Add holiday menu and various examples

This commit is contained in:
Garrett Cox 2024-11-01 09:09:13 -05:00
parent 0425539fee
commit 563061beda
36 changed files with 3356 additions and 126 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,862 @@
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View File

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View File

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<Vtx X="705" Y="-2001" Z="-657" S="496" T="215" R="103" G="0" B="182" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="593" Y="-2001" Z="-540" S="496" T="307" R="126" G="0" B="19" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="634" Y="-1931" Z="-559" S="602" T="295" R="72" G="98" B="36" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="608" Y="-1944" Z="-522" S="572" T="315" R="106" G="70" B="247" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="498" Y="-1900" Z="-397" S="693" T="368" R="7" G="127" B="0" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="651" Y="-1931" Z="-453" S="593" T="344" R="57" G="104" B="211" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="733" Y="-1944" Z="-397" S="572" T="368" R="76" G="102" B="0" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="651" Y="-1931" Z="-341" S="593" T="392" R="57" G="104" B="45" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="608" Y="-1944" Z="-271" S="572" T="421" R="106" G="70" B="9" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="634" Y="-1931" Z="-235" S="602" T="441" R="72" G="98" B="220" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="593" Y="-2001" Z="-254" S="496" T="429" R="126" G="0" B="237" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="593" Y="-2001" Z="-254" S="496" T="429" R="126" G="0" B="237" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="691" Y="-2001" Z="-327" S="496" T="398" R="81" G="0" B="98" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="651" Y="-1931" Z="-341" S="593" T="392" R="57" G="104" B="45" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="608" Y="-2058" Z="-271" S="420" T="421" R="106" G="186" B="9" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="651" Y="-2071" Z="-341" S="399" T="392" R="57" G="152" B="45" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="796" Y="-2001" Z="-397" S="496" T="368" R="127" G="0" B="0" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="733" Y="-2058" Z="-397" S="420" T="368" R="76" G="154" B="0" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="691" Y="-2001" Z="-467" S="496" T="338" R="81" G="0" B="158" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="651" Y="-2071" Z="-453" S="399" T="344" R="57" G="152" B="211" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="593" Y="-2001" Z="-540" S="496" T="307" R="126" G="0" B="19" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="608" Y="-2058" Z="-522" S="420" T="315" R="106" G="186" B="247" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="608" Y="-1944" Z="-522" S="572" T="315" R="106" G="70" B="247" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="651" Y="-1931" Z="-453" S="593" T="344" R="57" G="104" B="211" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="733" Y="-1944" Z="-397" S="572" T="368" R="76" G="102" B="0" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="596" Y="2054" Z="219" S="909" T="660" R="78" G="9" B="100" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="580" Y="1883" Z="161" S="942" T="749" R="80" G="198" B="80" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="757" Y="1955" Z="101" S="1049" T="712" R="54" G="192" B="95" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="585" Y="1755" Z="0" S="976" T="838" R="93" G="169" B="0" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="862" Y="1909" Z="0" S="1124" T="737" R="79" G="156" B="0" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="757" Y="1955" Z="-101" S="1049" T="712" R="54" G="192" B="161" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="580" Y="1883" Z="-161" S="942" T="749" R="80" G="198" B="176" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="596" Y="2054" Z="-219" S="909" T="660" R="78" G="9" B="156" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="810" Y="2051" Z="-119" S="1065" T="652" R="61" G="6" B="145" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="758" Y="2136" Z="-99" S="1042" T="599" R="49" G="83" B="173" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="572" Y="2204" Z="-146" S="932" T="581" R="74" G="80" B="191" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="605" Y="2242" Z="0" S="954" T="501" R="66" G="109" B="0" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="868" Y="2159" Z="0" S="1113" T="568" R="69" G="107" B="0" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="758" Y="2136" Z="99" S="1042" T="599" R="49" G="83" B="83" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="572" Y="2204" Z="146" S="932" T="581" R="74" G="80" B="65" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="810" Y="2051" Z="119" S="1065" T="652" R="61" G="6" B="111" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="1027" Y="2047" Z="0" S="1273" T="636" R="127" G="2" B="0" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="810" Y="2051" Z="119" S="1065" T="652" R="61" G="6" B="111" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="757" Y="1955" Z="101" S="1049" T="712" R="54" G="192" B="95" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="862" Y="1909" Z="0" S="1124" T="737" R="79" G="156" B="0" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="757" Y="1955" Z="-101" S="1049" T="712" R="54" G="192" B="161" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="810" Y="2051" Z="-119" S="1065" T="652" R="61" G="6" B="145" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="758" Y="2136" Z="-99" S="1042" T="599" R="49" G="83" B="173" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="868" Y="2159" Z="0" S="1113" T="568" R="69" G="107" B="0" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="758" Y="2136" Z="99" S="1042" T="599" R="49" G="83" B="83" A="255"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
<Vertex Version="0">
<Vtx X="139" Y="2608" Z="675" S="-16" T="-16" R="108" G="48" B="48" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="360" Y="2113" Z="675" S="2032" T="-16" R="108" G="48" B="48" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="546" Y="2195" Z="172" S="2032" T="2032" R="108" G="48" B="48" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="325" Y="2691" Z="172" S="-16" T="2032" R="108" G="48" B="48" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="139" Y="2608" Z="-675" S="-16" T="-16" R="108" G="48" B="208" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="325" Y="2691" Z="-172" S="-16" T="2032" R="108" G="48" B="208" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="546" Y="2195" Z="-172" S="2032" T="2032" R="108" G="48" B="208" A="255"/>
<Vtx X="360" Y="2113" Z="-675" S="2032" T="-16" R="108" G="48" B="208" A="255"/>

