Shorten code

Shortened the code
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Sarge-117 2022-07-18 18:39:24 -07:00
parent b4291516b6
commit cb1b725cda
1 changed files with 4 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -12679,28 +12679,18 @@ s32 func_8084DFF4(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* this) {
// In Rando, if we get special quest items (medallions/stones/songs), play their respective unique fanfares
// instead of the default "get item" fanfare (if we have the setting toggled on)
if (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag && CVar_GetS32("gRandoFanfareByItemType", 0) != 0) {
// If the item we're getting is a medallion, play the "get a medallion" fanfare
if ((this->getItemId == GI_MEDALLION_FOREST) || (this->getItemId == GI_MEDALLION_FIRE) ||
(this->getItemId == GI_MEDALLION_WATER) || (this->getItemId == GI_MEDALLION_SHADOW) ||
(this->getItemId == GI_MEDALLION_SPIRIT) || (this->getItemId == GI_MEDALLION_LIGHT)) {
if ((this->getItemId >= GI_MEDALLION_LIGHT) && (this->getItemId <= GI_MEDALLION_SPIRIT)) {
temp1 = NA_BGM_MEDALLION_GET | 0x900;
// If it's a Spiritual Stone, play the "get a spiritual stone" fanfare
if ((this->getItemId == GI_STONE_KOKIRI) || (this->getItemId == GI_STONE_GORON) ||
(this->getItemId == GI_STONE_ZORA)) {
if ((this->getItemId >= GI_STONE_KOKIRI) && (this->getItemId <= GI_STONE_ZORA)) {
temp1 = NA_BGM_SPIRITUAL_STONE | 0x900;
// If the item we're getting is a song, play the "learned a song" fanfare
if ((this->getItemId == GI_SONG_OF_STORMS) || (this->getItemId == GI_SERENADE_OF_WATER) ||
(this->getItemId == GI_EPONAS_SONG) || (this->getItemId == GI_SARIAS_SONG) ||
(this->getItemId == GI_SUNS_SONG) || (this->getItemId == GI_SONG_OF_TIME) ||
(this->getItemId == GI_PRELUDE_OF_LIGHT) || (this->getItemId == GI_MINUET_OF_FOREST) ||
(this->getItemId == GI_BOLERO_OF_FIRE) || (this->getItemId == GI_NOCTURNE_OF_SHADOW) ||
(this->getItemId == GI_REQUIEM_OF_SPIRIT) || (this->getItemId == GI_ZELDAS_LULLABY)) {
if ((this->getItemId >= GI_ZELDAS_LULLABY) && (this->getItemId <= GI_PRELUDE_OF_LIGHT)) {
temp1 = NA_BGM_OCA_FAIRY_GET | 0x900;
// ***************************************************************************************
} // ***************************************************************************************