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synced 2025-03-10 06:40:02 -04:00
- + button optionnal for Int and float sliders (#803)
This commit is contained in:
@ -477,11 +477,21 @@ namespace SohImGui {
void EnhancementSliderInt(const char* text, const char* id, const char* cvarName, int min, int max, const char* format, int defaultValue)
void EnhancementSliderInt(const char* text, const char* id, const char* cvarName, int min, int max, const char* format, int defaultValue, bool PlusMinusButton)
int val = CVar_GetS32(cvarName, defaultValue);
ImGui::Text(text, val);
if(PlusMinusButton) {
std::string MinusBTNName = " - ##";
MinusBTNName += cvarName;
if (ImGui::Button(MinusBTNName.c_str())) {
CVar_SetS32(cvarName, val);
needs_save = true;
ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetCursorPosX() - 7.0f);
if (ImGui::SliderInt(id, &val, min, max, format))
@ -489,6 +499,18 @@ namespace SohImGui {
needs_save = true;
if(PlusMinusButton) {
std::string PlusBTNName = " + ##";
PlusBTNName += cvarName;
ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetCursorPosX() - 7.0f);
if (ImGui::Button(PlusBTNName.c_str())) {
CVar_SetS32(cvarName, val);
needs_save = true;
if (val < min)
val = min;
@ -504,7 +526,7 @@ namespace SohImGui {
void EnhancementSliderFloat(const char* text, const char* id, const char* cvarName, float min, float max, const char* format, float defaultValue, bool isPercentage)
void EnhancementSliderFloat(const char* text, const char* id, const char* cvarName, float min, float max, const char* format, float defaultValue, bool isPercentage, bool PlusMinusButton)
float val = CVar_GetFloat(cvarName, defaultValue);
@ -513,12 +535,36 @@ namespace SohImGui {
ImGui::Text(text, static_cast<int>(100 * val));
if(PlusMinusButton) {
std::string MinusBTNName = " - ##";
MinusBTNName += cvarName;
if (ImGui::Button(MinusBTNName.c_str())) {
val -= 0.1f;
CVar_SetFloat(cvarName, val);
needs_save = true;
ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetCursorPosX() - 7.0f);
if (ImGui::SliderFloat(id, &val, min, max, format))
CVar_SetFloat(cvarName, val);
needs_save = true;
if(PlusMinusButton) {
std::string PlusBTNName = " + ##";
PlusBTNName += cvarName;
ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetCursorPosX() - 7.0f);
if (ImGui::Button(PlusBTNName.c_str())) {
val += 0.1f;
CVar_SetFloat(cvarName, val);
needs_save = true;
if (val < min)
val = min;
@ -836,6 +882,16 @@ namespace SohImGui {
ImGui::Text("Jitter fix: >= %d FPS", fps);
std::string MinusBTNELT = " - ##ExtraLatencyThreshold";
std::string PlusBTNELT = " + ##ExtraLatencyThreshold";
if (ImGui::Button(MinusBTNELT.c_str())) {
CVar_SetS32(cvar, val);
needs_save = true;
ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetCursorPosX() - 7.0f);
if (ImGui::SliderInt("##ExtraLatencyThreshold", &val, 0, 250, "", ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp))
CVar_SetS32(cvar, val);
@ -848,6 +904,14 @@ namespace SohImGui {
"to work on one frame while GPU works on the previous frame.\n"
"This setting should be used when your computer is too slow\n"
"to do CPU + GPU work in time.");
ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetCursorPosX() - 7.0f);
if (ImGui::Button(PlusBTNELT.c_str())) {
CVar_SetS32(cvar, val);
needs_save = true;
@ -955,54 +1019,54 @@ namespace SohImGui {
EnhancementCheckbox("Change Red Potion Effect", "gRedPotionEffect");
Tooltip("Enable the following changes to the amount of health restored by Red Potions");
EnhancementSliderInt("Red Potion Health: %d", "##REDPOTIONHEALTH", "gRedPotionHealth", 1, 100, "");
EnhancementSliderInt("Red Potion Health: %d", "##REDPOTIONHEALTH", "gRedPotionHealth", 1, 100, "", 0, true);