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -137,6 +137,9 @@ static const ALIGN_ASSET(2) char gXmasDecor100DL[] = dgXmasDecor100DL;
#define dgXmasStarDL "__OTR__objects/object_xmas_tree/gXmasStarDL"
static const ALIGN_ASSET(2) char gXmasStarDL[] = dgXmasStarDL;
#define dgPenguinDL "__OTR__objects/object_penguin/object_penguin_DL"
static const ALIGN_ASSET(2) char gPenguinDL[] = dgPenguinDL;
#define dgKakarikoDecorDL "__OTR__objects/object_kakariko_decor/gKakarikoDecorDL"
static const ALIGN_ASSET(2) char gKakarikoDecorDL[] = dgKakarikoDecorDL;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
#include "Holiday.hpp"
#include "soh/Enhancements/randomizer/3drando/random.hpp"
#include "soh/frame_interpolation.h"
#include "soh_assets.h"
#include "overlays/actors/ovl_En_Gs/z_en_gs.h"
#include "overlays/actors/ovl_En_Clear_Tag/z_en_clear_tag.h"
extern "C" {
#include "macros.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "variables.h"
extern PlayState* gPlayState;
#define AUTHOR "AGreenSpoon"
#define CVAR(v) "gHoliday." AUTHOR "." v
void EnGs_Evil(EnGs* enGs, PlayState* play) {
Player* player = GET_PLAYER(gPlayState);
if (!(player->stateFlags1 & PLAYER_STATE1_TALKING)) {
Math_ApproachS(&enGs->actor.shape.rot.y, enGs->actor.yawTowardsPlayer, 5, 0xBB8);
if (enGs->unk_200 <= 0) {
float offsetDistance = 10.0f;
float offsetX = sinf(enGs->actor.shape.rot.y * (M_PI / 0x8000)) * offsetDistance;
float offsetZ = cosf(enGs->actor.shape.rot.y * (M_PI / 0x8000)) * offsetDistance;
float dx = player-> - (enGs-> + offsetX);
float dy = player-> - 10.0f - enGs->;
float dz = player-> - (enGs-> + offsetZ);
s16 rotX = atan2f(dy, sqrtf(dx * dx + dz * dz)) * (0x8000 / M_PI);
s16 rotY = enGs->actor.shape.rot.y;
s16 rotZ = atan2f(dx, dz) * (0x8000 / M_PI);
Actor* actor = Actor_Spawn(&play->actorCtx, play, ACTOR_EN_CLEAR_TAG,
enGs-> + offsetX,
enGs-> + 40.0f,
enGs-> + offsetZ,
rotX, rotY, rotZ,
100, false);
EnClearTag* clearTag = (EnClearTag*)actor;
enGs->unk_200 = 5;
static void OnConfigurationChanged() {
COND_ID_HOOK(OnOpenText, 0x2053, CVarGetInteger(CVAR("EvilGossipStone"), 0), [](u16 * textId, bool* loadFromMessageTable) {
Actor* actor = Actor_FindNearby(gPlayState, &GET_PLAYER(gPlayState)->actor, ACTOR_EN_GS, ACTORCAT_PROP, 100.0f);
if (actor == NULL) {
EnGs* gs = (EnGs*)actor;
gs->actionFunc = EnGs_Evil;
static void DrawMenu() {
if (UIWidgets::EnhancementCheckbox("Evil Gossip Stone", CVAR("EvilGossipStone"))) {
static void RegisterMod() {
// #region Leave this alone unless you know what you are doing
// #endregion
// TODO: Anything you want to run once on startup
// TODO: Uncomment this line to enable the mod
static Holiday holiday(DrawMenu, RegisterMod);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
#include "Holiday.hpp"
extern "C" {
#include "macros.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "variables.h"
extern PlayState* gPlayState;
// TODO: Include anything you need here from C land
// TODO: Change this to YourName
#define AUTHOR "Example"
#define CVAR(v) "gHoliday." AUTHOR "." v
static void OnConfigurationChanged() {
// TODO: Register any hooks or things that need to run on startup and when the main CVar is toggled
// Note: Hooks should be registered/unregistered depending on the CVar state (Use COND_HOOK or COND_ID_HOOK)
// COND_HOOK(OnSceneSpawnActors, CVarGetInteger(CVAR("Enabled"), 0), []() {
// // Spawn your own actors?
// });
// COND_ID_HOOK(OnActorInit, ACTOR_OBJ_TSUBO, CVarGetInteger(CVAR("DoSomethingWithPots"), 0), [](void* actorRef) {
// // Do something with pots?
// });
static void DrawMenu() {
if (UIWidgets::EnhancementCheckbox("DoSomethingWithPots", CVAR("DoSomethingWithPots"))) {
static void RegisterMod() {
// #region Leave this alone unless you know what you are doing
// #endregion
// TODO: Anything you want to run once on startup
// TODO: Uncomment this line to enable the mod
// static Holiday holiday(DrawMenu, RegisterMod);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
#include "Holiday.hpp"
#include <libultraship/libultraship.h>
#include "soh/UIWidgets.hpp"
#include "soh/Enhancements/game-interactor/GameInteractor.h"
#include "objects/object_dog/object_dog.h"
#include "soh/frame_interpolation.h"
#include "soh/Enhancements/randomizer/3drando/random.hpp"
#include "soh/Enhancements/randomizer/3drando/location_access.hpp"
#include "soh/Enhancements/randomizer/entrance.h"
#include "objects/gameplay_field_keep/gameplay_field_keep.h"
#include "objects/object_md/object_md.h"
#include "src/overlays/actors/ovl_Door_Ana/z_door_ana.h"
extern "C" {
#include "macros.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "variables.h"
extern PlayState* gPlayState;
void DoorAna_SetupAction(DoorAna* doorAna, DoorAnaActionFunc actionFunc);
void DoorAna_GrabPlayer(DoorAna* doorAna, PlayState* play);
#define AUTHOR "Fredomato"
#define CVAR(v) "gHoliday." AUTHOR "." v
static CollisionPoly snowballPoly;
static f32 raycastResult;
const s16 entrances[] = {
0x0000, 0x0209, 0x0004, 0x0242, 0x0028, 0x0221, 0x0169, 0x0215, 0x0165, 0x024A, 0x0010, 0x021D, 0x0082, 0x01E1, 0x0037, 0x0205,
0x0098, 0x02A6, 0x0088, 0x03D4, 0x0008, 0x03A8, 0x0467, 0x023D, 0x0433, 0x0443, 0x0437, 0x0447, 0x009C, 0x033C, 0x00C9, 0x026A,
0x00C1, 0x0266, 0x0043, 0x03CC, 0x045F, 0x0309, 0x03A0, 0x03D0, 0x007E, 0x026E, 0x0530, 0x01D1, 0x0507, 0x03BC, 0x0388, 0x02A2,
0x0063, 0x01D5, 0x0528, 0x03C0, 0x043B, 0x0067, 0x02FD, 0x0349, 0x0550, 0x04EE, 0x039C, 0x0345, 0x05C8, 0x05DC, 0x0072, 0x034D,
0x030D, 0x0355, 0x037C, 0x03FC, 0x0380, 0x03C4, 0x004F, 0x0378, 0x02F9, 0x042F, 0x05D0, 0x05D4, 0x052C, 0x03B8, 0x016D, 0x01CD,
0x00B7, 0x0201, 0x003B, 0x0463, 0x0588, 0x057C, 0x0578, 0x0340, 0x04C2, 0x03E8, 0x04BE, 0x0482, 0x0315, 0x045B, 0x0371, 0x0394,
0x0272, 0x0211, 0x0053, 0x0472, 0x0453, 0x0351, 0x0384, 0x044B, 0x03EC, 0x04FF, 0x0700, 0x0800, 0x0701, 0x0801, 0x0702, 0x0802,
0x0703, 0x0803, 0x0704, 0x0804, 0x0705, 0x0805, 0x0706, 0x0806, 0x0707, 0x0807, 0x0708, 0x0808, 0x0709, 0x0809, 0x070A, 0x080A,
0x070B, 0x080B, 0x070C, 0x080C, 0x070D, 0x080D, 0x070E, 0x080E, 0x070F, 0x080F, 0x0710, 0x0711, 0x0811, 0x0712, 0x0812,
0x0713, 0x0813, 0x0714, 0x0814, 0x0715, 0x0815, 0x0716, 0x0816, 0x0717, 0x0817, 0x0718, 0x0818, 0x0719, 0x0819, 0x081A,
0x071B, 0x081B, 0x071C, 0x081C, 0x071D, 0x081D, 0x071E, 0x081E, 0x071F, 0x081F, 0x0720, 0x0820, 0x004B, 0x035D, 0x031C, 0x0361,
0x002D, 0x050B, 0x044F, 0x0359, 0x05E0, 0x020D, 0x011E, 0x0286, 0x04E2, 0x04D6, 0x01DD, 0x04DA, 0x00FC, 0x01A9, 0x0185, 0x04DE,
0x0102, 0x0189, 0x0117, 0x018D, 0x0276, 0x01FD, 0x00DB, 0x017D, 0x00EA, 0x0181, 0x0157, 0x01F9, 0x0328, 0x0560, 0x0129, 0x022D,
0x0130, 0x03AC, 0x0123, 0x0365, 0x00B1, 0x0033, 0x0138, 0x025A, 0x0171, 0x025E, 0x00E4, 0x0195, 0x013D, 0x0191, 0x014D, 0x01B9,
0x0246, 0x01C1, 0x0147, 0x01BD, 0x0108, 0x019D, 0x0225, 0x01A1, 0x0219, 0x027E, 0x0554, 0x00BB, 0x0282, 0x0600, 0x04F6, 0x0604,
0x01F1, 0x0568, 0x05F4, 0x040F, 0x0252, 0x040B, 0x00C5, 0x0301, 0x0407, 0x000C, 0x024E, 0x0305, 0x0175, 0x0417, 0x0423, 0x008D,
0x02F5, 0x0413, 0x02B2, 0x0457, 0x047A, 0x010E, 0x0608, 0x0564, 0x060C, 0x0610, 0x0580
static bool midoGrottoInit = false;
static SkelAnime midoSkelAnime;
static Vec3s midoJointTable[17];
static Vec3s midoMorphTable[17];
static void RandomGrotto_WaitOpen(DoorAna* doorAna, PlayState* play) {
if (!midoGrottoInit) {
midoGrottoInit = true;
SkelAnime_InitFlex(play, &midoSkelAnime, (FlexSkeletonHeader*)&gMidoSkel, (AnimationHeader*)&gMidoWalkingAnim, midoJointTable, midoMorphTable, 17);
Actor* actor = &doorAna->actor;
Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play);
Math_SmoothStepToF(&actor->world.pos.x, player->, 0.1f, 10.0f, 0.0f);
Math_SmoothStepToF(&actor->world.pos.z, player->, 0.1f, 10.0f, 0.0f);
Math_SmoothStepToF(&actor->world.pos.y, player->, 0.1f, 10.0f, 0.0f);
Math_ApproachS(&doorAna->actor.shape.rot.y, doorAna->actor.yawTowardsPlayer, 5, 0xBB8);
if (Math_StepToF(&actor->scale.x, 0.01f, 0.001f)) {
