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synced 2025-03-03 18:21:55 -05:00
Automatically break long tooltip lines (#925)
* Remove manual newlines from the middle of sentences in tooltips and automatically break long lines instead * Move split functionality into header so randomizer tooltips can use it * Rewrite logic to be O(n) * Found another typo * Move helper function to libultraship to (hopefully) get Jenkins happy * Fix typo I made when fixing the typo before * Remove unneeded header * Parameterize line length in case variable line length is desired in the future
This commit is contained in:
@ -130,8 +130,9 @@ namespace SohImGui {
void Tooltip(const char* text) {
if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", text);
if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) {
ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", BreakTooltip(text, 60).c_str());
void ImGuiWMInit() {
@ -867,7 +868,7 @@ namespace SohImGui {
// TODO mutual exclusions -- There should be some system to prevent conclifting enhancements from being selected
EnhancementCheckbox("D-pad Support on Pause and File Select", "gDpadPauseName");
Tooltip("Enables Pause and File Select screen navigation with the D-pad\nIf used with D-pad as Equip Items, you must hold C-Up\nto equip instead of navigate");
Tooltip("Enables Pause and File Select screen navigation with the D-pad\nIf used with D-pad as Equip Items, you must hold C-Up to equip instead of navigate");
EnhancementCheckbox("D-pad Support in Ocarina and Text Choice", "gDpadOcarinaText");
EnhancementCheckbox("D-pad Support for Browsing Shop Items", "gDpadShop");
EnhancementCheckbox("D-pad as Equip Items", "gDpadEquips");
@ -890,10 +891,10 @@ namespace SohImGui {
if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Graphics"))
EnhancementSliderFloat("Internal Resolution: %d %%", "##IMul", "gInternalResolution", 0.5f, 2.0f, "", 1.0f, true);
Tooltip("Multiplies your output resolution by the value inputted,\nas a more intensive but effective form of anti-aliasing");
Tooltip("Multiplies your output resolution by the value inputted, as a more intensive but effective form of anti-aliasing");
gfx_current_dimensions.internal_mul = CVar_GetFloat("gInternalResolution", 1);
EnhancementSliderInt("MSAA: %d", "##IMSAA", "gMSAAValue", 1, 8, "");
Tooltip("Activates multi-sample anti-aliasing when above 1x\nup to 8x for 8 samples for every pixel");
Tooltip("Activates multi-sample anti-aliasing when above 1x up to 8x for 8 samples for every pixel");
gfx_msaa_level = CVar_GetS32("gMSAAValue", 1);
if (impl.backend == Backend::DX11)
@ -928,12 +929,7 @@ namespace SohImGui {
needs_save = true;
Tooltip("When Interpolation FPS setting is at least this threshold,\n"
"add one frame of input lag (e.g. 16.6 ms for 60 FPS)\n"
"in order to avoid jitter.This setting allows the CPU\n"
"to work on one frame while GPU works on the previous frame.\n"
"This setting should be used when your computer is too slow\n"
"to do CPU + GPU work in time.");
Tooltip("When Interpolation FPS setting is at least this threshold, add one frame of input lag (e.g. 16.6 ms for 60 FPS) in order to avoid jitter. This setting allows the CPU to work on one frame while GPU works on the previous frame.\nThis setting should be used when your computer is too slow to do CPU + GPU work in time.");
ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetCursorPosX() - 7.0f);
@ -983,30 +979,30 @@ namespace SohImGui {
EnhancementSliderInt("Text Speed: %dx", "##TEXTSPEED", "gTextSpeed", 1, 5, "");
EnhancementSliderInt("King Zora Speed: %dx", "##MWEEPSPEED", "gMweepSpeed", 1, 5, "");
EnhancementSliderInt("Biggoron Forge Time: %d days", "##FORGETIME", "gForgeTime", 0, 3, "");
Tooltip("Allows you to change the number of days it takes for\nBiggoron to forge the Biggoron Sword");
Tooltip("Allows you to change the number of days it takes for Biggoron to forge the Biggoron Sword");
EnhancementSliderInt("Vine/Ladder Climb speed +%d", "##CLIMBSPEED", "gClimbSpeed", 0, 12, "");
EnhancementCheckbox("Faster Block Push", "gFasterBlockPush");
EnhancementCheckbox("No Forced Navi", "gNoForcedNavi");
Tooltip("Prevent forced Navi conversations");
EnhancementCheckbox("No Skulltula Freeze", "gSkulltulaFreeze");
Tooltip("Stops the game from freezing the player\nwhen picking up Gold Skulltulas");
Tooltip("Stops the game from freezing the player when picking up Gold Skulltulas");
EnhancementCheckbox("MM Bunny Hood", "gMMBunnyHood");
Tooltip("Wearing the Bunny Hood grants a speed\nincrease like in Majora's Mask");
Tooltip("Wearing the Bunny Hood grants a speed increase like in Majora's Mask");
EnhancementCheckbox("Fast Chests", "gFastChests");
Tooltip("Kick open every chest");
EnhancementCheckbox("Skip Pickup Messages", "gFastDrops");
Tooltip("Skip pickup messages for new consumable items and bottle swipes");
EnhancementCheckbox("Better Owl", "gBetterOwl");
Tooltip("The default response to Kaepora Gaebora is\nalways that you understood what he said");
Tooltip("The default response to Kaepora Gaebora is always that you understood what he said");
EnhancementCheckbox("Fast Ocarina Playback", "gFastOcarinaPlayback");
Tooltip("Skip the part where the Ocarina playback is called when you play\na song");
Tooltip("Skip the part where the Ocarina playback is called when you play a song");
EnhancementCheckbox("Prevent Dropped Ocarina Inputs", "gDpadNoDropOcarinaInput");
Tooltip("Prevent dropping inputs when playing the ocarina quickly");
EnhancementCheckbox("Instant Putaway", "gInstantPutaway");
Tooltip("Allow Link to put items away without having to wait around");
EnhancementCheckbox("Mask Select in Inventory", "gMaskSelect");
Tooltip("After completing the mask trading sub-quest,\npress A and any direction on the mask slot to change masks");
Tooltip("After completing the mask trading sub-quest, press A and any direction on the mask slot to change masks");
@ -1137,13 +1133,13 @@ namespace SohImGui {
EnhancementCheckbox("Visual Stone of Agony", "gVisualAgony");
Tooltip("Displays an icon and plays a sound when Stone of Agony\nshould be activated, for those without rumble");
Tooltip("Displays an icon and plays a sound when Stone of Agony should be activated, for those without rumble");
EnhancementCheckbox("Assignable Tunics and Boots", "gAssignableTunicsAndBoots");
Tooltip("Allows equipping the tunic and boots to c-buttons");
EnhancementCheckbox("Equipment Toggle", "gEquipmentCanBeRemoved");
Tooltip("Allows equipment to be removed by toggling it off on\nthe equipment subscreen.");
EnhancementCheckbox("Link's Cow in Both Time Periods", "gCowOfTime");
Tooltip("Allows the Lon Lon Ranch obstacle course reward to be\nshared across time periods");
Tooltip("Allows the Lon Lon Ranch obstacle course reward to be shared across time periods");
EnhancementCheckbox("Enable visible guard vision", "gGuardVision");
EnhancementCheckbox("Enable passage of time on file select", "gTimeFlowFileSelect");
EnhancementCheckbox("Allow the cursor to be on any slot", "gPauseAnyCursor");
@ -1161,7 +1157,7 @@ namespace SohImGui {
EnhancementRadioButton("Disabled", "gPauseLiveLinkRotation", 0);
EnhancementRadioButton("Rotate Link with D-pad", "gPauseLiveLinkRotation", 1);
Tooltip("Allow you to rotate Link on the Equipment menu with the DPAD\nUse DPAD-Up or DPAD-Down to reset Link's rotation");
Tooltip("Allow you to rotate Link on the Equipment menu with the D-pad\nUse D-pad Up or D-pad Down to reset Link's rotation");
EnhancementRadioButton("Rotate Link with C-buttons", "gPauseLiveLinkRotation", 2);
Tooltip("Allow you to rotate Link on the Equipment menu with the C-buttons\nUse C-Up or C-Down to reset Link's rotation");
EnhancementRadioButton("Rotate Link with Right Stick", "gPauseLiveLinkRotation", 3);
@ -1206,7 +1202,7 @@ namespace SohImGui {
EnhancementCheckbox("Enable 3D Dropped items/projectiles", "gNewDrops");
Tooltip("Change most 2D items and projectiles on the overworld to their 3D versions");
EnhancementCheckbox("Disable Black Bar Letterboxes", "gDisableBlackBars");
Tooltip("Disables Black Bar Letterboxes during cutscenes and Z-targeting\nNote: there may be minor visual glitches that\nwere covered up by the black bars\nPlease disable this setting before reporting a bug");
Tooltip("Disables Black Bar Letterboxes during cutscenes and Z-targeting\nNote: there may be minor visual glitches that were covered up by the black bars\nPlease disable this setting before reporting a bug");
EnhancementCheckbox("Dynamic Wallet Icon", "gDynamicWalletIcon");
Tooltip("Changes the rupee in the wallet icon to match the wallet size you currently have");
EnhancementCheckbox("Always show dungeon entrances", "gAlwaysShowDungeonMinimapIcon");
@ -1222,19 +1218,19 @@ namespace SohImGui {
EnhancementCheckbox("Fix L&Z Page switch in Pause menu", "gNGCKaleidoSwitcher");
Tooltip("Makes L and R switch pages like on the GameCube\nZ opens the Debug Menu instead");
EnhancementCheckbox("Fix Dungeon entrances", "gFixDungeonMinimapIcon");
