
949 lines
31 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "global.h"
#include <Cvar.h>
extern bool gUseLegacySD;
void Audio_InitNoteSub(Note* note, NoteSubEu* sub, NoteSubAttributes* attrs) {
f32 volRight, volLeft;
s32 smallPanIndex;
u64 pad;
u8 strongLeft;
u8 strongRight;
f32 vel;
u8 pan;
u8 reverbVol;
StereoData sp24;
s32 stereoHeadsetEffects = note->playbackState.stereoHeadsetEffects;
vel = attrs->velocity;
pan = attrs->pan;
reverbVol = attrs->reverbVol;
sp24 = attrs->stereo.s;
sub->bitField0 = note->noteSubEu.bitField0;
sub->bitField1 = note->noteSubEu.bitField1;
sub->sound.samples = note->noteSubEu.sound.samples;
sub->unk_06 = note->noteSubEu.unk_06;
Audio_NoteSetResamplingRate(sub, attrs->frequency);
pan &= 0x7F;
sub->bitField0.stereoStrongRight = false;
sub->bitField0.stereoStrongLeft = false;
sub->bitField0.stereoHeadsetEffects = sp24.stereoHeadsetEffects;
sub->bitField0.usesHeadsetPanEffects = sp24.usesHeadsetPanEffects;
if (stereoHeadsetEffects && gAudioContext.soundMode == 1) {
smallPanIndex = pan >> 1;
if (smallPanIndex > 0x3F) {
smallPanIndex = 0x3F;
sub->headsetPanLeft = gHeadsetPanQuantization[smallPanIndex];
sub->headsetPanRight = gHeadsetPanQuantization[0x3F - smallPanIndex];
sub->bitField1.usesHeadsetPanEffects2 = true;
volLeft = gHeadsetPanVolume[pan];
volRight = gHeadsetPanVolume[0x7F - pan];
} else if (stereoHeadsetEffects && gAudioContext.soundMode == 0) {
strongLeft = strongRight = 0;
sub->headsetPanRight = 0;
sub->headsetPanLeft = 0;
sub->bitField1.usesHeadsetPanEffects2 = false;
volLeft = gStereoPanVolume[pan];
volRight = gStereoPanVolume[0x7F - pan];
if (pan < 0x20) {
strongLeft = 1;
} else if (pan > 0x60) {
strongRight = 1;
sub->bitField0.stereoStrongRight = strongRight;
sub->bitField0.stereoStrongLeft = strongLeft;
switch (sp24.bit2) {
case 0:
case 1:
sub->bitField0.stereoStrongRight = sp24.strongRight;
sub->bitField0.stereoStrongLeft = sp24.strongLeft;
case 2:
sub->bitField0.stereoStrongRight = sp24.strongRight | strongRight;
sub->bitField0.stereoStrongLeft = sp24.strongLeft | strongLeft;
case 3:
sub->bitField0.stereoStrongRight = sp24.strongRight ^ strongRight;
sub->bitField0.stereoStrongLeft = sp24.strongLeft ^ strongLeft;
} else if (gAudioContext.soundMode == 3) {
sub->bitField0.stereoHeadsetEffects = false;
sub->bitField0.usesHeadsetPanEffects = false;
volLeft = 0.707f; // approx 1/sqrt(2)
volRight = 0.707f;
} else {
sub->bitField0.stereoStrongRight = sp24.strongRight;
sub->bitField0.stereoStrongLeft = sp24.strongLeft;
volLeft = gDefaultPanVolume[pan];
volRight = gDefaultPanVolume[0x7F - pan];
vel = 0.0f > vel ? 0.0f : vel;
vel = 1.0f < vel ? 1.0f : vel;
float master_vol = CVar_GetFloat("gGameMasterVolume", 1.0f);
sub->targetVolLeft = (s32)((vel * volLeft) * (0x1000 - 0.001f)) * master_vol;
sub->targetVolRight = (s32)((vel * volRight) * (0x1000 - 0.001f)) * master_vol;
sub->unk_2 = attrs->unk_1;
sub->filter = attrs->filter;
sub->unk_07 = attrs->unk_14;
sub->unk_0E = attrs->unk_16;
sub->reverbVol = reverbVol;
void Audio_NoteSetResamplingRate(NoteSubEu* noteSubEu, f32 resamplingRateInput) {
f32 resamplingRate = 0.0f;
if (resamplingRateInput < 2.0f) {
noteSubEu->bitField1.hasTwoParts = false;
if (1.99998f < resamplingRateInput) {
resamplingRate = 1.99998f;
} else {
resamplingRate = resamplingRateInput;
} else {
noteSubEu->bitField1.hasTwoParts = true;
if (3.99996f < resamplingRateInput) {
Custom Sequences (#2066) * Allows OTRExporter to parse pairs of .seq and .meta files * Gets added sequences available to SfxEditor and playing in game. * Some cleanup of the names appearing in the SfxEditor. * Moves sequence swap lower in the audio command stack. * Increases temp cache memory available on title/file-select screen. Certain sequences wouldn't play on the file select and title screen because they were too large to be cached. * Introduces workaround for 255 sequence limit. * Bug fixes and cleanup. * Fixes bug where fanfares would sometimes disable the sequence player. * Fixes bug causing certain areas to discard caches when loading enemy music. * Fixes potential config-related crash by replacing invalid characters. * Allows custom bgm to play in all BGM categories. * Properly randomizes the custom tracks. * Moves custom sequences to a patch OTR. * If custom music was not loaded, fall back to default values. * Prevents OOB crash on Synthwave array and adds octave drop feature. Added octave drop to experimental features, which drops the octave of a note that is too high for the audio engine to actually