if ((actor->targetMode != 0) && (play->transitionTrigger == TRANS_TRIGGER_OFF) && (player->stateFlags1 & PLAYER_STATE1_FLOOR_DISABLED) && (player->av1.actionVar1 == 0)) {
play->nextEntranceIndex = RandomElement(entrances);
DoorAna_SetupAction((DoorAna*)actor, DoorAna_GrabPlayer);
} else {
if (!Player_InCsMode(play) && !(player->stateFlags1 & (PLAYER_STATE1_ON_HORSE | PLAYER_STATE1_IN_WATER)) &&
actor->xzDistToPlayer <= 15.0f && -50.0f <= actor->yDistToPlayer &&
actor->yDistToPlayer <= 15.0f) {
player->stateFlags1 |= PLAYER_STATE1_FLOOR_DISABLED;
actor->targetMode = 1;
} else {
actor->targetMode = 0;
Actor_SetScale(actor, actor->scale.x);
static void RandomGrotto_Draw(Actor* actor, PlayState* play) {
if (!midoGrottoInit) {
gSPMatrix(POLY_XLU_DISP++, MATRIX_NEWMTX(play->state.gfxCtx),
gSPDisplayList(POLY_XLU_DISP++, (Gfx*)gGrottoDL);
Matrix_Translate(0.0f, -2700.0f, 0.0f, MTXMODE_APPLY);
gSPMatrix(POLY_OPA_DISP++, Matrix_NewMtx(play->state.gfxCtx, (char*)__FILE__, __LINE__), G_MTX_MODELVIEW | G_MTX_LOAD);
gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x08, (uintptr_t)gMidoEyeOpenTex);
func_80034BA0(play, &midoSkelAnime, NULL, NULL, actor, 255);
static void SpawnRandomGrotto() {
Vec3f pos;
pos.y = 9999.0f;
int spawnAttempts = 0;
while (spawnAttempts < 50) {
if (GET_PLAYER(gPlayState) != nullptr) {
pos.x = GET_PLAYER(gPlayState)->;
pos.z = GET_PLAYER(gPlayState)->;
} else {
pos.x = 0;
pos.z = 0;
// X/Z anywhere from -1000.0 to +1000.0 from player
pos.x += (float)(Random(0, 2000)) - 1000.0f;
pos.z += (float)(Random(0, 2000)) - 1000.0f;
raycastResult = BgCheck_AnyRaycastFloor1(&gPlayState->colCtx, &snowballPoly, &pos);
if (raycastResult > BGCHECK_Y_MIN) {
Actor* grotto = Actor_Spawn(&gPlayState->actorCtx, gPlayState, ACTOR_DOOR_ANA, pos.x, raycastResult, pos.z, 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
midoGrottoInit = false;
DoorAna_SetupAction((DoorAna*)grotto, RandomGrotto_WaitOpen);
grotto->draw = RandomGrotto_Draw;
static void ConfigurationChanged() {
COND_HOOK(OnSceneSpawnActors, CVarGetInteger(CVAR("KrampusHole"), 0), SpawnRandomGrotto);
static void DrawMenu() {
if (UIWidgets::EnhancementCheckbox("The Krampus Hole", CVAR("KrampusHole"))) {
static void RegisterMod() {
// #region Leave this alone unless you know what you are doing
// #endregion
static Holiday holiday(DrawMenu, RegisterMod);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
#include "Holiday.hpp"
#include "soh/Enhancements/randomizer/3drando/random.hpp"
#include "soh/frame_interpolation.h"
#include "soh_assets.h"
#include "overlays/actors/ovl_En_Nutsball/z_en_nutsball.h"
extern "C" {
#include "macros.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "variables.h"
#include "objects/gameplay_field_keep/gameplay_field_keep.h"
extern PlayState* gPlayState;
void func_80ABBBA8(EnNutsball* nut, PlayState* play);
void EnNutsball_Draw(Actor* nut, PlayState* play);
#define AUTHOR "Grimey"
#define CVAR(v) "gHoliday." AUTHOR "." v
static bool spawningPenguins = false;
typedef enum {
} PenguinState;
struct Penguin {
PenguinState state;
s16 timer;
s16 targetRot;
std::unordered_map<Actor*, Penguin> penguins;
void Penguin_Init(Actor* actor, PlayState* play) {
Penguin penguin;
penguin.state = PENGUIN_STATE_IDLE;
penguin.timer = 0;
actor->world.rot.y = penguin.targetRot = rand() % 0x10000;
penguins[actor] = penguin;
actor->gravity = -1.0f;
actor->flags &= ~ACTOR_FLAG_TARGETABLE;
void Penguin_Update(Actor* actor, PlayState* play) {
Penguin* penguin = &penguins[actor];
if (penguin->timer <= 0) {
if (penguin->state == PENGUIN_STATE_IDLE) {
penguin->state = (PenguinState)(rand() % 3);
penguin->timer = rand() % (20 * 10) + (20 * 3);
} else {
penguin->state = PENGUIN_STATE_IDLE;
penguin->timer = rand() % (20 * 10) + (20 * 3);
} else {
if (rand() % 100 == 0) {
penguin->targetRot = rand() % 0x10000;
switch (penguin->state) {
actor->speedXZ = 0.5f;
Math_SmoothStepToS(&actor->world.rot.y, penguin->targetRot, 1, 200, 0);
actor->shape.rot.y = actor->world.rot.y;
if (actor->speedXZ < 0.0f) {
actor->speedXZ = 0.0f;
Actor_UpdateBgCheckInfo(play, actor, 10.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f, 0xFF);
void Penguin_Draw(Actor* actor, PlayState* play) {
Matrix_Scale(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, MTXMODE_APPLY);
Matrix_Translate(0, 2000.0f, 0, MTXMODE_APPLY);
gSPMatrix(POLY_OPA_DISP++, Matrix_NewMtx(play->state.gfxCtx, (char*)__FILE__, __LINE__), G_MTX_MODELVIEW | G_MTX_LOAD);
gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255);
gSPDisplayList(POLY_OPA_DISP++, (Gfx*)gPenguinDL);
void Penguin_Destroy(Actor* actor, PlayState* play) {
static void OnConfigurationChanged() {
COND_HOOK(OnPlayerUpdate, CVarGetInteger(CVAR("Hailstorm"), 0), []() {
// Every frame has a 1/300 chance of spawning hail
if (rand() % 300 == 0) {
int spawned = 0;
while (spawned < 1) {
Vec3f pos = GET_PLAYER(gPlayState)->;
pos.x += (float)Random(0, 100) - 50.0f;
pos.z += (float)Random(0, 100) - 50.0f;
pos.y += 200.0f;
Actor* actor = Actor_Spawn(&gPlayState->actorCtx, gPlayState, ACTOR_EN_NUTSBALL, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
EnNutsball* nut = (EnNutsball*)actor;
nut->actor.draw = EnNutsball_Draw;
nut->actor.shape.rot.y = 0;
nut->timer = 0;
nut->actionFunc = func_80ABBBA8;
nut->actor.speedXZ = 0.0f;
nut->actor.gravity = -2.0f;
COND_HOOK(OnSceneSpawnActors, CVarGetInteger(CVAR("Penguins"), 0), []() {
if (gPlayState->sceneNum != SCENE_HYRULE_FIELD) {
static Vec3f huddlePos;
static Vec3f spawnPos;
static f32 raycastResult;
static CollisionPoly poly;
spawningPenguins = true;
int huddlesSpawned = 0;
while (huddlesSpawned < 10) {
huddlePos.x = (float)(Random(
(gPlayState->sceneNum == SCENE_HYRULE_FIELD ? -10000 : -2700) + 10000,
(gPlayState->sceneNum == SCENE_HYRULE_FIELD ? 5000 : 2000) + 10000
) - (float)10000.0f);
huddlePos.y = 5000;
huddlePos.z = (float)(Random(
(gPlayState->sceneNum == SCENE_HYRULE_FIELD ? -1000 : -2000) + 10000,
(gPlayState->sceneNum == SCENE_HYRULE_FIELD ? 15000 : 2000) + 10000
) - (float)10000.0f);
if (BgCheck_AnyRaycastFloor1(&gPlayState->colCtx, &poly, &huddlePos) <= BGCHECK_Y_MIN) {
// 5-10
int huddleSize = rand() % 6 + 5;
int penguinsSpawned = 0;
while (penguinsSpawned < huddleSize) {
spawnPos.x = huddlePos.x + rand() % 100 - 50;
spawnPos.y = huddlePos.y;
spawnPos.z = huddlePos.z + rand() % 100 - 50;
raycastResult = BgCheck_AnyRaycastFloor1(&gPlayState->colCtx, &poly, &spawnPos);
if (raycastResult > BGCHECK_Y_MIN) {
Actor_Spawn(&gPlayState->actorCtx, gPlayState, ACTOR_EN_OE2, spawnPos.x, raycastResult, spawnPos.z, 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
spawningPenguins = false;
COND_ID_HOOK(ShouldActorInit, ACTOR_EN_OE2, CVarGetInteger(CVAR("Penguins"), 0), [](void* actorRef, bool* should) {
Actor* actor = (Actor*)actorRef;
if (spawningPenguins) {
actor->init = Penguin_Init;
actor->update = Penguin_Update;
actor->draw = Penguin_Draw;
actor->destroy = Penguin_Destroy;
static void DrawMenu() {
if (UIWidgets::EnhancementCheckbox("Penguins", CVAR("Penguins"))) {
if (UIWidgets::EnhancementCheckbox("Hailstorm", CVAR("Hailstorm"))) {
static void RegisterMod() {
// #region Leave this alone unless you know what you are doing
// #endregion
// TODO: Anything you want to run once on startup
// TODO: Uncomment this line to enable the mod
static Holiday holiday(DrawMenu, RegisterMod);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <libultraship/libultraship.h>
#include "soh/UIWidgets.hpp"
#include "soh/Enhancements/game-interactor/GameInteractor.h"
#include "soh/Enhancements/cosmetics/CosmeticsEditor.h"
inline std::vector<std::function<void()>> holidayDrawFuncs = {};
inline std::vector<std::function<void()>> holidayRegisterFuncs = {};
inline void DrawHolidayMenu() {
if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Holiday")) {
for (auto& drawFunc : holidayDrawFuncs) {
inline void RegisterHoliday() {
for (auto& regFunc : holidayRegisterFuncs) {
struct Holiday {
Holiday(std::function<void()> drawFunc, std::function<void()> registerFunc) {
#endif //HOLIDAY_HPP

