mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 22:32:50 -05:00
@ -5,6 +5,16 @@
struct Player;
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u8 itemId;
/* 0x01 */ u8 field; // various bit-packed data
/* 0x02 */ s8 gi; // defines the draw id and chest opening animation
/* 0x03 */ u8 textId;
/* 0x04 */ u16 objectId;
} GetItemEntry; // size = 0x06
extern GetItemEntry sGetItemTable[160];
typedef enum {
@ -612,6 +622,7 @@ typedef struct Player {
/* 0x0A86 */ s8 unk_A86;
/* 0x0A87 */ u8 unk_A87;
/* 0x0A88 */ Vec3f unk_A88; // previous body part 0 position
/* 0x0A89 */ bool pendingIceTrap;
} Player; // size = 0xA94
@ -52,19 +52,19 @@ namespace Settings {
// Setting name, Options, Setting Descriptions (assigned in setting_descriptions.cpp) Category (default: Setting),Default index (default: 0), Default hidden (default: false)
//Open Settings Any option index past the last description will use the last description
Option RandomizeOpen = Option::Bool("Randomize Settings", {"No","Yes"}, {openRandomize}, OptionCategory::Toggle);
Option OpenForest = Option::U8 ("Forest", {"Closed", "Open", "Closed Deku"}, {forestClosed, forestOpen, forestClosedDeku}, OptionCategory::Setting, OPENFOREST_OPEN);
Option OpenForest = Option::U8 ("Forest", {"Closed", "Closed Deku", "Open"}, {forestClosed, forestClosedDeku, forestOpen}, OptionCategory::Setting, OPENFOREST_CLOSED);
Option OpenKakariko = Option::U8 ("Kakariko Gate", {"Closed", "Open"}, {kakGateClosed, kakGateOpen});
Option OpenDoorOfTime = Option::U8 ("Door of Time", {"Open", "Closed", "Intended"}, {doorOfTimeOpen, doorOfTimeClosed, doorOfTimeIntended});
Option ZorasFountain = Option::U8 ("Zora's Fountain", {"Normal", "Adult", "Open"}, {fountainNormal, fountainAdult, fountainOpen});
Option OpenDoorOfTime = Option::U8 ("Door of Time", {"Closed", "Song only", "Open"}, {doorOfTimeIntended, doorOfTimeClosed, doorOfTimeOpen});
Option ZorasFountain = Option::U8 ("Zora's Fountain", {"Closed", "Closed as child", "Open"}, {fountainNormal, fountainAdult, fountainOpen});
Option GerudoFortress = Option::U8 ("Gerudo Fortress", {"Normal", "Fast", "Open"}, {gerudoNormal, gerudoFast, gerudoOpen});
Option Bridge = Option::U8 ("Rainbow Bridge", {"Open", "Vanilla", "Stones", "Medallions", "Rewards", "Dungeons", "Tokens"}, {bridgeOpen, bridgeVanilla, bridgeStones, bridgeMedallions, bridgeRewards, bridgeDungeons, bridgeTokens}, OptionCategory::Setting, RAINBOWBRIDGE_VANILLA);
Option BridgeStoneCount = Option::U8 (" Stone Count", {NumOpts(0, 3)}, {bridgeStoneCountDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1, true);
Option BridgeMedallionCount= Option::U8 (" Medallion Count", {NumOpts(0, 6)}, {bridgeMedallionCountDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1, true);
Option BridgeRewardCount = Option::U8 (" Reward Count", {NumOpts(0, 9)}, {bridgeRewardCountDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1, true);
Option BridgeDungeonCount = Option::U8 (" Dungeon Count", {NumOpts(0, 8)}, {bridgeDungeonCountDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1, true);
Option BridgeTokenCount = Option::U8 (" Token Count", {NumOpts(0, 100)}, {bridgeTokenCountDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1, true);
Option Bridge = Option::U8 ("Rainbow Bridge", {"Vanilla", "Always open", "Stones", "Medallions", "Dungeon rewards", "Dungeons", "Tokens"}, {bridgeVanilla, bridgeOpen, bridgeStones, bridgeMedallions, bridgeRewards, bridgeDungeons, bridgeTokens}, OptionCategory::Setting, RAINBOWBRIDGE_VANILLA);
Option BridgeStoneCount = Option::U8 ("Stone Count", {NumOpts(0, 3)}, {bridgeStoneCountDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1, true);
Option BridgeMedallionCount= Option::U8 ("Medallion Count", {NumOpts(0, 6)}, {bridgeMedallionCountDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1, true);
Option BridgeRewardCount = Option::U8 ("Reward Count", {NumOpts(0, 9)}, {bridgeRewardCountDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1, true);
Option BridgeDungeonCount = Option::U8 ("Dungeon Count", {NumOpts(0, 8)}, {bridgeDungeonCountDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1, true);
Option BridgeTokenCount = Option::U8 ("Token Count", {NumOpts(0, 100)}, {bridgeTokenCountDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1, true);
Option RandomGanonsTrials = Option::Bool("Random Ganon's Trials", {"Off", "On"}, {randomGanonsTrialsDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, ON);
Option GanonsTrialsCount = Option::U8 (" Trial Count", {NumOpts(0, 6)}, {ganonsTrialCountDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1, true);
