mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 17:51:46 -05:00
Fix: Better debug warp MQ detection and other warp menu bugs (#2932)
* fix: add mq detection to better debug warp * replace special characters for debug warp translations * reorder better debug warp printing * adjust french translation
This commit is contained in:
@ -1293,9 +1293,12 @@ typedef struct SelectContext {
/* 0x0230 */ s32 lockDown;
/* 0x0234 */ s32 unk_234; // unused
/* 0x0238 */ u8* staticSegment;
// #region SOH [General]
/* */ s32 currentEntrance;
/* */ u8 isBetterWarp;
/* */ BetterSceneSelectEntry* betterScenes;
/* */ BetterSceneSelectGrottoData* betterGrottos;
// #endregion
} SelectContext; // size = 0x240
typedef struct {
@ -1028,9 +1028,9 @@ extern "C" uint32_t ResourceMgr_GetGameVersion(int index) {
uint32_t IsSceneMasterQuest(s16 sceneNum) {
uint32_t value = 0;
uint8_t mqMode = CVarGetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreenMQMode", 0);
if (mqMode == 1) { //non-mq wants to be mq
if (mqMode == 1) { // non-mq wants to be mq
return 1;
} else if (mqMode == 2) {//mq wants to be non-mq
} else if (mqMode == 2) { // mq wants to be non-mq
return 0;
} else {
if (OTRGlobals::Instance->HasMasterQuest()) {
@ -1038,18 +1038,16 @@ uint32_t IsSceneMasterQuest(s16 sceneNum) {
value = 1;
} else if (gSaveContext.isMasterQuest) {
value = 1;
} else {
value = 0;
if (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag) {
if (!OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->masterQuestDungeons.empty()) {
if (gPlayState != NULL && OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->masterQuestDungeons.contains(sceneNum)) {
value = 1;
if (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag &&
!OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->masterQuestDungeons.empty() &&
OTRGlobals::Instance->gRandomizer->masterQuestDungeons.contains(sceneNum)) {
value = 1;
return value;
@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ void OTRGetPixelDepthPrepare(float x, float y);
uint16_t OTRGetPixelDepth(float x, float y);
int32_t OTRGetLastScancode();
uint32_t ResourceMgr_IsGameMasterQuest();
uint32_t ResourceMgr_IsSceneMasterQuest(s16 sceneNum);
uint32_t ResourceMgr_GameHasMasterQuest();
uint32_t ResourceMgr_GameHasOriginal();
uint32_t ResourceMgr_GetNumGameVersions();
@ -1925,7 +1925,7 @@ void Play_SpawnScene(PlayState* play, s32 sceneNum, s32 spawn) {
Entrance_OverrideSpawnScene(sceneNum, spawn);
CVarSetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreenMQMode", 0);
void func_800C016C(PlayState* play, Vec3f* src, Vec3f* dest) {
@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
#include "soh/Enhancements/randomizer/randomizer_entrance.h"
void Select_SwitchBetterWarpMode(SelectContext* this, u8 isBetterWarpMode);
void Select_LoadTitle(SelectContext* this) {
this->state.running = false;
SET_NEXT_GAMESTATE(&this->state, Title_Init, TitleContext);
@ -40,21 +42,24 @@ void Select_LoadGame(SelectContext* this, s32 entranceIndex) {
if (ResourceMgr_GameHasMasterQuest() && ResourceMgr_GameHasOriginal()) {
//check to see if the scene/entrance we just picked can be MQ'd
u8 isMQScene = this->betterScenes[this->currentScene].entrancePairs[this->pageDownIndex].canBeMQ;
if ((!gSaveContext.isMasterQuest && this->opt) && isMQScene) {
CVarSetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreenMQMode", 1);
} else if ((gSaveContext.isMasterQuest && !this->opt) && isMQScene) {
CVarSetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreenMQMode", 2);
if (CVarGetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreen", 0)) {
if (this->isBetterWarp) {
CVarSetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreenCurrentScene", this->currentScene);
CVarSetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreenTopDisplayedScene", this->topDisplayedScene);
CVarSetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreenPageDownIndex", this->pageDownIndex);
if (ResourceMgr_GameHasMasterQuest() && ResourceMgr_GameHasOriginal()) {