View File

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
#include "Holiday.hpp"
#include "soh_assets.h"
#include "soh/Enhancements/randomizer/3drando/random.hpp"
#include "soh/frame_interpolation.h"
#include "soh/Notification/Notification.h"
#include "objects/gameplay_field_keep/gameplay_field_keep.h"
#include "soh/Enhancements/custom-message/CustomMessageManager.h"
#include "soh/util.h"
#include "soh/Enhancements/randomizer/randomizer.h"
extern "C" {
#include "macros.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "variables.h"
extern PlayState* gPlayState;
extern GetItemEntry vanillaQueuedItemEntry;
#define AUTHOR "ItsHeckinPat"
#define CVAR(v) "gHoliday." AUTHOR "." v
bool spawningPresents = false;
int collectedPresent = 0;
struct Present {
std::unordered_map<Actor*, Present> presents;
void Present_Init(Actor* actor, PlayState* play) {
Present present;
presents[actor] = present;
actor->gravity = -1;
actor->shape.rot.y = Random(0, 0xFFFF);
Actor_UpdateBgCheckInfo(play, actor, 10.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f, 0xFF);
void Present_Update(Actor* actor, PlayState* play) {
Present* present = &presents[actor];
if (actor->xzDistToPlayer < 50.0f && actor->yDistToPlayer < 50.0f) {
.itemIcon = "RG_TRIFORCE_PIECE",
.message = "You collected a present!",
.messageColor = ImVec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f),
void Present_Draw(Actor* actor, PlayState* play) {
Matrix_Scale(30.0f, 30.0f, 30.0f, MTXMODE_APPLY);
Matrix_Translate(49.20f, 0.0f, -106.60f, MTXMODE_APPLY);
gSPMatrix(POLY_OPA_DISP++, Matrix_NewMtx(play->state.gfxCtx, (char*)__FILE__, __LINE__), G_MTX_MODELVIEW | G_MTX_LOAD);
gDPSetPrimColor(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255);
gSPDisplayList(POLY_OPA_DISP++, (Gfx*)gXmasDecor100DL);
void Present_Destroy(Actor* actor, PlayState* play) {
static CollisionPoly presentPoly;
static f32 raycastResult;
static void OnConfigurationChanged() {
COND_HOOK(OnSceneSpawnActors, CVarGetInteger(CVAR("GiftsForNPCs"), 0), []() {
Vec3f pos;
pos.y = 9999.0f;
int spawnAttempts = 0;
while (spawnAttempts < 50) {
if (GET_PLAYER(gPlayState) != nullptr) {
pos.x = GET_PLAYER(gPlayState)->;
pos.z = GET_PLAYER(gPlayState)->;
} else {
pos.x = 0;
pos.z = 0;
// X/Z anywhere from -1000.0 to +1000.0 from player
pos.x += (float)(Random(0, 2000)) - 1000.0f;
pos.z += (float)(Random(0, 2000)) - 1000.0f;
raycastResult = BgCheck_AnyRaycastFloor1(&gPlayState->colCtx, &presentPoly, &pos);
if (raycastResult > BGCHECK_Y_MIN) {
spawningPresents = true;
Actor* actor = Actor_Spawn(&gPlayState->actorCtx, gPlayState, ACTOR_EN_OE2, pos.x, raycastResult, pos.z, 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
spawningPresents = false;
// break;
COND_ID_HOOK(ShouldActorInit, ACTOR_EN_OE2, CVarGetInteger(CVAR("GiftsForNPCs"), 0), [](void* actorRef, bool* should) {
Actor* actor = (Actor*)actorRef;
if (spawningPresents) {
actor->init = Present_Init;
actor->update = Present_Update;
actor->draw = Present_Draw;
actor->destroy = Present_Destroy;
COND_ID_HOOK(OnOpenText, 0x1019, CVarGetInteger(CVAR("GiftsForNPCs"), 0), [](u16 * textId, bool* loadFromMessageTable) {
if (collectedPresent <= 0) {
auto messageEntry = CustomMessage("A present??? FOR ME???");
*loadFromMessageTable = false;
vanillaQueuedItemEntry = Rando::StaticData::RetrieveItem(RG_PIECE_OF_HEART).GetGIEntry_Copy();
static void DrawMenu() {
if (UIWidgets::EnhancementCheckbox("Gifts for NPCs", CVAR("GiftsForNPCs"))) {
static void RegisterMod() {
// #region Leave this alone unless you know what you are doing
// #endregion
// TODO: Anything you want to run once on startup
// TODO: Uncomment this line to enable the mod
static Holiday holiday(DrawMenu, RegisterMod);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
#include "Holiday.hpp"
#include <libultraship/libultraship.h>
#include "soh/UIWidgets.hpp"
#include "soh/Enhancements/game-interactor/GameInteractor.h"
#include "objects/object_dog/object_dog.h"
#include "soh/frame_interpolation.h"
#include "soh/Enhancements/randomizer/3drando/random.hpp"
#include "soh/Enhancements/randomizer/3drando/location_access.hpp"
#include "soh/Enhancements/randomizer/entrance.h"
#include "objects/gameplay_field_keep/gameplay_field_keep.h"
#include "objects/object_md/object_md.h"
#include "src/overlays/actors/ovl_Door_Ana/z_door_ana.h"
extern "C" {
#include "macros.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "variables.h"
extern PlayState* gPlayState;
extern "C" s16 gEnSnowballId;
void DoorAna_SetupAction(DoorAna* doorAna, DoorAnaActionFunc actionFunc);
void DoorAna_GrabPlayer(DoorAna* doorAna, PlayState* play);
#define AUTHOR "ProxySaw"
#define CVAR(v) "gHoliday." AUTHOR "." v
static CollisionPoly snowballPoly;
static Vec3f snowballPos;
static f32 raycastResult;
static u32 iceBlockParams[] = {
static void SpawnSnowballs() {
if (gPlayState->sceneNum != SCENE_HYRULE_FIELD && gPlayState->sceneNum != SCENE_KAKARIKO_VILLAGE) {
int actorsSpawned = 0;
while (actorsSpawned < 30) {
snowballPos.x = (float)(Random(
(gPlayState->sceneNum == SCENE_HYRULE_FIELD ? -10000 : -2700) + 10000,
(gPlayState->sceneNum == SCENE_HYRULE_FIELD ? 5000 : 2000) + 10000
) - (float)10000.0f);
snowballPos.y = 5000;
snowballPos.z = (float)(Random(
(gPlayState->sceneNum == SCENE_HYRULE_FIELD ? -1000 : -2000) + 10000,
(gPlayState->sceneNum == SCENE_HYRULE_FIELD ? 15000 : 2000) + 10000
) - (float)10000.0f);
raycastResult = BgCheck_AnyRaycastFloor1(&gPlayState->colCtx, &snowballPoly, &snowballPos);
if (raycastResult > BGCHECK_Y_MIN) {
Actor_Spawn(&gPlayState->actorCtx, gPlayState, gEnSnowballId, snowballPos.x, raycastResult,
snowballPos.z, 0, 0, 0, gPlayState->sceneNum == SCENE_HYRULE_FIELD, 0);
static void SpawnIcebergs() {
if (gPlayState->sceneNum != SCENE_LAKE_HYLIA) {
int actorsSpawned = 0;
Vec3f spawnedIceBlockPos[15];
while (actorsSpawned < 15) {