play. Without this, some custom sequences have notes which cap at a specific value and sound terrible. At least with this they will still harmonize with the other notes. Experimental tab added to the SfxEditor to house the checkbox for the octave drop feature. * Adds more pool memory for a few tracks that couldn't fit. * Some cleanup on the generated music archive process. * Fixes missed memory boost from earlier. * Adds ability to remove enemy proximity music. * Applies correct cache policy to fanfares to prevent unloading sequences. * Removes case-sensitiveness of the sequence type. * Fixes not reverting to sequence after miniboss. * Fixes transition to/from miniboss (again) and ocarina bug. To be clear, fixes the more rampant portable ocarina bug present in my earlier builds, not the authentic one. * Finally properly fixes transitions between sequences For miniboss fights and SfxEditor previews. * Removes unneeded boolean expression. * Adds randomize button to individual SFX Editor entries. * Fixes lost woods music overwriting goron city music. * Plays swapped Hyrule Field music when transitioning to daytime. * Fixes swapping Gerudo Valley music when transitioning from daytime. * Updates custom sequence OTRPath to match SequenceOTRizer. * Reverts changes to OTRExporter in favor of external tool * Fixes formatting issues. * Attempts to fix formatting issue in git diff. * Should actually fix formatting issues. * Should fix mac/linux exclusive build error. * Fixes segfault on macos. * sort custom seqs * Fixes audioseq crash when under 255 seqs * Removes magic numbers. * Removes commented out code. * fixes formatting in SfxEditor.h Co-authored-by: briaguya <> * Cleans up the one hardcoded QueueSeqCmd call. * Fixes unneeded erroneous memory boost applied earlier. * Applies additional formatting/cleanliness suggestions from review * Fixes small logic bug Co-authored-by: RaelCappra <> Co-authored-by: briaguya <>
2022-12-08 23:07:45 -05:00
if (CVar_GetS32("gExperimentalOctaveDrop", 0)) {
resamplingRate = resamplingRateInput * 0.25;
} else {
resamplingRate = 1.99998f;
} else {
resamplingRate = resamplingRateInput * 0.5f;
noteSubEu->resamplingRateFixedPoint = (s32)(resamplingRate * 32768.0f);
void Audio_NoteInit(Note* note) {
if (note->playbackState.parentLayer->adsr.releaseRate == 0) {
Audio_AdsrInit(&note->playbackState.adsr, note->playbackState.parentLayer->channel->adsr.envelope,
} else {
Audio_AdsrInit(&note->playbackState.adsr, note->playbackState.parentLayer->adsr.envelope,
note->playbackState.unk_04 = 0;
note->playbackState.adsr.action.s.state = ADSR_STATE_INITIAL;
note->noteSubEu = gDefaultNoteSub;
void Audio_NoteDisable(Note* note) {
if (note->noteSubEu.bitField0.needsInit == true) {
note->noteSubEu.bitField0.needsInit = false;
note->playbackState.priority = 0;
note->noteSubEu.bitField0.enabled = false;
note->playbackState.unk_04 = 0;
note->noteSubEu.bitField0.finished = false;
note->playbackState.parentLayer = NO_LAYER;
note->playbackState.prevParentLayer = NO_LAYER;
note->playbackState.adsr.action.s.state = ADSR_STATE_DISABLED;
note->playbackState.adsr.current = 0;
void Audio_ProcessNotes(void) {
s32 pad[2];
NoteAttributes* attrs;
NoteSubEu* noteSubEu2;
NoteSubEu* noteSubEu;
Note* note;
NotePlaybackState* playbackState;
NoteSubAttributes subAttrs;
u8 bookOffset;
f32 scale;
s32 i;
for (i = 0; i < gAudioContext.numNotes; i++) {
note = &gAudioContext.notes[i];
noteSubEu2 = &gAudioContext.noteSubsEu[gAudioContext.noteSubEuOffset + i];
playbackState = &note->playbackState;
if (playbackState->parentLayer != NO_LAYER) {
if (note != playbackState->parentLayer->note && playbackState->unk_04 == 0) {
playbackState->adsr.action.s.release = true;
playbackState->adsr.fadeOutVel = gAudioContext.audioBufferParameters.updatesPerFrameInv;
playbackState->priority = 1;
playbackState->unk_04 = 2;
goto out;
} else if (!playbackState->parentLayer->enabled && playbackState->unk_04 == 0 &&
playbackState->priority >= 1) {
// do nothing
} else if (playbackState->parentLayer->channel->seqPlayer == NULL) {
playbackState->priority = 1;
playbackState->unk_04 = 1;
} else if (playbackState->parentLayer->channel->seqPlayer->muted &&
(playbackState->parentLayer->channel->muteBehavior & 0x40)) {
// do nothing
} else {
goto out;
Audio_AudioListPushFront(&note->listItem.pool->decaying, &note->listItem);
playbackState->priority = 1;
playbackState->unk_04 = 2;
} else if (playbackState->unk_04 == 0 && playbackState->priority >= 1) {
if (playbackState->priority != 0) {