Tooltip("Removes the dungeon entrance icon on the top-left corner\nof the screen when no dungeon is present on the current map");
Tooltip("Removes the dungeon entrance icon on the top-left corner of the screen when no dungeon is present on the current map");
EnhancementCheckbox("Fix Two Handed idle animations", "gTwoHandedIdle");
Tooltip("Re-enables the two-handed idle animation, a seemingly\nfinished animation that was disabled on accident in the original game");
Tooltip("Re-enables the two-handed idle animation, a seemingly finished animation that was disabled on accident in the original game");
EnhancementCheckbox("Fix the Gravedigging Tour Glitch", "gGravediggingTourFix");
Tooltip("Fixes a bug where the Gravedigging Tour Heart\nPiece disappears if the area reloads");
Tooltip("Fixes a bug where the Gravedigging Tour Heart Piece disappears if the area reloads");
EnhancementCheckbox("Fix Deku Nut upgrade", "gDekuNutUpgradeFix");
Tooltip("Prevents the Forest Stage Deku Nut upgrade from\nbecoming unobtainable after receiving the Poacher's Saw");
Tooltip("Prevents the Forest Stage Deku Nut upgrade from becoming unobtainable after receiving the Poacher's Saw");
EnhancementCheckbox("Fix Navi text HUD position", "gNaviTextFix");
Tooltip("Correctly centers the Navi text prompt on the HUD's C-Up button");
EnhancementCheckbox("Fix Anubis fireballs", "gAnubisFix");
Tooltip("Make Anubis fireballs do fire damage when reflected\nback at them with the Mirror Shield");
Tooltip("Make Anubis fireballs do fire damage when reflected back at them with the Mirror Shield");
EnhancementCheckbox("Fix Megaton Hammer crouch stab", "gCrouchStabHammerFix");
Tooltip("Make the Megaton Hammer's crouch stab able to destroy\nrocks without first swinging it normally");
Tooltip("Make the Megaton Hammer's crouch stab able to destroy rocks without first swinging it normally");
if (CVar_GetS32("gCrouchStabHammerFix", 0) == 0) {
CVar_SetS32("gCrouchStabFix", 0);
} else {
@ -1250,7 +1246,7 @@ namespace SohImGui {
EnhancementCheckbox("Red Ganon blood", "gRedGanonBlood");
Tooltip("Restore the original red blood from NTSC 1.0/1.1. Disable for green blood");
EnhancementCheckbox("Fish while hovering", "gHoverFishing");
Tooltip("Restore a bug from NTSC 1.0 that allows casting\nthe Fishing Rod while using the Hover Boots");
Tooltip("Restore a bug from NTSC 1.0 that allows casting the Fishing Rod while using the Hover Boots");
EnhancementCheckbox("N64 Weird Frames", "gN64WeirdFrames");
Tooltip("Restores N64 Weird Frames allowing weirdshots to behave the same as N64");
EnhancementCheckbox("Bombchus out of bounds", "gBombchusOOB");
@ -1311,7 +1307,7 @@ namespace SohImGui {
Tooltip("Interpolate extra frames to get smoother graphics\n"
"Set to match your monitor's refresh rate, or a divisor of it\n"
"A higher target FPS than your monitor's refresh rate will just waste resources,\n"
"A higher target FPS than your monitor's refresh rate will just waste resources, "
"and might give a worse result.\n"
"For consistent input lag, set this value and your monitor's refresh rate to a multiple of 20\n"
"Ctrl+Click for keyboard input");
@ -1339,7 +1335,7 @@ namespace SohImGui {
EnhancementCheckbox("Disable LOD", "gDisableLOD");
Tooltip("Turns off the Level of Detail setting, making models use their higher-poly variants at any distance");
EnhancementCheckbox("Disable Draw Distance", "gDisableDrawDistance");
Tooltip("Turns off the objects draw distance,\nmaking objects being visible from a longer range");
Tooltip("Turns off the objects draw distance, making objects being visible from a longer range");
if (CVar_GetS32("gDisableDrawDistance", 0) == 0) {
CVar_SetS32("gDisableKokiriDrawDistance", 0);
} else if (CVar_GetS32("gDisableDrawDistance", 0) == 1) {
@ -1350,7 +1346,7 @@ namespace SohImGui {
Tooltip("Holding down B skips text\nKnown to cause a cutscene softlock in Water Temple\nSoftlock can be fixed by pressing D-Right in Debug mode");
EnhancementCheckbox("Free Camera", "gFreeCamera");
Tooltip("Enables camera control\nNote: You must remap C buttons off of\nthe right stick in the controller\nconfig menu, and map the camera stick\nto the right stick.");
Tooltip("Enables camera control\nNote: You must remap C buttons off of the right stick in the controller config menu, and map the camera stick to the right stick.");
#ifdef __SWITCH__
int slot = CVar_GetS32("gSwitchPerfMode", (int)SwitchProfiles::STOCK);
@ -1406,7 +1402,7 @@ namespace SohImGui {
EnhancementCheckbox("Fireproof Deku Shield", "gFireproofDekuShield");
Tooltip("Prevents the Deku Shield from burning on contact with fire");
EnhancementCheckbox("Shield with Two-Handed Weapons", "gShieldTwoHanded");
Tooltip("This allows you to put up your shield with any two-handed weapon in hand\nexcept for Deku Sticks");
Tooltip("This allows you to put up your shield with any two-handed weapon in hand except for Deku Sticks");
@ -1416,11 +1412,11 @@ namespace SohImGui {
if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Developer Tools"))
EnhancementCheckbox("OoT Debug Mode", "gDebugEnabled");
Tooltip("Enables Debug Mode, allowing you to select maps with L + R + Z, noclip with L + D-pad Right,\nand open the debug menu with L on the pause screen");
Tooltip("Enables Debug Mode, allowing you to select maps with L + R + Z, noclip with L + D-pad Right, and open the debug menu with L on the pause screen");
EnhancementCheckbox("OoT Skulltula Debug", "gSkulltulaDebugEnabled");
Tooltip("Enables Skulltula Debug, when moving the cursor in the menu above various map\nicons (boss key, compass, map screen locations, etc) will set the GS bits in that\narea. USE WITH CAUTION AS IT DOES NOT UPDATE THE GS COUNT.");
Tooltip("Enables Skulltula Debug, when moving the cursor in the menu above various map icons (boss key, compass, map screen locations, etc) will set the GS bits in that area.\nUSE WITH CAUTION AS IT DOES NOT UPDATE THE GS COUNT.");
EnhancementCheckbox("Fast File Select", "gSkipLogoTitle");
Tooltip("Load the game to the selected menu or file\n\"Zelda Map Select\" require debug mode else you will fallback to File choose menu\nUsing a file number that don't have save will create a save file only\nif you toggle on \"Create a new save if none ?\" else it will bring you to the\nFile choose menu");
Tooltip("Load the game to the selected menu or file\n\"Zelda Map Select\" require debug mode else you will fallback to File choose menu\nUsing a file number that don't have save will create a save file only if you toggle on \"Create a new save if none ?\" else it will bring you to the File choose menu");
if (CVar_GetS32("gSkipLogoTitle", 0)) {
const char* FastFileSelect[5] = {
"File N.1",
@ -1432,13 +1428,13 @@ namespace SohImGui {
ImGui::Text("Loading :");
EnhancementCombobox("gSaveFileID", FastFileSelect, 5, 0);
EnhancementCheckbox("Create a new save if none", "gCreateNewSave");
Tooltip("Enable the creation of a new save file\nif none exist in the File number selected\nNo file name will be assigned please do in Save editor once you see the first text\nelse your save file name will be named \"00000000\"\nIf disabled you will fall back in File select menu");
Tooltip("Enable the creation of a new save file if none exist in the File number selected\nNo file name will be assigned please do in Save editor once you see the first text else your save file name will be named \"00000000\"\nIf disabled you will fall back in File select menu");
EnhancementCheckbox("Stats", "gStatsEnabled");
Tooltip("Shows the stats window, with your FPS and frametimes,\nand the OS you're playing on");
Tooltip("Shows the stats window, with your FPS and frametimes, and the OS you're playing on");
EnhancementCheckbox("Console", "gConsoleEnabled");
Tooltip("Enables the console window, allowing you to input commands,\ntype help for some examples");
Tooltip("Enables the console window, allowing you to input commands, type help for some examples");
console->opened = CVar_GetS32("gConsoleEnabled", 0);
@ -1780,4 +1776,36 @@ namespace SohImGui {
// Automatically add newlines to break up tooltips longer than a specified number of characters
// Manually included newlines will still be respected and reset the line length
// Default line length is 60 characters
std::string BreakTooltip(const char* text, int lineLength) {
std::string newText(text);
const int tipLength = newText.length();
int lastSpace = -1;
int currentLineLength = 0;
for (int currentCharacter = 0; currentCharacter < tipLength; currentCharacter++) {
if (newText[currentCharacter] == '\n') {
currentLineLength = 0;
lastSpace = -1;
else if (newText[currentCharacter] == ' ') {
lastSpace = currentCharacter;
if ((currentLineLength >= lineLength) && (lastSpace >= 0)) {
newText[lastSpace] = '\n';
currentLineLength = currentCharacter - lastSpace - 1;
lastSpace = -1;
return newText;
std::string BreakTooltip(const std::string& text, int lineLength) {
return BreakTooltip(text.c_str(), lineLength);
@ -94,4 +94,6 @@ namespace SohImGui {
ImTextureID GetTextureByName(const std::string& name);