Option GanonsTrialsCount = Option::U8 ("Trial Count", {NumOpts(0, 6)}, {ganonsTrialCountDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1, true);
std::vector<Option *> openOptions = {
@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ namespace Settings {
Option StartingAge = Option::U8 ("Starting Age", {"Adult", "Child", "Random"}, {ageDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, AGE_CHILD);
uint8_t ResolvedStartingAge;
Option ShuffleEntrances = Option::Bool("Shuffle Entrances", {"Off", "On"}, {shuffleEntrancesDesc});
Option ShuffleDungeonEntrances = Option::U8 (" Dungeon Entrances", {"Off", "On", "On + Ganon"}, {dungeonEntrancesDesc});
Option ShuffleOverworldEntrances = Option::Bool(" Overworld Entrances", {"Off", "On"}, {overworldEntrancesDesc});
Option ShuffleInteriorEntrances = Option::U8 (" Interior Entrances", {"Off", "Simple", "All"}, {interiorEntrancesOff, interiorEntrancesSimple, interiorEntrancesAll});
Option ShuffleGrottoEntrances = Option::Bool(" Grottos Entrances", {"Off", "On"}, {grottoEntrancesDesc});
Option ShuffleDungeonEntrances = Option::U8 ("Dungeon Entrances", {"Off", "On", "On + Ganon"}, {dungeonEntrancesDesc});
Option ShuffleOverworldEntrances = Option::Bool("Overworld Entrances", {"Off", "On"}, {overworldEntrancesDesc});
Option ShuffleInteriorEntrances = Option::U8 ("Interior Entrances", {"Off", "Simple", "All"}, {interiorEntrancesOff, interiorEntrancesSimple, interiorEntrancesAll});
Option ShuffleGrottoEntrances = Option::Bool("Grottos Entrances", {"Off", "On"}, {grottoEntrancesDesc});
Option BombchusInLogic = Option::Bool("Bombchus in Logic", {"Off", "On"}, {bombchuLogicDesc});
Option AmmoDrops = Option::U8 ("Ammo Drops", {"On", "On + Bombchu", "Off"}, {defaultAmmoDropsDesc, bombchuDropsDesc, noAmmoDropsDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, AMMODROPS_BOMBCHU);
Option HeartDropRefill = Option::U8 ("Heart Drops and Refills",{"On", "No Drop", "No Refill", "Off"}, {defaultHeartDropsDesc, noHeartDropsDesc, noHeartRefillDesc, scarceHeartsDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, HEARTDROPREFILL_VANILLA);
@ -98,18 +98,18 @@ namespace Settings {
uint8_t MQSet;
bool DungeonModesKnown[12];
Option SetDungeonTypes = Option::Bool("Set Dungeon Types", {"Off", "On"}, {setDungeonTypesDesc});
Option MQDeku = Option::U8 (" Deku Tree", {"Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Random"}, {setDungeonTypesDesc});
Option MQDodongo = Option::U8 (" Dodongo's Cavern", {"Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Random"}, {setDungeonTypesDesc});
Option MQJabu = Option::U8 (" Jabu-Jabu's Belly", {"Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Random"}, {setDungeonTypesDesc});
Option MQForest = Option::U8 (" Forest Temple", {"Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Random"}, {setDungeonTypesDesc});
Option MQFire = Option::U8 (" Fire Temple", {"Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Random"}, {setDungeonTypesDesc});
Option MQWater = Option::U8 (" Water Temple", {"Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Random"}, {setDungeonTypesDesc});
Option MQSpirit = Option::U8 (" Spirit Temple", {"Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Random"}, {setDungeonTypesDesc});
Option MQShadow = Option::U8 (" Shadow Temple", {"Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Random"}, {setDungeonTypesDesc});
Option MQBotW = Option::U8 (" Bottom of the Well", {"Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Random"}, {setDungeonTypesDesc});
Option MQIceCavern = Option::U8 (" Ice Cavern", {"Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Random"}, {setDungeonTypesDesc});
Option MQGTG = Option::U8 (" Training Grounds", {"Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Random"}, {setDungeonTypesDesc});
Option MQCastle = Option::U8 (" Ganon's Castle", {"Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Random"}, {setDungeonTypesDesc});
Option MQDeku = Option::U8 ("Deku Tree", {"Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Random"}, {setDungeonTypesDesc});
Option MQDodongo = Option::U8 ("Dodongo's Cavern", {"Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Random"}, {setDungeonTypesDesc});
Option MQJabu = Option::U8 ("Jabu-Jabu's Belly", {"Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Random"}, {setDungeonTypesDesc});
Option MQForest = Option::U8 ("Forest Temple", {"Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Random"}, {setDungeonTypesDesc});
