## Tutorial ### JoystickBlink.ino Blinks button 0 in 1 second interval. ![Windows Game Controller Properties](https://github.com/mcgurk/Arduino-USB-HID-RetroJoystickAdapter/raw/master/Images/Windows_Game_Controller_properties.jpg) ### SimpleAtariExample.ino Simple 1-joystick Atari adapter for learning purposes. Easy to modify for your own DIY-joystick (like arcade cabinet) which based on on/off-switches. ### SimpleAtariExample_keyboard.ino There is also keyboard version, which acts like USB keyboard. ### Notice For testing you don't have to have real joystick connected. You can just connect IO-pin to GND with piece of wire or something. If you program Arduino sometimes to keyboard and sometimes to joystick, COM-port might change in Windows. Just select new COM-port and upload again.