Vec3f iceBlockPos;
iceBlockPos.x = (float)(Random(
(-4200) + 10000,
(3000) + 10000
) - (float)10000.0f);
iceBlockPos.y = -1713.0f;
iceBlockPos.z = (float)(Random(
(2600) + 10000,
(9000) + 10000
) - (float)10000.0f);
raycastResult = BgCheck_AnyRaycastFloor1(&gPlayState->colCtx, &snowballPoly, &iceBlockPos);
if (raycastResult > BGCHECK_Y_MIN) {
bool overlaps = false;
for (int i = 0; i < actorsSpawned; i++) {
if (Math_Vec3f_DistXZ(&spawnedIceBlockPos[i], &iceBlockPos) < 500.0f) {
overlaps = true;
if (overlaps) {
iceBlockPos.y = raycastResult;
} else {
iceBlockPos.y = -1310.0f;
Actor_Spawn(&gPlayState->actorCtx, gPlayState, ACTOR_BG_SPOT08_ICEBLOCK, iceBlockPos.x, iceBlockPos.y,
iceBlockPos.z, 0, (s16)Random(0, 0xFFFF), 0, RandomElement(iceBlockParams), 0);
spawnedIceBlockPos[actorsSpawned] = iceBlockPos;
const s16 entrances[] = {
0x0000, 0x0209, 0x0004, 0x0242, 0x0028, 0x0221, 0x0169, 0x0215, 0x0165, 0x024A, 0x0010, 0x021D, 0x0082, 0x01E1, 0x0037, 0x0205,
0x0098, 0x02A6, 0x0088, 0x03D4, 0x0008, 0x03A8, 0x0467, 0x023D, 0x0433, 0x0443, 0x0437, 0x0447, 0x009C, 0x033C, 0x00C9, 0x026A,
0x00C1, 0x0266, 0x0043, 0x03CC, 0x045F, 0x0309, 0x03A0, 0x03D0, 0x007E, 0x026E, 0x0530, 0x01D1, 0x0507, 0x03BC, 0x0388, 0x02A2,
0x0063, 0x01D5, 0x0528, 0x03C0, 0x043B, 0x0067, 0x02FD, 0x0349, 0x0550, 0x04EE, 0x039C, 0x0345, 0x05C8, 0x05DC, 0x0072, 0x034D,
0x030D, 0x0355, 0x037C, 0x03FC, 0x0380, 0x03C4, 0x004F, 0x0378, 0x02F9, 0x042F, 0x05D0, 0x05D4, 0x052C, 0x03B8, 0x016D, 0x01CD,
0x00B7, 0x0201, 0x003B, 0x0463, 0x0588, 0x057C, 0x0578, 0x0340, 0x04C2, 0x03E8, 0x04BE, 0x0482, 0x0315, 0x045B, 0x0371, 0x0394,
0x0272, 0x0211, 0x0053, 0x0472, 0x0453, 0x0351, 0x0384, 0x044B, 0x03EC, 0x04FF, 0x0700, 0x0800, 0x0701, 0x0801, 0x0702, 0x0802,
0x0703, 0x0803, 0x0704, 0x0804, 0x0705, 0x0805, 0x0706, 0x0806, 0x0707, 0x0807, 0x0708, 0x0808, 0x0709, 0x0809, 0x070A, 0x080A,
0x070B, 0x080B, 0x070C, 0x080C, 0x070D, 0x080D, 0x070E, 0x080E, 0x070F, 0x080F, 0x0710, 0x0711, 0x0811, 0x0712, 0x0812,
0x0713, 0x0813, 0x0714, 0x0814, 0x0715, 0x0815, 0x0716, 0x0816, 0x0717, 0x0817, 0x0718, 0x0818, 0x0719, 0x0819, 0x081A,
0x071B, 0x081B, 0x071C, 0x081C, 0x071D, 0x081D, 0x071E, 0x081E, 0x071F, 0x081F, 0x0720, 0x0820, 0x004B, 0x035D, 0x031C, 0x0361,
0x002D, 0x050B, 0x044F, 0x0359, 0x05E0, 0x020D, 0x011E, 0x0286, 0x04E2, 0x04D6, 0x01DD, 0x04DA, 0x00FC, 0x01A9, 0x0185, 0x04DE,
0x0102, 0x0189, 0x0117, 0x018D, 0x0276, 0x01FD, 0x00DB, 0x017D, 0x00EA, 0x0181, 0x0157, 0x01F9, 0x0328, 0x0560, 0x0129, 0x022D,
0x0130, 0x03AC, 0x0123, 0x0365, 0x00B1, 0x0033, 0x0138, 0x025A, 0x0171, 0x025E, 0x00E4, 0x0195, 0x013D, 0x0191, 0x014D, 0x01B9,
0x0246, 0x01C1, 0x0147, 0x01BD, 0x0108, 0x019D, 0x0225, 0x01A1, 0x0219, 0x027E, 0x0554, 0x00BB, 0x0282, 0x0600, 0x04F6, 0x0604,
0x01F1, 0x0568, 0x05F4, 0x040F, 0x0252, 0x040B, 0x00C5, 0x0301, 0x0407, 0x000C, 0x024E, 0x0305, 0x0175, 0x0417, 0x0423, 0x008D,
0x02F5, 0x0413, 0x02B2, 0x0457, 0x047A, 0x010E, 0x0608, 0x0564, 0x060C, 0x0610, 0x0580
static void RandomGrotto_WaitOpen(DoorAna* doorAna, PlayState* play) {
Actor* actor = &doorAna->actor;
Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play);
if (Math_StepToF(&actor->scale.x, 0.01f, 0.001f)) {
if ((actor->targetMode != 0) && (play->transitionTrigger == TRANS_TRIGGER_OFF) && (player->stateFlags1 & PLAYER_STATE1_FLOOR_DISABLED) && (player->av1.actionVar1 == 0)) {
play->nextEntranceIndex = RandomElement(entrances);
DoorAna_SetupAction((DoorAna*)actor, DoorAna_GrabPlayer);
} else {
if (!Player_InCsMode(play) && !(player->stateFlags1 & (PLAYER_STATE1_ON_HORSE | PLAYER_STATE1_IN_WATER)) &&
actor->xzDistToPlayer <= 15.0f && -50.0f <= actor->yDistToPlayer &&
actor->yDistToPlayer <= 15.0f) {
player->stateFlags1 |= PLAYER_STATE1_FLOOR_DISABLED;
actor->targetMode = 1;
} else {
actor->targetMode = 0;
Actor_SetScale(actor, actor->scale.x);
static void SpawnRandomGrotto() {
Vec3f pos;
pos.y = 9999.0f;
int spawnAttempts = 0;
while (spawnAttempts < 50) {
if (GET_PLAYER(gPlayState) != nullptr) {
pos.x = GET_PLAYER(gPlayState)->;
pos.z = GET_PLAYER(gPlayState)->;
} else {
pos.x = 0;
pos.z = 0;
// X/Z anywhere from -1000.0 to +1000.0 from player
pos.x += (float)(Random(0, 2000)) - 1000.0f;
pos.z += (float)(Random(0, 2000)) - 1000.0f;
raycastResult = BgCheck_AnyRaycastFloor1(&gPlayState->colCtx, &snowballPoly, &pos);
if (raycastResult > BGCHECK_Y_MIN) {
Actor* grotto = Actor_Spawn(&gPlayState->actorCtx, gPlayState, ACTOR_DOOR_ANA, pos.x, raycastResult, pos.z, 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
DoorAna_SetupAction((DoorAna*)grotto, RandomGrotto_WaitOpen);
static void ConfigurationChanged() {
COND_HOOK(OnSceneSpawnActors, CVarGetInteger(CVAR("Snowballs"), 0), SpawnSnowballs);
COND_HOOK(OnPlayerUpdate, CVarGetInteger(CVAR("SuperBonk"), 0), []() {
Player* player = GET_PLAYER(gPlayState);
if (player->actor.bgCheckFlags & 0x08 && ABS(player->linearVelocity) > 15.0f) {
player->yaw = ((player->actor.wallYaw - player->yaw) + player->actor.wallYaw) - 0x8000;
Player_PlaySfx(&player->actor, NA_SE_PL_BODY_HIT);
COND_HOOK(OnPlayerBonk, CVarGetInteger(CVAR("SuperBonk"), 0), []() {
Player* player = GET_PLAYER(gPlayState);
player->linearVelocity = -100.0f;
COND_HOOK(OnSceneSpawnActors, CVarGetInteger(CVAR("Icebergs"), 0), SpawnIcebergs);
COND_HOOK(OnSceneSpawnActors, CVarGetInteger(CVAR("DownTheRabbitHole"), 0), SpawnRandomGrotto);
static void DrawMenu() {
if (UIWidgets::EnhancementCheckbox("Snowballs", CVAR("Snowballs"))) {
if (UIWidgets::EnhancementCheckbox("Lake Hylia Icebergs", CVAR("Icebergs"))) {
if (UIWidgets::EnhancementCheckbox("Down the Rabbit Hole", CVAR("DownTheRabbitHole"))) {
if (UIWidgets::EnhancementCheckbox("Super Bonk", CVAR("SuperBonk"))) {
static void RegisterMod() {
// #region Leave this alone unless you know what you are doing
// #endregion
static Holiday holiday(DrawMenu, RegisterMod);