Option MQFire = Option::U8 ("Fire Temple", {"Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Random"}, {setDungeonTypesDesc});
Option MQWater = Option::U8 ("Water Temple", {"Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Random"}, {setDungeonTypesDesc});
Option MQSpirit = Option::U8 ("Spirit Temple", {"Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Random"}, {setDungeonTypesDesc});
Option MQShadow = Option::U8 ("Shadow Temple", {"Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Random"}, {setDungeonTypesDesc});
Option MQBotW = Option::U8 ("Bottom of the Well", {"Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Random"}, {setDungeonTypesDesc});
Option MQIceCavern = Option::U8 ("Ice Cavern", {"Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Random"}, {setDungeonTypesDesc});
Option MQGTG = Option::U8 ("Training Grounds", {"Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Random"}, {setDungeonTypesDesc});
Option MQCastle = Option::U8 ("Ganon's Castle", {"Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Random"}, {setDungeonTypesDesc});
std::vector<Option *> worldOptions = {
@ -153,9 +153,9 @@ namespace Settings {
//Shuffle Settings
Option RandomizeShuffle = Option::Bool("Randomize Settings", {"No","Yes"}, {shuffleRandomize}, OptionCategory::Toggle);
Option ShuffleRewards = Option::U8 ("Shuffle Dungeon Rewards",{"End of Dungeons", "Any Dungeon", "Overworld", "Anywhere"}, {shuffleRewardsEndOfDungeon, shuffleRewardsAnyDungeon, shuffleRewardsOverworld, shuffleRewardsAnywhere});
Option ShuffleRewards = Option::U8 ("Shuffle Dungeon Rewards",{"End of dungeons", "Any dungeon", "Overworld", "Anywhere"}, {shuffleRewardsEndOfDungeon, shuffleRewardsAnyDungeon, shuffleRewardsOverworld, shuffleRewardsAnywhere});
Option LinksPocketItem = Option::U8 ("Link's Pocket", {"Dungeon Reward", "Advancement", "Anything", "Nothing"}, {linksPocketDungeonReward, linksPocketAdvancement, linksPocketAnything, linksPocketNothing});
Option ShuffleSongs = Option::U8 ("Shuffle Songs", {"Song Locations", "Dungeon Rewards", "Anywhere"}, {songsSongLocations, songsDungeonRewards, songsAllLocations});
Option ShuffleSongs = Option::U8 ("Shuffle Songs", {"Song locations", "Dungeon rewards", "Anywhere"}, {songsSongLocations, songsDungeonRewards, songsAllLocations});
Option Shopsanity = Option::U8 ("Shopsanity", {MultiVecOpts({{"Off"}, NumOpts(0, 4), {"Random"}})}, {shopsOff, shopsZero, shopsOne, shopsTwo, shopsThree, shopsFour, shopsRandom});
Option Tokensanity = Option::U8 ("Tokensanity", {"Off", "Dungeons", "Overworld", "All Tokens"}, {tokensOff, tokensDungeon, tokensOverworld, tokensAllTokens});
Option Scrubsanity = Option::U8 ("Scrub Shuffle", {"Off", "Affordable", "Expensive", "Random Prices"}, {scrubsOff, scrubsAffordable, scrubsExpensive, scrubsRandomPrices});
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ namespace Settings {
Option ShuffleKokiriSword = Option::Bool("Shuffle Kokiri Sword", {"Off", "On"}, {kokiriSwordDesc});
Option ShuffleOcarinas = Option::Bool("Shuffle Ocarinas", {"Off", "On"}, {ocarinasDesc});
Option ShuffleWeirdEgg = Option::Bool("Shuffle Weird Egg", {"Off", "On"}, {weirdEggDesc});
Option ShuffleGerudoToken = Option::Bool("Shuffle Gerudo Membership Card", {"Off", "On"}, {gerudoTokenDesc});
Option ShuffleGerudoToken = Option::Bool("Shuffle Gerudo Card", {"Off", "On"}, {gerudoTokenDesc});
Option ShuffleMagicBeans = Option::Bool("Shuffle Magic Beans", {"Off", "On"}, {magicBeansDesc});
Option ShuffleMerchants = Option::U8 ("Shuffle Merchants", {"Off", "On (No Hints)", "On (With Hints)"}, {merchantsDesc, merchantsHintsDesc});
Option ShuffleAdultTradeQuest = Option::Bool("Shuffle Adult Trade", {"Off", "On"}, {adultTradeDesc});
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ namespace Settings {
//Shuffle Dungeon Items
Option RandomizeDungeon = Option::Bool("Randomize Settings", {"No","Yes"}, {dungeonRandomize}, OptionCategory::Toggle);
Option MapsAndCompasses = Option::U8 ("Maps/Compasses", {"Start With", "Vanilla", "Own Dungeon", "Any Dungeon", "Overworld", "Anywhere"},
Option MapsAndCompasses = Option::U8 ("Start with Maps/Compasses", {"Start With", "Vanilla", "Own Dungeon", "Any Dungeon", "Overworld", "Anywhere"},
{mapCompassStartWith, mapCompassVanilla, mapCompassOwnDungeon, mapCompassAnyDungeon, mapCompassOverworld, mapCompassAnywhere}, OptionCategory::Setting, MAPSANDCOMPASSES_OWN_DUNGEON);
Option Keysanity = Option::U8 ("Small Keys", {"Start With", "Vanilla", "Own Dungeon", "Any Dungeon", "Overworld", "Anywhere"},