void BeginGroupPanel(const char* name, const ImVec2 & size = ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f));
void EndGroupPanel(float minHeight = 0.0f);
std::string BreakTooltip(const char* text, int lineLength = 60);
std::string BreakTooltip(const std::string& text, int lineLength = 60);
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
#include "ImGuiHelpers.h"
#include "../../../../libultraship/libultraship/ImGuiImpl.h"
// Adds a text tooltip for the previous ImGui item
void SetLastItemHoverText(const std::string& text) {
if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) {
ImGui::Text(SohImGui::BreakTooltip(text, 60).c_str());
@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ void InsertHelpHoverText(const std::string& text) {
ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f), "?");
if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) {
ImGui::Text(SohImGui::BreakTooltip(text, 60).c_str());
@ -1435,7 +1435,7 @@ void DrawPlayerTab() {
InsertHelpHoverText("Link's speed along the Y plane. Caps at -20");
ImGui::InputScalar("Wall Height", ImGuiDataType_Float, &player->wallHeight);
InsertHelpHoverText("\"height used to determine whether link can climb or grab a ledge at the top\"");
InsertHelpHoverText("Height used to determine whether Link can climb or grab a ledge at the top");
ImGui::InputScalar("Invincibility Timer", ImGuiDataType_S8, &player->invincibilityTimer);
InsertHelpHoverText("Can't take damage while this is nonzero");
@ -3542,21 +3542,21 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
switch (CVar_GetS32("gRandomizeForest", 1)) {
case 1:
InsertHelpHoverText("Mido no longer blocks the path to the Deku Tree\n"
"The Kokiri boy no longer blocks the path\nout of the forest.");
"The Kokiri boy no longer blocks the path out of the forest.");
case 2:
"The Kokiri boy no longer blocks the path out of the forest\nMido "
"still blocks the path to the Deku\nTree, requiring the Kokiri Sword "
"and a Deku Shield to\naccess the Deku Tree.");
"still blocks the path to the Deku Tree, requiring the Kokiri Sword "
"and a Deku Shield to access the Deku Tree.");
case 0:
"Beating Deku Tree is logically required to leave\nthe forest area "
"(Kokiri Forest / Loost Woods / Sacred\nForest Meadow / Deku Tree) "
"while the Kokiri Sword\nand a Deku Shield are required to access the "
"Deku\nTree Items needed for this will be guaranteed\ninside the "
"forest area.\nThis settins is incompatible with starting as adult.");
"Beating Deku Tree is logically required to leave the forest area "
"(Kokiri Forest / Lost Woods / Sacred Forest Meadow / Deku Tree) "
"while the Kokiri Sword and a Deku Shield are required to access the "
"Deku Tree\nItems needed for this will be guaranteed inside the "
"forest area.\nThis setting is incompatible with starting as adult.");
SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeForest", randoForest, 3, 1);
@ -3566,13 +3566,13 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
switch (CVar_GetS32("gRandomizeKakarikoGate", 0)) {
case 0:
"The gate and the Happy Mask Shop both remain\nclosed until showing "
"Zelda's Letter to the guard\nin Kakariko.");
"The gate and the Happy Mask Shop both remain closed until showing "
"Zelda's Letter to the guard in Kakariko.");
case 1:
"The gate is always open instead of needing\nZelda's Letter.\nThe Happy Mask Shop "
"opens upon obtaining \n Zelda's Letter without needing to show\nit to the guard.");
"The gate is always open instead of needing Zelda's Letter.\nThe Happy Mask Shop "
"opens upon obtaining Zelda's Letter without needing to show it to the guard.");
SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeKakarikoGate", randoKakarikoGate, 2, 1);
@ -3583,16 +3583,16 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
switch (CVar_GetS32("gRandomizeDoorOfTime", 0)) {
case 0:
"The Door of Time starts opened instead of needing\nto play the Song of Time.");
"The Door of Time starts opened instead of needing to play the Song of Time.");
case 1:
"Only an Ocarina and the Song of Time need to be\nfound to open the Door of Time.");
"Only an Ocarina and the Song of Time need to be found to open the Door of Time.");
case 2:
"The Ocarina of Time, the Song of Time and\nall Spiritual Stones need to "
"be found to\nopen the Door of Time.");
"The Ocarina of Time, the Song of Time and all Spiritual Stones need to "
"be found to open the Door of Time.");
SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeDoorOfTime", randoDoorOfTime, 3, 0);
@ -3604,17 +3604,17 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
case 0:
"King Zora obstructs the way to Zora's Fountain.\nRuto's Letter must be "
"shown as child in order to\nmove him from both eras.");
"shown as child in order to move him from both eras.");
case 1:
"King Zora is always moved in the adult era.\nThis means Ruto's Letter is "
"only required to\naccess Zora's fountain as child.");
"only required to access Zora's fountain as child.");
case 2:
"King Zora starts as moved in both the child and\nadult eras.\nThis also "
"removes Ruto's Letter from the\npool since it can't be used.");
"King Zora starts as moved in both the child and adult eras.\nThis also "
"removes Ruto's Letter from the pool since it can't be used.");
SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeZorasFountain", randoZorasFountain, 3, 0);
@ -3631,9 +3631,9 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
case 2:
"The carpenters are rescued from the start of the\ngame and if \"Shuffle "
"Gerudo Card\" is disabled,\nthe player starts with the Gerudo Card in "
"the\ninventory allowing access to Gerudo Training\nGrounds.");
"The carpenters are rescued from the start of the game and if \"Shuffle "
"Gerudo Card\" is disabled, the player starts with the Gerudo Card in "
"the inventory allowing access to Gerudo Training Grounds.");
SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeGerudoFortress", randoGerudoFortress, 3, 1);
@ -3644,41 +3644,40 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeRainbowBridge", randoRainbowBridge, 7, 3);
switch (CVar_GetS32("gRandomizeRainbowBridge", 3)) {
case 1:
InsertHelpHoverText("The Rainbow Bridge requires Shadow and Spirit\nMedallions as well "
InsertHelpHoverText("The Rainbow Bridge requires Shadow and Spirit Medallions as well "
"as Light Arrows.");
case 2:
InsertHelpHoverText("The Rainbow Bridge requires collecting a\nconfigurable number of "
InsertHelpHoverText("The Rainbow Bridge requires collecting a configurable number of "
"Spiritual Stones.");
SohImGui::EnhancementSliderInt("Stone Count: %d", "##RandoStoneCount",
"gRandomizeStoneCount", 0, 3, "");
"Sets the number of Spiritual Stones required to\nspawn the Rainbow Bridge.");
"Sets the number of Spiritual Stones required to spawn the Rainbow Bridge.");
case 3:
SohImGui::EnhancementSliderInt("Medallion Count: %d", "##RandoMedallionCount",
"gRandomizeMedallionCount", 0, 6, "", 6);
"The Rainbow Bridge requires collecting a\nconfigurable number of Medallions.");
"The Rainbow Bridge requires collecting a configurable number of Medallions.");
case 4:
SohImGui::EnhancementSliderInt("Reward Count: %d", "##RandoRewardCount",
"gRandomizeRewardCount", 0, 9, "");
SetLastItemHoverText("The Rainbow Bridge requires collecting a\nconfigurable number of "
SetLastItemHoverText("The Rainbow Bridge requires collecting a configurable number of "
"Dungeon Rewards.");
case 5:
SohImGui::EnhancementSliderInt("Dungeon Count: %d", "##RandoDungeonCount",
"gRandomizeDungeonCount", 0, 8, "");
"The Rainbow Bridge requires completing a\nconfigurable number of "
"Dungeons.\n\nDungeons "
"are considered complete when Link steps\ninto the blue warp at the end of them.");
"The Rainbow Bridge requires completing a configurable number of Dungeons.\nDungeons "
"are considered complete when Link steps into the blue warp at the end of them.");
case 6:
SohImGui::EnhancementSliderInt("Token Count: %d", "##RandoTokenCount",
"gRandomizeTokenCount", 0, 100, "");
SetLastItemHoverText("The Rainbow Bridge requires collecting a\nconfigurable number of "
SetLastItemHoverText("The Rainbow Bridge requires collecting a configurable number of "
"Gold Skulltula Tokens.");
@ -3687,17 +3686,17 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
// Random Ganon's Trials
ImGui::Text("Random Ganon's Trials");
InsertHelpHoverText("Sets a random number or required trials to enter\nGanon's Tower.");
InsertHelpHoverText("Sets a random number or required trials to enter Ganon's Tower.");
SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeGanonTrial", randoGanonsTrial, 2, 0);
if (CVar_GetS32("gRandomizeGanonTrial", 0) == 0) {
//SohImGui::EnhancementSliderInt("Ganon's Trial Count: %d", "##RandoTrialCount",
// "gRandomizeGanonTrialCount", 0, 6, "");
//InsertHelpHoverText("Set the number of trials required to enter\nGanon's Tower.");
//InsertHelpHoverText("Set the number of trials required to enter Ganon's Tower.");
// RANDTODO: Switch back to slider when pre-completing some of Ganon's Trials is properly implemnted.
