diff --git a/soh/soh/SohMenuBar.cpp b/soh/soh/SohMenuBar.cpp index 8ca29ea77..56b86e794 100644 --- a/soh/soh/SohMenuBar.cpp +++ b/soh/soh/SohMenuBar.cpp @@ -666,11 +666,13 @@ void DrawEnhancementsMenu() { UIWidgets::PaddedEnhancementSliderInt("Text Speed: %dx", "##TEXTSPEED", CVAR_ENHANCEMENT("TextSpeed"), 1, 5, "", 1, true, false, true); UIWidgets::PaddedEnhancementCheckbox("Skip Text", CVAR_ENHANCEMENT("SkipText"), false, true); + UIWidgets::Tooltip("Holding down B skips text"); UIWidgets::PaddedEnhancementSliderInt("Slow Text Speed: %dx", "##SLOWTEXTSPEED", CVAR_ENHANCEMENT("SlowTextSpeed"), 1, 5, "", 1, true, false, true); + UIWidgets::Tooltip("Changes the speed of sections of text that normally are paced slower than the text surrounding it."); if (ImGui::Button("Match Normal Text")) { CVarSetInteger(CVAR_ENHANCEMENT("SlowTextSpeed"), CVarGetInteger(CVAR_ENHANCEMENT("TextSpeed"), 1)); } - UIWidgets::Tooltip("Holding down B skips text"); + UIWidgets::Tooltip("Makes the speed of slow text match the normal text speed above."); UIWidgets::PaddedEnhancementSliderFloat("King Zora Speed: %.2fx", "##MWEEPSPEED", CVAR_ENHANCEMENT("MweepSpeed"), 0.1f, 5.0f, "", 1.0f, false, false, true); UIWidgets::PaddedEnhancementSliderInt("Vine/Ladder Climb speed +%d", "##CLIMBSPEED", CVAR_ENHANCEMENT("ClimbSpeed"), 0, 12, "", 0, true, false, true); UIWidgets::PaddedEnhancementSliderInt("Block pushing speed +%d", "##BLOCKSPEED", CVAR_ENHANCEMENT("FasterBlockPush"), 0, 5, "", 0, true, false, true);