{smallKeyStartWith, smallKeyVanilla, smallKeyOwnDungeon, smallKeyAnyDungeon, smallKeyOverworld, smallKeyAnywhere}, OptionCategory::Setting, KEYSANITY_OWN_DUNGEON);
@ -197,24 +197,24 @@ namespace Settings {
{gerudoKeysVanilla, gerudoKeysAnyDungeon, gerudoKeysOverworld, gerudoKeysAnywhere});
Option BossKeysanity = Option::U8 ("Boss Keys", {"Start With", "Vanilla", "Own Dungeon", "Any Dungeon", "Overworld", "Anywhere"},
{bossKeyStartWith, bossKeyVanilla, bossKeyOwnDungeon, bossKeyAnyDungeon, bossKeyOverworld, bossKeyAnywhere}, OptionCategory::Setting, BOSSKEYSANITY_OWN_DUNGEON);
Option GanonsBossKey = Option::U8 ("Ganon's Boss Key", {"Start With", "Vanilla", "Own Dungeon", "Any Dungeon", "Overworld", "Anywhere", "LACS-Vanilla", "LACS-Medallions", "LACS-Stones", "LACS-Rewards", "LACS-Dungeons", "LACS-Tokens"},
{ganonKeyStartWith, ganonKeyVanilla, ganonKeyOwnDungeon, ganonKeyAnyDungeon, ganonKeyOverworld, ganonKeyAnywhere, ganonKeyLACS}, OptionCategory::Setting, GANONSBOSSKEY_OWN_DUNGEON);
Option GanonsBossKey = Option::U8 ("Ganon's Boss Key", {"Vanilla", "Own dungeon", "Start with", "Any Dungeon", "Overworld", "Anywhere", "LACS-Vanilla", "LACS-Medallions", "LACS-Stones", "LACS-Rewards", "LACS-Dungeons", "LACS-Tokens"},
{ganonKeyVanilla, ganonKeyOwnDungeon, ganonKeyStartWith, ganonKeyAnyDungeon, ganonKeyOverworld, ganonKeyAnywhere, ganonKeyLACS}, OptionCategory::Setting, GANONSBOSSKEY_VANILLA);
uint8_t LACSCondition = 0;
Option LACSMedallionCount = Option::U8 (" Medallion Count", {NumOpts(0, 6)}, {lacsMedallionCountDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1, true);
Option LACSStoneCount = Option::U8 (" Stone Count", {NumOpts(0, 3)}, {lacsStoneCountDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1, true);
Option LACSRewardCount = Option::U8 (" Reward Count", {NumOpts(0, 9)}, {lacsRewardCountDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1, true);
Option LACSDungeonCount = Option::U8 (" Dungeon Count", {NumOpts(0, 8)}, {lacsDungeonCountDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1, true);
Option LACSTokenCount = Option::U8 (" Token Count", {NumOpts(0, 100)}, {lacsTokenCountDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1, true);
Option LACSMedallionCount = Option::U8 ("Medallion Count", {NumOpts(0, 6)}, {lacsMedallionCountDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1, true);
Option LACSStoneCount = Option::U8 ("Stone Count", {NumOpts(0, 3)}, {lacsStoneCountDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1, true);
Option LACSRewardCount = Option::U8 ("Reward Count", {NumOpts(0, 9)}, {lacsRewardCountDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1, true);
Option LACSDungeonCount = Option::U8 ("Dungeon Count", {NumOpts(0, 8)}, {lacsDungeonCountDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1, true);
Option LACSTokenCount = Option::U8 ("Token Count", {NumOpts(0, 100)}, {lacsTokenCountDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1, true);
Option KeyRings = Option::Bool("Key Rings", {"Off", "On"}, {keyRingDesc});
Option RingFortress = Option::Bool(" Gerudo Fortress", {"Off", "On"}, {keyRingDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting);
Option RingForest = Option::Bool(" Forest Temple", {"Off", "On"}, {keyRingDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting);
Option RingFire = Option::Bool(" Fire Temple", {"Off", "On"}, {keyRingDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting);
Option RingWater = Option::Bool(" Water Temple", {"Off", "On"}, {keyRingDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting);
Option RingSpirit = Option::Bool(" Spirit Temple", {"Off", "On"}, {keyRingDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting);
Option RingShadow = Option::Bool(" Shadow Temple", {"Off", "On"}, {keyRingDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting);
Option RingWell = Option::Bool(" Bottom of the Well", {"Off", "On"}, {keyRingDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting);
Option RingGtg = Option::Bool(" GTG", {"Off", "On"}, {keyRingDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting);
Option RingCastle = Option::Bool(" Ganon's Castle", {"Off", "On"}, {keyRingDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting);
Option RingFortress = Option::Bool("Gerudo Fortress", {"Off", "On"}, {keyRingDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting);
Option RingForest = Option::Bool("Forest Temple", {"Off", "On"}, {keyRingDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting);