SohImGui::EnhancementCheckbox("Skip Ganon's Trials", "gRandomizeGanonTrialCount");
"Sets whether or not Ganon's Castle Trials are required\nto enter Ganon's Tower.");
"Sets whether or not Ganon's Castle Trials are required to enter Ganon's Tower.");
// }
@ -3716,9 +3715,9 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
// Starting Age
// ImGui::Text("Starting Age");
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Choose which age Link will start as.\n\nStarting as adult means you start with the "
// "Master\nSword "
// "in your inventory.\n\nOnly the child option is compatible with Closed\nForest.");
// "Choose which age Link will start as.\nStarting as adult means you start with the "
// "Master Sword in your inventory.\nOnly the child option is compatible with "
// "Closed Forest.");
// SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeStartingAge", randoStartingAge, 3, 0);
// ImGui::Separator();
@ -3726,31 +3725,26 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
// Shuffle Entrances
// ImGui::Text("Shuffle Entrances");
// InsertHelpHoverText("Shuffle where the entrances between areas lead to.\n"
// "If turned on, select which kinds of entrances you\n"
// "want shuffled in the options below. Note that some\n"
// "types of entrances can have widly varying\ngeneration times.");
// "If turned on, select which kinds of entrances you "
// "want shuffled in the options below.\n Note that some "
// "types of entrances can have widly varying generation times.");
// SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeShuffleEntrances", randoShuffleEntrances, 2, 0);
// if (CVar_GetS32("gRandomizeShuffleEntrances", 0) == 1) {
// ImGui::Indent();
// ImGui::Text("Shuffle Dungeons Entrances");
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Shuffle the pool of dungeon entrances, including\nBottom of the Well, Ice caven and "
// "Gerudo\n"
// "Training Grounds However, Ganon's Caslte is not\nshuffled.\n\nAdditionally, the "
// "entrance "
// "of "
// "Deku Tree, Fire\nTemple and Bottom of the Well are opened for both\nadult and child.");
// "Shuffle the pool of dungeon entrances, including Bottom of the Well, Ice Cavern and "
// "Gerudo Training Grounds\nGanon's Castle is not shuffled.\nAdditionally, the entrance "
// "of Deku Tree, Fire Temple and Bottom of the Well are open for both adult and child.");
// SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeShuffleDungeonsEntrances",
// randoShuffleDungeonsEntrances, 2, 0);
// ImGui::Text("Shuffle Overworld Entrances");
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Shuffle the pool of Overworld entrances, which\ncorresponds to almost all loading "
// "zones "
// "between\nOverworld areas.\n\nSome entrances are unshuffled to avoid issues:\n- Hyrule "
// "Castle "
// "Courtyard and Garden entrance\n- Both Market Back Alley entrances\n- Gerudo Valley to "
// "Lake "
// "Hylia (unless entrances\nare decoupled).");
// "Shuffle the pool of Overworld entrances, which corresponds to almost all loading "
// "zones between Overworld areas.\nSome entrances are unshuffled to avoid issues:\n"
// "- Hyrule Castle Courtyard and Garden entrance\n"
// "- Both Market Back Alley entrances\n"
// "- Gerudo Valley to Lake Hylia (unless entrances are decoupled)");
// SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeShuffleOverworldEntrances",
// randoShuffleOverworldEntrances, 2, 0);
// ImGui::Text("Shuffle Interiors Entrances");
@ -3759,8 +3753,8 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
// randoShuffleInteriorsEntrances, 2, 0);
// ImGui::Text("Shuffle Grottos Entrances");
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Shuffle the pool of grotto entrances, including\nall graves, small Fairy "
// "fountains and the Lost\nWoods Stage.");
// "Shuffle the pool of grotto entrances, including all graves, small Fairy "
// "fountains and the Lost Woods Stage.");
// SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeShuffleGrottosEntrances",
// randoShuffleGrottosEntrances, 2, 0);
// ImGui::Unindent();
@ -3771,9 +3765,8 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
// Bombchus in Logic
// ImGui::Text("Bombchus in Logic");
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Bombchus are properly considered in logic.\nThey can be replenished in shops "
// "or trough\nbombchu "
// "drops, if those are enabled.\nBombchu Bowling is opened by bombchus.");
// "Bombchus are properly considered in logic.\nThey can be replenished in shops or "
// "through bombchu drops, if those are enabled.\nBombchu Bowling is opened by bombchus.");
// SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeBombchusInLogic", randoBombchusInLogic, 3, 0);
// ImGui::Separator();
@ -3783,17 +3776,17 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
// switch (CVar_GetS32("gRandomizeAmmoDrops", 0)) {
// case 0:
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Bombs, arrows, seeds, nuts, sticks and\nmagic jars appear as normal.\n"
// "Bombs, arrows, seeds, nuts, sticks and magic jars appear as normal.\n"
// "Bombchus can sometimes replace bomb drops.");
// break;
// case 1:
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "All ammo drops will be replaced by blue rupees,\nexcept for Deku Sticks.\n"
// "All ammo drops will be replaced by blue rupees, except for Deku Sticks.\n"
// "Ammo upgrades will only refill ammo by 10 units.");
// break;
// case 2:
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Bombs, arrow, seeds, nuts, sticks and\nmagic jars appear as normal.");
// "Bombs, arrow, seeds, nuts, sticks and magic jars appear as normal.");
// break;
// }
// SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeAmmoDrops", randoAmmoDrops, 3, 0);
@ -3843,20 +3836,19 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
switch (CVar_GetS32("gRandomizeShuffleDungeonReward", 0)) {
case 0:
"Medallions and Spiritual Stones will be given as\nrewards for beating "
"dungeons.\n\nThis "
"setting will force Link's Pocket to be a\nMedallion or a Spiritual Stone.");
"Medallions and Spiritual Stones will be given as rewards for beating dungeons.\n"
"This setting will force Link's Pocket to be a Medallion or a Spiritual Stone.");
case 1:
"Medallions and Spiritual Stones can only appear\ninside of dungeons.");
"Medallions and Spiritual Stones can only appear inside of dungeons.");
case 2:
"Medallions and Spiritual Stones can only appear\noutside dungeons.");
"Medallions and Spiritual Stones can only appear outside dungeons.");
case 3:
InsertHelpHoverText("Medallions and Spiritual Stones can appear\nanywhere.");
InsertHelpHoverText("Medallions and Spiritual Stones can appear anywhere.");
SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeShuffleDungeonReward", randoShuffleDungeonRewards, 4,
@ -3869,16 +3861,16 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
// ImGui::Text("Link's Pocket");
// switch (CVar_GetS32("gRandomizeLinksPocket", 0)) {
// case 0:
// InsertHelpHoverText("Link will start with a Dungeon Reward in his\ninventory.");
// InsertHelpHoverText("Link will start with a Dungeon Reward in his inventory.");
// break;
// case 1:
// InsertHelpHoverText("Link will receive a random advancement item at the\nbeginning "
// InsertHelpHoverText("Link will receive a random advancement item at the beginning "
// "of the playtrough.");
// break;
// case 2:
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Link will recieve a random item from the item pool\nat the beginning "
// "of the playthrought.");
// "Link will recieve a random item from the item pool at the beginning "
// "of the playthrough.");
// break;
// case 3:
// InsertHelpHoverText("Link will start with a very useful green rupee.");
@ -3893,16 +3885,15 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
ImGui::Text("Shuffle Songs");
switch (CVar_GetS32("gRandomizeShuffleSongs", 0)) {
case 0:
