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synced 2025-03-06 03:29:44 -05:00
improving free cam settings configurability (#1987)
* Initial camera distance slider * works with freecam * improving the settings configurability, adding distance slider and transition speed for the free camera adding seperate sensitivity and invert settings for aiming/first person camera * spelling * tooltip msg on camera invvert * typos * removing the original free camera checkbox in experimental menu * adding name change to new presets file Co-authored-by: RaelCappra <rael.cappra@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -228,21 +228,45 @@ namespace GameControlEditor {
if (!ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Camera Controls")) {
ImVec2 cursor = ImGui::GetCursorPos();
ImGui::SetCursorPos(ImVec2(cursor.x + 5, cursor.y + 5));
UIWidgets::PaddedEnhancementCheckbox("Invert Camera X Axis", "gInvertXAxis");
DrawHelpIcon("Inverts the Camera X Axis in:\n-Free camera\n-C-Up view\n-Weapon Aiming");
ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetCursorPosX() + 5);
UIWidgets::PaddedEnhancementCheckbox("Invert Camera Y Axis", "gInvertYAxis");
DrawHelpIcon("Inverts the Camera Y Axis in:\n-Free camera\n-C-Up view\n-Weapon Aiming");
ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetCursorPosX() + 5);
SohImGui::BeginGroupPanel("Aiming/First-Person Camera", ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail());
UIWidgets::PaddedEnhancementCheckbox("Right Stick Aiming", "gRightStickAiming");
DrawHelpIcon("Allows for aiming with the right stick when:\n-Aiming in the C-Up view\n-Aiming with weapons");
DrawHelpIcon("Allows for aiming with the right stick in:\n-First-Person/C-Up view\n-Weapon Aiming");
UIWidgets::PaddedEnhancementCheckbox("Invert Aiming X Axis", "gInvertAimingXAxis");
DrawHelpIcon("Inverts the Camera X Axis in:\n-First-Person/C-Up view\n-Weapon Aiming");
ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetCursorPosX() + 5);
UIWidgets::PaddedEnhancementCheckbox("Disable Auto-Centering in First Person View", "gDisableAutoCenterView");
UIWidgets::PaddedEnhancementCheckbox("Invert Aiming Y Axis", "gInvertAimingYAxis");
DrawHelpIcon("Inverts the Camera Y Axis in:\n-First-Person/C-Up view\n-Weapon Aiming");
ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetCursorPosX() + 5);
UIWidgets::PaddedEnhancementCheckbox("Disable Auto-Centering in First-Person View", "gDisableAutoCenterViewFirstPerson");
DrawHelpIcon("Prevents the C-Up view from auto-centering, allowing for Gyro Aiming");
UIWidgets::EnhancementSliderFloat("Camera Sensitivity: %d %%", "##Sensitivity", "gCameraSensitivity", 0.01f, 5.0f, "", 1.0f, true, true);
UIWidgets::PaddedEnhancementCheckbox("Enable Custom Aiming/First-Person sensitivity", "gEnableFirstPersonSensitivity", true, false);
if (CVar_GetS32("gEnableFirstPersonSensitivity", 0)) {
UIWidgets::EnhancementSliderFloat("Aiming/First-Person Sensitivity: %d %%", "##FirstPersonSensitivity",
"gFirstPersonCameraSensitivity", 0.01f, 5.0f, "", 1.0f, true, true);
} else {
CVar_SetFloat("gFirstPersonCameraSensitivity", 1.0f);
SohImGui::BeginGroupPanel("Third-Person Camera", ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail());
UIWidgets::PaddedEnhancementCheckbox("Free Camera", "gFreeCamera");
DrawHelpIcon("Enables free camera control\nNote: You must remap C buttons off of the right stick in the "
"controller config menu, and map the camera stick to the right stick.");
UIWidgets::PaddedEnhancementCheckbox("Invert Camera X Axis", "gInvertXAxis");
DrawHelpIcon("Inverts the Camera X Axis in:\n-Free camera");
UIWidgets::PaddedEnhancementCheckbox("Invert Camera Y Axis", "gInvertYAxis");
DrawHelpIcon("Inverts the Camera Y Axis in:\n-Free camera");
UIWidgets::EnhancementSliderFloat("Third-Person Sensitivity: %d %%", "##ThirdPersonSensitivity",