Option RingFire = Option::Bool("Fire Temple", {"Off", "On"}, {keyRingDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting);
Option RingWater = Option::Bool("Water Temple", {"Off", "On"}, {keyRingDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting);
Option RingSpirit = Option::Bool("Spirit Temple", {"Off", "On"}, {keyRingDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting);
Option RingShadow = Option::Bool("Shadow Temple", {"Off", "On"}, {keyRingDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting);
Option RingWell = Option::Bool("Bottom of the Well", {"Off", "On"}, {keyRingDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting);
Option RingGtg = Option::Bool("GTG", {"Off", "On"}, {keyRingDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting);
Option RingCastle = Option::Bool("Ganon's Castle", {"Off", "On"}, {keyRingDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting);
std::vector<Option *> shuffleDungeonItemOptions = {
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ namespace Settings {
Option KingZoraSpeed = Option::U8 ("King Zora Speed", {"Fast", "Vanilla", "Random"}, {kingZoraSpeedFast, kingZoraSpeedVanilla, kingZoraSpeedRandom});
Option CompleteMaskQuest = Option::Bool("Complete Mask Quest", {"Off", "On"}, {completeMaskDesc});
Option QuickText = Option::U8 ("Quick Text", {"0: Vanilla", "1: Skippable", "2: Instant", "3: Turbo"}, {quickTextDesc0, quickTextDesc1, quickTextDesc2, quickTextDesc3}, OptionCategory::Setting, QUICKTEXT_INSTANT);
Option SkipSongReplays = Option::U8 (" Skip Song Replays", {"Don't Skip", "Skip (No SFX)", "Skip (Keep SFX)"}, {skipSongReplaysDesc});
Option SkipSongReplays = Option::U8 ("Skip Song Replays", {"Don't Skip", "Skip (No SFX)", "Skip (Keep SFX)"}, {skipSongReplaysDesc});
Option KeepFWWarpPoint = Option::Bool("Keep FW Warp Point", {"Off", "On"}, {keepFWWarpPointDesc});
Option FastBunnyHood = Option::Bool("Fast Bunny Hood", {"Off", "On"}, {fastBunnyHoodDesc});
std::vector<Option *> timesaverOptions = {
@ -287,8 +287,8 @@ namespace Settings {
//Misc Settings
Option GossipStoneHints = Option::U8 ("Gossip Stone Hints", {"No Hints", "Need Nothing", "Mask of Truth", "Stone of Agony"}, {gossipStonesHintsDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, HINTS_NEED_NOTHING);
Option ClearerHints = Option::U8 (" Hint Clarity", {"Obscure", "Ambiguous", "Clear"}, {obscureHintsDesc, ambiguousHintsDesc, clearHintsDesc});
Option HintDistribution = Option::U8 (" Hint Distribution", {"Useless", "Balanced", "Strong", "Very Strong"}, {uselessHintsDesc, balancedHintsDesc, strongHintsDesc, veryStrongHintsDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1); // Balanced
Option ClearerHints = Option::U8 ("Hint Clarity", {"Obscure", "Ambiguous", "Clear"}, {obscureHintsDesc, ambiguousHintsDesc, clearHintsDesc});
Option HintDistribution = Option::U8 ("Hint Distribution", {"Useless", "Balanced", "Strong", "Very Strong"}, {uselessHintsDesc, balancedHintsDesc, strongHintsDesc, veryStrongHintsDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1); // Balanced
Option CompassesShowReward = Option::U8 ("Compasses Show Rewards", {"No", "Yes"}, {compassesShowRewardsDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1);
Option CompassesShowWotH = Option::U8 ("Compasses Show WotH", {"No", "Yes"}, {compassesShowWotHDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1);
Option MapsShowDungeonMode = Option::U8 ("Maps Show Dungeon Modes",{"No", "Yes"}, {mapsShowDungeonModesDesc}, OptionCategory::Setting, 1);
@ -321,22 +321,22 @@ namespace Settings {
//Item Usability Settings
Option FaroresWindAnywhere = Option::Bool("Farore's Wind Anywhere", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {faroresWindAnywhereDesc});
Option AgeItemsToggle = Option::U8 ("Lift Age Restrictions", {"All Disabled", "All Enabled", "Choose"}, {ageRestrictionsDesc});
Option StickAsAdult = Option::Bool(" Adult Deku Stick", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {adultStickDesc});
Option BoomerangAsAdult = Option::Bool(" Adult Boomerang", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {adultBoomerangDesc});
Option HammerAsChild = Option::Bool(" Child Hammer", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {childHammerDesc});
Option SlingshotAsAdult = Option::Bool(" Adult Slingshot", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {adultSlingshotDesc});
Option BowAsChild = Option::Bool(" Child Bow", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {childBowDesc});
Option HookshotAsChild = Option::Bool(" Child Hookshot", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {childHookshotDesc});