noteSubEu = &note->noteSubEu;
if (playbackState->unk_04 >= 1 || noteSubEu->bitField0.finished) {
if (playbackState->adsr.action.s.state == ADSR_STATE_DISABLED || noteSubEu->bitField0.finished) {
if (playbackState->wantedParentLayer != NO_LAYER) {
if (playbackState->wantedParentLayer->channel != NULL) {
Audio_NoteInitForLayer(note, playbackState->wantedParentLayer);
AudioSeq_AudioListPushBack(&note->listItem.pool->active, &note->listItem);
playbackState->wantedParentLayer = NO_LAYER;
// don't skip
} else {
AudioSeq_AudioListPushBack(&note->listItem.pool->disabled, &note->listItem);
playbackState->wantedParentLayer = NO_LAYER;
goto skip;
} else {
if (playbackState->parentLayer != NO_LAYER) {
playbackState->parentLayer->bit1 = true;
AudioSeq_AudioListPushBack(&note->listItem.pool->disabled, &note->listItem);
} else if (playbackState->adsr.action.s.state == ADSR_STATE_DISABLED) {
if (playbackState->parentLayer != NO_LAYER) {
playbackState->parentLayer->bit1 = true;
AudioSeq_AudioListPushBack(&note->listItem.pool->disabled, &note->listItem);
scale = Audio_AdsrUpdate(&playbackState->adsr);
attrs = &playbackState->attributes;
if (playbackState->unk_04 == 1 || playbackState->unk_04 == 2) {
subAttrs.frequency = attrs->freqScale;
subAttrs.velocity = attrs->velocity;
subAttrs.pan = attrs->pan;
subAttrs.reverbVol = attrs->reverb;
subAttrs.stereo = attrs->stereo;
subAttrs.unk_1 = attrs->unk_1;
subAttrs.filter = attrs->filter;
subAttrs.unk_14 = attrs->unk_4;
subAttrs.unk_16 = attrs->unk_6;
bookOffset = noteSubEu->bitField1.bookOffset;
} else {
SequenceLayer* layer = playbackState->parentLayer;
SequenceChannel* channel = layer->channel;
subAttrs.frequency = layer->noteFreqScale;
subAttrs.velocity = layer->noteVelocity;
subAttrs.pan = layer->notePan;
if (layer->stereo.asByte == 0) {
subAttrs.stereo = channel->stereo;
} else {
subAttrs.stereo = layer->stereo;
subAttrs.reverbVol = channel->reverb;
subAttrs.unk_1 = channel->unk_0C;
subAttrs.filter = channel->filter;
subAttrs.unk_14 = channel->unk_0F;
subAttrs.unk_16 = channel->unk_20;
bookOffset = channel->bookOffset & 0x7;
if (channel->seqPlayer->muted && (channel->muteBehavior & 8)) {
subAttrs.frequency = 0.0f;
subAttrs.velocity = 0.0f;
subAttrs.frequency *= playbackState->vibratoFreqScale * playbackState->portamentoFreqScale;
2022-06-10 13:37:50 -04:00
f32 resampRate = gAudioContext.audioBufferParameters.resampleRate;
if (!noteSubEu2->bitField1.isSyntheticWave && noteSubEu2->sound.soundFontSound != NULL &&
noteSubEu2->sound.soundFontSound->sample != NULL &&
2022-06-10 13:37:50 -04:00
noteSubEu2->sound.soundFontSound->sample->sampleRateMagicValue == 'RIFF') {
resampRate = CALC_RESAMPLE_FREQ(noteSubEu2->sound.soundFontSound->sample->sampleRate);
subAttrs.frequency *= resampRate;
subAttrs.velocity *= scale;
Audio_InitNoteSub(note, noteSubEu2, &subAttrs);
noteSubEu->bitField1.bookOffset = bookOffset;
SoundFontSound* Audio_InstrumentGetSound(Instrument* instrument, s32 semitone) {
SoundFontSound* sound;
if (semitone < instrument->normalRangeLo) {
sound = &instrument->lowNotesSound;
} else if (semitone <= instrument->normalRangeHi) {
sound = &instrument->normalNotesSound;
} else {
sound = &instrument->highNotesSound;
return sound;
Instrument* Audio_GetInstrumentInner(s32 fontId, s32 instId) {
Instrument* inst;
if (fontId == 0xFF) {
return NULL;
if (!AudioLoad_IsFontLoadComplete(fontId)) {
gAudioContext.audioErrorFlags = fontId + 0x10000000;
return NULL;
int instCnt = 0;
SoundFont* sf = ResourceMgr_LoadAudioSoundFont(fontMap[fontId]);
if (instId >= sf->numInstruments)
return NULL;
inst = sf->instruments[instId];
if (inst == NULL) {
gAudioContext.audioErrorFlags = ((fontId << 8) + instId) + 0x1000000;
return inst;
return inst;
Drum* Audio_GetDrum(s32 fontId, s32 drumId) {
Custom Sequences (#2066) * Allows OTRExporter to parse pairs of .seq and .meta files * Gets added sequences available to SfxEditor and playing in game. * Some cleanup of the names appearing in the SfxEditor. * Moves sequence swap lower in the audio command stack. * Increases temp cache memory available on title/file-select screen. Certain sequences wouldn't play on the file select and title screen because they were too large to be cached. * Introduces workaround for 255 sequence limit. * Bug fixes and cleanup. * Fixes bug where fanfares would sometimes disable the sequence player. * Fixes bug causing certain areas to discard caches when loading enemy music. * Fixes potential config-related crash by replacing invalid characters. * Allows custom bgm to play in all