InsertHelpHoverText("Songs will only appear at locations that normally\nteach songs.");
InsertHelpHoverText("Songs will only appear at locations that normally teach songs.");
case 1:
InsertHelpHoverText("Songs appear at the end of dungeons.\nFor major dungeons, they "
"will be at the boss "
"heart container location.\nThe remaining 4 songs are placed "
"at:\n- Zelda's Lullaby "
"location\n- Ice Cavern's Serenade of Water Location\n- Bottom of "
"the Well's Lens of "
"Truth Location\n- Gerudo Training Ground's Ice Arrow Location.");
"will be at the boss heart container location.\nThe remaining 4 "
"songs are placed at:\n- Zelda's Lullaby location\n"
"- Ice Cavern's Serenade of Water Location\n"
"- Bottom of the Well's Lens of Truth Location\n"
"- Gerudo Training Ground's Ice Arrow Location.");
case 2:
InsertHelpHoverText("Songs can appear in any location");
@ -3919,32 +3910,32 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
// InsertHelpHoverText("All shop items will be the same as vanilla.");
// break;
// case 1:
// InsertHelpHoverText("Vanilla shop items will be shuffled among\ndifferent shops.");
// InsertHelpHoverText("Vanilla shop items will be shuffled among different shops.");
// break;
// case 2:
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Vanilla shop items will be shuffled among different shops, and each "
// "shop will contain\n1 non-vanilla shop item.");
// "shop will contain 1 non-vanilla shop item.");
// break;
// case 3:
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Vanilla shop items will be shuffled among different shops, and each "
// "shop will contain\n2 non-vanilla shop items.");
// "shop will contain 2 non-vanilla shop items.");
// break;
// case 4:
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Vanilla shop items will be shuffled among different shops, and each "
// "shop will contain\n3 non-vanilla shop items.");
// "shop will contain 3 non-vanilla shop items.");
// break;
// case 5:
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Vanilla shop items will be shuffled among different shops, and each "
// "shop will contain\n4 non-vanilla shop items.");
// "shop will contain 4 non-vanilla shop items.");
// break;
// case 6:
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Vanilla shop items will be shuffled among different shops, and each "
// "shop will contain\n1 to 4 non-vanilla shop items.");
// "shop will contain 1 to 4 non-vanilla shop items.");
// break;
// }
// SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeShopsanity", randoShopsanity, 7, 0);
@ -3959,16 +3950,15 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
// break;
// case 1:
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "This only shuffles 65 location that are\nwithing dungeons, increasing the value "
// "of "
// "most\ndungeons and making internal dungeon exploration\nmore diverse.");
// "This only shuffles 65 location that are within dungeons, increasing the value "
// "of most dungeons and making internal dungeon exploration more diverse.");
// break;
// case 2:
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "This only shuffles the 65 locations that are\noutside of dungeons.");
// "This only shuffles the 65 locations that are outside of dungeons.");
// break;
// case 3:
// InsertHelpHoverText("Effectively adds 100 new locations for items to\nappear.");
// InsertHelpHoverText("Effectively adds 100 new locations for items to appear.");
// break;
// }
// SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeTokensanity", randoTokensanity, 4, 0);
@ -3980,15 +3970,15 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
// switch (CVar_GetS32("gRandomizeShuffleScrubs", 0)) {
// case 0:
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Only the 3 Scrubs that give one-time items in the\nvanilla game (PoH, "
// "Deku Nut capacity, and Deku\nStick capacity) will have random items.");
// "Only the 3 Scrubs that give one-time items in the vanilla game (PoH, "
// "Deku Nut capacity, and Deku Stick capacity) will have random items.");
// break;
// case 1:
// InsertHelpHoverText("All Scrub prices will be reduced to 10 rupees each.");
// break;
// case 2:
// InsertHelpHoverText("All Scrub prices will be their vanilla prices.\nThis will require "
// "spending over 1000 rupees on\nSrubs.");
// "spending over 1000 rupees on Scrubs.");
// break;
// case 3:
// InsertHelpHoverText("All Scrub prices will be between 0 to 95 rupees.\nThis will on "
@ -4002,16 +3992,16 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
// // Shuffle Cows
// ImGui::Text("Shuffle Cows");
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Enabling this will let cows give you items upon\nperforming Epona's Song in "
// "front of them. There\nare 9 cows.");
// "Enabling this will let cows give you items upon performing Epona's Song in "
// "front of them. There are 9 cows.");
// SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeShuffleCows", randoShuffleCows, 2, 0);
// ImGui::Separator();
if(CVar_GetS32("gRandomizeStartingKokiriSword", 0) == 0) {
// Shuffle Kokiri Sword
ImGui::Text("Shuffle Kokiri Sword");
InsertHelpHoverText("Enabling this shuffles the Kokiri Sword into the item pool.\n\nThis will "
"require extensive use of sticks until\nthe sword is found.");
InsertHelpHoverText("Enabling this shuffles the Kokiri Sword into the item pool.\nThis will "
"require extensive use of sticks until the sword is found.");
SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeShuffleKokiriSword", randoShuffleKokiriSword, 2, 0);
@ -4019,9 +4009,9 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
if(CVar_GetS32("gRandomizeStartingOcarina", 0) == 0) {
// Shuffle Ocarinas
ImGui::Text("Shuffle Ocarinas");
InsertHelpHoverText("Enabling this shuffles the Fairy Ocarina and the\nOcarina of time into "
"the item pool.\n\nThis "
"will require finding an Ocarina before being\nable to play songs.");
InsertHelpHoverText("Enabling this shuffles the Fairy Ocarina and the Ocarina of time into "
"the item pool.\n"
"This will require finding an Ocarina before being able to play songs.");
SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeShuffleOcarinas", randoShuffleOcarinas, 2, 0);
@ -4031,11 +4021,11 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
// Shuffle Weird Egg
ImGui::Text("Shuffle Weird Egg");
"Enabling this shuffles the Weird Egg from Malon\ninto the item pool.\nThis "
"will require finding the Weird Egg to talk to\nZelda in Hyrule Castle which "
"in turn locks\nrewards from Impa, Xaria, Malon and Talon as\nwell as the "
"Happy Mask Sidequest. The Weird egg\nis also required for Zelda's Letter to "
"unlock the\nKakariko Gate as child which can lock some\nprogression.");
"Enabling this shuffles the Weird Egg from Malon into the item pool.\nThis "
"will require finding the Weird Egg to talk to Zelda in Hyrule Castle which "
"in turn unlocks rewards from Impa, Saria, Malon and Talon as well as the "
"Happy Mask Sidequest.\nThe Weird egg is also required for Zelda's Letter to "
"unlock the Kakariko Gate as child which can lock some progression.");
SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeShuffleWeirdEgg", randoShuffleWeirdEgg, 2, 0);
@ -4043,16 +4033,16 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
// Shuffle Gerudo Membership Card
ImGui::Text("Shuffle Gerudo Membership Card");
"Enabling this shuffles the Gerudo Membership Card into the\nitem pool.\n\nThe Gerudo "
"Token is required to enter the Gerudo\nTraining Ground.");
"Enabling this shuffles the Gerudo Membership Card into the item pool.\nThe Gerudo "
"Token is required to enter the Gerudo Training Ground.");
SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeShuffleGerudoToken", randoShuffleGerudoToken, 2, 0);
// todo implement magic bean 10 pack
// // Shuffle Magic Beans
// ImGui::Text("Shuffle Magic Beans");
// InsertHelpHoverText("Enabling this adds a pack of 10 beans to the item\n"