BetterSceneSelectEntrancePair entrancePair = this->betterScenes[this->currentScene].entrancePairs[this->pageDownIndex];
// Check to see if the scene/entrance we just picked can be MQ'd
if (entrancePair.canBeMQ) {
u8 isEntranceDefaultMQ = ResourceMgr_IsSceneMasterQuest(gEntranceTable[entrancePair.entranceIndex].scene);
if (!isEntranceDefaultMQ && this->opt) {
CVarSetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreenMQMode", 1); // Force vanilla for default MQ scene
} else if (isEntranceDefaultMQ && !this->opt) {
CVarSetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreenMQMode", 2); // Force MQ for default vanilla scene
gSaveContext.respawnFlag = 0;
@ -100,7 +105,7 @@ void Select_Grotto_LoadGame(SelectContext* this, s32 grottoIndex) {
if (CVarGetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreen", 0)) {
if (this->isBetterWarp) {
CVarSetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreenCurrentScene", this->currentScene);
CVarSetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreenTopDisplayedScene", this->topDisplayedScene);
CVarSetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreenPageDownIndex", this->pageDownIndex);
@ -462,7 +467,7 @@ static BetterSceneSelectEntry sBetterScenes[] = {
{ "From Gerudo Fortress", "Von der Gerudo-Festung", "Depuis la Forteresse Gerudo", 0x022D, 0 },
{ "From Carpenter's Tent", "Vom Zelt der Zimmerleute", "Depuis la Tente du Charpentier", 0x03D0, 0 },
{ "Carpenter's Tent/ Running Man Minigame", "Zelt der Zimmerleute/ Rennlaeufer Minispiel", "Tente du Charpentier/ Marathonien", 0x03A0, 0 },
{ "Thrown out of Fortress", "Aus der Festung geworfen", "Expulsé de la Forteresse", 0x01A5, 0 },
{ "Thrown out of Fortress", "Aus der Festung geworfen", "Expulse de la Forteresse", 0x01A5, 0 },
{ "28:Gerudo Fortress", "28:Gerudo-Festung", "28:Forteresse Gerudo", Select_LoadGame, 18, {
{ "From Gerudo Valley", "Vom Gerudotal", "Depuis la Vallee Gerudo", 0x0129, 0 },
@ -632,8 +637,8 @@ static BetterSceneSelectEntry sBetterScenes[] = {
{ "Spider Grotto (Hyrule Castle)", "Spinnen-Grotte (Schloss Hyrule)", "Grotte Araignee (Chateau d'Hyrule)", 0x17, 0 },
{ "Cow Grotto (Hyrule Field)", "Kuh-Grotte (Hylianische Steppe)", "Grotte a Vache (Plaine d'Hyrule)", 0x18, 0 },
{ "Cow Grotto (Death Mountain Trail)", "Kuh-Grotte (Gebirgspfad)", "Grotte a Vache (Chemin du Peril)", 0x19, 0 },
{ "Flooded Grotto (Gerudo Valley)", "Geflutete Grotte (Gerudotal)", "Grotte Inondée (Vallee Gerudo)", 0x1A, 0 },
{ "Flooded Grotto (Hyrule Field)", "Geflutete Grotte (Hylianische Steppe)", "Grotte Inondée (Plaine d'Hyrule)", 0x1B, 0 },
{ "Flooded Grotto (Gerudo Valley)", "Geflutete Grotte (Gerudotal)", "Grotte Inondee (Vallee Gerudo)", 0x1A, 0 },
{ "Flooded Grotto (Hyrule Field)", "Geflutete Grotte (Hylianische Steppe)", "Grotte Inondee (Plaine d'Hyrule)", 0x1B, 0 },
{ "50:Debug (Use with caution)", "50:Debug (Mit Vorsicht benutzen)", "50:Debug (A utiliser avec prudence)", Select_LoadGame, 10, {
{ "Test Room", "Test Raum", "Salle de Test", 0x0520, 0 },
@ -885,6 +890,7 @@ void Better_Select_UpdateMenu(SelectContext* this) {
Input* input = &this->state.input[0];
s32 pad;
BetterSceneSelectEntry* selectedScene;
uint8_t sceneChanged = 0;
if (this->verticalInputAccumulator == 0) {
if (CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_A) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_START)) {
@ -917,8 +923,9 @@ void Better_Select_UpdateMenu(SelectContext* this) {
if (CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_L)) {
//Hijacking opt as the "MQ" option for better select. Only change opt/play sound if displayed
if (this->betterScenes[this->currentScene].entrancePairs[this->pageDownIndex].canBeMQ) {
// Hijacking opt as the "MQ" option for better select. Only change opt/play sound if displayed
if (ResourceMgr_GameHasMasterQuest() && ResourceMgr_GameHasOriginal() &&
this->betterScenes[this->currentScene].entrancePairs[this->pageDownIndex].canBeMQ) {
this->opt = this->opt ? 0 : 1;
if (this->opt) {
Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_IT_SWORD_PICKOUT, &D_801333D4, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8);