BGM categories. * Properly randomizes the custom tracks. * Moves custom sequences to a patch OTR. * If custom music was not loaded, fall back to default values. * Prevents OOB crash on Synthwave array and adds octave drop feature. Added octave drop to experimental features, which drops the octave of a note that is too high for the audio engine to actually play. Without this, some custom sequences have notes which cap at a specific value and sound terrible. At least with this they will still harmonize with the other notes. Experimental tab added to the SfxEditor to house the checkbox for the octave drop feature. * Adds more pool memory for a few tracks that couldn't fit. * Some cleanup on the generated music archive process. * Fixes missed memory boost from earlier. * Adds ability to remove enemy proximity music. * Applies correct cache policy to fanfares to prevent unloading sequences. * Removes case-sensitiveness of the sequence type. * Fixes not reverting to sequence after miniboss. * Fixes transition to/from miniboss (again) and ocarina bug. To be clear, fixes the more rampant portable ocarina bug present in my earlier builds, not the authentic one. * Finally properly fixes transitions between sequences For miniboss fights and SfxEditor previews. * Removes unneeded boolean expression. * Adds randomize button to individual SFX Editor entries. * Fixes lost woods music overwriting goron city music. * Plays swapped Hyrule Field music when transitioning to daytime. * Fixes swapping Gerudo Valley music when transitioning from daytime. * Updates custom sequence OTRPath to match SequenceOTRizer. * Reverts changes to OTRExporter in favor of external tool * Fixes formatting issues. * Attempts to fix formatting issue in git diff. * Should actually fix formatting issues. * Should fix mac/linux exclusive build error. * Fixes segfault on macos. * sort custom seqs * Fixes audioseq crash when under 255 seqs * Removes magic numbers. * Removes commented out code. * fixes formatting in SfxEditor.h Co-authored-by: briaguya <> * Cleans up the one hardcoded QueueSeqCmd call. * Fixes unneeded erroneous memory boost applied earlier. * Applies additional formatting/cleanliness suggestions from review * Fixes small logic bug Co-authored-by: RaelCappra <> Co-authored-by: briaguya <>
2022-12-08 23:07:45 -05:00
Drum* drum = NULL;
if (fontId == 0xFF) {
return NULL;
if (!AudioLoad_IsFontLoadComplete(fontId)) {
gAudioContext.audioErrorFlags = fontId + 0x10000000;
return NULL;
SoundFont* sf = ResourceMgr_LoadAudioSoundFont(fontMap[fontId]);
Custom Sequences (#2066) * Allows OTRExporter to parse pairs of .seq and .meta files * Gets added sequences available to SfxEditor and playing in game. * Some cleanup of the names appearing in the SfxEditor. * Moves sequence swap lower in the audio command stack. * Increases temp cache memory available on title/file-select screen. Certain sequences wouldn't play on the file select and title screen because they were too large to be cached. * Introduces workaround for 255 sequence limit. * Bug fixes and cleanup. * Fixes bug where fanfares would sometimes disable the sequence player. * Fixes bug causing certain areas to discard caches when loading enemy music. * Fixes potential config-related crash by replacing invalid characters. * Allows custom bgm to play in all BGM categories. * Properly randomizes the custom tracks. * Moves custom sequences to a patch OTR. * If custom music was not loaded, fall back to default values. * Prevents OOB crash on Synthwave array and adds octave drop feature. Added octave drop to experimental features, which drops the octave of a note that is too high for the audio engine to actually play. Without this, some custom sequences have notes which cap at a specific value and sound terrible. At least with this they will still harmonize with the other notes. Experimental tab added to the SfxEditor to house the checkbox for the octave drop feature. * Adds more pool memory for a few tracks that couldn't fit. * Some cleanup on the generated music archive process. * Fixes missed memory boost from earlier. * Adds ability to remove enemy proximity music. * Applies correct cache policy to fanfares to prevent unloading sequences. * Removes case-sensitiveness of the sequence type. * Fixes not reverting to sequence after miniboss. * Fixes transition to/from miniboss (again) and ocarina bug. To be clear, fixes the more rampant portable ocarina bug present in my earlier builds, not the authentic one. * Finally properly fixes