// "pool and changes the Magic Bean Salesman to sell a\n"
// InsertHelpHoverText("Enabling this adds a pack of 10 beans to the item "
// "pool and changes the Magic Bean Salesman to sell a "
// "random item at a price of 60 rupees.");
// SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeShuffleMagicBeans", randoShuffleMagicBeans, 2, 0);
// ImGui::Separator();
@ -4062,13 +4052,13 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
// ImGui::Text("Shuffle Merchants");
// if (CVar_GetS32("gRandomizeShuffleMerchants", 0) == 0) {
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Enabling this adds a Giant's Knife and a pack\nof Bombchus to the item "
// "pool and changes both\nMediagoron and the Haunted Wasteland "
// "Carpet\nSalesman to sell a random item once at the price\nof 200 rupees.");
// "Enabling this adds a Giant's Knife and a pack of Bombchus to the item "
// "pool and changes both Mediagoron and the Haunted Wasteland "
// "Carpet Salesman to sell a random item once at the price of 200 rupees.");
// } else if (CVar_GetS32("gRandomizeShuffleMerchants", 0) <= 2) {
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "These hints will make Medigoron and the Carpet\nsalesman tell you which item they\'re "
// "selling.\n\nThe Clearer Hints setting will affect how they\nrefer to the item.");
// "These hints will make Medigoron and the Carpet salesman tell you which item they're "
// "selling.\nThe Clearer Hints setting will affect how they refer to the item.");
// }
// SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeShuffleMerchants", randoShuffleMerchants, 3, 0);
// ImGui::Separator();
@ -4077,13 +4067,10 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
// Shuffle Adult Trade
// ImGui::Text("Shuffle Adult Trade");
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Enabling this adds all of the adult trade quest\nitems to the pool, each of which can be "
// "traded\nfor a unique reward You will be able to choose\nwhich of your owner adult trade "
// "items "
// " "
// "is visible\nin the inventory by selecting the item and using\nthe L and R buttons If "
// "disabled "
// "only the Claim\nCheck will be found in the pool.");
// "Enabling this adds all of the adult trade quest items to the pool, each of which can be "
// "traded for a unique reward.\nYou will be able to choose which of your adult trade items "
// "are visible in the inventory by selecting the item and using the L and R buttons.\n"
// "If disabled only the Claim Check will be found in the pool.");
// SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeShuffleAdultTrade", randoShuffleAdultTrade, 2, 0);
@ -4114,26 +4101,26 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
// ImGui::Text("Maps / Compasses");
// switch (CVar_GetS32("gRandomizeShuffleMapsAndCompasses", 0)) {
// case 0:
// InsertHelpHoverText("Maps and Compasses can only appear in their repsective dungeon.");
// InsertHelpHoverText("Maps and Compasses can only appear in their respective dungeon.");
// break;
// case 1:
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Maps and Compasses can only appear in a dungeon\nbut not necessarily the "
// "Maps and Compasses can only appear in a dungeon but not necessarily the "
// "dungeon they are for.");
// break;
// case 2:
// InsertHelpHoverText("Maps and Compasses can only appear outside of\ndungeons.");
// InsertHelpHoverText("Maps and Compasses can only appear outside of dungeons.");
// break;
// case 3:
// InsertHelpHoverText("Maps and Compasses can appear anywhere in the\nworld.");
// InsertHelpHoverText("Maps and Compasses can appear anywhere in the world.");
// break;
// case 4:
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Maps and Compasses are given to you from the start.\nThis will add a "
// "small amount of money and\nrefill items to the pool.");
// "small amount of money and refill items to the pool.");
// break;
// case 5:
// InsertHelpHoverText("Maps and Compasses will appear in their vanilla\nlocations.");
// InsertHelpHoverText("Maps and Compasses will appear in their vanilla locations.");
// break;
// }
// SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeShuffleMapsAndCompasses", randoShuffleMapsAndCompasses,
@ -4145,28 +4132,28 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
// ImGui::Text("Small Keys");
// switch (CVar_GetS32("gRandomizeShuffleSmallKeys", 0)) {
// case 0:
// InsertHelpHoverText("Small Keys can only appear in their respective\ndungeon.");
// InsertHelpHoverText("Small Keys can only appear in their respective dungeon.");
// break;
// case 1:
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Small Keys can only appear inside of any dungon,\nbut won't necessarily "
// "be in the dungeon that the\nkey is for.\nA difficult mode since it is "
// "more likely\nto need to enter a dungeon multiple times.");
// "Small Keys can only appear inside of any dungon, but won't necessarily "
// "be in the dungeon that the key is for.\nA difficult mode since it is "
// "more likely to need to enter a dungeon multiple times.");
// break;
// case 2:
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Small Keys can only appear outside of dungeons.\nYou may need to enter a "
// "dungeon multiple times to\ngain items to access the overworld locations "
// "with\nthe keys required to finish a dungeon.");
// "dungeon multiple times to gain items to access the overworld locations "
// "with the keys required to finish a dungeon.");
// break;
// case 3:
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Small Keys can appear anywhere in the world.\nA difficult mode since it "
// "is more likely to need to\nenter a dungeon multiple times.");
// "is more likely to need to enter a dungeon multiple times.");
// break;
// case 4:
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Small Keys are given to you from the start so you\nwon't have to worry "
// "Small Keys are given to you from the start so you won't have to worry "
// "about locked doors.\nAn easier mode.");
// break;
// case 5:
@ -4182,18 +4169,17 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
// switch (CVar_GetS32("gRandomizeShuffleGerudoFortressKeys", 0)) {
// case 0:
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Gerudo Fortress Keys will appear in their vanilla\nlocation dropping "
// "from fighting Gerudo "
// "guard\nthat attack when trying to free the jailed\ncarpenters.");
// "Gerudo Fortress Keys will appear in their vanilla location dropping from "
// "fighting Gerudo guards that attack when trying to free the jailed carpenters.");
// break;
// case 1:
// InsertHelpHoverText("Gerudo Fortress Keys can only appear inside of\ndungeons.");
// InsertHelpHoverText("Gerudo Fortress Keys can only appear inside of dungeons.");
// break;
// case 2:
// InsertHelpHoverText("Gerudo Fortress Keys can only appear outside of\ndungeons.");
// InsertHelpHoverText("Gerudo Fortress Keys can only appear outside of dungeons.");
// break;
// case 3:
// InsertHelpHoverText("Gerudo Fortress Keys can appear anywhere in the\nworld.");
// InsertHelpHoverText("Gerudo Fortress Keys can appear anywhere in the world.");
// break;
// }
// SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeShuffleGerudoFortressKeys",
@ -4205,28 +4191,27 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
// ImGui::Text("Boss Keys");
// switch (CVar_GetS32("gRandomizeShuffleBossKeys", 0)) {
// case 0:
// InsertHelpHoverText("Boss Keys can only appear in their respective\ndungeons.");
// InsertHelpHoverText("Boss Keys can only appear in their respective dungeons.");
// break;
// case 1:
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Boss Keys can only appear inside of any dungeon,\nbut won't necessarily "
// "be in the dungon that the\nkey is for.\nA difficult mode since it is "
// "more\nlikely to need to enter a dungeon multiple times.");
