 * Simple Atari joystick adapter (joystick HID) for learning purposes
 * McGurk 6.9.2016

#include "Joystick2.h"

// Here we define Arduino pins we use. Along with these we have to connect joystick ground to Arduino GND.
// Because of Arduino internal pullup resistor off state is 1. Moving joystick switches corresponding pin to ground and then it is 0.
#define UP 2 // 9-pin D-connector pin 1
#define DOWN 3 // 9-pin D-connector pin 2
#define LEFT 4 // 9-pin D-connector pin 3
#define RIGHT 5 // 9-pin D-connector pin 4
#define BUTTON 6 // 9-pin D-connector pin 6
// 9-pin D-connector pin 8 to GND

// We keep record how everything was last time, so we can compare if anything have changed. (1 = off, 0 = on)
byte lastUP = 1;
byte lastDOWN = 1;
byte lastLEFT = 1;
byte lastRIGHT = 1;
byte lastBUTTON = 1;

byte newUP = 1;
byte newDOWN = 1;
byte newLEFT = 1;
byte newRIGHT = 1;
byte newBUTTON = 1;

void setup() {
  pinMode(UP, INPUT_PULLUP);


// We use this flag to indicate if anything changes.
byte flag = 0;

void loop()

  // Read joystick state (1 = off, 0 = on).
  newUP = digitalRead(UP);
  newDOWN = digitalRead(DOWN);
  newLEFT = digitalRead(LEFT);
  newRIGHT = digitalRead(RIGHT);
  newBUTTON = digitalRead(BUTTON);

  // Check if anything changed. This way we don't have to send anything to USB if nothing happened after last time.
  if (newUP != lastUP) {
    lastUP = newUP;
    flag = 1;

  if (newDOWN != lastDOWN) {
    lastDOWN = newDOWN;
    flag = 1;

  if (newLEFT != lastLEFT) {
    lastLEFT = newLEFT;
    flag = 1;

  if (newRIGHT != lastRIGHT) {
    lastRIGHT = newRIGHT;
    flag = 1;

  if (newBUTTON != lastBUTTON) {
    lastBUTTON = newBUTTON;
    flag = 1;

  // If anythings changed, build and send new state.
  if (flag) {
    // Clear directions and buttons before start building new state.
    Joystick[0].setButton(0, 0);
    // Build new state according what we read earlier.
    // We need exclamation mark in these if-conditions, because swithes are active low (0 = on, 1 = off).
    if (!newUP) {
      Joystick[0].setYAxis(-127); //UP
    if (!newDOWN) {
      Joystick[0].setYAxis(127); //DOWN
    if (!newLEFT) {
      Joystick[0].setXAxis(-127); //LEFT
    if (!newRIGHT) {
      Joystick[0].setXAxis(127); //RIGHT
    if (!newBUTTON) {
      Joystick[0].setButton(0, 1); //BUTTON
    // Everything is ready. Send state. Before this point, we haven't send any joystick directions to USB.
    // Remember to clear flag.
    flag = 0;
  // Little 1ms breathing break.