transitions between sequences For miniboss fights and SfxEditor previews. * Removes unneeded boolean expression. * Adds randomize button to individual SFX Editor entries. * Fixes lost woods music overwriting goron city music. * Plays swapped Hyrule Field music when transitioning to daytime. * Fixes swapping Gerudo Valley music when transitioning from daytime. * Updates custom sequence OTRPath to match SequenceOTRizer. * Reverts changes to OTRExporter in favor of external tool * Fixes formatting issues. * Attempts to fix formatting issue in git diff. * Should actually fix formatting issues. * Should fix mac/linux exclusive build error. * Fixes segfault on macos. * sort custom seqs * Fixes audioseq crash when under 255 seqs * Removes magic numbers. * Removes commented out code. * fixes formatting in SfxEditor.h Co-authored-by: briaguya <> * Cleans up the one hardcoded QueueSeqCmd call. * Fixes unneeded erroneous memory boost applied earlier. * Applies additional formatting/cleanliness suggestions from review * Fixes small logic bug Co-authored-by: RaelCappra <> Co-authored-by: briaguya <>
2022-12-08 23:07:45 -05:00
if (drumId < sf->numDrums) {
drum = sf->drums[drumId];
if (drum == NULL) {
gAudioContext.audioErrorFlags = ((fontId << 8) + drumId) + 0x5000000;
return drum;
SoundFontSound* Audio_GetSfx(s32 fontId, s32 sfxId) {
SoundFontSound* sfx = NULL;
if (fontId == 0xFF) {
return NULL;
if (!AudioLoad_IsFontLoadComplete(fontId)) {
gAudioContext.audioErrorFlags = fontId + 0x10000000;
return NULL;
SoundFont* sf = ResourceMgr_LoadAudioSoundFont(fontMap[fontId]);
if (sfxId < sf->numSfx) {
sfx = &sf->soundEffects[sfxId];
if (sfx == NULL) {
gAudioContext.audioErrorFlags = ((fontId << 8) + sfxId) + 0x5000000;
if (sfx != NULL && sfx->sample == NULL) {
return NULL;
return sfx;
s32 Audio_SetFontInstrument(s32 instrumentType, s32 fontId, s32 index, void* value) {
if (fontId == 0xFF) {
return -1;
if (!AudioLoad_IsFontLoadComplete(fontId)) {
return -2;
switch (instrumentType) {
case 0:
if (index >= gAudioContext.soundFonts[fontId].numDrums) {
return -3;
gAudioContext.soundFonts[fontId].drums[index] = value;
case 1:
if (index >= gAudioContext.soundFonts[fontId].numSfx) {
return -3;
gAudioContext.soundFonts[fontId].soundEffects[index] = *(SoundFontSound*)value;
if (index >= gAudioContext.soundFonts[fontId].numInstruments) {
return -3;
gAudioContext.soundFonts[fontId].instruments[index] = value;
return 0;
void Audio_SeqLayerDecayRelease(SequenceLayer* layer, s32 target) {
Note* note;
NoteAttributes* attrs;
SequenceChannel* chan;
s32 i;
if (layer == NO_LAYER) {
layer->bit3 = false;
if (layer->note == NULL) {
note = layer->note;
attrs = &note->playbackState.attributes;
if (note->playbackState.wantedParentLayer == layer) {
note->playbackState.wantedParentLayer = NO_LAYER;
if (note->playbackState.parentLayer != layer) {
if (note->playbackState.parentLayer == NO_LAYER && note->playbackState.wantedParentLayer == NO_LAYER &&
note->playbackState.prevParentLayer == layer && target != ADSR_STATE_DECAY) {
note->playbackState.adsr.fadeOutVel = gAudioContext.audioBufferParameters.updatesPerFrameInv;
note->playbackState.adsr.action.s.release = true;
if (note->playbackState.adsr.action.s.state != ADSR_STATE_DECAY) {
attrs->freqScale = layer->noteFreqScale;
attrs->velocity = layer->noteVelocity;
attrs->pan = layer->notePan;
if (layer->channel != NULL) {
chan = layer->channel;
attrs->reverb = chan->reverb;
attrs->unk_1 = chan->unk_0C;
attrs->filter = chan->filter;
if (attrs->filter != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
attrs->filterBuf[i] = attrs->filter[i];
attrs->filter = attrs->filterBuf;
attrs->unk_6 = chan->unk_20;
attrs->unk_4 = chan->unk_0F;
if (chan->seqPlayer->muted && (chan->muteBehavior & 8)) {
note->noteSubEu.bitField0.finished = true;
if (layer->stereo.asByte == 0) {
attrs->stereo = chan->stereo;
} else {
attrs->stereo = layer->stereo;
note->playbackState.priority = chan->someOtherPriority;
} else {
attrs->stereo = layer->stereo;
note->playbackState.priority = 1;
note->playbackState.prevParentLayer = note->playbackState.parentLayer;
note->playbackState.parentLayer = NO_LAYER;
if (target == ADSR_STATE_RELEASE) {
note->playbackState.adsr.fadeOutVel = gAudioContext.audioBufferParameters.updatesPerFrameInv;
note->playbackState.adsr.action.s.release = true;
note->playbackState.unk_04 = 2;
} else {
note->playbackState.unk_04 = 1;
note->playbackState.adsr.action.s.decay = true;
if (layer->adsr.releaseRate == 0) {
