#include #include #define POTSENSE 4 //ICP1 (Arduino Pro Micro: pin4, Arduino Uno: pin8) #define POTX 9 // POT AX 9, also OC1A #define POTY 10 // POT AY 5, also OC1B #define LBTN 5 // BTN 6, Joystick FIRE switch #define RBTN 6 // UP 1, Joystick UP switch #define PDL1BTN 7 // LEFT 3, Paddle 1 FIRE switch #define PDL2BTN 8 // RIGHT 4, Paddle 2 FIRE switch int16_t dx = 0; int16_t dy = 0; uint8_t buttons = 0; uint8_t update = 1; class MouseRptParser : public MouseReportParser { protected: void OnMouseMove(MOUSEINFO *mi); void OnLeftButtonUp(MOUSEINFO *mi); void OnLeftButtonDown(MOUSEINFO *mi); void OnRightButtonUp(MOUSEINFO *mi); void OnRightButtonDown(MOUSEINFO *mi); void OnMiddleButtonUp(MOUSEINFO *mi); void OnMiddleButtonDown(MOUSEINFO *mi); }; void MouseRptParser::OnMouseMove(MOUSEINFO *mi) { dx=mi->dX; dy=mi->dY; update = 1; }; void MouseRptParser::OnLeftButtonUp(MOUSEINFO *mi) { buttons &= ~1; update = 1; }; void MouseRptParser::OnLeftButtonDown(MOUSEINFO *mi) { buttons |= 1; update = 1; }; void MouseRptParser::OnRightButtonUp(MOUSEINFO *mi) { buttons &= ~2; update = 1; }; void MouseRptParser::OnRightButtonDown(MOUSEINFO *mi) { buttons |= 2; update = 1; }; void MouseRptParser::OnMiddleButtonUp(MOUSEINFO *mi) { }; void MouseRptParser::OnMiddleButtonDown(MOUSEINFO *mi) { }; USB Usb; USBHub Hub(&Usb); HIDBoot HidMouse(&Usb); MouseRptParser Prs; static uint8_t potmouse_xcounter = 0; ///< x axis counter static uint8_t potmouse_ycounter = 0; ///< y axis counter static volatile uint16_t x; ///< precalculated OCR1A value (YPOT) static volatile uint16_t y; ///< precalculated OCR1B value (XPOT) void setup() { if (Usb.Init() == -1) { } delay(200); HidMouse.SetReportParser(0, &Prs); pinMode(LBTN, INPUT); pinMode(RBTN, INPUT); pinMode(PDL1BTN, INPUT); pinMode(PDL2BTN, INPUT); pinMode(POTX, OUTPUT); pinMode(POTY, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(POTX, HIGH); digitalWrite(POTY, HIGH); pinMode(POTSENSE, INPUT); // pullup off, hi-biased by OC1A TIMSK1 = _BV(ICIE1); // ICIE1: Timer/Counter1, Input Capture Interrupt Enable TCCR1B = _BV(ICNC1) | _BV(CS10); //CS10: No prescaler, ICNC1: Input Capture Noise Canceller } void loop() { Usb.Task(); if (update) { //potmouse_xcounter = (potmouse_xcounter + (dx/2)) & 0177; // modulo 128 //potmouse_ycounter = (potmouse_ycounter - (dy/2)) & 0177; int16_t t1 = (potmouse_xcounter - (dx/2)); int16_t t2 = (potmouse_ycounter + (dy/2)); potmouse_xcounter = constrain(t1, 0, 255); potmouse_ycounter = constrain(t2, 0, 255); /*if (t1 < 0) t1 = 0; if (t1 > 255) t1 = 255; potmouse_xcounter = t1; //(potmouse_xcounter - (dx/2));// & 0xff; // modulo 256 if (t2 < 0) t2 = 0; if (t2 > 255) t2 = 255; potmouse_ycounter = t2; //(potmouse_ycounter + (dy/2));// & 0xff;*/ //(buttons & 001) ? pinMode(LBTN, OUTPUT) : pinMode(LBTN, INPUT); //(buttons & 002) ? pinMode(RBTN, OUTPUT) : pinMode(RBTN, INPUT); (buttons & 001) ? pinMode(PDL1BTN, OUTPUT) : pinMode(PDL1BTN, INPUT); (buttons & 002) ? pinMode(PDL2BTN, OUTPUT) : pinMode(PDL2BTN, INPUT); cli(); //x = (320 + potmouse_xcounter)*16; //16 clock cycles = 1us //y = (320 + potmouse_ycounter)*16; //x = (192 + potmouse_xcounter)*16; //16 clock cycles = 1us //y = (192 + potmouse_ycounter)*16; x = (256 + potmouse_xcounter)*16; //16 clock cycles = 1us y = (256 + potmouse_ycounter)*16; sei(); update = 0; } delayMicroseconds(100); } ISR(TIMER1_CAPT_vect) { // ICIE1 // OC1A/OC1B -> LOW TCCR1A = _BV(COM1A1) | _BV(COM1B1); // Clear OC1A / OC1B on Compare Match (Set output to low level) TCCR1C |= _BV(FOC1A) | _BV(FOC1B); // FOC1A / FOC1B Force Output Compare A and B // init the output compare values OCR1A = ICR1 + x; //ICR1: Input Capture Register OCR1B = ICR1 + y; TCCR1A = _BV(COM1A1) | _BV(COM1A0) | _BV(COM1B1) | _BV(COM1B0); // Set OC1A / OC1B on Compare Match (Set output to high level). TIMSK1 = _BV(OCIE1A); // OCIE1A: Timer/Counter Output Compare Match Interrupt Enable A // disable other TIMER1 interrupts TIFR1 = 0xff; // Clear all pending TIMER1 interrupt flags } ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) { // OCIE1A TIMSK1 = _BV(ICIE1); // ICIE1: Timer/Counter1, Input Capture Interrupt Enable // disable other TIMER1 interrupts TIFR1 = 0xff; // Clear all pending TIMER1 interrupt flags }