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synced 2025-03-03 02:01:47 -05:00
Enhancement: More options for Kaleido Link (#394)
* Enhancement: More options for Kaleido Link ADDED: 14 animations to use ADDED: 2 random mode ADDED: Link rotation on the menu with DPAD-Left and Right ADDED: Reset position with DPAD-Up and Down * ADDED/ Choice to use C-Button or D-pad
This commit is contained in:
@ -861,9 +861,48 @@ namespace SohImGui {
if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Graphics"))
if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Animated Link in Pause Menu")) {
EnhancementRadioButton("Disabled", "gPauseLiveRotation", 0);
EnhancementRadioButton("Rotate Link with D-pad", "gPauseLiveRotation", 1);
Tooltip("Allow you to rotate Link on the Equipment menu with the DPAD\nUse DPAD-Up or DPAD-Down to reset Link's rotation");
EnhancementRadioButton("Rotate Link with C-buttons", "gPauseLiveRotation", 2);
Tooltip("Allow you to rotate Link on the Equipment menu with the C-buttons\nUse C-Up or C-Down to reset Link's rotation");
if (CVar_GetS32("gPauseLiveRotation", 0) != 0) {
EnhancementSliderInt("Rotation Speed: %d", "##MinRotationSpeed", "gPauseLiveLinkRotationSpeed", 1, 20, "");
ImGui::Text("Static loop");
EnhancementRadioButton("Disabled", "gPauseLiveLink", 0);
EnhancementRadioButton("Idle (standing)", "gPauseLiveLink", 1);
EnhancementRadioButton("Idle (look around)", "gPauseLiveLink", 2);
EnhancementRadioButton("Idle (belt)", "gPauseLiveLink", 3);
EnhancementRadioButton("Idle (shield)", "gPauseLiveLink", 4);
EnhancementRadioButton("Idle (test sword)", "gPauseLiveLink", 5);
EnhancementRadioButton("Idle (yawn)", "gPauseLiveLink", 6);
EnhancementRadioButton("Battle Stance", "gPauseLiveLink", 7);
EnhancementRadioButton("Walking (no shield)", "gPauseLiveLink", 8);
EnhancementRadioButton("Walking (holding shield)", "gPauseLiveLink", 9);
EnhancementRadioButton("Running (no shield)", "gPauseLiveLink", 10);
EnhancementRadioButton("Running (holding shield)", "gPauseLiveLink", 11);
EnhancementRadioButton("Hand on hip", "gPauseLiveLink", 12);
EnhancementRadioButton("Spin attack charge", "gPauseLiveLink", 13);
EnhancementRadioButton("Look at hand", "gPauseLiveLink", 14);
EnhancementRadioButton("Random", "gPauseLiveLink", 15);
Tooltip("Randomize the animation played each time you open the menu");
EnhancementRadioButton("Random cycle", "gPauseLiveLink", 16);
Tooltip("andomize the animation played on hte menu after a certain time");
if (CVar_GetS32("gPauseLiveLink", 0) >= 16) {
EnhancementSliderInt("Frame to wait: %d", "##MinFrameCount", "gMinFrameCount", 1, 1000, "");
EnhancementCheckbox("N64 Mode", "gN64Mode");
Tooltip("Sets aspect ratio to 4:3 and lowers resolution to 240p, the N64's native resolution");
EnhancementCheckbox("Animated Link in Pause Menu", "gPauseLiveLink");
EnhancementCheckbox("Enable 3D Dropped items", "gNewDrops");
EnhancementCheckbox("Dynamic Wallet Icon", "gDynamicWalletIcon");
Tooltip("Changes the rupee in the wallet icon to match the wallet size you currently have");
@ -1661,26 +1661,118 @@ void func_80091A24(GlobalContext* globalCtx, void* seg04, void* seg06, SkelAnime
CLOSE_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx, "../z_player_lib.c", 3288);
uintptr_t SelectedAnim = 0; // Current Animaiton on the menu
s16 EquipedStance; // Link's current mode (Two handed, One handed...)