View File

@ -7,6 +7,12 @@
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
#include <variables.h>
#include "soh/util.h"
extern "C" {
PlayState* gPlayState;
using namespace std::literals::string_literals;
static const std::unordered_map<std::string, char> textBoxSpecialCharacters = {
@ -177,6 +183,15 @@ const TextBoxPosition& CustomMessage::GetTextBoxPosition() const {
return position;
void CustomMessage::LoadIntoFont() {
MessageContext* msgCtx = &gPlayState->msgCtx;
Font* font = &msgCtx->font;
char* buffer = font->msgBuf;
const int maxBufferSize = sizeof(font->msgBuf);
font->charTexBuf[0] = (type << 4) | position;
msgCtx->msgLength = font->msgLength = SohUtils::CopyStringToCharBuffer(GetEnglish(MF_RAW), buffer, maxBufferSize);
CustomMessage CustomMessage::operator+(const CustomMessage& right) const {
std::vector<std::string> newColors = colors;
std::vector<std::string> rColors = right.GetColors();

View File

@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ class CustomMessage {
void SetTextBoxType(TextBoxType boxType);
const TextBoxPosition& GetTextBoxPosition() const;
// To only be used with OnOpenText hook
void LoadIntoFont();
CustomMessage operator+(const CustomMessage& right) const;
CustomMessage operator+(const std::string& right) const;
void operator+=(const std::string& right);

View File

@ -571,6 +571,33 @@ struct HookInfo {
body; \
va_end(args); \
#define COND_HOOK(hookType, condition, body) \
{ \
static HOOK_ID hookId = 0; \
GameInteractor::Instance->UnregisterGameHook<GameInteractor::hookType>(hookId); \
hookId = 0; \
if (condition) { \
hookId = GameInteractor::Instance->RegisterGameHook<GameInteractor::hookType>(body); \
} \
#define COND_ID_HOOK(hookType, id, condition, body) \
{ \
static HOOK_ID hookId = 0; \
GameInteractor::Instance->UnregisterGameHookForID<GameInteractor::hookType>(hookId); \
hookId = 0; \
if (condition) { \
hookId = GameInteractor::Instance->RegisterGameHookForID<GameInteractor::hookType>(id, body); \
} \
#define COND_VB_SHOULD(id, condition, body) \
{ \
static HOOK_ID hookId = 0; \
GameInteractor::Instance->UnregisterGameHookForID<GameInteractor::ShouldVanillaBehavior>(hookId); \
hookId = 0; \
if (condition) { \
hookId = REGISTER_VB_SHOULD(id, body); \
} \
class GameInteractor {

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ DEFINE_HOOK(OnSceneSpawnActors, ());
DEFINE_HOOK(OnPlayerUpdate, ());
DEFINE_HOOK(OnOcarinaSongAction, ());
DEFINE_HOOK(OnShopSlotChange, (uint8_t cursorIndex, int16_t price));
DEFINE_HOOK(ShouldActorInit, (void* actor, bool* result));
DEFINE_HOOK(OnActorInit, (void* actor));
DEFINE_HOOK(OnActorUpdate, (void* actor));
DEFINE_HOOK(OnActorKill, (void* actor));
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ DEFINE_HOOK(OnPlayerHealthChange, (int16_t amount));
DEFINE_HOOK(OnPlayerBottleUpdate, (int16_t contents));
DEFINE_HOOK(OnPlayDestroy, ());
DEFINE_HOOK(OnPlayDrawEnd, ());
DEFINE_HOOK(OnOpenText, (u16 * textId, bool* loadFromMessageTable));
DEFINE_HOOK(OnVanillaBehavior, (GIVanillaBehavior flag, bool* result, va_list originalArgs));
DEFINE_HOOK(OnSaveFile, (int32_t fileNum));
DEFINE_HOOK(OnLoadFile, (int32_t fileNum));

