# scas xarcade.txt xarcade.bin # scwr xarcade.bin # important!: force set2ext # VID = 16C0, PID = 047D. # https://mister-devel.github.io/MkDocs_MiSTer/advanced/diy2parcade/ # Connect your modded arcade keyboard to USB and start Menu core, then go to Define Joystick buttons. # Press any button, and you will see "Keyboard ID: XXXX:YYYY" where XXXX:YYYY is HW identifier of the keyboard. Press ESC to ext from this dialog. # Now open MiSTer.ini and add following options there: # jamma_vid=XXXX # jamma_pid=YYYY # UP1 = PAD_8 (0x75) # DOWN1 = PAD_2 (0x72) # LEFT1 = PAD_4 (0x6b) # RIGHT1 = PAD_6 (0x74) # SELECT1 (left "flipper" button) = 3 (0x26) # START1 (button with one human figure) = 1 (0x16) # A1 = LSHIFT (0x12) # B1 = Z (0x1a) # C1 = X (0x22) # X1 = LCTRL (0x14) # Y1 = LALT (0x11) # Z1 = SPACE (0x29) # L1 = C (0x21) # R1 = 5 (0x2e) # UP2 = R (0x2d) # DOWN2 = F (0x2b) # LEFT2 = D (0x23) # RIGHT2 = G (0x34) # SELECT2 = 4 (0x25) # START2 = 2 (0x1e) # A2 = W (0x1d) # B2 = E (0x24) # C2 = LEFT_BRACE (0x54) # X2 = A (0x1c) # Y2 = S (0x1b) # Z2 = Q (0x15) # L2 = RIGHT_BRACE (0x5b) # R2 = 6 (0x36) # A,B,C: w,e,}(å)(54="[") # X,Y,Z: a,s,q # lowerbuttons: ;(¨)(5B="]"),6 remapblock # left controller PAD_8 UP # stick -> up PAD_2 DOWN # stick -> down PAD_4 LEFT # stick -> left PAD_6 RIGHT # stick -> right LSHIFT LCTRL # A -> fire Z SPACE # B -> space X F7 # C -> F7 LCTRL F1 # X -> F1 LALT F3 # Y -> F3 SPACE F5 # Z -> F5 C F12 # bottomleft -> F12 5 PAGE_UP # bottomright -> Restore 3 ESC # select -> Run-Stop 1 ENTER # start -> Return # right controller R PAD_8 # stick -> up F PAD_2 # stick -> down D PAD_4 # stick -> left G PAD_6 # stick -> right W PAD_5 # A -> fire E SPACE # B -> space LEFT_BRACE 1 # C -> 1 A 2 # X -> 2 S 3 # Y -> 3 Q 4 # Z -> 4 RIGHT_BRACE 5 # bottomleft -> 5 6 6 # bottomright -> 6 2 7 # select -> 7 4 8 # start -> 8 endblock