"gThirdPersonCameraSensitivity", 0.01f, 5.0f, "", 1.0f, true, true);
UIWidgets::EnhancementSliderInt("Camera Distance: %d", "##CamDist",
"gFreeCameraDistMax", 100, 900, "", 185, true);
UIWidgets::EnhancementSliderInt("Camera Transition Speed: %d", "##CamTranSpeed",
"gFreeCameraTransitionSpeed", 0, 900, "", 25, true);
void DrawDpadControlPanel() {
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ const std::vector<const char*> enhancementsCvars = {
@ -944,8 +944,6 @@ namespace GameMenuBar {
UIWidgets::PaddedEnhancementCheckbox("Skip Text", "gSkipText", true, false);
UIWidgets::Tooltip("Holding down B skips text");
UIWidgets::PaddedEnhancementCheckbox("Free Camera", "gFreeCamera", true, false);
UIWidgets::Tooltip("Enables camera control\nNote: You must remap C buttons off of the right stick in the controller config menu, and map the camera stick to the right stick.");
#ifdef __SWITCH__
@ -1485,8 +1485,8 @@ s32 Camera_Free(Camera* camera) {
camera->animState = 0;
f32 newCamX = -D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].cur.right_stick_x * 10.0f * (CVar_GetFloat("gCameraSensitivity", 1.0f));
f32 newCamY = D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].cur.right_stick_y * 10.0f * (CVar_GetFloat("gCameraSensitivity", 1.0f));
f32 newCamX = -D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].cur.right_stick_x * 10.0f * (CVar_GetFloat("gThirdPersonCameraSensitivity", 1.0f));
f32 newCamY = D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].cur.right_stick_y * 10.0f * (CVar_GetFloat("gThirdPersonCameraSensitivity", 1.0f));
camera->play->camX += newCamX * (CVar_GetS32("gInvertXAxis", 0) ? -1 : 1);
camera->play->camY += newCamY * (CVar_GetS32("gInvertYAxis", 1) ? 1 : -1);
@ -1498,7 +1498,11 @@ s32 Camera_Free(Camera* camera) {
camera->play->camY = -0x228C;
camera->dist = Camera_LERPCeilF(para1->distTarget, camera->dist, 1.0f / camera->rUpdateRateInv, 0.0f);
f32 distTarget = CVar_GetS32("gFreeCameraDistMax", para1->distTarget);
f32 speedScaler = CVar_GetS32("gFreeCameraTransitionSpeed", 25);
f32 distDiff = ABS(distTarget - camera->dist);
if (distDiff > 0)
camera->dist = Camera_LERPCeilF(distTarget, camera->dist, speedScaler / (distDiff + speedScaler), 0.0f);
OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&spA8, at, eyeNext);
spA8.r = camera->dist;
@ -11256,60 +11256,24 @@ void Player_Destroy(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play) {
gSaveContext.linkAge = play->linkAgeOnLoad;
//first person manipulate player actor
s16 func_8084ABD8(PlayState* play, Player* this, s32 arg2, s16 arg3) {
s32 temp1;
s16 temp2;
s16 temp3;
if (!func_8002DD78(this) && !func_808334B4(this) && (arg2 == 0)) {
if (!CVar_GetS32("gDisableAutoCenterView", 0)) {
temp2 = sControlInput->rel.stick_y * 240.0f * (CVar_GetS32("gInvertYAxis", 1) ? 1 : -1); // Sensitivity not applied here because higher than default sensitivies will allow the camera to escape the autocentering, and glitch out massively
Math_SmoothStepToS(&this->actor.focus.rot.x, temp2, 14, 4000, 30);
if (!func_8002DD78(this) && !func_808334B4(this) && (arg2 == 0) && !CVar_GetS32("gDisableAutoCenterViewFirstPerson", 0)) {
temp2 = sControlInput->rel.stick_y * 240.0f * (CVar_GetS32("gInvertAimingYAxis", 1) ? 1 : -1); // Sensitivity not applied here because higher than default sensitivies will allow the camera to escape the autocentering, and glitch out massively
Math_SmoothStepToS(&this->actor.focus.rot.x, temp2, 14, 4000, 30);
temp2 = sControlInput->rel.stick_x * -16.0f * (CVar_GetS32("gInvertXAxis", 0) ? -1 : 1) * (CVar_GetFloat("gCameraSensitivity", 1.0f));
temp2 = CLAMP(temp2, -3000, 3000);
this->actor.focus.rot.y += temp2;
} else {
temp1 = (this->stateFlags1 & PLAYER_STATE1_23) ? 3500 : 14000;
temp3 = ((sControlInput->rel.stick_y >= 0) ? 1 : -1) *
(s32)((1.0f - Math_CosS(sControlInput->rel.stick_y * 200)) * 1500.0f *
