
64 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#ifndef Z_DOOR_WARP1_H
#define Z_DOOR_WARP1_H
#include "ultra64.h"
#include "global.h"
struct DoorWarp1;
typedef enum {
/* -2 */ WARP_BLUE_CRYSTAL = -2,
/* 1 */ WARP_CLEAR_FLAG, // Activate on temp clear flag
/* 2 */ WARP_SAGES, // Used by sages warping into chamber of sages during their cutscene
/* 4 */ WARP_YELLOW, // The colored variants don't warp, they are cutscene setpieces
/* 6 */ WARP_DESTINATION, // Spawning in after having taken a warp
/* 7 */ WARP_UNK_7,
/* 8 */ WARP_ORANGE,
/* 9 */ WARP_GREEN,
/* 10 */ WARP_RED
} DoorWarp1Type;
typedef enum {
/* 0 */ WARP_BLUE_RUTO_STATE_INITIAL, // initial, warp doesn't work yet
/* 1 */ WARP_BLUE_RUTO_STATE_READY, // set by ruto, warp can work now
/* 2 */ WARP_BLUE_RUTO_STATE_ENTERED, // set by warp, player has stepped into the warp
/* 3 */ WARP_BLUE_RUTO_STATE_3, // set by ruto, folding arms
/* 4 */ WARP_BLUE_RUTO_STATE_TALKING, // set by warp, dialog started
/* 5 */ WARP_BLUE_RUTO_STATE_WARPING // set by warp, after closing dialog
} DoorWarp1RutoState;
typedef void (*DoorWarp1ActionFunc)(struct DoorWarp1*, GlobalContext*);
typedef struct DoorWarp1 {
/* 0x0000 */ Actor actor;
/* 0x014C */ SkelAnime skelAnime;
/* 0x0190 */ char unk_190[0x2];
/* 0x0192 */ u16 warpTimer;
/* 0x0194 */ f32 unk_194;
/* 0x0198 */ f32 unk_198;
/* 0x019C */ f32 unk_19C;
/* 0x01A0 */ f32 lightRayAlpha;
/* 0x01A4 */ f32 warpAlpha;
/* 0x01A8 */ f32 crystalAlpha;
/* 0x01AC */ s16 scale;
/* 0x01AE */ s16 unk_1AE;
/* 0x01B0 */ s16 unk_1B0;
/* 0x01B2 */ s16 unk_1B2;
/* 0x01B4 */ f32 unk_1B4;
/* 0x01B8 */ s16 unk_1B8;
/* 0x01BA */ u16 unk_1BA;
/* 0x01BC */ f32 unk_1BC;
/* 0x01C0 */ DoorWarp1ActionFunc actionFunc;
/* 0x01C4 */ LightNode* upperLight;
/* 0x01C8 */ LightInfo upperLightInfo;
/* 0x01D8 */ LightNode* lowerLight;
/* 0x01DC */ LightInfo lowerLightInfo;
/* 0x01EC */ s32 rutoWarpState; // for state communication with En_Ru1 using DoorWarp1RutoState values
} DoorWarp1; // size = 0x01F0