Option IronBootsAsChild = Option::Bool(" Child Iron Boots", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {childIronBootsDesc});
Option HoverBootsAsChild = Option::Bool(" Child Hover Boots", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {childHoverBootsDesc});
Option MasksAsAdult = Option::Bool(" Adult Masks", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {adultMasksDesc});
Option KokiriSwordAsAdult = Option::Bool(" Adult Kokiri Sword", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {adultKokiriSwordDesc});
Option MasterSwordAsChild = Option::Bool(" Child Master Sword", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {childMasterSwordDesc});
Option BiggoronSwordAsChild= Option::Bool(" Child Biggoron Sword", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {childBiggoronSwordDesc});
Option DekuShieldAsAdult = Option::Bool(" Adult Deku Shield", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {adultDekuShieldDesc});
Option MirrorShieldAsChild = Option::Bool(" Child Mirror Shield", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {childMirrorShieldDesc});
Option GoronTunicAsChild = Option::Bool(" Child Goron Tunic", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {childGoronTunicDesc});
Option ZoraTunicAsChild = Option::Bool(" Child Zora Tunic", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {childZoraTunicDesc});
Option StickAsAdult = Option::Bool("Adult Deku Stick", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {adultStickDesc});
Option BoomerangAsAdult = Option::Bool("Adult Boomerang", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {adultBoomerangDesc});
Option HammerAsChild = Option::Bool("Child Hammer", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {childHammerDesc});
Option SlingshotAsAdult = Option::Bool("Adult Slingshot", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {adultSlingshotDesc});
Option BowAsChild = Option::Bool("Child Bow", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {childBowDesc});
Option HookshotAsChild = Option::Bool("Child Hookshot", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {childHookshotDesc});
Option IronBootsAsChild = Option::Bool("Child Iron Boots", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {childIronBootsDesc});
Option HoverBootsAsChild = Option::Bool("Child Hover Boots", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {childHoverBootsDesc});
Option MasksAsAdult = Option::Bool("Adult Masks", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {adultMasksDesc});
Option KokiriSwordAsAdult = Option::Bool("Adult Kokiri Sword", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {adultKokiriSwordDesc});
Option MasterSwordAsChild = Option::Bool("Child Master Sword", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {childMasterSwordDesc});
Option BiggoronSwordAsChild= Option::Bool("Child Biggoron Sword", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {childBiggoronSwordDesc});
Option DekuShieldAsAdult = Option::Bool("Adult Deku Shield", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {adultDekuShieldDesc});
Option MirrorShieldAsChild = Option::Bool("Child Mirror Shield", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {childMirrorShieldDesc});
Option GoronTunicAsChild = Option::Bool("Child Goron Tunic", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {childGoronTunicDesc});
Option ZoraTunicAsChild = Option::Bool("Child Zora Tunic", {"Disabled", "Enabled"}, {childZoraTunicDesc});
Option GkDurability = Option::U8 ("GK Durability", {"Vanilla", "Random Risk", "Random Safe"}, {gkDurabilityVanilla, gkDurabilityRandomRisk, gkDurabilityRandomSafe});
std::vector<Option *> itemUsabilityOptions = {
@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ namespace Settings {
Option StartingStickCapacity = Option::U8 ("Deku Stick Capacity", {NumOpts(10, 30, 10, {}, " Deku Sticks")}, {""});
Option StartingNutCapacity = Option::U8 ("Deku Nut Capacity", {NumOpts(20, 40, 10, {}, " Deku Nuts")}, {""});
Option StartingSlingshot = Option::U8 ("Slingshot", {"Off", "Slingshot (30)", "Slingshot (40)", "Slingshot (50)"}, {""});
Option StartingOcarina = Option::U8 ("Ocarina", {"Off", "Fairy Ocarina", "Ocarina of Time"}, {""});
Option StartingOcarina = Option::U8 ("Start with Fairy Ocarina", {"Off", "Fairy Ocarina", "Ocarina of Time"}, {""});
Option StartingBombBag = Option::U8 ("Bombs", {"Off", "Bomb Bag (20)", "Bomb Bag (30)", "Bomb Bag (40)"}, {""});
Option StartingBombchus = Option::U8 ("Bombchus", {"Off", "20 Bombchus", "50 Bombchus"}, {""});