Tooltip("Changes the amount of health restored by Red Potions");
EnhancementCheckbox("Red Potion Percent Restore", "gRedPercentRestore");
Tooltip("Toggles from Red Potions restoring a fixed amount of health to a percent of the player's current max health");
EnhancementCheckbox("Change Green Potion Effect", "gGreenPotionEffect");
Tooltip("Enable the following changes to the amount of mana restored by Green Potions");
EnhancementSliderInt("Green Potion Mana: %d", "##GREENPOTIONMANA", "gGreenPotionMana", 1, 100, "");
EnhancementSliderInt("Green Potion Mana: %d", "##GREENPOTIONMANA", "gGreenPotionMana", 1, 100, "", 0, true);
Tooltip("Changes the amount of mana restored by Green Potions, base max mana is 48, max upgraded mana is 96");
EnhancementCheckbox("Green Potion Percent Restore", "gGreenPercentRestore");
Tooltip("Toggles from Green Potions restoring a fixed amount of mana to a percent of the player's current max mana");
EnhancementCheckbox("Change Blue Potion Effects", "gBluePotionEffects");
Tooltip("Enable the following changes to the amount of health and mana restored by Blue Potions");
EnhancementSliderInt("Blue Potion Health: %d", "##BLUEPOTIONHEALTH", "gBluePotionHealth", 1, 100, "");
EnhancementSliderInt("Blue Potion Health: %d", "##BLUEPOTIONHEALTH", "gBluePotionHealth", 1, 100, "", 0, true);
Tooltip("Changes the amount of health restored by Blue Potions");
EnhancementCheckbox("Blue Potion Health Percent Restore", "gBlueHealthPercentRestore");
Tooltip("Toggles from Blue Potions restoring a fixed amount of health to a percent of the player's current max health");
EnhancementSliderInt("Blue Potion Mana: %d", "##BLUEPOTIONMANA", "gBluePotionMana", 1, 100, "");
EnhancementSliderInt("Blue Potion Mana: %d", "##BLUEPOTIONMANA", "gBluePotionMana", 1, 100, "", 0, true);
Tooltip("Changes the amount of mana restored by Blue Potions, base max mana is 48, max upgraded mana is 96");
EnhancementCheckbox("Blue Potion Mana Percent Restore", "gBlueManaPercentRestore");
Tooltip("Toggles from Blue Potions restoring a fixed amount of mana to a percent of the player's current max mana");
EnhancementCheckbox("Change Milk Effect", "gMilkEffect");
Tooltip("Enable the following changes to the amount of health restored by Milk");
EnhancementSliderInt("Milk Health: %d", "##MILKHEALTH", "gMilkHealth", 1, 100, "");
EnhancementSliderInt("Milk Health: %d", "##MILKHEALTH", "gMilkHealth", 1, 100, "", 0, true);
Tooltip("Changes the amount of health restored by Milk");
EnhancementCheckbox("Milk Percent Restore", "gMilkPercentRestore");
Tooltip("Toggles from Milk restoring a fixed amount of health to a percent of the player's current max health");
EnhancementCheckbox("Separate Half Milk Effect", "gSeparateHalfMilkEffect");
Tooltip("Enable the following changes to the amount of health restored by Half Milk\nIf this is disabled, Half Milk will behave the same as Full Milk.");
EnhancementSliderInt("Half Milk Health: %d", "##HALFMILKHEALTH", "gHalfMilkHealth", 1, 100, "");
EnhancementSliderInt("Half Milk Health: %d", "##HALFMILKHEALTH", "gHalfMilkHealth", 1, 100, "", 0, true);
Tooltip("Changes the amount of health restored by Half Milk");
EnhancementCheckbox("Half Milk Percent Restore", "gHalfMilkPercentRestore");
Tooltip("Toggles from Half Milk restoring a fixed amount of health to a percent of the player's current max health");
EnhancementCheckbox("Change Fairy Effect", "gFairyEffect");
Tooltip("Enable the following changes to the amount of health restored by Fairies");
EnhancementSliderInt("Fairy: %d", "##FAIRYHEALTH", "gFairyHealth", 1, 100, "");
EnhancementSliderInt("Fairy: %d", "##FAIRYHEALTH", "gFairyHealth", 1, 100, "", 0, true);
