912,11 @@ void EffectBlure_DrawSmooth(EffectBlure* this2, GraphicsContext* gfxCtx) {
} else {
EffectBlure_DrawElemHermiteInterpolation(this, elem, i, gfxCtx);
@ -971,6 +1152,8 @@ void EffectBlure_Draw(void* thisx, GraphicsContext* gfxCtx) {
s32 i;
s32 j;
s32 phi_t2;
static s32 epoch = 0;
FrameInterpolation_RecordOpenChild(this, 0);
@ -1242,6 +1242,10 @@ f32 sSwordLengths[] = {
0.0f, 4000.0f, 3000.0f, 5500.0f, 0.0f, 2500.0f,
f32 sSwordTypes[] = {
0, 5, 4, 6, 0, 8,
Gfx* sBottleDLists[] = { gLinkAdultBottleDL, gLinkChildBottleDL };
Color_RGB8 sBottleColors[] = {
@ -1304,6 +1308,7 @@ void func_80090D20(GlobalContext* globalCtx, s32 limbIndex, Gfx** dList, Vec3s*
D_80126080.x = this->unk_85C * 5000.0f;
func_80090A28(this, sp124);
if (this->swordState != 0) {
EffectBlure_ChangeType(Effect_GetByIndex(this->swordEffectIndex), 7); // default sword type
func_800906D4(globalCtx, this, sp124);
} else {
Math_Vec3f_Copy(&this->swordInfo[0].tip, &sp124[0]);
@ -1326,6 +1331,10 @@ void func_80090D20(GlobalContext* globalCtx, s32 limbIndex, Gfx** dList, Vec3s*
D_80126080.x = 1500.0f;
} else {
D_80126080.x = sSwordLengths[Player_GetSwordHeld(this)];
if (CVar_GetS32("gSeperateSwords", 0) != 0)
EffectBlure_ChangeType(Effect_GetByIndex(this->swordEffectIndex), sSwordTypes[Player_GetSwordHeld(this)]);
EffectBlure_ChangeType(Effect_GetByIndex(this->swordEffectIndex),1); //default sword type
func_80090A28(this, spE4);
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include "z_en_arrow.h"
#include "objects/gameplay_keep/gameplay_keep.h"
#include "objects/object_gi_nuts/object_gi_nuts.h"
@ -63,19 +64,19 @@ void EnArrow_SetupAction(EnArrow* this, EnArrowActionFunc actionFunc) {
void EnArrow_Init(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
static EffectBlureInit2 blureNormal = {
0, 4, 0, { 0, 255, 200, 255 }, { 0, 255, 255, 255 }, { 0, 255, 200, 0 }, { 0, 255, 255, 0 }, 16,
0, 1, 0, { 255, 255, 170, 255 }, { 0, 150, 0, 0 },
0, 1, 0, { 255, 255, 170, 255 }, { 0, 150, 0, 0 }, 0,
static EffectBlureInit2 blureFire = {
0, 4, 0, { 0, 255, 200, 255 }, { 0, 255, 255, 255 }, { 0, 255, 200, 0 }, { 0, 255, 255, 0 }, 16,
0, 1, 0, { 255, 200, 0, 255 }, { 255, 0, 0, 0 },
0, 1, 0, { 255, 200, 0, 255 }, { 255, 0, 0, 0 }, 0,
static EffectBlureInit2 blureIce = {
0, 4, 0, { 0, 255, 200, 255 }, { 0, 255, 255, 255 }, { 0, 255, 200, 0 }, { 0, 255, 255, 0 }, 16,
0, 1, 0, { 170, 255, 255, 255 }, { 0, 100, 255, 0 },
0, 1, 0, { 170, 255, 255, 255 }, { 0, 100, 255, 0 }, 0,
static EffectBlureInit2 blureLight = {
0, 4, 0, { 0, 255, 200, 255 }, { 0, 255, 255, 255 }, { 0, 255, 200, 0 }, { 0, 255, 255, 0 }, 16,
0, 1, 0, { 255, 255, 170, 255 }, { 255, 255, 0, 0 },
0, 1, 0, { 255, 255, 170, 255 }, { 255, 255, 0, 0 }, 0,
static u32 dmgFlags[] = {
0x00000800, 0x00000020, 0x00000020, 0x00000800, 0x00001000,
@ -83,6 +84,36 @@ void EnArrow_Init(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