note->playbackState.adsr.fadeOutVel = gAudioContext.unk_3520[layer->channel->adsr.releaseRate];
} else {
note->playbackState.adsr.fadeOutVel = gAudioContext.unk_3520[layer->adsr.releaseRate];
note->playbackState.adsr.sustain =
((f32)(s32)(layer->channel->adsr.sustain) * note->playbackState.adsr.current) / 256.0f;
if (target == ADSR_STATE_DECAY) {
Audio_AudioListPushFront(&note->listItem.pool->decaying, &note->listItem);
void Audio_SeqLayerNoteDecay(SequenceLayer* layer) {
Audio_SeqLayerDecayRelease(layer, ADSR_STATE_DECAY);
void Audio_SeqLayerNoteRelease(SequenceLayer* layer) {
Audio_SeqLayerDecayRelease(layer, ADSR_STATE_RELEASE);
s32 Audio_BuildSyntheticWave(Note* note, SequenceLayer* layer, s32 waveId) {
f32 freqScale;
f32 ratio;
u8 sampleCountIndex;
if (waveId < 128) {
waveId = 128;
Custom Sequences (#2066) * Allows OTRExporter to parse pairs of .seq and .meta files * Gets added sequences available to SfxEditor and playing in game. * Some cleanup of the names appearing in the SfxEditor. * Moves sequence swap lower in the audio command stack. * Increases temp cache memory available on title/file-select screen. Certain sequences wouldn't play on the file select and title screen because they were too large to be cached. * Introduces workaround for 255 sequence limit. * Bug fixes and cleanup. * Fixes bug where fanfares would sometimes disable the sequence player. * Fixes bug causing certain areas to discard caches when loading enemy music. * Fixes potential config-related crash by replacing invalid characters. * Allows custom bgm to play in all BGM categories. * Properly randomizes the custom tracks. * Moves custom sequences to a patch OTR. * If custom music was not loaded, fall back to default values. * Prevents OOB crash on Synthwave array and adds octave drop feature. Added octave drop to experimental features, which drops the octave of a note that is too high for the audio engine to actually play. Without this, some custom sequences have notes which cap at a specific value and sound terrible. At least with this they will still harmonize with the other notes. Experimental tab added to the SfxEditor to house the checkbox for the octave drop feature. * Adds more pool memory for a few tracks that couldn't fit. * Some cleanup on the generated music archive process. * Fixes missed memory boost from earlier. * Adds ability to remove enemy proximity music. * Applies correct cache policy to fanfares to prevent unloading sequences. * Removes case-sensitiveness of the sequence type. * Fixes not reverting to sequence after miniboss. * Fixes transition to/from miniboss (again) and ocarina bug. To be clear, fixes the more rampant portable ocarina bug present in my earlier builds, not the authentic one. * Finally properly fixes transitions between sequences For miniboss fights and SfxEditor previews. * Removes unneeded boolean expression. * Adds randomize button to individual SFX Editor entries. * Fixes lost woods music overwriting goron city music. * Plays swapped Hyrule Field music when transitioning to daytime. * Fixes swapping Gerudo Valley music when transitioning from daytime. * Updates custom sequence OTRPath to match SequenceOTRizer. * Reverts changes to OTRExporter in favor of external tool * Fixes formatting issues. * Attempts to fix formatting issue in git diff. * Should actually fix formatting issues. * Should fix mac/linux exclusive build error. * Fixes segfault on macos. * sort custom seqs * Fixes audioseq crash when under 255 seqs * Removes magic numbers. * Removes commented out code. * fixes formatting in SfxEditor.h Co-authored-by: briaguya <> * Cleans up the one hardcoded QueueSeqCmd call. * Fixes unneeded erroneous memory boost applied earlier. * Applies additional formatting/cleanliness suggestions from review * Fixes small logic bug Co-authored-by: RaelCappra <> Co-authored-by: briaguya <>
2022-12-08 23:07:45 -05:00
if (waveId > 136) {
waveId = 136;
freqScale = layer->freqScale;
if (layer->portamento.mode != 0 && 0.0f < layer->portamento.extent) {
freqScale *= (layer->portamento.extent + 1.0f);
if (freqScale < 0.99999f) {
sampleCountIndex = 0;
ratio = 1.0465f;
} else if (freqScale < 1.99999f) {
sampleCountIndex = 1;
ratio = 0.52325f;
} else if (freqScale < 3.99999f) {
sampleCountIndex = 2;
ratio = 0.26263f;
} else {
sampleCountIndex = 3;
ratio = 0.13081f;
layer->freqScale *= ratio;
note->playbackState.waveId = waveId;
note->playbackState.sampleCountIndex = sampleCountIndex;
note->noteSubEu.sound.samples = &gWaveSamples[waveId - 128][sampleCountIndex * 64];
return sampleCountIndex;
