Add German translations

Thanks to Menzelmeister on Discord for translating to German
This commit is contained in:
Sarge-117 2022-08-15 14:02:48 -07:00
parent fa19df9201
commit 4be473fede

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@ -4730,63 +4730,63 @@ void Rando_Init(void) {
CustomMessageMinimal NaviMessages[NaviMsgCount] = {
{ "%cMissing a small key in a dungeon?&Maybe the %rboss %chas it!",
"%cGerman tip about playing rando! 0",
"%cFehlt dir ein kleiner Schlüssel in &einem Labyrinth? Vielleicht hat ihn&ja der %rEndgegner%c!",
"%cFrench tip about playing rando! 0" },
{ "%cSometimes you can use the %rMegaton&Hammer %cinstead of bombs!",
"%cGerman tip about playing rando! 1",
"%cManchmal kannst du den %rStahlhammer&%cstatt Bomben verwenden!",
"%cFrench tip about playing rando! 1" },
{ "%cThere are three %gbusiness scrubs %cin &Hyrule who sell %wmysterious items%c. Do&you know where they are?",
"%cGerman tip about playing rando! 2",
"%cEs gibt drei %gDeku-Händler %cin Hyrule&die mysteriöse Gegenstände&verkaufen. Weißt du wo Sie sind?",
"%cFrench tip about playing rando! 2" },
{ "%cStuck on this seed? You could &throw in the towel and check the&%wspoiler log%c...",
"%cGerman tip about playing rando! 3",
"%cHängst du bei diesem Seed fest?&Du könntest die Flinte ins Korn&werfen und ins %wSpoiler Log %cschauen...",
"%cFrench tip about playing rando! 3" },
{ "%cDid you know that the %yHover&Boots %ccan be used to cross&quicksand?",
"%cGerman tip about playing rando! 4",
"%cWusstest du, dass du mit den&%yGleitstiefeln %cTreibsand überqueren&kannst?",
"%cFrench tip about playing rando! 4" },
{ "%cYou can reach the back of %wImpa's&House %cby jumping from the&unfinished house with a %rcucco%c!",
"%cGerman tip about playing rando! 5",
"%cDu kannst den Balkon von %wImpas&Haus %cerreichen indem du von&der Baustelle aus mit einem %rHuhn&%cspringst!",
"%cFrench tip about playing rando! 5" },
{ "%cThe %ySpirit Trial %cin %pGanon's Castle&%chas a %whidden chest %csomewhere.&Did you already know that?",
"%cGerman tip about playing rando! 6",
"%cDie %yGeister-Prüfung %cin %pGanons&Schloss %chat irgendwo eine&%wversteckte Kiste%c. Weißt du schon&wo?",
"%cFrench tip about playing rando! 6" },
{ "%cYou know the %wBombchu Bowling&Alley%c? I heard %wonly two of the &prizes %care worthwhile. The rest &is junk!",
"%cGerman tip about playing rando! 7",
"%cKennst du die %wMinenbowlingbahn%c?&Ich habe gehört dass sich nur &%wzwei der Preise%c lohnen. Der Rest&ist Krimskrams!",
"%cFrench tip about playing rando! 7" },
{ "%cHave you been using %wDeku Nuts&%cenough? I've seen them blow up&a %rBombchu%c!",
"%cGerman tip about playing rando! 8",
"%cBenutzt du auch genügend %wDeku&Nüsse%c? Ich habe mal gesehen dass&man damit %rKrabbelminen %cdetonieren&kann!",
"%cFrench tip about playing rando! 8" },
{ "%cYou might end up with an %wextra&key %cfor the %bWater Temple %cor the&%rFire Temple%c. It's for your safety!",
"%cGerman tip about playing rando! 9",
"%cVielleicht verbleibt dir im&%bWassertempel %coder %rFeuertempel %cein&%wzusätzlicher Schlüssel%c. Dies&ist zu deiner Sicherheit!",
"%cFrench tip about playing rando! 9" },
{ "%cIf you can't pick up a %rbomb&flower %cwith your hands, you can&still detonate it with %rfire %cor&with %warrows%c!",
"%cGerman tip about playing rando! 10",
"%cNur weil du eine %rDonnerblume&%cnicht hochheben kannst, so kannst&du sie immernoch mit %rFeuer %coder&%wPfeilen %cdetonieren!",
"%cFrench tip about playing rando! 10" },
{ "%cEven an adult can't push large&blocks without some %wextra&strength%c!",
"%cGerman tip about playing rando! 11",
"%cSelbst ein Erwachsener kann ohne&etwas %wzusätzliche Kraft %ckeine&großen Blöcke verschieben!",
"%cFrench tip about playing rando! 11" },
{ "%cI've heard that %rFlare Dancer&%cis weak to the Master Sword!&Have you tried it?",
"%cGerman tip about playing rando! 12",
"%cIch habe gehört dass der&%rFlammenderwisch %ceine Schwäche für&das Masterschwert aufweist. Hast du&es schonmal versucht einzusetzen?",
"%cFrench tip about playing rando! 12" },
{ "%cDon't have a weapon to kill a&%rspider%c? Try throwing a %wpot&%cat it!",
"%cGerman tip about playing rando! 13",
"%cFehlt dir die Waffe um gegen&eine %rSkulltula %czu kämpfen? Versuch&Sie mit einem %wKrug %cabzuwerfen!",
"%cFrench tip about playing rando! 13" },
{ "%cI hear the patch of %wsoft soil&%cin %bZora's River %cis the only one&that isn't home to a %rspider%c!",
"%cGerman tip about playing rando! 14",
"%cIch habe gehört dass die Stelle&%wfeuchten Bodens %cim %bZora-Fluss %cals&einzige keine %rSkulltula %cbeherbergt.",
"%cFrench tip about playing rando! 14" },