Tooltip("Changes the amount of health restored by Fairies");
EnhancementCheckbox("Fairy Percent Restore", "gFairyPercentRestore");
Tooltip("Toggles from Fairies restoring a fixed amount of health to a percent of the player's current max health");
EnhancementCheckbox("Change Fairy Revive Effect", "gFairyReviveEffect");
Tooltip("Enable the following changes to the amount of health restored by Fairy Revivals");
EnhancementSliderInt("Fairy Revival: %d", "##FAIRYREVIVEHEALTH", "gFairyReviveHealth", 1, 100, "");
EnhancementSliderInt("Fairy Revival: %d", "##FAIRYREVIVEHEALTH", "gFairyReviveHealth", 1, 100, "", 0, true);
Tooltip("Changes the amount of health restored by Fairy Revivals");
EnhancementCheckbox("Fairy Revive Percent Restore", "gFairyRevivePercentRestore");
Tooltip("Toggles from Fairy Revivals restoring a fixed amount of health to a percent of the player's current max health");
@ -1091,7 +1155,7 @@ namespace SohImGui {
EnhancementRadioButton("Random cycle", "gPauseLiveLink", 16);
Tooltip("Randomize the animation played on the menu after a certain time");
if (CVar_GetS32("gPauseLiveLink", 0) >= 16) {
EnhancementSliderInt("Frame to wait: %d", "##MinFrameCount", "gMinFrameCount", 1, 1000, "");
EnhancementSliderInt("Frame to wait: %d", "##MinFrameCount", "gMinFrameCount", 1, 1000, "", 0, true);
@ -1163,6 +1227,16 @@ namespace SohImGui {
ImGui::Text("Frame interpolation: %d FPS", fps);
std::string MinusBTNFPSI = " - ##FPSInterpolation";
std::string PlusBTNFPSI = " + ##FPSInterpolation";
if (ImGui::Button(MinusBTNFPSI.c_str())) {
CVar_SetS32(fps_cvar, val);
needs_save = true;
ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetCursorPosX() - 7.0f);
if (ImGui::SliderInt("##FPSInterpolation", &val, 20, 250, "", ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp))
CVar_SetS32(fps_cvar, val);
@ -1175,6 +1249,14 @@ namespace SohImGui {
"and might give a worse result.\n"
"For consistent input lag, set this value and your monitor's refresh rate to a multiple of 20\n"
"Ctrl+Click for keyboard input");
ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetCursorPosX() - 7.0f);
if (ImGui::Button(PlusBTNFPSI.c_str())) {
CVar_SetS32(fps_cvar, val);
needs_save = true;
if (impl.backend == Backend::DX11)
@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ namespace SohImGui {
void EnhancementRadioButton(const char* text, const char* cvarName, int id);
void EnhancementCheckbox(const char* text, const char* cvarName);
void EnhancementButton(const char* text, const char* cvarName);
void EnhancementSliderInt(const char* text, const char* id, const char* cvarName, int min, int max, const char* format, int defaultValue = 0);
void EnhancementSliderFloat(const char* text, const char* id, const char* cvarName, float min, float max, const char* format, float defaultValue, bool isPercentage);
void EnhancementSliderInt(const char* text, const char* id, const char* cvarName, int min, int max, const char* format, int defaultValue = 0, bool PlusMinusButton = false);
void EnhancementSliderFloat(const char* text, const char* id, const char* cvarName, float min, float max, const char* format, float defaultValue, bool isPercentage, bool PlusMinusButton = false);
void EnhancementCombobox(const char* name, const char* ComboArray[], size_t arraySize, uint8_t FirstTimeValue);
void EnhancementColor(const char* text, const char* cvarName, ImVec4 ColorRGBA, ImVec4 default_colors, bool allow_rainbow = true, bool has_alpha=false, bool TitleSameLine=false);
void EnhancementCombo(const std::string& name, const char* cvarName, const std::vector<std::string>& items, int defaultValue = 0);
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