volatile uint8_t output1; volatile uint8_t output2; ISR(INT2_vect, ISR_NAKED) { asm volatile( " push r0 \n" // save register r0 " lds r0, output1 \n" " out %[pin], r0 \n" " pop r0 \n" // restore previous r0 " rjmp INT2_vect_part_2 \n" // go to part 2 for required prologue and epilogue :: [pin] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTB))); } ISR(INT2_vect_part_2) {} ISR(INT3_vect, ISR_NAKED) { asm volatile( " push r0 \n" // save register r0 " lds r0, output2 \n" " out %[pin], r0 \n" " pop r0 \n" // restore previous r0 " rjmp INT3_vect_part_2 \n" // go to part 2 for required prologue and epilogue :: [pin] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTB))); } ISR(INT3_vect_part_2) {} #define up1 (~PD & _BV(7)) // 6,PD7 #define down1 (~PC & _BV(6)) // 5,PC6 #define left1 (~PD & _BV(4)) // 4,PD4 #define right1 (~PD & _BV(0)) // 3,PD0 #define fire1 (~PD & _BV(1)) // 2,PD1 #define up2 (~PF & _BV(7)) // A0,PF7 #define down2 (~PF & _BV(6)) // A1,PF6 #define left2 (~PF & _BV(5)) // A2,PF5 #define right2 (~PF & _BV(4)) // A3,PF4 #define fire2 (~PE & _BV(6)) // 7,PE6 #define upC 1 // 15,PB1 #define downC 3 // 14,PB3 #define leftC 2 // 16,PB2 #define rightC 6 // 10,PB6 #define fire1C 4 // 8,PB4 #define fire2C 5 // 9,PB5 void setup() { pinMode(5, INPUT_PULLUP); // pin5 (PC6) is input pinMode(7, INPUT_PULLUP); // pin7 (PE6) is input DDRB = 0xff; //all PB-ports are outputs DDRF = 0; PORTF = 0xff; // all PF-ports are inputs with pullups DDRD = 0; PORTD = B11010011; // all PD-ports are inputs with pullups (PD2,PD3,PD5 without pullup) TIMSK0 = 0; // disable timer0 interrupts (Arduino Uno/Pro Micro millis() update ISR) EICRA = B10110000; // INT2 – rising edge on RXD (Bxx11xxxx), INT3 - falling edge on TXD (B10xxxxxx) EIMSK = B1100; // enable int2 (Bx1xx) and int3 (B1xxx) //Serial.begin(115200); } uint8_t joy1, joy2, PB, PF, PD, PC, PE; void loop() { PB = PINB; PF = PINF; PD = PIND; PC = PINC; PE = PINE; joy1 = 0; joy2 = 0; if (up1) bitSet(joy1,upC); if (down1) bitSet(joy1,downC); if (left1) bitSet(joy1,leftC); if (right1) bitSet(joy1,rightC); if (up2) bitSet(joy2,upC); if (down2) bitSet(joy2,downC); if (left2) bitSet(joy2,leftC); if (right2) bitSet(joy2,rightC); if (fire1) { bitSet(joy1,fire1C); bitSet(joy2,fire1C); } if (fire2) { bitSet(joy1,fire2C); bitSet(joy2,fire2C); } output1 = joy1; output2 = joy2; //here should be something that updates even if interrupts doesn't trigger //Serial.print(joy1, BIN); Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(joy2, BIN); delay(100); //delayMicroseconds(50); }