@ -981,6 +988,7 @@ void Better_Select_UpdateMenu(SelectContext* this) {
this->verticalInputAccumulator += this->verticalInput;
if (this->verticalInputAccumulator < -7) {
sceneChanged = 1;
this->verticalInput = 0;
this->verticalInputAccumulator = 0;
@ -995,6 +1003,7 @@ void Better_Select_UpdateMenu(SelectContext* this) {
if (this->verticalInputAccumulator > 7) {
sceneChanged = 1;
this->verticalInput = 0;
this->verticalInputAccumulator = 0;
@ -1013,13 +1022,19 @@ void Better_Select_UpdateMenu(SelectContext* this) {
if (sceneChanged) {
BetterSceneSelectEntrancePair entrancePair = this->betterScenes[this->currentScene].entrancePairs[this->pageDownIndex];
// Update the MQ status to match the new scene
if (entrancePair.canBeMQ && ResourceMgr_IsSceneMasterQuest(gEntranceTable[entrancePair.entranceIndex].scene)) {
this->opt = 1;
} else {
this->opt = 0;
this->currentScene = (this->currentScene + this->count) % this->count;
this->topDisplayedScene = (this->topDisplayedScene + this->count) % this->count;
dREG(80) = this->currentScene;
dREG(81) = this->topDisplayedScene;
dREG(82) = this->pageDownIndex;
if (this->timerUp != 0) {
@ -1159,7 +1174,7 @@ void Better_Select_PrintMenu(SelectContext* this, GfxPrint* printer) {
static SceneSelectLoadingMessages sLoadingMessages[] = {
{ GFXP_HIRAGANA "シバラクオマチクダサイ", "Please wait a minute", "Bitte warte eine Minute", "Veuillez patienter une minute" },
{ GFXP_HIRAGANA "チョット マッテネ", "Hold on a sec", "Warte mal 'ne Sekunde" "Une seconde, ça arrive" },
{ GFXP_HIRAGANA "チョット マッテネ", "Hold on a sec", "Warte mal 'ne Sekunde" "Une seconde, ca arrive" },
{ GFXP_KATAKANA "ウェイト ア モーメント", "Wait a moment", "Warte einen Moment", "Patientez un instant" },
{ GFXP_KATAKANA "ロード" GFXP_HIRAGANA "チュウ", "Loading", "Ladevorgang", "Chargement" },
{ GFXP_HIRAGANA "ナウ ワーキング", "Now working", "Verarbeite", "Au travail" },
@ -1167,7 +1182,7 @@ static SceneSelectLoadingMessages sLoadingMessages[] = {
{ GFXP_HIRAGANA "コショウジャナイヨ", "It's not broken", "Es ist nicht kaputt", "C'est pas casse!" },
{ GFXP_KATAKANA "コーヒー ブレイク", "Coffee Break", "Kaffee-Pause", "Pause Cafe" },
{ GFXP_KATAKANA "Bメンヲセットシテクダサイ", "Please set B side", "Please set B side", "Please set B side" },
{ GFXP_HIRAGANA "ジット" GFXP_KATAKANA "ガマン" GFXP_HIRAGANA "ノ" GFXP_KATAKANA "コ" GFXP_HIRAGANA "デアッタ", "Be patient, now", "Übe dich in Geduld", "Veuillez patientez" },
{ GFXP_HIRAGANA "ジット" GFXP_KATAKANA "ガマン" GFXP_HIRAGANA "ノ" GFXP_KATAKANA "コ" GFXP_HIRAGANA "デアッタ", "Be patient, now", "Ube dich in Geduld", "Veuillez patientez" },
{ GFXP_HIRAGANA "イマシバラクオマチクダサイ", "Please wait just a minute", "Bitte warte noch eine Minute", "Patientez un peu" },
{ GFXP_HIRAGANA "アワテナイアワテナイ。ヒトヤスミヒトヤスミ。", "Don't panic, don't panic. Take a break, take a break.", "Keine Panik! Nimm dir eine Auszeit", "Pas de panique. Prenez une pause." },
{ "Enough! My ship sails in the morning!", "Enough! My ship sails in the morning!", "Enough! My ship sails in the morning!", "Enough! My ship sails in the morning!" },
@ -1405,13 +1420,36 @@ void Better_Select_PrintMQSetting(SelectContext* this, GfxPrint* printer) {
char* label;
if (this->betterScenes[this->currentScene].entrancePairs[this->pageDownIndex].canBeMQ) {
label = this->opt ? "ON" : "OFF";
GfxPrint_SetColor(printer, 100, 100, 100, 255);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 25);
GfxPrint_SetColor(printer, 0, 150, 194, 255);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "(L)MQ:%s", label);
// MQ can be toggled
if (ResourceMgr_GameHasMasterQuest() && ResourceMgr_GameHasOriginal()) {
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "(L)MQ:");
} else {
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "MQ:");
if (CVarGetInteger("gDebugWarpScreenTranslation", 1)) {
switch (gSaveContext.language) {
label = this->opt ? "ON" : "OFF";
label = this->opt ? "AN" : "AUS";
label = this->opt ? "ACTIVE" : "DESACTIVE";
} else {
label = this->opt ? "ON" : "OFF";
GfxPrint_SetColor(printer, 0, 150, 194, 255);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%s", label);