View File

@ -79,6 +79,15 @@ void GameInteractor_ExecuteOnActorInit(void* actor) {
bool GameInteractor_ShouldActorInit(void* actor) {
bool result = true;
GameInteractor::Instance->ExecuteHooks<GameInteractor::ShouldActorInit>(actor, &result);
GameInteractor::Instance->ExecuteHooksForID<GameInteractor::ShouldActorInit>(((Actor*)actor)->id, actor, &result);
GameInteractor::Instance->ExecuteHooksForPtr<GameInteractor::ShouldActorInit>((uintptr_t)actor, actor, &result);
GameInteractor::Instance->ExecuteHooksForFilter<GameInteractor::ShouldActorInit>(actor, &result);
return result;
void GameInteractor_ExecuteOnActorUpdate(void* actor) {
GameInteractor::Instance->ExecuteHooksForID<GameInteractor::OnActorUpdate>(((Actor*)actor)->id, actor);
@ -131,6 +140,12 @@ void GameInteractor_ExecuteOnPlayDrawEnd() {
void GameInteractor_ExecuteOnOpenText(u16* textId, bool* loadFromMessageTable) {
GameInteractor::Instance->ExecuteHooks<GameInteractor::OnOpenText>(textId, loadFromMessageTable);
GameInteractor::Instance->ExecuteHooksForID<GameInteractor::OnOpenText>(*textId, textId, loadFromMessageTable);
GameInteractor::Instance->ExecuteHooksForFilter<GameInteractor::OnOpenText>(textId, loadFromMessageTable);
bool GameInteractor_Should(GIVanillaBehavior flag, u32 result, ...) {
// Only the external function can use the Variadic Function syntax
// To pass the va args to the next caller must be done using va_list and reading the args into it

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ void GameInteractor_ExecuteOnFlagUnset(int16_t flagType, int16_t flag);
void GameInteractor_ExecuteOnSceneSpawnActors();
void GameInteractor_ExecuteOnPlayerUpdate();
void GameInteractor_ExecuteOnOcarinaSongAction();
bool GameInteractor_ShouldActorInit(void* actor);
void GameInteractor_ExecuteOnActorInit(void* actor);
void GameInteractor_ExecuteOnActorUpdate(void* actor);
void GameInteractor_ExecuteOnActorKill(void* actor);
@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ void GameInteractor_ExecuteOnOcarinaSongAction();
void GameInteractor_ExecuteOnShopSlotChangeHooks(uint8_t cursorIndex, int16_t price);
void GameInteractor_ExecuteOnPlayDestroy();
void GameInteractor_ExecuteOnPlayDrawEnd();
void GameInteractor_ExecuteOnOpenText(u16* textId, bool* loadFromMessageTable);
bool GameInteractor_Should(GIVanillaBehavior flag, uint32_t result, ...);
// MARK: - Save Files

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include "soh/Enhancements/TimeSavers/TimeSavers.h"
#include "soh/Enhancements/cheat_hook_handlers.h"
#include "soh/Enhancements/randomizer/hook_handlers.h"
#include "soh/Enhancements/Holiday/Holiday.hpp"
#include "objects/object_gi_compass/object_gi_compass.h"
#include "src/overlays/actors/ovl_En_Bb/z_en_bb.h"
@ -1413,99 +1414,6 @@ void RegisterRandomizerCompasses() {
static CollisionPoly snowballPoly;
static Vec3f snowballPos;
static f32 raycastResult;
static u32 iceBlockParams[] = {
void RegisterSnowballs() {
GameInteractor::Instance->RegisterGameHook<GameInteractor::OnSceneSpawnActors>([]() {
if (gPlayState->sceneNum != SCENE_HYRULE_FIELD && gPlayState->sceneNum != SCENE_KAKARIKO_VILLAGE) {
int actorsSpawned = 0;
while (actorsSpawned < 30) {
snowballPos.x = (float)(Random(
(gPlayState->sceneNum == SCENE_HYRULE_FIELD ? -10000 : -2700) + 10000,
(gPlayState->sceneNum == SCENE_HYRULE_FIELD ? 5000 : 2000) + 10000
) - (float)10000.0f);
snowballPos.y = 5000;
snowballPos.z = (float)(Random(
(gPlayState->sceneNum == SCENE_HYRULE_FIELD ? -1000 : -2000) + 10000,
(gPlayState->sceneNum == SCENE_HYRULE_FIELD ? 15000 : 2000) + 10000
) - (float)10000.0f);
raycastResult = BgCheck_AnyRaycastFloor1(&gPlayState->colCtx, &snowballPoly, &snowballPos);
if (raycastResult > BGCHECK_Y_MIN) {
Actor_Spawn(&gPlayState->actorCtx, gPlayState, gEnSnowballId, snowballPos.x, raycastResult,
snowballPos.z, 0, 0, 0, gPlayState->sceneNum == SCENE_HYRULE_FIELD, 0);
GameInteractor::Instance->RegisterGameHook<GameInteractor::OnSceneSpawnActors>([]() {
if (gPlayState->sceneNum != SCENE_LAKE_HYLIA) {
int actorsSpawned = 0;
Vec3f spawnedIceBlockPos[15];
while (actorsSpawned < 15) {
Vec3f iceBlockPos;
iceBlockPos.x = (float)(Random(
(-4200) + 10000,
(3000) + 10000
) - (float)10000.0f);
iceBlockPos.y = -1713.0f;
iceBlockPos.z = (float)(Random(
(2600) + 10000,
(9000) + 10000
) - (float)10000.0f);
raycastResult = BgCheck_AnyRaycastFloor1(&gPlayState->colCtx, &snowballPoly, &iceBlockPos);
if (raycastResult > BGCHECK_Y_MIN) {
bool overlaps = false;
for (int i = 0; i < actorsSpawned; i++) {
if (Math_Vec3f_DistXZ(&spawnedIceBlockPos[i], &iceBlockPos) < 500.0f) {
overlaps = true;
if (overlaps) {
iceBlockPos.y = raycastResult;
} else {
iceBlockPos.y = -1310.0f;
Actor_Spawn(&gPlayState->actorCtx, gPlayState, ACTOR_BG_SPOT08_ICEBLOCK, iceBlockPos.x, iceBlockPos.y,
iceBlockPos.z, 0, (s16)Random(0, 0xFFFF), 0, RandomElement(iceBlockParams), 0);
spawnedIceBlockPos[actorsSpawned] = iceBlockPos;
void InitMods() {
@ -1544,11 +1452,11 @@ void InitMods() {

View File

@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ void TimeSaverOnSceneInitHandler(int16_t sceneNum) {
static GetItemEntry vanillaQueuedItemEntry = GET_ITEM_NONE;
GetItemEntry vanillaQueuedItemEntry = GET_ITEM_NONE;
void TimeSaverOnFlagSetHandler(int16_t flagType, int16_t flag) {
if (!CVarGetInteger(CVAR_ENHANCEMENT("TimeSavers.SkipCutscene.Story"), IS_RANDO)) return;
@ -1063,11 +1063,11 @@ void TimeSaverRegisterHooks() {
onVanillaBehaviorHook = GameInteractor::Instance->RegisterGameHook<GameInteractor::OnVanillaBehavior>(TimeSaverOnVanillaBehaviorHandler);
onActorInitHook = GameInteractor::Instance->RegisterGameHook<GameInteractor::OnActorInit>(TimeSaverOnActorInitHandler);
onGameFrameUpdate = GameInteractor::Instance->RegisterGameHook<GameInteractor::OnGameFrameUpdate>(TimeSaverOnGameFrameUpdateHandler);
onPlayerUpdateHook = GameInteractor::Instance->RegisterGameHook<GameInteractor::OnPlayerUpdate>(TimeSaverOnPlayerUpdateHandler);
onItemReceiveHook = GameInteractor::Instance->RegisterGameHook<GameInteractor::OnItemReceive>(TimeSaverOnItemReceiveHandler);
if (IS_RANDO) return;
onFlagSetHook = GameInteractor::Instance->RegisterGameHook<GameInteractor::OnFlagSet>(TimeSaverOnFlagSetHandler);
onPlayerUpdateHook = GameInteractor::Instance->RegisterGameHook<GameInteractor::OnPlayerUpdate>(TimeSaverOnPlayerUpdateHandler);
onItemReceiveHook = GameInteractor::Instance->RegisterGameHook<GameInteractor::OnItemReceive>(TimeSaverOnItemReceiveHandler);

View File

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
#include "Enhancements/resolution-editor/ResolutionEditor.h"
#include "Enhancements/enemyrandomizer.h"
#include "Enhancements/timesplits/TimeSplits.h"
#include "Enhancements/Holiday/Holiday.hpp"
// FA icons are kind of wonky, if they worked how I expected them to the "+ 2.0f" wouldn't be needed, but
// they don't work how I expect them to so I added that because it looked good when I eyeballed it
@ -2256,6 +2257,10 @@ void SohMenuBar::DrawElement() {