void Audio_InitSyntheticWave(Note* note, SequenceLayer* layer) {
s32 sampleCountIndex;
s32 waveSampleCountIndex;
s32 waveId = layer->instOrWave;
if (waveId == 0xFF) {
waveId = layer->channel->instOrWave;
sampleCountIndex = note->playbackState.sampleCountIndex;
waveSampleCountIndex = Audio_BuildSyntheticWave(note, layer, waveId);
if (waveSampleCountIndex != sampleCountIndex) {
note->noteSubEu.unk_06 = waveSampleCountIndex * 4 + sampleCountIndex;
void Audio_InitNoteList(AudioListItem* list) {
list->prev = list;
list->next = list;
list->u.count = 0;
void Audio_InitNoteLists(NotePool* pool) {
pool->disabled.pool = pool;
pool->decaying.pool = pool;
pool->releasing.pool = pool;
pool->active.pool = pool;
void Audio_InitNoteFreeList(void) {
s32 i;
for (i = 0; i < gAudioContext.numNotes; i++) {
gAudioContext.notes[i].listItem.u.value = &gAudioContext.notes[i];
gAudioContext.notes[i].listItem.prev = NULL;
AudioSeq_AudioListPushBack(&gAudioContext.noteFreeLists.disabled, &gAudioContext.notes[i].listItem);
void Audio_NotePoolClear(NotePool* pool) {
s32 i;
AudioListItem* source;
AudioListItem* cur;
AudioListItem* dest;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
switch (i) {
case 0:
source = &pool->disabled;
dest = &gAudioContext.noteFreeLists.disabled;
case 1:
source = &pool->decaying;
dest = &gAudioContext.noteFreeLists.decaying;
case 2:
source = &pool->releasing;
dest = &gAudioContext.noteFreeLists.releasing;
case 3:
source = &pool->active;
dest = &;
for (;;) {
cur = source->next;
if (cur == source || cur == NULL) {
AudioSeq_AudioListPushBack(dest, cur);
void Audio_NotePoolFill(NotePool* pool, s32 count) {
s32 i;
s32 j;
Note* note;
AudioListItem* source;
AudioListItem* dest;
for (i = 0, j = 0; j < count; i++) {
if (i == 4) {
switch (i) {
case 0:
source = &gAudioContext.noteFreeLists.disabled;
dest = &pool->disabled;
case 1:
source = &gAudioContext.noteFreeLists.decaying;
dest = &pool->decaying;
case 2:
source = &gAudioContext.noteFreeLists.releasing;
dest = &pool->releasing;
case 3:
source = &;
dest = &pool->active;
while (j < count) {
note = AudioSeq_AudioListPopBack(source);
if (note == NULL) {
AudioSeq_AudioListPushBack(dest, &note->listItem);
void Audio_AudioListPushFront(AudioListItem* list, AudioListItem* item) {
// add 'item' to the front of the list given by 'list', if it's not in any list
if (item->prev == NULL) {
item->prev = list;
item->next = list->next;
list->next->prev = item;
list->next = item;
item->pool = list->pool;
void Audio_AudioListRemove(AudioListItem* item) {
// remove 'item' from the list it's in, if any
if (item->prev != NULL) {
item->prev->next = item->next;
item->next->prev = item->prev;
item->prev = NULL;
Note* Audio_FindNodeWithPrioLessThan(AudioListItem* list, s32 limit) {
AudioListItem* cur = list->next;
AudioListItem* best;
if (cur == list) {
return NULL;
for (best = cur; cur != list; cur = cur->next) {
if (((Note*)best->u.value)->playbackState.priority >= ((Note*)cur->u.value)->playbackState.priority) {
best = cur;
if (best == NULL) {
return NULL;
if (limit <= ((Note*)best->u.value)->playbackState.priority) {
return NULL;
return best->u.value;
void Audio_NoteInitForLayer(Note* note, SequenceLayer* layer) {
s32 pad[3];
s16 instId;
NotePlaybackState* playback = &note->playbackState;
NoteSubEu* sub = &note->noteSubEu;
note->playbackState.prevParentLayer = NO_LAYER;
note->playbackState.parentLayer = layer;
playback->priority = layer->channel->notePriority;
layer->notePropertiesNeedInit = true;
layer->bit3 = true;
layer->note = note;
layer->channel->noteUnused = note;
layer->channel->layerUnused = layer;
layer->noteVelocity = 0.0f;
instId = layer->instOrWave;
if (instId == 0xFF) {
instId = layer->channel->instOrWave;
sub->sound.soundFontSound = layer->sound;
if (instId >= 0x80 && instId < 0xC0) {
sub->bitField1.isSyntheticWave = true;
} else {
sub->bitField1.isSyntheticWave = false;
if (sub->bitField1.isSyntheticWave) {
Audio_BuildSyntheticWave(note, layer, instId);
playback->fontId = layer->channel->fontId;
playback->stereoHeadsetEffects = layer->channel->stereoHeadsetEffects;
sub->bitField1.reverbIndex = layer->channel->reverbIndex & 3;
void func_800E82C0(Note* note, SequenceLayer* layer) {
// similar to Audio_NoteReleaseAndTakeOwnership, hard to say what the difference is
note->playbackState.wantedParentLayer = layer;
void Audio_NoteReleaseAndTakeOwnership(Note* note, SequenceLayer* layer) {
note->playbackState.wantedParentLayer = layer;
note->playbackState.priority = layer->channel->notePriority;