s16 FrameCountSinceLastAnim = 0; // Time since last animation
s16 MinFrameCount; // Frame to wait before checking if we need to change the animation
void func_8009214C(GlobalContext* globalCtx, u8* segment, SkelAnime* skelAnime, Vec3f* pos, Vec3s* rot, f32 scale,
s32 sword, s32 tunic, s32 shield, s32 boots) {
Input* p1Input = &globalCtx->state.input[0];
Vec3f eye = { 0.0f, 0.0f, -400.0f };
Vec3f at = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
Vec3s* destTable;
Vec3s* srcTable;
s32 i;
bool canswitchrnd = false;
s16 SelectedMode = CVar_GetS32("gPauseLiveLink", 1);
MinFrameCount = CVar_GetS32("gMinFrameCount", 200);
gSegments[4] = VIRTUAL_TO_PHYSICAL(segment + 0x3800);
gSegments[6] = VIRTUAL_TO_PHYSICAL(segment + 0x8800);
if (CVar_GetS32("gPauseLiveLink", 0) || CVar_GetS32("gPauseTriforce", 0)) {
uintptr_t anim = gPlayerAnim_003238; // idle
uintptr_t* PauseMenuAnimSet[15][4] = {
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }, // 0 = none
// IDLE // Two Handed // No shield // Kid Hylian Shield
{ gPlayerAnim_003238, gPlayerAnim_002BE0, gPlayerAnim_003240, gPlayerAnim_003240 }, // Idle
{ gPlayerAnim_003200, gPlayerAnim_003200, gPlayerAnim_003200, gPlayerAnim_003200 }, // Idle look around
{ gPlayerAnim_0033E0, gPlayerAnim_0033E0, gPlayerAnim_0033E0, gPlayerAnim_0033E0 }, // Idle Belt
{ gPlayerAnim_003418, gPlayerAnim_003418, gPlayerAnim_003418, gPlayerAnim_003418 }, // Idle shield adjust
{ gPlayerAnim_003420, gPlayerAnim_003428, gPlayerAnim_003420, gPlayerAnim_003420 }, // Idle test sword
{ gPlayerAnim_0033F0, gPlayerAnim_0033F0, gPlayerAnim_0033F0, gPlayerAnim_0033F0 }, // Idle yawn
{ gPlayerAnim_0025D0, gPlayerAnim_002BD0, gPlayerAnim_0025D0, gPlayerAnim_0025D0 }, // Battle Stance
{ gPlayerAnim_003290, gPlayerAnim_002BF8, gPlayerAnim_003290, gPlayerAnim_003290 }, // Walking (No shield)
{ gPlayerAnim_003268, gPlayerAnim_002BF8, gPlayerAnim_003268, gPlayerAnim_003268 }, // Walking (Holding shield)
{ gPlayerAnim_003138, gPlayerAnim_002B40, gPlayerAnim_003138, gPlayerAnim_003138 }, // Running (No shield)
{ gPlayerAnim_003140, gPlayerAnim_002B40, gPlayerAnim_003140, gPlayerAnim_003140 }, // Running (Holding shield)
{ gPlayerAnim_0031A8, gPlayerAnim_0031A8, gPlayerAnim_0031A8, gPlayerAnim_0031A8 }, // Hand on hip
{ gPlayerAnim_002AF0, gPlayerAnim_002928, gPlayerAnim_002AF0, gPlayerAnim_002AF0 }, // Spin Charge
{ gPlayerAnim_002820, gPlayerAnim_002820, gPlayerAnim_002820, gPlayerAnim_002820 }, // Look at hand
s16 AnimArraySize = ARRAY_COUNT(PauseMenuAnimSet);
anim = gPlayerAnim_002BE0; // Two Handed Anim
anim = gPlayerAnim_003240;
anim = gPlayerAnim_003240;
if (CVar_GetS32("gPauseLiveLink", !0) || CVar_GetS32("gPauseTriforce", 0)) {
uintptr_t anim = 0; // Initialise anim
EquipedStance = 1;
} else if (CUR_EQUIP_VALUE(EQUIP_SHIELD) == 0) {
EquipedStance = 2;
EquipedStance = 3;
} else {
// Link is idle so revert to 0
EquipedStance = 0;
if (SelectedMode == 16) {
// Apply Random function
s16 SwitchAtFrame = 0;
s16 CurAnimDuration = 0;
if (FrameCountSinceLastAnim == 0) {
// When opening Kaleido this will be passed one time
SelectedAnim = rand() % (AnimArraySize - 0);
if (SelectedAnim == 0) {
// prevent loading 0 that would result to a crash.
SelectedAnim = 1;
} else if (FrameCountSinceLastAnim >= 1) {
SwitchAtFrame = Animation_GetLastFrame(PauseMenuAnimSet[SelectedAnim][EquipedStance]);
CurAnimDuration = Animation_GetLastFrame(PauseMenuAnimSet[SelectedAnim][EquipedStance]);
if (SwitchAtFrame < MinFrameCount) {
// Animation frame count is lower than minimal wait time then we wait for another round.