View File

@ -391,6 +391,19 @@ size_t SohUtils::CopyStringToCharBuffer(char* buffer, const std::string& source,
return 0;
int SohUtils::CopyStringToCharBuffer(const std::string& inputStr, char* buffer, const int maxBufferSize) {
if (!inputStr.empty()) {
// Prevent potential horrible overflow due to implicit conversion of maxBufferSize to an unsigned. Prevents negatives.
memset(buffer, 0, std::max<int>(0, maxBufferSize));
// Gaurentee that this value will be greater than 0, regardless of passed variables.
const int copiedCharLen = std::min<int>(std::max<int>(0, maxBufferSize - 1), inputStr.length());
memcpy(buffer, inputStr.c_str(), copiedCharLen);
return copiedCharLen;
return 0;
bool SohUtils::IsStringEmpty(std::string str) {
// Remove spaces at the beginning of the string
std::string::size_type start = str.find_first_not_of(' ');

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ namespace SohUtils {
// Copies a string into a char buffer up to maxBufferSize characters. This does NOT insert a null terminator
// on the end, as this is used for in-game messages which are not null-terminated.
size_t CopyStringToCharBuffer(char* buffer, const std::string& source, size_t maxBufferSize);
int CopyStringToCharBuffer(const std::string& inputStr, char* buffer, const int maxBufferSize);
bool IsStringEmpty(std::string str);
} // namespace SohUtils

View File

@ -1232,14 +1232,19 @@ void Actor_Init(Actor* actor, PlayState* play) {
ActorShape_Init(&actor->shape, 0.0f, NULL, 0.0f);
if (Object_IsLoaded(&play->objectCtx, actor->objBankIndex)) {
Actor_SetObjectDependency(play, actor);
actor->init(actor, play);
actor->init = NULL;
if (GameInteractor_ShouldActorInit(actor)) {
actor->init(actor, play);
actor->init = NULL;
// For enemy health bar we need to know the max health during init
if (actor->category == ACTORCAT_ENEMY) {
actor->maximumHealth = actor->;
// For enemy health bar we need to know the max health during init
if (actor->category == ACTORCAT_ENEMY) {
actor->maximumHealth = actor->;
} else {
actor->init = NULL;
@ -2577,14 +2582,19 @@ void Actor_UpdateAll(PlayState* play, ActorContext* actorCtx) {
if (Object_IsLoaded(&play->objectCtx, actor->objBankIndex))
Actor_SetObjectDependency(play, actor);
actor->init(actor, play);
actor->init = NULL;
if (GameInteractor_ShouldActorInit(actor)) {
actor->init(actor, play);
actor->init = NULL;
// For enemy health bar we need to know the max health during init
if (actor->category == ACTORCAT_ENEMY) {
actor->maximumHealth = actor->;
// For enemy health bar we need to know the max health during init
if (actor->category == ACTORCAT_ENEMY) {
actor->maximumHealth = actor->;
} else {
actor->init = NULL;
actor = actor->next;

View File

@ -1594,6 +1594,9 @@ void Message_OpenText(PlayState* play, u16 textId) {
Font* font = &msgCtx->font;
s16 textBoxType;
bool loadFromMessageTable = true;
GameInteractor_ExecuteOnOpenText(&textId, &loadFromMessageTable);
if (msgCtx->msgMode == MSGMODE_NONE) {
gSaveContext.unk_13EE = gSaveContext.unk_13EA;
@ -1652,7 +1655,9 @@ void Message_OpenText(PlayState* play, u16 textId) {
// RANDOTODO: Use this for ice trap messages
if (CustomMessage_RetrieveIfExists(play)) {
if (!loadFromMessageTable) {
// no-op
} else if (CustomMessage_RetrieveIfExists(play)) {
osSyncPrintf("Found custom message");
} else if (sTextIsCredits) {
Message_FindCreditsMessage(play, textId);

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@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ void DoorAna_Update(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play) {
this->actionFunc(this, play);
// Changes the grottos facing angle based on camera angle
if (!CVarGetInteger(CVAR_ENHANCEMENT("DisableGrottoRotation"), 0)) {
if (!CVarGetInteger(CVAR_ENHANCEMENT("DisableGrottoRotation"), 0) && thisx->draw == DoorAna_Draw) {
this->actor.shape.rot.y = Camera_GetCamDirYaw(GET_ACTIVE_CAM(play)) + 0x8000;

View File

@ -244,15 +244,22 @@ void EnClearTag_Init(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play) {
if (this->actor.params == CLEAR_TAG_LASER) {
this->state = CLEAR_TAG_STATE_LASER;
this->timers[CLEAR_TAG_TIMER_LASER_DEATH] = 70;
this->actor.speedXZ = 35.0f;
for (j = 0; j <= 0; j++) {
if (CVarGetInteger("gHoliday.AGreenSpoon.EvilGossipStone", 0)) {
this->actor.scale.x = 0.4f;
this->actor.scale.y = 0.4f;
this->actor.scale.z = 2.0f;
this->actor.speedXZ = MAX(10.0f, Actor_WorldDistXZToActor(thisx, &GET_PLAYER(gPlayState)->actor) * 0.33f);
} else {
this->actor.speedXZ = 35.0f;
for (j = 0; j <= 0; j++) {
this->actor.scale.x = 0.4f;
this->actor.scale.y = 0.4f;
this->actor.scale.z = 2.0f;
this->actor.speedXZ = 70.0f;
this->actor.scale.x = 0.4f;
this->actor.scale.y = 0.4f;
this->actor.scale.z = 2.0f;
this->actor.speedXZ = 70.0f;
this->actor.shape.rot.x = -this->actor.shape.rot.x;
@ -570,12 +577,21 @@ void EnClearTag_Update(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play2) {
// Set laser collider properties.
this->collider.dim.radius = 23;
this->collider.dim.height = 25;
this->collider.dim.yShift = -10;
Collider_UpdateCylinder(&this->actor, &this->collider);
CollisionCheck_SetAT(play, &play->colChkCtx, &this->collider.base);
Actor_UpdateBgCheckInfo(play, &this->actor, 50.0f, 80.0f, 100.0f, 5);
if (CVarGetInteger("gHoliday.AGreenSpoon.EvilGossipStone", 0)) {
this->collider.dim.radius = 10;
this->collider.dim.height = 25;
this->collider.dim.yShift = -10;
Collider_UpdateCylinder(&this->actor, &this->collider);
CollisionCheck_SetAT(play, &play->colChkCtx, &this->collider.base);
Actor_UpdateBgCheckInfo(play, &this->actor, 10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f, 5);
} else {
this->collider.dim.radius = 23;
this->collider.dim.height = 25;
this->collider.dim.yShift = -10;
Collider_UpdateCylinder(&this->actor, &this->collider);
CollisionCheck_SetAT(play, &play->colChkCtx, &this->collider.base);
Actor_UpdateBgCheckInfo(play, &this->actor, 50.0f, 80.0f, 100.0f, 5);
// Check if the laser has hit a target, timed out, or hit the ground.
if (this->actor.bgCheckFlags & 9 || hasAtHit || this->timers[CLEAR_TAG_TIMER_LASER_DEATH] == 0) {

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@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ void EnNutsball_Init(Actor* thisx, PlayState* play) {
ActorShape_Init(&this->actor.shape, 400.0f, ActorShadow_DrawCircle, 13.0f);
Collider_InitCylinder(play, &this->collider);
Collider_SetCylinder(play, &this->collider, &this->actor, &sCylinderInit);
if (CVarGetInteger(CVAR_ENHANCEMENT("RandomizedEnemies"), 0)) {
if (CVarGetInteger(CVAR_ENHANCEMENT("RandomizedEnemies"), 0) || CVarGetInteger("gLetItSnow", 0)) {
this->objBankIndex = 0;
} else {
this->objBankIndex = Object_GetIndex(&play->objectCtx, sObjectIDs[this->actor.params]);