note->playbackState.adsr.fadeOutVel = gAudioContext.audioBufferParameters.updatesPerFrameInv;
note->playbackState.adsr.action.s.release = true;
Note* Audio_AllocNoteFromDisabled(NotePool* pool, SequenceLayer* layer) {
Note* note = AudioSeq_AudioListPopBack(&pool->disabled);
if (note != NULL) {
Audio_NoteInitForLayer(note, layer);
Audio_AudioListPushFront(&pool->active, &note->listItem);
return note;
Note* Audio_AllocNoteFromDecaying(NotePool* pool, SequenceLayer* layer) {
Note* note = AudioSeq_AudioListPopBack(&pool->decaying);
if (note != NULL) {
Audio_NoteReleaseAndTakeOwnership(note, layer);
AudioSeq_AudioListPushBack(&pool->releasing, &note->listItem);
return note;
Note* Audio_AllocNoteFromActive(NotePool* pool, SequenceLayer* layer) {
Note* rNote;
Note* aNote;
s32 rPriority;
s32 aPriority;
rPriority = aPriority = 0x10;
rNote = Audio_FindNodeWithPrioLessThan(&pool->releasing, layer->channel->notePriority);
if (rNote != NULL) {
rPriority = rNote->playbackState.priority;
aNote = Audio_FindNodeWithPrioLessThan(&pool->active, layer->channel->notePriority);
if (aNote != NULL) {
aPriority = aNote->playbackState.priority;
if (rNote == NULL && aNote == NULL) {
return NULL;
if (aPriority < rPriority) {
func_800E82C0(aNote, layer);
AudioSeq_AudioListPushBack(&pool->releasing, &aNote->listItem);
aNote->playbackState.priority = layer->channel->notePriority;
return aNote;
rNote->playbackState.wantedParentLayer = layer;
rNote->playbackState.priority = layer->channel->notePriority;
return rNote;
Note* Audio_AllocNote(SequenceLayer* layer) {
Note* ret;
u32 policy = layer->channel->noteAllocPolicy;
if (policy & 1) {
ret = layer->note;
if (ret != NULL && ret->playbackState.prevParentLayer == layer &&
ret->playbackState.wantedParentLayer == NO_LAYER) {
Audio_NoteReleaseAndTakeOwnership(ret, layer);
AudioSeq_AudioListPushBack(&ret->listItem.pool->releasing, &ret->listItem);
return ret;
if (policy & 2) {
if (!(ret = Audio_AllocNoteFromDisabled(&layer->channel->notePool, layer)) &&
!(ret = Audio_AllocNoteFromDecaying(&layer->channel->notePool, layer)) &&
!(ret = Audio_AllocNoteFromActive(&layer->channel->notePool, layer))) {
goto null_return;
return ret;
if (policy & 4) {
if (!(ret = Audio_AllocNoteFromDisabled(&layer->channel->notePool, layer)) &&
!(ret = Audio_AllocNoteFromDisabled(&layer->channel->seqPlayer->notePool, layer)) &&
!(ret = Audio_AllocNoteFromDecaying(&layer->channel->notePool, layer)) &&
!(ret = Audio_AllocNoteFromDecaying(&layer->channel->seqPlayer->notePool, layer)) &&
!(ret = Audio_AllocNoteFromActive(&layer->channel->notePool, layer)) &&
!(ret = Audio_AllocNoteFromActive(&layer->channel->seqPlayer->notePool, layer))) {
goto null_return;
return ret;
if (policy & 8) {
if (!(ret = Audio_AllocNoteFromDisabled(&gAudioContext.noteFreeLists, layer)) &&
!(ret = Audio_AllocNoteFromDecaying(&gAudioContext.noteFreeLists, layer)) &&
!(ret = Audio_AllocNoteFromActive(&gAudioContext.noteFreeLists, layer))) {
goto null_return;
return ret;
if (!(ret = Audio_AllocNoteFromDisabled(&layer->channel->notePool, layer)) &&
!(ret = Audio_AllocNoteFromDisabled(&layer->channel->seqPlayer->notePool, layer)) &&
!(ret = Audio_AllocNoteFromDisabled(&gAudioContext.noteFreeLists, layer)) &&
!(ret = Audio_AllocNoteFromDecaying(&layer->channel->notePool, layer)) &&
!(ret = Audio_AllocNoteFromDecaying(&layer->channel->seqPlayer->notePool, layer)) &&
!(ret = Audio_AllocNoteFromDecaying(&gAudioContext.noteFreeLists, layer)) &&
!(ret = Audio_AllocNoteFromActive(&layer->channel->notePool, layer)) &&
!(ret = Audio_AllocNoteFromActive(&layer->channel->seqPlayer->notePool, layer)) &&
!(ret = Audio_AllocNoteFromActive(&gAudioContext.noteFreeLists, layer))) {
goto null_return;
return ret;
layer->bit3 = true;
return NULL;
void Audio_NoteInitAll(void) {
Note* note;
s32 i;
for (i = 0; i < gAudioContext.numNotes; i++) {
note = &gAudioContext.notes[i];
note->noteSubEu = gZeroNoteSub;
note->playbackState.priority = 0;
note->playbackState.unk_04 = 0;
note->playbackState.parentLayer = NO_LAYER;
note->playbackState.wantedParentLayer = NO_LAYER;
note->playbackState.prevParentLayer = NO_LAYER;
note->playbackState.waveId = 0;
note->playbackState.attributes.velocity = 0.0f;
note->playbackState.adsrVolScaleUnused = 0;
note->playbackState.adsr.action.asByte = 0;
note-> = 0;
note->portamento.cur = 0;
note->portamento.speed = 0;
note->playbackState.stereoHeadsetEffects = false;
note->unk_BC = 0;
note->synthesisState.synthesisBuffers = AudioHeap_AllocDmaMemory(&gAudioContext.notesAndBuffersPool, 0x1E0);