void Select_DrawMenu(SelectContext* this) {
@ -1429,11 +1467,11 @@ void Select_DrawMenu(SelectContext* this) {
printer = alloca(sizeof(GfxPrint));
GfxPrint_Open(printer, POLY_OPA_DISP);
if (CVarGetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreen", 0)) {
Better_Select_PrintMenu(this, printer);
Better_Select_PrintAgeSetting(this, printer, ((void)0, gSaveContext.linkAge));
if (this->isBetterWarp) {
Better_Select_PrintTimeSetting(this, printer);
Better_Select_PrintAgeSetting(this, printer, ((void)0, gSaveContext.linkAge));
Better_Select_PrintMQSetting(this, printer);
Better_Select_PrintMenu(this, printer);
} else {
Select_PrintMenu(this, printer);
Select_PrintAgeSetting(this, printer, ((void)0, gSaveContext.linkAge));
@ -1489,7 +1527,11 @@ void Select_Draw(SelectContext* this) {
void Select_Main(GameState* thisx) {
SelectContext* this = (SelectContext*)thisx;
if (CVarGetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreen", 0)) {
if (this->isBetterWarp != CVarGetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreen", 0)) {
Select_SwitchBetterWarpMode(this, !this->isBetterWarp);
if (this->isBetterWarp) {
} else {
@ -1503,6 +1545,43 @@ void Select_Destroy(GameState* thisx) {
osSyncPrintf("*** view_cleanupはハングアップするので、呼ばない ***\n");
// Switch better warp mode and re-init the list
void Select_SwitchBetterWarpMode(SelectContext* this, u8 isBetterWarpMode) {
this->isBetterWarp = isBetterWarpMode;
this->opt = 0;
this->currentScene = 0;
this->topDisplayedScene = 0;
this->pageDownIndex = 0;
gSaveContext.cutsceneIndex = 0x8000;
gSaveContext.linkAge = 1;
gSaveContext.nightFlag = 0;
gSaveContext.dayTime = 0x8000;
if (isBetterWarpMode) {
s32 currScene = CVarGetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreenCurrentScene", 0);
this->count = ARRAY_COUNT(sBetterScenes);
if (currScene >= 0 && currScene < this->count) {
this->currentScene = currScene;
this->topDisplayedScene = CVarGetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreenTopDisplayedScene", 0);
this->pageDownIndex = CVarGetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreenPageDownIndex", 0);
BetterSceneSelectEntrancePair entrancePair = this->betterScenes[this->currentScene].entrancePairs[this->pageDownIndex];
if (entrancePair.canBeMQ && ResourceMgr_IsSceneMasterQuest(gEntranceTable[entrancePair.entranceIndex].scene)) {
this->opt = 1;
} else {
this->count = ARRAY_COUNT(sScenes);
if ((dREG(80) >= 0) && (dREG(80) < this->count)) {
this->currentScene = dREG(80);
this->topDisplayedScene = dREG(81);
this->pageDownIndex = dREG(82);
void Select_Init(GameState* thisx) {
SelectContext* this = (SelectContext*)thisx;
size_t size;
@ -1524,7 +1603,7 @@ void Select_Init(GameState* thisx) {
this->pageDownStops[6] = 91; // Escaping Ganon's Tower 3
this->pageDownIndex = 0;
this->opt = 0;
this->count = CVarGetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreen", 0) ? ARRAY_COUNT(sBetterScenes) : ARRAY_COUNT(sScenes);
this->count = ARRAY_COUNT(sScenes);
View_Init(&this->view, this->state.gfxCtx);
this->view.flags = (0x08 | 0x02);
this->verticalInputAccumulator = 0;
@ -1542,11 +1621,7 @@ void Select_Init(GameState* thisx) {
this->topDisplayedScene = dREG(81);
this->pageDownIndex = dREG(82);
if (CVarGetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreen", 0)) {
this->currentScene = CVarGetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreenCurrentScene", 0);
this->topDisplayedScene = CVarGetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreenTopDisplayedScene", 0);
this->pageDownIndex = CVarGetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreenPageDownIndex", 0);
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__GNUC__)
this->staticSegment = GAMESTATE_ALLOC_MC(&this->state, size);
@ -1556,4 +1631,7 @@ void Select_Init(GameState* thisx) {
gSaveContext.linkAge = 1;
gSaveContext.nightFlag = 0;
gSaveContext.dayTime = 0x8000;
Select_SwitchBetterWarpMode(this, CVarGetInteger("gBetterDebugWarpScreen", 0));
Reference in New Issue
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