// This will be looped to always add current animation time if that still lower than minimum time
while (SwitchAtFrame < MinFrameCount) {
SwitchAtFrame = SwitchAtFrame + CurAnimDuration;
} else if (CurAnimDuration >= MinFrameCount) {
// Since we have more (or same) animation time than min duration we set the wait time to animation
// time.
SwitchAtFrame = CurAnimDuration;
if (FrameCountSinceLastAnim >= SwitchAtFrame) {
SelectedAnim = rand() % (AnimArraySize - 0);
if (SelectedAnim == 0) {
// prevent loading 0 that would result to a crash.
SelectedAnim = 1;
FrameCountSinceLastAnim = 1;
anim = PauseMenuAnimSet[SelectedAnim][EquipedStance];
} else if (SelectedMode == 15) {
// When opening Kaleido this will be passed one time
if (FrameCountSinceLastAnim < 1) {
SelectedAnim = rand() % (AnimArraySize - 0);
if (SelectedAnim == 0) {
// prevent loading 0 that would result to a crash.
SelectedAnim = 1;
FrameCountSinceLastAnim = 1;
if (CHECK_BTN_ALL(p1Input->press.button, BTN_B) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(p1Input->press.button, BTN_START)) {
FrameCountSinceLastAnim = 0;
anim = PauseMenuAnimSet[SelectedAnim][EquipedStance];
} else if (SelectedMode < 16) {
// Not random so we place our CVar as SelectedAnim
SelectedAnim = SelectedMode;
anim = PauseMenuAnimSet[SelectedAnim][EquipedStance];
anim = PauseMenuAnimSet[SelectedAnim][EquipedStance];
//anim = gPlayerAnim_003428; // Use for biggoron sword?
@ -89,11 +89,17 @@ void KaleidoScope_DrawEquipmentImage(GlobalContext* globalCtx, void* source, u32
CLOSE_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx, "../z_kaleido_equipment.c", 122);
Vec3s link_kaleido_rot = { 0, 32300, 0 }; // Default rotation link face us.
void KaleidoScope_DrawPlayerWork(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
PauseContext* pauseCtx = &globalCtx->pauseCtx;
Vec3f pos;
Vec3s rot;
//Vec3s rot; // Removed for not having it use din the function
f32 scale;
Input* input = &globalCtx->state.input[0];
s16 RotationSpeed = 150 * CVar_GetS32("gPauseLiveLinkRotationSpeed", 0);
bool AllowCRotation = (CVar_GetS32("gPauseLiveLinkRotation", 0) == 2) ? true : false;
bool AllowDPadRotation = (CVar_GetS32("gPauseLiveLinkRotation", 0) == 1) ? true : false;
pos.x = 2.0f;
@ -112,11 +118,29 @@ void KaleidoScope_DrawPlayerWork(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
scale = 0.047f;
rot.y = 32300;
rot.x = rot.z = 0;
link_kaleido_rot.x = link_kaleido_rot.z = 0;
if (AllowDPadRotation && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->cur.button, BTN_DLEFT) ||
AllowCRotation && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->cur.button, BTN_CLEFT)) {
link_kaleido_rot.y = link_kaleido_rot.y - RotationSpeed;
} else if (AllowDPadRotation && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->cur.button, BTN_DRIGHT) ||
AllowCRotation && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->cur.button, BTN_CRIGHT)) {
link_kaleido_rot.y = link_kaleido_rot.y + RotationSpeed;
if (AllowDPadRotation && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_DUP) ||
AllowDPadRotation && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_DDOWN)) {
link_kaleido_rot.y = 32300;
} else if (AllowCRotation && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_CUP) ||
AllowCRotation && CHECK_BTN_ALL(input->press.button, BTN_CDOWN)) {
link_kaleido_rot.y = 32300;
link_kaleido_rot.x = 0;
extern int fbTest;
gsSPSetFB(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx->polyOpa.p++, fbTest);
func_8009214C(globalCtx, pauseCtx->playerSegment, &pauseCtx->playerSkelAnime, &pos, &rot, scale,
func_8009214C(globalCtx, pauseCtx->playerSegment, &pauseCtx->playerSkelAnime, &pos, &link_kaleido_rot, scale,
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