// "Boss Keys can only appear inside of any dungeon, but won't necessarily "
// "be in the dungon that the key is for.\nA difficult mode since it is "
// "more likely to need to enter a dungeon multiple times.");
// break;
// case 2:
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Boss keys can only appear outside of dungeons.\nYou may need to enter a dungeon "
// "without "
// "the boss\nkey to get items required to find the key in the\noverworld.");
// "Boss Keys can only appear outside of dungeons.\nYou may need to enter a dungeon "
// "without the boss key to get items required to find the key in the overworld.");
// break;
// case 3:
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Boss key can appear anywhere in the overworld.\nA difficult mode since it "
// "is more likely to need to\nenter a dungeon multiple times.");
// "Boss Keys can appear anywhere in the overworld.\nA difficult mode since it "
// "is more likely to need to enter a dungeon multiple times.");
// break;
// case 4:
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Boss Keys are given to you from the start so you\nwon't have to worry "
// "Boss Keys are given to you from the start so you won't have to worry "
// "about boss doors.\nAn easier mode.");
// break;
// case 5:
@ -4245,80 +4230,80 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
switch (CVar_GetS32("gRandomizeShuffleGanonBossKey", 0)) {
case 0:
"Ganon's Boss Key is given to you from the\nstart and you don't "
"Ganon's Boss Key is given to you from the start and you don't "
"have to worry about finding it.");
case 1:
SetLastItemHoverText("Ganon's Boss Key will appear in the vanilla\nlocation.");
SetLastItemHoverText("Ganon's Boss Key will appear in the vanilla location.");
case 2:
SetLastItemHoverText("Ganon's Boss Key will appear somewhere inside\nGanon's Castle.");
SetLastItemHoverText("Ganon's Boss Key will appear somewhere inside Ganon's Castle.");
// case 0:
// SetLastItemHoverText(
// "Ganon's Castle Boss Key can only appear inside of\na dungeon, but not "
// "Ganon's Castle Boss Key can only appear inside of a dungeon, but not "
// "necessarily Ganon's Castle.");
// break;
// case 1:
// SetLastItemHoverText("Ganon's Castle Boss Key can only appear outside of\ndungeons.");
// SetLastItemHoverText("Ganon's Castle Boss Key can only appear outside of dungeons.");
// break;
// case 2:
// SetLastItemHoverText("Ganon's Castle Boss Key can appear anywhere in the\nworld.");
// SetLastItemHoverText("Ganon's Castle Boss Key can appear anywhere in the world.");
// break;
// case 3:
// SetLastItemHoverText(
// "These settings put the boss key on the Light Arrow\nCutscene location, "
// "from Zelda in Temple of Time as\nadult, with differing requirements.");
// "These settings put the boss key on the Light Arrow Cutscene location, "
// "from Zelda in Temple of Time as adult, with differing requirements.");
// break;
// case 4:
// SetLastItemHoverText("Ganon's Caslte Boss Key can appear anywhere in the\nworld.");
// SetLastItemHoverText("Ganon's Castle Boss Key can appear anywhere in the world.");
// break;
// case 5:
// SetLastItemHoverText(
// "These settings put the boss key on the Light Arrow\nCutscene location, "
// "from Zelda in Temple of Time as\nadult, with differing requirements.");
// "These settings put the boss key on the Light Arrow Cutscene location, "
// "from Zelda in Temple of Time as adult, with differing requirements.");
// SohImGui::EnhancementSliderInt("Medallion Count: %d", "##RandoGanonMedallionCount",
// "gRandomizeGanonMedallionCount", 0, 6, "");
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Set the number of Medallions required to trigger\nthe Light Arrow Cutscene.");
// "Set the number of Medallions required to trigger the Light Arrow Cutscene.");
// break;
// case 6:
// SetLastItemHoverText(
// "These settings put the boss key on the Light Arrow\nCutscene location, "
// "from Zelda in Temple of Time as\nadult, with differing requirements.");
// "These settings put the boss key on the Light Arrow Cutscene location, "
// "from Zelda in Temple of Time as adult, with differing requirements.");
// SohImGui::EnhancementSliderInt("Stone Count: %d", "##RandoGanonStoneCount",
// "gRandomizeGanonStoneCount", 0, 3, "");
// InsertHelpHoverText("Set the number of Spiritual Stones required to trigger\nthe Light "
// InsertHelpHoverText("Set the number of Spiritual Stones required to trigger the Light "
// "Arrow Cutscene.");
// break;
// case 7:
// SetLastItemHoverText(
// "These settings put the boss key on the Light Arrow\nCutscene location, "
// "from Zelda in Temple of Time as\nadult, with differing requirements.");
// "These settings put the boss key on the Light Arrow Cutscene location, "
// "from Zelda in Temple of Time as adult, with differing requirements.");
// SohImGui::EnhancementSliderInt("Reward Count: %d", "##RandoGanonRewardCount",
// "gRandomizeGanonRewardCount", 0, 9, "");
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Set the number of Dungeon Rewards (Spiritual\nStones and Medallions) "
// "required to trigger the\nLight Arrow Cutscene.");
// "Set the number of Dungeon Rewards (Spiritual Stones and Medallions) "
// "required to trigger the Light Arrow Cutscene.");
// break;
// case 8:
// SetLastItemHoverText(
// "These settings put the boss key on the Light Arrow\nCutscene location, "
// "from Zelda in Temple of Time as\nadult, with differing requirements.");
// "These settings put the boss key on the Light Arrow Cutscene location, "
// "from Zelda in Temple of Time as adult, with differing requirements.");
// SohImGui::EnhancementSliderInt("MDungeon Count: %d", "##RandoGanonDungeonCount",
// "gRandomizeGanonDungeonCount", 0, 8, "");
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Set the number of completed dungeons required to\ntrigger the Light Arrow "
// "Cutscene.\n\nDungeons are considered complete when Link steps\ninto the "
// "Set the number of completed dungeons required to trigger the Light Arrow "
// "Cutscene.\nDungeons are considered complete when Link steps into the "
// "blue warp at the end of them.");
// break;
// case 9:
// SetLastItemHoverText(
// "These settings put the boss key on the Light Arrow\nCutscene location, "
// "from Zelda in Temple of Time as\nadult, with differing requirements.");
// "These settings put the boss key on the Light Arrow Cutscene location, "
// "from Zelda in Temple of Time as adult, with differing requirements.");
// SohImGui::EnhancementSliderInt("Token Count: %d", "##RandoGanonTokenCount",
// "gRandomizeGanonTokenCount", 0, 100, "");
// InsertHelpHoverText("Set the number of Gold Skulltula Tokens required\nto trigger the "
// InsertHelpHoverText("Set the number of Gold Skulltula Tokens required to trigger the "
// "Light Arrow Cutscene.");
// break;
@ -4342,82 +4327,82 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
// todo implement minigame repeat skip
// // Skip Minigame repetition
// SohImGui::EnhancementCheckbox("Skip Minigame Repetition", "gRandomizeSkipMinigameRepetition");
// InsertHelpHoverText("Completing the second objective in the Dampe Race\nand Gerudo Archery on the "
// "first attempt will give\nboth rewards at once for that minigame.");
// InsertHelpHoverText("Completing the second objective in the Dampe Race and Gerudo Archery on the "
// "first attempt will give both rewards at once for that minigame.");
// ImGui::Separator();
// todo implement free scarecrow (is this already in?)
// // Free scarecrow
// SohImGui::EnhancementCheckbox("Free Scarecrow", "gRandomizeFreeScarecrow");
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Pulling the Ocarina near a spot at which\nPierre can spawn will do so, without "
// "needing\nthe song.");
// "Pulling the Ocarina near a spot at which Pierre can spawn will do so, without "
// "needing the song.");
// ImGui::Separator();
// todo implement skip poes (did we already?)
