// https://github.com/SukkoPera/PsxNewLib // https://github.com/dmadison/ArduinoXInput #define XINPUT #ifdef XINPUT #include #endif #ifndef XINPUT #define DEBUG #endif #include #include #include typedef const __FlashStringHelper * FlashStr; typedef const byte* PGM_BYTES_P; #define PSTR_TO_F(s) reinterpret_cast (s) // This can be changed freely but please see above const byte PIN_PS2_ATT = 10; const byte PIN_BUTTONPRESS = A0; const byte PIN_HAVECONTROLLER = A1; bool dirty = true; const char buttonSelectName[] PROGMEM = "Select"; const char buttonL3Name[] PROGMEM = "L3"; const char buttonR3Name[] PROGMEM = "R3"; const char buttonStartName[] PROGMEM = "Start"; const char buttonUpName[] PROGMEM = "Up"; const char buttonRightName[] PROGMEM = "Right"; const char buttonDownName[] PROGMEM = "Down"; const char buttonLeftName[] PROGMEM = "Left"; const char buttonL2Name[] PROGMEM = "L2"; const char buttonR2Name[] PROGMEM = "R2"; const char buttonL1Name[] PROGMEM = "L1"; const char buttonR1Name[] PROGMEM = "R1"; const char buttonTriangleName[] PROGMEM = "Triangle"; const char buttonCircleName[] PROGMEM = "Circle"; const char buttonCrossName[] PROGMEM = "Cross"; const char buttonSquareName[] PROGMEM = "Square"; #define PS_select (psxButtons & ( 1 << 0 )) #define PS_L3 (psxButtons & ( 1 << 1 )) #define PS_R3 (psxButtons & ( 1 << 2 )) #define PS_start (psxButtons & ( 1 << 3 )) #define PS_up (psxButtons & ( 1 << 4 )) #define PS_right (psxButtons & ( 1 << 5 )) #define PS_down (psxButtons & ( 1 << 6 )) #define PS_left (psxButtons & ( 1 << 7 )) #define PS_L2 (psxButtons & ( 1 << 8 )) #define PS_R2 (psxButtons & ( 1 << 9 )) #define PS_L1 (psxButtons & ( 1 << 10 )) #define PS_R1 (psxButtons & ( 1 << 11 )) #define PS_T (psxButtons & ( 1 << 12 )) #define PS_O (psxButtons & ( 1 << 13 )) #define PS_X (psxButtons & ( 1 << 14 )) #define PS_S (psxButtons & ( 1 << 15 )) #define PS_LX (((uint16_t)lx*257)-32768) // 0..255 -> -32768..32767 #define PS_LY (((255-(uint16_t)ly)*257)-32768) // 0..255 -> 32767..-32768 #define PS_RX (((uint16_t)rx*257)-32768) // 0..255 -> -32768..32767 #define PS_RY (((255-(uint16_t)ry)*257)-32768) // 0..255 -> 32767..-32768 //psxnelib: left-right: 0...255 down-up: 255...0, xinput: left-right: -32768..32767, down-up: 32767..-32768 const char* const psxButtonNames[PSX_BUTTONS_NO] PROGMEM = { buttonSelectName, buttonL3Name, buttonR3Name, buttonStartName, buttonUpName, buttonRightName, buttonDownName, buttonLeftName, buttonL2Name, buttonR2Name, buttonL1Name, buttonR1Name, buttonTriangleName, buttonCircleName, buttonCrossName, buttonSquareName }; byte psxButtonToIndex (PsxButtons psxButtons) { byte i; for (i = 0; i < PSX_BUTTONS_NO; ++i) { if (psxButtons & 0x01) { break; } psxButtons >>= 1U; } return i; } FlashStr getButtonName (PsxButtons psxButton) { FlashStr ret = F(""); byte b = psxButtonToIndex (psxButton); if (b < PSX_BUTTONS_NO) { PGM_BYTES_P bName = reinterpret_cast (pgm_read_ptr (&(psxButtonNames[b]))); ret = PSTR_TO_F (bName); } return ret; } void dumpButtons (PsxButtons psxButtons) { static PsxButtons lastB = 0; if (psxButtons != lastB) { lastB = psxButtons; // Save it before we alter it #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print (F("Pressed: ")); for (byte i = 0; i < PSX_BUTTONS_NO; ++i) { byte b = psxButtonToIndex (psxButtons); if (b < PSX_BUTTONS_NO) { PGM_BYTES_P bName = reinterpret_cast (pgm_read_ptr (&(psxButtonNames[b]))); Serial.print (PSTR_TO_F (bName)); } psxButtons &= ~(1 << b); if (psxButtons != 0) { Serial.print (F(", ")); } } Serial.println (); #endif #ifdef XINPUT if (PS_select) XInput.press(BUTTON_BACK); else XInput.release(BUTTON_BACK); //btn_7 if (PS_start) XInput.press(BUTTON_START); else XInput.release(BUTTON_START); //btn_8 if (PS_L3) XInput.press(BUTTON_L3); else XInput.release(BUTTON_L3); //btn_9 if (PS_R3) XInput.press(BUTTON_R3); else XInput.release(BUTTON_R3); //btn_10 XInput.setDpad(PS_up, PS_down, PS_left, PS_right); if (PS_X) XInput.press(BUTTON_A); else XInput.release(BUTTON_A); //btn_1 if (PS_O) XInput.press(BUTTON_B); else XInput.release(BUTTON_B); //btn_2 if (PS_S) XInput.press(BUTTON_X); else XInput.release(BUTTON_X); //btn_3 if (PS_T) XInput.press(BUTTON_Y); else XInput.release(BUTTON_Y); //btn_4 if (PS_L1) XInput.press(BUTTON_LB); else XInput.release(BUTTON_LB); //btn_5 if (PS_R1) XInput.press(BUTTON_RB); else XInput.release(BUTTON_RB); //btn_6 if (PS_L2) XInput.setTrigger(TRIGGER_LEFT, 255); else XInput.setTrigger(TRIGGER_LEFT, 0); if (PS_R2) XInput.setTrigger(TRIGGER_RIGHT, 255); else XInput.setTrigger(TRIGGER_RIGHT, 0); dirty = true; #endif } } void dumpAnalog (const char *str, const byte x, const byte y) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print (str); Serial.print (F(" analog: x = ")); Serial.print (x); Serial.print (F(", y = ")); Serial.println (y); #endif } const char ctrlTypeUnknown[] PROGMEM = "Unknown"; const char ctrlTypeDualShock[] PROGMEM = "Dual Shock"; const char ctrlTypeDsWireless[] PROGMEM = "Dual Shock Wireless"; const char ctrlTypeGuitHero[] PROGMEM = "Guitar Hero"; const char ctrlTypeOutOfBounds[] PROGMEM = "(Out of bounds)"; const char* const controllerTypeStrings[PSCTRL_MAX + 1] PROGMEM = { ctrlTypeUnknown, ctrlTypeDualShock, ctrlTypeDsWireless, ctrlTypeGuitHero, ctrlTypeOutOfBounds }; PsxControllerHwSpi psx; boolean haveController = false; void setup () { fastPinMode (PIN_BUTTONPRESS, OUTPUT); fastPinMode (PIN_HAVECONTROLLER, OUTPUT); delay (300); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.begin (115200); while(!Serial); Serial.println (F("Ready!")); #endif #ifdef XINPUT XInput.setAutoSend(false); XInput.begin(); #endif } void loop () { static byte slx, sly, srx, sry; fastDigitalWrite (PIN_HAVECONTROLLER, haveController); if (!haveController) { if (psx.begin ()) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println (F("Controller found!")); #endif delay (300); if (!psx.enterConfigMode ()) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println (F("Cannot enter config mode")); #endif } else { PsxControllerType ctype = psx.getControllerType (); PGM_BYTES_P cname = reinterpret_cast (pgm_read_ptr (&(controllerTypeStrings[ctype < PSCTRL_MAX ? static_cast (ctype) : PSCTRL_MAX]))); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print (F("Controller Type is: ")); Serial.println (PSTR_TO_F (cname)); #endif if (!psx.enableAnalogSticks ()) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println (F("Cannot enable analog sticks")); #endif } //~ if (!psx.setAnalogMode (false)) { //~ Serial.println (F("Cannot disable analog mode")); //~ } //~ delay (10); if (!psx.enableAnalogButtons ()) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println (F("Cannot enable analog buttons")); #endif } if (!psx.exitConfigMode ()) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println (F("Cannot exit config mode")); #endif } } haveController = true; } } else { if (!psx.read ()) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println (F("Controller lost :(")); #endif haveController = false; } else { fastDigitalWrite (PIN_BUTTONPRESS, !!psx.getButtonWord ()); dumpButtons (psx.getButtonWord ()); byte lx, ly; psx.getLeftAnalog (lx, ly); if (lx != slx || ly != sly) { dumpAnalog ("Left", lx, ly); #ifdef XINPUT XInput.setJoystick(JOY_LEFT, PS_LX, PS_LY); //psxnelib: left-right: 0...255 down-up: 255...0, xinput: left-right: -32768..32767, down-up: 32767..-32768 dirty = true; #endif slx = lx; sly = ly; } byte rx, ry; psx.getRightAnalog (rx, ry); if (rx != srx || ry != sry) { dumpAnalog ("Right", rx, ry); #ifdef XINPUT XInput.setJoystick(JOY_RIGHT, PS_RX, PS_RY); //psxnelib: left-right: 0...255 down-up: 255...0, xinput: left-right: -32768..32767, down-up: 32767..-32768 dirty = true; #endif srx = rx; sry = ry; } } } //delay (1000 / 60); #ifdef XINPUT if (dirty) { XInput.send(); dirty = false; } #endif //delayMicroseconds(1000); delay(10); }