(CVar_GetS32("gInvertYAxis", 1) ? 1 : -1)) * (CVar_GetFloat("gCameraSensitivity", 1.0f));
this->actor.focus.rot.x += temp3;
if (fabsf(sControlInput->cur.gyro_x) > 0.01f) {
this->actor.focus.rot.x -= (sControlInput->cur.gyro_x) * 750.0f;
if (fabsf(sControlInput->cur.right_stick_y) > 15.0f && CVar_GetS32("gRightStickAiming", 0) != 0) {
this->actor.focus.rot.x -=
(sControlInput->cur.right_stick_y) * 10.0f * (CVar_GetS32("gInvertYAxis", 1) ? -1 : 1) * (CVar_GetFloat("gCameraSensitivity", 1.0f));
this->actor.focus.rot.x = CLAMP(this->actor.focus.rot.x, -temp1, temp1);
temp1 = 19114;
temp2 = this->actor.focus.rot.y - this->actor.shape.rot.y;
temp3 = ((sControlInput->rel.stick_x >= 0) ? 1 : -1) *
(s32)((1.0f - Math_CosS(sControlInput->rel.stick_x * 200)) * -1500.0f *
(CVar_GetS32("gInvertXAxis", 0) ? -1 : 1)) * (CVar_GetFloat("gCameraSensitivity", 1.0f));
temp2 += temp3;
this->actor.focus.rot.y = CLAMP(temp2, -temp1, temp1) + this->actor.shape.rot.y;
if (fabsf(sControlInput->cur.gyro_y) > 0.01f) {
this->actor.focus.rot.y += (sControlInput->cur.gyro_y) * 750.0f;
if (fabsf(sControlInput->cur.right_stick_x) > 15.0f && CVar_GetS32("gRightStickAiming", 0) != 0) {
this->actor.focus.rot.y +=
(sControlInput->cur.right_stick_x) * 10.0f * (CVar_GetS32("gInvertXAxis", 0) ? 1 : -1) * (CVar_GetFloat("gCameraSensitivity", 1.0f));
temp2 = sControlInput->rel.stick_x * -16.0f * (CVar_GetS32("gInvertAimingXAxis", 0) ? -1 : 1) * (CVar_GetFloat("gFirstPersonCameraSensitivity", 1.0f));
temp2 = CLAMP(temp2, -3000, 3000);
this->actor.focus.rot.y += temp2;
} else {
temp1 = (this->stateFlags1 & PLAYER_STATE1_23) ? 3500 : 14000;
temp3 =
((sControlInput->rel.stick_y >= 0) ? 1 : -1) * (s32)((1.0f - Math_CosS(sControlInput->rel.stick_y * 200)) *
1500.0f * (CVar_GetS32("gInvertYAxis", 1) ? 1 : -1)) * (CVar_GetFloat("gCameraSensitivity", 1.0f));
temp3 = ((sControlInput->rel.stick_y >= 0) ? 1 : -1) *
(s32)((1.0f - Math_CosS(sControlInput->rel.stick_y * 200)) * 1500.0f *
(CVar_GetS32("gInvertAimingYAxis", 1) ? 1 : -1)) * (CVar_GetFloat("gFirstPersonCameraSensitivity", 1.0f));
this->actor.focus.rot.x += temp3;
if (fabsf(sControlInput->cur.gyro_x) > 0.01f) {
@ -11318,16 +11282,16 @@ s16 func_8084ABD8(PlayState* play, Player* this, s32 arg2, s16 arg3) {
if (fabsf(sControlInput->cur.right_stick_y) > 15.0f && CVar_GetS32("gRightStickAiming", 0) != 0) {
this->actor.focus.rot.x -=
(sControlInput->cur.right_stick_y) * 10.0f * (CVar_GetS32("gInvertYAxis", 1) ? -1 : 1) * (CVar_GetFloat("gCameraSensitivity", 1.0f));
(sControlInput->cur.right_stick_y) * 10.0f * (CVar_GetS32("gInvertAimingYAxis", 1) ? -1 : 1) * (CVar_GetFloat("gFirstPersonCameraSensitivity", 1.0f));
this->actor.focus.rot.x = CLAMP(this->actor.focus.rot.x, -temp1, temp1);
temp1 = 19114;
temp2 = this->actor.focus.rot.y - this->actor.shape.rot.y;
temp3 =
((sControlInput->rel.stick_x >= 0) ? 1 : -1) * (s32)((1.0f - Math_CosS(sControlInput->rel.stick_x * 200)) *
-1500.0f * (CVar_GetS32("gInvertXAxis", 0) ? -1 : 1)) * (CVar_GetFloat("gCameraSensitivity", 1.0f));
temp3 = ((sControlInput->rel.stick_x >= 0) ? 1 : -1) *
(s32)((1.0f - Math_CosS(sControlInput->rel.stick_x * 200)) * -1500.0f *
(CVar_GetS32("gInvertAimingXAxis", 0) ? -1 : 1)) * (CVar_GetFloat("gFirstPersonCameraSensitivity", 1.0f));
temp2 += temp3;
this->actor.focus.rot.y = CLAMP(temp2, -temp1, temp1) + this->actor.shape.rot.y;
@ -11338,7 +11302,7 @@ s16 func_8084ABD8(PlayState* play, Player* this, s32 arg2, s16 arg3) {
if (fabsf(sControlInput->cur.right_stick_x) > 15.0f && CVar_GetS32("gRightStickAiming", 0) != 0) {
this->actor.focus.rot.y +=
(sControlInput->cur.right_stick_x) * 10.0f * (CVar_GetS32("gInvertXAxis", 0) ? 1 : -1) * (CVar_GetFloat("gCameraSensitivity", 1.0f));
(sControlInput->cur.right_stick_x) * 10.0f * (CVar_GetS32("gInvertAimingXAxis", 0) ? 1 : -1) * (CVar_GetFloat("gFirstPersonCameraSensitivity", 1.0f));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user