# Soarer PS/2 to USB keyboard converter https://deskthority.net/workshop-f7/xt-at-ps2-terminal-to-usb-converter-with-nkro-t2510.html #### Keyboard protocols supported: - XT (scan code set 1) - AT (scan code set 2) - PS/2 (MF2) (extended scan code set 2) - Terminal e.g. 3179/318x/319x (scan code set 3) #### Configurable Features: - Remapping - Layers - Macros - On-the-fly Config Selection #### Other Features: - Full NKRO, if the keyboard supports it (even on Macs!) - Boot mode support (even with faulty BIOS!) - Auto-detection of the keyboard type - XT and AT boards are remapped correctly for PrtSc etc. - 1000Hz polling using Full Speed USB - Suspend and resume support - Media and Power key support - Jump to bootloader function (update firmware without pressing the reset button) (v1.0+) ## Hardware You need - ATMega32U4 Microcontroller/Arduino. E.g. Arduino Pro Micro - PS/2 female connector PS/2 -> Arduino - Data (green or blue) -> PD0 (Pro Micro: 3) - CLK (white or purple) -> PD1 (Pro Micro: 2) - 5V (red) -> 5V - GND (black) -> GND ##### Arduino Pro Micro pinout http://www.pighixxx.com/test/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/pro_micro_pinout_v1_0_red.png ##### PS/2 pinout http://ezcontents.org/sites/default/files/ps2_pinout.png ## Firmware https://deskthority.net/workshop-f7/xt-at-ps2-terminal-to-usb-converter-with-nkro-t2510.html Soarer_Converter_v1.12_update.zip: https://deskthority.net/resources/file/8295 #### Flasher https://sourceforge.net/projects/winavr/ #### Flashing ``` avrdude -p m32u4 -b 57600 -P com5 -c avr109 -U flash:w:Soarer_at2usb_v1.12_atmega32u4.hex ``` Bootloader mode: RST to GND two times. You have couple of seconds to start flashing. Serial port can be different than in normal mode. ## Testing/Debugging hid_listen.exe: https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/hid_listen.html ## Settings/Tools/Docs Tools (Soarer_Converter_v1.10.zip): - https://deskthority.net/workshop-f7/xt-at-ps2-terminal-to-usb-converter-with-nkro-t2510.html - https://deskthority.net/download/file.php?id=6142 Docs (Soarer_Converter_v1.12_docs.zip): - https://deskthority.net/workshop-f7/xt-at-ps2-terminal-to-usb-converter-with-nkro-t2510.html - https://deskthority.net/download/file.php?id=8833 - Key names/codes: docs/codes.html Tools from Soarer_Controller_v1.20_beta4.zip doesn't work!: ``` protocol version check: converter=1.00, scwr=1.00: ok settings version check: converter=1.01, file=1.03: failed ``` Compile text file to binary ``` scas xarcade.txt xarcade.bin ``` Upload config (effective immediately) ``` scwr xarcade.bin ``` For deleting all settings, make empty file and assemble and upload it. ## Links - https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=17458.0 - http://www.computer-engineering.org/ps2protocol/ - http://www.computer-engineering.org/ps2keyboard/ - http://www.computer-engineering.org/ps2keyboard/scancodes2.html - test: https://www.microsoft.com/appliedsciences/KeyboardGhostingDemo.mspx - test: https://keycode.info/ ## Keyboard controller - https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=50437.0 - https://deskthority.net/workshop-f7/soarer-s-keyboard-controller-firmware-t6767.html Soarer_Controller_v1.20_beta4.zip ## X-Arcade (xarcade.txt) ``` # scas xarcade.txt xarcade.bin # scwr xarcade.bin # important!: force set2ext # dir1 keypad 8 (75),2 (72),4 (6B),6 (74) # sel1 3 # start1 1 # A,B,C: left shift (12),Z,X # X,Y,Z: left ctrl (14),left alt (11),space (29) # lowerbuttons: c,5 remapblock # left controller PAD_8 W PAD_2 S PAD_4 A PAD_6 D LSHIFT SPACE Z F X G LCTRL R LALT T SPACE Y C V # "normal" # C RCTRL # "commando" 5 B 3 Q 1 E # right controller R PAD_8 F PAD_2 D PAD_4 G PAD_6 W RCTRL E K LEFT_BRACE L A I S O Q P RIGHT_BRACE N # "normal" # RIGHT_BRACE SPACE # "commando" 6 M 2 U 4 J endblock # dir2 r,f,d,g # sel2 4 # start2 2 # A,B,C: w,e,}(å)(54="[") # X,Y,Z: a,s,q # lowerbuttons: ;(¨)(5B="]"),6 ``` ## X-Arcade BMC64 emulator (bmc64.txt) ``` # scas xarcade.txt xarcade.bin # scwr xarcade.bin # important!: force set2ext # dir1 keypad 8 (75),2 (72),4 (6B),6 (74) # sel1 3 # start1 1 # A,B,C: left shift (12),Z,X # X,Y,Z: left ctrl (14),left alt (11),space (29) # lowerbuttons: c,5 remapblock # left controller # PAD_8 # stick -> up # PAD_2 # stick -> down # PAD_4 # stick -> left # PAD_6 # stick -> right LSHIFT PAD_5 # A -> fire Z SPACE # B -> space X F7 # C -> F7 LCTRL F1 # X -> F1 LALT F3 # Y -> F3 SPACE F5 # Z -> F5 C F12 # bottomleft -> F12 5 LCTRL # bottomright -> Commodore 3 ESC # select -> Run-Stop 1 ENTER # start -> Return # right controller R PAD_9 # stick -> up F PAD_3 # stick -> down D PAD_7 # stick -> left G PAD_1 # stick -> right W PAD_0 # A -> fire E SPACE # B -> space LEFT_BRACE 1 # C -> 1 A 2 # X -> 2 S 3 # Y -> 3 Q 4 # Z -> 4 RIGHT_BRACE 5 # bottomleft -> 5 6 6 # bottomright -> 6 2 7 # select -> 7 4 8 # start -> 8 endblock # dir2 r,f,d,g # sel2 4 # start2 2 # A,B,C: w,e,}(å)(54="[") # X,Y,Z: a,s,q # lowerbuttons: ;(¨)(5B="]"),6 ```