EnArrow* this = (EnArrow*)thisx;
Color_RGBA8 Arrow_env_ori = { 0, 150, 0, 0 };
Color_RGBA8 Arrow_col_ori = { 255, 255, 170, 255 };
Color_RGBA8 Light_env_ori = { 255, 255, 0, 255 };
Color_RGBA8 Light_col_ori = { 255, 255, 170, 0 };
Color_RGBA8 Fire_env_ori = { 255, 0, 0, 255 };
Color_RGBA8 Fire_col_ori = { 255, 200, 0, 0 };
Color_RGBA8 Ice_env_ori = { 0, 0, 255, 255 };
Color_RGBA8 Ice_col_ori = { 170, 255, 255, 0 };
if (CVar_GetS32("gUseArrowsCol", 0) != 0) {
blureNormal.altPrimColor = CVar_GetRGBA("gNormalArrowCol", Arrow_col_ori);
blureNormal.altEnvColor = CVar_GetRGBA("gNormalArrowColEnv", Arrow_env_ori);
blureFire.altPrimColor = CVar_GetRGBA("gFireArrowCol", Fire_col_ori);
blureFire.altEnvColor = CVar_GetRGBA("gFireArrowColEnv", Fire_env_ori);
blureIce.altPrimColor = CVar_GetRGBA("gIceArrowCol", Ice_col_ori);
blureIce.altEnvColor = CVar_GetRGBA("gIceArrowColEnv", Ice_env_ori);
blureLight.altPrimColor = CVar_GetRGBA("gLightArrowCol", Light_col_ori);
blureLight.altEnvColor = CVar_GetRGBA("gLightArrowColEnv", Light_env_ori);
//make sure the alpha values are correct.
blureNormal.altPrimColor.a = 255;
blureNormal.altEnvColor.a = 0;
blureFire.altPrimColor.a = 255;
blureFire.altEnvColor.a = 0;
blureIce.altPrimColor.a = 255;
blureIce.altEnvColor.a = 0;
blureLight.altPrimColor.a = 255;
blureLight.altEnvColor.a = 0;
Actor_ProcessInitChain(&this->actor, sInitChain);
if (this->actor.params == ARROW_CS_NUT) {
@ -478,16 +509,15 @@ void EnArrow_Draw(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
Matrix_Mult(&globalCtx->billboardMtxF, MTXMODE_APPLY);
// redundant check because this is contained in an if block for non-zero speed
Matrix_RotateZ((this->actor.speedXZ == 0.0f) ? 0.0f
: ((globalCtx->gameplayFrames & 0xFF) * 4000) * (M_PI / 0x8000),
(this->actor.speedXZ == 0.0f) ? 0.0f : ((globalCtx->gameplayFrames & 0xFF) * 4000) * (M_PI / 0x8000),
Matrix_Scale(scale, scale, scale, MTXMODE_APPLY);
gSPMatrix(POLY_XLU_DISP++, MATRIX_NEWMTX(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx),
gSPDisplayList(POLY_XLU_DISP++, gEffSparklesDL);
Matrix_RotateY(this->actor.world.rot.y * (M_PI / 0x8000), MTXMODE_APPLY);
@ -367,12 +367,10 @@ void EnBom_Draw(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
func_8002EBCC(thisx, globalCtx, 0);
gSPMatrix(POLY_OPA_DISP++, MATRIX_NEWMTX(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx),
gSPDisplayList(POLY_OPA_DISP++, gBombCapDL);
Matrix_RotateZYX(0x4000, 0, 0, MTXMODE_APPLY);
gSPMatrix(POLY_OPA_DISP++, MATRIX_NEWMTX(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx),
gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_OPA_DISP++, (s16)this->flashIntensity, 0, 40, 255);
gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0, 0, (s16)this->flashIntensity, 0, 40, 255);
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ void EnBomChu_Init(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