// // Skip Four Poes cutscene
// SohImGui::EnhancementCheckbox("Skip Four Poes Cutscene", "gRandomizeSkipFourPoesCutscene");
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "The cutscene with the 4 poes in Forest Temple will\nbe skipped. If the cutscene "
// "is not skipped, it can\nbe exploited to reach the basement early.");
// "The cutscene with the 4 poes in Forest Temple will be skipped. If the cutscene "
// "is not skipped, it can be exploited to reach the basement early.");
// ImGui::Separator();
// todo implement skip lake hylia owl
// // Skip Lake Hylia owl
// SohImGui::EnhancementCheckbox("Skip Lake Hylia Owl Cutscene", "gRandomizeSkipLakeHyliaOwl");
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "The owl flight cutscene in Lake Hylia will be\nskipped. This cutscene lets you "
// "see what item\nis on top of the laboratory roof.");
// "The owl flight cutscene in Lake Hylia will be skipped. This cutscene lets you "
// "see what item is on top of the laboratory roof.");
// ImGui::Separator();
// Cuccos to return
SohImGui::EnhancementSliderInt("Cuccos to return: %d", "##RandoCuccosToReturn",
"gRandomizeCuccosToReturn", 0, 7, "", 7);
InsertHelpHoverText("The cucco Lady will give a reward for returning\nthis many of her cuccos to the pen.");
InsertHelpHoverText("The cucco Lady will give a reward for returning this many of her cuccos to the pen.");
// // Big Poe Target Count
SohImGui::EnhancementSliderInt("Big Poe Target Count: %d", "##RandoBigPoeTargetCount",
"gRandomizeBigPoeTargetCount", 1, 10, "", 10);
InsertHelpHoverText("The Poe buyer will give a reward for turning in\nthe chosen number of Big Poes.");
InsertHelpHoverText("The Poe buyer will give a reward for turning in the chosen number of Big Poes.");
// // Skip child stealth
SohImGui::EnhancementCheckbox("Skip Child Stealth", "gRandomizeSkipChildStealth");
InsertHelpHoverText("The crawlspace into Hyrule Castle goes straight to\nZelda, skipping the guards.");
InsertHelpHoverText("The crawlspace into Hyrule Castle goes straight to Zelda, skipping the guards.");
// Skip Epona race
SohImGui::EnhancementCheckbox("Skip Epona Race", "gRandomizeSkipEponaRace");
InsertHelpHoverText("Epona can be summoned with Epona's Song without\nneeding to race Ingo.");
InsertHelpHoverText("Epona can be summoned with Epona's Song without needing to race Ingo.");
// Skip tower escape
SohImGui::EnhancementCheckbox("Skip Tower Escape", "gRandomizeSkipTowerEscape");
InsertHelpHoverText("The tower escape sequence between Ganondorf and\nGanon will be skipped.");
InsertHelpHoverText("The tower escape sequence between Ganondorf and Ganon will be skipped.");
// todo implement complete mask quest
// // Complete Mask Quest
// SohImGui::EnhancementCheckbox("Complete Mask Quest", "gRandomizeCompleteMaskQuest");
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Once the Happy Mask Shop is opened, all masks\nwill be available to be borrowed.");
// "Once the Happy Mask Shop is opened, all masks will be available to be borrowed.");
// ImGui::Separator();
// todo implement keep farores (in soh)
// // Keep Farore's Wind Warp Point
// SohImGui::EnhancementCheckbox("Keep Farore's Wind Warp Point", "gRandomizeKeepFaroresWindWarp");
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "The Farore's Wind warp point will stay active\nafter having been warped to. The "
// "old point will\nneed to be dispelled before setting a new one.");
// "The Farore's Wind warp point will stay active after having been warped to.\nThe "
// "old point will need to be dispelled before setting a new one.");
// ImGui::Separator();
// todo implement skip song replays (in soh)
// // Skip Song Replays
// ImGui::Text("Skip Song Replays");
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "The automatic replay after you play a song will\nbe skipped.\nYou can choose to "
// "keep the SFX anyway, but you\nwill have control of Link during it.");
// "The automatic replay after you play a song will be skipped.\nYou can choose to "
// "keep the SFX anyway, but you will have control of Link during it.");
// SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeSkipSongReplays", randoSkipSongReplays, 3, 0);
// ImGui::Separator();
@ -4428,12 +4413,10 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
// Gossip Stone Hints
ImGui::Text("Gossip Stone Hints");
"Gossip Stones can be made to give hints about\nwhere items can be found.\nDifferent settings "
"can "
"be chosen to decide which\nitem is needed to speak to Gossip Stones. Choosing\nto sticl with "
"the "
"Mask of Trutj will make the\nhints very difficult to obtain.\nHints for \"on the way of the "
"hero\" are locations\ntaht contain items that are required to beat the\ngame.");
"Gossip Stones can be made to give hints about where items can be found.\nDifferent settings can "
"be chosen to decide which item is needed to speak to Gossip Stones. \nChoosing to stick with the "
"Mask of Truth will make the hints very difficult to obtain.\nHints for \"on the way of the "
"hero\" are locations that contain items that are required to beat the game.");
SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeGossipStoneHints", randoGossipStoneHints, 4, 1);
if (CVar_GetS32("gRandomizeGossipStoneHints", 1) != 0) {
@ -4443,18 +4426,18 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
switch (CVar_GetS32("gRandomizeHintClarity", 2)) {
case 0:
"Sets the difficulty of hints.\nObscure: Hints are unique for each thing, but\nthe "
"Sets the difficulty of hints.\nObscure: Hints are unique for each thing, but the "
"writing may be confusing.\nEx: Kokiri Sword > a butter knife");
case 1:
"Sets the difficulty of hints.\nAmbiguous: Hints are clearly written, "
"but may\nrefer to more than one thing.\nEx: Kokiri Sword > a sword");
"but may refer to more than one thing.\nEx: Kokiri Sword > a sword");
case 2:
"Sets the difficulty of hints.\nClear: Hints are clearly written and "
"are unique\nfor each thing.\nEx: Kokiri Sword > the Kokiri Sword");
"are unique for each thing.\nEx: Kokiri Sword > the Kokiri Sword");
SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeHintClarity", randoHintClarity, 3, 2);
@ -4490,7 +4473,7 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
// todo implement starting time
// // Starting Time
// ImGui::Text("Starting Time");
// InsertHelpHoverText("Change up Link's sleep routine.");
// InsertHelpHoverText("Change up Link's sleep routine.");
// SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeStartingTime", randoStartingTime, 2, 0);
// ImGui::Separator();
@ -4498,7 +4481,7 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
// // Chest Size and Color
// ImGui::Text("Chest Size and Color");
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "This option will change the appearance of all\nregular chests depending on their "
// "This option will change the appearance of all regular chests depending on their "
// "contents:\nMajor Items = Big Wooden Chests\nLesser Items = Small Wooden "
// "Chests\nBoss Keys = Big Fancy Chests\nSmall Keys = Small Fancy Chests");
// SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeChestSizeAndColor", randoChestSizeAndColor, 2, 0);
@ -4509,11 +4492,11 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
// switch (CVar_GetS32("gRandomize", 0)) {
// case 0:
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "All alternative traps will cause a small damage\nand no other negative effets.");
// "All alternative traps will cause small damage and no other negative effects.");
// break;
// case 1:
// InsertHelpHoverText("Some chest traps will burn your Deku Shield or\ncause a lot of damage "
// "(with one-hit protection).");
// InsertHelpHoverText("Some chest traps will burn your Deku Shield or cause a lot of damage "
// "(with one-hit KO protection).");
// break;
// case 2:
// InsertHelpHoverText("All traps will be the base game ice trap.");
@ -4535,7 +4518,7 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
InsertHelpHoverText("Original item pool.");
case 2:
InsertHelpHoverText("Some excess items are removed, including health\nupgrades.");
InsertHelpHoverText("Some excess items are removed, including health upgrades.");
case 3:
InsertHelpHoverText("Most excess items are removed.");
@ -4555,14 +4538,14 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
case 2:
"Chance to add extra Ice Traps when junk items are\nadded to the item pool.");
"Chance to add extra Ice Traps when junk items are added to the item pool.");
case 3:
InsertHelpHoverText("All added junk items will be Ice Traps.");
case 4:
"All junk items will be replaced by Ice Traps, even\nthose in the base pool.");
"All junk items will be replaced by Ice Traps, even those in the base pool.");
SohImGui::EnhancementCombobox("gRandomizeIceTraps", randoIceTraps, 5, 1);
@ -4571,7 +4554,7 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
// todo implement double defense getitem
// // Remove Double Defense
// SohImGui::EnhancementCheckbox("Remove Double Defense", "gRandomizeRemoveDoubleDefense");
// InsertHelpHoverText("If set the double defense item will be removed\nfrom the item pool for "
// InsertHelpHoverText("If set the double defense item will be removed from the item pool for "
// "balanced and plentiful.");
// ImGui::Separator();
@ -4579,8 +4562,8 @@ void DrawRandoEditor(bool& open) {
// // Prog Goron Sword
// SohImGui::EnhancementCheckbox("Prog Goron Sword", "gRandomizeProgGoronSword");
// InsertHelpHoverText(
// "Giant's Knife will walays be found before Biggoron's\nSword. Medigoron only "
// "starts selling new knives\nonce the Giant's Knife has been found\nand broken.");
// "Giant's Knife will always be found before Biggoron's Sword.\nMedigoron only "
// "starts selling new knives once the Giant's Knife has been found and broken.");
// ImGui::Separator();
@ -985,7 +985,7 @@ void DrawItemTracker(bool& open) {
SohImGui::EnhancementCheckbox("Display \"Ammo/MaxAmo\"", "gItemTrackerAmmoDisplay");
SohImGui::EnhancementCheckbox("Randomizer colors for Songs", "gItemTrackeSongColor");
SohImGui::Tooltip("Will dispaly non-warp songs with randomizer\ncolors instead of pure white");
SohImGui::Tooltip("Will display non-warp songs with randomizer colors instead of pure white");
SohImGui::EnhancementSliderInt("Icon size : %dpx", "##ITEMTRACKERICONSIZE", "gRandoTrackIconSize", 32, 128, "");
SohImGui::EnhancementSliderInt("X spacing : %dpx", "##ITEMTRACKERSPACINGX", "gRandoTrackIconSpacingX", minimalSpacingX, 256,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user