Option StartingBoomerang = Option::U8 ("Boomerang", {"Off", "On"}, {""});
@ -507,9 +507,9 @@ namespace Settings {
Option StartingKokiriSword = Option::U8 ("Kokiri Sword", {"Off", "On"}, {""});
Option StartingKokiriSword = Option::U8 ("Start with Kokiri Sword", {"Off", "On"}, {""});
Option StartingBiggoronSword = Option::U8 ("Biggoron Sword", {"Off", "Giant's Knife", "Biggoron Sword"}, {""});
Option StartingDekuShield = Option::U8 ("Deku Shield", {"Off", "On"}, {""});
Option StartingDekuShield = Option::U8 ("Start with Deku Shield", {"Off", "On"}, {""});
Option StartingHylianShield = Option::U8 ("Hylian Shield", {"Off", "On"}, {""});
Option StartingMirrorShield = Option::U8 ("Mirror Shield", {"Off", "On"}, {""});
Option StartingGoronTunic = Option::U8 ("Goron Tunic", {"Off", "On"}, {""});
@ -2488,6 +2488,7 @@ namespace Settings {
@ -2539,6 +2540,8 @@ namespace Settings {
// RANDOTODO implement chest shuffle with keysanity
// ShuffleChestMinigame.SetSelectedIndex(cvarSettings[RSK_SHUFFLE_CHEST_MINIGAME]);
@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ typedef enum {
typedef enum {
} OpenForestSetting;
typedef enum {
@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ typedef enum {
} OpenKakarikoSetting;
typedef enum {
} OpenDoorOfTimeSetting;
typedef enum {
@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ typedef enum {
} GerudoFortressSetting;
typedef enum {
@ -212,9 +212,9 @@ typedef enum {
} BossKeysanitySetting;
typedef enum {
@ -426,11 +426,11 @@ static void WriteStartingInventory() {
// doesn't work, and because it'd be bad to set every single possible starting
// inventory item as "false" in the json, we're just going to check
// to see if the name is one of the 3 we're using rn
if(setting->GetName() == "Deku Shield" || setting->GetName() == "Kokiri Sword" || setting->GetName() == "Ocarina") {
jsonData["settings"]["Start With " + setting->GetName()] = setting->GetSelectedOptionText();
if (setting->GetName() == "Start with Consumables" || setting->GetName() == "Start with Max Rupees") {
if (setting->GetName() == "Start with Consumables" ||
setting->GetName() == "Start with Max Rupees" ||
setting->GetName() == "Start with Fairy Ocarina" ||
setting->GetName() == "Start with Kokiri Sword" ||
setting->GetName() == "Start with Deku Shield") {
jsonData["settings"][setting->GetName()] = setting->GetSelectedOptionText();
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -973,6 +973,7 @@ typedef enum {
RSK_STARTING_MAPS_COMPASSES, //RANDOTODO more options for this, rn it's just start with or own dungeon
@ -996,5 +997,6 @@ typedef enum {
} RandomizerSettingKey;
@ -1981,6 +1981,10 @@ s32 GiveItemWithoutActor(GlobalContext* globalCtx, s32 getItemId) {
player->getItemId = getItemId;
player->interactRangeActor = &player->actor;
player->getItemDirection = player->actor.shape.rot.y;
// Player state 26 = Player is frozen
if (player->stateFlags1 & (PLAYER_STATE1_26)) {
player->pendingIceTrap = false;
return true;
@ -1735,6 +1735,20 @@ void Message_OpenText(GlobalContext* globalCtx, u16 textId) {
} else {
msgCtx->msgLength = font->msgLength = Randomizer_CopyGanonHintText(font->msgBuf, sizeof(font->msgBuf));
} else if (textId == 0xF8 && GET_PLAYER(globalCtx)->getItemId == GI_ICE_TRAP) {
switch (gSaveContext.language) {
strcpy(font->msgBuf, "\x08\x06\x50\x05\x43IDIOT\x0E\x20\x02");
strcpy(font->msgBuf, "\x08\x06\x15 Du bist ein\x05\x43 DUMMKOPF\x05\x40!\x0E\x20\x02");
strcpy(font->msgBuf, "\x08\x06\x30You are a\x05\x43 FOWL\x05\x40!\x0E\x20\x02");
msgCtx->msgLength = font->msgLength = strlen(font->msgBuf);
} else {
msgCtx->msgLength = font->msgLength;
char* src = (uintptr_t)font->msgOffset;
@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ void func_80AFB768(EnSi* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx);
void func_80AFB89C(EnSi* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx);
void func_80AFB950(EnSi* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx);
s32 textId = 0xB4;
s32 giveItemId = ITEM_SKULL_TOKEN;
s32 getItemId;
static ColliderCylinderInit sCylinderInit = {
@ -93,11 +97,24 @@ void func_80AFB768(EnSi* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
if (this->collider.base.ocFlags2 & OC2_HIT_PLAYER) {
this->collider.base.ocFlags2 &= ~OC2_HIT_PLAYER;
Item_Give(globalCtx, ITEM_SKULL_TOKEN);
if (CVar_GetS32("gSkulltulaFreeze", 0) != 1) {
if (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag) {
getItemId = Randomizer_GetRandomizedItemId(GI_SKULL_TOKEN, this->actor.id, this->actor.params, globalCtx->sceneNum);