blureInit.elemDuration = 16;
blureInit.unkFlag = 0;
blureInit.calcMode = 0;
blureInit.trailType = 3;
Effect_Add(globalCtx, &this->blure1Index, EFFECT_BLURE1, 0, 0, &blureInit);
Effect_Add(globalCtx, &this->blure2Index, EFFECT_BLURE1, 0, 0, &blureInit);
@ -481,12 +482,16 @@ void EnBomChu_Update(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx2) {
const Color_RGB8 BombchuColorOriginal = { 209, 34, -35 };
void EnBomChu_Draw(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
s32 pad;
EnBomChu* this = (EnBomChu*)thisx;
f32 colorIntensity;
s32 blinkHalfPeriod;
s32 blinkTime;
Color_RGB8 BombchuCol = CVar_GetRGB("gBombTrailCol", BombchuColorOriginal);
@ -510,8 +515,11 @@ void EnBomChu_Draw(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
colorIntensity = blinkTime / (f32)blinkHalfPeriod;
gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 9.0f + (colorIntensity * 209.0f), 9.0f + (colorIntensity * 34.0f),
35.0f + (colorIntensity * -35.0f), 255);
if (CVar_GetS32("gUseTrailsCol", 0) != 0)
gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_OPA_DISP++, (colorIntensity * BombchuCol.r), (colorIntensity * BombchuCol.g),
(colorIntensity * BombchuCol.b), 255);
else gDPSetEnvColor(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 9.0f + (colorIntensity * 209.0f), 9.0f + (colorIntensity * 34.0f),
35.0f + (colorIntensity * -35.0f), 255);
Matrix_Translate(this->visualJitter * (1.0f / BOMBCHU_SCALE), 0.0f, 0.0f, MTXMODE_APPLY);
gSPMatrix(POLY_OPA_DISP++, MATRIX_NEWMTX(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx),
@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ void EnBoom_Init(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
blure.elemDuration = 8;
blure.unkFlag = 0;
blure.calcMode = 0;
blure.trailType = 2;
Effect_Add(globalCtx, &this->effectIndex, EFFECT_BLURE1, 0, 0, &blure);
@ -9414,9 +9414,9 @@ static InitChainEntry sInitChain[] = {
ICHAIN_F32(targetArrowOffset, 500, ICHAIN_STOP),
static EffectBlureInit2 D_8085470C = {
static EffectBlureInit2 blureSword = {
0, 8, 0, { 255, 255, 255, 255 }, { 255, 255, 255, 64 }, { 255, 255, 255, 0 }, { 255, 255, 255, 0 }, 4,
0, 2, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
0, 2, 0, { 255, 255, 255, 255 }, { 255, 255, 255, 64 }, 1,
static Vec3s D_80854730 = { -57, 3377, 0 };
@ -9436,7 +9436,7 @@ void Player_InitCommon(Player* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, FlexSkeletonHeade
this->morphTable2, PLAYER_LIMB_MAX);
this->skelAnime2.baseTransl = D_80854730;
Effect_Add(globalCtx, &this->swordEffectIndex, EFFECT_BLURE2, 0, 0, &D_8085470C);
Effect_Add(globalCtx, &this->swordEffectIndex, EFFECT_BLURE2, 0, 0, &blureSword);
ActorShape_Init(&this->actor.shape, 0.0f, ActorShadow_DrawFeet, this->ageProperties->unk_04);
this->unk_46C = SUBCAM_NONE;
Collider_InitCylinder(globalCtx, &this->cylinder);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user