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synced 2025-03-03 02:41:52 -05:00
Poor man's "Keyrah" to connect C64 keyboard to USB (for BMC64)
- Solder all keyboard connector pins to Arduino Pro Micro.
- You can solder Restore key (connector pin "I") paraller to some other pin. I soldered "I" and "G" to Arduino pin A8. (this is actually not needed, because there is one free pin left)
- You can also connect LED of C64 to VCC/GND of Arduino. I used 220ohm resistor.
- Download Soarer controller firmware: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=50437.0
- Install Arduino IDE
- Connect RST to GND couple of times to get Arduino Pro Micro to programming mode (notice that com-port is different in programming mode in Windows)
- Flash firmware
& "C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr/bin/avrdude" -C"C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr/etc/avrdude.conf" -v -p m32u4 -c avr109 -P COM5 -b 57600 -U flash:w:firmware\Soarer_Controller_v1.20_beta4_atmega32u4.hex:i
- Download configfile. Check pin order to match your setup.
- Compile and upload config file to Arduino Pro Micro
.\scas C64_matrix.sc C64_matrix.bin
.\scwr C64_matrix.bin
Pins I used
//KeyBoard Arduino Pro Micro
// Pin Pin Label GPIO pin (kirjaimet = columns (rivit), numerot = rows (otsikot))
// 20 5 2 - SDA PD1 A
// 19 6 3 - SCL PD0 B
// 18 7 4 - A6 PD4 C
// 17 8 5 PC6 D
// 16 9 6 - A7 PD7 E
// 15 10 7 - PE6 F
// 14 11 8 - A8 PB4 G
// 13 12 9 - A9 PB5 H
// 12 13 10 - A10 PB6 0
// 11 14 16 - MOSI PB2 1
// 10 15 14 - MISO PB3 2
// 9 16 15 - SCLK PB1 3
// 8 17 18 - A0 PF7 4
// 7 18 19 - A1 PF6 5
// 6 19 20 - A2 PF5 6
// 5 20 21 - A3 PF4 7
// 4 N/C
// 3 1 1 - TX PD3 8
// 2 N/C
// 1 11 8 - A8 PB4 I
- "+", "-", "£", "@" and "*" doesn't produce GFX-chars when shifted
- https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=50437.0
- https://deskthority.net/workshop-f7/soarer-s-keyboard-controller-firmware-t6767.html
- Soarer_Controller_v1.20_beta4.zip (26.10.2013)
- https://www.waitingforfriday.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/C64_Keyboard_Schematics_PNG.png
- http://kookye.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Pinout-ProMicro.jpg
- I used this as starting point: https://github.com/abzman/Keyboard-config-file/blob/master/C64_matrix.sc