if (getItemId == GI_ICE_TRAP) {
player->getItemId = GI_ICE_TRAP;
player->pendingIceTrap = true;
textId = 0xF8;
} else {
textId = sGetItemTable[getItemId - 1].textId;
giveItemId = sGetItemTable[getItemId - 1].itemId;
Item_Give(globalCtx, giveItemId);
} else {
Item_Give(globalCtx, giveItemId);
if ((CVar_GetS32("gSkulltulaFreeze", 0) != 1 || giveItemId != ITEM_SKULL_TOKEN) && getItemId != GI_ICE_TRAP) {
player->actor.freezeTimer = 20;
Message_StartTextbox(globalCtx, 0xB4, NULL);
Message_StartTextbox(globalCtx, textId, NULL);
this->actionFunc = func_80AFB950;
} else {
@ -117,8 +134,21 @@ void func_80AFB89C(EnSi* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
this->actor.shape.rot.y += 0x400;
if (!CHECK_FLAG_ALL(this->actor.flags, ACTOR_FLAG_13)) {
Item_Give(globalCtx, ITEM_SKULL_TOKEN);
Message_StartTextbox(globalCtx, 0xB4, NULL);
if (gSaveContext.n64ddFlag) {
getItemId = Randomizer_GetRandomizedItemId(GI_SKULL_TOKEN, this->actor.id, this->actor.params, globalCtx->sceneNum);
if (getItemId == GI_ICE_TRAP) {
player->getItemId = GI_ICE_TRAP;
player->pendingIceTrap = true;
textId = 0xF8;
} else {
textId = sGetItemTable[getItemId - 1].textId;
giveItemId = sGetItemTable[getItemId - 1].itemId;
Item_Give(globalCtx, giveItemId);
} else {
Item_Give(globalCtx, giveItemId);
Message_StartTextbox(globalCtx, textId, NULL);
this->actionFunc = func_80AFB950;
@ -127,7 +157,8 @@ void func_80AFB89C(EnSi* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
void func_80AFB950(EnSi* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
Player* player = GET_PLAYER(globalCtx);
if (Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) != TEXT_STATE_CLOSING && CVar_GetS32("gSkulltulaFreeze", 0) != 1) {
if (Message_GetState(&globalCtx->msgCtx) != TEXT_STATE_CLOSING &&
((CVar_GetS32("gSkulltulaFreeze", 0) != 1 || giveItemId != ITEM_SKULL_TOKEN) && getItemId != GI_ICE_TRAP)) {
player->actor.freezeTimer = 10;
} else {
SET_GS_FLAGS((this->actor.params & 0x1F00) >> 8, this->actor.params & 0xFF);
@ -150,6 +181,19 @@ void EnSi_Draw(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
if (this->actionFunc != func_80AFB950) {
func_8002ED80(&this->actor, globalCtx, 0);
func_8002EBCC(&this->actor, globalCtx, 0);
GetItem_Draw(globalCtx, GID_SKULL_TOKEN_2);
if (!gSaveContext.n64ddFlag) {
GetItem_Draw(globalCtx, GID_SKULL_TOKEN_2);
} else {
getItemId = Randomizer_GetRandomizedItemId(GI_SKULL_TOKEN, this->actor.id, this->actor.params, globalCtx->sceneNum);
if (getItemId >= GI_MINUET_OF_FOREST && getItemId <= GI_DOUBLE_DEFENSE) {
EnItem00_CustomItemsParticles(&this->actor, globalCtx, getItemId);
if (getItemId != ITEM_SKULL_TOKEN) {
f32 mtxScale = 1.5f;
Matrix_Scale(mtxScale, mtxScale, mtxScale, MTXMODE_APPLY);
GetItem_Draw(globalCtx, Randomizer_GetItemModelFromId(getItemId));
@ -613,9 +613,9 @@ void func_80B0D878(EnSw* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
x = (this->unk_364.x * 10.0f);
y = (this->unk_364.y * 10.0f);
z = (this->unk_364.z * 10.0f);
temp_v0 =
Actor_SpawnAsChild(&globalCtx->actorCtx, &this->actor, globalCtx, ACTOR_EN_SI, this->actor.world.pos.x + x,
this->actor.world.pos.y + y, this->actor.world.pos.z + z, 0, 0, 0, this->actor.params);
temp_v0 = Actor_SpawnAsChild(&globalCtx->actorCtx, &this->actor, globalCtx, ACTOR_EN_SI,
this->actor.world.pos.x + x, this->actor.world.pos.y + y,
this->actor.world.pos.z + z, 0, 0, 0, this->actor.params);
if (temp_v0 != NULL) {
temp_v0->parent = NULL;
@ -21,14 +21,6 @@
#include "objects/object_link_child/object_link_child.h"
#include "textures/icon_item_24_static/icon_item_24_static.h"
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u8 itemId;
/* 0x01 */ u8 field; // various bit-packed data
/* 0x02 */ s8 gi; // defines the draw id and chest opening animation
/* 0x03 */ u8 textId;
/* 0x04 */ u16 objectId;
} GetItemEntry; // size = 0x06
#define GET_ITEM(itemId, objectId, drawId, textId, field, chestAnim) \
{ itemId, field, (chestAnim != CHEST_ANIM_SHORT ? 1 : -1) * (drawId + 1), textId, objectId }
@ -496,7 +488,7 @@ static u16 D_8085361C[] = {
static GetItemEntry sGetItemTable[] = {
GetItemEntry sGetItemTable[] = {
@ -11013,6 +11005,10 @@ void Player_UpdateCommon(Player* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx, Input* input) {
Collider_ResetQuadAC(globalCtx, &this->shieldQuad.base);
Collider_ResetQuadAT(globalCtx, &this->shieldQuad.base);
if (this->pendingIceTrap) {
GiveItemWithoutActor(globalCtx, GI_ICE_TRAP);
static Vec3f D_80854838 = { 0.0f, 0.0f, -30.0f };
Reference in New Issue
Block a user